Schedule of electric trains salt lake. Simferopol - Salt Lake timetable of electric trains (suburban trains). The use of salt and brine

The bay, lagoon, Lake Sivash is generally a rotten sea - this is the name of an intricate cluster of bays, a channel, islands, separated from Sea of ​​Azov narrow oblique Arabat arrow.

Sivash has a variable area of ​​the water surface, amounting to about 2,500 km2, depending mainly on the season and wind direction. The depth of the lagoon is small 0.5-1 m, maximum 3, communication with the Sea of ​​Azov occurs through two thin strands of the Genichesk Strait and the Promoin Strait, located in the very north, near Genichesk.

The huge area, shallow depth, low carrying capacity of the straits, high summer temperatures and only 260 mm of precipitation - all this leads to the fact that by the end of August Sivash, and especially its far from the sea edges, begin to compete with the Dead Sea in salt content.

Sivash on the map.

On the map, Lake Sivash is clearly divided into two parts - western and eastern, communicating with each other through the significantly narrowed Chongar Strait.

The fact is that during construction railway line, which connected Zaporozhye and Simferopol, they poured a dam and built a bridge across the Chongarsky Strait, then another dam was built to cross the power transmission line (after 9 km), almost completely blocking the flow of water into the western part of the reservoir.

Western Sivash

The Western Sivash stretches 70 km from east to west, being a natural border separating the Crimea from the mainland, and in ancient times had a continuation in the form of an artificial channel - "Perekop" up to the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea. Who and when began to build defensive structures in this place is unknown, but this is the most convenient place for the defense of the peninsula from the steppe nomads. Let's take a look at the map. The ditch and the shaft cut the isthmus in its narrowest part, and in ancient times they blocked the way from the mainland to the Crimea. The length of the structure is 8475 m. After its construction, the man-made canal was navigable and had a depth of 10 m and a width of 20 m. The fortification was complemented by walls 3 m thick and 15 m high and towers. Them in different time it was from 4 to 17. Approximately in the middle of Perekop there was a bridge and a fortress. The latter was built by the Tatars and was called Or-Kapu. In our time, the walls and rampart are destroyed, and there is no water in the ditch.

In the Or-Kapu area, Perekop is crossed by a highway and the North-Crimean Canal, which, it seems, is about the fate of the Perekop Moat at the current turn of history.

In this part of the bay, during the Soviet era, several large chemical enterprises were built, using its natural resources. At present, thanks to their activities, part of the lagoon has been turned into sedimentation tanks and is practically an ecological catastrophe zone.

Eastern Sivash

on the map it looks like a huge comb with a handle resting on the body of the Ak-Monai isthmus and teeth cutting into the body steppe Crimea numerous ravines and gullies - the mouths of modern and ancient river valleys. The Arabatskaya Strelka, which separates the lake in the southern part, becomes thinner to several hundred meters.

The origin of Sivash.

The origin of the Sivash, its evolution are closely related to the history of the Black and Azov seas.

At the end of the ice age, there was a global catastrophe - as a result of the melting of glaciers and, as a result, an increase in the level Mediterranean Sea in the Bosphorus region, there was an overflow of salt water into a previously formed depression, at the bottom of which splashed fresh lake... As a result, the sea level rose by 100 m, the area increased significantly and in the west of the Sea of ​​Azov, a bay was formed. According to geological standards, Sivash received its modern appearance, as an almost closed reservoir, quite recently, 900 - 800 years ago. Moreover, scientists give him this age, according to the surviving maps, he is two times younger!

As a result of the combination of the current and the direction of the prevailing winds in the Sea of ​​Azov, a sandy wall was formed, which eventually moved to the coast, forming a long thin spit - Arabat Spit... And only at its base there were two thin strands of straits.

After the exchange with the sea was almost completely stopped, the salinity of the formed complex of lakes and bays began to increase sharply. This was facilitated by flooding, and as a result, a decrease in depths with the formation of a thick layer of sedimentary rocks.

This is how you can briefly describe the origin of Sivash.

History of the Sivash Bay

The history of the bay, like any other object, be it a city or a lake, actually begins with the mention of it in written sources. Sivash was the first at the beginning of the 1st century. Strabo mentioned his writings. He calls it Rotten Lake, describing it as a swampy bay with islands, connected to Meotida (Azov) by a wide mouth.

In the second century, the Rotten Bay is depicted by one of the most authoritative cartographers, Claudius Ptolemy, although there is no Arabat Spit on his maps, the wide bay ends with a small loop of the future western Sivash and the narrowing of Chongar. Further, it is not known how events developed, but the prototype of the Arrow in the form of a chain of islands began to appear on the maps of the Genoese of the 14th - 15th centuries, and only 350 years ago, the Arabat Arrow appears on the map of the Frenchman Levasseur de Beauplan, the Sivash becomes a closed reservoir, in shape approaching modern outlines ...

At the same time, scientists, having studied the silt from the bottom of the reservoir, argue that the spit blocked the free access of sea waters to the lagoon no later than 1100 - 1200 years.

Who is right here? As geologists and biologists may not have taken into account any factor in the development of bottom sediments, so cartographers could reprint maps from year to year without checking the information.

Healing Sivash.

Healing properties Sivasha are based on a combination of factors that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Well, first of all, it's the climate. In the bay area, it is dry, moderately continental, with long, hot summers, temperatures up to + 40 ° C, and relatively short winters. The air of the Sivash steppes is also healing, saturated with ions of salt, iodine, and essential oils of steppe herbs.

Water (brine).

Secondly, it is water, or rather brine, the salt content of which ranges from 20 in the north to 90 ‰ (grams per liter) in the south. In addition to iodine and a large number chemical compounds of chlorine, bromine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, Sivash waters contain provitamin A! Well, yes, the same carotene in the carrots. It is a waste product of some microorganisms that survived in this brine. From the high content of carotene, the color of the water in the bays with large quantity salt pink.

Sivash salt.

The third factor is pink Sivash salt. The history of the extraction of this most important product in these parts goes back to the distant past. Well, who doesn’t know the Ukrainian Chumaks, “they went on oxen to the Krim, to the Chumatskiy Shlyakh peeking?”

In our time, the technology of evaporation of salt has practically not changed, and after the bankruptcy of the salt plant, it completely acquired a medieval character, except that it is exported on modern "oxen".

Since Sivash salt is obtained by evaporation from the aforementioned brine, it has a similar composition, retaining all the beneficial properties, so to speak, in a concentrated form.

The use of salt and brine

Food Industry:
Salt with a high iodine content is used in food as an additional source of iodine for the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases.

Medicine as a concomitant treatment:
Dentists use solutions of salt or brine in warm fresh water at a concentration of up to 30 g / liter to treat gum and dental diseases.
In the treatment of colds and ENT diseases, dilute brine in 2 times or salt about 50 g / liter for rinsing the throat, rinsing the nose, inhalation.
It is very good to use these solutions for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels. A warm compress is applied to the sore spot for 10-15 minutes.

Use salt baths for hands and feet, face and head masks. Bathrooms are accepted.
The substances contained in Sivash water have a beneficial effect on nails, skin and hair.

Extraction of Sivash salt.

The enterprise for the industrial extraction of Sivash salt, located in the village of Priozernoye, went bankrupt long ago. Some of the equipment was cut into scrap metal, buildings are slowly being destroyed and disassembled local residents for building materials.

Salt evaporator lakes work with little or no human intervention. Anyone can come, collect pink brine or salt for personal use, or for sale, and entrepreneurs have arranged excursions to the Salt Lake for everyone.

And of course the healing mud. People knew about its properties for a long time. One Ukrainian legend says: ... there was a terrible slaughter, the Tatars of the Cossacks were pressed to the shore of the lake, the horses of the Cossacks were stuck in the coastal swamp, and many glorious knights were killed ...

And when dawn came, the crows flew to the bloody feast, Yes, the scavengers did not get the heroic blood! The Cossacks, sleeping in eternal sleep, began to get up! And they were surprised! And then they realized that in those places where the body touched the black, raised by the hooves of horses from the bottom of the mud, all the wounds healed!

This healing mud has been accumulating for thousands of years. The process involved clay, brine, organic remains of plants and animals. This whole cocktail was processed by microorganisms, constantly shaken by waves and mixed by currents. The hot Crimean sun warmed it up over a low fire, and the frost threw up the ice. Moreover, it was noticed that the most healing sludge is where there is a small but constant inflow fresh water!

Extraction of mud.

Of course, the easiest way to get dirt is to buy it on the market, but it's much more interesting to get it yourself, especially since it's not very difficult to do this. It is located quite shallow, at the bottom of the bay, under a small layer of gray silt. You just need to take a container (usually a plastic bottle with a cut off neck), move 20-30 meters away from the shore, but no deeper than knee-deep (so as not to dive), remove the top layer of gray silt - it is still young and not suitable for treatment - and dig a healing product for your health.

In practice, it is even easier. Ask your landlord where the nearest beach is on the bay and how to get there. Typically, this object can be recognized from afar, by the characteristic figures of black (freshly smeared) or gray (dried), looming at the edge of the cliff. After arriving and outcrop, you will find out from the Afro-resting people where the nearest quarry is located for the extraction of the necessary fossil, and go ahead to develop the vein.

And two more instructions:
First. Try to take silt without shells and stones, and when smearing, do not rub hard so as not to scratch.
Second. Usually, places where there is already a finished mine are easily recognizable by the installed float from a plastic bottle.

How to get to Sivash, the schedule of trains from Zaporozhye and Crimea.

You can get to Sivash by car, bus, train or a combination of these types of transport. Let's start with the most convenient - own car... The Kharkiv - Zaporozhye - Simferopol highway runs in close proximity to the bay.

A small comment: There is a small village 67 kilometers from Melitopol. It is called New world... Distance from the start sign to the end sign settlement 500 meters, but here the traffic police really love to hunt, be careful, observe the speed limit!

You need to turn off the road at the Novoalekseevka junction to Genichesk.
Further, after 11 km in Genichesk, turn to Arabat Spit. And on the right side, Lake Sivash stretches for a hundred kilometers.

You can take an electric train (suburban train) to the Sivash station, which, unfortunately, on this moment is the terminal station, further Ukrainian trains do not run and free passage is closed - here is the line of separation of Ukraine and Crimea.

For the winter 2015-2016, according to the Dnieper railway, one train runs to Sivash from the Zaporozhye-2 station and two from Novoolekseevka.

Sivash station coordinates
45 ° 58 ′ 2.28 ″ N, 34 ° 29 ′ 13.2 ″ E
45.9673 °, 34.487 °

Train schedule ( commuter trains) under Art. Sivash:

After passing the border and customs formalities, you can continue hiking trip along the shores of the rotten sea or at the station Salt Lake transfer to the Crimean electric trains, following to Dzhankoy, then to Simferopol.

Coordinates of Salt Lake station -
45 ° 53 ′ 5 ″ N, 34 ° 27 ′ 0 ″ E
45.884722 °, 34.45 °

The above timetable for the movement of electric trains on the route Salt Lake - Simferopol and Salt Lake - Dzhankoy is valid from 01.01.2016

The current schedule of electric trains Simferopol - Salt Lake includes 4 electric trains (suburban trains, diesel engines), which connect these stations, among which there are morning and afternoon ones. The fastest commuter train (suburban train) is recommended, which departs at 17.40 from the Simferopol station and arrives at the Salt Lake station at 19.38pm.If you need to spend the longest time on the way, you should choose the train number 6616 in the schedule with the Simferopol route -Pass. - Salt Lake, in this case the trip will take 2 hours 35 m. Between Simferopol and Salt Lake this electric train passes 21 stops. Among them, 1457 Km Stopping Point (06.09), Proletnaya (06.36), Efremovskaya (06.56), 1393 Km Stopping Point (07.20), Dzhankoy (07.45), 1361 Km Stopping Point (08.27), where it is possible to change trains to other trains directions. On this page you can always find out the timetable of the Simferopol - Salt Lake electric trains, including the seasonal one, which is valid in summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the Simferopol Salt Lake route, first read the schedule on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest train station, as some operational changes are possible.
Train tickets Simferopol - Salt Lake can be purchased at the ticket office of the nearest station.

SIMFEROPOL, April 4 - RIA Novosti (Crimea). After the energy crisis in Crimea, caused by the blowing up of electrical pylons by extremists in the Kherson region, electric trains do not run on the peninsula. After the "blackout" passenger cars - namely, reserved seat passenger cars -. The RIA Novosti correspondent (Crimea) personally experienced all the "delights" of traveling on the "Salt Lake-Dzhankoy-Simferopol" train.

The cars are clean, but the conductors are in the vestibules

V passenger cars really clean, warm, toilets work. But the problem is that there are only three carriages on the next train. This is on the route from the Salt Lake station, through Dzhankoy, Krasnogvardeyskoye and a lot of half-stations. On weekends, people leave and return from their dachas, and visiting students return to Simferopol on Sunday to be in the classrooms of their universities on Monday.

There are actually not enough places. Passengers are accommodated as they please. Many stand in the aisles, and the guides, yielding their places, stand in the vestibules. However, there are enough "standing" passengers in them.

Passengers and conductors complain: why is a train with only three carriages allowed on the line, and on weekends? After all, this is the time of the greatest load. Moreover, econom-class train far from the standard carriage of the usual electric train, where there are wide aisles and you can both sit and stand. And in the reserved seat only "hang", leaning on the shelves. This is especially inconvenient for passengers with small children, who are put on the upper shelves.

KZD: Dopwagons are expensive

Press Secretary of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Crimean Railway"Ekaterina Chalkova explained to the agency's correspondent that the situation on the Salt Lake-Dzhankoy-Simferopol route and in reverse direction The employees of the KZD are constantly monitored and at the moment "there is no need to add wagons".

At the same time, she noted that additional monitoring will be carried out during the week, and if it turns out that the number of passengers exceeds the norms and rules, a decision will be made.

"Additional cars are, first of all, and which must be used for their maintenance. But if it turns out that there is really not enough space, the rolling stock will be increased," Chalkova said.

At the same time, the railway communication between the main cities of Sevastopol, Evpatoria and Dzhankoy is the most affordable for passengers. For example, the price of a ticket for these directions (to the terminal station - ed.) Is not high and averages 58 rubles to Evpatoria and Sevastopol, and to Dzhankoy and Salt Lake - 73 and 87 rubles, respectively.