Landmark golden gate. Golden Gate in Vladimir: history, features, interesting facts. Restoration of the Golden Gate

1. The Golden Gate was built by princely craftsmen in 1164, during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky. This is evidenced by a special princely sign, which the builders left on one of the white stone blocks.

3. The appearance of the Golden Gate differs significantly from the original one. This was facilitated by frequent fires, raids of enemies and civil strife. From the ancient building, only the passage arch, powerful side pylons and part of the battle platform above them remained. Everything else was repaired, completed and changed many times. The vaults and the gate of the Rizopozhenskaya church were rebuilt, side elements, which were not originally there, were added.

4. Now there is a museum in the church above the Golden Gate. A military-historical exposition (weapons and military equipment of different times) is presented. And a diorama telling about the defense of Vladimir during the attack of the troops of Khan Batu in 1238.

5. One of the best specialists in ancient Russian architecture, Vladimir archaeologist Nikolai Nikolaevich Voronin believed that the architecture of the Golden Gate in Vladimir is unique for medieval Europe... For the West, only tower structures were characteristic, performing purely defensive functions. Vladimir's Golden Gate was built not only for protective purposes, they served as the main front entrance to the city, and also had a religious purpose - the Church of the Deposition of the Robe was active.

6. The ramparts on both sides of the Golden Gate, according to one of the legends, were torn down in 1767 by order of Empress Catherine II. Her carriage got stuck in a huge puddle under the archway at the entrance to the city. Then detours of the golden gate were organized. But without the ramparts, the gates began to collapse, so side fortifications were soon built.

7. In the 19th century, they wanted to make the Golden Gate a water collector-distributor. Fortunately, this idea was not implemented, and for these needs was built water tower, which now houses a museum and an observation deck.

8. One of the legends says that during the construction, the vault of the Golden Gate partially collapsed, burying 12 people under it. No one had any doubts that people had died. Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to bring the Miraculous icon and began to pray to the Mother of God, asking for the salvation of the workers. As a result, the people under the rubble survived, and the prince ordered to build on the gate a small church of the Position of the Robe of the Virgin.

9. After the incident with the collapse of the vault, Andrei Bogolyubsky replaced the brigade of craftsmen - Italian builders were completing the work, who later erected the Dmitrievsky and Assumption Cathedrals, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the prince's residence.

10. In February 1238, the troops of Khan Batu did not manage to get into the city through the front Golden Gate - they perfectly withstood the onslaught of the invaders. But nevertheless, the city was taken - the Tatar-Mongols penetrated there through a gap in the wooden wall of the fortress. The oak gate, faced with gilded copper, has not yet been found. During the export to the Horde, they sank in the Klyazma.

1. Creators of the "Golden Gate"

The construction of such a huge structure took only 4 years! Joseph Strouss is the project designer, renowned architect Irving Morrow was his consultant, and Charles Alton Ellis performed all the math calculations. But the latter's name was not entered on the bridge builders' plaque, as he had a bad relationship with Strous. Such is the injustice!

2. Where does the name come from?

The poetic name of the bridge has its own background. The military surveyor John Fremont in 1846 noticed the similarity of the Pacific Gulf with the Golden Horn in the capital of Turkey - Istanbul.

3. The complexity of the design

The construction of such a structure required a lot of effort. Just imagine what kind of load had to be placed on a 1970 meter long bridge with a support height of 230 meters above the water and weighing almost a million tons! It had to withstand a Pacific current of 185 kilometers per hour and gusts of wind, causing the bridge to vibrate up to 9 meters.

4. Opening day

On the first day of opening at 6 a.m. on May 27, 1937, the bridge was accessible only to pedestrians. But the very next day the first cars drove to it. On its fiftieth anniversary, the Golden Gate was attended by 300,000 people. Until 1964, it was considered the largest suspension bridge in the world!

5. Why is the bridge so popular?

The Golden Gate Bridge is popular for several reasons. First, its bright red color makes it easily recognizable. Secondly, it is depicted on the emblem basketball club NBA Golden State Warriors and Cisco Systems. And thirdly, the picturesque landscape of the vicinity of the Golden Gate flashed in many films, in particular - "X-Men: The Last Stand" and "View of the Murder" - one of the parts of Bondiana.

6. But there is also a bad reputation

The number of suicides committed on it has brought bad publicity to this bridge. According to statistics, every two weeks someone's life ends on it.

Unified State Exam. Culture. Architecture.

Golden Gate in Vladimir. 10 questions - 10 answers

The Golden Gate in Vladimir is one of the most beautiful architectural monuments of the 12th century. It was destroyed many times, restored more than once. But even today it amazes with its beauty and grandeur.

10 questions and answers on architectural monument, which will help in preparing for lessons and the exam in history.



1.Where is it located?

Vladimir city

Built by princely craftsmen

3.Century and date of construction?

12th century, 1164

4. Under which ruler?

The years of his reign

Andrey Bogolyubsky


5. In honor (or memory) of what event?

The gate was built as a defensive structure and at the same time as a triumphal arch

6.Features of the structure?

This is a passable arch, covered with a semicircular vault. The height of the arch is 14 meters. Massive oak gates used to hang on forged hinges that have survived to this day. Upstairs there is a small Church of the Robe, which gives a special grace to the structure. This is the only gate out of seven built during the reign of the prince. The gates were covered with sheets of gilded copper, which amazed the imagination of contemporaries.

7.Interior design?

The gate is active. Today it is fashionable to walk in them. In the evenings, the arch is beautifully illuminated.

8. The fate of the monument?

The gate was often threatened: it was both fires and raids of enemies. Their appearance was changing. The first reconstruction of the church was carried out in 1469 by the architect V.D. Ermolin. Only in 1795 the reconstruction of the gate itself began under the direction of the architect P.P. Chistyakov, and in 1810 a new church was erected on the gate.

9. The Golden Gate Today.

This is the main gate of the city. In the gate church there is a museum with a military-historical exposition: weapons, military equipment of different times. The central place in the exposition is occupied by a diorama conveying the dramatic events of February 1238: the defense of Vladimir during the assault by the troops of Khan Batu. There is a "Gallery of Vladimir Heroes", participants of the Great Patriotic War.

10.Is it up to date?

Since 1992, the Golden Gate has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Golden Gate in Vladimir

Diorama "Defense of Vladimir. 1238". Artist EI Deshalyt. 1972 year

Museum exposition

Museum exposition

Bank of Russia coin. 3 rubles. Silver. 1995 year

Prepared by: Vera Melnikova

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Golden Gate in, are an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture, annually attracting increased attention from guests of the city. They were built in 1164, during the reign of the Vladimir prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, in addition to defensive purposes, playing the role of a triumphal structure symbolizing the greatness and strength of the princely power. It was through them that the princely squads, returning from the battlefields, where they were noisily greeted by the people, entered the city. The white-stone gate was made using the half-stone masonry technique, which is widespread in the Vladimir-Suzdal architecture. Together with three more gates to the city that have not survived to this day, the Golden Gate formed a single complex that served as an important link in the defensive system of Vladimir.

The Golden Gate is a massive three-tiered structure with low, powerful towers with characteristic medieval battlements at the edges. Above the second tier, in the middle of which the image of Jesus Christ is clearly visible, the Church of the Robe of the Robe was previously located, hospitably welcoming everyone who came to Vladimir in peace. Nowadays, in its place is the exposition of the military history museum. Under the vaults of the chapel, attention is drawn to an impressive diorama, which depicts the February events of 1238, when the Mongol-Tatar hordes of Khan Batu captured Vladimir, despite the heroic resistance of his defenders. The diorama is equipped with musical and light stereo effects, which makes it look as realistic and spectacular as possible.

For more than 50 years, the Golden Gate has been under the jurisdiction of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve and is an integral part of it. Here visitors can see weapons and military equipment different years, including the combat bolts of a throwing machine used for long-range shots, arrowheads and spears of the 12th-13th century model, military chain mail of Russian knights, a captured Polish crossbow, flintlock rifles of the era of Catherine II's reign, soldier's musketons of the Great Patriotic War of 1812, captured Turkish weapons and many other historical exhibits.

For a long time, the Golden Gate has been covered with many legends and myths, many of which researchers still cannot confirm or deny. In any case, this building is considered one of the symbols that can often be seen on advertising brochures dedicated to the city or on souvenirs that are readily sold out by tourists.

Golden Gate (Ukraine) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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What the people of Kiev call the Golden Gate, the symbol of their city, is actually a newly rebuilt pavilion. The gates themselves, or rather their remains, are inside this massive structure. The reconstruction pavilion was erected to preserve a unique monument of defensive architecture Ancient Rus that has survived to this day. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also served as the main entrance to great city, its landmark. Eminent guests and foreign ambassadors were welcomed here. Here they saw off the princely squads, and after the completion of the campaigns they met the winners with honors.

The Kiev Golden Gate got its name from the triumphal gates of Constantinople. This was probably a kind of rivalry with the great Byzantine Empire.

The Golden Gate was built during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Some sources say that the date of creation of the monument of defensive architecture is 1164, others say 1037. Latest version confirm the "Tale of Bygone Years", which mentions these Kiev gates, and the fact that the prince died in 1054. Initially, the gate was a rather wide arch with a battle platform above it. The site was crowned with a white-stone Church of the Annunciation, so that guests would know that they had arrived in a Christian city. The structure amazed with its grandeur and inaccessibility. The Kiev gate got its name from the triumphal Golden Gate of Constantinople. Perhaps this is how Russia competed with the great Byzantine Empire.

In general, the main city gates built in 1164 differed from similar structures erected in Europe. The Church of the Annunciation above the battle tower emphasized that there is an entrance to the Christian city here, and the general appearance of the building resembled, rather, the triumphal Golden Gate of Constantinople.

In 1240, the gate was badly damaged during the attack on Kiev by Khan Batu. From the notes and drawings of travelers, it becomes clear that by the 17th century the fortress was badly destroyed. They brought it into a presentable form only in 1982, when Kiev celebrated its 1500th anniversary. But the reconstruction was carried out in a hurry, poor-quality concrete and wooden fortifications began to collapse quickly, and the gates were dilapidated again. Another restoration was carried out in the 21st century, in 2007.

The Golden Gate in Kiev is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Now there is a museum inside the pavilion, where you can see the preserved parts of the fortifications, learn the history of the Golden Gate. There is also a staircase, along which you can climb and admire the panorama of modern Kiev.