You don't have to search. You won't have to. What is the advantage of a virtual casino over a real game of cards?

Adverch, number of synonyms: 1 will profit (4) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Adverb, number of synonyms: 3 nowhere to go (4) nowhere to go (4) ... Synonym dictionary

Everything, as necessary, for endurance, that which falls under the arm, that God puts on his soul, whatever is horrible, without choosing, without choosing, whatever will have to, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever gets, what's under the hand will fall into the Dictionary of Russian synonyms. ... ... Synonym dictionary

Somehow, at random, without choice, play naughty, carelessly, for restraint, as God will put on your soul, somehow, without choosing what will happen, somehow, carelessly, at random, randomly. Dictionary of Russian synonyms. as you have to adverb, count in ... ... Synonym dictionary

where / how / who / where ... will have to- an expression that is integral in meaning; union + predicate 1. An expression that is integral in meaning. The same as "something where", "something like", etc. Does not require punctuation marks. It was difficult, because we worked hard and received forty-six rubles ... ...

From the poem " Railway"(1864) Ya. A. Nekrasov (1821 1877). Allegorically: regret not having to see the embodiment of some wonderful prospects (jokingly ironic). Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M .: "Lokid ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Adverb, number of synonyms: 11 all (95) any (12) that God puts on the soul (10) ... Synonym dictionary

- “WHEN YOU WILL COME TO ARGUE” (Martynova), see New Year's madrigals and epigrams. Lermontov Encyclopedia / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Rus. lit. (Pushkin. House); Sci. ed. Council of the Publishing House of Sov. Encyclopedia. ; Ch. ed. Manuilov V.A., Editorial board .: Andronikov I.L., ... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

who will / where will it be- see where / how / who / where ... will have to ... Punctuation Dictionary

WEDDING DAY WILL HAVE TO BE REFINED, USSR, Film Studio. M. Gorky, 1979, color, 92 min. Melodrama. Cast: Evgenia Simonova (see Evgenia Pavlovna SIMONOVA), Boris Shcherbakov (see Boris Vasilievich SHCHERBAKOV), Nikolai Pastukhov (see Nikolai PASTUKHOV ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Then you will have to dance when your legs are gone. See the FORMER FUTURE ... IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs


  • "If you have to go ...", N. I. Granovskaya. The essay guide introduces the Pushkin places of the Gatchina region Leningrad region: with the Museum "House of Nanny A. Pushkin" in the village of Kobrin, with the Museum of road life "House of the station ...
  • Even if you have to die ..., Nikolay Toman. The book contains two stories: "Beli even have to die ..." and "Stronger than fear". The first story tells how a police inspector, relying on the help of factory militiamen, leads ...

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We are in site we love to write articles about different countries, and recently we thought that it is always interesting to look at ourselves from the outside.

Therefore, we wrote about how people who came here for the first time see Russia, what has sunk into their souls and what surprised them the most.

13. Convenience stores and bars

“In Germany, people who work in shops and cafes also want to relax on weekends and sleep at night. In Russia, if you are impatient to buy flowers in the middle of the night, you can do it. Go to a restaurant - please! Buy boots, damn it? Already more difficult, but I think it is possible. Even in new year's eve shops are open, can you imagine? " - Hans, Germany.

12. Video recorders

  • "Why does everyone in Russia have a video recorder?" - foreigners ask. This device has already become a new symbol of Russia, even the fall of the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite filmed it is on the DVR.
  • It may seem that they are hooked on a car specifically to upload any trash to YouTube. In fact, DVRs are needed to prove their case if a difficult situation occurs on the road, and not to become a victim of police corruption, which, alas, occurs in Russia.

11. Long distances

Not all foreigners know a lot about Russia, but everyone knows that it is huge. Such long distances leave an imprint on the character and worldview of our people.

  • If you tell a European that your city is not far from Moscow, only 800 km away, he will laugh and say that for him it is very far, it’s like driving 3-4 countries.
  • Also, many are surprised that in a not densely populated Russia there are many (as many as 15) million-plus cities - more only in China, India and Brazil. Why? Apparently, the Russians like to stay closer to each other. And the larger the city, the easier it is with work.

10. Personal space

  • “There is a strange idea about him here. Often a stranger is introduced into my personal space, making it impossible, for example, to examine the product in a store, '' said Irina from Texas. “Barely a familiar person can slap you on the shoulder, call you a friend, or offer you a drink — that's the norm.”
  • The same applies to the concept of privacy. In many countries, you can only discuss a certain range of neutral topics with colleagues: the weather, weekend plans, cooking, and maybe something else. In the Russian office, they may ask you anything, including whether you have children and if not, why, they will also give advice.
  • We think that the fact that Russians often had to live in small apartments played a role here, children and parents often live in the same room - what kind of personal space is there?

9. Crazy on the doors

  • "If you come to visit a Russian who does not live in a private house, do not be surprised that you have to go through 4 metal doors with locks: the entrance to the entrance, the entrance to the vestibule and 2 doors leading to the apartment, one after the other." , - Elena, Australia.
  • This is done, firstly, for safety, and secondly, for heat and sound insulation.

8. Moscow metro

  • “I have traveled 5 continents, but I have not seen a more beautiful metro! It looks classic, yet it is so modern, there is wi-fi ”, - Anup, India.
  • “The Moscow metro is a separate attraction, the stations built in the 1930s are simply breathtaking. They look like underground palaces: marble columns, bas-reliefs, chandeliers, mosaics. Plus, the metro is also inexpensive. ”- Amanda, USA

7. A lot of tea

  • “Everyone thinks that in Russia they drink vodka all the time, in fact, everyone here is constantly drinking tea! Coffee is drunk once or maximum 2 times a day. Lunch ends here with tea, the phrase “let's have some tea” sounds constantly. Surprisingly, there is green tea in almost every home. In my home country, I saw him only in Japanese restaurants ”, - Mikko, Finland.
  • “I wanted to buy a special kettle in which water for tea is boiled in Russia. Very comfortably!" - Katie, USA. (I wonder if she knows we have another teapot to brew already?)
  • By the way, it was funny for us in the editorial office when at the request of "russian tea" an orange drink appeared in the SERP, consisting of orange juice and tea with spices. Is it really our way?

6. Attitude towards snow

  • In Russia, snowfall is a common thing, and here no one is afraid of it. While the snow is falling, adults go to work, children go to school, in general, life goes on as usual.
  • “I was in Yekaterinburg, - says Anup from India, - there is so LOT of snow that it even reached my knees. I was shocked by what my Russian friend told me: when he was little, his parents' car was completely covered in snow, up to the roof. "

5. Russian speech

  • “My Spaniard friend said that when I was talking to my friend in Russian, it seemed to him that we were making fun of him and uttering a meaningless set of sounds,” says Maria.
  • “Damn, Russian sounds cool! This is one of the few languages ​​that I enjoy listening to ”- Ivar, USA.

    “It is impossible to separate one word from another, it is not clear when a sentence begins and ends. It is very difficult to understand intonation. In Russian, I distinguish mainly the sounds "sh", "x" and "r" ", - Meeri, Finland.

    “I find Russian melodic, but it’s impossible to repeat what I’ve heard. The alphabet, the funny letters amazes the most, ”- Rosa, Spain.

4. Kiosks

  • Cathy writes from Minnesota: “Here's what I liked about Russia: if you need to buy something, you don't have to look for it for a long time. There are kiosks on every street in Russia where you can buy everything - from snacks to newspapers, from mobile phone to the remote control to the TV. "
  • “There are booths at every corner where clothes and shoes are repaired. If you have a broken zipper on your down jacket (like mine) or you need to replace the heel (this also happened) - you will quickly get it all repaired. "

3. Home slippers

  • “The culture of slippers is very strong in Russia. When guests come to you, they take off their shoes and put on slippers. You do the same when you enter the house, because the streets in Russia are usually dirty, the floors in the apartments are cool, and the slippers are really comfortable! When I returned to the States, I couldn't stop wearing them at home. ”- Joanne, USA.
  • And how foreigners are surprised when they find out that even children have to wear replaceable shoes to school. There is one more rational grain here - in winter it is hot to walk in warm boots for half a day.

2. Superstition

  • “I was surprised to what extent Russians believe in omens. How many times have I seen: if they have to pass under such an arch made of pillars, they will certainly bypass it. What's the catch?" - Anup, India.
  • “You cannot step over another person's outstretched leg. It is bad if you spilled salt. If you didn’t give me your hand at the meeting, then you don’t respect. How many conventions and superstitions! It is difficult for a European to get used to it at first, ”- Jaroslav, Czech Republic.
  • “Before going on a trip, you should sit in silence for a minute (on your suitcase, on a chair - it doesn't matter). I think this is a great sign that helps you remember if you have forgotten something, ”- Sarah, France.

1. Friendliness and sense of humor of Russians

Almost all foreigners said that before arriving in Russia, they thought that it was inhabited by emotionless, gloomy people. But many point out that this was the biggest misconception. Even though Russians really rarely smile and may look extremely stern, they have a soft heart, a good sense of humor (they are not averse to ironic over themselves too) and they are ready to help even a stranger.

How to change your life has become a bestseller. And I thought: “How long can you develop? Agitate for action? It's time to let people degrade calmly! " Indeed, inaction has a huge number of advantages. Catch 13 of the most powerful reasons not to change your life.

It's completely safe!

There are three systems inside our skull. The oldest is the "reptilian brain". He is responsible for safety and does not like it very much when we start to do something. Every way out of the comfort zone, the reptilian brain meets with strong resistance, because in the unknown zone danger awaits us! But if you don't do anything new, then you will please the reptilian brain and generally be safe.

You will not be criticized

Aristotle said a wonderful thing: "Criticism can be easily avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing." If you decide not to change your life and sit quieter than water below the grass, then no one will definitely criticize you.

Forget the 10,000 hour rule

The rule is very simple: to achieve outstanding success in a certain area, to become a genius, you need to spend 10,000 hours on it. 10,000, Karl! If you do not want to change your life, then consider that you have freed up as much as 10,000 hours! And even more. No straining. No genius.

You will keep your friends

We all know that change involves a change of environment. We grow out of old friends as out of old pants. We have to part with complaining Pebbles, drinking Volodka, always irresponsible Ilyukha and other nice guys. There is good news: Volodya, Galya and Ilya can be left next to each other, provided that you don’t change!

You will not be envied

I saw a study that 18% of people never talk about what is happening to them because they are afraid of envy. Are you afraid of envy? If so, then here's another reason for you: if nothing happens in your life, they will not be able to envy you.

You will be able to watch TV shows and hang out on social networks

Most likely, you will have time to hang out in different publics "Vkontakte" and "Facebook" and repost on your page. You can also watch your favorite TV shows and TV shows in peace. In general, not life, but a continuous "chill".

You don't have to learn

To move forward, you need to constantly learn. And this takes a huge amount of time and sometimes money. If you leave everything in life as it is, then it will pore over textbooks and you will not have to spend money. Hooray!

You won't feel pain

Arnold Schwarzenegger said: “When I am in pain, I am in seventh heaven. This is great. It seems to many that this is masochism. But they are wrong. I love pain for a reason. I don't like having needles in my hand, but I like the pain it takes to become a champion. " Any change comes with pain. Losses, mistakes, difficulties. If you are not determined to change, then, accordingly, there will be no pain. However, there will be no championship either. But the pains too!

You will remain a "good girl" or a "good boy"

When my friend Olya was about to quit her job as a financial director at an oil company, her family said: “You’re out of your mind! The crisis is in the yard! " But she nevertheless did it and left to create a school for gifted children. Here is such a "bad" girl. If you are not going to change your life, then you will remain “good” for your loved ones! After all, you will meet their expectations. Isn't it cute?

You don't have to take risks

Olya from the previous point understands that she may not succeed. But she takes this risk deliberately. She knows she could have a big bummer. But it can be avoided. You know how.

You will have no competition

There is good phrase: "If no one is chasing you, then you are the very last." Without changing anything, you guarantee yourself a measured life without fear of competition. You will be sure that no one will catch you from behind and will not bite you on the barrel.

You don't have to look for excuses

Finding excuses is very exhausting! "I'm too young ...", "Too old ...", "I have no experience / talents / connections / money." How many excuses can you look for? Better to relax, blame someone and keep watching the show.

You won't get bounced

Do you know how hard it is to get rejected? There is a story about Andy Warhol - one of the best-selling artists in the world. In 1956, he decided to donate one of his paintings to the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He was refused, having written that “the space in the warehouses of our gallery is limited. We cannot afford to keep a painting that we rarely exhibit. " Can you imagine how unpleasant it is? There is no space even in the warehouse! But the good news is that if you do nothing, you will never receive such an email.

By the way, I did not try to make this text motivating, because inaction and a dull life also have many advantages 🙂 That's it, you can officially do nothing!

# 100 ways to change life, # 100 ways to change life

There are many ways to love. You can experience passion, tenderness, affection for your partner. But this does not mean that your new lover actually suits you and you can happily live with him all your life. How can you tell if you've met your perfect match?

You no longer have to look for explanations for his actions.

If you no longer need to build complex theories about why he once again did not fulfill his promise and why on earth he is online all the time, although he said that he was going to go to the pool in the evening, then you definitely met "the same man" ... Agree, because a person who really loves you and respects your feelings is unlikely to want you to be nervous and upset over trifles.

You will not hide your true feelings

Are you afraid to confess your love to him, because it seems to you that after that he will "sit on his neck"? So this man is definitely not suitable for you. In a healthy relationship, both partners should be honest with each other and not be afraid of an inappropriate reaction to their sincere emotions.

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You can easily find a compromise

Go to the movies for a melodrama or watch the new episode of The Terminator? This question should not cause a heated discussion, because if you and your partner sincerely love, then you will easily make concessions to each other. Indeed, by and large, it is not so important what to watch, it is important that at this moment you will be together.

You will no longer hide your strange habits

He loves to wear ironed socks, and you, in turn, love to wear things from his wardrobe. Each person has their own points. The main thing is that if you meet your man, he will not only be able to accept them, but also find a special charm in them.

A good sense of humor does not guarantee that a person is able to adequately respond to barbs addressed to him. But if in your couple jokes towards each other have long become the norm and do not cause any negativity, you definitely found a kindred spirit.

You will not come up with an excuse to write or call your partner

Who first sent your “Good Morning” message or how often you call each other during the day is not at all important, because in a healthy relationship you don't have to worry about sounding overly intrusive. You just do what you want to do.

You won't care what others think of your couple.

A friend thinks that your boyfriend is not right for you. And the elder brother of your beloved is trying to convince him that you are not a match for him. But the opinion of others is hardly capable of destroying true love, and despite the unflattering reviews of relatives and friends, you continue to enjoy each other's company.

Just 15 years ago, the most common game among most companies was preference. For many people, this was an excuse to meet or escape from work. The rampant departure of humanity to virtual communication has reduced the percentage of those wishing to travel through the entire city for the sake of Friday's party. For a while, the true fans of poker and preference remained on the sidelines, but this situation was corrected by the new portal "Vulkan Stavka", which allows you to gamble without leaving your home.

Play with the computer or the old-fashioned way with real people?

Such a question arises for a person whose friends still respect tradition and do not miss the game even in bad weather, but 70% of such companies have long since disintegrated. Almost in each of them there is one player left who cannot imagine life without excitement. As a rule, these are people from 30 years old, with an analytical mindset and occupying serious positions.

Many people do not want to go to a real casino so that the employees do not see them there and do not make hasty conclusions. It just so happened that in the CIS countries such establishments are treated with caution. In developed countries, visiting casinos is included in the program of corporate meetings and communication with business partners, so there are no problems with condemnation.

But even if a person is not afraid of publicity, it is difficult to visit the gambling zone, since there are practically none left after the introduction of restrictions on the organization of gambling. To save your leisure time will help registering in, where you can try your luck no worse than in a card game with friends.

What is the advantage of a virtual casino over a real card game?

Most of the home games in preference were held with money rates, but pennies were used for this. Rarely did anyone decide to play big. They did this mainly in order not to destroy friendship and not embarrass people with small incomes.

Excitement, of course, was present, but not the same as when playing for large sums. In addition, many do not want to show their income to their close circle, and high rates emphasize the availability of free money. If you are a real luck catcher, and not a "face reader" - the virtual game will seem much more interesting to you, because of the freedom provided, which you cannot get by playing with friends.

The following points stand out from the advantages:

  1. none of the visitors knows who you really are and will not be interested in where you got the money from;
  2. you will not be followed on the way home after a big win, there is complete anonymity and security;
  3. there is an opportunity to make large bets or play for free, you will not be convicted of wastefulness or stinginess;
  4. there is no need to leave the house in bad weather or late time of day;
  5. you can exit the game at any time.

The biggest advantage is the introductory game, no bets. It takes some time to get used to the rules and the look of the slots. According to international statistics, preference players master video poker in six months, reaching the level of a regular who consistently receives large sums.

In a real room, you will not be provided with such an opportunity, and will even charge an entrance fee. The only disadvantage of playing on the Internet is the lack of live communication, otherwise the virtual casino only wins.