Where thoughts rest. Quotes about relaxing with friends. Beautiful quotes about the sea

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.


There is nothing more hopeless than having fun as scheduled.

Samuel Johnson

How do you relax? - I rest like ordinary people. I don't go to the bathhouse with girls, I drink more than Gorbachev, but I am still far from Yeltsin.

Gennady Zyuganov

Tell yourself that life isn't just for work ...

A.V. Ivanov

Pension: rest imposed on you when all you can do is work.

Georges Elgozi

There is no time in life when one could completely surrender to rest; external efforts, and even more internal ones, just as if not more than in youth, are necessary as we grow old.

A. Tocqueville

On a Sunday, such a sudden languor,
And on a weekday - I'd better stay at home!

Vladimir Andreev

One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work.

Immanuel Kant

Rest is the replacement of one idleness for another.

The one who can rest is superior to the one who can take cities.

B Franklin

Well, what kind of terminology we have: a pioneer camp, a recreation area ...

In Shenderovich

Stupid rest is tiring worse than work.

Russian proverb

Leisure is a pastime between two television programs.

The bed is a place where they rest alone and get tired together.

Andre Prevost

F. Rückert

His "holiday romance" did not even feel like a story.

B. Shapiro

You should even have fun with a commercial benefit for yourself ...

Aristotle Onassis

How good it is to do nothing, and then rest!

Spanish proverb

You have to pay for a vacation, and overpay for a good one.

From time to time you should take a break from idleness.

Jean Cocteau

Some work to rest, others rest to work.

Valery Afonchenko

Rest at sea strengthens health and shakes morale.

Janguly Gvilava

Labor must conform to rest; stupid is the one who turns rest into occupation.

F. Rückert

Of course, lying in a hammock, you risk getting an ache in the lower back, but those who have not tried such a life are worthy only of pity.

Frederic Beigbeder

So sometimes you want to take a break from the bottom of your soul, but when you remember that you haven't worked yet, all desire disappears at once.

Yuri Tatarkin

If you are cheerful at work, then playful on vacation.

Russian proverb

The best workers work harder than others and rest more than others.

Tom Hopkins

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell.

Bernard Show

I play computer football and sleep. That's all my leisure time.

Alexey Maklakov

No one needs a vacation as much as someone who has just returned from vacation.

Elbert Hubbard

Can rest really be sweet without fatigue? Constant immobility is not even rest. This is nothingness, this is death.

Georges Sand

Rest is a drug: as soon as you start to work, withdrawal immediately begins.

Timely rest is equated with work.

Silovan Ramishvili

We usually ask people about how they spent the weekend for the sole purpose of being able to talk about their own weekend.

Chuck Palahniuk

Those who have learned well that free cheese is only in a mousetrap does not even dare to have a rest without paying an exorbitant price.

Elena Ermolova

Man is so created that he takes a break from one work, only taking up another.

A. France

In life there is always a wide field for activity, but sometimes you want a small meadow for relaxation.

Stas Yankovsky

You can't work all the time. Everyone needs a little rest, and I think the early morning hours are best for this - about five or six hours after you wake up.

George Allen

The character of a person is most manifested in what kind of rest is easier and more pleasant for him.

N. Chernyshevsky

Excessive fatigue is when you don't even have enough strength to rest.

To be able to use your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization.

Bertrand Russell

The easiest thing to do is to waste your free time.

Sandland's law

Rest is a rare opportunity to think about business.

Gennady Malkin

If you already have absolutely no time to rest, then it's time to rest.

Sydney Harris

If you have done a job, walk boldly on the Internet.


Rest is essential. I can do a year's work in nine months, but not twelve.

John Pierpont Morgan

The rest of those who are not tired is tiresome.

Leszek Kumor

Shortest distance between two points: The distance between the start and end of the vacation.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Courchevel is a place where pretty young girls go to ski not so much as on sticks.

Vlad Shimanovsky

Better than lying on the couch can only be lying on the couch after dinner.

Alexey Kalinin

No one died from work, and there is nothing to say about rest.


At night with her - it's different -
Dress away - and body to the body,
Is there a time to rest?

Pierre Beranger

Rest and work are inseparable, like an eyelid and an eye.

Rabindranath Tagore

Resting the head is more difficult than resting the body.

Ilya Shevelev

If I rest, I rust.

Placido Domingo

To rest from something, you first have to get tired of something. Well, at least - get tired of resting.

Stas Yankovsky

Vacation: Two weeks on the beach and fifty on the rocks.

Leonard Levinson

We must take a break, so as not to take a break.

A.V. Ivanov

Rest is the right kind of laziness.

Gerasim Avsharyan

You can rest from the soul only in the grave!

Good organized recreation- when everyone is tied to beds.

Mikhail Mamchich

Rest and abstinence are the best remedies of all.

Benjamin Franklin

On vacation, the main thing is to have a rest without rest!

Sergey Beschastny

Resting from the labors of the righteous for a serene sleep encourages and inspires.

Yuri Tatarkin

The higher the mighty eagle soars in the sky, the longer it is forced to rest on earth.

Alexander Dumas-father

Someone has a bath day on Fridays. Someone has a relay race of 3 x 100, or 5 x 100, or 150.

Alexey Annenskov

Tourism - best rest but recreation is better than tourism.

Fatigue will be ended when there is no need to work after days off.

Pierre Duck

Remember: sweat to rest? die of sweat.

Konstantin Madey

Rest, I thought: I sighed and - exhaled.

Vladimir Borisov

Give me a foothold - I'll sit down and smoke.

Yuri Tatarkin

Leisure is the time freed from vital matters for the exalted.

Elena Ermolova

Vacation is the free time that is given to employees to remind them that the institution can do just fine without them the rest of the year.

Fortin Louis

Nothing is as tiring as someone else's rest.

Andrzej Stok

The best thing about any vacation is not so much relaxing yourself as watching others work.

Vacation planning is easy. The boss tells you when; the wife says - where.

Rest: what you do when no one tells you what to do.

Joseph Prendergast

The best rest is active, the best leisure- Work.

Evgeny Kascheev

You need to rest only at work.

The greatest sense gratification, which does not contain any admixture and aversion, is, in a healthy state, rest after work.

Immanuel Kant

You can't spend your vacation - it always ends on time.

Ivan Ivanyuk

You need to learn to be happy in moments of rest, when you remember that you are alive, and not in moments of hectic life, when you forget about it.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

The South dulls thoughts, but sharpens the senses.

Inna Goff

On weekdays they will think about the future, on weekends - about the past, and only on vacation - about the present.

Vladimir Borisov

Bed - the best place for reading, thinking and doing nothing.

Doris Lessing

I am sure that even in youth, regular vacation should be considered as a well-deserved vacation!

Most of all I want to go on vacation a month before and 10 months after it.

The best thing about Sunday is Saturday night.

Gilbert Sesbron

There are jellyfish in the sea, ticks in the forest, and people in the city. And where, tell me, can a normal person take a vacation that is safe for health and nerves? ..

Igor Krasnovsky

When the Flood began, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Just like on my last vacation. "

Robert Orben

Vacation is when you don't work 8 hours a day. It does not apply to the remaining 16 ...

Tourism - when friends out of boredom are in your hands: wherever you want, you will lead there, what you can, so will carry you away.

Elena Ermolova

Rest is a change of activity.

Keith Chesterton Gilbert

Do not smudge shock work with bad leisure.

Georgy Alexandrov

How fleeting are our vacations! ...

Vladimir Vishnevsky

How to work, so for fear, and how to rest, so conscientiously!

Mikhail Mamchich

Some, in order to take a break from business, rush to go on vacation, others - to return from vacation.

Alexander Klimov

Do not start life with what you have to end with. Others will rest at the beginning of the path, leaving the work at the end. No, first - the main thing, but time will remain - secondary.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

« Idleness is not rest. " Cooper F.

« Work without rest is not a dignity, but a punishment for unsuccessful planning of your time

« There must be a system where people can have fun without feeling guilty about it. Why should I feel guilty if I have worked hard all day and then want to dance the way I want?»Kapoor S.

« Rest is not peace, but an experience. " Minchenkov A.

« Rest and abstinence are the best remedies of all.»Franklin B.

« Rest, therefore, is such an activity in which a person is freed from his heavy breathing. "From" - a prefix denoting removal, parting, separation, "breath" - breathing. " Levy W.

« From idle rest comes mental and physical flabbiness.. " A.

« The best workers work harder and rest more than others.. " Hopkins T.

« I rest when I work, and I get tired when I sit back or receive guests.. " Picasso P.

« Be able to rest properly- the highest level of civilization. " Russell B.

« To have a good rest, you need to work hard on it.. " E.

« The character of a person is most manifested in what kind of rest is easier and more pleasant for him.. " Chernyshevsky N.

« Labor must conform to rest; stupid is the one who turns rest into occupation. " Rückert F.

« Sometimes, it happens, you rest, spend all your time without worries, and then all of a sudden the things that you previously avoided fall on you at the same time! In fact, you were just accumulating energy to deal with all of this now! Everything will be fine, believe in your strength! " Kritskaya K.

« One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after labor.. " Kant I.

« If you have a fountain, shut it up; let the fountain rest too.»Kozma Prutkov

« Can rest really be sweet without fatigue? Constant immobility is not even rest. This is nothingness, this is death. " Sand J.

« Americans love to relax, have fun, they call it to have fun, to play, and they do it with enthusiasm, with all their might. But they are with the same enthusiasm and also work with all their might, I would even say, they work hard. Nowhere do they work like in America and, perhaps, nowhere do they "rest" - I put quotation marks, because rest still implies peace, which American "rest" does not provide at all. " Posner V.

« Just as peace is the goal of war, so idleness is the ultimate goal of employment.. " Johnson S.

« To a person who is used to tense rhythm, it is very difficult to rest. You begin to understand that you are simply wasting your time, and you could create something interesting, useful. And here you are lying on a couch or on a chaise longue... "Agalarov A.

« If you already have absolutely no time to rest, then it's time to rest.. " Harris S.

« The bed is the best place to read, contemplate, and do nothing.. " Lessing D.

« This often happens to me. This happens to everyone when a person begins to feel that he is losing control of himself. Then he says to himself: okay, now I am a book lover - and he goes to the library to get a couple of books, so that later he can hang out with them for a while. Or he says, okay, now I'm a hippie - and starts smoking marijuana. Or something else. And then you can feel like a different person. In my opinion, borrowing from others the style of clothing, hobbies, language, you can take a little break from yourself. " Hornby N.

"If time is on our side, why don't we take a break?" Simanovich G.

« From constant physical overwork, the spirit of a person is dulled. First of all

need rest. " Wilma L.

« I am never as busy as during my leisure hours. " Cicero

« The ability to rest is for some an art more difficult than the ability to work.. " Shevelev I.

« Rest and work are inseparable, like an eyelid and an eye. " Tagore R.


« Rest is what you do when no one tells you what to do.. " Prendergast D.

« Rest is a change of sources of fatigue

« Who will remember the times when he really rested on Sundays and not on Mondays? " Hubbard F.

« If your reflection in the mirror looks like your passport photo, then it's time to rest. " Khamdamov A.

« The peasant, even if he decided to mess around, gets up with the roosters to start this business early. " Howe E.

« Excessive fatigue is when you don't even have enough strength to rest

« No one died from work, and there is nothing to say about rest."Show B.

« Rest is the best pastime ... Now, if only they paid for it! " Toyhibekov B.

« Probably in the summer, a secret switch "work - rest" is triggered in every person's head and turns off eighty percent of the brain. " Lukyanenko S.

« Rest is right laziness. " Avsharyan G.

« Only hellish work deserves heavenly rest . " Toyhibekov B.

« Sunday is the pale, sick shadow of an energetic Saturday. Sunday - day forced rest for people who are not at all inclined to it. " Robbins T.

Rest: what you do when no one tells you what to do.
Joseph Prendergast

Rest is a rare opportunity to think about business.
Gennady Malkin

Rest is essential. I can do a year's work in nine months, but not twelve.
John Pierpont Morgan

The best workers work harder than others and rest more than others.
Tom Hopkins

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell.
George Bernard Shaw

No one died from work, and there is nothing to say about rest.

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.

How good it is to do nothing, and then rest!
Spanish saying

Fatigue will be ended when there is no need to work after days off.
Pierre Duck

Nothing is as tiring as someone else's rest.
Andrzej Stok

The rest of the indefatigable is tiresome.
Leszek Kumor

The easiest thing to do is to waste your free time.
"Sandland's Law"

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

If you cannot find time to rest, you will very soon have to find time for treatment.
John Waynemaker

If you work all the time and never rest, you can become the richest person in the cemetery.

Rest and work are inseparable, like an eyelid and an eye.
Rabindranath Tagore

The change of occupation is a kind of relaxation.
Gilles Menage

When the razor has served its life and no longer gives in to the point, the hairdresser puts it off for a few weeks and it sharpens itself. We cherish inanimate objects and don't care about ourselves. What kind of strong men, what kind of thinkers we would become if only from time to time we put ourselves on the shelf and sharpened ourselves.
Mark Twain

If you already have absolutely no time to rest, then it's time to rest.
Sydney Harris

You can't work all the time. Everyone needs a little rest, and I think the early morning hours are best for this - about five or six hours after you wake up.
George Allen

If a husband sends his wife to rest, then he really needs a rest.

If you have a fountain, shut it up; let the fountain rest too.
Kozma Prutkov

Rest after mental labor does not at all consist in doing nothing, but in changing the matter: physical labor is not only pleasant, but also useful rest after mental labor.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

You need to learn to be happy in moments of rest, when you remember that you are alive, and not in moments of hectic life, when you forget about it.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Rest is a change of activity.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Night to sleep and day to rest.
Camp folklore

Nothing not to do is not to rest.
Hans Selye

A joke is a relaxation of tension, because it is a rest.

The greatest sense gratification, which does not contain any admixture of disgust, is, in a healthy state, rest after work.
Immanuel Kant

Little by little, humanity rises from centuries without light to centuries without rest.
P. Nijer

Merits and good deeds are the goal of our labors, and the consciousness of such is the crown of our rest.
Francis Bacon

Aphorisms and quotes about rest

After busy days, there are always days off that you want to spend with benefit and pleasure. The human imagination is truly inexhaustible, as evidenced by the aphorisms and quotes about recreation, collected in different eras.
It will also be useful for our contemporaries to get acquainted with the accumulated material and read aphorisms and quotes about the rest of different authors. In them, they share their innermost thoughts and give tips on how to organize a true holiday for themselves.

"One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work."
Immanuel Kant

"To be able to manage your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization"
Bertrand Russell

"Peace and rest owe their sweetness to labor"
William Channing

"From time to time you should take a break from idleness"
Jean Cocteau

“Don't start your life where you have to end it. Others will rest at the beginning of the path, leaving the work at the end. No, first - the main thing, but time will remain - secondary "
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

"Pension: rest imposed on you when all you can do is work"
Georges Elgozi

"The shortest distance between two points: the distance between the beginning and the end of the vacation"
Yanina Ipohorskaya

"No one needs a vacation as much as a person who has just returned from vacation."
Elbert Hubbard

"The higher the mighty eagle soars in the sky, the longer it has to rest on earth."
Alexander Dumas-Father

"Rest is a change of occupation"
Ivan Pavlov

"Of all medicines, the best are rest and abstinence."
Benjamin Franklin

"Alone with ourselves, we imagine everyone is simpler than ourselves: in this way we give ourselves a rest from our neighbors."
Friedrich Nietzsche

"The bed is a place where they rest alone and get tired together"
Andre Prevost

"The best thing about Sunday is Saturday night."
Gilbert Sesbron

"Resting the heart is best ensured by the work of the mind."
Gaston Lewis

“We usually ask people about how they spent the weekend, for the sole purpose of being able to talk about their own weekend.”
Chuck Palahniuk

"Rest after mental labor does not at all consist in doing nothing, but in changing the matter: physical labor is not only pleasant, but also useful rest after mental labor."
Konstantin Ushinsky

“If you have a fountain, shut it up; let the fountain rest "
Kozma Prutkov

"Without haste, but also without rest"
Johann Goethe

Vacation: Two weeks on the beach and fifty on the rocks
Leonard Levinson

"Of course, lying in a hammock, you risk getting an ache in the lower back, but those who have not tried such a life are worthy only of pity."
Frederic Beigbeder

"The great secret of upbringing is the ability to ensure that bodily and mental exercises always serve as rest for one another"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"Who will remember the times when he really rested on Sundays and not Mondays?"
Frank Hubbard

"The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any impurity and disgust, is, in a healthy state, rest after work."
Immanuel Kant

"Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell"
George Shaw

"On many books, the reader's mind rests, and the reason for this is very simple: the mind of the writer rests in the same way."
Charles Colton

"Idleness is not rest"
James cooper

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When do prophetic dreams occur?

Clear images from dreams make a lasting impression on a person. If after some time the events in a dream are embodied in reality, then people are convinced that the dream was prophetic. Prophetic dreams, with rare exceptions, have a direct meaning. A prophetic dream is always bright ...


You cannot give everything to everyone, because there is a lot of everyone, but there is not enough of everything!

Relaxation- How much of this word!...

Stop for a moment! You are rest!

Expensive work! Isn't it time for you to take a break from me?

Remote work is not only pleasant, but also around the clock.

A well-spent vacation is not when pictures are in VK and Odnoklassniki, but when they are hidden in hidden folders far, far away on your computer!

Forgot about your vacation? So it's time to forget about work!

Excessive fatigue is when you don't even have enough strength to rest.

Resting is useful!

Rest is the replacement of one idleness for another.

Better to relax on someone else's "hacienda" than to plow on your own!

Whichever country you go to rest, you will bring a souvenir from everywhere!

A difficult question: why work if a Chinese will do the same faster, better and cheaper ?!

I often have the feeling that the rest ends faster than it can start ...

Heavy and monotonous without "REST". This is the conclusion reached by recreational scientists, kayphologists, loggerheads and bookkeepers. I'll go to rest ...!

It is necessary to rest where all attempts to attract you to work can be stopped with one phrase: "I am in international roaming."

From the correspondence in ICQ:
- How do you rest?
- It's hard to say, I just started ... But the sea is warm and clean.
- Swim there for me!
- What a sly one! You’ll lie there on the couch, and I’ll swim here ?!

- Well, how is your vacation?
- Shut up! I sat on the couch, bathed in the tub, and went on trips to local shops and supermarkets!

According to statistics, every person who is burned while relaxing in the sun has someone who will definitely slap on the back and ask: "Well, how did you have a rest?"

Read on vacation the new aviation-erotic magazine "Play-Boeing".

The worse the person returning from vacation looks, the better he rested.

Better to be last on the billionaire list than first on the Top Employee of the Month list.

If work does not make you feel emotional, then you are a professional.

I wrote a resume and burst into tears .... I'm so cool.

I bought a gel for problem areas. I will smear my work!

Morning. Monday.
Chief: - Your eyes are red! Drank, or what?
- Not! I missed work, cried !!!

How fast it flies: did not have time to wake up, but was already late for work!

Best defense is attack. Therefore, instead of "explanatory", always write "memo".

As the week goes by: Monday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday!

At work, always give 100%: 12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on Thursday, and 5% on Friday.

Wednesday's pre-scheduled time off from work automatically turns Tuesday into Friday.

On a Sunday, such a sudden languor,
And on a weekday - I'd better stay at home!
Vladimir Andreev

Work is what he is obliged to do, and the Game is what he is not obliged to do. Therefore, making artificial flowers or carrying water in a sieve is work, and knocking down pins or climbing Mont Blanc is fun.
Mark Twain

Rest: what you do when no one tells you what to do.
Joseph Prendergast

If your reflection in the mirror looks like your passport photo, then it's time to rest.
Abdugani Khamdamov

To be able to use your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization.
Bertrand Russell

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.

Tell yourself that life isn't just for work ...
A. V. Ivanov

Pension: rest imposed on you when all you can do is work.
Georges Elgozi

There is no time in life when one could completely surrender to rest; external efforts, and even more internal ones, just as if not more than in youth, are necessary as we grow old.
A. Tocqueville

One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work.
Immanuel Kant

Only those who dare to fail great can achieve great achievements.
Robert Kennedy

The one who can rest is superior to the one who can take cities.
B Franklin

Stupid rest is tiring worse than work.
Russian proverb

Leisure is a pastime between two television programs.

The bed is a place where they rest alone and get tired together.
Andre Prevost

This is how you need to work in order to have such a rest! ..
Alexander Mikheev

F. Rückert

His "holiday romance" did not even feel like a story.
B. Shapiro

How good it is to do nothing, and then rest!
Spanish proverb

From time to time you should take a break from idleness.
Jean Cocteau

Some work to rest, others rest to work.
Valery Afonchenko

Labor must conform to rest; stupid is the one who turns rest into occupation.
F. Rückert

So sometimes you want to take a break from the bottom of your soul, but when you remember that you haven't worked yet, all desire disappears at once.
Yuri Tatarkin

If you are cheerful at work, then playful on vacation.
Russian proverb

- When I retire, I will not do anything. For the first five months, I'll just sit in a rocking chair.
- And then?
- And then ... then I'll start to swing.

I took the first step towards have a good rest... I quit!

In 2-3 years, it will be super cool to confidently write “2008–2017. - have worked". Without any further clarification, where and by whom!

I was in Karaganda for almost a week, and at least someone would call and ask: "Where are you?" ...

- Until what time do you work today?
- I don’t know yet ... I have 4 cubes here: with the letters Ж, О, П and А.

I am constantly haunted by smart thoughts. But I find myself faster!

To get a clever thought in your head, you need to leave the roof slightly shifted.

So ... I'll write off algebra, everything is easy in literature, it's easy to score on physics, they won't ask me in chemistry, I will dump from biology ... That's it! I have done my homework - you can relax!

Mosquitoes have become more cunning: they fly up, sit on the bed, and then walk (so that they cannot be heard).

How can I get to heaven if five of the seven deadly sins are a hobby ???

Now the phrase "I have seen a lot of things in my life ..." should be read as "I am on the Internet all day and night"!

I am looking for sex. Do not offer work!

Seasonal office work:
- hibernation
- spring beriberi
- summer indifference
- autumn depression

There are three benefits to work: Friday, salary, and vacation.

The old holiday "Friday evening" is celebrated for 3 days.

I drink coffee tea, tea coffee, milk juice, tea milk ... And all because a cup at work needs to be washed at least sometimes.

How? Have you ever had dumplings in the shower? Yes, you just were never late for work!

Super action from the employer: 5 days of work for the price of one!

The end of the week is a little orgasm!

The money I earned at work will be enough for the rest of my life if I die today at 15:00 ...

Look closely! See? Something flashed before my eyes !!! This is your weekend ...

Looking for a job. Over the weekend, I managed to forget where she is ...

You have to pay for a vacation, and overpay for a good one.

Don't go to sleep if you can't make money in bed.
(George Burns)