Prices for air tickets Helsinki – Oulu by month

The price of an air ticket from Helsinki to Oulu depends very much on time: the earlier you buy the plane ticket, the cheaper it will be. We found you the best price for an air ticket from Helsinki to Oulu that costs . Cost varies depending on the day. That's why

Open left menu Tenerife

Tenerife is rightfully one of the most popular and elite resorts in the world. This is a true miracle of nature: the amazing vegetation of the Cañadas Park, the Anaga Mountains and the Teno Massif is truly amazing. For the coastline along which hotels and tours are concentrated

Airfare discounts: where to look for airline promotions and sales

Already, many people are faced with the question: where (which country or city) can they fly to celebrate the New Year as cheaply and comfortably as possible. The convenient service is an ideal assistant for those who are planning to fly to celebrate in another city or country.

How the largest cruise ship in the world works

For many centuries, merchant ships and warships have been plying the oceans. Sometimes people build such colossuses that, looking at photographs, it is difficult to imagine them. These hulks transport people, cargo, oil and gas. About the 6 largest watercraft in

Mississippi River: modern paddle steamers

Mark Twain called the paddle steamers that sailed the mighty Mississippi River "floating wedding cakes." At the end of the 20th century, a ship appeared that became the largest wheeled steamship in the history of shipbuilding. Although it is carefully hidden,

Cruise ship "Viking Ingvar" Cruise ship Viking Ingvar schedule

November 10th, 2016 The saga of Ingvar the Traveler tells the story of the campaign of Ingvar and his squad to Gardarika (Rus) and further along the rivers south to Serkland (countries of the Caliphate) in 1040. Presumably, Ingvar's campaign ended in Transcaucasia, where he almost

Where is the cruise port of Piraeus (Athens)

How to get to the port of Piraeus and get out quickly? The more time you spend in Athens, the more this question torments you. After all, the most interesting places in Greece are not in the capital, but in the interior of the continent or on the islands. And the main port from which m