Test work recreational tourism. Recreational tourism - what is it? Types and development of recreational tourism Natural recreational resources

Parameter name Meaning
Topic of the article: Recreational tourism.
Category (thematic category) Tourism

The largest segment of international tourism is travel for the purpose of recreation and recreation, accounting for 60% of the world volume of international tourism.

Recreational tourism: tourism with the main purpose of recreation, treatment and other health purposes. Concept recreation(recovery) covers all types of recreation, incl. Spa treatment.

By the end of the twentieth century, the concept of "recreation" acquired new shades, goals became more diverse. The tourists themselves, especially those who travel regularly and often, are more adventurous about their vacation, trying to get the maximum pleasure and diversify their leisure time with active activities. Travel organizers also strive to innovate in order to differentiate their offerings and stand out from the competition.

The most beautiful places are chosen for travel for recreation. There are many places on earth where nature itself appears to tourists as a work of art. Whether it's the mighty Niagara Falls in North America, Lake Baikal in Siberia, or the picturesque fjords in Norway. Each of these places causes an inexhaustible desire of people to see this miracle with their own eyes.

Respect for nature and its preservation for future generations is central to the policy of states seeking to develop the tourism sector of the economy. In Canada, for example, a lot of attention is paid to the creation of national parks. Some of them are associated with historical events or the lives of prominent historical and state figures, while others serve exclusively the purpose of preserving nature and creating “quiet corners” where present and future generations can take a break from city noise and enjoy nature in its original form.

The guests of the national parks have specially designed routes that can be followed by a guide or take an independent walk using a tourist guide. Tourists come to national parks to see dense forests, picturesque lakes, mountain rivers and glaciers, observe the life of birds and wild animals in their natural surroundings, admire the beauty of wild flowers, breathe in the healing forest air.

In recreational tourism, one of the main health-improving methods is climatotherapy. The beneficial effect of climatotherapy on the body is determined by such factors as the position of the area above sea level, the degree of distance from the sea, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, air circulation and humidity, precipitation, intensity of solar radiation, etc. The main directions of climatotherapy: heliotherapy, aerotherapy and thalassotherapy.

Thalassotherapy resorts usually use heated water if the natural sea water is not warm enough. But when planning a trip to your usual seaside holiday destination, it is extremely important to keep in mind the difference in air and water temperatures. Water warms up more slowly than land, therefore in spring, when the average air temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius, the water in the sea is still cold - not higher than 15 degrees, and swimming in the sea is unsafe for health. In autumn, on the contrary, the air is rather cooled, and the sea water continues to keep the summer heat. In Tunisia, for example, the water in March is much colder than in October.

The number of rainy and sunny days is also of great importance in choosing the time of year to visit a particular area, and for visiting countries with tropical climates it is extremely important to highlight the most and least favorable periods. Thailand, for example, is usually hot and humid, with the driest and most favorable time to visit is from November to February. In March, it already becomes unbearably hot, and from June to October it rains monsoon.

In recreational tourism, it is widely used landscape therapy- a method of spa treatment, which uses a beneficial effect on the body of a person's stay in an area with a beautiful landscape. This contributes to the normalization of the functions of the nervous system, a cheerful mood, improved sleep and appetite.

In recreational tourism, natural and climatic resources are actively used. Enjoy the same success balneological resorts, where various methods of influence of healing mineral springs on the human body are applied. Offered mud cure- applications of medicinal mud of various origins. Are used thermal waters- groundwater with a temperature of 20 degrees and above. Οʜᴎ got its name from the village of Terme, located in Sicily, where it was first used for medicinal purposes. Widely implemented hydrotherapy- hydrotherapy (hydromassage, circular shower, bathing, cascading bathing, etc.). Under construction water parks. Since ancient times, people have noted the beneficial effects of the aquatic environment on human health. Now, water parks (USA, France, Japan, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Finland, etc.) began to be created everywhere in large tourist centers.
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countries have famous water parks, attracting thousands of tourists).

In St. Petersburg, for example, for the 300th anniversary of the city, it is planned to create a huge water park, which can be visited by 8,600 tourists a day. It will be a versatile recreation and entertainment center - an indoor water park offering swimming in tide and ocean wave pools, jumping into the water from trampolines, water slides, hydromassage baths, etc. In Moscow, a similar center has already been opened and is popular with the population.

Under the favorable influence of the surrounding nature, as a result of the process of communication and direct contact with natural benefits, healing occurs in the human body itself, its emotional and mental state improves. Inspection of monuments of human culture enriches human intelligence, familiarity with the customs and traditions of other peoples contributes to the interpenetration of cultures and the development of mutual understanding between nations.

Recreational tourism offers a wide variety of sports and leisure activities to fill the leisure time and for some reason includes tourism such as excursion, water, mountaineering, adventure, hunting, fishing, entertainment, sports, exotic, ecological, etc.

Sightseeing tourism is one of the most popular types of educational tourism. It is carried out with the aim of acquaintance with tourist attractions (monuments of history, architecture, art, etc.). In our country, in pre-perestroika times, educational tours formed the basis of Soviet outbound tourism. The trips, as a rule, were made in tourist groups with an all-inclusive service, accompanied by an interpreter guide and according to a planned program, which indicated all the attractions that were to be visited during a trip abroad.

By the beginning of the third millennium, excursion tourism has undergone changes. Regular group excursion tours are considered to be a kind of business card of a serious tour operator. But at present, in the Russian outbound tourism, only a few companies can offer and implement guaranteed outbound tours. Trips abroad are increasingly acquiring the features of an individual rather than a group trip, excursions in full are no longer planned in advance, tourists on the spot independently decide where to go and what to see.

Excursion routes, as a rule, cover several cities and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the most outstanding monuments of a particular country. We can already call classic tours in Germany, including a visit to Cologne - Bonn - Dusseldorf - Frankfurt am Main - Nuremberg - Munich, or tours in Italy Rome - Venice - Florence.

Specialized tourism. Unlike ordinary vacationers, travelers of this category have a specific purpose, and their stay usually focuses on this purpose, whether it is participating in sports, watching birds or animals, participating in horse routes, visiting a number of places associated with a certain historical event or person, etc. The organization of this type of tourism requires a highly qualified tour operator. Usually, such groups are accompanied by a specialist on a question of interest to tourists, who has in-depth knowledge of the subject and can provide explanations during the trip.

In specialized tourism, a segment is also distinguished, united by the desire to stay in unusual accommodation, such as, for example, a health farm, or a peasant house. Research carried out in this segment showed a higher level of education, a higher level of personal income, a high social status of the participants (managers, unique specialists and high-class professionals).

Educational tourism. Travel for the purpose of education, professional development are relatively new in international tourism. The most popular language learning trips are especially to the UK and other English-speaking countries.

Sports tourism. The main task of these tours is to provide opportunities for tourists to practice their chosen sport. Sports tours are divided into two types: active and passive. In the first case, the basis is being engaged in any kind of sport, in the second - interest in sports, for example, attending competitions.

Adventure tourism is a kind of recreation and provides not only the stay of tourists in an attractive place for them, but also engaging in an unusual type of activity. Adventure tourism is divided into several types:

1. Camping expeditions;

2. Safari tours (hunting fishing, catching butterflies, etc.)

3. Sea and river travel (yachting).

A specific feature of such tourism is obtaining various licenses (hunting fishing, importing trophies), as well as ensuring security, which requires highly qualified instructors. This type of tourism has a rather high cost, and it can be classified as an elite vacation.

Exotic tourism. This type of tourism is associated with travel to exotic countries, to the islands in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, or travel in an unusual vehicle or to an exotic place. In recent years, tours have appeared that are striking in their uniqueness. The most incredible and expensive tour so far is a space flight. After the flight of the first tourist Denis Tito in a Russian spacecraft, traveling into space no longer seems like a distant dream. Today, a list of those wishing to make a short space trip on the Russian Buran spacecraft has already been formed, ready to pay 100 thousand dollars for this exotic trip.

An example of exotic tourism is a trip to the Arctic on comfortable icebreakers with a sauna, swimming pool, conference rooms. The icebreaker is equipped with boats and helicopters for excursions. There are many who want to get acquainted with the underwater world and travel on a submarine. In Germany, a former prison cell is popular with tourists - exotic lovers, where you can feel like a prisoner.

Ecological tourism, or as it is commonly called abbreviated ecotourism, has received a lot of attention in recent years. For the inhabitants of Europe and America, travel through protected natural areas has become one of the most common forms of recreation. The main difference of this type of tourism is that the focus of travel is on the natural environment and tourists strive not to damage natural complexes, to promote nature conservation and improve the well-being of the local population. Ecotourism aims to create economic incentives to preserve the environment. This is a wide range of travel - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and reserves. The income received from this type of tourism can be partially directed to environmental protection measures.

Social tourism- ϶ᴛᴏ travel, subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs. The purpose of social tourism is not to make a profit, but to support people with low incomes to realize their right to vacation.

Recreational tourism. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Recreational tourism." 2017, 2018.

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Recreational tourism- a kind of tourism, the purpose of which, in contrast to business tourism, is recreation. The types of recreational tourism can be called health-improving, educational and sports, as well as their combinations ... Tourist lexicon

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Contents 1 Recreational tourism 1.1 Health tourism ... Wikipedia

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Tourism is a trip or travel of people to another city or country where people do not live permanently. Such a trip lasts, maybe from 24 hours to six months.

People very often go abroad in pursuit of any business interests, for example, to a work meeting. Someone goes to the mountains in order to go skiing, someone leaves to improve their health, someone to study the culture, civilization and customs of other peoples, etc. Due to the fact that we are all completely different and individual in our characteristics, it is customary in the tourism sector to distinguish different types or types of tourism.

The first basis in accordance with which the types of tourism are classified is the goal set by the person going on a trip.

So, depending on the purpose, tourism is divided into:

Business - travel is associated with a person's professional interests, with his work and career;

Recreational - a person goes to rest, improve his health, both physical and psychological.

Further, recreational tourism can be subdivided into other types (subspecies) of tourism. For example, by the way of travel, depending on the landscape and geographical features of the area or on the goals pursued by the tourist, etc.

Business tourism is also subdivided into subtypes. For example, military and archaeological tourism, gastronomic and others.

Types of recreational tourism

The first type of recreational tourism is health tourism. First of all, this type of tourism is associated with the desire of the traveler to improve his health. The tourist pursues the goal of undergoing wellness or rehabilitation procedures and events.

The traveler can go to the balneological resort, where the treatment will take place at the expense of natural mineral waters. There are various deposits of healing mud in the area of ​​which special resorts and sanatoriums are being built, which are based on mud treatment as the basis of their health-improving program. Depending on climatic and natural conditions, health resorts are subdivided into forest, mountain and seaside resorts. Mountain resorts are located in the mountains away from the sea, seaside usually in the coastal zone.

You can find combined resorts and sanatoriums, for example, located in the coastal area with mud treatment, including mineral waters. Several of these sanatoriums can be found in the Sochi region.

The next subspecies of recreational tourism is tourism with a cognitive purpose. People going on cognitive travel plan to attend many excursions and thus broaden their horizons.

Tourists want to study the peculiarities of the language, life and culture of a particular people, which means this is ethnic tourism. If the excursion includes only visits to holy places, go to the Holy Land, therefore, this is a pilgrimage.

Further, the classification goes depending on how the tourist travels on foot or by car, etc. - this type of tourism is called sports. The main goal pursued by a traveler is sports, for someone walking is a sport, for someone a car or skiing.

These include auto tourism - travel by car. For example, you are driving from Kaluga to Moscow by car. in order to see the monuments of architecture, then you are engaged in autotourism. Mototourism - traveling on motorcycles. Cycling tourism is a journey by bicycles, too far, however, you will not be able to stop by. Water tourism - travel either on a yacht, or on a boat, or on a sailboat, etc. Equestrian tourism - a trip to another city or village on horseback. Ski tourism - the purpose of this type of tourism is to go skiing and at the same time see some architectural monuments, or just admire nature and landscapes. Hiking includes walking. For example, we gathered a group of tourists and took her for a walk around Kaluga, talking about the sights. Mountain tourism, hiking in the mountains with all appropriate equipment and outfit. Speleotourism is the so-called underground tourism. That is, a tourist visits some caves for the usual cognitive purpose, or in pursuit of a sports goal. Sport here is associated with the fact that visiting the cave involves overcoming various natural barriers and obstacles. Going to the cave, the tourist should have the appropriate equipment and equipment (ropes, hooks, ropes and much more) ready.

In sports tourism, extreme tourism is distinguished. It's easy to guess that it is associated with extreme sports, with risks to your health and your life in general. Extreme tourism includes the well-known diving and rafting, jeeping and mountain tourism, and much more. Sports extreme tourism is digestion. Diggers usually investigate underground structures and structures, such as subways or sewers. Diggers become for the sake of ordinary curiosity or the desire to take a walk in an unusual place, someone is engaged in digging for scientific and educational purposes. Among the diggers, many are engaged in rescue work, etc. deeds. Mountain tourism means that a tourist with a large backpack on his shoulders and all in equipment will conquer the peaks of mountains, for example, Everest. Such kind of tourism as jeeping is very famous, especially in mountainous areas. The essence of this holiday is to travel by cars on the road. If you have chosen jeeping, then get ready to drive through bushes, abandoned areas of cities and towns, river crossings, etc. In our country, jeeping is widespread in the area of ​​Sochi, Novorossiysk, Lazarevsky. Anyone who has visited the resorts of Turkey and Egypt should be aware of this type of tourism as diving. Diving itself is a person's immersion in special equipment and special equipment under the water. During your stay under water, you can explore the topography of the sea or ocean, the fish and other living creatures of the seabed around you.

A combined type of recreational tourism is a combination of several types of tourism in one. Let's give an example, you arrived somewhere on a yacht, then went on a walk, then got on a horse and went on excursions, then got on a rented car and came back. Here's a rudimentary example of combined tourism.

Further, recreational tourism is divided into subspecies in accordance with the goals that the traveler pursues for sports and cultural, safari and agritourism, cognitive and gastronomic, medical and religious and many other types. Let's consider in more detail several subspecies.

Religious tourism is divided into pilgrimage and Muslim directions. That is, those travelers who strictly adhere to the values, principles and prescriptions of pilgrimage or Islam will be accommodated in the appropriate hotels, with appropriate food and service, their tour will include visits to places that are sacred for them. For example, food should be prepared for a Muslim in accordance with Halal, there should be no alcoholic drinks in the hotel, swimming pools and even beaches are separate for both men and women.

If the traveler is pursuing a sports interest, then all types of sports tourism can be included in his tour. For example, riding a bike or motorcycle, climbing mountains using mountain equipment (mountaineering) or by car (jeeping) and much more.

Agritourism - tourists spend their time in the countryside in a special house or estate. Tourists should work daily together with the owners of the house, take an active part in the life of their village, help with the housework, etc. Agritourism is compared by some to rural tourism. This type of tourism is very developed in Italy and Spain.

Ecological tourism - travelers visit various places such as reserves, parks and other nature objects that are protected. Environmental friendliness is due to the fact that the places visited by tourists are far from large industrial cities with some kind of production. For example, having arrived at Lake Baikal, you will not find there those heaps of garbage and various rubbish that are found in big cities at every turn.

Everyone knows that safari was originally associated with hunting. Currently, safaris are walking in the wild by car and shooting wild animals. This type of tourism as safari is very developed in Africa. The safari also includes hunting accompanied by a professional hunter.

Tour-realism is a type of tourism in which the traveler immerses himself at the maximum level in the culture and traditions of the country where he temporarily rests. Tour operators must provide travelers and tourists with all conditions for living, provide people with safety at the highest level, and create a comfortable atmosphere.

Medical tourism is subdivided into health tourism and childbirth tourism. Wellness tourism involves going somewhere to improve your physical and mental health. During the trip, you will certainly attend various medical procedures, massages, etc. Childbirth tourism assumes that you go to another country in order to inform and give birth to a child and, if necessary, improve his health, or you and your husband fly to a foreign country to solve the problem of infertility.

Gastronomic tourism - tourists go to some country in order to get acquainted with the cuisine of the country. During the tour, travelers taste various dishes, wines, fruits, berries and other food products. Get acquainted with dishes that are national.

Cognitive or excursion tourism is associated with the cognitive interests of the tourist. A traveler can visit various countries, cities, sights and monuments of architecture in order to expand his horizons and knowledge about other cities besides his native one. If a tourist likes a place or a city and he comes back to it again or twice, then this is already a nostalgic (but still educational) kind of tourism.

Cultural tourism is associated with the study of the cultural characteristics of a particular country. Someone is interested in books and literary works, someone is interested in music or the language and dialect of a certain people. In accordance with the above, cultural tourism is divided into musical and book or language tourism. Everyone can continue the division of cultural tourism for themselves. For example, lovers of painting and landscapes will highlight art tourism, etc. in cultural tourism.

We now turn to the classification of the type of tourism depending on the geography and landscape of the area.

This includes mountain tourism, it was already mentioned earlier. Mountain tourism means tourists staying in mountainous areas and visiting all kinds of excursions and hikes there.

Jailoo is tourism, travelers are thrown into places where there is no electricity, abundant communication and the Internet, in a word, to places that have not been badly influenced by civilization.

Industrial tourism is a visit to territories and buildings, engineering production facilities with the aim of their psychological satisfaction. Many people enjoy visiting an abandoned house or taking a tour of a factory, some may be attracted to the outskirts of the city. With industrial tourism, the traveler can receive not only psychological satisfaction, but also satisfy his research interests, if any.

Forest tourism, it is clear to everyone that it is associated with hiking in the forest and living in houses or cottages located in the forest-park zone.

Rural tourism - travelers stay in a small hotel or in a private sector, study and get to know the way of life of the people, the sights of the area, etc. Rural tourism is directly related to agritourism, which was discussed above.

Speleotourism, as mentioned earlier, is associated with the study and exploration of caves.

The classification of types of tourism is distinguished depending on the method of travel of travelers. This classification will almost completely repeat the classification of sports tourism.

    Types of recreational tourism …………………… .. ………………… 5

    Features of the organization of recreational tourism ……………… ... 7

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… .10

List of used literature ………………………………………… ... 12


Rest is one of the essential conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, maintaining high working capacity and achieving active longevity. Tourism is one of the most widespread types of recreation. Tourism - temporary departures of people to another country or locality other than the place of permanent residence for a period from 24 hours to 6 months without the right to engage in labor activity. Tourism is the most effective means of satisfying recreational needs, since it combines various types of recreational activities - improvement, cognition, restoration of the productive forces of a person. Tourism is an integral part of health care, physical culture, a means of spiritual, cultural and social development of an individual.

Recreational tourism is a type of tourism, the goals of which are recreation, medical treatment or sports. Simplistically, the goal of recreational tourism can be formulated as a full-fledged rest and health improvement of a person by means of tourism. The tasks of improving the health of participants in tourist recreational activities are actually inseparable from the tasks of their good rest (they are solved together). Therefore, without fear of making a mistake, you can call recreational tourism at the same time health tourism. At the same time, if one or another health improvement technology is specially used in tourist activities (a method, means of health improvement is chosen, appropriate activities are planned), then, emphasizing this focus, we will call them recreational and health-improving. In other cases, it should be understood that any recreational tourist event also has a health-improving orientation (health-improving motive), and the healing process takes place "by itself" in the context of passive or active recreation. Passive rest involves the cessation of previous activities and complete physical rest of the body, active rest - switching the body's activity to another type of activity.

    Recreational tourism concept
Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of rest necessary to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most widespread and widespread. For the development of this type of tourism, recreational resources are needed. Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the natural potential of the region. In addition, their role in the formation and development of modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view. Recreational is shifting towards rehabilitation under certain climatic conditions and means of tourism in the form of dosed walking and other activities that contribute to the treatment of certain diseases, their prevention, increase immunity and the general tone of the body. In general, recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity. Going beyond the upper limits leads to sports tourism, going beyond the lower limits - to rehabilitation tourism, i.e. to treatment in a sanatorium.
Unlike other types of physical culture, in physical recreation, the most significant are not the generally accepted components of physical activity, but subjective sensations associated with the performance of certain actions that are more enjoyable than exhausting. It is the pleasure principle that is one of the main distinguishing principles of physical recreation. Many types of physical recreation are accompanied by great pleasure from physical activity.
    Types of recreational tourism
Recreational tourism can be roughly divided into several types:
1. Tourist and recreational type;
2. Cognitive and tourist type.
Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Recreational resources are understood as a complex managed and partially self-governing system consisting of a number of interconnected subsystems, namely: people on vacation, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and a management body. The natural characteristics include the area and capacity of the recreational area, the comfort of the climate, the presence of water bodies, primarily balneological properties, the aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary basis for the development of recreational tourism. For the first type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with mineral water springs and curative mud, create favorable conditions for the formation of a resort complex. For the second, in addition to the above, there is a historical and cultural potential. In territorial terms, in the Russian Federation, several main recreational zones can be distinguished, forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones have opportunities for organizing both mass recreation and tourism, and medical and rehabilitation resort recreation almost all year round. Let's take a closer look at the coastal mountain zone. The Primorsky zone mainly includes the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus from Anapa to Sochi, and the mountainous Caucasian Mineral Waters. Medical and biological assessment of climatic and weather conditions at seaside resorts is based on determining the possibilities of various types of rehabilitation and recreational activities in these conditions. The main types of climatic and recreational activities at seaside resorts - aerotherapy
(breathing sea air, air baths), thalassotherapy (sea bathing), heliotherapy (general solar radiation and their special types), kinesitherapy. The latter includes walks along the seashore, sports games on the shore, active swimming, rowing and other water sports. Combinations of these types of recreational activities are common.
So, when staying on the beach, aero-helio-thalasso-kinetic effects are usually combined. Walking along the coast is aero-kinesis or aero-helio-kinesis, etc. Despite the noted diversity and complexity of recreation, two main types of it can be distinguished, depending in different ways on climatic and weather conditions. Recreational activities of the first type can be called passive. These include sun and air baths at rest. They are usually carried out in a beach environment. This type of recreation places strict demands on the weather. The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. Active recreation is distinguished from passive recreation, firstly, by the fact that physical activity causes increased heat production. Secondly, during active recreation, people are usually dressed. And although in this case, lightweight clothing is usually used, in combination with increased heat production, this makes lower air temperatures comfortable than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less stringent in comparison with passive recreation.
    Features of the organization of recreational tourism
Recreational tourism, as one of the types of physical recreation, is defined as "travel for the purpose of rest, treatment, recovery and development of the physical, mental and emotional forces of a person." Thus, the program for organizing this type of tourism should have a multifunctional character: rest, leisure - entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers, satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs. The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are distinguished:
· A change of scenery
Ensuring sufficient muscle activity
· Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.
A change in environment is associated with a person's "exit" from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiresome living conditions, which ensures the switch of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects of the external environment, distracting it from the tiring and sometimes negative influences of everyday life. Tourist trips and trips that take a citizen to a new landscape and climatic environment are associated with direct contact with nature. The healing process is based on the use of natural health-improving resources in combination with recreational and health-improving methods (air and sun baths, health path, phytotherapy, pantotherapy, phlorotherapy, light physical activity, etc.), moreover, natural resources, which include landscapes, bioclimate, hydromineral resources (mineral waters and curative mud) are given the leading role. At the same time, the use of natural health factors, medical

recreational areas in the improvement of the population is a profitable and cost-effective direction. Ensuring sufficient muscle activity, eliminating the adverse effects of "muscle hunger" with training the main functional systems that ensure the body's performance: cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Hiking and water tourism are one of the most effective means of developing the body's working capacity. Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria. Long-term muscular load of moderate intensity provides an increase in the level of not only metabolic processes and the activity of the endocrine system, but also tissue immunity. The biostimulants formed during exercise promote the resorption of foci of fading inflammation, stimulate regenerative processes in the tissues of the body. Unlike sports tourism, focused on expanding a person's ability to overcome natural obstacles and adapt to new, not yet mastered conditions, recreational tourism is used mainly to increase the reliability of life in the everyday conditions of an already mastered habitat.
The main objectives of recreational tourism are:
1. Harmonious physical development and assistance to the all-round development of a person;
2. Health promotion and disease prevention;
3. Providing good rest for different ages and professions;
4. Maintaining high performance;
5. Achievement of active creative longevity.
Thus, in order to organize a recreational and health-improving type of tourism, the territory must have natural healing resources, which

which include landscape, bioclimate, hydromineral resources. The assessment of recreational resources is based on a factor-based assessment of each of the components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetation cover, bioclimate, hydro-mineral and unique natural medicinal resources, historical and cultural potential, etc., considered from the point of view of its use by a specific type of tourism.


Thus, programs for organizing recreational tourism must have a multifunctional character:

    The rest itself;
    Leisure - entertainment activities;
    Wellness programs;
    Should be able to raise the vitality of vacationers;
    Satisfy their emotional and spiritual needs.
Recreational tourism solves the following tasks:
    Harmonious physical development and assistance in the all-round development of a person;
    Health promotion and disease prediction;
    Providing good rest for different ages and professions;
    Maintaining performance at a high level;
    Achieving creative active longevity.
Recreational tourism, especially its active forms, allows you to eliminate or weaken the impact on a person of unfavorable factors of everyday reality (neuro-emotional overload, hypokinesia, excessive inappropriate nutrition, etc.). Effective rest and health improvement of participants in recreational and tourist activities is facilitated, firstly, by ensuring sufficient muscle activity, eliminating the adverse consequences of "muscle hunger" with training the main functional systems that ensure the body's performance: cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, neuro-endocrine etc.
Secondly, in addition to physical activity of moderate volume and intensity, the change of environment itself and a positive emotional background from communication with nature and pleasant company have a healing effect. "Exit" of a person from everyday, monotonous

conditions, ensures the switching of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects.
Thirdly, recreational natural resources themselves contribute to the health of the body. It is not even worth proving the beneficial health outcomes of such natural factors as moderate exposure to the sun, clean air and water, the effect of phytoncides in a pine forest, etc. In the natural recreational environment, natural immunity is stimulated, and immunity to pathogens increases. The wellness and good rest of tourists is also facilitated by high-quality tourist service, as well as a regular (as opposed to the bustle of the city) diet, workload and rest; healthy diet. In general, we come to the conclusion that recreational tourism is characterized by a whole complex of healing factors that have a beneficial effect on both the physical status of a person and his neuro-emotional sphere. It is their complex effect, where moderate muscular efforts are combined with nervous "discharge", positive emotions, and the hardening effect of natural sources of health that constitutes the health-improving effectiveness of recreational tourism.

List of used literature

1). Senin V.S. Introduction to tourism. M., 2003.-104s.
2). Gulyaev V.G. Organization of tourist activity. M., Knowledge, 2006. -312s.
3). Bagrova L.A., Bagrov N.V., Preobrazhensky V.S. Recreational resources.
M., 2007.
4). V.A. Kvartalnov Tourism: Textbook. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 320s.
5). I. V. Zorin, V. A. Kvartalnov Encyclopedia of Tourism. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 368p.

Recreational tourism is a type of tourism, the main goal of which is to restore the strength and health of a vacationer in the process of active or passive recreation and medical activities.

Recreational tourism Is one of the most popular types of tourism. The main goals are cognitive and wellness. In order to improve their health, vacationers visit special institutions and recreation centers, which, as a rule, are located in favorable climatic zones - forest-steppe, seaside, mountain. As a rule, many factors have a positive effect on health in such establishments - curative mud, mineral waters, fresh sea or forest air, and others.

Recreational activities available at seaside sanatoriums include breathing the sea air, bathing in medicinal mud, sea bathing, air baths, rowing, swimming, playing on the beach and others. The most famous territory of sea resorts in Russia is the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Gelendzhik, Anapa, Sochi, the resorts of Tuapse, which occupy the Black Sea coast, are known far beyond the country. They are located both in the seaside and in the mountains, which is partly why they are very popular. The beautiful resorts, the Narzan Valley and the Caucasian Mineral Waters, are also known for their landscapes and health-improving effect.

In the listed resort areas, winters are mild, summers are very warm. Such climatic conditions contribute to the fact that these resorts do not lose popularity among vacationers throughout the year. In mountainous areas, on the banks of rivers and lakes, health resorts also help people to improve their health, gain strength and have pleasant impressions. Such famous Ukrainian resorts as Morshyn, Mirgorod, Khmilnyk are located on the picturesque banks of the rivers. Khmilnik is famous for its medicinal radon waters, Mirgorod is famous for its mineral water, as well as Morshin. The most famous Ukrainian balneological resort, Truskavets, is also famous for its mineral waters - several dozen types of mineral waters help vacationers cope with various health problems, from kidney stones to sexual disorders. There are 25 sanatoriums in the city.

For educational purposes, vacationers visit national parks, cultural and natural monuments, architectural, ethnographic and historical monuments.
Recreational tourism facilities are characterized by the presence of certain recreational resources - cultural and natural complexes, service personnel of recreation establishments, etc. By this condition, recreational tourism differs from health and sports tourism. Factors of recreational tourism that have a positive effect on health are a change of environment, the provision of certain physical activity, and stimulation of immunity. During tourist trips, a person's attention is switched to objects of nature and culture, this temporarily distracts him from the usual conditions of urban life. Moving on foot or by swimming, a person gives a certain load to his muscles, which has a positive effect on various systems of his body. The tasks of this type of tourism are to strengthen the immune system, provide the necessary muscle load, and prevent diseases.