Mushrooms in white pillars. Where to go for mushrooms in the suburbs. Stations "Faustovo", "Vinogradovo"

The best wobblers for pike are, of course, those that bring consistently good results. Of course, all the ratings of these baits are conditional. Each spinning rod for the reservoirs on which he fishes has his own set of "working" wobblers. But still, among all the variety, we can single out a few that have received the highest praise from fans of pike hooks. In reality, there are not many such models. Knowing which wobblers the pike reacts best to, it will not be superfluous to learn how to choose an alternative to them.

Choosing a pike wobbler

So, the first task of every spinning player is to collect a set of the most catchy lures. Wobblers occupy a special place among them. The ability to fish water bodies with them and play an active game is considered to be aerobatics. The best wobblers for pike are not just a list of models. These are the lures that are ideally suited to certain areas of the reservoir and the time of year, which is important. Those wobblers that worked properly in the spring may turn out to be useless in the summer. Why is this happening? For several reasons. In spring, the pike stays in shallow water, which is located near the channel or wintering pits. Therefore, to catch it, baits are used with a depth of up to two meters.

But in the summer the situation changes. A small pike - a grassy grass - keeps in thickets of aquatic vegetation, and large individuals swim at a depth, therefore, to a certain place rarely attached. You need to look for them. Therefore, here it is worth studying what are the best wobblers for trolling, since this fishing method is the most effective if you want to catch a really large trophy.

With the arrival of autumn, you can remove your valuable wobblers away to arm yourself with simpler baits. At this time, the pike gets hungry. She will grab any lure that comes within her reach. So it makes no sense to "kill" expensive baits.

Color palette of wobblers

When choosing wobblers for yourself, you should pay attention to the fact that the spinning player should have different colors of bait in his arsenal. The thing is that they choose the color of the models based on weather, the level of deepening and, of course, the nature of the reservoir itself. So, which wobbler is best used on rainy days, and which on sunny days? Here, not only the parameters of the bait are important, but also its color. For example, on a cloudy rainy day, rivers are fished with golden wobblers. But in shallow water, where clear water, in a clear sunny weather catch pike with silver models.

Surface fishing

In order to provoke a predator to bite, it is not enough to bring together the best wobblers for pike. You need to be able to choose the right model and determine the fishing tactics. This is especially important if the wiring is carried out on surface lures. Of course, the most popular and demanded in such cases are poppers. But whether they will work well depends on the angler himself. In order for the popper to make specific gurgling sounds and be attractive to the pike, you need to jerk the wire.

Another type of surface bait is walkers. They are distinguished by their prowling game. For beginners, they may not be suitable, since they need skills and experience in order for this bait to behave as it should during the posting. If you just evenly stretch the walker over the surface of the reservoir, then this will absolutely not attract the pike. But if you use a jerkbait, then such a wiring will be perfect. Such a bait attracts a toothy predator with noise and size, moreover, impressive waves are formed during its movement.

How and where to use sinking wobblers when fishing for pike

On water bodies where there is a pronounced current, it is better to catch pike with sinking wobblers. Such a bait begins to play, even slowly sinking into the water column. Of course, she cannot fail to attract the attention of a toothy predator. As a rule, the wobbler begins to attack immediately after it falls. The pike can instantly grab it with its teeth, but if the wiring is slow, it can chase its "prey", but not touch it. To provoke a predator to attack, it is enough to increase the speed of the escort. The wobbler can be driven evenly or in steps, it is very effective to make small jerks.

Undoubtedly, this class of lures is the best wobblers for trolling. They can successfully fish the depths at which large pike often stand. They show the best results when the game is played near heaps and pits. Such a bait can be pulled at the very bottom.

Wobblers for spring pike

It is difficult to catch a pike in early spring, but it is quite possible. During this period, she does not show much activity. The water is still too cold and the predator is trying not to commit a large number of movements. This state of her lasts until spawning. But even after spawning, the pike rests for a short time until the moment when the water column warms up. But this is how adults behave. On the other hand, bee-worms that have not yet reached puberty are very active. Here they can be successfully caught in the spring, up to the zhora. To do this, you need to choose the best wobblers for pike.

Wobblers used in the spring for pike fishing

There are a number of models that are very popular with spinning reels in the springtime. Some of them are used on large rivers, while others - on small bodies of water. But among all the variety, there are several models that work flawlessly. So, the most popular wobblers for pike in the spring:

- Model EverGreen Sledge Escarda- excellent bait with neutral buoyancy. Its length is 7 cm, and its weight is approximately 10 g. This wobbler can be deepened by 1-1.5 m. Therefore, this suspender is ideal for fishing in warm shallow water. Wiring is done with jerks and short pauses. This wobbler is equipped with a weight, so you can make long casts with it.

-Model HMKL K-1- this is a typical "wheelbarrow". Its length is 8 cm, weight is just over 6 g. Its purpose is fishing at short distances. The game of the wobbler is not very sweeping, but at the same time it is extremely active. Even the shortest dash is able to instantly deploy the bait. The wobbler is as flexible as possible, clearly responds to the movement of the rod tip. This is useful in areas where there is a need to fish for a small "window" among overgrown vegetation.

And, of course, not a single rating of wobblers is complete without a model. Megabass X-80 Rocket Darter... It is 8 cm long and weighs about 11 grams. This lure is very catchy and has a depth of 1.5-2 m. It is good for catching eyebrows. It is also used on small rivers with a pronounced current.

Fishing for pike with wobblers in summer

In summer, the behavior of the pike changes. After spring zhora, she becomes "lazy". On hot days, it goes to depths or to areas where cold streams flow. The pike most often stands in ambush among aquatic vegetation. She is active only in the morning and evening. But in cloudy weather, the fish can hunt all day. Pike can be found in snags and in dark places. Large individuals keep at depth. So, the behavior of the predator is changing, so you need to select the appropriate wobblers for the pike.

The most catchy summer wobblers

Almost all professional spinning players have bait in their arsenal. Rapala X Rap. Its length is 12 cm, weight - 22 grams. This is a pretty big bait. She is deservedly called the "pike killer". Wiring is carried out with jerks. The most attractive color from the point of view of spinners in lineup is "S". The depth of its immersion is 1.5-2 m.

Another bait Yo-zuril minnow... Its length is 6.5 cm, and its weight is 7 grams. These wobblers are very effective. They are able to force the pike to come out of cover. In addition, these catchy wobblers work great for perch too. Having this suspender in your box, you can be sure that the catch will undoubtedly be.

Of course, there is another bait that is considered one of the best and most effective. This is a wobbler Zipbaits Orbit 110 Sp... It is not so small, its length is 11 cm. It weighs a little more than 16 g. This suspender should be in service with any spinning player. It has a very attractive game for pike. And the predator will definitely not miss it. She will follow him even on a hot day from her hiding place.

What wobblers to use for pike fishing in the fall

It must be said right away that wobblers are used in the fall, the price of which is low. During this period, zhor is noted. The pike grabs any bait without looking closely at it. She needs to get ready for winter, and she even rushes with aggression at everything that swims in the reach zone. The predator does not stand in ambush, as in summer, it actively moves through the reservoir. In general, there is practically no particular difference between autumn and summer wobblers. Is that in the fall it is better to take larger models. Also, do not forget about the choice of color. Lures are needed for neutral or deep species. Autumn is the best, most favorable and productive period for pike fishing. Its bite is stable throughout the day. This a great opportunity to work out the skills of fishing with wobblers and gain experience with these lures.

For reference

Finally, I would like to say that almost all catchy wobblers that are included in our rating have a very affordable price, which varies from 400 to 800 rubles. It is worth noting that it is inexpensive, especially when you consider the high efficiency of such baits.

"! The ice has melted almost a month ago, nature is taking its toll - the spring sun is warming on the street, birds are chirping ... There are no leaves on the trees yet, the water is brrrr ... icy ... Well, it's time to open the season and this article will tell about my first trip to spring pike fishing.

My first outing was in mid-April, just after Easter. Previously, it was impossible to go to the river for a banal reason - home, family, work. For the whole winter I imagined taking a spinning rod in my hands, throwing it in.… And here it is, a miracle happened - I'm getting ready to go fishing! The purpose of fishing was chosen by our “queen of reservoirs” - her majesty the pike.

Tackle for pike in spring

He took out his dusty tackle from the closet - several spinning rods, spinning reels and boxes with artificial lures.

The first step is to carry out good prevention - shake off the dust, check the lubrication of the coils.

When I finished with the prophylaxis, I began the selection of suitable tackle for the upcoming fishing, on which we will dwell a little.

Spinning, spinning reel and line for pike in spring

Since I had to get there by bus, and not by a car that was still in winter storage, I had to choose only one universal spinning rod with a reel that would be suitable for the required fishing.

To maintain the balance of range-convenience-accuracy, I opted for a medium-fast action spinning rod with a length of 240 centimeters and a test range of 10-30 grams. This is an excellent form from the Flagman budget series, the Striker series. I decided to remove the reel from the ultralight spinning rod and put it on "Shimano Nexave 1000RB". This is a small, reliable and very convenient coil, which has not given me any failures so far.

On one spool I wound a braided line with a diameter of 0.06 mm, on the other - 0.1 mm. It may seem to someone that it is thin, but I often use lures with low weight, for which every hundredth of a millimeter is important.

Wobblers for pike in spring

Over the winter, I collected a fairly large collection of different wobblers, which were sold at winter discounts. He began to fill his traveling box with ten compartments, first of all, with shallow-water lures. He started with the shallow-water crucians from "Jackson", already tested in battle.

Next up were the 6.5 cm long "acidic" suspender minow from Jackall and the natural color minow from Yuzuri. The latest were a few cranks from Bomber and Tsuribito in case deep sea fishing is to come.

Spoon for pike in spring

With the warming in spring, the fish become more active, so based on the experience of past years, I decided to also take some spinners with me.

The Mepps firm has earned my trust long ago, and the second and third editions of the Aglia Longs have gone into the box. These are already proven turntables more than once and they rightfully occupy the first places in my box.

There is a misconception that the "willow petal" characterizes the spinner as being used only on the current. So, this is complete nonsense! On stagnant water, they give no less result.

Also, just in case, I took a few more shallow-water oscillating spoons and a “castmaster” for 10 grams.

I thought for a long time what place on the river could give a positive result during this period of the year and came to the decision that it was necessary to go to our dam. This varied coast has already given me the taste of victory. After the dam, downstream, a gorgeous seething rift formed, and the upper reaches had several promising bays.

Arriving at the place with the first rays of the sun, I unfortunately realized that it would not be possible to fish on the roll. The huge mass of discharged water after the flood turned our river into a kind of mountain river, which I only saw on TV. Goosebumps ran up my skin. This means that we have to search for fish in the upper reaches, along the bays and near them.

First of all, I start to collect the tackle. I installed a spool with a braid of 0.06 mm, a three kilogram leash and a Jackson carp. The first cast was made along the canal feeding the bay with water. Slow, steady drive and the first unrealized bite. It became a little offensive. The bite was well observed, and the attacking pike had at least 1.5 kg.

The second bite occurred a few minutes later, two meters from the shore. It was a bit unexpected, in front of my nose, and the adrenaline rush made my hands tremble slightly. The next twenty minutes brought five bites and ... all blanks. Now is the time to think. While I was thinking, another bite and finally a small pike for 800 grams. Well, though small, but the first fish of the season.

After analyzing the failures, I put an acid minow from the "jackel". I drive the wobbler in small jerks with pauses of three seconds. On the next "twitch" I feel like I'm hooked. In a moment, the hook came to life and another small fish huddled on the shore, matching the first. The third one was not long in coming - noticing a fry scurrying under the tree in different directions, I make a close point cast of ten meters and the kilogram pike went into the bag (let the guy with the float "lapdog" catching next to me for the fish scared while playing out forgive me).

Then everything calmed down for a couple of hours. I was already beginning to think about the way back when a breaker made it clear about forty meters from the shore that there was someone there.

There were a lot of bushes around and there was no question of a normal casting on a grand scale.

I change the catchy wobbler for a compact turntable "Mepps" of the second number. The first post brought nothing. But the next one gave exactly what I came for. The bite occurred at the maximum distance from the shore, in the first meters of the wiring. On the right - reeds, on the left - bushes, all the action in shallow water…. There were candles and jerks to the side, in general, a rather disturbing duel. The reward was even a small (1.3 kg), but decent fish.

Already at the end, before leaving, I decided to fish out the entrance to the bay and also effectively. The fifth and last was the kilushka, which stood in ambush in the middle of the bay, right at the entrance. Well, the fishing was a success and it's time to summarize.

When to catch pike in spring?

The fact that on our small-fish river, called Vorskla, we managed to get such a number of bites, indicates that I got into the so-called "zhor" of pike, which falls on the post-spawning period, somewhere in 10-20 days.

The first week after spawning, the fish is sick and does not eat at all. The weather preceding the bite also did its good - the pressure did not jump for several days, it was sunny and calm.

Where to catch pike in spring?

The place I chose (the bay) was not for nothing. During spawning, the pike enters shallow-water places, where it partially settles for permanent residence (sometimes before the cold weather). At this period, the water in shallow water warms up better, so white fish also rush there, which is the food base of the predator. This “linen” will keep it in one place almost until the end of spring, when the fish will start migrating back as the water temperature rises.

So bays, channels entering a bay, near-water areas are the first places where you will find a predator in spring. If there are none, look for shallow areas with last year's vegetation and be careful: an active predator will manifest itself with constant splashes of water.

How to catch pike in spring?

A detailed analysis of my fishing shows that in the early morning the fish is still lazy (a lot of idle bites on a uniform drive), but replacing the bait with a minow and shallow-water twitching with pauses fixed everything. The subsequent increase in air and water temperature activated the predator.

As a result, there were effective bites on spinning spoons, which were "silent" in the morning. Unfortunately, the spoons that I took with me remained in the box, but my opinion is that bites on them would be necessary.

P.S. Fishing in the same spot two weeks later showed a big difference from the previous one. The wobbler-minou from the "dzhakal" began to bring "pencils" - undersized and had to enlarge the bait. I have tested a variety of silicone fish and vibrators.

The ambush character began to be clearly traced, bites more often occurred along the edge of dry reeds, along the coast or near the driftwood. There were several places with a constant battle of the "large" in a local place, next to which there was not a single bite of another pike. The "krupnyak" himself flatly refused to take the baits I offered.

The vibrotail of a dull green color with an unnatural game for it, which I at first perceived as a "marriage", showed itself very well. Instead of playing with its tail, the fish swayed 180 degrees on its axis. But, as it turned out later, it was she who brought the most large quantity bite.

Pike in spring video

Hope you enjoyed the article. Leave your comments, feedback or write about your fishing experience. More information can be found on our spinning fishing class page. Finally, I propose to watch an interesting and informative video on the topic.

We are sorry, the video is being corrected.

Fishing for pike in spring can be second only to its catching in autumn. It is only important to guess the moment of catching when the pike does not interfere with spawning, which takes place quite early. In some reservoirs, pike spawns even when the ice has not melted yet, and its fry already have time to grow up by the time when fry of other fish appear and are already actively hunting them. We will try to find the right time and bait for fishing pike in the spring below in this article.

And the first fishing trips in the spring are simply indescribable. It seems that a fish is lurking all over the reservoir, it seems that now you will make a cast and the long-awaited trophy is already in your hands. Looking at this picture, you already imagine where the predator can hide. But not everything is so simple ...

When to catch pike in spring

The only time when the pike bite dies down in the spring is the spawning period and a few days after it. In order to successfully hunt for pike in the spring, you need to have time to go fishing in the period before spawning, when the pike grabs the bait with particular aggressiveness. Trying to gain strength and energy before spawning, pike, in some bodies of water, can peck almost after every cast, of course, if you choose the right place and bait, which we will talk about below.

It is worth going out to the pond to probe for pike already at the beginning of March, and if you notice ice-free areas of a river or lake, then you can even start fishing for pike from these places. It was at this time that her pre-spawning food begins approximately. From the first days of March or even from the end of February, spinning anglers begin to actively probe the reservoirs in anticipation of this zhora, during which the pike grabs almost any, even cheap, bait indiscriminately. Those baits, which after spawning the pike will be suspicious of and will not react to them, are very actively enough before spawning. Therefore, the success of pike fishing in the spring largely depends on whether you have time for the pre-spawning gorge.

But if you did not have time for the pre-spawning gorge, you should not be upset. After spawning, the pike rests for only a few days, a maximum of a week, and sometimes, the post-spawning pike can eat live bait or its own relative on the same day it spawned. Small pike begins to peck after spawning earlier than large individuals. And she can also go to spawn earlier. In some reservoirs, pike spawning can take several weeks, due to the fact that each age layer spawns in different time... Due to this stratification, pike in the reservoir can be caught in the spring without interruption. Although, in fact, you can only get a bite-free pike for one weekend in spring, so on all other days, with a high degree of probability, you can stay with a good catch if you choose the right wiring, bait and location.

The optimal time for fishing in the spring is morning and evening dawn. In the morning, the pike is active until 9 o'clock, and in the evening its biting can be observed almost until midnight.

Spring pike lure

In fact, the main principle of pike fishing in the spring is using small lures and slow retrieving. The thing is that before spawning, the belly of the pike is filled with caviar and a large bait is simply not interesting to it, since there is only enough space in the stomach for small fish. After spawning, the pike is very weak and exhausted, it will not chase a large or too fast bait, it is easier for it to grab a small and slow swimming one. If you take into account all these factors and try to adapt to the spring pike, then the catch can be very solid.

In general, spring pike fishing can be divided into pre-spawning and post-spawning fishing. The pike's zeal is observed in that and in the other period, but nevertheless, some moments of its catching are different, first of all, it concerns the choice of bait. In the period before spawning, the pike is more scrupulous about their quality, shape, play.

The colors of the lures that attract pike in spring can be varied, but pike gives more preference at this time of year to natural colors, matching the color of fish living in the reservoir. You can experiment with colors, sometimes yellow and green twisters work well, but bait of poisonous bright colors should be avoided during this period.

When fishing for pike in spring, the bait should be driven slowly, without hard twitching. If you use various techniques, then only as carefully and smoothly as possible, so as not to discourage the desire of a sedentary pike to attack.

With such slow retrieves, it is optimal to use small spinning lures, it is better to use spinners # 3. And even better wobblers work up to 8-9 cm long, no more, and wobblers 4-5 cm long can work in general flawlessly. Moreover, it is advisable to take branded wobblers such as Salmo, Rapala, Yo-Zuri and others. Although, of course, you can find a worthy analogue among inexpensive lures and Chinese fakes, you should not lose on the search for a high-quality fake in the spring, otherwise you may miss the peak of the bite and then you will bite your elbows, which regretted the money for a good bait.

I decided to bring a small TOP of lures for spring pike, so that you can catch pike as efficiently as possible in the spring, without wasting time looking for catchy lures.

TOP wobblers for spring pike

Based on some online publications and the experience of spinning anglers, I was able to find the most catchy wobblers for fishing pike in the spring to help every spinner stay with the catch. Wobblers are one of the most catchy lures for pike in almost any body of water, and the correct choice of this bait will allow you to fish the body of water as efficiently as possible.

Please note that the order in which the wobblers are located does not at all show the superiority of this or that bait. All these wobblers work great when fishing for pike, and which of them will be more effective in your reservoir, you can only find out by checking in practice.

The wobbler is a rather vaunted wobbler, which is distinguished by its stable play even with the slowest retrieval, which is so important for pike fishing in the spring. This wobbler will certainly serve you faithfully and with such a bait it is almost impossible to remain without a catch.

It works most effectively if you periodically make one-, two-second pauses, allowing the pike to have time to grab the wobbler, the so-called Stop-and-Go wiring. Has a variety of colors. Pretty good working color in the photo with the caught pike.

The next working wobbler - Just perfect for fishing pike spots with the right wiring. If the pike does not take on a uniform drive or Stop and Go, then before the drive there is a jerk-pause, 2 jerks-pause, it simply will not resist.

Anglers who use this wobbler praise it very much, but there is one secret to know when fishing with this wobbler. The pike grabs him exclusively on a break, which is not even known to those who hotly criticize this bait. Knowing this rule, fishing with such a wobbler for spring pike can be very effective.

The wobbler, in the common people "Gridik", works with almost any wiring, often saves from the county from a reservoir without a catch, when other baits do not want to catch. It is able to provoke even a sleeping spring pike and does not require any special postings.

The wobbler is good because it is relatively inexpensive, flies well and is easy to cast. Having such a wobbler in your arsenal is a huge plus, although there are some fishermen who are unhappy with its work. I can only say one thing about this - you will not please everyone.

Another legend of spinning pike fishing in the spring is, with a diving depth of 1.2-1.5 m. An excellent wobbler, no one complains about catching power. Often, when fishing for pike along the bottom, catfish also come across it.

The only remark about this wobbler is that a deviation from the indicated norms is often noticed - 1.2-1.5 m. Although this does not affect the catching power in any way. I have not heard any bad reviews for this wobbler from anyone and have not seen it anywhere.

Another great wobbler with excellent reviews from fishermen - As you can see, such wobblers are eagerly swallowed by the pike and therefore, the only problem that may arise is extracting the bait from the mouth of the predator. The lure also loves pauses, during which the pike usually grips. Do not mind eating such a bait and.

I would like to say that all these wobblers are quite large, therefore, if the pike refuses to peck on them, always have small 3-5 centimeter lures in stock, because spawning pike prefers small wobblers, twisters, turntables and vibrators.

Well, in fact, this list can be continued for a long time, and probably many of you would like it 🙂. But someday I'd rather create a separate article where you can just go and choose one of the proven catching wobblers for pike or any other fish.

It is also not necessary to use wobblers. Simply, as for me, these are one of the most efficient lures for catching a predator. Many people with great success catch pike in the spring with both silicone and spoons. Try everything and success will come, there are still many springs ahead.

It will be much easier for you to find a pike if the reservoir has been familiar to you for a long time and you already know the pike route for spawning, which over the years
and does not change.

In spring, the pike avoids fast currents and prefers quiet backwaters or parking near coastline hiding in reeds, flooded bushes or trees felled into the water. At the same time, despite the fact that the depth in such places may be shallow, large pike are quite frequent guests here, but do not think that large pike will often come across. In spring, large pike bite much worse than small and medium-sized ones, but it makes up for lost time in autumn.

Don't look for pike in the pits. In the spring, the pike prefers to pamper itself with the first spring rays and keep in shallow places of the reservoir, which are warmed up first. Often, a bite of a pike can occur immediately near the shore, when the spinning player was already thinking of taking the bait out of the water, so take your time and guide the bait to the end. And of course, move along the shore carefully so as not to deprive yourself of the opportunity to catch a pike right under the shore.

In spring, the pike bite better at the bottom. Even if fishing takes place at a shallow depth, even if it is half a meter, the pike will react faster to the bait coming closer to the bottom, so fishing with a popper, as well as with wiring near the surface, is ineffective. Better to make a slow wiring at the bottom.

Discussion of the article from the fishing forum

* Fenix ​​*:

Normal article. The only thing, in my opinion, is about the amount of caviar and the size of the bait. We caught quite serious jerks. True, I associate this with the protection of the territory. But it's hard to say for sure. This is just a note.


So Yes. But, as a rule, males and little things are prone to aggressiveness. And in the spring you want to take eggs. So you get out of the farthest pocket an old "Baikal" or a Soviet shaker. Of course, it is interesting about wobblers, but there are two aspects: fishing with two tees seems to be prohibited and with an ordinary wobbler you can get into poachers. Secondly, there are fewer and fewer places for fishing with a wobbler, the ilmen get shallower, and the pegs are overgrown and there it is difficult to use a popper, not just a diving wobbler.

I mainly hunt for pike in spring digging, digging is good because there is depth, there are gentle shallow waters where the pike stands, and there are digging with a snag, but there must be an exit to the river or erik, and this is usually shallow and often a very long channel, in which you can get away from nefig in the daytime by perch. Minus digging - different bottom vegetation, on which there are hard hooks. From childhood, my grandfather taught to catch pike where there is a so-called "frog bed" cotton-like light green algae, which is not a problem to pull out when hooked, such algae is typical for reservoirs above Astrakhan, for example, Krivantiy. Lower in the water bodies and rhizomes of lotus are often already found, and this is goodbye your favorite spoon ... But there is no fishing without losses. Therefore, you need to duplicate the most successful baubles for pike.