Summer tasks photo report. How to have fun with your teenager summer holidays

1. Buy country milk and drink straight from the can

2. Collect a bouquet of field daisies and give it to your grandmother

3. Visit three new cafes

5. Cut off old jeans and make shorts out of them

6. Draw with water from a bottle on the pavement

7. There are berries right from the bush, pouring a whole handful from the palm of your hand into your mouth

8. Learn to make "pancakes"

9. Launch sky lantern

10. Collect apples from branches

11. Bake charlotte with them

12. Make a boat from a nutshell with a sail from a leaf, and send it sailing

13. Eat ice cream every day

14. Get up early in the morning to see the sunrise

16. Find at least one constellation in the sky, except for the "Big Dipper"

17. See the rainbow

18. Ride a river tram

19. Arrange a firefight with water pistols

20. Make a shortbread cake, decorate it with pebbles and leaves

21. Prepare all known dishes from cones, twigs and other materials at hand. Feed the dolls, bears and McQueen

22. Eat only berry smoothies all day

23. Dine on the summer veranda

24. Throw a foam party

25. Spend the night in a tent

26. Collect the herbarium and transfer a thick book to them

27. Learn the multiplication table

28. Learn to play petanque

29. Bury, and then find "secrets"

30. Make a sundial

31. Cook raspberry jam to eat in winter

32. Blow on dandelions and imagine that little white parachutists are flying off them

33. Take a whole day with the camera

34. Every day, look for a different letter of the alphabet in the world around you and learn the whole alphabet over the summer

35. Keep a summer diary with pictures, drawings and notes

36. Buy non-bursting bubbles and burst them

37. Wash daddy's car

38. Make an evening fire and tell scary stories

39. Ride a bike from the very high mountain in District

40. Wake up at 12

41. Jump in puddles

42. Go to the sea

43. Spend the whole day at the water park

44. Find footprints in the forest and guess who they belong to

45. Draw with crayons on the asphalt

46. ​​Make homemade lemonade

47. Visit the petting zoo

48. Sleep in a hammock during the day

49. Jump in the "rubber band"

50. Grow dill, parsley and arugula in a mini-vegetable garden

51. Outline your shadow on the asphalt with chalk

52. Make dandelion princesses and princes

53. Complete the rope maze in the panda park

54. Take part in a run bike

55. Bake fishnet pancakes for breakfast

56. Breathe Ice at Speed

57. Splashing from a hose

58. Visit the cool open air

59. Put on a home play and invite spectators to it

60. Make a tent in a haystack

61. Build a water wall

62. Pet the dog

63. Lying on the grass and looking at the sky

64. Swim in the river

65. Go for mushrooms and cook mushroom soup

66. Catch and release butterflies

67. Play hide and seek

68. Draw flower fairies

69. Break your knee and not cry

70. Walk barefoot on the grass

71. Draw a picture of summer with finger paints and hang on the wall

72. Measure the height on the doorframe

73. Wear dark glasses

74. Lose Them

76. Feed the pigeons in the park

77. See the musical fountain

78. Attend a culinary master class

79. Go horseback riding

80. Draw a twister on the grass and play a big company

81. Arrange a fun family photo session

82. Jump on a trampoline

83. Get caught in the rain and get wet to the skin

84. Find a photo booth and make faces at photos

85. Feed an unfamiliar cat with sausage

86. See frog caviar

89. Call friends on Skype from the dacha, show and tell how the day went

90. Make a summer photobook

91. Wear a straw hat

92. Sleep with the window open

And don't forget that an adult just needs at least 4 hugs a day to survive, 8 to feel good, and 12 to grow. So hug more often!

001. do not sleep for a day
002. launch sky lantern
003. make a pizza with someone
004. take a picture of the sea
005. write something nice under somebody's window
006. walk barefoot in the rain
007. have breakfast at a pizzeria
008. drink a liter of water in one gulp
009. spend a day alone
010. throw a party (bachelorette party)
011. Lose Weight
012. confess your love in the eye
013. heart-to-heart talk all night
014. eat a kilogram of ice cream per day
015. meet the sunrise on the embankment
016. read a book
017.Drink champagne for breakfast
018. refuse all means of communication for a day
019.Run into the water
020. fall asleep to your favorite music
021. watch the sunset on the roof
022. talk on the phone with a complete stranger
023. watch 20 movies
024. swim in clothes
025. make coffee for a dear person
026.write a verse
027. write a letter to god
028. Swim in the downpour
029. play the bottle
030. sleep more than 12 hours
031. create your own cocktail
032. ride a bike (rollerblades) all day
033. eat cotton candy
034. ride a ferris wheel
035. fry marshmallows over the fire
036. See the Rainbow
037. take a picture of a wild animal
038. "train" with a person of the opposite sex
039. visit 3 cities
041. meet 10 new people
042. go to the cinema for a horror movie
043. Go to a professional photo shoot

044. go to church
045. See a Shooting Star
046. collect a bouquet of wildflowers
047. Candlelight Dinner
048. listen to birds singing at 5 am
049. talk all night on the phone
050.Buy a lot of helium balloons and release them
051 listen to music for 12 hours in a row
052. ride a minibus all day
053. make summer soup: okroshka or gazpacho
054. talk to a foreigner, via skype, chatroulette or facebook
055. take your morning photo
056. to speak with a person with whom she did not dare to speak for a very long time
057. watch your favorite movie
058. take a photo from a bird's eye view
059.If you are a girl, then learn to do pull-ups or push-ups
060. make peace with the one you miss
061.participate in a flash mob
062. make a dreamcatcher
063. Go ice skating for a change
064. go to another city, go to the cinema and return
065. spend the whole day with your baby
066. to throw a nice message into the mailbox of a loved one
067. Feed the pigeons
068. go to a deep forest or field and shout properly, shout at the top of your lungs, this is an incredibly effective way!
069. listen to all albums of an artist for the whole day
070. try 10 kinds of cocktails
071. give someone a massage
072. bake the cake
073. listen to the song played on the guitar
074. leave a tip to the waiter
076. talk in the moonlight
077. Collect a puzzle for 1 thousand pieces.
078.Don't drink coffee all day
079.Dance a slow dance with a person of the opposite sex
080. Have Chocolate
081. Walking down the street blowing bubbles
082. Make Fruit Salad
084. define your style of perfume, and be true to it always
085. feed someone with your hand
086. Learn Weird Foreign Language Phrases
087. Chocolate Covered
088. always say yes
089. play board game big company
090.write and send your favorite poem to someone by letter
091. Start a Summer Album
092. make a summer manicure
093. learn to cook well 1 dish
094. Smile at the Passer-by
095. Smear Someone With Whipped Cream
096.Drink for Brothershaft
097. Have a picnic
098. wake up from birdsong
099. meditate - just relax, turn on nice music, don't think about anything
100. every day write 1 word characterizing this day

Lists are everywhere, a la "100 To Do's in Summer". Natyr liked funny ideas from ready-made lists, plus I will write down my plans and my personal amenities. The list will not be in order of importance or urgency, but simply out of order. Also mixed are my own points and borrowed from other people's blogs on RuNet and goals on Smart.

Summer has already begun, and it will be beautiful! Fly, fly, petal, through the West to the East, fly around the Earth, be, in my opinion, led)

  1. Learning to write with the left hand (and generally more fluency in the left hand)
  2. Practice calligraphy and improve your handwriting. Some fonts to look at, etc.
  3. ... Buy 5 chocolates)))
  4. Watch at least 100 films.
  5. Order clothes in the online store.
  6. To visit the sea (this is not before September) and preferably with mom
  7. Peter, white nights and the ship
  8. Write and send 10 letters, each with drawings or something creative like scrapbooking, etc.
  9. Read 50 books
  10. Weave 8 baubles (from the remaining threads, do not buy new ones)
  11. Tie a scarf A.
  12. Tie socks for yourself and A.
  13. Spend a summer night in the open
  14. Learn to draw (more criterion)
  15. Change the image (more criterion)
  16. Visit the cinema at least twice
  17. Visit the theater at least twice
  18. Eat as much ice cream as you like
  19. Eat berries (and more than once, and a lot!) - Cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and this is not the limit)
  20. Buy a lot of summer clothes (well, or not a lot, but at least the necessary pleasant minimum + home options + some sports breeches + a summer bag + a new backpack + a new sports bag + shoes for the summer + jogging sneakers?)
  21. Go to a night club
  22. Ride a Ferris wheel at VDNKh in Moscow and river tram and on that unusual tram (you need to find that saved post about him)
  23. Prepare twenty new dishes
  24. See and touch the Volga river
  25. Get tanned
  26. Visit three new cities
  27. To qualify for the SI, to perform with dignity and complete the category - it was not my fault.
  28. Fill the promised tattoo A.)
  29. Get the next tattoo
  30. Puncture more holes in the ears and buy cool earrings
  31. Make a dream catcher
  32. Take at least 100 photos
  33. Throw off good photos, for example, in the offer of "Russian Courtyards" in VK - and to be published)
  34. Make a passport
  35. Make bets with normal amounts and win an overdof of money) - it was, I won a lot. We continue)
  36. Drink champagne for breakfast)))
  37. Buy perfume that I love
  38. It’s great to stop being a pig and get into the habit of keeping order and comfort.
  39. Defeat the supposedly ineradicable belly! One hundred percent!
  40. In no case do not take a "forced break for the summer" in the simulator - continue to train and shake 90 kg + increase your skill in the kettlebell snatch to the bit standard
  41. Attend two concerts
  42. Visit the Tretyakov Gallery
  43. Print a lot of beautiful photos, send A., and just let them be)
  44. Deal with the old laptop (pull out the info, if possible at all)
  45. Sell ​​unnecessary things. Maybe your piano, bag or casket is needed by someone, but an addition to your financial situation is needed now more than ever.
  46. Learn a school subject (choose which one)
  47. Complete and close the goal by books
  48. Complete and close the Afro target (increase the skill to a state of courage to braid in public)
  49. Complete and close the push-up and pull-up goal
  50. To go to an awesome DS or even two, and so that there were berries, slow dances, all sorts of delicious things, new clothes and positive emotions over the edge) - done) Only without dancing)
  51. In the evenings, listen to frogs croak, nightingales sing and grasshoppers chirp (well, just not from home, but on the street)))
  52. Run in the warm summer rain, splash in puddles, and then look at the rainbow.
  53. Generally go for a walk every day!
  54. Run three times a week!
  55. Complete and close the goal on the back (i.e., the goal will continue, but complete these points and noticeably improve the condition)
  56. Overcome Internet Addiction)
  57. Eat cotton candy
  58. Foreign languages ​​(more)
  59. Move to another city - Done))) ahaha) less than 100,500 years)
  60. Get a job - internship today is 5th day / done, already worked three shifts
  61. Decide whether I will study to become a lawyer or what to do about it at all. If YES, then start or, at least, get a job somewhere where there is a connection with jurisprudence. If NO, then I don’t know (because in my thoughts I tend to YES, but the specifics are based on zeros).
  62. Get some new pets)
  63. Have a couple of new indoor flowers? Succulents, of course, others are unlikely to take root in me, I often leave (so far I only have a fat woman that urgently requires a transplant))
  64. Visit art gallery v regional city
  65. Visit the art gallery in B.
  66. Stretching and splitting daily
  67. To give parents something good, pleasant, just like that - flowers to mom, I don’t know what. Buy something tasty.
  68. Visit the non-European part of Russia for the first time in my life
  69. Learn to make twists (both jam and tomato cucumbers)
  70. To decide if I would like to get some more education (only not in the boundless future, but in the near future), write a dissertation, etc. Complete specifics for each direction.
  71. Fully decide on their further professional development for the next five years. Only specifics.
  72. Swimming pool or regular swimming in some kind of open water
  73. Learn to do something else from technical or computer issues (you need to figure out what exactly, because not for everything there is an opportunity yet).
  74. Buy an electric engraver and learn how to make engraving on stone (there are a kilogram of stones since the Crimean September))
  75. Learn to shoot a weapon
  76. Learn to take pictures: find some books or free courses on photography and learn to take beautiful pictures over the summer (for a start, just use a regular digital soap box. Then I would like to switch to a film camera, I even have one).
  77. Finally, become a serious lady) Criteria later)
  78. Buy a player at last
  79. Take a boat ride on the river in the regional city and take a ride, as in the good old days, on a tram from the final to the final - and vice versa)
  80. Something to come up with with the VK group?) - so far refused this thought. I sold all the best-selling goods, only the slow-moving ones remained. Quite a bit of. This is a pity. Maybe we can find a place somewhere.
  81. Re-paste the wallpaper in the hallway!
  82. Bake three cakes (exactly cakes, not pies)
  83. To figure out which speakers would fit the turntable, which passed to me from my grandmother. I want to listen to records, it's very bohemian and romantic.
  84. Take a ride on the railroad (if there is such an opportunity)
  85. I will add further)

Well, I wrote an approximate list) Yes, there are both serious goals and summer pleasures mixed in here. Yes, a lot is tied to money, and maybe I can cure it. And I will score on something and will be reluctant. However, I like my list, and I will try to complete as many points as possible and have a cool, boring and happy summer, which will be filled with inspiration and those very moments that then become wonderful memories)

One way or another, in this goal, the main thing is precisely pleasantness. I want a cool summer, which has not been for a long time. And serious moments are a separate conversation. I will do pleasantries and joys for myself in any case.

Let's go, summer has begun!

To Do- sheet for everyone who is in love with summer. I would like not to miss anything, remember everything, experience as many emotions as possible, so that there is something to remember with the onset of the first cold weather. Earlier I already wrote a list with, but this year I decided to give myself free rein.

What to do this summer?

1. Make a list / mood board of the coolest things to do for the next 90 days.

2. Lie in a hammock.

3. Sit until dark on the bar terrace with a glass and cool friends.

4. Buy a bright summer dress (shorts, sandals, espadrilles, swimsuit). Get inspired in the summer with a little shopping.

5. Go on a trip: out of town or to Paris - not so important.

6. Go for a run early in the morning.

7. Try detox.

8. Attend a music festival.

9. Shoot a video about your summer or take pictures with a summer hashtag, or maybe shoot on film and print the shots in September.

10. To please the skin with a minimum of cosmetics.

11. Prepare a new salad.

12. Sit on the balcony with a book, food or company.

13. Dance the night away.

14. Ride a bike.

15. Eat a plate of fresh berries for lunch instead of your usual lunch.

16. Have a dinner with friends, a picnic or a small party.

17. Become a boho princess: sundress, tousled braids, temporary tattoos, spray with sea salt for the effect of hair after the beach.

18. Walk through the empty and romantic city at night.

19. Start the day with the Salutation to the Sun complex.

20. Read one light mood book and one useful book from which you can get a couple of interesting thoughts and practical ideas.

21. Sleep with the window open.

22. Go in search of the best lemonade in town.

23. Go to the movies with friends.

24. Eat as much watermelon as you like.

25. Change perfume to light eau de toilette.

26. Leave into the field or forest.

27. Arrange yourself a photo session.

28. Spend a day of doing nothing.

87. Spend the day alone.

88. Start learning something new, for example a language.

89. Collect raspberries, rose hips or even cucumbers from the garden and apples from country trees.

90. Go outside with wet hair.

91. Change your hairstyle.

92. Make yourself a transferable tattoo (or a real one, if you have been going for a long time).

93. Fall in love until dizzy.

94. Enjoy the scent of bloom.

95. Drink iced coffee.

96. Buy the same ice cream with a waffle cup from childhood.

97. Write down the highlights of your summer. Perhaps a whole story will come out of this.

98. Spend time with your family.

99. Try on sunglasses in a new frame.

100.August 31 Tell yourself what it was best summer in your life. And start looking forward to the next one.

If you liked the post, let me know. I am always pleased with your Feedback in any form: from likes and repost in social networks to comments.

Kisses, your summer Dasha

Hello everyone!

Only a little bit is left until summer, which means it's time to think about how to make it bright and interesting.

To help you spend this summer unforgettable, I have prepared a marathon " Bright summer with Club for Girls»And a to-do list for every day of the summer.

I hope these ideas are enough for your bright and unique summer!

Things to do for every day of summer

1. Prepare a dessert with berries or fruits (hint - it can be ice cream, to which you add fruits or berries).

2. Make a list of films you want to watch this summer

3. Make a list of places you would like to visit this summer

4. Make a list of books you want to read this summer

5. Make a list of habits that you would like to have before the end of the summer

6. Write a list of what new things you want to learn this summer

7. Make your summer playlist

8. Inflate a balloon (you can have several) and go for a walk with it (there you can give them to someone).

9. Have a picnic (for friends or family)

10. Get to the beach

11. Take a ride on the swing

12. Get out to the amusement park

13. Learn to cook a new dish

14. Ride your bike

15. Go to the movies

16. Eat ice cream

17. Make a bouquet of fresh flowers

18. Admire the sunset

19. Go to the zoo

20. Feed the ducks / swans on the pond in the park (the easiest option is the sparrows in the yard :)).

21. Go bowling

22. Throw a pajama party

23. Make breakfast in bed for parents, brother / sister

24. Make a fruit salad

25. Learn to do a new hairstyle

26. Admire the sunrise

27. Go fishing

28. Make lemonade or cool fresh cocktail

29. Learn to fly a kite

30. Make a cucumber face mask

31. Write a poem or short story

32. Take a photo of the rainbow

33. Smile at passers-by on the street

34. Go to an interesting workshop or festival

35. Arrange a general cleaning in your room

36. DIY something

37. Print photos and make a photo album out of them

38. Disassemble all your belongings and throw / give / sell the excess

40. Make something with strawberries

41. Walk barefoot on the grass

42. Go on excursions in your own or a neighboring city

43. Buy or download and print the coloring book and color it

44. Ride a boat, speedboat or catamaran

45. Experiment with your looks

46. ​​Clean up your computer

47. Bake fruit or berry tart

48. Call or write to people with whom you have not communicated for a long time (for example, a grandmother or a friend in kindergarten :)).

49. Make an album of wishes

50. Watch your favorite childhood cartoon

51. Look into the sky and think of what clouds in the sky look like as a child

52. Fire up the sky lantern

53. Learn to make a variety of vegetable salads

54. Build a castle or tower of sand

55. Buy a can of soap bubbles (or do it yourself) and inflate them

56. Get out for a walk in the park and buy yourself cotton candy

57. Cook vegetables or meat on the grill (grill)

58. Spend the evening by the fire

59. Admire the starry sky and find several constellations

60. Draw something funny with crayons on the pavement

61. Make a wish when you see a shooting star

62. Buy a summer hat and go out only in it to protect the delicate skin of the face from the scorching sun

63. Get a massage

64. Make the jelly

65. Play badminton or tennis

66. Every evening, write down 3 enjoyable events of the day.

67. Write a letter to your idol

68. Compliment someone every day

69. Have a spa evening with your friends

70. Take a walk in the evening city

71. Write a letter to yourself ... - years old (add, for example, 5 years - if you are 15, then it will be a letter to you 20 years old).

72. Play Beach Volleyball

73. Sit in silence

74. Visit the water park or water slides

75. Jump on the trampoline

76. Get out of town with tents for at least one day

77. Go down the slide in the playground

What are your plans / ideas for the summer? I look forward to your comments!