The best ice rink in the world. The most impressive ice rinks in the world. At the Brooklyn Samuel Gee and Ethel LeFrac Center: Silver Against Blue Sky

Each person tries to diversify his life with various hobbies: someone loves to read books while lying on the sofa, and some like active recreation. For example, in winter time you can go to the skating rink and once again rush along with pleasure beautiful ice on skates. And if this is done even at the largest skating rink, where there is plenty of space and enough for many, then this experience will be even greater. Where is the largest ice rink in the world and how big is it?

The largest skating rink in the world opened in the capital of our country in 2014 - at VDNKh. Its area is 20,500 m2. According to this parameter, the skating rink at VDNKh by 1300 m2 surpassed the previous record holder in area - the skating rink in the Netherlands (FlevOnice). Thus, the main skating rink in Russia is also the largest among those skating rinks that only exist in the world.

The skating rink was created divided into several zones: there is an area for free skating, a children's and a hockey rink, the Alley of Lovers, the Big Circle and the Alley of Infinity. Therefore, every visitor here will find the place that he will like. For the entrance to the territory of the skating rink, those who wish will have to pay from 200 rubles, but here you can rent skates and absolutely free. The skating rink can accommodate up to 5,000 visitors at a time.

This structure, repeating the outline of the golden key from the famous fairy tale, was the result of the work of experienced professionals of the highest class. During its construction, modern and resource-saving technologies were used. The design of the ice rink resembles a puff pastry. After all, they really poured it layer by layer, allocating a whole hour to a layer of several millimeters. For the base of the rink, ice mats were used, which help to maintain a certain temperature. Therefore, up to a temperature of plus ten in the environment, you can still skate on ice.

In addition to its enormous size, the skating rink also impresses with its illumination. And it is everywhere here - bridges, building facades, fences and even ice from the inside are illuminated with LEDs. The result is a beautiful light space. Everything here literally glows, every corner is lit up. About one hundred surveillance cameras provide good supervision, and the "ice police", which includes 40 people, is in charge of maintaining order. Thanks to the screens and LEDs built into the surface, the ice rink can turn into a kind of art object in the blink of an eye.

To create a real winter mood for people, the ice rink can be covered with artificial snow. This is especially true for celebrating the New Year. All winter long, those who wish can come here to learn the skill of figure skating or take master classes with an athlete-hockey player.

Ice rink on Constitution Square in Mexico City

The largest ice rink in the world since 2007 has been flooded before the New Year at one of the central squares Mexican capital. Its area exceeds 3,200 square meters, and can accommodate up to 14 thousand people a day. Having become a landmark in Mexico City, this ice rink, located in Plaza Socalo, is listed as the largest water ice rink in the Guinness Book of Records.

A skating rink in a hot country

It is not an easy task to flood an outdoor ice rink in Mexico, a country with a very hot climate. To maintain the required temperature, special devices were created, which were connected to pipes (in total, it took 84 meters), passing under the ice.

Opening of an ice rink in Mexico City

The opening of the ice rink in Mexico City was celebrated with a grandiose colorful show, which was attended by thousands of city residents and tourists. Slides of artificial snow were built next to it, delighting the visitors of the holiday with sledding, and a New Year's fifty-meter tree with a diameter of 20 meters was also built. Famous stars of show business performed at the five-hour New Year's performance, professional figure skaters delighted with their New Year's program, and a choir of 300 children sang Christmas songs.

Memorable New Year project

According to the mayor of Mexico City, this New Year's project, which will be remembered for a long time by residents and guests of the city, cost $ 1.5 million, and the ice rink was built with funds donated by a group of Mexican businessmen. Admission to the skating rink is free for absolutely everyone. In addition, skates for rent are also given out free of charge, however, for this you need to stand in a long line from a huge number of people who want to visit the record-breaking ice rink.

Recently, a new skating rink was opened in St. Petersburg, which is also the largest in northern capital... We decided to see where the skating rinks are located, which impress tourists and locals with their size, and present a selection of eleven of the largest skating rinks in the world.

Perhaps the largest winter ice rink in the world can be called Mountain Lake Joux (Lac de Joux) in Switzerland: its area is almost 5,000,000 square meters. Tourists from all over Evprova come to this place to go ice skating. The lake is not only beautiful, but in a sense "exclusive": it freezes only for two weeks a year. Therefore, the most sophisticated skaters are looking forward to these days with some impatience. In the high season, figure skating competitions and ice carnival evenings are held on Lake Zhu.

Lake Paterswoldsemer, located to the south-west of the Dutch city of Groningen, is almost twice as small as the leader - its area is 2,700,000 square meters. Paterswoldsemer is part of the Groningen-Drenthe lakes. In the warm season, fans of light walks rush here. sea ​​vessels and in winter the place turns into a huge ice rink. This lake is not only one of the largest in area, but also the longest skating rink, stretching as much as 10 km. His water surface in winter it is covered with a strong crust of ice, which lasts until the beginning of spring, allowing thousands of outdoor enthusiasts to ski every day.

The third place in our ranking of the largest ice rinks in the world is the Rideau Canal in Canada with an area of ​​1,620,000 square meters. The canal runs through almost the entire center of the Canadian capital Ottawa, and it is worth noting that in winter locals here they practically do not take off their skates, quickly using this eco-friendly means of "transport" to get anywhere in the city center. In Ottawa, for skating fans, the city authorities even came up with road signs: green - forward, red - too warm, ice has lost its strength!

In this case, not only the ice rink is impressive, but also the work of the local Canadian administration.

In fourth place is the Mexican capital with its ice rink located in the center of Mexico City. The area of ​​the ice rink reaches 32,000 square meters and has an artificial turf. The ice rink in Mexico City is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest artificial ice rink in the world. In order for the skating rink to exist for a long time, 74 km were laid under the ice. pipes that are connected to special devices that maintain the required temperature.

Next on the list of the largest ice arenas is a domestic participant - the skating rink in the park named after V. Gorky. The size of the ice rink is 15,000 square meters. meters. There are 4 sectors here: dance, children, main and hockey. A long wooden footbridge runs along the paths filled with ice.

A brand new skating rink in the Specific Park of St. Petersburg is still working in test mode. The area of ​​this largest ice rink in the city is about 4000 square meters. Photo: Egor Tsvetkov

“The main skating rink of Russia” is in 7th place on our list - Red Square in Moscow has become an ice rink for Muscovites and guests of the capital for 6 consecutive winters. Open GUM - the skating rink occupies one tenth of the Red Square, and on its territory of 2,700 square meters not only holidaymakers have fun (capacity - 450 people), but also ice hockey matches and demonstration performances of figure skaters. A fabulous wooden town has been erected near the ice rink, from where you can watch the skiers.

There is an ice rink of almost the same area (2,600 square meters) in New York: Wollman Rink is spacious, beautiful, but most importantly, it has become a legend thanks to its participation in numerous romantic scenes in Hollywood films. In reality, the skating rink is as beautiful as in the cinema, and what is nice - you can skate here around the clock - perfect place leisure activities for all kinds of romantics. By the way, the skating rink is already 64 years old - for the first time skaters went on its ice back in 1950! Nice bonus winter holiday at the rink is the opportunity to face a movie star - Jim Carrey, Kate Hudson and Hugh Jackman are said to be very fond of Wollman Rink.

Every year the City Hall of Paris pleases the townspeople by installing an ice rink right next to its walls: everyone who wants to ride with pleasure on the arena with an area of ​​1635 sq. m.

Seefeld, Austria. This quiet Tyrolean village rivals the best international ski resorts... All conditions for practicing winter sports are created here, first of all, alpine skiing... However, those who still have some energy left after skiing are invited to an ice rink open from December to March in the Zillertal valley with an area of ​​1,500 square meters.

And, finally, the arena closes our hit parade of the most "grandiose" skating rinks in the world, though not the largest (only 200 sq. M.), But certainly the most spectacular and romantic, because it is located in the heart of Paris, on Eiffel tower, at a height of 57 meters. The 200 m² ice rink also offers a stunning panorama of Paris. Ice skating is great fun, and in this place the atmosphere is also supported by French music, as well as original lighting effects. To warm up in this realm of metal and ice, a bar is organized where you can buy hot coffee, hot wine and other drinks. The ice premiere took place back in 1969, but ice is not poured every year, and the ice rink is open only until January 31. The Eiffel Tower ice rink is also one of the five most visited Christmas ice rinks in the world.

Also, skating rinks in Vienna near the City Hall, on the Museum Square in Amsterdam and in London near the Natural History Museum are in great demand among tourists.

Winter is not a reason to give up entertainment. It is at this time of the year that all the charm of our climate is revealed. One of main entertainment Are ice rinks. Indeed, now many fans are looking for where to ride not only in winter, but also in summer time... And in the cold season almost everyone loves skates. And those who don't like skates just didn't ride them.

Below we have prepared the top 10 largest ice rinks in Russia.

Each of them is unique in some way. Moreover, our list contains both indoor and outdoor skating rinks. The main thing is the convenience of ice skating. And what is above your head: metal trusses or open sky, not so important, is it?

The first is the skating rink in the park. Gorky. Its total area is about 18,000m2.

Paths are poured here for the winter. This is a really great solution: apart from the Pionersky pond, you can also ride in the park itself. The sensations are simply unforgettable! It can easily accommodate everyone, and if you love solitude, then do not doubt that you can find secluded corners. It is enough just to move off the main arteries of the movement of people. The skating rink is really huge and you will be able to skate here a lot without bumping into other visitors.

Skating rink rental: free, pay only for the entrance (200-550 rubles).
Skate sharpening 200 rubles.
Luggage room: 150 rubles.


Rental, adult ice rink, children's ice rink, event playground, hockey rink, cafe, figure skating school, ice hockey school, parking, stages.
Address: Russia, Moscow, Krimsky Val, 9.
The nearest metro stations: Oktyabrskaya, Park Kultury.

At the Krasnoyarsk skating rink, you can not only have fun skating, but also sign up for curling sessions. This is when one person pushes a heavy stone that needs to hit the center of a drawn target. Professional teams come here to spend time doing what they love. You can challenge them and who knows, you might be the one to win!

But its main advantage is, of course, a large ski area. If you live nearby, be sure to visit the Krasnoyarsk skating rink. You will remember this vacation for a long time 14 000 m2 of pleasure will not leave anyone indifferent!

Also, do not ignore the skating rink in Yekaterinburg. You need to know that it is used as a training ground for athletes. They practice in the morning. But, on the other hand, in the evening, the skating rink opens for everyone. The ice is renewed after the athletes, so ordinary skaters will not feel all the irregularities of the ice surface - skating here is really comfortable.
The size of the skating rink at the Yunost stadium in Yekaterinburg is 12,000 m2. This is enough to accommodate everyone and not create queues at the entrance.

Tomsk also boasts an ice rink. In the summer, there is a whole complex of various entertainments in its place: from paintball to mini golf. In winter, this space is filled with ice, so in the cold season there is enough entertainment here: an ice-punch, an extreme obstacle course, an ice slide. And this is in addition to the main skating rink.

The prices are quite affordable: 50 rubles for the entrance to the skating rink and 150 rubles for each passage of the obstacle course and the ice-track. And if you came with children, and wanted to ride alone, then you can give the kids to the caring hands of educators and ride on their own.

So we came to the main skating rink of Russia - the skating rink, which is located on Red Square. For the past 6 years, every winter it has been converted into an ice rink. It is considered very prestigious to get on it. In addition, it hosts demonstration performances of figure skaters and hockey matches.
The skating rink itself is not that big.

On the other hand, the nearby GUM allows everyone to choose their leisure time according to their mood and pocket. In addition, near him, as if by magic, mobile tents appear, in which you can refresh yourself with delicacies and warm up with hot tea. Not foreign hot dogs and burgers are in special demand, but ours, relatives, pancakes, the prices of which are quite democratic. But their taste is legendary!

Another popular and largest skating rink in the capital is the Park of Legends. Every year its attendance exceeds incredible numbers. It can accommodate 14,000 people at a time. Cultural organizers take good care of visitors not getting bored. Various entertainment events are regularly held here, interspersed with mass skating.

The skating rink is open, therefore, if it is warm outside, there can be no question of any kind of skating. However, after sunset, you will be able to observe a charming picture of the starry sky. It's very romantic, that's why couples in love often come here. 250 rubles ticket price, entrance fee.

Sports complex "Luzhniki"

The next skating rink on our list is located in the Luzhniki sports complex. It is, like the previous skating rink, of an open type. The administration is very proud that the ice on the rink is of natural origin. The entire skating rink is filled with water, which hardens under the influence of frost. All that remains to be done by the rink administration and workers is to polish the ice.

It is noteworthy that Luzhniki has a warm locker room.

Here you can change into your sports uniform. Also, those who like to skate, but do not particularly respect the cold, will be interested in the cafeteria on the territory of the sports complex. Students and schoolchildren are especially appreciated here: for them the ticket price is reduced and fixed: 150 rubles. For the rest, entrance from Tuesday to Friday costs 200 rubles, and on weekends - 300.

The skating rink is designed for 11,500 people, so everyone can fit in it!

MSK "Arena Omsk"

Omsk also distinguished itself among the cities of Russia. One of the largest skating rinks in Russia is located here. MSC "Arena Omsk" can simultaneously gather 10 320 people. It can be compared to the population small town... Moreover, no one will be cramped.

True, there was also a fly in the ointment in the ointment: due to the fact that athletes train in the MSC, it is open quite a bit of time for mass visits. For free skating, it is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday, and even then, only from 6 to half past nine in the evening.


Another largest skating rink in Russia is located in Kazan. Its capacity is 9300 people. The owner of the skating rink is the open joint-stock company LDS-1000. Everything here is no frills, just a good large skating rink. But there is one caveat: the entrance here after 22 hours for minors is closed.

In LDS "Tatneft-Arena" you can rent skates for figure skating, as well as hockey or children's skates. Moreover, you can ride here even in the middle of summer: using special ice and the closed system of the stadium makes this possible without difficulty.

Capacity: 8500
Cost: 35 million euros.
The total area is 28,000 m2.
The total construction volume is 250,000 m3.

UKRC "Arena 2000"

At the end of our list of the largest skating rinks in Russia is the skating rink located in Yaroslavl. UKSK "Arena-2000 Lokomotiv" will gladly welcome all comers, since its capacity will easily allow you to do this: 9100 people can easily use its services at the same time.

Opening: October 12, 2001
Team: Lokomotiv
Architect: Skanska
Owner: Russian Railways

Recently, a new skating rink was opened in St. Petersburg, which is also the largest in the northern capital. We decided to see where the skating rinks are located, which impress tourists and locals with their size, and present a selection of the eleven largest skating rinks in Europe.

(11 photos total)

1. Perhaps the largest winter ice rink in the world can be called the mountain lake Lac de Joux in Switzerland: its area is almost 5,000,000 square meters. Tourists from all over Evprova come to this place to go ice skating. The lake is not only beautiful, but in some sense "exclusive": it freezes only for two weeks a year. Therefore, the most sophisticated skaters are looking forward to these days with some impatience. In the high season, figure skating competitions and ice carnival evenings are held on Lake Zhu.

2. Lake Paterswoldsemer, located to the south-west of the Dutch city of Groningen, is almost twice as small as the leader - its area is 2,700,000 square meters. Paterswoldsemer is part of the Groningen-Drenthe lakes. In the warm season, lovers of walks on light sea vessels rush here, and in winter the place turns into a huge ice skating rink. This lake is not only one of the largest in area, but also the longest skating rink, stretching as much as 10 km. Its water surface in winter is covered with a strong crust of ice, which lasts until the beginning of spring, allowing thousands of outdoor enthusiasts to ski every day.

3. The third place in our ranking of the largest ice rinks in the world is the Rideau Canal in Canada with an area of ​​1,620,000 square meters. The canal runs through almost the entire center of the Canadian capital Ottawa, and it is worth noting that in winter locals practically do not take off their skates here, quickly using this eco-friendly means of "transport" to get anywhere in the city center. In Ottawa, for skating fans, the city authorities even came up with road signs: green - forward, red - too warm, the ice has lost its strength!

In this case, not only the ice rink is impressive, but also the work of the local Canadian administration.

4. In fourth place is the Mexican capital with its ice rink, located in the center of Mexico City. The area of ​​the ice rink reaches 32,000 square meters and has an artificial turf. The ice rink in Mexico City is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest artificial ice rink in the world. In order for the skating rink to exist for a long time, 74 km were laid under the ice. pipes that are connected to special devices that maintain the required temperature.

5. Next on the list of the largest ice arenas is a domestic participant - the skating rink in the park named after Gorky. The ice rink is 18,000 square meters. meters. There are 4 sectors here: dance, children, main and hockey. A long wooden footbridge runs along the paths filled with ice.

6. A brand new skating rink in the Specific Park of St. Petersburg is still working in test mode. The area of ​​this largest ice rink in the city is about 4000 square meters. Photo: Egor Tsvetkov

7. "The main skating rink of Russia" is in 7th place on our list - Red Square in Moscow has become an ice rink for Muscovites and guests of the capital for 6 consecutive winters. Open GUM - the skating rink occupies one tenth of the Red Square, and on its territory of 2,700 square meters not only holidaymakers have fun (capacity -450 people), but also hockey matches and demonstration performances of figure skaters. A fabulous wooden town has been erected near the ice rink, from where you can watch the skiers.

8. There is an ice rink of almost the same area (2600 sq. M.) In New York: Wollman Rink is spacious, beautiful, but most importantly, it has become a legend thanks to its participation in numerous romantic scenes in Hollywood films. In reality, the skating rink is as beautiful as in the cinema, and what is nice - you can skate here around the clock - a great place for leisure for all kinds of romantics. By the way, the skating rink is already 64 years old - for the first time skaters went on its ice back in 1950! A nice bonus of winter recreation at the ice rink is the opportunity to face a movie star - Jim Carrey, Kate Hudson and Hugh Jackman are said to be very fond of Wollman Rink.

9. The City Hall of Paris every year pleases the townspeople by installing an ice rink right at their walls: everyone who wants to ride with pleasure in the arena with an area of ​​1635 square meters. m.

10. Seefeld, Austria.

This quiet Tyrolean village rivals the best international ski resorts. All conditions have been created here for practicing winter sports, primarily alpine skiing. However, those who still have some energy left after skiing are invited to an ice rink open from December to March in the Zillertal valley with an area of ​​1,500 square meters.

11. And, finally, the arena closes our hit parade of the most "grandiose" skating rinks in the world, though not the largest (only 200 sq.m.), but certainly the most spectacular and romantic, because it is located in the heart of Paris, on the Eiffel Tower, at a height 57 meters. The 200 m² ice rink also offers a stunning panorama of Paris. Ice skating is great fun, and in this place the atmosphere is also supported by French music, as well as original lighting effects. To warm up in this realm of metal and ice, a bar is organized where you can buy hot coffee, hot wine and other drinks. The ice premiere took place back in 1969, but ice is not poured every year, and the ice rink is open only until January 31. The Eiffel Tower ice rink is also one of the five most visited Christmas ice rinks in the world. Also, skating rinks in Vienna near the City Hall, on the Museum Square in Amsterdam and in London near the Natural History Museum are in great demand among tourists.