The world's largest ocean liner Oasis of the Seas. Cruise ships The largest cruise ship in the world

Since ancient times, people have traveled the seas, gradually improving their ships. Modern shipbuilding is highly developed, and the range of ships has become unusually diverse. But the TOP of the largest ships in the world always attracts special attention, which will be discussed below.

1. Seawise Giant (Knock Nevis)

Deadweight - 564,700 tons
... Length - 458.5 m.
... Built in 1979.
... Last country of registration: Sierra Leone. Dismantled for scrap.

The largest ship in the world until 2010 was the supertanker "Knock Nevis", built in 1975 in the Japanese city of Yokosuka. Before changing several names, he had a simple number 1016. But the cyclopean dimensions actually ruined him - the tanker could not pass either the Panama or the Suez Canal, even in the English Channel it would run aground, so move from ocean to ocean could only take a roundabout way.
During the 1988 Iran-Iraq war, it was hit by an Iraqi missile and seriously damaged. As a result, the supertanker sank in the Persian Gulf off the coast. After the end of the conflict, it was lifted from the bottom and towed to Singapore, where it was restored in 1991, giving it a new "optimistic" name "Happy Giant". But as a tanker, no one needed it, so it began to serve as a floating oil storage. Finally, in 2009, the "lucky man" was sent on his last journey to the Indian shores, where the next year he was cut into scrap metal.

Many people would love to ride the cable car in order to experience all the extraordinary sensations caused by this way of moving ...

2. Pierre Guillaumat

Deadweight - 555,000 tons.
... Length - 414.2 m.
... Built in 1977.
... Last country of registration: France. Cut into scrap metal.

In the family of twin ships of the Batillus series, this supertanker is the largest in terms of deadweight. It was built in French shipyards, worked for nothing - 5 years, after which it was ruthlessly sent in 1983 to South Korea, where it turned into scrap metal. The rest of his brothers from the same series shared his fate. The reasons for such an inglorious death in all cases were the same problems with the impossibility of passing through the Suez and Panama Canals.

3. Esso Atlantic

Deadweight - 516 900 t.
... Length - 406.5 m.
... Built in 1977.
... Last country of registration: Liberia. Cut into scrap metal.

At one time, this oil supertanker was also a deadweight champion. It was built in Japan, and made its first commercial route from African Liberia, where the company-owner "Esso Tankers" registered it under the Liberian flag. Most often, the tanker transported oil from the Middle East to Europe. But in 2002 the end came to him too - in Pakistan he was cut into scrap metal. He had practically a twin ship "Esso Pacific", but, despite the "Pacific" name, it was smaller than the "Atlantic brother".

4. Emma Maersk

Deadweight - 156 900 t.
... Length - 397 m.
... Year of construction - 2006.
... Last country of registration: Denmark. It is still in operation.

This is the first vessel of eight identical E-class container ships built by the Danish holding Moller-Maersk Group. At the time of her maiden voyage in 2006, she was the world's largest sailing vessel. Emma Maersk transports a variety of goods between Asia and America, following the Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar.
This ship has a not very successful history - when its construction was already completed, a fire broke out on the upper deck, which seriously damaged the brand new ship. Repair was required, which was quickly done. In 2013, there was a new attack - right in the middle of the Suez Canal, one of the power plants of the bulk carrier broke down, as a result of which it lost control. Fortunately, both the ship and the canal remained intact.
Europeans do not favor the giant for using fuel rich in sulfur. Like many giant ships, "Emma" does not fit into the Panama Canal, so the Pacific Ocean is closed for her (not to sail there around Cape Horn!).

5. TI Class

Deadweight - 441 600 t.
... Length - 380 m.
... Year of construction - 2003.
... Last country of registration: Belgium. It is still in operation.

This double-hulled vessel once had the largest deadweight and gross tonnage. A total of four identical vessels were built: two TI Africa and TI Oceania under the Marshall Islands flag, TI Europe under the Belgian flag and TI Asia. But in 2010, from "Asia" and "Africa" ​​they made floating platforms-terminals for the storage and shipment of oil products, since then they have been working on a dock near one of the Qatari offshore oil fields.

The modern development of armored forces is aimed at increasing the compactness and maneuverability of vehicles, that is, at making them lighter. When creating them on the ne ...

6. Vale Sohar

Deadweight - 400 300 t.
... Length - 362 m.
... Year of construction - 2012.
... Last country of registration: Marshall Islands. It is still in operation.

This vessel is one of the largest dry cargo vessels and is owned by the mining company Vale from Brazil. It transports Brazilian ore to the United States. In total, 40 huge dry cargo vessels run along this route, the deadweight of which is within the range of 380-400 thousand tons. Sohar is the largest ship among them.

7. Allure of the Seas

Deadweight - 19,750 t.
... Length - 362 m.
... Year of construction - 2008.
... Last country of registration: Bahamas. It is still in operation.

This vessel is from the Oasis cruise ship class, consisting of two twins (the second “Oasis in the Seas”), which occupies a leading position for its type of vessel in the world. They say that "Allure" is still 5 cm longer than "Oasis", which is why it is presented here. This giant is capable of accommodating 6296 passengers and 2384 crew members. The types of entertainment offered on board are countless, this floating city also has a golf course and an ice skating rink, a bunch of bars and shops, and even a park with exotic plants.

8. Queen Mary II

Deadweight - 19,200 tons
... Length - 345 m.
... Year of construction - 2002.
... Last country of registration: Bermuda. It is still in operation.

This handsome transatlantic cruise ship is one of the world's largest passenger liners. It is capable of transporting 2620 passengers from the Old to the New World or vice versa with maximum comfort. Designed and built by the French company Chantiers del Atlantique, it has a theater, casino, 15 restaurants and the ship's only planetarium.

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9. Mozah

Deadweight - 128,900 tons.
... Length - 345 m.
... Year of construction - 2007.
... Last country of registration: Qatar. It is still in operation.

This vessel opens a new family of tankers of the Q-Max series, which specialize in the transport of liquefied natural gas from fields off the coast of Qatar. It was designed and built in South Korea. A total of 14 tankers from this series are currently in operation.

10. USS Enterprise (CVN-65)

Length - 342 m.
... The year of construction is 1960.
... Last country of registration: USA. The aircraft carrier has been decommissioned.

It is the largest American nuclear attack aircraft carrier, the first to operate a nuclear power plant. He began acting in 1961. A series of six similar hulks was planned, but only the Enterprise was built. Its cost resulted in an incredible 451 million of those more dollars, so such expenses were not affordable even for the bottomless budget of the United States. In length, it is the largest warship in the world. Having refueled once with nuclear fuel, the aircraft carrier acquired autonomy for 13 years of active service and could travel a million nautical miles during this time. In February 2017, the Enterprise was sent on an honorary retirement - for the US Navy, this was the first seeing-off of a nuclear aircraft carrier.

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Imagine the Las Vegas neighborhood that floats from city to city. Imagine a ship for 7,500 people, of which 2,500 are employees and personnel. Add an ice skating rink, volleyball and basketball courts, a golf course, bowling alley, climbing walls, fitness center, spa, infinity pools and you have the world's largest cruise ship, the Allure of the Seas.

A cruise ship is, in fact, several independent enterprises. One team is engaged in navigation, another in hotel and accommodation, the third feeds thousands of people every day, the fourth arranges and conducts entertainment, and so on. The life of such a sea monster is very complex and interesting. This is what I want to talk about in today's post ...

This was my 15th or 16th cruise. I remember that even on large ships I was sometimes seasick. Here, there is no feeling at all that you are in the open sea. The machine is so huge that no rolling is felt at all. We were walking in a six-point storm, the waves were 4.2 meters high. The ship was motionless, like an Egyptian pyramid:


Each floor and each lobby has original maps and signs. Everything highlighted in white is the hotel, purple zones are public:


Upper deck:


There are a lot of public places. It is impossible to bypass everything at once:


The liner consists of two parallel houses, connected by jumpers - in front and behind. Between them is an empty space with a green zone. On the roofs of "houses" there are pools and sun loungers:


There are a lot of pools, for every taste and color. There are adults, children, with slides, fountains, jacuzzi, etc .:


Mini golf:


Basketball and volleyball court:


There are several areas with ping-pong tables:


Zip Line - downhill zip line from one side of the ship to the other:


There are two "waves" that you can surf. One for beginners, another for more or less advanced:



On the upper deck there are "wings" that protrude from the hull of the liner to the sides. There are 2 large Jacuzzis in the wings. You lie in warm water at a height of 18 floors above the sea and watch the waves below you. Very cool:


The bow of the ship. Several decks are dedicated to public areas. The awnings are designed to provide maximum protection from the wind, while maintaining the feeling of open space:


There are three pools on the bow of the ship:



Now let's see what is between the "houses" of this liner. At the stern there is a carousel, a bar, a park, a cinema in the distance:


In the evening, acrobats of shows like Cirque du Soleil perform in the cinema. Very cool. I thought to go in and take a couple of photos for the report, but I sat there with my mouth open until the end of the show:


On the other side of Central Park is an open space with trees and plants on the 8th floor:


The green zone is divided by a jumper into two sections:


Let's go down to the 8th floor:


Glass roofs are provided for the walking area, which is located three floors below. There are streets here, birds are singing - the full feeling that you are walking in the city:


This area is home to renowned international restaurants and shops. We'll come back to them in the next post:


The stern of the ship. There are two walls for climbing. Mountain climbing, Karl!


Bars in Central Park:




The deck on the fifth floor opens onto the lifeboats. She goes all over the liner, and people are taken here in emergency situations. So that the place does not go to waste, it is used as a treadmill. This is often done by passengers of large ships, but only here they have specially marked tracks for running and walking. Even the direction is agreed so as not to collide with each other. Full circle 700 meters:


The bow of the ship is occupied by the helipad, passengers are not allowed there. It will not work to play the scene from "Titanic":


Fifth floor under Central Park. Shops, karaoke bars, even Starbucks:


A vintage car to add chic and luxury to the space:


Fourth floor - casinos and nightclubs. Gambling establishments open only when the liner leaves the territorial waters of this or that state. The port does not work:


Central hall for shows and concerts:


There is no excursion to the captain's bridge, but I was lucky to sail with a group of Spanish journalists. Their visit was agreed upon and I managed to cling to this company. The captain's bridge looks empty. A huge area, but the controls occupy only a small area in the center:


The ship is operated not by the captain, but by the first officer. He gave us a tour. The officer's name is Gennady. He is from Odessa. Our boy.

The ship has no steering wheel. The three propellers of the motor rotate 360 ​​degrees, they are set either manually using the three rotary wheels (in the foreground of the photo), or using a computer. The system monitors the course and steers:






The command headquarters is located nearby and can be fenced off from the captain's cabin with a partition. All the liner controls are duplicated here:


When the ship is moored in port, the officer uses the exits on the "wings" to the left and right:


There is also a control system here:


From here you can clearly see the board of the liner and this allows you to "park" without incident:


In the next post I will tell you what restaurants, shows and entertainment there are on the ship. Let's take a closer look at them. Stay Tuned!

Traveling across the ocean on a snow-white giant ship is the dream of millions. For a comfortable rest of passengers, shipbuilding companies create truly masterpieces. There are dozens of liners in the world that are many times larger than their counterparts. Every lover of the sea breeze dreams of swimming on such a giant.

To attract more visitors, designers create the “impossible”. A frequent sight on such ships are tennis courts, large swimming pools and restaurants, gyms and spas, cinemas, libraries and even botanical gardens with their own water parks.

One of the largest and most expensive passenger cruise ships built by Royal Caribbean International. At the time of launch, it was the largest in the world. Since 2009, it has been pleasing travelers with its beautiful and comfortable interior.

The new generation of Genesis boats is the epitome of comfort, safety and high-tech equipment with a touch of luxury.


  • The liner consists of 16 decks and 2704 cabins for 6880 passengers and 2200 crew;
  • Length 360 m, width at the waterline 47 m, and maximum height 72 m;
  • Diesel engines manufactured by Wartsila - 3 pieces of 12V46D and 3 pieces of 16V46D, with a total capacity of 132 thousand horsepower;
  • Maximum speed 42 km / h;
  • Displacement 225282 brt.

All this luxury poured into the owners of the ship in a rather big amount - $ 1.24 billion. But a ticket for a ten-day cruise starts at 1,500 euros.

"Oasis" broke the previous record, which was held for a long time by the passenger liner Queen Mary II. The size of Queen Mary is half the size. Also, the modern record holder is 5 times larger than the infamous Titanic.


The entertainment program is provided and thought out for passengers of different incomes, interests and ages. Here, both millionaires and ordinary people will find activities to their liking. For fans of active recreation, there are sports grounds - basketball, volleyball, rock climbing and golf, an ice skating rink.

The property of "Oasis" is an open-air amphitheater on the water, which can accommodate 750 spectators. It is located at the stern of the giant ship and repeats the appearance of its ancient Greek counterpart. The indoor theater has a capacity of 1,300 visitors and is located at the other end of the ship.

For adherents of calm and measured relaxation, there are dozens of swimming pools to choose from, including children's areas equipped with slides and other entertainments.

Surf lovers can find something to do on the upper deck in the form of a reservoir with artificial waves. To create them, powerful pumps are continuously running, pumping thousands of liters of water per minute.

There are cafes and restaurants on the ship to provide food. Meals are prepared by 300 chefs in a large galley. Everyone chooses their own type of service - à la carte or Buffet. It also stores stocks of raw materials totaling about $ 2 million. To cook food without interruption, the ship is immediately loaded with 14,000 meat and products from it, 22,000 kilograms of potatoes and the same incredible amounts of other products. After full loading, the vessel has a significant draft.

A group of doctors and nurses is provided for health protection on board. They even have their own morgue, in case one of the passengers dies.


In the evening, tens of thousands of lamps illuminate the cruise ship, and entertainment begins at all venues. A great asset of the ship is the program of the famous Cirque du Soleil. Acrobats delight visitors with complex tricks.

The ice skating rink also hosts breathtaking performances every day. Fans of luxurious relaxation can spend the evening in their favorite restaurant from 20 to choose from. There are 37 bars, karaoke and nightclubs on board.

Technical innovations and regulations

Another novelty in the field of IT technologies is identification keys in the form of bracelets that connect to iPhones, which are loaded with a detailed map of the liner. Thus, a person can accurately find a lost friend or find out where the child is. If desired, a signal can be sent to such a bracelet, which will reach the addressee via the wifi network, and he will begin to vibrate.

The technological innovation is popular on board the ship, which covers an area of ​​several thousand hectares, not only among passengers, but also among personnel. Indeed, if you need to find a person without such a device, you will have to spend at least a few hours.

For a memorable stay of passengers, about 2500 people work on board, who ensure safety and comfort every minute. Staff are not allowed to move freely in the designated cruise areas.


For the covert movement of the crew in the depths of the vessel along its entire length, a system of secret passages has been developed, along which employees easily and quickly get to their destination.

There are areas on the passenger liner that are strictly forbidden for vacationers and even personnel who do not have access. For example, a galley - in order to avoid the possible spread of infection through the ship. Also, only “select” crew members who participate in the management of the ocean giant get to the captain's bridge and the technical compartment. These objects are the most guarded.


  • Length - 362 m;
  • Height - 70 m;
  • Displacement - 227 thousand tons;
  • The capacity is 6,780 passengers and 2,100 crew members.

The cruise giant has 18 decks offering entertainment for all tastes. Visitors are invited to relax in the unique Bionic Bar, where drinks are served by mechanized robots. There is an unusual Flying Bar that moves smoothly between several decks, while people can calmly relax while observing their surroundings.

The attraction of the water giant, which distinguishes it from other liners of the company, is a water park. The longest and highest slides are located here, occupying a height of ten decks. There is a small water park for children.

Like the Oasis at Harmony, there is an ice skating rink where incredible shows with acrobats, artists and figure skaters take place every evening. In the deep pool, visitors are also entertained with water shows with special lighting effects.

The huge liner has 2,747 cabins of different layouts and interiors. For wealthy clients, there is a choice of rooms located on two decks at once, as well as with long balconies overlooking the ocean. For people with more modest means, there are double cabins, which are equipped with everything you need. You can choose a room for rest with or without windows, which will significantly affect the ticket price.

It houses a casino, a basketball court, a water park, dozens of restaurants and bars, nightclubs and spas. The rest will be unforgettable even for spoiled guests and those who have seen a lot.

On one of the decks, near the pool, there is a sunbathing area equipped with sun loungers and shading panels. The ship is divided into seven zones, equipped for different topics of interests of visitors.

For fans of extreme and active recreation, there are swimming pools with artificial waves for swimming on the surf, climbing walls. Children have their own recreation areas with funny animators and entertainment.


Most of the visitors to Charm of the Seas are people of a respectful age. To create an unforgettable and cozy holiday atmosphere for them, there is Starbucks on the ship, which hosts themed parties in the style of the 1930s every day.

Crystal cerenity

At the time of launching in 2003, she was the most mesmerizing luxury ship. Only people with above-average income could afford tickets for it. Later it was eclipsed by other cruise ships, but Crystal Serenity continues to delight lovers of walks in the clear ocean air to this day.


The ship was undergoing restoration and revision several times, which cost the company $ 16 million. Now the cruise ship comfortably accommodates 1,070 passengers in 550 cabins.

For entertainment, there are sports fields with exercise equipment, tennis tables, a golf area and tennis courts. Spa centers, boutiques with fashionable clothes and accessories, open-air pools will surely delight women. Men, on the other hand, will prefer casinos, bars with elite sorts of alcoholic beverages, slot machines.

Of all the thousands of liners that exist in the world today, the largest cruise ship is considered Oasis of the seas... At the same time, it is also the most expensive liner on the planet: its unsurpassed luxury cost the ship owners $ 1.24 billion.

Passenger liner Oasis of the Seas was launched on October 28, 2009. And to this day, this vessel has no equal neither for its bold design, nor for the mass of technological achievements. All this provides its passengers with unforgettable sea cruises. And this is against the background of the fact that a two-week trip on a miracle ship in the cheapest cabin will cost a rather modest amount - from 1300 euros per seat.

The creator of the ship was the company "Royal Caribbean International", which thought through everything in its brainchild to the smallest detail, including, of course, one hundred percent protection of the ship from hurricanes, giant waves and even infectious diseases. Direct shipbuilding work on the order of the said company was carried out at the STX Europe enterprise. At the same time, it is interesting that the propellers for the huge vessel were manufactured by a Russian company - JSC Baltiyskiy Zavod.

The Oasis of the Seas is 361 meters long, 66 meters wide and 72 meters high. The liner was built with a displacement of 225 thousand tons. Such impressive parameters of the ship allow us to say that Oasis of the Seas is 40% larger than any other liner in the world. In relation to the infamous Titanic, this vessel is 5 times larger than it.

In total, the largest liner in the world consists of 16 decks, 2,704 cabins, designed for 6,360 passengers and 2,160 crew members. If we compare the Oasis of the Seas in height with ordinary buildings, then it rises above the water at the level of a 20-storey building. The ship has 6 engines, which, in combination with other power plants, provide the ship with a power of 96 MW, which allows it to reach speeds of up to 22.6 nautical knots, which is 41.9 km per hour.

There are a lot of entertainments at the "Oasis of the Seas", for every taste - from millionaires to ordinary people. So, the ship has a water amphitheater, a carousel (made "in full size"), a floating park, an ice skating rink, a golf course, 4 swimming pools (with a total water volume of 2300 tons), volleyball and basketball courts, climbing walls and a children's area with theme parks.

Also, the huge liner is famous for the fact that there are 10 spa-baths and fashionable surfing simulators on it. At the same time, the Oasis of the Seas is so large that it is divided into thematic areas. Let's pay attention, for example, to the tropical zone, which attracts palm trees and wines: there are always a lot of people here who rest and relax like in the tropics. In total, 12 thousand plants were planted on the ship, including 56 trees.

As a result, being on the high seas, the tourists of the liner have the opportunity to visit a unique analogue of the "Central" Park in New York. Here you can relax in the shade of real big trees, watch an ice show and listen to Broadway musicals. In addition, at the stern of the Oasis of the Seas is an open-air amphitheater with 750 seats, which was modeled on the ancient Greek amphitheater. And in the other part of the ship there is a closed theater that can accommodate 1,300 guests.

At the same time, the passengers of the ship are always celebrating something, so the two-week cruise "Oasis of the Seas" goes with the following stock: more than 14 tons of meat products, 20 thousand bottles of champagne, 44 thousand fresh eggs, 6.6 tons of salad, 3 tons of onions, 22 tons of potatoes and that's not all. In the restaurants of the ship, the most exquisite dishes are prepared, for which products should also be always at hand. In total, about 70 thousand main dishes are served on the ship every day, of which 15 thousand are dessert ones.

It is imperative to mention the disposal of garbage on the liner. The Oasis of the Seas has its own waste processing plant. Here, all the garbage is first sorted, and then compressed and thrown into a landfill in the nearest port. Also on board the liner there is its own film studio, in which daily material about life on the "Oasis of the Seas" is filmed and broadcasted in the cabins of the guests in the evening.

In addition, more than three hundred chefs work on the ship. And in the galley there is a food warehouse worth $ 2 million. Strict rules state that only registered employees have access to the galley. At the same time, the service personnel and crew members also lead a full life on the ship, but it is completely isolated from guests, and all the movements of people working on the liner take place along a hidden system of service ladders and corridors.

In the center of the cruise ship there is an amazing place called the "Royal Promenade". There is a transparent, illuminated elevator. There are also a lot of bars and shops in this place, which makes this "street" look like a small town. As already mentioned, the Oasis of the Seas hosts an ice show that always attracts a lot of viewers. But in order for the natural rocking of the ship not to interfere with the artists, the ship stabilization system is switched on for the duration of the show.

At the "Oasis of the Seas" everything is thought out for the luxurious relaxation of passengers, but sometimes tourists behave badly and disturb others. Then they are asked to leave the liner at the nearest port. But more difficult situations arise when one of the guests of the ship dies. Then the body of the deceased is placed in their own morgue, and the relatives of such a person are consoled by the whole team. Also, the liner personnel have to solve many problems: from providing medical assistance to investigating crimes.

But the safety of the ship is also monitored by its own service. Its employees wear civilian clothes and are constantly monitored by video cameras. And in case of unforeseen situations on the Oasis of the Seas, it will be possible to use a modern system of rescue boats, as well as inflatable liferafts, which are located at specific points throughout the ship.

Just a few decades ago, sea cruises were considered the privilege of only the wealthy representatives of the bourgeois society. It cannot be said that now the cost of multi-day travel on comfortable ships has become much lower. But modern tourists choose cruises much more often than they did in the last century. Therefore, there have become noticeably more available nowadays for various social strata, and the size of the ships has long surpassed the legendary "Titanic". Although it is unlikely that even among curious tourists there are many who will immediately name the largest ocean liner.

A Few Important Facts About the Oasis of the Seas

In autumn 2009, an important event took place at STX Finland, a shipyard in Finland. Launched a 16-deck ocean liner in size left behind all the cruise ships that existed at that time. Finnish shipbuilders could be proud of the liner, which was owned by the customer Royal Caribbean International. This well-known American company has spent nearly $ 1.5 billion on the new project. In early December 2009, the Oasis of the Seas - that is what the ship was named - embarked on its first 7-day cruise.

Not every traveler will be able to understand what is behind the figure of 45,000 tons - such is the weight of the hull of this giant liner. If we compare the ship with the infamous "Titanic", then it is worth noting that it is almost five times larger than it. The new ocean liner at that time could take more than 6,200 passengers. In order not to overload the ship, during the operation of the ship, the organizers began to limit themselves to 5400 guests. A feature of the crew, numbering almost 2,200 people, is considered to be its international character, since it consists of citizens of 70 states.

How will the liner surprise its passengers?

“Oasis of the Seas” - this is how it sounds in Russian - consists of 7 multifunctional thematic zones. Among them, first of all, Central Park stands out, which bears little resemblance to the one located in New York, but plays an equally important role in the lives of passengers. Here you can sit in the shade of 56 real trees and breathe in the fresh air saturated with a pleasant aroma from over 12,000 shrubs, flowers and other plants. For hungry travelers, this park has 6 stylish bars and restaurants.

The Boardwalk, a spacious promenade located on Deck 6, looks like a crowded promenade with several small cafes, a carousel, constantly playing music, and children and their caring parents with ice cream in their hands. A less relaxed atmosphere prevails at the Royal Promenade. In this area, located on deck 5, the wealthier public prefers to walk, ready to part with significant sums of money in one of the 8 stores located here. All other areas are related to entertainment or outdoor activities.

Sports and fitness on the ship

Despite the comfort of all 2,706 spacious cabins, passengers most often only spend the night in them. After all, the ocean liner offers such a variety of activities that every traveler will certainly find something that exactly matches his desires and requirements. Having chosen one of four pools, vacationers can simply swim, play water volleyball or do aerobics. Daredevils are happy to test their climbing skills. There is a special wall for them on the 6th deck.

Young people willingly put on skates and go to Studio-B in the days when it turns into an ice rink. A small court is always open for the passionate mini golf enthusiasts. On the spacious sports ground, passengers play tennis or volleyball with passion. Sometimes even basketball competitions are held here. Men can train for hours in a small gym, while women are happy to transform their image in a beauty salon. All of this is available to travelers at Vitality, a state-of-the-art spa and fitness center.

Entertainment on the ship

Passengers of the Oasis of the Seas will have to try hard to feel bored. In addition to dance competitions, beer tastings, art auctions or karaoke, travelers will find entertainment on several stages:

  • at Studio B, a multifunctional theater, the audience enjoys ice performances;
  • mesmerizing jazz melodies are heard in the Jazz Club;
  • The Opal Theater, which seats over 1,300 spectators, delights the audience with a three-hour musical "Cats";
  • Aqua Theater entertains travelers with performances by gymnasts and swimmers;
  • at the Comedy Club, talented comedians amuse the audience with their witty reprises;
  • young travelers take part in the parade of their favorite cartoons with pleasure, and young people relax in Blaze, a democratic club.

restaurants and bars

It is unlikely that the passengers of the "Oasis of the Seas" will be able to go on a diet. The ocean liner accommodates 24 bars and restaurants, and the choice of dishes will not disappoint even the fastidious gourmets. Among them, first of all, several of the most popular establishments stand out:

  • gourmets can learn the taste of Mexican dishes at Sabor;
  • The Rising Tide Bar moves slowly like a large elevator between Decks 5 and 8; here you can enjoy great cocktails;
  • Giovanni's Table delights visitors with Italian dishes;
  • Coastal Kitchen acts as a magnificent viewpoint;
  • after an 8-course dinner at 150 Central Park, nobody goes hungry;
  • lovers of real pizza will love the dinner at Sorrento's.

This is just a small part of the list of restaurants and bars, the halls of which await guests of the ship.

The past and future of cruise ships

There are more and more tourists who dream of going on long sea voyages. Shipbuilding companies are in a hurry to satisfy the desires of their customers looking for multi-deck ships. 2010 saw the emergence of the Allure of the Seas, which surpassed Oasis of the Seas in size. The Russian shipbuilding industry cannot yet boast of such achievements. But in the bygone Soviet Union, Mikhail Lermontov was considered one of the worthy competitors of Western cruise ships. The motor ship, built by specialists from East Germany, largely repeated the fate of the Titanic, when in 1986 she left Sydney on a cruise with 408 passengers and sank near New Zealand. Thanks to the tanker and ferry that came to the rescue, no one except one of the crew members was hurt.

Soviet citizens could be proud of the ship if they knew what the "Mikhail Lermontov" was. The motor ship delighted its passengers with relaxing in the music salon, cocktails and dinner in 5 bars and a restaurant, playing tennis in the gym, watching new films in a spacious cinema and many other entertainments. But then, due to the ideological guidelines of the government, most Soviet people knew practically nothing about him. Now liners have become even more comfortable. In the future, ships will certainly appear, in comparison with which even the recently built "Harmony of the Seas" - an 18-deck liner - will seem like an ordinary ship.