Boeing lineup. How is Boeing different from Airbus? (24 photos). Business Zone Model Overview

The most famous American company - an aircraft manufacturer, and now also space technology- Boeing (Chicago). Largest exporter and employer in the United States. Profit for the last year amounted to over USD 93 billion. Boeing imports more than a third of titanium for its production from Russia. Boeing's factories operate in 1/3 of the countries of the world, and it supplies its products to 145 countries, that is, to ¾. Thousands of airliners are sold every year.

Interesting fact: in 2009, Air France purchased the 777th Boeing 777 model from Boeing.

Three years before the end of the 20th century, Boeing absorbed its longtime rival, the Douglas Aircraft Company, and now its main global competitor is Airbus. Currently, the latest developments of these companies are sold on the market - Boeing 787 (2011) and A350 (2013).

History of the company

It all began during the First World War, when in 1916, William Edward Boeing founded a company that was named the Boeing Airplane Company a year later. A large aircraft workshop or a small factory - that was how this company was then. The planes were assembled by hand. A canvas and a piece of wood with a motor, Boeing's firstborn - the B&W seaplane - was not bad at all. But the company became a first-class company only with the release in 1933 of its reliable and safe ten-seat 247 model of a passenger plane.

An interesting fact: it was on this model, which proved to be safe in operation, that the world's first terrorist attack was carried out: 1933, the Chicago-Cleveland flight, seven dead, including three crew members.

The Boeing 314 was developed for transatlantic flights in 1938. This seaplane could already carry 90 passengers. During World War II, the company produced the heavy bombers B-17 Flying Fortress and B29 Superfortress, the first strategic bombers of the United States, which made its name famous. Since then, the US military department has become a regular customer of Boeing.

After taking off in 1954, the Boeing 707 became the first mass-produced airliner for almost a quarter of a century (some of its copies are still flying). The most popular was the jet Boeing-737. In total, about eight thousand vehicles were produced, and at present, an airliner of this model lands or takes off every five seconds.

As soon as the Boeing 747 was not criticized at the design stage and test flights. It is large, uneconomical, and there are no appropriate premises for its assembly. Yes, the Boeing company almost went broke on the construction of a special plant, but the profit it gave more than covered all the funds spent, and the plane itself became popular and in demand. The flight range at one Boeing-777 filling exceeds twenty thousand kilometers! When designing it in the early nineties of the last century, paper drawings were no longer used, and all the work was done on a PC.

Yellowstone strategic project

The Yellowstone program is an ambitious project to replace the entire line of civilian airliners with high-tech, fuel-efficient models. The main directions of the Yellowstone project in the field of technology:

  • Extensive use of composite materials, including CFRP.
  • Replacement of hydraulic systems with electrical ones.
  • Using the most economical turbo engines.

This project has three directions:

  • Replacement of the Boeing-737 model with a model with a relatively small (100-200 people) number of passengers. In 2011, it was announced that this project will be implemented in 2020. However, a competing project has appeared - 737 MAX, and nothing is clear yet.
  • Replacement of the Boeing-767 model. The project has been completed. The real dream of aircraft manufacturers, the Boeing-787 Dreamliner, was commissioned.
  • Replacement of the Boeing-777 and 777-300 models with an airliner designed for a large number of passengers - six hundred plus. The project is under construction.


At the end of the last century, sales of Boeing-767 began to fall, and the company decided to create an aircraft whose speed would practically be close to the sound barrier. This is how the futuristic Boeing Sonic Cruiser project was born. The emphasis was on composite materials. Half the weight of the liner is aluminum and titanium. But the oil crisis at the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century cast doubt on the economic viability of the project, and just before Christmas 2002 it was closed.

Immediately in January 2003, development of the Boeing-787 began. The developments made in the Boeing Sonic Cruiser project were used. The codename of the 7E7 project in 2005 was changed to Boeing-787, and later the poll put a firm end to the question of the name. More than half a million respondents called this model the "Dream Liner". The long-haul, jet, wide-body aircraft of the new generation, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, began its commercial operation in 2011. The first copy was sold to All Nippon Airways, which ordered fifty aircraft back in 2004. By the way, from Boeing, in connection with Due to the constant shift of delivery times to customers of hundreds of liners, big financial problems were brewing, which were nevertheless managed to be resolved.

An interesting fact: tickets for the first flight of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner Tokyo - Hong Kong were sold at an online auction and were immediately sold out, and the cost of one seat more than once "surpassed" the mark of thirty thousand US dollars. Surveys among passengers revealed that at least 9/10 had a desire to repeat the flight.


Boeing-787 is really economical (and this despite the fact that initially there were serious problems with the increase in the mass of the aircraft), since it uses 1/5 of the fuel less, is more efficient, including due to the flat bottom, almost the luggage compartment is increased by half, and is innovative, in comparison with the Boeing-767 it replaced. At the height and safety of flights. As tests have shown, he is not afraid of even lightning strikes to the body. What is it worth only new complex avionics that allows you to see through the clouds. Instead of traditionally concentrating the entire production cycle at its main plant, Boeing has entrusted reliable subcontractors to produce the components and parts that they make better and cheaper. The international division of labor in action:

  • Japan makes composite and wings.
  • Italy - fuselage, stabilizer, keel.
  • France - electrical wiring and doors (passenger).
  • India - beams and software.
  • Sweden - doors (cargo) and hatches.
  • South Korea - wing elements, spars and landing gear struts.
  • England - the chassis itself.

The cost of the plane and the flight on it

Speaking about the cost of something, or rather, the selling price, one must bear in mind many factors that influence this figure “here and now”. The ability to bargain, the attendant circumstances, including additional terms of the contract, the period and place of its conclusion, the choice of an economical or exclusive option, finally discounts, and so on and so forth. Therefore, we have to talk about approximate figures. Thus, the company's catalog prices for Boeing-787 models 800, 900 and 1000 range from 225 to 306 million US dollars, and a one-person ticket for a flight from Russia to the United States and back is in the region of five hundred dollars. As of the beginning of 2018, more than 1,300 aircraft of the above models have been ordered, half of which have already been shipped to customers. What does a Boeing 787 look like? A photo of this aircraft can be seen in our article.

Model 787-8

She did not appear immediately. It was originally planned to do basic modification"Boeing-787-3", and it was intended for operation on Japanese airlines for flights over short distances, up to six thousand kilometers. However, due to the growth of orders for the 800 model, the 787 project was closed. The Boeing-787-8 became the basic model (a photo of this aircraft is in our article). And already on its basis, larger models have been developed. These are Boeing 787-9 and 787-10.

On all aircraft, the crew consists of two people (commander and co-pilot.)

Here are the characteristics of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner:

  • Length - 56.7 m.
  • Height - 17.0 m.
  • Wingspan - 60.2 m.
  • The unloaded weight of the aircraft is 118 tons.
  • The maximum weight allowed during takeoff is 228 tons.
  • The maximum landing weight is 172 tons.
  • The capacity of the fuel tanks is 126 tons.
  • Maximum flight distance: 13.6 thousand km.
  • The number of seats (total) in three classes - 210 or 250 pieces.
  • The width of the cabin is 5.49 m.
  • Cargo capacity - 138.2 cubic meters.

Below is a photo of the Boeing-787 cabin.

As you can see, it is quite roomy.

Boeing 787 - Best Seats

Naturally, the best (they are also the most expensive) seats are located in front of the cabin, closer to the cockpit. Business class occupies the first six rows (36 passengers with a 2 + 2 + 2 seating arrangement). However, it should be borne in mind that the most convenient seats are in the second and fifth rows, since the first is next to the door to the cockpit, the third is with toilets, the fourth is with an approach to the toilets, and the sixth is at the partition separating the business class from economy class.

Interior features

The Boeing 787-8 passenger compartment is unique in that:

  • It is almost four dozen centimeters wider than its competitors Airbus A330 and A340.
  • It has the largest self-darkening windows (there are no curtains and the electronics are working).
  • Inside the cabin, the pressure is the same as at an altitude of 1.8 km (usually as at an altitude of 2.4 kilometers).
  • Equipped with an innovative "smooth flight" system that improves comfort in turbulence.
  • The new turbocharging system draws air directly from the outboard space, rather than cooling it through the engines. This air is more humid and "lively".
  • The seats are more comfortable than those of the "predecessor", and a wheelchair can be moved along the aisle, including to the toilet.
  • The luggage racks have become more spacious (you can place four suitcases of standard sizes with wheels).
  • Free WI-FI, broadband internet (250 kb / s).
  • Interior lighting is LED.
  • The noise of the engines is significantly reduced due to the mixing of the jet stream with air.
  • The comfort of seating passengers in not only business but also economy class seats has been increased.

What does the Boeing 787-8 look like inside? His photo can be seen below.

Model "787-9"

This is a modification of the previous Boeing, which, by increasing the length of the aircraft by more than 10%, makes it possible to carry significantly more passengers (up to 290 people) and baggage. In addition, the flight range (15,700 kilometers) has increased by 0.5 thousand km, and among this family it is the most far flying. Passenger transportation started in 2014.


Here are the features of the model:

  • Length - 62.8 m.
  • Height - 17.0 m.
  • Wingspan - 60.1 m.
  • The unloaded weight of the aircraft is 128.8 tons.
  • The maximum weight allowed during takeoff is 254 tons.
  • The maximum landing weight is 192.8 tons.
  • The capacity of the fuel tanks is 126.4 tons.
  • Cruising speed - 913 km / h.
  • The maximum speed is 954 km / h.
  • Flight altitude (maximum) - 13.1 km.
  • Maximum flight distance: 15.7 thousand km.
  • Engines - two Rolls Royce Trent - 1000 or General Electric GEnx-1B turbojet engines.
  • The number of seats (total), in 3 classes - 280 pieces.
  • The width of the cabin is 5.49 m.

What does the Boeing 787 Dreamliner look like? The reader can see a photo of the airliner in this article. The appearance of this technique is truly impressive.

What are the characteristics of the Boeing 787-10:

  • Length - 63.8 m.
  • Height - 17.0 m.
  • Wingspan - 60.2 m.
  • The unloaded weight of the aircraft is 138 tons.
  • Maximum Takeoff Weight - NA.
  • The maximum landing weight is 202 tons.
  • Fuel capacity - not available.
  • Cruising speed - 903 km / h.
  • The maximum speed is 956 km / h.
  • Flight altitude (maximum) - 13.1 km.
  • Maximum flight distance: 11.9 thousand km.
  • Engines - two Rolls-Royce Trent - 1000 or General Electric GEnx-1B turbojet engines.
  • The number of seats (total), in three classes - 330 pieces.
  • The width of the cabin is 5.49 m.
  • Cargo capacity - 192.6 cubic meters.


Even more elongated (plus 5 meters), comfortable and roomy "Boeing-787" of this modification can take on board up to 330 passengers and much more luggage. Deliveries of this modification began in March this year. The first Boeing-787-10 airliners went on the lines Singapore - Osaka (Japan) and Singapore - Perth (Australia). Singapore Airlines became the start-up buyer.

Airplane in FSX

Boeing 787 is so popular that it is included in Microsoft's global multiplayer online game - Flight simulator X. Flight simulator with dozens of missions to transport passengers and goods between nearly fifty airports. In it, you can both fly an airplane alone or with a recruited company of players, and manage the ground services of the airport. The world in it is quite realistic and huge (more than half a billion square kilometers).


An ambitious plan, adopted by Boeing in 2011, called for the sale of 3.3 thousand 787 aircraft in twenty years (until 2030). Currently, the company has entered orders for an average of 136 aircraft of this model per year (Emirates ordered 210 Boeing 787 Dreamline in 2017), which, subject to continuous increase in orders and their fulfillment, will ensure the fulfillment of the approved plan.

In general, the number of orders (both completed and not yet) is confidently approaching the figure of 6,000. For the sixth year in a row, the company has overtaken its competitor in the supply of aircraft to customers. Last year alone, orders were received for 912 aircraft totaling $ 134 billion. Record holders for orders are "Boeing-737" and "787"

And the forecasts for the aircraft industry are more than good. Various analysts give roughly the same demand figures (within the natural margin of error) that by 2036 more than forty thousand civil aircraft worth about $ 6 trillion will be sold. True, in this huge barrel of honey for the company there is still a fly in the ointment. It is predicted that the main demand will go to narrow-body aircraft, and the Boeing-787 Dreamline series is just wide-body.

Every self-respecting traveler should know how Boeing differs from Airbus! This is the alphabet of all those who fly, more precisely its first two letters "A" and "B". For some reason, everyone can distinguish a BMW from a Mercedes, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, the situation with airplanes is very bad. Today we will try to correct this defect, 10 simple but expressive differences between such airplanes, which at first glance seem similar. Even if you don't care what to fly, then such basic knowledge will just broaden your horizons a little, and help pass the wait at the window at the airport, trying to identify the model of this or that side.

But I'll start with a small but important clarification ... There is no such word in the Russian language "Airbus"! In English transcription, the name Airbus should be pronounced like "Airbus", at first a little unusual, but right that way!
In this article I will consider the main visual differences between the Airbus A320 and the Boeing 737. These two aircraft models and their modifications are the most massive in the world, we fly with them most often. From short one hour flights to six to seven hour flights over long distances.
Airbus A320 family - produced since 1988, on this moment more than 5400 copies have been released. Includes models A318, A319, A320, A321, A320-neo.
The Boeing 737 family is the world's most popular narrow-body jet airliner. More than 7,400 aircraft were produced.
Includes: 737 Original (B737-100, -200), 737 Classic (-300, -400, -500), 737 - Next Generation (NG -600, -700, -800, -900), 737-MAX ...
Difference # 1 - Clearance- Airbus is higher than Boeing.

Difference # 2 - Nose shape. Airbus has a round one, Boeing has a sharp one.

Difference # 3 - Tail shape. Boeing has a fork, which gives a characteristic "kink" - the so-called. the transition is at an angle in the front part, the Airbus does not have it, the tail is "even" on both sides.

Difference # 4 - APU nozzle... Auxiliary power plant: Airbus is elongated, while Boeing is short and sloping. The APU nozzle is located behind the tailgate at the rear of the aircraft:
Three Airbus and Boeing farthest in the photo:

Difference # 5 - Engines- Airbus (full face) they are round, Boeing flattened at the bottom.

Boeing, Classic and Next Generation aircraft have non-circular air intakes. The engine units are located in the lateral overflows. This solution was called hamsterisation.

However, earlier Boeing models (Original generation) use engines of a different shape - thinner and more elongated. These are Pratt & Whitney JT8D turbofan engines.

Difference # 6 - Cab side windows: Airbus has straight lines, Boeing has angular at the bottom, sometimes with additional sections on top.
Airbus A320 in this picture on the right (!), On the left in the background the nose of the A330:

Boeing, additional windows above the windshield are borrowed from the Boeing 707. Their main task is to expand the viewing angle. With the improvement of avionics, windows have become superfluous and are no longer installed, but they are still quite common:

Difference # 7 - Chassis. In Airbus, the niches of the main pillars are closed; Boeing does not have them.
The Boeing 737 has no main landing gear doors. The main landing gear retracts into the recesses in the center section of the aircraft, with virtually no aerodynamic drag. If you watch the takeoff of the B737 while standing on the ground, you can easily see the black tire rings under the fenders.

Difference # 8 - Doors- for Airbus it moves to the side, and for Boeing it swings open with a turn of 180 degrees.

Difference # 9 - Winglets / Sharklets. Boeing 737s are tall and long. Airbus has small birds in the shape.
B737 winglets are a form of wingtip that reduces aerodynamic drag, allowing fuel consumption to be reduced by up to 5%. Winglets can even be installed on aircraft that were originally produced without them.

How often have you wondered which plane is flying over you or which plane are you going to travel on? Is it Boeing or Airbus? Is it A330 or B777?

Here are simple instructions for aircraft type and model identification for those interested in aviation. Let's try to make this instruction as descriptive as possible.

How to identify the plane?

The first and easiest way is to look at the name of the aircraft, which is often written on the fuselage. It can be found and read on most aircraft and is not difficult to do as long as you are close enough to the aircraft.
For practical reasons, we will focus on only two aviation giants - Airbus and Boeing and will not consider other manufacturers such as: Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, Antonov, Ilyushin, Bombardier, Embraer, Sukhoi.
We will also consider aircraft that are currently actively flying around the world, so the old models will not be described here.

Quick reference

Boeing is an American company and the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world in terms of profit, orders and shipments of finished aircraft. Airbus is a European manufacturer, a division of EADS, and is the creator of almost half of the world's aircraft with air-jet engines.

Boeing aircraft are numbered starting with 7, for example 737, 747, 757, 767, 777 and the newest 787 Dreamliner.
Airbus aircraft are numbered starting with 3, for example A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A380.

Airbus or Boeing. A-Team vs. B-Team

Airbus nose - convex, rounded

Boeing's new part - built-up

Check the nose of the plane, Boeing has a sharper nose and Airbus has a rounded one.

Look at the cockpit windows. The windows on Airbus aircraft have a straight bottom line, and on most Boeings this border is in the shape of the letter V. Also, the outermost window of Airbus looks like its corner has been cut off.

Airbus A330 APU area (tail) - rounded

Boeing B777 APU area (tail) - "cut down"

Take a look at the tail end of the aircraft, namely the APU (APU - Auxiliary Power Unit). Both Airbus and Boeing have a circular tail section, but with one exception - Boeing has a "sawed-off" shape at the end.

Everything wide-body aircraft Airbuses, except for the A380, have a straight upper fuselage shape, right down to the APU. On Boeings, the tail section is tapered, while on Airbus, the top line remains straight, and the bottom line is strongly rounded up.

Narrow-body or wide-body aircraft

Narrow-body aircraft are those that have only one seat aisle and are usually smaller and shorter in size.

Airbus: A318, A319, A320 and A321
Boeing: B737 and B757

Wide-body aircraft are aircraft that have two aisles between the seats, they are usually larger and longer in size.

Airbus: A300, A310, A330, A340, A380 and A350.
Boeing: B747, B757, B767, B777, B787 Dreamliner and B747-8 Intercontinental

2 motors or 4 motors

Only the aircraft of the A340, A380 and B747 series have 4 engines, the rest of the aircraft have 2 engines each.

Large aircraft A340, A380 and B747:

If an aircraft has 4 engines and 2 full rows of windows, then it is an Airbus A380

If the plane has 4 engines and one and a half rows of windows, then this is a Boeing B747

One row of seats, long fuselage and 4 engines - Airbus A340

B777 or A330

The Boeing B777 has 3 pairs of wheels on each chassis. The B777 has 14 wheels in total, in a configuration of 6 6 2.

The Boeing B777 has no winglets.

The Airbus A330 has two pairs of wheels on each chassis.

Wheels: Boeing has 3 pairs of wheels, Airbus has 2 pairs of wheels on each chassis.
Tail section (APU): Boeing has a "sawed-off" tail shape, Airbus has a tapered tail.
Wings: Boeing has no wingtips; Airbus has wings that curl at the tips.

A320 or B737 series

In terms of capacity, this is how Airbus planes correspond to Boeing planes.
A318 vs. B737-600
A319 vs. B737-700
A320 vs. B737-800
A321 vs. B737-900

B737-700 on the left, A320 on the right. Pay attention to the difference in the shape of the planes.

Compare the A320 at the top and the B737 at the bottom. The fuselage of the 320 is rounded in the nose and pointed in the tail. The fuselage of the 737 is sharpened in the bow and rounded in the tail.

Can you guess where is the A320 and where is the B737?

In each case, the version of the Boeing aircraft is legendary and accommodates more people... The Airbus plane is located higher off the ground than the Boeing. Aircraft of the A320 series have fly-by-wire technology, which means that the computer plays an important role during the flight, unlike the Boeing 737, where the pilot is given a central role. The A320 is longer than the B737, but has a smaller wingspan.

Look at the vertical stabilizer in the tail section to distinguish the 737 from the A320. If the angle of the tail fin is very sharp at the point where it is attached to the fuselage, then it is B737.

If the plane is larger, has circular engines and a longer fuselage, then it is A320. If the motors are flattened at the bottom, then it is B737.

More about Boeing.

Read more about Boeing B737.
Boeing B737 comes in 9 versions -100, -200, -300, -400, -500, -600, -700, -800, and -900ER. Versions -300, -400 and -500 fall into the classic category, and the last 4 versions are Boeing of the new generation. The –300s are the shortest and the –900ER are the longest.

B737-100 Classic

B737-200 classic

B737-300 classic

B737-400 classic

B737-500 classic

B737-600 new generation

B737-700 new generation

B737-800 new generation

B737-900 new generation

The Boeing -100s series no longer flies.
If the front of the engine is slightly flattened, then this is the classic series, and if the shape is almost round, then this is the new generation.
If you look at the APU and see two holes, then this is a new generation, if one hole, then this is a classic version.
Also, all classic versions have additional small windows above the main ones in the cockpit (eyebrow windows).
If the plane seems long and it is classic, then this is the 400 series, if it is long and this is a new generation, then this is the 800 series. If the plane is very long and has 3 doors on each side, then this is the 900 series.

More information about B747
Boeing B747 is available in 5 versions - 100, -SP, -200, -300, and -400. All versions are 70.6 meters long, except for the B747SP which is 15 meters shorter. There are several variations, but we will only be looking at the Big Five.

Boeing B747-100 and -200 have 10 windows on each side on the upper deck, some early versions of the -100 series that are no longer in production had 3 windows on each side of the upper deck.

The B747-200 has 10 windows on each side of the upper deck.

The B747-300 has a longer upper deck compared to the -200 and -100 series. Also, the -300 series has a door on the upper deck.

Only the Boeing B747-400 version has curved fenders at the end.

The B747-SP version has a shorter fuselage, but this is compensated by a longer nose.

More about Boeing B757s
The B757s is produced in two series -200 and -300.

The -200 series comes with 3 doors on each side and small emergency exit windows.

Series - 300 has 4 doors and 2 emergency exit windows on each side.

More about Boeing B767s

Boeing B767 is produced in three series - 200, –300 and –400 with corresponding versions for long-range flights. The -200 series is the shortest, the -400 series is the longest, respectively.




What is the key difference between the Boeing B757 and B767?

The Boeing 767 has a wingspan of 48 meters, which is 10 meters more than the 757. The position of the front wheel relative to the passenger compartment is more advanced in the Boeing 767 than in the 757.
Also, the main wheel system is located much closer to the rear of the aircraft on the Boeing 767.

More about Boeing B777s

The easiest way to identify a Boeing B777 is to look at its tail section, looking for a razor-shaped tail cone. Also pay attention to the main chassis, if you see 6 wheels on each chassis, then it is 777. There are 4 passenger versions of the Boeing 777: B777-200, B777-200 ER (Extended Range), B777-200LR (Longer Range), B777- 300 and B777-300ER (Extended Range). These versions differ in fuselage length and flight range. The -300s series are longer than the -200s by 10 meters.

Fuselage length:
B777-200 - 63.7m
B777-200ER - 63.7m
The B777-200LR - 63.7m is the longest range commercial aircraft. Boeing named the aircraft the Worldliner, noting that it can connect virtually any two airports in the world.

B777-300 - 73.9m
B777-300ER - 73.9m

More about Airbus aircraft

Airbus A300s

A300 B2

A300 B4

A300 -600

The basic fuselage design of the A330 is borrowed from the A330. How can you tell the difference between two planes if they are parked next to each other? The A330 has wingtips and is longer than the A330. The Airbus A330 may or may not have wingtips. Also, the A330 has a larger wingspan.


The Airbus A310 is a smaller version of the A300. It is produced in two different versions -200 and -300. It has a shorter fuselage and a smaller tail section than the A300. Also, the A310 has only two doors on each side, unlike the A310, which has 3 doors on each side.

More about Airbus A320s

The A320 series includes the A318-100, A319-100, A320-200 and A321-200.
If you compare the length of the fuselage, the A318 is the shortest and the A321 is the longest.

A318-100 - 31.44m

A319-100 - 33.84m

A320-200 - 37.57m

A321-200 - 44.51m

The A320 usually has two emergency exit windows on the wings of the aircraft, while the A318 and A319 have only one emergency exit window. The A321 has 4 doors on each side.

Read more about Airbus A330s series

Airbus A330 comes in 2 passenger versions A330-200 and A330-300. The -300 series is longer than the -200. The aircraft of the -300 version can carry more passengers, but its flight range is shorter.

Fuselage length
A330-200 - 58.8m

A330-300 - 63.6m

More about Airbus А340s series

If the plane has 4 engines and a single-story cabin, then you can bet it's an A340. Airbus A340 is produced in 4 versions A340-200, A340-300, A340-500 and A340-600.

The length of the fuselage can help distinguish the versions from each other. The A340-600 is the second largest aircraft in the world after the Boeing B747-8 Intercontinental (currently under development). Both the -500 and -600 series come in High Gross Weight versions with increased range, fuel tank capacity and weight.

Fuselage length
A340-200 - 59.39m

A340-300 - 63.60m

A340-500 - 67.90m

A340-600 - 75.30m

Boeing 737 is the general name for a family of more than ten types aircraft... The Boeing 737 is the most massively produced and best-selling jet airliner in the history of aviation, the most popular narrow-body passenger jet in the world, it has been in production since 1967 and in its history, the Boeing 737 family aircraft have transported more than 12,000,000,000 (12 billion ) passengers. The aircraft performs short- and medium-haul flights. At any given time, there are on average about 1250 737 aircraft in the air, and every 4.6 seconds, somewhere in the world, one Boeing 737 takes off or lands. All aircraft of the Boeing 737 family are divided into 3 groups: 737 Original, 737 Classic, 737 Next Generation (NG) Boeing 737 Original: 737 100-200 (produced from 1967 to 1988) Boeing 737 Classic: 737 300-500 (produced from 1983 to 2000) Boeing 737 NG: 737 600-700, -700ER, 800 -900, -900ER, BBJ, BBJ2 (produced since 1997)

Boeing 737 specifications

A type 737-100 737-200 737-300 737-400 737-500 737-600 737-700 737-800 737-900 737-900
Length, m 28,65 30,50 33,25 36,40 31,01 31,20 33,60 39,50 42,10 42,10
Wingspan, m 28,35 28,88 34,30
Fuselage width, m 3,76
Cabin width, m 3,53
Number of places 85-99 96-133 123-149 146-168 103-122 110-132 128-149 162-189 177-189 180-215
Maximum takeoff weight, kg 49 940 58 100 61 250 62 820 52 400 65 150 69 400 79 010 79 200 83 627
Cruising speed, km / h 917 907 852
Minimum speed, km / h 350 350 330
Flight range, km 3 440 4 200 4 400 5 000 5 200 5 648 6 230 5 665 5 800 5 925
First delivery 02.1968 04.1968 11.1984 09.1988 02.1990 08.1998 10.1997 04.1998 05.2001 04.2007

Interesting facts about the Boeing 737

  • The first Boeing 737s were nicknamed "Baby Boeing" by pilots because they looked like a small Boeing 707
  • In aircraft of the Classic (300-500) and NG (600-900) series, the engine air intakes have a non-circular shape. This technical solution was nicknamed "hamsterisation" because of the similarity with the cheeks of a hamster.
  • The number of Boeing 737 parts exceeds 3 million pieces
  • To paint the fuselage of a Boeing 737, you need about 200 liters of paint. When the paint dries, it weighs about 113 kilograms
  • Estimated cost of Boeing 737: from $ 51.5 million to $ 87 million, depending on the series and configuration

Boeing 737 salon

Number of passenger seats depending on the type of aircraft and cabin class

Boeing 737 cabin layout. Layout: Business class + Economy class

Boeing 737 cabin layout. Layout: Economy class

The arrows show the emergency exits of the Boeing 737

Boeing 747(Jumbo Jet, "Jumbo Jet") - the first long-range wide-body passenger aircraft in the world and the most recognizable civil aircraft in the world. The Boeing 747 made its first flight in 1969. From its inception until 2005 (the appearance of the A380), the Boeing 747 was the largest, largest and heaviest passenger aircraft in the world. Also, the Boeing 747 was the world's fastest subsonic jet airliner, its cruising speed is 0.855 M (M is the Mach number. The speed is 0.855 of the speed of sound at a given altitude). Together with the Boeing 777, the Boeing 747 is a key element of Boeing's long-haul airline strategy.

The fuselage of the Boeing 747 has a two-deck layout, upper deck shorter than the bottom. There are several modifications of the Boeing 747, most of which are capable of long-range flights. The record-breaking 747 is the Boeing of Australian airline Qantas Airways, which made a non-stop flight from London to Sydney in 1989, covering 18,000 km in 20 hours and 9 minutes, without passengers or cargo on board.

The aerodynamic design of the Boeing 747 is a four-engine low-wing aircraft with a swept wing and single-fin tail.

Boeing 747 specifications

A type




Length, m




Wingspan, m




Height, m




Empty aircraft weight, t




Maximum takeoff weight, t




Cruising speed, M

0.84 M

0.855 M

0.855 M

Maximum speed, M

0.89 M

1150 km / h

1150 km / h

Range with maximum load, km


14 205

14 815

Fuel capacity, l

183 380

241 140

227 600

Fuel consumption at maximum load, l / km




Passenger capacity

452 (2 grades)
366 (3 grades)

524 (2 grades)
416 (3 grades)

467 (3 grades)

Crew, people

Boeing 747 modifications
  • Boeing 747-100 (produced from 1968 to 1986)
  • Boeing 747-200 (in production since 1971)
  • Boeing 747-300 (in production since 1980)
  • The Boeing 747-400 (produced from 1989 to the present day) is the most popular model in the entire series. The Boeing 747-400 is 25% more economical and twice as quiet as the Boeing 747-100, and it also boasts an increased degree of comfort.
  • 747-8 Intercontinental (passenger) and Freighter (transport version of the Boeing 747-400). The first test flight of this modification took place on February 8, 2010.

(the average: 5,00 out of 5)

It is the world's largest twin-engine jet airliner. The Boeing 777 has set an absolute record for the range for passenger aircraft - 21.601 thousand km! Boeing 777 ("Triple Seven" or "three sevens") - this aircraft was developed in the early 1990s, made its first flight in 1994, in operation since 1995. The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be 100% computer-based. And this is the safest long-haul liner in the history of aviation!

I flew three sevens only once - from Dubai to Male by the Emirates airline, and then I was surprised to learn that they had saved a lot on the layout of the economy class cabin, we will put one additional seat in a row, reducing the width of the others! In this report I will tell you about the history of creation, design features and show the passenger compartment of the largest operator of this type of aircraft in Russia.

History of creation

In the mid 1970s. The three-engine 777, which was conceived as a competitor for the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011. This aircraft was conceived as a modified version of the 767 with a redesigned wing and tail section. It was planned to create two main options: a short-haul aircraft, which would be able to carry up to 175 passengers over a distance of 5,000 kilometers, and an intercontinental liner, carrying the same number of passengers over a distance of 8,000 kilometers.

Work on twin-engine aircraft was soon begun, but the 777 project was frozen, as there were difficulties with the design of the tail section of the aircraft, and the company also decided to focus on the more commercially promising 757 and 767. As a result, when both aircraft began to roll off the assembly line, it became it is clear that Boeing's aircraft lineup is missing a link. There was an urgent need to have an aircraft that would be in the niche between such machines as the Boeing 767-300ER and Boeing 747-400.

1. Initially, Boeing planned to simply modify the 767, resulting in the concept of the so-called 767-X. It was in many ways akin to the 767, but had a longer fuselage, larger wing and could carry about 340 passengers over a distance of 13.5 thousand kilometers.

2. But the airlines weren't impressed with the new aircraft. They wanted to have an aircraft capable of flying over shorter distances and with a cabin configuration similar to the Boeing 747, which, moreover, could be changed by adding or removing the required number of passenger seats in the cabin of one class or another. Another prerequisite was the reduction in operating costs - they should have been significantly lower than those of the 767. As a result, the initial project was greatly redesigned and a twin-engine Boeing 777 was born.

The Boeing 777 became the first commercial airliner to fly 100% designed on computers... During the entire development period, not a single paper drawing was released, everything was made using a three-dimensional design system.

Development of the aircraft began in 1990 and immediately received the first order from United Airlines. In 1995, the first 777 began operating commercial flights. At the moment, the 777-200LR is the aircraft capable of making the longest passenger flights in the world.


3. 777-200 was the first modification of the aircraft and was intended for Segment A. The first 777-200 was transferred to United Airlines on May 15, 1995. With a range of 5235 nautical miles, the 777-200 modification was focused primarily on US domestic carriers. A total of ten customers received 88 different aircraft of the 777-200 modification. Airbus's rival model is the A330-300.

4. 777-300. The extended version of the 777-300 was intended to replace the Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200 aircraft. Compared to the older versions of the 747, the extended version has a similar passenger capacity and range, but it consumes a third less fuel and has 40% lower operating costs. The fuselage of the 777-300 is lengthened by 11 meters compared to the base modification of the 777-200, which allows it to accommodate up to 550 passengers in a single-class configuration. The maximum range of the modification is 6015 nautical miles, which allows the 777-300 to serve the heavily loaded destinations previously served by the 747.

5. 777-200LR(“LR” stands for “Longer Range”), a Segment C model, became the longest-range commercial airliner in the world in 2006. Boeing called this model the Worldliner, indicating the airliner's ability to connect virtually any two airports. The modification set the world record for the longest non-stop flight among commercial airliners, with a range of 9,380 nautical miles (17,370 km). The 777-200LR modification is designed for ultra-long flights such as Los Angeles - Singapore or Dallas - Tokyo. The 777-200LR has an increased maximum takeoff weight and three additional fuel tanks in the rear cargo area.

777-300ER("ER" stands for Extended Range) is a modification of the 777-300. The modification has tapered and lengthened wingtips, new main landing gear, a reinforced front strut and additional fuel tanks. Standard on this model, the GE90-115B turbofan engines are by far the most powerful jet engines in the world and have a maximum thrust of 513 kN. The maximum range is 7,930 nautical miles (14,690 km), which was made possible by the increased maximum take-off weight and fuel capacity. The range of the 777-300ER fully loaded has been increased by approximately 34% over the 777-300. After flight tests, the introduction of new engines, wings and an increase in take-off weight, fuel consumption decreased by 1.4%.

6. And all the modifications in the visual range:

7. A good illustration for comparison of scale is 737 ahead. Please note that the diameter of the GE-115B engine installed on the 777 is only 30 cm less than the width of the Boeing 737's cabin!

Structural elements

8. The structure of the airframe of the aircraft includes the use of composite materials, which make up 9% of the weight of the structure. The floor and steering wheels are also made of such materials. main part The fuselage has a circular cross-section and from the rear it passes into a blade-like tail cone, in which the auxiliary power unit is located.

12. The airliner also has the largest landing gear legs and largest tires ever used in a commercial jet. Each tire from the 777-300ER main six-wheel strut can carry 27 tonnes, which is more than the tire load on the 777-300ER. Boeing aircraft 747-400!

15. The aircraft has three backup hydraulic systems, of which only one is needed for landing. An emergency aircraft turbine is located in the wing fairing under the fuselage - a small propeller that extends out of the aircraft in emergency situations to provide a minimum power supply.

The Boeing 777's General Electric GE90 engines are the largest and most powerful jet engines in aviation history. All five Boeing 777-300s of Transaero are equipped with Rolls Royse RR211 Trent 892 engines:


17. The cockpit is very spacious. The Boeing 777 in all modifications is a long-haul airliner capable of serving non-stop commercial flights up to 18 hours in duration. However, the rules of various aviation regulatory bodies, professional and trade union organizations limit the hours of continuous work of the crew and flight attendants.


The 777's interior, also known as the Boeing Signature Interior, features curved lines with oversized luggage racks and indirect lighting. Seat configurations range from 4 in a row in First Class to 10 in Economy. The size of the windows - 380 x 250 mm - was the largest of all commercial airliners before the 787.

The passenger compartment of each airline has its own layout. It depends on certain customer requirements, and not on the type of aircraft!

Please note that in economy class Transaero has one seat less in a row than, for example, Emirates (!) And Aeroflot.

20. Examples of the layout of Boeing 777 -200 and -300 a / c Transaero. Economy 2-5-2:

21. Economy 3-3-3:

22. Aeroflot - economy: 3-4-3:

23. Let's take a look aboard a Boeing-777-300 of Transaero Airlines. This EI-UNM aircraft has previously flown with Singapore Airlines. The salon has been completely renovated with the Lumexis entertainment system installed everywhere. The upholstery uses wear-resistant material Alcantara, and the armchairs are manufactured by the Italian company Aviointeriors.


27. Business class:

28. Economy class. The economy class cabin in red is called “economy class” and the blue is “ tourist class". They differ in the step of the chairs. In the economy class - 36 inches, in the tourist class - 32 inches.

31. Visually, the color separation in the cabin is pleasing to the eye:

32. Aft galley:

33. And even an installation for uncorking bottles of champagne for the "Imperial" -class:

34. In total, about 1,100 boards have been produced at the moment! Once I photographed the 1000th copy in Dubai:

35. Safety. This liner is considered the safest aircraft among all long-haul liners. Over 18 years of operation, the Boeing 777 has had eight accidents, including one accident and two hijacking attempts. On July 6, 2013, the first fatal plane crash happened. An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Seoul to San Francisco, crashed while landing at San Francisco airport, hitting the tail end of the runway. 2 people were killed.