Independent travel by car

What is it like to travel around Russia by car? In this report I will share my experience of independent road travel. Which car to choose? What to take on a trip? How to prepare the car? What to do to ensure travel safety? My personal experience

How to travel by car - useful tips

Every year, more and more travelers decide that they will spend their next vacation in a personal car. The advantages seem to be obvious: savings on tickets, the opportunity to see exactly what you want, a spacious trunk that allows you to take it with you

Traveling by car in Russia

An exciting trip by car around Russia can become the most interesting adventure for you, which you can not only happily tell your friends about, but also, if you wish, write an essay or even a whole book. How to properly approach the organization of St.

How to travel on a cruise ship for 950 rubles per day

Traveling on a cruise ship is undoubtedly very memorable and interesting. On a huge ship you sail along the surface of the water and enjoy the fresh air, with a wide variety of entertainment, shops, bars, discos and sports facilities at your fingertips.

How to go on a cheap cruise

Cruises are expensive. Is it so? You'll pay less for a "cheap" room and onboard credit, but you'll be plucked out with expensive drinks, restaurants not included in the cruise price, and pay-per-minute internet. A few years ago I went

Traveling around Russia by car

List of the most interesting places where you can go in Russia by car. Russia is a big country, and there are many places where you can go on an exciting trip. It all depends on your current location. No matter how beautiful and interesting it is

Vacation with children

When traveling with a family, you need to carefully think through the route and organize your time spent. But it’s not at all difficult, and traveling with children will be even more interesting. Places for families with children The most popular time for traveling with children is summer.

Useful tips for road travelers

Traveling by car (useful tips below) has a lot of advantages: you are not tied to tickets and train schedules, you don’t have fellow travelers you don’t like traveling in the same cabin, you plan your trip yourself, you can take more things you need, you have time to see

Traveling around Russia by car

So, you are going to take a vacation by car. Where to go, what to look for, what to be afraid of? Traveling by car is not as simple as it may seem. Food in roadside cafes is often much more expensive than in ordinary ones, and taking a lot of sou with you