Sanctuary of the elves. Blood and Soul review from Magika (Devil's Gorge) Hell's Gorge opening hours and ticket prices

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Library is a dungeon available to characters level 20 and above.

You can get into the dungeon both solo and while in a group with other players.

The portal to the dungeon is located in the Valley of Thunder at coordinates 1310 1392.

My WebPage

Lair of Darkness is a dungeon available to characters level 40 and above.

You can get into the dungeon both solo and while in a group with other players

The portal to the dungeon is located in Snowland at coordinates 1580 2822.

In the dungeon, you need to kill monsters and bosses, from which you will receive various items. - My WebPage

Resident Evil is a dungeon available to characters level 50 and above. You can only enter the dungeon as part of a group of 3-6 players. The portal to the dungeon is located in Snowland at coordinates 966 3648. In the dungeon you need to kill monsters and bosses, from which you will receive various items. - My WebPage

Place of Power

The portal to the dungeon is located in the Forest of Shadows at coordinates 2174 1545.

In the dungeon, you need to kill monsters and bosses, from which you will receive various items. - My WebPage

Castle of Shadows is a dungeon available to characters level 70 and above.

You can only enter the dungeon as part of a group of 3-6 players.

The dungeon portal is located in South Marsh at coordinates 1579 2001.

In the dungeon, you need to kill monsters and bosses, from which you will receive various items. - My WebPage

Monster treasure is a dungeon available to characters level 60 and above.

You can only enter the dungeon as part of a group of 3-6 players.

The portal to the dungeon is located in Tario at coordinates 406 319. - My WebPage

Turning to the portal, you will be informed of the rules for passing the dungeon.

After passing through the portal, you will meet the first monster - the Demon Sentinel, guarding the entrance to the treasury. After killing him, one of the group members will have a key to the treasury in their inventory.

Treasure Key. An item that allows you to open the entrance to the dungeon.

The owner of this key can open the entrance by using it (you should open the inventory ("And" buttons) and right-click on the key), and this character will also open subsequent doors in the Treasury. After passing through the first door, you will find yourself in the central hall.

Legendary treasure of heroes is a dungeon available to characters level 60 and above.

You can only enter the dungeon as part of a group of 3-6 players.

The dungeon is available for 45 minutes.

The portal to the dungeon is located in Tario at coordinates 406 319, to enter in the dialog box, select the entrance to the Legendary Treasury.

Before you go to fight the terrible monsters of the underground, you need to contact the NPC Trustee of Heroes (Tario, 411 330) to receive a task. For this task, you will need to kill one of the bosses of the Legendary Treasury proposed in the list.

Once inside, you will meet the first monster - the Demon Sentinel, guarding the entrance to the treasury. After killing him, one of the group will have a key to the treasury in the inventory. By clicking on it with the right mouse button, you can open the main doors and go to the central hall of the Treasury.

Battle of the Century is a dungeon available to characters level 90 and above.

You can only enter the dungeon as part of a group of 3-6 players.

The portal to the dungeon is located in the Mount of Death, at coordinates 374 302.

In the dungeon, you need to kill monsters and bosses, from which you will receive various items.

Tired of lying on the beaches of Tenerife? Then I propose to take a walk through the picturesque nature reserve, which bears the terrifying name - Hell's Gorge.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this gorge. The name Infierno, which means "Hell" in Spanish, was given to it by the locals to scare off strangers from the only drinking source on the island.

The popular natural park Barranco del Infierno is located in Adeje in the south of Tenerife, just 15 minutes from the main southern resorts - Las Americas and Los Cristianos and 10 minutes from Costa Adeje.

The area of ​​the Barranco del Inferno reserve is about 1843 hectares. The steep walls of the gorge belong to the Adeje and Teide mountains. The rocky landscapes are beautiful all year round, but especially impressive in winter. A narrow footpath runs along the gorge, and fences have been built for safety. The route itself is considered uncomplicated, there are no sharp changes in altitude. There are some cool lookouts along the route.

The height of the landscape varies smoothly from 100 to 1300 m, so there are several climatic zones in the gorge, as a result of which you can observe the variety of the surrounding landscapes. During the trek, the path narrows and widens - you need to walk carefully. Along the road, there are abandoned aqueducts that have survived since the colonization of Tenerife.

At the end of the route, at an altitude of 560 m, there is the only waterfall on the island - a source of fresh water effectively falling from a vertical stone barrier. In winter, when heavy rainfall falls, it becomes full-flowing and powerful.

We were in November. The trickle is very thin.

In general, the route is not difficult, allocate 2-3 hours for it.

Flora and fauna

Barbary partridge (photo: /

The natural park is inhabited by a variety of fauna, many birds - predators, Canary pigeons, partridges, hoopoes. Unique plants grow, there are endemics. Here, in comparison with the usual desert landscapes of the south of Tenerife, abundant tropical vegetation riots. In the thermophilic forest you can find a dragon tree, palms, many cacti, sub-shrubs, wild jasmine. Above 600 m, the grass cover almost disappears - Canary pines grow there.

Traces of the past

Once upon a time, the Guanches lived in the gorge: traces of ritual images left by the Indians have been preserved on the rock walls. Burials were discovered in the caves - in the underground tombs, the aborigines hid the mummies of their relatives. The gorge looks picturesque, but not intimidating.

Features of the tourist route

The gate before the start of the trail (photo: David Domingo)

Since the gorge is of particular value to the island, access to it is limited. The only source of fresh water is located here. No more than 300 people can pass here per day.

Sign up in advance

You need to book an excursion to Hell's Gorge in advance. This can be done on the barrancodelinfierno website.

When booking, you need to enter your data, note the start time and ticket price. You can pay on the site of the natural park, or at the box office before the start of the route.

We didn't book anything, we just came and bought a ticket.

Fundamental rules

  • children under 5 years old are not allowed;
  • children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult;
  • nice shoes;
  • animals are not allowed on the territory of the reserve;
  • you must have identity documents with you.

We were asked for the passport number, first and last name. There are many children on the route, some were clearly less than 5 years old, so feel free to take the whole family.

Track characteristic

The beginning of the path is located at 350 m. The length of the trail laid on the left side of the gorge is 3.2 km one way, the elevation changes are about 200 m.It can be completed in about 3 hours - it consists of 7 stages of the path marked by checkpoints ...

What else?

You don't need to take any special equipment, except for comfortable non-slip shoes and a charged phone, to Hell's Gorge - the route is considered easy. Before the start of the path, instructions are given, the park staff record the tourists who have gone out on the trail, so that at the end they will note whether everyone has returned safely.

It is allowed to visit Barranco del Inferno in good weather. In case of heavy wind and downpour, a storm warning is announced: excursions are canceled, no one is allowed into the gorge - heavy rain can cause rockfall, and this is dangerous. In case of unexpected changes in the weather, park employees inspect the paths and take enhanced security measures.

Opening hours and ticket prices for Hell's Gorge:

The hiking trail is available from 8:00, last departure at 14:30. The gorge closes at 18:00.

Adult ticket (over 12 years old) - € 8, children (5 - 12 years old) - € 4.

After the trek, you can eat

The Otelo restaurant is located next to the ticket office. The prices are not high, the food is of average quality. Good Canarian cross salad soup. All take on the signature grilled chicken legs and drumsticks. I also recommend the Canarian fries and the Mojo Canary sauce.

How to get to Hell's Gorge?

The starting point of the route to Hell's Gorge is in the city of Adeje, not far from the Iglesia de Santa Úrsula, at the end of Calle Molinos, behind the Otelo restaurant.

  • From the resorts Los Cristianos and Costa Adeje you can get to the gorge by bus number 447, you need to get off at the Piedra Redonda stop. The fare is € 1.5.
  • From La Caleta there is a bus number 448, go to the Piedra Redonda stop. One way ticket € 1.45.
  • From to the gorge there is a bus number 473, you need to get off at the Adeje - El Cerco stop. The ticket will cost € 3.25. The road will take 35 minutes.

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