From Mui Ne to Dalat. Transfer from Mui Ne to Dalat by taxi. Three-in-One Tour: Mount Taku, Binh Chau Springs and Crocodile Farm

In this post, I will share with you some information about my trip to Dalat. I will tell you where in Mui Ne you can buy bus tickets, show pictures from the trip, and I will be glad to answer any of your questions.

How much to go from Mui Ne to Da Lat

There is a well-established transport connection between Mui Ne and Dalat, there are no problems to get to the resort on your own.

But it should be remembered that Dalat is located in the mountains. It is for this reason that the time spent on the passage of 160 kilometers is a little more than usual, the bus will travel for four hours, or even more.

Much depends on the weather conditions, if there is a heavy fog in the mountains, then not every driver will drive headlong. Expect about 4-5 hours, as on the way there will be a mandatory stop for a driver change and a light snack, the Vietnamese cannot do without food.

Pay attention to this map of Vietnam, on it I indicated the location of Dalat and the nearest seaside resorts.

If you are driving from the center of Mui Ne, then the distance does not exceed 160 kilometers, you should take into account the location of your hotel both in Mui Ne and Dalat.

The flat part of the trip does not stand out in any way, but when you see the mountains outside the window, your trip will sparkle with new colors. :)

If you have free time, then I strongly recommend to go from Dalat to Nha Trang (follow the link for all the attractions of this resort), stay there for a couple of days and then return. There is a very high probability that you will stay in Nha Trang until the end of your vacation. How to return from Nha Trang to Mui Ne, follow the link.

Where to go to Da Lat

There are several options for visiting Dalat, from extreme (ride a moped) to ordinary (as part of a group excursion).

In this part of the post I will tell you about the most popular ones, at the end of the post read about my experience of traveling from Mui Ne to Da Lat on local buses.

Bus from Mui Ne to Da Lat

This is the most common, cheap and quite comfortable way to get to the highlands of Dalat.

The price of the trip is 500 rubles (follow the link to find out the exact ticket prices), while the Vietnamese flavor is guaranteed to you. On the specified site, you should enter the names of cities in the Latin alphabet Mui Ne (Mui Ne), Dalat (Dalat), Nha Trang (Nha Trang), etc.

I choose this particular option, but it has its drawbacks:

  1. It is highly discouraged to travel along the route on evening flights, as it can simply be dangerous;
  2. Buses to Dalat come either to their offices or to the Dalat bus station, so you have to get to the city center on your own or by taxi;
  3. We'll have to go with the Vietnamese, and this is a very specific audience.

Transfer from Mui Ne to Da Lat

This is ideal for a small company that has nothing to do with money.

What could be more comfortable than a taxi ride? Probably just a trip in a rented car, but in Vietnam there are problems with driving with our driver's licenses (see the link for all the details).

The average cost of a transfer from a hotel in Mui Ne to a hotel in Dalat does not exceed $ 90, follow the link for the exact price. If a large company is traveling, then, in terms of each, a sane amount comes out.

Here are the main benefits of a taxi ride:

  1. The travel time is slightly less than the bus time (about 3 hours), but do not forget about the traffic situation and the weather;
  2. You are driven from door to door, there are no additional costs for a taxi to / from the bus station;
  3. And most importantly, you can make stops on demand for rest, selfies, light snacks, etc.

My experience of a bus trip from Mui Ne to Da Lat

After wandering in the evening along the only street, Mui Ne, passing it all and returning back, I realized that it would be difficult for me to spend more than one day in this tourist ghetto.

Having dined at a nearby restaurant, a myriad of people were eaten here, having bought a bus ticket to the mountainous Dalat, he moved to his hotel, for the rise was coming early.

The next morning began with a misunderstanding, at the hotel reception they were supposed to leave me a lunch box with food (I had to eat at least something on the way), but there was no food prepared for me. What a slovenliness I thought and went to the hotel restaurant, in full confidence that they had not managed to inform the reception, but there was no chef and did not know that they had to do something for me.

I swear aloud, but I walk away, otherwise it may come out so that while I figure out the fate of the food I miss the bus. The bus is more valuable and I stomp on the road in front of the hotel. At the appointed time, no one is there, ok I'm patiently waiting, 15 minutes pass - no one, I start to get nervous, 30 minutes pass - no one, I'm not nervous anymore.

I wait another 15 minutes and go to the room to continue the interrupted sleep, go in, start to take my backpack, knock on the door, open “mister, are you going to Dalat?”. This is interesting, but I'm getting ready quickly and the bus hastily leaves the sleepy Mui Ne.

The bus went through Phan Thiet, then there was only one stop, something like for a snack and to go to the toilet and go on the road again. The bus itself was slightly better than a regular regular bus in terms of comfort and a little worse than tourist minivans, but it performed its function properly.

On the part of the road where the road from flat to mountainous there was one more stop, but very strange. The driver stopped, turned off the engine and waited, what he was waiting for not to understand. About 5 minutes later, a bass, painted in the same way and of the same brand, parked on the opposite side of the road, the carriers changed places and the trip continued, everyone went where they came from and arrived.

Outside the window, the weather and landscape were changing very rapidly, after chatting with fellow travelers, I learned from an Englishman (who is not the first time going to Dalat
) disappointing weather forecast, rain and cool. Right behind me sat a couple of elderly Vietnamese with perfect English, the secret is simple, they have been living in California for 20 years already, so in their old age they decided to visit relatives, they fully confirmed the Englishman's forecast and noticed that I would not be very comfortable in shorts.

We enter the city and really the weather is straight to say St. Petersburg, gray gloomy sky, it is raining and cold. The bus took us all to some guest house and right at the exit, the cunning Vietnamese handed out business cards and a map of the city (on the other side of the map, naturally, advertising excursions).

Killed by the weather, I go to see what the guesthouse is and what the prices are. For $ 5 they offered only a bed in the common compartment, for $ 15 a clean but small room, I obviously don't like it, I'm going to wander around the city.

One thing I can say, if you are going to Dalat, take warm clothes, they will come in handy here.

Arriving in Dalat, we first of all decided to immediately take tickets in Mui Ne. But it turned out to be not as easy as we thought. At the Dalat bus station, bus tickets could not be taken. Local bus companies in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet do not operate buses. We were told so at the box office, at least.

Fortunately, the office of Sinkafe (a well-known tourist transport company) was literally a few steps from the hotel where we rented a room. We bought tickets to Mui Ne in Sinkaf for 319 thousand dongs for one and calmed down.

A few days later, having enjoyed the mountain Dalat and slightly froze in it, we left Mui Ne. The Dalat - Mui Ne road was very beautiful and very tiring. I understood why many companies preferred not to ride on it and not hit the buses. In some places it seemed that we were not driving along the road, but along a forgotten mountain path. The bus was old and barely pulled up the hill, sometimes practically stopping, wheezing heavily and rolling over another hole.

The views outside the window slightly compensated for the difficult road, but when the sea finally appeared outside the window, we were terribly happy. End of the road! Instead of the declared 4 hours, we drove for almost 6 hours.

And now - Mui Ne! The Sinkafe office is located behind Boke, on the other side of the "Russian beach". We stumbled into the hotel across the street and were very surprised when they offered us a room for three for $ 20. We heard a lot about the fact that Mui Ne is not at all the same, that he has become expensive and show-off, that there are only Russians here, and in general there is nothing to do.

Impressed by the "eyewitness accounts" we expected to pay at least 30 bucks a day for the hotel. But encouraged by the first named price, we went to look further. They didn’t stay in that hotel opposite the Sinkafe. The rooms were only on the first floor, and it smelled strongly of damp there.

We found housing quite quickly, on the first line by the sea, with a Vietnamese owner who lived right there a meter from the guesthouse. It was new, clean and bright, with large beds and a wide porch. All this beauty was worth $ 16.

The sea was very close. I can't say that the beach was great. But you need to understand that Mui Ne is not Phu Quoc, there is generally tension with beaches here. Although we later found absolutely amazing beaches at some distance from the center of Mui Ne. I will definitely write about them.

As for the prices in Mui Ne ... We got the cheapest vacation in Mui Ne. Food is inexpensive, little entertainment, and those excursions that are either free or very inexpensive. But a lot of time for bike rides to the dunes and to distant beaches. And if you don't feel like going anywhere, you can just sit by the sea and watch the kiters. Or play billiards at a nearby cafe. Or sit on the porch of your guest house and chat with neighbors about anything and everything.

Mui Ne reminded me of Goa in some way. Probably the atmosphere. No one is in a hurry or fussing around. Everyone is relaxed and smiling, happy with life, themselves, warmth and the sea. Good!

True, all this concerns the place where we lived. Behind Boke. Boke is the promenade in Mui Ne. Where the "Russian beach" is more bustling, like Russian tourists, prices are higher and in general somehow not so. We were comfortable in our rogue district, where mostly foreigners settled in budget guesthouses, where you could eat in local Vietnamese cafes, and in the evenings love each other on a completely empty beach.

Phan Thiet turned out to be a very nice and bright town with a wonderful beach and cozy cafes with delicious coffee.

The days in Mui Ne flew by very quickly. The first few days were completely calm and no waves. And then, to the delight of kiters and surfers, the windy weather set in. But we were already getting ready to go. Saigon again, and then - home, home ...

Road from Phan Thiet to Da Lat

Despite the fact that we left Phan Thiet quite early, it seems, it was not even 9 in the morning, halfway to the city of Dalat, we both were really exhausted. I must say, traveling to Vietnam is not an easy one. Perhaps this is the most difficult route that we have ever had. Almost the entire road from Phan Thiet to Dalat was very difficult, as it ran along a mountain serpentine.

The road from Phan Thiet at number 28 is very interesting and so beautiful that it will take your breath away! Almost all of it is deserted, from time to time local motorcyclists rushed past us, who looked back at us in amazement.

We drove past small mountain villages located almost on the slopes of the mountains, around impenetrable forests, and on one side of the mountain, opposite from our road, we saw a narrow waterfall that originates from the top of the mountain! Unfortunately, there were no entrances to it, they photographed it from afar. There were no gas stations all the way along the road, it's good that we filled a full tank.

On the way, we stopped at a small town in the Di Linh mountains to take a break and eat. We took rice with meat and eggs for 25,000 dongs, had a snack and realized that the further path was simply impossible. Suddenly, such a wild fatigue came over me that I did not dare to continue my journey to Dalat. The husband admitted that he was also tired. Although we drove, at first glance, nothing at all - some 90 km! And there are only 77 km left. In reality, the mountain road is very tiring. To be honest, sometimes there are moments when it seems to me that traveling in Vietnam on a motorcycle is the last thing in my life, so I get tired. Usually such gloomy thoughts overtake me in the evening, when fatigue knocks down and there are no other thoughts, except how to get to bed quickly. The mountain town of Di Linh is very small, but very neat, well-groomed, with stunning nature around.

Based on our condition, we decided to spend the night at Di Linh, since there are more than enough Nha Ngi hotels in Vietnam. In the first one that came across, they bargained from 300,000 dongs to 250,000 per room. The room was just huge! Three-meter ceilings, TV, good Internet Wi Fi, hot water in the shower, refrigerator and, most importantly, that always captivates my husband - a balcony! To my surprise, why there is no air conditioning, the girl from the front desk replied that it is quite cool here at night, so the air conditioner is not needed. It turned out to be true! All night I was wrapped in a plush blanket ...

In the morning, we allowed ourselves to get up a little later than usual, since only 77 km of the way left to Dalat. We didn’t know that troubles had become as if our eternal companions on a trip to Vietnam.

There are not so many attractions in the Vietnamese village of Mui Ne, and you can go around them on your own on a rented bike. But if you are hesitant to take a bike, then there is another way to explore the entire vicinity of Mui Ne - these are organized excursions.

You can buy them in one of the many street agencies, almost every agency has a Russian-speaking guide. What excursions are there from Mui Ne? How much do they cost? In our article, we will talk about this using the example of one of the Muine street travel agencies.

The price of this excursion $ 25 per person.

Included in cost:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Fishing boat.

The lighthouse is located 25 km from Mui Ne, it takes a long time to get there on your own, so the excursion will be a good option.

Almost all guidebooks say that you can climb the lighthouse, however, today, the lighthouse is closed to the public. Therefore, the essence of the excursion comes down to an external examination of the lighthouse.

Mount Taku and the reclining Buddha pagoda

Excursion cost $ 25.

The price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Cable car.

The mountain is located 40 km from Mui Ne, getting there by yourself, as in the case of the lighthouse, takes a long time (if by bike) or expensive (if by taxi). A minibus takes tourists to the mountain, then everyone ascends the mountain by cable car on a funicular (475 m above sea level). On the mountain is the largest statue of the reclining Buddha in Vietnam.

On the way back, a visit to the dragonfruit plantation is envisaged.

It is possible to combine this excursion with Mak Ke Ga, in this case the price will be cheaper than buying two excursions separately.

Day Tour to Da Lat from Mui Ne

Price $ 30 per person.

Duration - from 5:00 to 18:00.

Included in cost:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Lunch with Dalat wine.

You can explore Dalat by bike (they are often given for free in hotels): interesting and healthy

The only disadvantage of traveling on your own may be that you have to move from one attraction to another on your own. To do this, you can rent a bike or take a taxi. But you can see Dalat leisurely, walk along its streets, look into the market and buy Dalat strawberries, get your own impressions of the city.

Binh Chau Hot Springs and Crocodile Farm

Excursion cost - $ 45 .

Duration - from 08:00 to 17:00.

The tour price includes:


  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Mud bath;

Binh Chau Hot Springs are a 2-hour drive from Phan Thiet. It is the largest medical mud treatment center in Vietnam. There is a crocodile farm near the springs, a visit to which is also included in the excursion.

Three-in-One Tour: Mount Taku, Binh Chau Springs and Crocodile Farm.

Excursion cost - $ 50.

Duration - from 08:00 to 17:00.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Mud bath;
  • Lunch with crocodile and ostrich dishes.

Tour "Sunrises and sunsets"

Excursion cost - $ 10 (group) $ 30 (individual).


  • Dawn from 04:30 to 08:30
  • Sunset from 14:00 to 18:00.

Visiting white and red sand dunes, Lotus Lake, Red Canyon. Watching sunrise or sunset in the sand dunes.

Red dunes in Mui Ne: at sunrise and sunset they turn real red

Fishing on the lake

Excursion cost - $ 25.

Duration - from 08:00 to 14:00.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Lunch with moonshine.

You are taken to the lake, where fishing rods and spinning rods are issued. More than 10 types of fish are found in the lake: catfish, perch, bream, carp, eel, banana fish. You can even see a turtle. While fishing, you can swim in the sea or the pool. Lunch will be prepared from the caught fish right on the shore.

Night fishing for squid in the sea

Excursion cost - $ 40 .

Duration - from 05:00 to 10:30 or from 18:00 to 22:00.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Fishing boat.

From the coast to the fishing boat, you will be taken by a round Vietnamese boat Thun. After that, you will go out to the open sea on a wooden fishing boat Thuengo along with Vietnamese fishermen. They will teach you how to catch squid, then barbecue and treat you with Vietnamese moonshine and wine.

Tours to Nha Trang from Mui Ne for 1 day

During your vacation in Mui Ne, you have the opportunity to see another Vietnamese resort -

Excursion to Nafu Bay (3 islands)

Excursion cost - $ 60.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Boat;
  • Dinner.

Visiting the islands: Hon Thi (spotted deer and African ostriches are bred here), (orchid garden, butterfly garden, deer, ostriches, elephants, circus show with elephants and bears, magnificent beach), Monkey Island (feeding monkeys, circus show with monkeys, etc. dogs).

Feeding the deer on Orchid Island

Winperl from Mui Ne (plus Monkey Island or Cham Towers)

Excursion cost - $ 60.
Duration - from 05:00 to 20:00.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Cable car.

Winperl: Vietnamese Disneyland

World famous every tourist who comes to Vietnam wants to visit. The longest cable car over the sea, the coolest rides, a water park. Oceanarium: nobody will be bored!

Excursions from Mui Ne to Saigon (1 day)

Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is a 5-hour drive from Mui Ne, so you have a great opportunity to see all of its attractions in just 1 day of vacation.

Tour of Saigon, Cu Chi tunnels, shopping

Excursion cost - $ 60.
Duration - from 05:00 to 20:00.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Dinner.

Notre Dame de Saigon: Vietnamese version of Notre Dame Cathedral

Sightseeing tour of the most famous places in Ho Chi Minh City: Central Square, Uprising Street, Central Market, Central Post Office, Cathedral, Chinatown, Buddhist Pagoda, shopping in the central market, excursion through the Cu Chi tunnels.

The underground passages of Ku Chi stretch for more than 200 km! During the war with the Americans, they were used as a base for the Viet Cong. This is a whole underground city: inside there are sleeping rooms, a meeting room, hospitals and other rooms. Today, two sections of these tunnels have been opened: in the villages of Bendin and Benzyok.

Mekong Delta

Excursion cost - $ 60.

Duration - from 05:00 to 1:00.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • A boat and a junk;
  • Dinner.

The Mekong is the largest river in Southeast Asia. It begins in Tibet and flows through the territories of China, Myanmar, Cambodia, along the borders of Laos and Thailand. On the territory of South Vietnam, the Mekong flows into the South China (about).

At the mouth, the river forms a delta so branched and swampy that people here were forced to adapt to life on the water. The boat is the most widespread mode of transport here; people live and trade on boats.

You will go by boat on the river, visit the islands, get acquainted with the local life and craft. Ride a wooden boat through narrow canals surrounded by tropical jungle. Enjoy tasting honey drinks, rice cakes, coconut and fruit sweets.

Nha Trang and Da Lat from Mui Ne for 2 days

Excursion cost - $ 99 .

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Dinner, breakfast and lunch;
  • Hotel 2 *.

First day you are offered a choice one of three programs:

  • Winperl Fun Island for the whole day;
  • Three islands in Nyafu bay;
  • Hon Moon Island and Winperl.

Second day in Dalat:

  • Prenn Park and Waterfall;
  • Datanla waterfall and electric sled;
  • Truk Lam Pagoda;
  • Crazy House;
  • Dinner;
  • Temple of the Seated Buddha;
  • Silk Factory;
  • Tea and coffee plant.

Tour to Nha Trang from Mui Ne for 2 days

Excursion cost - $ 99.

Duration - from 04:00 to 19:00 the next day.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Dinner, breakfast and lunch;
  • Hotel 2 *.

First day: Winperl Fun Island Full Day

Second day: three islands in Nyafu bay.

Tour to Saigon from Mui Ne for 2 days

Excursion cost - $ 99.

Duration - from 04:00 to 20:00 the next day.

The tour price includes:

  • Transfer;
  • Russian speaking guide;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Breakfast and two lunches;
  • Hotel 2 *.

First day: excursion to the Mekong delta, islands, snake farm, shopping.

Second day: sightseeing tour of Ho Chi Minh City, Kuchi tunnels.

Halong Bay Tour from Mui Ne

Excursion cost - $ 550 (by plane).

Duration - 2 days.

The tour price includes:

  • Accommodation on the ship HalongSail 3 *;
  • All inclusive meals;
  • Flights Ho Chi Minh City-Hanoi-Ho Chi Minh City;
  • Russian speaking guide on board;
  • Entry tickets;
  • Kayaking.

Halong Tour

Kayaking in Halong Bay: on these boats you can swim to the caves and grottoes on your own!

Halong Bay is called "the eighth wonder of the world". It is the most famous landmark in all of Vietnam. Therefore, almost every tourist dreams of visiting there. They are located in the north of Vietnam, not far from. It is very far from Mui Ne, so you need to get there by plane (the train will take about 28 hours). Read our separate article on Halong Bay

Angkor Wat in all its glory

Trip schedule:

1 day(only dinner is included in the price of the excursion):

  • Arrive at the car park in Ho Chi Minh City and transfer to the bus to Siem Reap (at 07:00). Easy tomorrow on the bus.
  • Arrival in Siem Reap at 12:00, transfer to the hotel.
  • Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

2nd day(the price of the excursion includes breakfast, lunch and dinner):

  • Breakfast at the hotel and departure for a tour of Angkor Wat;
  • South gate to Angkor Thom;
  • Bayon Temple;
  • Elephant Terrace;
  • Terrace of the Leper King;
  • Lunch at a local restaurant;
  • Ta Prohm Temple;
  • Temple of Angkor Wat;
  • Zaat on Baheng Hill;
  • Dinner;
  • Overnight at the hotel.

Day 3(only breakfast is included in the price of the excursion):

  • Breakfast in the hotel;
  • Siem Reap - Ho Chi Minh City bus;
  • Transfer to Mui Ne.

We will tell you how to get to Dalat on your own, how much it costs and how to find tickets online.

One of the economical options for traveling in Vietnam is bus... Buses run to Dalat from Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet. It is also possible to get from Mui Ne. Almost every travel agency in Mui Ne and Nha Trang sends excursion buses to Dalat with enviable regularity, but mostly these are tours for 2-3 days.

Travel time to Dalat:

  • from Nha Trang - about 4 hours;
  • from Ho Chi Minh City - about 7 hours;
  • from Phan Thiet - about 4.5-5 hours;
  • from Mui Ne - about the same, as it is located 15-20 minutes drive to the center of Phan Thiet.

Many drivers refuse to go to Dalat after 3-4 days (it gets dark in Vietnam at 6 pm), as the road becomes dangerous after dark due to sharp and sharp turns. The road to Dalat itself is very grueling and difficult due to constant shaking, but it is worth it: we enjoyed the stunning scenery of Vietnam all along the way.

You can buy tickets for transport to Dalat here

We got to Dalat from Phan Thiet. We could not find any exact information on the schedule of buses to Dalat, so in the morning (10-11 am) we went in search of a bus.

When we got to the bus station, it turned out that we hadn't come quite there. We had not yet reached the ticket office when two Vietnamese came up to us with the words "Nha Trang" and "Motobike".Since they “refused” to speak to us in English, we had to explain ourselves with one word “Dalat”.

At the checkout, we continued friendly communication with the Vietnamese peasants, only this time they connected a cashier girl who spoke broken English to us. As a result, we realized that the bus does not go from the bus station, but from another place. We were kindly offered to show this mysterious place, just these Vietnamese peasants, of course, for a modest fee in the amount of 25.000 VND.

We got to the right place with a breeze and in just 5-7 minutes, in fact, it turned out that we could easily reach there on foot. Bus ticket to Da Lat cost us 130.000 VND per person.

The bus departed at 11:30 , but the first 30 minutes of the trip, our bus decided to play the postman, and therefore all this time we rode around the city back and forth delivering parcels. In the end, at about 12 o'clock, we went towards Dalat, picking up people from a stop three steps from the bus station (!).

Shortly before Dalat, the conductor asks for the address where to take the passengers, so you can safely tell the address of the hotel and you will be dropped off nearby. We didn't have a hotel reservation, so we were just dropped off in the city center, not far from Dalat market.

We easily found the street where the hotel is located in every house. USoffered per day from 200 to 400 thousand VND for a 2-bed room. Surprisingly number for 200.000 VND It turned out to be more attractive than the rooms that were more expensive, there was a small balcony from which a good view of Xuan Huong Lake (Vietnamese Hồ Xuân Hương) was opened.