Features of branded trains. Everything about SV cars - how it stands and what it is on the train, photos and other materials What is the place of SV on the train

The SV carriage is convenient, first of all, by the presence of personal space. There are only 8 compartments in the SV carriage. Each is designed for two passengers. It is especially convenient to travel together. The atmosphere during the entire trip is calm and quiet. There is a division for men, women and a mixed compartment.

The inside of the compartment is considerably cleaner and nicer than other types of carriages. The photo was taken in the SV carriage of the Tomich branded train

SV Russian Railways carriage inside

Comfortable beds with soft headboards, a roomy table, the presence of mirrors on the walls and compartment doors looked quite cozy and pleasant. Items can be placed in a recess under the bed. Pleased with the presence of a TV, now you can occupy yourself with interesting programs and films on the road.

The guides are polite, the service is good. It can be seen that this issue is being dealt with. If the bed has not been made yet (for example, the compartment has just been vacated), the conductor will make your bed.

Meals in the SV carriage

In the presence of a travel kit (slippers, napkins, sleep mask), newspapers, drinks and meals. On a short route (8 hours) hot meals were provided once. The menu is quite varied, everything is brought by the waiter from the dining car half an hour after ordering. The food is delicious.

There were many different drinks.

The proposed menu in the carriage of the SV Russian Railways of the Tomich branded train.

Shades of lamps hung from the ceiling and each wall. There were also small reading lamps above the beds. There were two toilets in the SV carriage: one at the beginning and the other at the end. The door had an indicator of the toilet being busy and was locked. The toilet smelled good and was clean.

Comparison of the price of a ticket in SV railway transport with the cost of travel in a reserved seat and compartment carriage showed that this type of travel is more expensive. The fare is almost 5 times more expensive than in a reserved seat carriage and 2 times more than in a compartment.

Anyone who has ever thought about traveling by train could not help but find out about the SV train, especially if he wanted to make his trip special. After all, this class has long been associated with high-level comfort and service. It is no secret that this method of travel is not cheap, and in order to decide to buy a ticket, you need to have a sufficient amount of knowledge about it. And if there is a need for them, then this article will tell you about the features of such cars and answer the main question: "What is this - a SV train?"

Types of SV cars

The decoding of the abbreviation SV is simple - a sleeping car. Carriages of this class are not in vain considered one of the most comfortable at the moment. Their layout allows travel in much more comfortable conditions than in simple compartment cars. How does the coupe differ from the SV? They differ from them in two-seater coupes instead of four-seater. Today, there are four layouts of compartments in such cars.

The main division is based on the number of compartments: there can be 8 or 9. Accordingly, the first are designed to carry 16 passengers, the second - 18. The location of the seats can be different, but in any case, the train will only have two-seater compartments.

Sleeping car compartment

Carriages with 8 compartments are of two modifications. In the first, berths are located one above the other. Additionally, there is a folding table, a wardrobe and an armchair. The main difference is the washbasin combined with the adjacent compartment, which has a shower. There are two toilets located at different ends of the carriage, although this is not a feature of a particular layout. Another type offers compartments with berths side by side, so a separate shower had to be sacrificed. But there is a common one.

Carriages with 9 compartments are also divided into two types. In the first one there are berths opposite each other, in the second one on top of each other. And if the first combination does not offer any more conveniences, then the second one has a washbasin that is separate for each compartment. There is no shower in these cars, the toilets are located similarly to the 8 compartment cars.

In any case, such schemes are more convenient for passengers. Fewer seats reduce the load on toilets and there are never queues. The conductors can devote enough time to any passenger. The noise level is much lower.

Schemes of carriages of SV Russian Railways

In order for the car to meet the expectations of the passenger, he must first know its layout. The presence of a shower allows you to make long journeys without sacrificing convenience. Therefore, the choice must be taken very carefully.

Service classes

If everything is relatively clear with the types of cars, then the classes of service in SV trains can confuse anyone, because it is not easy to decipher them. They differ not only in the classes themselves, but also in the carriers that own the trains. The manufacturer plays an important role.


The carrier Federal Passenger Company JSC offers the following service classes:

  • 1B and 1E. Maximum service. A car of this class is always equipped with air conditioning and a dry closet. This means you can forget about the sanitary zones. You will be offered a sanitary kit, bed linen and the latest newspapers. The ticket price includes food and beverage dispensing at the request of the passenger. The difference between B and E is that in the first case, one person buys both places. But in this case, he has the right to carry a pet with him.
  • 1T. The equipment of the carriage corresponds to the previous class. The difference lies in the not so wide list of additional services.
  • 1U. Stripped down version 1B. A car with air conditioning and a dry closet awaits the passenger. He will be given bed linen. Since the entire compartment has been purchased, it is possible to transport a pet.
  • 1L. One of the budget options. Such wagons may not have a dry closet. Otherwise, the conditions correspond to class 1U.
  • 1D (tourist). In addition to the lack of a dry closet, there is no possibility to transport animals.

These classes will be served by 9 compartment cars, which were mentioned earlier. For branded trains, 8-seater variants are mainly used. This means that the classes of service there offer a slightly different range of services. For example, consider the classification of the Strizh train:

  • 1E. In addition to the list of services from the carriage with compartment 9, the passenger will be offered either a separate washbasin and shower, or a shared shower. A TV will hang in the compartment, and it will be possible to connect to Wi-Fi.
  • 1E. Full redemption of the compartment is required, no matter by one or two passengers. You can carry your pet. The rest is similar to the previous class.
  • 1T. The difference lies in the absence of additional services.

All three classes include meals, hygiene kits, and bedding.

We should also mention the RIC cars. These cars are produced in Tver in cooperation with Siemens AG. They are used on international routes. At the moment, they are found in 3 types. Previously, they had two and three-seat layout. In the latter, berths were located one above the other.

RIC carriage

Now it is difficult to find such cars, because they are being replaced by cars with a standard 4-seater scheme. Therefore, only two-seater variants are used as SV cars. They are equipped with a shared shower, keyless access to the compartment (as in some hotels - with a plastic card) and an electronic display with basic information.


Let's go to the carrier "TKS"

He forms branded trains, completing them with high class carriages. These new, modern and comfortable carriages with excellent finishing quality are able to bring the traveler closer to home comfort. The manufacturer has implemented modern engineering solutions in the field of air conditioning, ventilation and noise insulation.

Note! The coupe looks very presentable. A wide range of services is also provided: standard and additional, for which experienced personnel are responsible, who have undergone special training to improve the level of service.

SV cars are presented in two classes of service:

  • SV + (1B "Business TK"). Such cars are present on the routes Moscow - Volgograd and Moscow - Saratov. The passenger will have unlimited food and drinks, free internet, a mother and child room and a shower. It is possible to transport a pet and order a taxi to the station.
  • SV carriage (1B "Business TC"). The same services except for the shower.

All compartments are equipped with TVs, the latest newspapers are available, the sanitary and hygienic set has been expanded. Please note that the carrier offers separate services for passengers with children.

Important! For babies, you can order a special playpen, which is designed taking into account all safety requirements. For older children, the guide can place a safety bar on the top shelf. These services are free of charge, but require a preliminary order.

The list of additional services is very wide, you can find it on the company's website.

Grand Express

The private train "Grand Express", which is sometimes compared to a hotel on wheels for its comfort, consists of 16 carriages. 4 of them are SV cars:

  • Premium (1E);
  • Premium Single (1L);
  • 1st class - Business (1B);
  • Class 1 - Standard (1U).

Carriage compartment Premium

In terms of the level of equipment and maintenance, it is equal to the best analogs from Europe. The highest equipment, specially trained personnel and a wide range of services mean that the passenger is at the forefront. Therefore, he has the right to be called one of the best. Despite the unusual name of the SV cars, it is quite simple to understand that it is.

The compartment of the Premium carriage is redeemed in its entirety, two people can go. It has a TV, power outlets, a separate sink and a safe. Air conditioning and heating can be controlled. The lower sofa folds out into a 100 cm wide bed, the upper shelf (80 cm) folds down. There is a separate chair.

On a note: The ticket price includes breakfast with dessert, hot drinks and water. The Internet is distributed free of charge. Extended sanitary and hygienic set.

The Premium Single wagon provides the same compartments and the same service, but only one passenger travels in the compartment.

Grade 1 - Business. A carriage with two-seater compartments with lower berths. There is no washbasin, the sanitary-and-hygienic set is standard. The rest of the service corresponds to the higher classes.

All three classes provide transfers at the point of arrival.

Grade 1 - Standard. Similar to Business, but without transfer.

Carriage compartment 1 class

Tverskoy Express

The last carrier, on whose trains SV cars run, is Tverskoy Express. It has a fast train "Megapolis", which, judging by the description, provides its passengers with a decent service.

Its carriages are equipped with air conditioners and dry closets. The compartment has sockets, Internet is distributed. All passengers are given slippers.

The carrier provides 3 classes of service:

  • 1B. The passenger has the right to count on a hot breakfast and a set of meals. Unlimited tea and coffee. Plus bed linen, sanitary kits and newspapers.
  • 1L. There is no hygiene kit and press.
  • 1U. Meals are not included in the ticket price.

Buying tickets

If a passenger decides to travel in this class carriages, then buying a ticket will not be an obstacle for him: you can buy tickets at the ticket office of the station or without leaving your home.

SV coupes have always been considered one of the most prestigious. Taking into account modern technologies and services, it is safe to say that the passenger will spend their trip without noticing any restrictions and inconveniences. If he appreciates the time spent on the trip, then he will definitely choose it, because now he knows everything about SV: what is comfort and worthy service.

A SV carriage on a train is one of the most comfortable offers from Russian Railways. Places of this type are distinguished by increased comfort and, as a result, higher prices. Next, we will analyze what are the features of this type of wagons.

General concepts

According to the generally accepted wording, SV is a sleeper car with an increased level of comfort. This type of carriage has 9 compartments designed for two people. Such cars differ from standard compartments by a higher level of comfort. Since the days of the USSR, they were intended for movement over especially long distances.

Such cars consistently have more comfortable berths, additional attributes (built-in wardrobe, reading lamps, etc.) and a conductor call button. Internal furnishings and interiors are distinguished by solidity and pleasant appearance. Of course, all this affected the cost - it is comparable to the price of a plane ticket in economy class (if we are talking about the same points of the route).

Classification of SV type wagons

Carriages of the SV type have several varieties, which differ from each other in the level of comfort. Next, we will analyze their features.

Enhanced comfort category - 1 B

B means business class. These cars have air conditioning and many additional services (food, fresh newspapers, free wi-fi, hygiene items, etc.).

Purchase of tickets of this type requires the purchase of a compartment (i.e. 2 seats) as a whole. Business class carriages are mainly available on Russian branded trains. D

VIP - 1E

A special type of SV carriages, which are available exclusively in the high-speed trains "Strizh". They provide increased security measures: round-the-clock security, video surveillance, etc.

In addition to additional services from class 1B, passengers in 1E are offered:

  • Dry closet and shower in every compartment.
  • Sockets for each passenger.
  • Plasma TV.
  • Safe with several keys.
  • Shoe care products.

As well as in business class, such tickets imply the purchase of the entire compartment. In this case, the passenger can travel alone, but having paid for 2 seats at once.

Economy class categories

RZD, understanding the market demand, offers passengers also offers at reduced prices (the discount level varies depending on the type of train, route and other parameters).

  • 1U - carriages of the first class of service, but without included additional services (except for bed linen, regardless of the class of seat, it is provided to each passenger).
  • 1L - conditions are identical to the previous example, with one difference - the absence of a biotulet.
  • 1E - the level of comfort is identical to classes 1E and 1B, only with the condition that a person acquires only one seat in the compartment. Such a ticket cannot be bought in advance (the period depends on the specific train). We can say that this is a "hot offer" from Russian Railways. When on some route there are many empty seats in the CB carriage, passengers are encouraged to purchase tickets at reduced prices.
  • RIC. This is an analogue of CB, which is found exclusively in international trains. Differs in the presence of a lower and upper shelf in the compartment. The comfort level corresponds to class 1B.

On the video about SV wagons

The demand for SV has dropped significantly due to the high cost of tickets. In this regard, Russian Railways is trying to encourage people to buy through bonus offers (now there is a discount of up to 40% when buying tickets 2 months before departure). Despite this, it is possible to buy a plane ticket for the same price. Therefore, today SV cars are mainly used by those who are afraid to fly or simply like to travel on trains.

A branded train is a train with high quality service and a wide range of services.

The timetable for such a train is developed taking into account the most convenient time of departure and arrival at the terminal station or the shortest travel time.

Currently, branded trains carry passengers to various regions of the country, connecting the capitals of the republics of the Russian Federation.

The main differences between branded trains:

1. Convenient travel schedule (compared to alternative long-distance passenger trains).

2. Modern carriages not older than 12 years after construction, equipped with air conditioning.

3. Qualified guides trained in a special program.

4. Bed linen, bedding and hygiene items of improved quality.

5. Before boarding, bed linen is laid on the upper berths, with the exception of the side ones in reserved seat cars.

6. Comfortable dining car with an expanded assortment of dishes.

And, of course, a guaranteed set of services: the sale of tea and confectionery products, printed publications, souvenirs and other goods on the road.

In a branded train, you can choose the type of carriage to your liking!

Various types of carriages of the last years of construction run as part of branded trains: with seating, reserved seat, compartment, MIXT, SV and Suite, as well as double-deck cars (with seating and sleeping places), capable of satisfying the widest range of wishes and preferences of passengers, including passengers with limited mobility, moving in a wheelchair.

* double-deck cars.

The courteous and friendly staff will help you get into the carriage and assist in resolving any issues.

Comfort in everything!

The toilets of the branded trains are provided with liquid soap, paper towels, toilet paper, air fresheners, and disposable seat covers.

For gourmets

The corporate train includes a dining car. Excellent cuisine, cozy interior, individual for each dining car. If you like privacy and do not want to leave your compartment, the carriage conductor will help you call the waiter and order breakfasts, lunches, dinners or other products of the dining car with delivery directly to the compartment.

Your safety is guaranteed

In the design of the cars, technical solutions are implemented that allow remote monitoring of the condition and operation of the life support systems of the cars.

Travel in the "All inclusive!"

In branded trains and luxury carriages, additional services are already included in the fare: food, linen, sanitary and hygienic kits and newspapers.

List of branded trains of JSC "FPK" (18.4 kB), in the carriages of which a complex of services is not provided.

Service classes of branded trains and luxury carriages (MIC), in which the services are provided *, included in the fare

Suite SV Coupe With seating
Service class 1A, 1I, 1M 1B 1E, 1E, 1T 2E, 2T 2B 1P 1B 2P 3P


Yes 5


yes, improved quality

yes, improved quality

yes, improved quality

plaid 2

Sanitary and hygienic set

1 set 2

1 set 1

Printed products

Yes 2

* the cost and composition of the service depend on the class of service.

1 is not available on the Strizh train.

2 is not available on double-deck trains: No. 5/6, Moscow - St. Petersburg, No. 23/24 Moscow - Kazan.

3 Printed materials are not provided on trains No. 617/618 St. Petersburg - Vologda, No. 5/6 and 25/26 Moscow - St. Petersburg, No. 23/24 Moscow - Kazan.

4 Available on double-deck trains only.

5 Provided only on double-deck trains No. 738/737 and 740/739 Moscow - Voronezh by means of a vending machine.

When planning a long trip to cities in Russia or neighboring countries, many people make a difficult choice between a coupe and a SV. If the cost between the types of wagons differs significantly, then the level of convenience is quite comparable. Let's try to thoroughly understand this issue and understand which option is more suitable for short and long journeys.


SV Is a sleeping car for 18 passengers (2 in each box), equipped with an additional compartment for the conductor, as well as 2 shared toilets. The conditions of stay are characterized by high comfort, the interior is made in a classic style.

Coupe Is a type of carriage, intermediate between the reserved seat and SV, characterized as an economy class. It is designed for 36 passengers, which are located in 9 separate compartments. There are 4 shelves here: 2 upper and 2 lower. Also in this car there are 2 toilets and a compartment for 2 conductors.



Thus, the main difference between these types of cars is in their intended use. SV was originally created for wealthy passengers who want to travel with considerable comfort. In a separate compartment, of which there are 9, there are 2 shelves each - only places for rest. The compartment has 4 shelves (2 upper and lower), respectively, it is more focused on the middle class.

SV is distinguished by high comfort, even the interior is made in the spirit of the classics. In the compartment, despite the soft backs above the lower shelf, the presence of a table and a mirror, minimalism dominates. But the price of such a place is much lower than that of SV: about 2 times. If a passenger travels on the lower bunk, then he will not notice any special differences between the indicated types of cars. It is worth noting that the SV can be one-, two- or three-seater, while the coupe is always designed for a maximum of 4 passengers.

Conclusions site

  1. The number of passengers in the carriage and compartment. The compartment is designed for 36 people, SV - for 18.
  2. Number of shelves. In the compartment there are 4 shelves (2 upper and 2 lower), in the NE - only 2 (both lower).
  3. Interior. The coupe is dominated by minimalism, in the SV - classic.
  4. Conditions of stay. SV is more comfortable than a coupe, the level of service is higher.
  5. Solution. The coupe is a classic version, it is always designed for 4 seats. CB can be 1, 2 or 3-seater, depending on the type of carriage.
  6. Price. The price of SV is about 2 times more expensive than a coupe.