Places of Power in Siberia. Megaliths of Podkamennaya Tunguska. Combined tour "podkamennaya tunguska - yenisei" Where podkamennaya tunguska flows into

At the end of May, I was lucky enough to escape from Krasnoyarsk and fly to the north of our region to Evenkia. I stayed there for almost a week - filming, communicating with people. For two days we went by motor boat up the Podkamennaya Tunguska. During this trip, I had the opportunity to look at how people live far from civilization, how they make a living and what problems they have to face. But about everything in order, while I’ll tell you about the village of Baykit.

1. First, a few photos from the flight. The Podkamennaya Tunguska River.

2. End of May, and in some places there is still snow in Taiga.

3. This is how Baykit looks from an airplane. Due to the turbidity of the glass, such an effect had to be made.

4. Baikitik River.

5. Now about 4000 people live in the village.

6. Airport. The plane flies to Krasnoyarsk three times a week.

8. The distance to Krasnoyarsk by air is 670 km, to Tura, the administrative center of EMR, 350 km.

9. This is what the hotel we lived in looks like.

10. The hotel is far from fancy. Double room cost 800 rubles / day per person.

11. The village was founded in 1927. Before the active development of the territory, the small indigenous peoples of the Evenki and Kets lived here. Now a little more than 400 Evenks live in Baykit.

12. Secondary school. The only one within a radius of several hundred kilometers.

13. Many streets are lined with wooden pedestrian decks. Thanks to them, residents can afford to go to work in something other than rubber boots.

14. The village stretches for almost 5 kilometers from the so-called "Kolkhozka" near the airport to "Mamaevka" (Stroitel microdistrict). The hilly terrain makes it very difficult to move around the village, so most families have a car.

15. Most cars are SUVs, but this is by no means a luxury, but a necessity - good roads not in Baykit itself, and even more so on the territory of the region. If winter roads are saved in the cold season, then in the summer there are many places that cannot be driven even in an SUV.

16. Therefore, most have boats - Podkamennaya Tunguska is a more reliable transport route than roads through the taiga. But without a car, again, nowhere, because the boat needs at least something to be delivered to the coast.

17. Roads in Baykit are only gravel. They promise to lay the asphalt long ago, but no one knows when it will finally happen. Locals envy Tours - not so long ago, asphalt appeared on several streets. In summer, there is dust from the roads, so sometimes a car passes by and pours water on the roads.

19. The village has running water. But water is supplied to the houses of residents only cold in summer, only hot in winter.

20. And here it is.

21. Memorial of the Second World War.

22. Baykit has public transport, represented by one route from "Kolkhozka" to "Mamaevka" through the center. The bus runs about once an hour and costs 12 rubles.

23. Most local residents is engaged in hunting and fishing, although many work in the hospital, school and other institutions.

26. Construction of the temple. The opening is planned for this year.

27. The climate here is harsh, in winter there are often frosts over forty degrees. Locals are accustomed to frost and do not complain, they say good frost invigorates. In general, residents are not used to complaining.

28. Baykits rarely keep their dogs on a chain. There are a lot of them running through the streets. But these are mongrels. Real hunting huskies are very much appreciated, they say that now it is very difficult to find a good dog. Therefore, they are not allowed to wander the streets.

29. Everything is bad with the Internet in Baykit. Now the whole village has a 1 Mbit / s channel. Internet is supplied via satellite channel. There is no need to dream of any "unlimited" - as a rule, all office workers are allocated 100 MB per month. Recently, they began to connect individuals - for them, the Internet costs from 2.3 rubles / megabyte.

30. Despite the harsh climate, almost everyone has their own vegetable garden. True, almost everything grows only in greenhouses and greenhouses.

31. Apart from private ones, there are many apartment buildings in the village. There is water everywhere in such houses, but all amenities are outside.

32. An impromptu playground.

33. Public toilet.

36. Evenki, like most of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, quickly get used to alcohol. This woman could not pronounce her name, but she was able to offer me to buy her vodka. "I'll show you Evenkia!" she repeated.

39. Electricity is very expensive because diesel fuel is started up the river. Power outages occur frequently. There was an attempt to create an oil refinery in Baykit to provide the residents of the village with cheaper electricity. The administration bought the American installation, the installation was tested, and trial production was received. However, it turned out that the American oil differs from the Evenk one - the presence of sulfur and salts in it did not allow the continuation of exploitation.

40. There are many abandoned crumbling houses in the village. Children often play them.

41. Although there are several comfortable playgrounds for children.

42. One of two kindergartens.

43. Second kindergarten. On the one hand, everything looks good. Repair money is allocated annually.

44. On the other hand, they go nowhere. Repairs have to be done constantly, since the building itself is dilapidated.

45. There is not enough space in the kindergarten.

46. ​​Head Elena Yurievna shows the veranda that has moved 10 centimeters away. Children are not allowed here - they are afraid that everything may collapse at any moment.

47. In the hospital, the situation is similar - the main problem is the dilapidated buildings. Of course, there are many other problems, for example, attracting young professionals. For example, there is no ophthalmologist in the hospital now. There are few people willing to go to work in the north, even taking into account the increased salary. Another reason is the difficulty of obtaining accommodation for newcomers. After all, new municipal buildings are not being built in Baykit.

48. The physician therapist sees the patient.

49. Chief physician Marina Algisovna.

50. KGBU NGO Professional Lyceum No. 91. This is the only place where young people can get at least some kind of vocational education without leaving for the "mainland". Here, school graduates can become power line fitters, cooks, drillers' assistants.

51. The head teacher Zhanna Viktorovna says that for many children this is the only opportunity to learn a profession. People come here to study from neighboring villages, there is a hostel for them. But the teachers' salaries are small - about 15 thousand rubles.

52. Employment center. It is located in a private house for rent. Prior to that, workers had to work from home for several months. There is nowhere for young people without education in Baykit to work. You can get a profession at a local vocational school, but most prefer to go to study in Krasnoyarsk. Some people get a job on a rotational basis for oil wells. However, they are reluctant to take locals there. Paradoxically, their delivery to the place is more expensive, because it is easier to gather people from the south and put them on one plane than to transport several residents from each village by helicopter, the distances between which are very significant. Plus, residents of the EMR are supposed to pay the northern wage supplement.

53. Anna Olegovna - works in the Baykit branch of the Evenk Museum of Local Lore, moonlights as a teacher at school.

54. Prices in stores are slightly higher than in Krasnoyarsk. Of course, this is due to the poor transport accessibility of the village. Products that can be stored for a long enough time are not much more expensive, but prices for, for example, milk, gingerbread and everything that quickly deteriorates is much higher.

55. Most of the groceries are delivered to shops twice a year - in late spring, while there is "big water" on Tunguska and a winter road.

56. The rest that has to be brought in by plane is much more expensive.

57. A bottle of beer from 50 rubles.

59. Fruits rarely appear on the shelves. Although they are brought in regularly, residents quickly buy up everything.

60. Pupils of senior classes all as one say that they want to go to university and leave Baykit. They do not see any prospects for themselves here.

Such is the completely civilized northern village of Baykit. In the next posts I will talk about how they live in more remote villages and how hunters go hunting.

The next day after arriving in Baykit, we went up the Podkamennaya Tunguska and the Kamo River to learn about how they live in Evenk settlements far from civilization.

1. Early in the morning we set out on the Podkamennaya Tunguska embankment.

2. We load things into the motor boat and sail away.

3. We are accompanied by a local hunter and fisherman Vitaly Anatolyevich.

4. All the way in one direction took us a whole day. On the way we met only one village - Kuyumba and several small settlements. However, from time to time on the coast come across hunting huts. Hunters sometimes go fishing for several weeks, or even months. The territory of their plots is huge, so you have to build several huts. There is always a main one in which the hunter spends most of his time. Such huts are called "bases".

5. On the way we come across mainly ships loaded with oil. Until the pipeline is built, "black gold" is transported only along the river. In general, the Kuyumbinskoye and Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye fields are among the most promising for development in the next 10 years.

6. The so-called "port" of "Slavneft". The well itself is located a few kilometers from the coast.

7. After a couple of hours we will swim to Kuyumba.

8. One of the abandoned houses near the river.

9. There are several new houses built with government support.

10. The population of Kuyumba is about 150 people. There is a school, a kindergarten, a shop. There is no cellular connection. Almost all residents are engaged only in hunting and fishing; there is almost nowhere to work in Kuyumba. Some get a job on a rotational basis for oil wells that are nearby.

11. Well, almost everyone has their own farm. Someone is keeping cows.

12. Local roads can only be driven by this type of transport.

13. Besides by boat, you can get to Kuyumba by helicopter, which makes a flight every 1-2 weeks.

16. Administration of the village.

18. The first borehole of the Kuyumbinskoye field. Drilled back in 1973.

19. Diesel.

22. Nikolai (left) is a native of Kuyumba. Engaged in the manufacture of wooden boats. He promised to make boats to many, constant binges interfere with this.

23. On the shore, we met with local hunters.

24. Hunters say that gasoline has become too expensive, and motor boats need a lot of it - a boat's engine consumes much more than any car.

25. Laws are scolded for the fact that cutting of glades up to 4 meters wide is not prohibited for geo-prospecting. After the felling, the hunter does not receive any compensation, although the animal is afraid of people and leaves.

26. Despite this, the places for the preparation of firewood for them are very far from the village. Sometimes you have to travel more than 100 kilometers and spend a lot of fuel for delivery.

29. About 50 kilometers from Kuyumba there is a logging camp. It employs 20 people. They live in trailers and huts.

30. They carry out orders both municipal and private. Up to 20 cubic meters of wood are harvested per shift.

31. The workers are mainly from Osharovo, a village about 150 kilometers away.

32. Vitaly Anatolyevich says that they often drink. Because of this, there is no discipline, and there is no one to control them, the work gets up.

34. Sawmakers meet us quite good-naturedly and offer to have a snack and drink tea - hospitality here is accepted by people, otherwise it is sometimes difficult without help, because the distances between the settlements are rather big.

35. Son of Vitaly Anatolyevich.

36. Alexey keeps order in the hut, prepares food.

38. And again a few hours along the Tunguska and we turn to the right - the Kamo river.

39. The nature around the city is sometimes mesmerizing.

40. Although it also happens. Fires do happen and it can be difficult to extinguish them in such a vast territory as Evenkia.

41. We make a stop in one more hut.

42. Here we meet Nikolai. Fishermen call him Burbot. As Vitaly Anatolyevich says - Nikolai is a good hunter, but he is a big drinker. In general, it is not customary among hunters to drink a lot, because it interferes with the hunt.

44. Ilyaz. Was born in Kazakhstan. As a child, he moved to Kuyumbu with his parents. She works at a diesel station, and of course, like everyone else in Kuyumba, is engaged in hunting and fishing - one salary is not enough to feed a family. I have been to different cities, saw how people live there, but is not going to leave anywhere. Vitaly Anatolyevich asked him to be our guide along the Kamo River. The river is not as full-flowing as the Tunguska, in order to travel by motorboat at this time, you need to know how to go around rapids and shallows.

45. In the evening we finally reach the place of lodging - one of the hunting huts on the Kamo River.

46. ​​Nature around.

49. Reindeer moss - the so-called reindeer moss - grows here. But deer are not bred among the taiga, they are only in the north of the region in Surinda. Although there are wild deer.

50. For dinner, we quickly made a soup of pasta and stew. Vitaly Anatolyevich took out the smoked taimen and dried deer meat he had taken on the road.

51. The next day, at a halt, we saw an elk approaching the river from the other side. Attempts to shoot him were unsuccessful, he was too far away.

54. The next day, the water in the river fell heavily. Evenk tradition is to throw coins into the river in front of the threshold. It is believed that this is how you can appease the spirit of the river. This is what we did together with our guides.

55. We sail to the mouth of the Kamo. There is a meteorological station here since here in 1952.

56. Claudia. She says that bears often come lately. They have no weapons, they are not supposed to. Dogs chase the bears. Since weapons are not allowed, they do not hunt, only fish.

57. 3 people work. 2 times a year they are brought in food - canned food, cereals and other essentials. Tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in greenhouses.

58. Tunguska in the vicinity of Kuyumba.

59. There is a small settlement nearby, where Alexander lives with his family.

60. Besides them, four more people live here. Alexander says that gasoline has become very expensive, and sable, the only thing that brings income to his family, costs very little. It is almost unprofitable to sell meat and fish, because the cost of transportation is very high.

63. This is how people live away from paved roads and cellular base stations. This is not to say that they live badly, everyone who is not lazy can provide himself with a normal life. Most local residents do not care who is in the Kremlin. If only the state did not interfere in their life with new laws restricting their crafts.

64. And finally, I would like to show some photographs of the endless expanses of Evenkia from above.

So, another third of the total distance has been covered, only one of the three remains. And as it turned out, and as expected, this is the most photogenic part of the river. Now we know our capabilities, we know that the remaining distance is not so great and will not take too much time. Therefore, you can change tactics a little and allow yourself to linger longer in certain, most interesting places... And this part of the river is famous for its pillars, that is, outliers. And if you have the task of simply filming beautiful landscapes certainly on Podkamennaya Tunguska, while not straining yourself with an extended route, then for this you have to fly by local plane from Krasnoyarsk to Baykit and start your rafting from here.
The first outlier complexes worthy of serious attention, or the so-called pillars, begin already 20 kilometers below the village and stretch for five kilometers. Unlike those that were found at the very top, on Katanga, these outliers are composed of basalts and therefore have a slightly different appearance. Those were still monolithic and with smooth shapes. These ones seem to be made of bricks, even slightly resemble the structures in the children's game "Lego". They stand on the banks as guards, as if they are guarding the river. Or fortress walls will suddenly appear, or else something wonderful is guessed. Particularly rich in outliers are small canyon-like gorges formed by short side streams, in which they spent days in search of favorable angles. But the weather did not really allow to reveal all the possibilities. At one such parking lot, where we spent a couple of days, I was lucky enough to get to know the local inhabitants relatively closely. As soon as we landed on the shore, it immediately became clear that a bear family lived here. Everything is trampled around, heaps are piled up, eloquently telling about the diet of the owners of this gorge. Apparently, a mother with two cubs is registered here. On the second day, the weather decided to give unlimited opportunities for work, and we scattered from the camp, each in search of his own, the best perspective. Rather, Cyril remained somewhere closer to the entrance to the gorge, but it seemed to me that there was something better somewhere further away, and therefore gradually, with work, began to shift up the gorge. And the higher he went, the more signs of the presence of local inhabitants he found. So I got almost to the very end of the gorge, it will not be more than two kilometers. It was then that they made themselves felt. It looks like they saw the intruder for a long time, but did not disclose it. And then, one might say, pinned to the wall. The bear family, of course, could climb the hill and leave quietly. But such an alignment, probably, did not seem fair to them. At some point, about a hundred meters from me, behind the stream there was a rumble of crumbling stones, then a bear roared menacingly, and the cubs began to squeal with displeasure. It was not possible to see the dissatisfied, the dense forest thickets that hid them did not give. I did not dare to go further, having stood a little for the sake of order, I retired. So the sovereignty of the inhabitants was respected, but we were also quietly allowed to work in the lower part of the gorge.

As a matter of fact, the mouth of almost any tributary, both small and large, turned out to be interesting here. A long working stay was at the mouth of the Big Nirungda, a beautiful right tributary. They came to the place soaked and frozen. The weather does not allow to relax, here again today I amused myself with a cold rain with a headwind in addition. And the harbinger of this disgrace was an unusual silky cloudiness, which was not even too lazy to capture. The discovered object, that is, the mouth of the Great Nirungda, left no doubt about the need to pay attention to it. Along the Tunguska itself, a long and high wall at the very coast, right up to the mouth of the tributary, is lined with outliers, and along Nirungda they are. And at the head of this whole row of statues is one bizarre stone structure, reminiscent of either the head of a rooster or a man in a hat. It is amazing how this figure, folded from separate blocks and seemingly completely unstable, still holds on. It is doubtful that it will stand for a long time in this form. But a suitable parking space was not immediately found. As it turned out later, there is a hut just below the mouth, but they did not know about it then, and they wanted to stay higher, because this is where all the beauties are. In search of an acceptable place, we went a little deeper into the forest and stumbled upon a path that led to a well-hidden, but solid hut. If there is anything that brightens up the harsh everyday life of such travels, then these are the surprises presented at the right time. The catamaran, along with all the belongings, was dragged up the Nirungda, closer to the hut. Now you can light the stove, dry yourself calmly, cook dinner, dine at the table and lie down to sleep on the spacious plank beds. In every journey there is some moment, some point of the route, the memories of which then warm the soul for a long time. On Podkamennaya Tunguska, this place turned out to be here, in a wonderful hut at the mouth of the beautiful Big Nirungda. And this is despite the fact that they came here on the thirteenth on Friday.

Then we walked down the river for several days without days, but we didn’t hurry either, we paid attention to interesting objects. Immediately after Nirungda, there are two simple rapids with funny names - Grandmother and Grandfather. Here on the banks, here and there are scattered pieces of jet. Further the village with unusual name- Polygus. They tried to get in touch with Moscow, but it turned out that there was no such possibility, either temporarily, or always like that. Immediately beyond the rather nimble threshold of the Muchnaya, we watched a large river transport, tug of barges. People were scurrying around him, they say, they sat down here in the spring, and they still have not been able to drag them into the water, but this must be done before freezing. That is why this threshold is called that, because at one time many barges with flour lost their cargo here, they let fish feed. Below is very big island Kochenyatsky spent the night in a small company at the mouth of the left tributary of the Dyagdagli. This couple from Sverdlovsk, rafting from Baykit in a rubber boat, have been met for a long time. Periodically catching up, then again lagging behind, busy with work. And the island of Kochenyatsky, from the word numb, seems to be so named because someone here froze to death, not having, for some reason, the opportunity to get to the shore.

Then came the time of the Great Threshold. The severity of this obstacle was difficult to gauge from the meager descriptions from old travel reports. But the locals scared a little. Indeed, the threshold turned out to be the most significant in the entire river, so I had to strain a little. But in fact, this obstacle is not dangerous for rafting on a catamaran. It just turned out that the threshold was two-stage, which they did not know about. The second, no less powerful stage, took us when we relaxed and looked ahead victoriously, but then we had to duplicate everything. However, the obstacle was left behind without causing any damage, apart from a little water that swept over my right leg. The imminent end of the route became more conscious from now on. Ahead only a series of Velminsky rapids loomed, and then there was even water to the very Yenisei.

Once we spent the night, not reaching three kilometers of the mouth of a large left tributary called Velmo. We noticed a comfortable hut on the right bank. Nearby flows into Nizhniy Baikitik, a small rivulet. They occupied the dwelling in a businesslike manner, and a little later the real owners appeared, a man with a big beard and a boy, his son. We sailed on a motor boat, probably, they were going to spend the night here, but they did not drive out the guests. Not only did they leave us what products were, they also shared the grayling caught right there. Here, at the mouth of the Nizhny Baikitik, their net stands. In general, these are residents of Burny. Above Velmo, seven kilometers from the mouth, there is a village with that name. In the same place, the river of the same name flows into Velmo. And real Old Believers live there, it’s not bad, they say, they live. Now it's not even a bad thing to be Old Believers, young people are not taken into the army.
Velmo brought a fresh stream into the waters of the Podkamennaya Tunguska. For several kilometers, they seem to flow side by side, without mixing - the clear and greenish Velminskaya water and the brown water of the Podkamennaya Tunguska. A series of Velminsky rapids did not surprise with anything, they passed calmly.

Behind the rapids I liked the mouth of the right tributary, under the difficult to pronounce name - Maygungna. A nimble and rapids river flows beautifully and noisily into the Podkamennaya Tunguska. Just caught the flood, the heavy rains tried. We can say that before our eyes, Maygungna swelled with yellow water and with a frantic stream tried to quickly dump the excess load into big river... On the Tunguska itself, this flood did not have much effect, the water level almost did not rise. Not far from the mouth, of course, they found a hut for our comfortable stay. Small at all, you literally have to crawl into the doorway. It should be noted that in this part of the river, where Old Believers live, for some reason all the huts are so small. Really, really asceticism is inherent in them. In the hut, the two of us were somehow accommodated, but then we also had to make room, the guests arrived by boat, carrying some cargo down the river. We left two men on a fishing trip, and then went further and took them on the way back. Well, in tight quarters, but not offended. We shared with each other what we could. We spent three days on Maigungn, still the weather did not allow to reveal the creative potential of this place. And the wind was blowing so that a standing tripod easily knocked down to the ground. But nevertheless we grazed several interesting moments, and waited for meager glimpses of the sun.
And then, in working order, they began to slowly move to the exit from the river. Slightly higher than the village of Sulomai, higher than the Black Island, the mountains, as if saying goodbye, squeeze the Podkamennaya Tunguska in their arms, so that later they can let them go all the way to the Yenisei. This place is called Cheeks here. Farewell banks delight the eye with their stone sculptures, the river meanders beautifully in a narrow and deep passage. In Shcheki we also spent the night in a small hut. It stands on a steep bank, high from the water, about twenty or thirty meters vertically, but, apparently, in the spring the water rises directly under this hut. So narrow is this stone neck, which serves as a kind of gate on the way to the Yenisei.
We reached the Yenisei on August 28, safely crossed this huge river from the right to the left bank and stopped at the pier in the village of Bor. Here we had to wait a couple of days for the passing steamer to Krasnoyarsk, and here our long journey along the Podkamennaya Tunguska ended, a river worthy of dreaming about it, worthy of a dream come true.

People now meet more and more often, the field camps of mowers sometimes flaunt along the banks. Now is the most hay time. Already on the approaches to Vanavara, we even had to work out with a private cab. A man stands on the left bank and shouts loudly, trying to attract the attention of those who are on the other bank and are probably sleeping in the tent. He saw us, asked for help, you say, bother these idlers there, let me be transported to your place. Yes, what is there, we ourselves can transport. So they made money for lunch, fed us delicious borscht.

On this day, we did not go to the village, it was already late. All necessary establishments are probably closed. We got up for the night almost three kilometers away. But the village is visible from here, stands on the rise of the right bank. We went there in the morning, the catamaran was left in the boat parking lot. The boat owners take turns on guard, sitting in a beam, set up for this here, on the shore. Here is today's attendant and asked to look after our farm. We have nothing special to do in the village, just call our relatives and buy food. Almost at the entrance to the village, its name amused the cafe "Meteorite", sorry to be closed. Yes, its glory overshadowed this, still not understood phenomenon, the river itself. It was not far from Vanavara that this terrible explosion took place over the taiga in 1908. If it were somewhere in America, Vanavarians would live happily ever after and the cafes would not close, but only open. Spin the car of the travel industry. It may be for the best that not America is here, but Russia, therefore, not only corners that have not yet been touched, but simply huge territories have survived. But local residents have to survive at the expense of the taiga. Actually, like for many hundreds of years and earlier. And apparently, they do not live so badly. The village is clean, there are enough shops, everything you need is available. Communication with the world is also established, we got through without any problems. The main difficulty here is the delivery of the necessary fuel. And without this there is no way, electricity is provided by a diesel power plant. Delivery is not easy, in the spring from the bottom of the river, but it is far away and the rapids get in the way. In winter, when the swamps are frozen, winter roads open. Vanavara, too, for many years, from time immemorial, the Evenks set up their camps on this place. And then one Russian family, Vanya and Varya, seemed to have settled. This is where the name Vanavara came from. But this is only a version. Now there is a mixed population, but there will probably be more Russians. And only about three thousand live. The AN-24 flies to Krasnoyarsk, three times a week. But I have already been here. In 1999, our plane made an intermediate landing at the Vanavar airport on its way to Tura.

All city affairs did not take long, it was time to return to the shore and go further. The man on duty at the boathouse, although he did not forget about the hospitality, treated him to tea, but also showed vigilance. He asked to wait a little, and he went on a motorcycle to the village, supposedly he needed something there. He returned quickly, and five minutes later, as if by chance, the hunting inspector showed up. Do we have unregistered weapons? Yes, we do not have any, instead of guns, only tripods, which we demonstrated.

Directly opposite Vanavara, on the opposite bank, there is a kilometer mark. And she announces that there are 1145 kilometers left to the mouth. The path is not close already passed, the distance is about a third. Now the second third awaits us, this is just from Vanavara to Baykit. The two largest settlements on the river are conveniently located, they divide it into about three equal parts.

I must say that the second third turned out to be the most monotonous and uninteresting. Therefore, it took the least time. It took only two weeks for this 600-kilometer stretch. And the river is not moving badly, it helps. The current is almost everywhere, and sometimes the rapids are not very difficult. The landscapes do not impress with anything special, all that remains is to catch some rare conditions. So this part was not even remembered somehow, as if everything was done in one day. And consciousness has already been rebuilt and the perception of time has changed. What seemed unusual and unusual has become natural and commonplace. It is understandable why the locals are surprised that people from afar come to them. But still some impressions were remembered. The first residential village after Vanavara is called Oskoba. They did not enter it, but stopped for shooting and for tea on the higher opposite bank. And they were amazed that for an hour, while they were there, they did not notice a single local resident on the streets. Complete silence. They say that Old Believers live there.

Between Oskoboi and Miryuga there is a large section of the river called the Krivlyaki tract. And indeed, the river here grimaces, winds great between the peaks. Surprisingly, it was here that not a single winter hut was noticed along the banks, it would seem, in the most remote hunting place. And not a single one was met powerboat, is no longer a rarity elsewhere. In general, more and more often it is possible to spend the night in huts. It is very rare to come across winter quarters that are locked, but mostly, please, come in and live. Sometimes the houses are not even bad, even if you move to a permanent place of residence. I am used to this from the experience of other travels, but Kirill never ceases to be amazed at such communism. But in fact, there is no point in hanging locks. A good person will not take anything and leave everything in perfect order, and a bad one is not an obstacle.

Immediately after the next village Miryuga, we spent the night at the mouth of the right tributary called Podporozhnaya, passed just above the threshold, therefore it is called that. The morning pleased us with a dancing fog over the surface of the water. Probably, at the confluence of two rivers, air currents of different temperatures were formed, which caused a local condensation center in the form of a cloud of fog, constantly changing its configuration.

Just below the confluence of the Northern Tokura, we met the so-called ecological camp. With the money allocated by the administration of the Evenk District, children from Tura were taken here, ostensibly to familiarize themselves with the traditions of their ancestors. An impromptu chum has been set up, something is being made of birch bark. At the time of our arrival, most of the children had already been taken back to Baykit, and from there to Tura. Only a few adults remained, a girl of about five years old and still quite a toddler, chubby and amusing, but looking at the guests seriously. With him, his grandmother, says that in these places was once born and this is the territory of her family. At one time, there was a trail to the Angara.

At the mouth of the Kamo we went to visit the operating weather station. We, of course, were treated to everything that was on the table. And there was a pan full of fried meat. And while we were treating ourselves, we heard from the already elderly head of the meteorological station the usual speeches about how bad life is now and how good it used to be. But as soon as he found out that we were from Moscow, Muscovites were to blame for everything. I am not surprised at this for a long time, in distant lands it is customary to find fault with and blame for their troubles not only the government inhabiting Moscow, but also the inhabitants of this city themselves.

Baykit was approached on the 7th of August. Rather, just like on Vanavar, we stopped to spend the night just above the village. More precisely, right at the mouth of a large right tributary called the Chunya. This evening presented an unforgettable sunset, a worthy decoration of our Tunguska photographic collection. We got to the village the next day, and even on the outskirts of it they had an unexpected acquaintance. We moored to the shore to take pictures of Baykit from the side, and then a truck stopped nearby. There is a small section of the road along the bank to Chuna for hayfields. A tall man got out of the car, found out who we were, why and where from, and then asked if we knew Vladimir Koval. At that time he was not personally acquainted, but what landscape photographer does not know the Kovalei brothers. It is on Chun that the elder Koval, that is, Vladimir, has already spent many photographic seasons. And he stops in Baykit, as it turned out, just at this person. Well, what about Baykit. The village is not at all small, about five thousand inhabitants, almost a real city. And they were able to call where necessary and buy the necessary products. The catamaran at this time again remained on the shore, under the supervision of the watchmen in the boat parking lot.

Heavenly stones, comets and Nikola Tesla were not involved in the monstrous catastrophe that happened on June 30, 1908 in Siberia

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This riddle is over a century old. On June 30 (June 17, old style), 1908, a global event took place in Siberia, in the basin of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, north of the village of Vanavara. There were flights of fireballs, powerful air explosions, earth shaking, etc. Judging by publications in newspapers, initially there were three versions of the phenomenon: a meteorite, ball lightning (or a whole series of them) and an earthquake. The death of people was not recorded and therefore soon the details of the event began to be forgotten, which was facilitated by the subsequent world and civil wars.

In the 1920s, interest in the Tunguska phenomenon was awakened. The initiator and leader of the first serious expeditions to the Tunguska, the devotee of science, Leonid Alekseevich Kulik, carried out a large amount of research. He found a huge radial fall of the forest with trees standing without bark and branches in the center of the fall. Many of them were burned. It seemed that only a space alien could have the energy necessary for this. Therefore, at that time, the meteorite version of the phenomenon prevailed.

Leonid Kulik, the first explorer of the Tunguska meteorite. Please note on the calendar - June 30, the date of the event

There was a swamp in the center of the forest fellout. Kulik suggested that this is the crater from the meteorite. But neither Kulik nor his followers succeeded in finding even a small piece of meteorite matter. The war and death of Kulik suspended field studies.

The results of pre-war research were summarized by Kulik's student and member of his expeditions, Evgeny Leonidovich Krinov, who published in 1949 the book "The Tunguska Meteorite", which was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1952. True, very many circumstances did not fit into the official picture of events, but here they acted simply - such circumstances were explained by the illiteracy of the witnesses and were excluded from consideration, and instead of them, invented ones were added, for example, only one flew heavenly body and it had a smoky tail.

The meteorite hypothesis of the Tunguska explosion acquired the status of the ultimate truth in the USSR. Millions of Soviet people were introduced to this truth through encyclopedias and school textbooks.

In the 50s, it was possible to start expeditionary work at a new stage. K. Florensky, N. Vasiliev, G. Plekhanov and other famous scientists have made great efforts to study the Tunguska problem. A lot of factual material was collected, and it was also established that the explosion was airborne and hardly anything reached the earth's surface. From this it followed that the term "meteorite" had nothing to do with this phenomenon (meteorite is a space body that fell on the earth's surface). Then it was suggested that it was not a meteorite, but the nucleus of an icy comet, evaporated from aerodynamic heating in the atmosphere. But no decisive success was achieved in this area either.

Hundreds of other hypotheses appeared, but none of them corresponded to the whole complex of circumstances.

So what happens? All versions of the Tunguska phenomenon contradict one or another of its characteristics. Maybe it is worth returning to its original state when, in addition to the meteorite possible option the causes of the phenomenon were considered ball lightning (or a whole series of them) and an earthquake? On this path, the idea of ​​the Moscow physicist Andrei Olkhovatov turned out to be fruitful. He proved that the primary cause of the Tunguska event was indeed an earthquake.


The circumstances of this event in modern publications are described distortedly due to the influence of the hypothesis of the Tunguska meteorite. Therefore, these circumstances will have to be stated anew and as objectively as possible.

So, not far from the village of Vanavara, in the area of ​​ancient volcanic pipes, a disaster struck. Within a radius of more than 600 km from the center of the event, the earth shook and trembled. Seismic waves of this phenomenon were recorded by seismographs in Tashkent, Tbilisi, Jena (Germany).

The seismograph of the Irkutsk meteorological observatory at 7:17 am local time registered the beginning of the earthquake, which was assigned the number 1536. There were several main underground shocks. The earthquake was accompanied by air explosions of such power that the sound was heard within a radius of up to 1200 km, and the instruments recorded that the air wave circled the globe twice.

A few minutes after the series of explosions, a disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field was recorded, which lasted for about four hours. Anomalous celestial phenomena began before June 30. On the middle Volga on June 17-19, the northern lights were observed. Since June 21, in many places in Europe and Western Siberia, the sky was full of brightly colored dawns. On the night from June 30 to July 1, from Siberia to Western Europe, almost no night fell, noctilucent clouds shone brightly in the sky. By July 4, celestial anomalies were largely over.

Numerous frightened witnesses on the morning of June 30 in the southern part of Central Siberia observed the flight of fireballs. Each observer saw one ball, but the direction of its movement was different in different areas - mainly to the epicenter of the phenomenon.

Many saw in the sky wide multi-colored moving stripes or pillars of fire and circles, after the disappearance of which explosions began. Others heard loud noise and hum in the absence of the wind.

In the taiga, trees were felled in a circle with a radius of 30 km and the vegetation cover was burned. The energy of the air explosion, estimated from this radial felling of trees, is estimated at 10-40 megatons of TNT (1000 Hiroshima bombs).

Russian newspapers wrote about this phenomenon as follows:

"On June 17 in the morning, at the beginning of 9 am, we observed some unusual natural phenomenon. In the village of N-Karelinsky ... the peasants saw in the north-west, quite high above the horizon, something extremely strong (it was impossible look) a body shining with a white bluish light, moving for 10 minutes from top to bottom. The body was represented in the form of a "pipe", that is, cylindrical.The sky was cloudless, only not high above the horizon, in the same side in which the luminous body was observed, a small dark cloud was noticeable.It was hot, dry.Nearing to the ground (forest), the shiny body seemed to blur, in its place a huge cloud of black smoke was formed and an extremely strong knock (not thunder) was heard, as if from large falling stones or All the buildings were trembling. All the inhabitants of the village fled in panic in the street, the women cried, everyone thought that the end of the world was coming ... At that time in Kirensk, some watched in the northwest, as it were, Xia, according to the testimony of some, horizontally, and according to the testimony of others - very obliquely ... The phenomenon has stirred up a lot of rumors, Some say that this is a huge meteorite, others that it is ball lightning (or a whole series of them). " (Newspaper "Siberia" / Irkutsk / July 2 st. Art. / 1908).

“In Kansk, Yenisei province, on June 17, at 9 o'clock in the morning, there was an earthquake. An underground blow followed, Doors, windows, icon lamps near the icons - everything swayed. There was a hum as from a distant cannon shot. After 5-7 minutes, a second blow followed, stronger than the first, accompanied by the same rumble. A minute later, another blow, but weaker than the first two. " (Newspaper "Voice of Tomsk" dated July 15, 1908).

At the same time, the inhabitants of Vanavara (65 km from the epicenter) saw a dazzling ball in the northern part of the sky, which seemed brighter than the sun. It turned into a pillar of fire. The ground swayed underfoot, there was a crash, repeated many times like thunderclaps. The buildings shook, causing panic among the population.

Local resident Semyon Semyonov said: “Suddenly, in the north, the sky split in two (that is, a strip appeared in the sky), and a fire appeared in it, wide and high above the forest, which engulfed the entire northern part sky. At that moment, I felt so hot, as if my shirt was on fire. I wanted to rip and throw off my shirt, but the sky slammed shut (that is, the streak disappeared), and there was a strong blow. I was thrown off the porch by three fathoms. After the blow, there was such a knock, as if stones were falling from the sky or guns were firing, the earth trembled, and when I lay on the ground, I pressed my head, fearing that the stones would not break my head. At that moment, when the sky opened, a hot wind swept from the north, like from a cannon, which left traces on the ground in the form of paths. Then it turned out that many of the glass in the windows had been broken, and the iron tab for the door lock had been broken near the barn. "

And here is what happened near the epicenter. When the tremors arose, the brothers Chuchancha and Chekaren slept in their tent. Suddenly there was a whistle and the noise of falling trees. Immediately a strong thunderclap struck and the wind struck, bringing down the chum. From under the fallen plague, one of the brothers saw lightning over the mountain and immediately heard a strong thunder. When the brothers got out, a third lightning struck in another place in the sky. More thunder and wind that knocked them down. Everything around was on fire and trees were falling. A fourth lightning flashed overhead. There was a fifth, but already somewhere on the sidelines. Ulkigo, who lived in those parts, had other impressions. He woke up in a plague when dogs suddenly howled and children began to cry. After a while, the earth began to shake, the chum began to sway, and the sounds of shooting were heard. When Ulkigo jumped out of the plague, he saw how thunder flashed and resounded in the cloudless sky. Trees fell, forests and grass were burning. There was a lot of smoke and it got hot. Other old-timers noted that water gushed out from under the ground in a fountain (this lasted for several days), the water in the lake was going around, there was a smell of sulfur, a swamp formed at the site of the explosion, peat was torn out of the ground in places and lay nearby in an inverted state.

Let us note the characteristic features of this phenomenon:

1) glowing objects (balls, pillars, cylinders) moving in different directions were observed in the sky, as well as multi-colored stripes and circles; 2) the onset of the earthquake preceded the onset of air explosions;

3) a powerful heat flow was noted, burning people and trees;

4) repeated aerial explosions were associated with lightning;

5) the main phase of the phenomenon lasted more than 10 minutes;

6) the phenomenon was preceded and followed by celestial anomalies over Eurasia.


American researchers from Denver in laboratory conditions found that a granite cube under high pressure begins to create electromagnetic radiation and electrical potentials appear on its edges. Hence, it is clear that a stream of electromagnetic radiation should emanate from the depths, the constant component of which is determined by the enormous static pressure, and the variable - by tectonic dynamic non-stationary processes (cracking, faults, shifts). This stream comes out to the surface of the planet and permeates the entire atmosphere, down to the ionosphere. Back in 1979, it was established that when flying over the source of strong earthquakes, the instruments of the Interkosmos-19 satellite recorded flashes of electromagnetic noise. Moreover, ionospheric disturbances began several hours before the earthquake. In general, unusual phenomena before and during an earthquake are recorded at all levels of the atmosphere and on the surface of the Earth.

In the earthquake in China in 1976 (a record for the number of deaths), 5 hours before the first strikes, the night sky was illuminated for 20 minutes, like during the day. And in half an hour, a powerful flash of intermittent light (first red, then silvery-blue and, finally, dazzling white) gave the impression of an atomic explosion. Many white and red lights were visible hundreds of kilometers away. After the earthquake, in some areas the leaves of trees and garden plants were burnt.

In 1999, during an earthquake in Turkey, fires of round and triangular shapes, white, yellow, red and blue in color, were lit in the sky for 5 - 20 minutes. Immediately before the earthquake, the sea water warmed up and began to glow red, although there are no underwater volcanoes in this place.

According to the results of the analysis of satellite images, American and Indian scientists found that bright green spots appeared in the water column above the source of the future earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004, which disappeared after the relaxation of the tension in the earth's crust. This phytoplankton, due to the heating of the water, multiplied intensively in those areas of the ocean where tension was growing.

VORTEX hostile

When the flow of electromagnetic radiation overcomes local inhomogeneities of the strata rocks or when the active point of cracking moves in this flow, vortices can arise. The variety of the structure of the lithosphere and the processes of rupture of the constituent rocks during tectonic activity gives rise to a huge variety of forms of electromagnetic flows and eddies released into the atmosphere during underground storms.

A powerful vortex can cause ionization of the air and the formation of a plasmoid in the form of a body of revolution, the shape of which is completely determined by the structure of the vortex. Most often it is a ball, but the shape of a disk, cylinder, toroid (donut) is possible. So the fiery toroid was observed in October 2009 over the Volokolamsk highway.

The formation of a plasma body by a vortex creates nonlinearity and dispersion of the medium, which is a condition for the existence of a vortex in the form of a bulk soliton, which significantly prolongs its life. This is exactly what ball lightning is, whose life can end if the conditions for the existence of a soliton are violated with a smooth disappearance or explosion.

The vortices born in the depths and forming a plasmoid in the atmosphere, in principle, are no different from ball lightning generated by thunderstorm activity and received scientific recognition just a century and a half ago. English professor B. Goodlet once observed how a ball lightning the size of an orange flew into a 16-liter barrel of water and brought the water to a boil. This made it possible to determine that the density of energy contained in lightning is approximately equal to 5 million joules per liter of its volume. In other cases, explosions of small fireballs destroyed furnaces and killed people.

Now you need to calculate how large the fire cylinder was, observed during the Tunguska diva. The village of Nizhnekarelinskoe is located 460 km from the epicenter. To observe a cylinder glowing in the sky on the horizon from such a distance, it must be at an altitude of about 15 km with normal refraction of the atmosphere. The peasants saw this object at the beginning of the phenomenon “high above the horizon”. If we estimate this "high" at an angle of 6 degrees (12 apparent diameters of the Sun), then the initial position of the object is at an altitude of about 60 km.

Within 10 minutes, the object descended to the horizon (i.e., to a height of 15 km), where the explosions began. What was the size of the glowing object? The peasants saw it as a vertically oriented cylinder. The resolution of the human eye is on the order of one arc minute, which makes it possible to observe a 100-meter object with one point at a distance of 460 km. But the residents of Nizhnekarelin saw it not in the form of a dot or a line, but in the form of a cylinder. To do this, you need to observe several dozen resolution elements.

Scientists believe that the source of radiation, mistaken for the "Tunguska meteorite", could be in the depths

Suppose that 2 resolution elements fit in the diameter of the cylinder, and 10 in height, then the diameter of the cylinder had to be at least 200 m, and the height - 1000 m. The volume of such a cylinder would be 30 million cubic meters. Taking into account the known energy density in ball lightning, the total energy of the Tunguska cylinder will be more than 10 to the 17th power of joules, which corresponds to the TNT equivalent of 20 megatons. This is exactly how much energy is needed for the felling of a forest within a radius of 30 km.

Note by the way that the total energy of electromagnetic radiation during an earthquake is most likely of the same order of magnitude with the energy of the seismic processes of this earthquake. Therefore, it can be argued that the Tunguska earthquake had a magnitude of about 8.


In 1996, a publication appeared in the United States that the Tunguska meteorite is a man-made phenomenon, and its author could have been Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the founder of the modern electric power industry. Near New York, he built a laboratory with a 300 kW power plant and a 60 m high Wardencliff tower, ending in a twenty meter sphere. A barrel was pierced under the tower, in which high-frequency vibrators were installed.

On the night of June 15, 1903, the sky lit up not only over Long Island, where Tesla's tower stood, but also over part of the Atlantic Ocean. From the top of the structure, cords of electrical discharges rushed into the sky, a mysterious glow emanated from the people. Thanks to the resonance Tesla managed to excite the powerful natural energy sources contained in the ionosphere and lithosphere of the planet.

But in 1905, Tesla suddenly left the laboratory without even taking the paper. As his biographers write, he never returned here. It is very likely that he understood the likelihood of removing the planet from a stationary state with catastrophic consequences for it. Maybe he remembered leaving a vibrator connected to the frame of a building unattended in his New York lab a few years ago. The vibrator frequency matched the resonant frequency of the building. After a while, the building began to sway, involving neighboring buildings in this process. Tesla had to break the vibrator with a hammer. If he had not done this, the building would have collapsed. He told the policemen and firefighters that it was a natural earthquake. They believed the lies of the authoritative scientist.

Maybe the biographers are wrong and Tesla secretly returned to the laboratory on Long Island after 3 years? But in order to participate in the Tunguska phenomenon, he would have to start up his power plant, which requires a centner of coal per hour, and with the help of the tower, excite the earth's ionosphere and lithosphere. It is hard to imagine that he was throwing coal into the furnace and simultaneously switching electrical circuits. So he needed assistants who were fired three years ago. Therefore, it was hardly possible to keep secret the return of the chief.

The work of the tower, as you know, was accompanied by the glow of the sky and cords of lightning. The glow of the sky at 8 o'clock in the evening New York time could be overlooked, but lightning certainly could not go unnoticed.

And finally, the most important thing. If Tesla were told that he was accused of the Tunguska disaster, he would be very surprised. Indeed, in order to purposefully send huge energy somewhere, the Wardencliffe tower alone is not enough. To do this, he was going to build five similar towers in different places of the Earth (Amsterdam, China and close to the poles), but this project was not implemented due to lack of funding and loss of interest in the developer.

Thus, neither space bodies, nor Tesla personally are involved in the phenomenon. As a result, it turns out that the Tunguska miracle is an earthly natural phenomenon.

Each powerful earthquake is unique and the Tunguska earthquake is unique in its own way. Earthquake No. 1536 with a magnitude of about 8 was accompanied by the release of electromagnetic radiation from the depths into the atmosphere, which formed ball lightning with a total energy of 20 megatons, which ended their existence in explosions. The formation of such record lightning is explained by the presence of pipes of an ancient volcano in the earthquake source, which properly focused the electromagnetic radiation of the bowels. Before the earthquake began, and then - the explosions of ball lightning. The glow of the sky before the earthquake was caused by a large-scale increase in voltage in the lithosphere and a corresponding emission of fluxes of electromagnetic radiation that excited the ionosphere. After the earthquake, it quickly declined. And what kind of balloons were flying in the sky? This is how they usually fly during many earthquakes. There were several balls of different colors on Tunguska and they flew in several directions, and not arbitrarily, but over local activated tectonic faults.


The given explanation, in contrast to all other known hypotheses, corresponds to absolutely ALL objective circumstances of the phenomenon and does not contradict any of them. This confirms the truth of the explanation. Thus, the secret of the Tunguska phenomenon is fully disclosed. But this does not mean that it does not need to be studied further. On the contrary, the disclosure of the secret allows to focus the efforts of many researchers in the direction of studying the processes taking place on our planet Earth.

Megaliths of Podkamennaya Tunguska. Podkamennaya Tunguska is one of three large rivers flowing into the Yenisei. It is known thanks to the so-called Tunguska phenomenon of 1908, when a monstrous explosion occurred in the basin of this river northwest of the Evenk village of Vanavara, which had catastrophic consequences for all living things. The fact that in the channel of the Podkamennaya Tunguska there are megalithic remnants is known only to local residents, but to the workers of the Central Siberian Reserve, around which it was created. It is not surprising, since with Big Earth very few people get here; who agrees unique photo and video material, others simply go by rafting across the entire Evenkia, in order to throw off the shackles of civilization at least for a while, there are also individual researchers of this region. In this article, we will consider two sections of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, with a unique energy and a kind of physical structure of stone outliers. Sulomay pillars. Eighty kilometers above the village of Sulomai on Podkamennaya Tunguska there is the first megalithic site.This is a narrow half-kilometer canyon with steep slopes, which are vertical pillars of various intricate shapes up to 80 meters high. Among the locals, these rocks are called "podkamenskiy cheeks". This natural monument is a special pride of the Central Siberian Reserve, on the territory of which it is located. It is often compared to the more famous Lena Pillars because of their similarity. According to official geology, the nature of these structures is weathering and erosion processes of "rocks of the Lower Triassic trap formation". The legends of local residents are also not very original - all these are members of the same family, who once lived here, turned into stone. The names of the rocks also indicate such a relationship: Grandmother, Mother, Grandfather, Granddaughter. Podkamennaya Tunguska is located beyond the border of civilization, even by Siberian standards, and access to these regions is possible only by water - the main transport routes in the north of Siberia. Although Sulomai is located only 70 kilometers from the mouth, which flows into the Yenisei Pokamennaya Tunguska, the attendance of these attractions is very small.Of course, the administration of the reserve located in the village of Bor on the Yenisei can organize an introductory excursion to the megalithic complex, but you still need to swim to the mouth of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, and there are no other roads here. In this regard, I recalled the expeditions of Georgy Sidorov to the ancient temples on the Tym River. To those distant objects the author I also traveled by boat along the river system to explore in detail some of the mounds. It so happened that the same story happened to the Sulomay pillars. In 2016, the famous Krasnoyarsk researcher of ancient megalithic structures drew attention to this rock complex. Andrey Khudonogov... I already wrote about this person in two topics: Krasnoyarsk Pillars and the Ergaki complex. At the end of June 2017, together with the polar traveler Igor Chapalov, he rafted to the megaliths of Podkamennaya Tunguska on the Russian North motor catamaran. At the moment, this reconnaissance expedition is the only one of its kind among the few tourist trips describing the sights of the Podkamennaya Tunguska. Upon his return from the expedition, Andrey wrote to Facebook a short note, where he shared his opinion on the man-madeness of these rocky outliers: - As I already wrote, before visiting the Sulomayskie Pillars, I was absolutely sure that, by analogy with the Lena Pillars, this is a natural formation. But even as a result of a very superficial investigation, we were able to find many oddities and fragments that are difficult to explain by natural factors. In this post I will try to list them, but not make any categorical conclusions, but arrange the main discussion at a special seminar dedicated only to this complex. 1. In contrast to the limestone Lenskie, the Sulomayskie consist of a rock that is much more durable. On the Internet, it is called basalt, but at the same time it has a fine-crystalline structure. It is hard to believe that the water washed over 100-meter "passages" in such rock. 2. These "passages" are located not only perpendicular to the river flow, but also along it, i.e. the towers are, as it were, arranged in a certain order, in several rows. 3. The most destroyed pillars have a conical or similar shape, while the surface texture of the destroyed and preserved areas is noticeably different. 4. Some of the pillars are very well preserved, and have strictly sheer lateral surfaces, while their texture resembles a roughly plastered wall without joints and seams. 5. Almost all towers at the base have a circular or oval projection in cross-section. 6. Several rows of towers previously stood closer to the water, but were destroyed by ice drifts, the remains of their round or elliptical bases are visible.
7. On the destroyed sections of the towers, you can see that they consist of several layers of blocks of various shapes, and the corner blocks have a rounded surface (last photo).
Unfortunately, most of photos with anomalous fragments and details were seized from the author of the post by the Spirits of the Locality along with a camera, which, on the one hand, may mean unwillingness to share secrets, and on the other, an invitation to a new, more prepared and equipped expedition to conduct full-fledged research. Khudonogov Megaliths of Baykit. In addition to the Sulomaysky pillars on the Podkamennaya Tunguska, there is another very long section with steeple-like rocky outcrops. They begin two kilometers from the village of Baykit down the river and stretch to another remote village of Polygus. Here is the most picturesque site on Podkamennaya Tunguska.The first complexes of rocks worthy of serious attention, or the so-called pillars, begin 20 kilometers below Baykit and stretch for five kilometers. - Unlike those that were found at the very top, on Katanga, these remnants are composed of basalts and therefore have a slightly different appearance. Those were still monolithic and with smooth shapes. These ones seem to be made of bricks, even slightly resemble the structures in the children's game "Lego". Karpukhin S. - An amazingly beautiful workshop stretches for 250-300 km. Openwork stone compositions on the right and on the left, with a certain amount of fantasy and imagination, changes in illumination and angle of view, take on different shapes. Either a seated eagle, now a grandmother with a granddaughter, a tent, a rearing bear - and next to it a hunter with a palm tree (an Evenk hunting knife on a stick) is ready to repel an attack. Magnificent laces fascinate and cause genuine admiration. We can safely say that here is one of the most attractive places on Podkamennaya Tunguska. I was lucky to see a lot in the vastness of our Motherland, and Pillars on Podkamennaya Tunguska, in my opinion, deserve the right to be included in the list of "Miracles of Russia". Kuznetsov N. Rocky remnants of this section of the Podkamennaya Tunguska can easily compete with the Lena Pillars in size and beauty. There are especially many of them in the mouths of almost any small tributary of the river. - Along the Tunguska itself, by an extended and high wall at the very coast, right up to the mouth of the tributary, outliers are built, and along Nirungda they are. And at the head of this whole row of statues is one bizarre stone structure, reminiscent of either the head of a rooster or a man in a hat. It is amazing how this figure, folded from separate blocks and seemingly completely unstable, still holds on. Karpukhin S. A feature of this site is a large number of freestanding vertical outliers of highly elongated shape. Some of them have a block structure, others are crowned with seids - stones standing in an unnatural position or on thin legs. Author's opinion:

Those travelers who have visited the megaliths of the Podkamennaya Tunguska note a large number of different images embodied in stone. This is nothing more than a kind of creativity of stone entities, which, by concentrating energy at certain points, achieve an increase in the "muscle mass" of the stone and thereby form the necessary bas-relief. The images of such sculptures are thought forms of the past captured in space and revived. This is how the theory of stone growth, which we called budding, was commented to us by the Supreme Intelligence: - D a, resembles budding. In addition, there is a build-up, overlay of layers. As a result of internal growth, the stone rises, and then this zone of swelling is separated from the main stone. You can think of it as budding if you like, but most of the propagation occurs through the layered structure. This method is the most preferable and fast for the stone. So with esoteric point of view, and various images appear on the stones and, accordingly, the names of the stones. I am very careful about the possible man-madeness of these rocky outliers, but the fact is that the energy saturation of the stone castles of the Podkamennaya Tunguska is clearly felt by me, especially in the Baikit area. In part, this concentration is achieved due to the form of menhirs - elongated emitters of energy. In some places, the outliers are generally a solid palisade. It is known that the ancient people actively used energy-active zones, in particular, for the creation of cult objects. And in terms of the scale and degree of preservation of stone forms, one can draw conclusions about their very ancient origin. According to E.P. Blavatsky, who wrote the "Secret Doctrine" with the mediation of the Mahatmas, a few million years ago, the land of the Earth was represented by a huge Lemurian continent in the shape of a horseshoe. He conquered, among other things, the territories of present-day Siberia, where there was a civilization of multi-meter giants, which were led by the divine messengers of Manu, who gave them various useful technologies. - They built huge cities. From rare soils and metals they built, from fireseruptions, from white stone mountains and black stone, they carved their own images, according to their size and likeness, and worshiped them. Book of Dzyan - The Lemurians, in their sixth subrace, build their first rocky cities from lava and stone.E. Blavatsky Therefore, it is quite possible that the ancient Lemurians at the dawn of the formation of mankind several million years ago used the natural features of this place and created megalithic structures, which after such a long time turned into steeple-like stone outliers. There are even images from the relatively recent past of one of the representatives of the people who once lived here. Here he is in the photo on the right - a spitting image of an Indian, that is, a representative of Atlantis. According to the legends of the East, recorded by Roerich N.K. this empire, the main continent of which was located in the Atlantic Ocean, had colonies on the territory modern Russia on the border with their rivals Arct, who lived on four islands Hyperborea. It is noteworthy that menhirs were actively used by the heirs of the Atlantic magical traditions in Ancient egypt... There they were called the haze of Cleopatra. As can be seen from the many photographs on Podkamennaya Tunguska, there are many similar emitters, only already very dilapidated. It is understandable how many tens of millennia have passed since those times. 05.12.2017 Rostovtsev Sergey Rubicon website Materials (edit)