The area of ​​dwarf states. The smallest countries in the world by area. Name of course topics

Dwarf state- a state that significantly differs to a lesser extent from other states according to some criteria (for example, in terms of area, population, etc.).

Based on the size of the area, states that are inferior in size to Luxembourg are called dwarf, as a rule. Luxembourg itself is sometimes also ranked among the dwarf states.

Population is also often used as a criterion. At the same time, in the terminology of the UN and the World Bank, states with a population of less than 1 million people are considered dwarf. Commonwealth reports use the term small countries and a population threshold of 1.5 million. Finally, sometimes dwarf states are called states with a population of less than 500 thousand people.

Dwarf country

Many dwarf states are relatively young formations (East Timor and others). At the same time, most of the dwarf states of Europe have a long history. For example, San Marino is considered the oldest state in Europe.

Sometimes the concept is also used dwarf country, which include not only small independent states, but also other small geographically and historically separate (most often island) territories - dependent territories, administrative autonomies, etc. Examples - Isle of Man, Guernsey, Bornholm, Gibraltar, Mayotte, Guam , Niue, Helgoland, Athos, etc.

Below is a list of countries with an area of ​​less than 10,000 km²






The most populous dwarf countries in the world

Number of inhabitants per square kilometer:

These countries are not only the most populous dwarf states, but in general the most populous countries in the world - the most populous non-dwarf countries are Bangladesh (1154, bordering India) and Taiwan (648, located on the island of Taiwan).

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Dwarf State

Balashev bowed his head, showing by his appearance that he would like to take his leave and listens only because he cannot but listen to what is being said to him. Napoleon did not notice this expression; he addressed Balashev not as an ambassador of his enemy, but as a man who was now completely devoted to him and should rejoice in the humiliation of his former master.
- And why did Emperor Alexander take command over the troops? What is it for? War is my trade, and his business is to reign, not to command troops. Why did he take on such a responsibility?
Napoleon again took the snuffbox, silently walked around the room several times and suddenly suddenly approached Balashev and, with a slight smile, so confidently, quickly, simply, as if he was doing something not only important, but also pleasant for Balashev, raised his hand to the face of the forty-year-old Russian general and, taking him by the ear, tugged slightly, smiling with his lips alone.
- Avoir l "oreille tiree par l" Empereur [Being ripped off by the ear by the emperor] was considered the greatest honor and favor at the French court.
“Eh bien, vous ne dites rien, admirateur et courtisan de l" Empereur Alexandre? courtisan and admirateur [courtier and adorer] besides him, Napoleon.
- Are the horses ready for the general? He added, slightly tilting his head in response to Balashev's bow.
- Give him mine, he has to go far ...
The letter brought by Balashev was Napoleon's last letter to Alexander. All the details of the conversation were passed on to the Russian emperor, and the war began.

After his meeting in Moscow with Pierre, Prince Andrei left for Petersburg on business, as he told his relatives, but, in essence, in order to meet there Prince Anatol Kuragin, whom he considered necessary to meet. Kuragin, whom he inquired about when he arrived in Petersburg, was no longer there. Pierre let his brother-in-law know that Prince Andrew was going after him. Anatol Kuragin immediately received an appointment from the Minister of War and left for the Moldavian army. At the same time, in Petersburg, Prince Andrei met Kutuzov, his former general, always close to him, and Kutuzov invited him to go with him to the Moldavian army, where the old general was appointed commander-in-chief. Prince Andrey, having received an appointment to be at the headquarters of the main apartment, left for Turkey.
Prince Andrey considered it inconvenient to write to Kuragin and summon him. Without giving a new reason for the duel, Prince Andrei considered the challenge on his part to compromise the Countess Rostov, and therefore he sought a personal meeting with Kuragin, in which he intended to find a new reason for the duel. But in the Turkish army, he also failed to meet Kuragin, who, soon after the arrival of Prince Andrei in the Turkish army, returned to Russia. In the new country and in the new conditions of life, it became easier for Prince Andrey. After the betrayal of his bride, which struck him the more, the more diligently he concealed the effect on him from everyone, the conditions of life in which he was happy were difficult for him, and the freedom and independence that he had so cherished before were even more difficult. He not only did not think of those former thoughts that first came to him, looking at the sky on the Austerlitz field, which he liked to develop with Pierre and which filled his solitude in Bogucharovo, and then in Switzerland and Rome; but he was even afraid to remember these thoughts, which revealed endless and bright horizons. He was now only interested in the most immediate, not connected with the former, practical interests, which he seized on with the more greed than the former were closed from him. As if that endless receding vault of the sky, which had previously stood above him, suddenly turned into a low, definite vault that pressed on him, in which everything was clear, but there was nothing eternal and mysterious.
Of the activities presented to him, military service was the simplest and most familiar to him. Being the duty general at Kutuzov's headquarters, he stubbornly and diligently dealt with business, surprising Kutuzov with his willingness to work and accuracy. Not finding Kuragin in Turkey, Prince Andrei did not consider it necessary to gallop after him back to Russia; but for all that, he knew that, no matter how much time passed, he could not, having met Kuragin, despite all the contempt he had for him, despite all the evidence he made to himself that he should not humiliate himself before the collision with him, he knew that, having met him, he could not help but call him, just as a hungry man could not not rush to food. And this awareness that the insult had not yet been taken out, that the anger was not poured out, but lay in the heart, poisoned the artificial calm that Prince Andrew had arranged for himself in Turkey in the form of anxiously troublesome and somewhat ambitious and vain activity.
In the 12th year, when news of the war with Napoleon reached Bukaresht (where Kutuzov lived for two months, spending days and nights at his wall), Prince Andrei asked Kutuzov to transfer to the Western Army. Kutuzov, who was already tired of Bolkonsky with his activities, which served him as a reproach for idleness, Kutuzov very willingly let him go and gave him an assignment to Barclay de Tolly.
Before going to the army, which was in the Drissa camp in May, Prince Andrey drove into Lysye Gory, which were on his very road, being three versts from the Smolensk highway. The last three years and the life of Prince Andrew, there were so many upheavals, so many he changed his mind, felt, re-saw (he traveled both west and east), that strangely and unexpectedly, when entering Bald Mountains, everything was exactly the same, down to the smallest details, - exactly the same course of life. He, as if into an enchanted, asleep castle, drove into the alley and into the stone gates of the Lysogorsk house. The same degree, the same cleanliness, the same silence were in this house, the same furniture, the same walls, the same sounds, the same smell and the same timid faces, only a little older. Princess Marya was still the same timid, ugly, aging girl, in fear and eternal moral suffering, without benefit and joy living the best years of her life. Bourienne was the same, joyfully taking advantage of every minute of her life and filled with the most joyful hopes for herself, contented with herself, a flirtatious girl. She only became more confident, as it seemed to Prince Andrew. The educator Desalles, brought by him from Switzerland, was dressed in a frock coat of Russian cut, distorted language, spoke Russian with the servants, but he was still the same limitedly intelligent, educated, virtuous and pedantic educator. The old prince changed physically only by the fact that a lack of one tooth became noticeable on the side of his mouth; morally he was still the same as before, only with even greater bitterness and distrust of the reality of what was happening in the world. Only Nikolushka grew, changed, flushed, overgrown with curly dark hair and, without knowing it, laughing and merrily, lifted the upper lip of his pretty mouth just as the deceased little princess lifted it. He alone did not obey the law of immutability in this enchanted, sleeping castle. But although outwardly everything remained as before, the internal relations of all these persons changed since Prince Andrew had not seen them. The family members were divided into two camps, alien and hostile to each other, which now converged only with him, - for him, changing their usual way of life. To one belonged the old prince, m lle Bourienne and the architect, to the other - Princess Marya, Desalles, Nikolushka and all the nurses and mothers.
During his stay in Bald Hills, all the family dined together, but everyone was embarrassed, and Prince Andrew felt that he was a guest for whom they made an exception, that he was embarrassing everyone with his presence. During dinner on the first day, Prince Andrey, involuntarily feeling this, was silent, and the old prince, noticing the unnaturalness of his condition, also gloomily fell silent and now, after dinner, he went to his room. When in the evening Prince Andrey came to him and, trying to stir him up, began to tell him about the campaign of the young Count Kamensky, the old prince unexpectedly began a conversation with him about Princess Marya, condemning her for her superstition, for her dislike for m lle Bourienne, who, according to to him, she was the only one truly devoted to him.
The old prince said that if he was ill, it was only from Princess Marya; that she deliberately tortures and irritates him; that she spoils little prince Nicholas with pampering and stupid speeches. The old prince knew very well that he was tormenting his daughter, that her life was very difficult, but he also knew that he could not but torment her and that she deserved it. “Why does Prince Andrey, who sees this, tell me nothing about his sister? Thought the old prince. - What does he think that I am a villain or an old fool, for no reason moved away from my daughter and brought the Frenchwoman closer to me? He does not understand, and therefore it is necessary to explain to him, it is necessary that he listen, "thought the old prince. And he began to explain the reasons why he could not bear the stupid nature of his daughter.
“If you are asking me,” said Prince Andrey, without looking at his father (for the first time in his life he condemned his father), “I did not want to speak; but if you ask me, then I will tell you frankly my opinion about all this. If there are misunderstandings and discord between you and Masha, then I cannot blame her in any way - I know how she loves and respects you. If you are asking me, - continued Prince Andrey, irritated, because he was always ready for irritation lately, - then I can say one thing: if there are misunderstandings, then the reason for them is an insignificant woman who should not have been a friend of his sister ...

Along with such vast countries as Russia, Canada, China and the United States of America, there are those in the world that are characterized by an amazingly small size. They are called "dwarf". The main criterion for classifying a power as a dwarf group is its area. If it is less than that of Luxembourg, which is located at 2586 sq. km., then the condition can be considered fulfilled. So what are the surprisingly small areas that fit this parameter?

The list of the 10 most famous dwarf states invariably includes the Vatican, which bears the honorary title of "the smallest officially recognized country" on the globe. It is noteworthy that the Vatican is actually spread over the territory of another power, Italy, because it is located in its capital, Rome, where it occupies only 0.44 sq. km.! It gained its independence in February 1929. The state, located on the Vatican Hill, has its own border in the form of a defensive wall with a length of 3.2 km.

The supreme power in the Vatican is concentrated in the hands of the Pope, who is currently elected in 2013 Francis (aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio). It is dominated by an absolute theocratic monarchy (the supremacy of religion and its representatives).

The Vatican is largely due to donations from Catholics around the world, but tourists also make a significant contribution to its economy. But there really is something to see for sophisticated travelers. This is the world-famous St. Peter's Cathedral, which is considered the largest historical Christian church of our time, and many museums, including the Sistine Chapel built in the 15th century, and the Vatican Library, which houses a huge collection of manuscripts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The Vatican Gardens are of unusual beauty, covering about 44 hectares of the state's area and occupying almost half of its entire territory!

The second largest dwarf country is Monaco, or, by its official name, the Principality of Monaco. To find it on the map, you will have to try, because the power of 2.02 square meters. km. located next to a rather impressive "neighbor" - France. The principality is washed by the waters of the Ligurian Sea (part of the Mediterranean Sea). At the head of the constitutional monarchy is the prince, whose power is formally absolute and cannot be limited by anyone or anything. In fact, the principles of separation of powers operate here, in which the executive, judicial and legislative branches effectively complement each other.

The standard of living in Monaco is extremely high. So, out of 37,800 residents, 99% belong to the literate and well-trained population, most of the full-fledged citizens are completely exempt from taxes, and the number of unemployed is only 3%. The economy is developing thanks to the banking sector that is relevant abroad. Billionaires have heard about Monaco's ironically guaranteed banking secrecy, which, despite an agreement with France on the obligation to disclose suspicious accounts, still remains in effect today.

Large capital inflows are provided by the developed tourism and gambling sectors. At the same time, Monaco is completely lacking its own resources, so it is in constant dependence on the import of various goods.

Interesting fact! It is in the Principality that one of the most prestigious motor sport competitions is held annually - the Monaco Grand Prix, which has been part of the Formula 1 World Cup since 1950. The tracks, on which racing cars race at breakneck speed, run right through the streets of Monte Carlo. Every racer dreams of winning here and proving his own skill, because it is both difficult and extraordinarily honorable.

This is followed by an insular dwarf country, which occupies the 3rd place in the global list in terms of area - already 21.3 square meters. km. with a population of just over 10,000 people. The Republic of Nauru is notable not only for its size, but also for the fact that:

  • it is the smallest island state and the smallest power outside Europe;
  • there is no official capital here (Yaren was secretly chosen as the main city).

From all sides Nauru, located 42 km. above the equator, washed by Pacific waters. Surprisingly, a small piece of flat land, stretching 100-300 meters in width, is adjacent to huge depressions - at a distance of only 1 km. from the coast, the depth is about 1000 m! This is due to the fact that the island seems to be surrounded by a steep cliff going straight to the ocean floor.

Here, as in many tropics, it often rains with a lot of precipitation. Sufficient, if not excessive soil moisture forces people to grow only those crops that do not suffer from an excess of liquid - these are banana, pineapple and coconut palms, bread and other types of trees. Most of them yield in the form of fruits (mango, papaya, etc.). Fishing is at the initial stage of its development.

But the industry, in particular, the extraction of phosphorites, has been developing here for a long time and actively. Today, the resources of the subsoil have been significantly depleted, as a result of which 90% of the working-age population was out of work. The tourism sector also suffers - because of the strong environmental pollution, travelers do not want to visit this state. In general, the situation of Nauru leaves much to be desired: this country, unlike the "dwarfs" of the first positions on the list, is threatened by both flooding provoked by global warming and economic collapse. In recent years, Australia has been actively providing assistance to the Republic.

And again the Pacific state, however, this time with slightly different indicators. Tuvalu occupies 5 atolls and 4 archipelagos, the distance between which ranges from 50 to 100 km. They are home to a total of about 11,200 people. The area is 26 sq. km.

You cannot find a variety of natural forms here, but you can find a rich cultural heritage. Music and dance have always been a significant part of the life of the islanders, some of which, for example, facaseasea or fatele, have survived to this day.

Tuvalu, like Nauru, is under the threat of flooding if the sea level rises. However, if this problem still seems remote enough, then day after day the government faces more routine questions that need to be resolved in the near future. The state economy is in a rather deplorable state: there is a lack of production facilities, highly qualified personnel and foreign investments. The remoteness of the dwarf country from the rest of the world determines that it is not involved in the main market processes. And Tuvalu simply has nothing to export. Most residents try to take care of only their own food, while the island continues to be classified as one of the poorest powers on the map.

The first 5 dwarf countries are closed by the Republic of San Marino - a southern European state with an area of ​​61 sq. km. and a population of 33,000. It is believed that, surrounded on all sides by Italian lands, San Marino is the oldest power in Europe. According to legend, it got its name in honor of Saint Marina, who was its founder in the 4th century! Residents say that he was a fugitive stonecutter slave who, together with his comrades, found a quiet and peaceful refuge on the top of Mount Monte Titano, which rises on the Apennine Peninsula. The modest and respectable life of the God-fearing Marina, who settled in a rocky cell, quickly attracted crowds of believers to his person. Gradually, a monastery was formed in this place, which, according to existing sources, lived according to its way of life and politically did not depend on its neighbors. This is how the history of the state began as a separate and independent unit.

The Republic of San Marino is amazing in many ways. So, 80% of its territory is made up of striking rocky massifs that literally pierce the sky with their pointed peaks! In addition, the country has a strong economic potential, which is based on the manufacturing, banking, trade, service and construction sectors.

The principality, which occupied 160 sq. km. sushi, took its name in honor of the Liechtenstein dynasty that ruled here to this day. This country is the only one that is entirely located in the Alps. It is famous all over the world for its stability: for example, the gross domestic product per capita is as much as $ 98,000, and the human development index (level of health care, life expectancy, the opportunity to receive education in demand, choose and do what you love, etc.) is officially estimated here as “ very tall".

Liechtenstein, having felt the colossal influence of the German territories, thrives on a developed entrepreneurship and manufacturing industry. However, there is also something that will be interesting to see for a connoisseur of culture and creativity - this is an art museum, which is the largest international institution of this kind with collections of modern art, and various castles (Vaduz, Gutenberg, Red House, etc.).

And again the islands: what about them

The list of 10 dwarf states is rounded off by a number of islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis (261 sq. Km.), Maldives (300 sq. Km.), Malta (316 sq. Km.) And Grenada (344 sq. Km.) ). Each of them has some notable features.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, this power, located in the eastern Caribbean, was formerly a British colony. The island was freed from English citizenship only in 1983.

Today in the Western Hemisphere it is impossible to find an area that would be smaller in size and population (50,000 people) than Saint Kitts and Nevis. Travelers come here to seek the tranquility and harmony that lie in the rainforest, the white and unusual black volcanic sand beaches, the Brimstone Hill National Park and Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Spread south of India on coral atolls, the Maldives is not forgotten by the rest of the world. Despite the difficult history, during which the country passed to Portugal, then to the Netherlands, then to Great Britain, in July 1965 it managed to achieve independence and begin to conduct political and economic affairs on its own. It turned out more than successfully, because the unique nature of the region with its white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters played into the hands of the authorities and the population.

The population density in the Republic of Malta is as much as 1,432 people per sq. km., which allows it to take 5th place on the planet for this indicator. However, the state is known not for this, but for its invariably sunny weather, centuries-old history of formation (about 7000 years!), Architectural monuments and violent parties that attract tourists from all over the world.

The unofficial name of this state, located in the southeast of the Caribbean, is "Spice Island". It is here that culinary experts can taste and purchase the world's best nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger - all this the country actively produces and exports to market partners. The Europeans, who dominated here for a long time, in particular, the British and French, had a significant influence on the culture of Grenada. For example, cricket is still the most popular sport among the Grenadians!

Dwarf states.

San marino

Dwarf states are states that occupy the smallest area, and are recognized by other states.

The Republic of San Marino is surrounded on all sides by Italy. Considering the current borders of San Marino, then it is the oldest state in Europe. Its name comes from the Christian saint - the stonemason Marino, who, according to legend, founded the state. The total area of ​​the state is only 60.57 km². Population - 32 thousand people (2011).

Associated states also belong to dwarf states. They represent a form of confederation of unequal states united on a bilateral basis, in which a smaller state, while formally retaining its sovereignty and independence, entrusts a significant part of its power to a larger state.

Republic of Malta.

The Republic of Malta, whose name comes from the ancient Phoenician malat ("harbor, refuge"), is located in the Mediterranean Sea. This 316 km² island, located in the center of sea routes from Europe to Asia and Africa, has attracted conquerors for a long time. In the VIII century BC. it began to be colonized by the Phoenicians and Greeks. Then Malta was seized by the Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Spaniards in turn. Malta is a parliamentary republic with a population of 425.5 thousand people (2011).

Republic of Maldives.

The popular tourist resort is nothing more than the Republic of Maldives, located on a group of 20 atolls in the Indian Ocean. Its territory is 298 km², the population is about 400 thousand people (in 2013). The capital of the republic is the city of Male. Most of the inhabitants are from South Asia and the Middle East. By religion, the population of the Maldives belongs to the Sunnis. Any of the islands of the state can be crossed in 1.5-2 hours.

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The country is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, its area is 261 km², the population of the state is only 50 thousand people (2010). The capital of the country - the city of Buster - is located on the island of Saint Kitts. The indigenous people are the Caribbean. The islands themselves were discovered by Columbus in 1493, but the Spaniards did not colonize them. However, then the British took on them thoroughly. Today the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is an independent member of the British Commonwealth.

Marshall Islands.

The republic is located in Micronesia and is associated with the United States. The total land area is 181.3 km², and the population is about 53 thousand people (2011). The capital is the city of Majuro. The islands are named after the English captain John Marshall, who, together with another captain, Thomas Gilbert (the neighboring islands are named after the latter), explored this territory in 1778.

Principality of Liechtenstein.

According to the form of government, Liechtenstein belongs to a constitutional monarchy. The state is located in Western Europe, in the most beautiful spurs of the Alps. One of the largest European rivers, the Rhine, flows through the western part of the country. Associated with Switzerland. The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty of Liechtenstein. The area of ​​this dwarf state is 160 km². The capital is the city of Vaduz. The population at the end of 2012 was almost 37 thousand people. Despite the country's tiny size, it is home to several important cultural sites, including the Liechtenstein Kunstmuseum, the largest international museum of contemporary art.


The total land area of ​​Tuvalu, a Pacific state in Polynesia, is only 26 km², and the country is inhabited by just over 11 thousand people (2011). The capital of the state is a city with an undignified name for the Russian ear, Funafuti. The islands of Tuvalu were discovered by the navigator Alvaro Mendanya de Neira in 1568, for most of the 20th century Tuvalu was considered a British colony and gained independence in 1978. The archipelago received its modern name (in Tuvalu it means "eight standing together") only in 1975. The first name - Lagoon Islands - was given to him by the discoverer, and in 1819 the archipelago was called Ellis Islands.

Republic of Nauru.

The Republic of Nauru is also located on an island (of the same name) located in the western Pacific Ocean, 42 km south of the equator. The area of ​​the country is 21.3 km², the population is just over 10 thousand people (2011). The state gained independence in 1968. Nauru breaks records in many positions: the smallest independent republic on the planet, the smallest island state, the smallest state outside Europe and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

Principality of Monaco.

The Principality of Monaco is associated with France, located in the south of Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea, on land it borders on France. Monaco is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. So, with an area of ​​only 2.02 km², the population is almost 36 thousand people, that is, about 17 814 people per km²! In addition to its tiny size, Monaco is known for its casino in Monte Carlo and the stage of the Formula 1 championship held here - the Monaco Grand Prix.


The Vatican State, as you know, is located inside the territory of Rome and is the smallest officially recognized state in the world. Associated with Italy. The status of the Vatican in international law is as follows: "an auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the seat of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church." The form of government is an absolute theocratic monarchy, the head of state for life is the Pope. The area is 0.44 km², and the population is 842 people (2014). The Vatican has a non-profit, planned economy and is supported by donations from Catholics around the world. Most of the population has clergy status and are members of papal governments, and workers (gardeners, janitors, etc.) are usually citizens of Italy.


Can you boast that you have been to every corner of your country? Most of us will, of course, answer in the negative. The average person is more likely to not be able to visit every settlement and region of his country, especially if it occupies a fairly large territory. However, if you live in some dwarf state, you will not have such a problem. In fact, in order to go around your entire country, you will need no more than one day, and maybe just a couple of hours. For example, between breakfast and lunch, you can take a walk and visit every corner of your state.

1) Vatican

The Vatican is a dwarf state located in one of the districts of Rome. It is a closed city-state with an area of ​​only about 44 hectares. The Vatican is not a very old country. The state was founded only in 1929 and is ruled by a Roman Bishop known as the Pope. The most beautiful buildings in the world are located on the territory of the Vatican: St. Peter's Cathedral, the Sistine Chapel, the Apostolic Palace (residence of the Pope), several museums and many other beautiful buildings. In addition, this tiny area also houses the Vatican Gardens, which cover about half of the country. About 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, but several thousand more Italians come here every day to work.

2) Monaco

Monaco is the second smallest country in the world and covers an area of ​​2.02 square kilometers. Due to the drainage of the sea, the country's area has increased slightly over the past 20 years. Also, the country is the second smallest monarchical state in size. Monaco is located in Southwestern Europe on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, bordering France on land. Monaco is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a population of about 30 thousand people. Most of the residents are engaged in tourism, as many guests come here who gamble and enjoy their holidays by the sea.

3) Nauru

Located in Micronesia in the South Pacific Ocean, Nauru is a dwarf island nation with an area of ​​only 21.3 square kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. The state gained independence in 1968, but the island has been home to Aboriginal people for at least 3 thousand years. The first person from the west to visit the island was John Fearn. He gave the island the name "Pleasant". Today the population of the country is 9 thousand people, the state has no armed forces.

4) Tuvalu

Also located on islands in the South Pacific, the dwarf state of Tuvalu covers an area of ​​26 square kilometers. The country includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands were called Ellis Islands and belonged to the British Crown. The islands were discovered in 1568 and were under British rule until the end of the 19th century. Tuvalu received full independence from the British only in 1978. Currently, the country's population is about 10.5 thousand people. Since there are practically no natural resources, Tuvalu lives off help from other countries.

5) San Marino

Covering an area of ​​61 square kilometers, San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world. Also San Marino has the smallest population of the member countries of the European Council. San Marino is one of the oldest independent countries in the world. The founding date of this country is September 3, 301. The country's constitution was adopted back in 1600, making San Marino the second oldest constitutional republic in the world. San Marino is also one of the richest countries on the planet, it has no debt and revenues exceed budget expenditures.

6) Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a landlocked state located in Europe. The country's area is 160.4 square kilometers, it borders on Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein may be one of the smallest states on the planet, but it also falls on the list of the richest. Winter tourism is well developed here, but tourism is not the main source of income. Liechtenstein is a popular business center with more registered companies than residents.

7) Marshall Islands

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the dwarf state of the Marshall Islands is mainly composed of coral islands. The total area of ​​the country is 181 square kilometers, the population is 62 thousand people. This state gained independence from the United States only in 1986, but the aid of the States still helps the economy of the Marshall Islands "to stay afloat." The country has practically no natural resources, and it imports more goods than it exports. In recent years, the Marshall Islands have suffered from high energy costs.

8) Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers. It is the 8th largest dwarf country with a population of about 84 thousand people. The archipelago consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, and is located north of Madagascar. Seychelles has grown steadily through the export of cinnamon, coconut and vanilla. Since the country gained independence in 1976, tourism has become the main source of income. The tourism industry currently employs about a third of the country's working population.

9) Maldives

Another island country, the Republic of Maldives, or simply the Maldives, is located in the Indian Ocean. In terms of area and population, the Maldives is the smallest Asian country. The total area is 298 square kilometers, and according to the 2010 census, 396,334 people live here. The state owns 1,192 islands, but only about 200 are inhabited. The capital of the country - the city of Male - is home to about a third of all Maldivians. Today, the main source of income for residents of the Maldives is tourism, in the old days the country developed thanks to the export of cowrie shellfish, dried tuna and coconut ropes.

10) Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf island state is located in the West Indies - on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean between North and South America. The state is located on 2 islands with a total area of ​​261 square kilometers. These islands were the first of the Caribbean islands to be inhabited by Europeans. The state gained independence from Great Britain in 1983. This country is not only the smallest in area in the 2 Americas region, but also has the smallest population among all countries in this part of the world - about 50 thousand people. Tourism is the country's main source of income today. Agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.

Saint Paul's Cathedral

The Vatican is an independent city-state located in one of the districts of Rome and occupying the area
44 hectares (0.44 sq. km) on a hill on the right bank of the Tiber. The Vatican gained independence in 1929 and is ruled by the Pope, the high priest of all Christians in the world. The Vatican is a real treasury of works of art and architectural monuments: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican palaces and museums, the Vatican Pinacoteca, the Sistine Chapel, as well as the famous Vatican Library.
Half of the country's territory is occupied by the magnificent Vatican Gardens.

Vatican gardens

About 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, and several thousand
Italians come here to work every day. The Vatican also has its own guard of 100 Swiss.

Swiss Guard


The second smallest country is the Principality of Monaco. Over the past 20 years, thanks to the drainage of the sea
the area of ​​the country has increased and now its area is 2.02 sq. kilometers.
The country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with over 30 thousand inhabitants.

Ligurian sea bay with yachts

Monaco is a significant cultural center with the famous Oceanographic
Museum of Monaco, whose director was the legendary explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
Russian artist Georgy Shishkin works and exhibits in Monaco -
author of paintings dedicated to Russia, "Russian Dreams". Invited to the Palace to paint a portrait of the prince
Monaco (1998), he created a number of Monaco postage stamps. The main income for residents comes from tourism,
casino, Formula 1 competition.

The famous casino of Monte Carlo

Nauru is located in the South Pacific Ocean in Micronesia. The area of ​​the state is 21.3 sq.
kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. They received
independence in 1968, but the island has been home to Aboriginal people for 3 thousand years. Today
day the population of the country is about 9 thousand people. The state of Nauru has no armed forces.


Tuvalu is also located in the South Pacific Ocean and covers an area of ​​26 sq. kilometers. The composition of the country
also includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands belonged to the British Crown and
were called Ellis Islands. Tuvalu gained independence from the British in 1978. Population
countries - 10.5 thousand people. Due to the lack of natural resources, Tuvalu has to live off
assistance from other countries.

San marino

Mount Monte Titano

The second independent state in Italy is San Marino. Vatican and San Marino
are enclaves in the Democratic Republic of Italy.
San Marino covers an area of ​​61 sq. kilometer and has the smallest population of the member countries
European Council. The Most Serene Republic of San Marino is the oldest state in Europe.
In 301, a Christian stonemason hid on Mount Titano from the persecutors of Christianity,
other believers soon joined him, and the first Christian community was born.
During his lifetime, Marino was canonized and received Mount Titano as a gift.
Since September 3, 301, San Marino is considered an independent state, the heads of which are
two captain-regents elected for six months. General Garibaldi was hiding in San Marino at one time
with his volunteers, persecuted by the Austrians. Napoleon recognized the independence of San Marino,
admiring the pride of this little people and their traditions of freedom, and sent to Mount Titano
Monge, his ambassador and an outstanding mathematician, instructing him to express his friendly
location. "San Marino must be preserved as an example of freedom," Napoleon said.

The population of the country is about 30 thousand, rock massifs occupy 80% of the country's territory, all types of raw materials
imported. 60% of the country's income comes from tourism, the rest is trade, since 1956
San Marino is a low tax free zone and the prices of all goods are here
much lower than the rest of Italy. San Marino is one of the richest countries in the world, where income
exceed costs. Since 2008, the center of San Marino and Mount Monte Titano have been the site of a worldwide
UNESCO heritage.


The area of ​​the principality is 160.4 sq. kilometers. Liechtenstein borders
with Switzerland and Austria and is one of the richest states. Registered here
more companies than residents.

Liechtenstein is an amazing little country with Rhine meadows and small
villages high up in the Alps, with fairytale castles and chalets decorated with
geraniums.A miniature state, lost in the alpine mountains, attracts millions

Marshall Islands

This state in the center of the Pacific Ocean consists mainly of coral islands. Country area -
181 sq. kilometer, population 62 thousand. The Islands gained independence from the United States in 1986, but are still
so far only America's help has kept them afloat. The country has no natural
resources and imports of goods far exceed exports.


Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers, with a population of 84 thousand people. Archipelago
is located north of Madagascar and consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. The islands have succeeded
develop thanks to the export of coconut, vanilla and cinnamon. But since 1976, when the country found
independence, tourism became the main source of income.


The island country of the Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean and is the smallest Asian country in terms of area. The area of ​​the country is 298 sq. km. with a population of 396 thousand.
The capital of the country, Male, is home to two thirds of the population. Previously, the country developed thanks to exports
dried tuna, cowrie shellfish and coconut ropes, tourism is now the main source of income.

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf state is located in the West Indies - between North and South America on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean. The state is located on two islands with an area of ​​261 sq. km. These were the first islands inhabited by Europeans. The main source of income is, of course, tourism, but agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.