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Mobile communication is an integral part of our life. Every day we make calls to the numbers of friends and relatives, send messages, go online, etc. Meanwhile, all this is impossible if the personal account runs out of money. Not all subscribers regularly spend their time to. As a result, situations often arise when the money on the phone's balance suddenly ends, and there is an urgent need to make a call. It would seem that the problem can be easily solved, it is enough to use one of the many ways to replenish the balance and cellular services will again become available in full. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple and sometimes there is simply no way to quickly replenish your phone account.

Operators mobile communications understand perfectly well that regularly a huge number of subscribers are faced with a negative balance. To help these clients, a number of services have been developed that are available at zero. Every operator has similar services, including Megafon, which simply could not help but show concern for customers, leaving them alone with their problems. Megafon provides a fairly wide range of services for subscribers with a negative balance. For example, of the most popular services, the following can be noted: "Promised payment", "Call at the expense of the interlocutor", "Call me" and "Top up my account". Special attention should be focused on the last two services, which are also often called "beggars". The purpose of this article is just to figure out how to send a beggar from a megaphone using these two services. Below we will consider separately each of these services. If you do not have time or desire to read the full article, you can familiarize yourself with brief information about the commands used to send the "Beggar".

  • short info
  • Call me back service - * 144 * subscriber's number # (example: * 144 * 9193814225 # call);
    "Pay for me" service - * 143 * subscriber number # (example: * 143 * 9193814225 # call).

How to send a beggar from a megaphone - "Call me back" service

You can stay in touch even in spite of a negative balance using the "Call me back" service. The service is absolutely free and does not require connection. To send an SMS-message with a request to call back, use the command * 144 * subscriber number # ... For example, if you need to send a request to the number 8 919 382 42 25, then the command should look like this: * 144 * 9193814225 # ... The subscriber, whose number will be indicated in the request, will receive an SMS message with a request to call back. You will receive a notification that your request has been delivered. The service is also available when you are in roaming. It is possible to send no more than 10 requests during the day. Knowing how to send a beggar from a megaphone, you can ask a subscriber of any operator to call you back.

Pay for me service

In addition to the request to call back, subscribers of the Megafon operator can send a free SMS message with a request to top up the balance. To do this, you need to use the "Pay for me" service. The option is completely free and does not require a connection. To send a beggar using this service, dial * 143 * subscriber number # on your phone ... For example, if you want to ask the subscriber with the number 8 919 382 42 25 to top up your account, then the command should look like this: * 143 * 9193814225 # ... After sending the above USSD command, the subscriber will receive an SMS message with the text “Subscriber + 7XXXXXXXXXX asks you to top up his balance”. You, in turn, will receive a confirmation of the successful sending of the request. By the way, for subscribers it is possible to disable the ability to receive "Beggars". The most convenient way to do this is in.


Before sending a beggar from a megaphone, it makes sense to also consider other ways to stay in touch with a negative balance. For example, the service "Call at the expense of a friend" can be very useful. Enter 000 before the number of the called party. For example, if you need to make a call to the number 8 919 382 42 25, then the call at the expense of the interlocutor will be made by dialing 000 8 919 382 42 25 ... The subscriber to whom the call is addressed after accepting the call will be connected to the autoinformer, which will inform him that the call is being made at the expense of the receiving party and in order to receive it, you need to press the number 1.

Another very useful service is Promised Payment. If none of the above methods suits you, and there is no opportunity to replenish the account, you can use the service, within which the operator provides a certain amount for a certain period. you can use the command * 106 # or by calling 0006 ... As part of this service, the subscriber can top up his account by 50, 100 or 300 rubles.

This concludes this article. Now you know how to send a beggar from a megaphone. We hope the material prepared by us was useful for you. You can also watch a video demonstrating the process of connecting the services described above.

Video instruction

Every mobile user may have such an unpleasant situation when there are not enough funds on the balance to make a call, and you need to contact another person right now. Fortunately, Beeline subscribers have a way out of this difficult situation, and not even one - ask another subscriber to either replenish the account or call back. It is important for each owner of a Beeline SIM card to know exactly how to send a beggar so that in a difficult situation you can turn to your friends for help.

How do I ask to top up my account?

Is there zero or even a minus on the balance sheet? You can ask your friends or close people for help - send them a request to replenish the account using the service called "".

You can ask about the service for Beeline subscribers from Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Armenia, as well as users of any other operators operating on the territory Russian Federation... Access to the service is provided both in the home region and when in roaming.

It is completely free to send a request to top up your account; you do not need to configure or connect anything for this. The only thing that needs to be done is to type the command in the format * 143 * XXXXXXXXXXX #, where under XXXXXXXXXXX means the addressee's telephone number in 11-digit (international) format. The addressee will receive an SMS with a text containing a request to deposit money to the balance of the subscriber who sent the request. Sending such a request is free, no more than 5 requests for balance top-up can be sent per day.

To prevent other subscribers from sending a beggar from Beeline, you can set a ban on receiving such requests. To do this, you need to send the USSD command * 143 * 0 #. To cancel the blocking, dial * 143 * 1 #.

How to ask to call?

Thanks to the "Call me" service, you can send a message to the subscriber that you want to talk to him and ask him to call back with just one USSD command. it a great opportunity contact a person if you do not have money on the balance for an independent call. You can drop a beggar from Beeline to the number of any Russian operator, as well as to the numbers of Beeline in Georgia and the CIS countries.

There is no need to activate and configure the "Waiting for a call" option. To send a beggar to Beeline, you must use the USSD command * 144 * XXXXXXXXXXX #, where XXXXXXXXXXX- number of the recipient of the message in the international 11-digit format. The user to whose number you dropped the beacon will instantly receive an SMS-text notification with and your phone number... You will receive a notification about the delivery of the beacon.

From Beeline you can call any numbers for free, but in one day no more than 10 times so spend it wisely.

If you are constantly trying to send a request to call back, and this distracts you greatly, you can ban the reception of beacons. To do this, you need to send a USSD request * 144 * 0 #. Cancellation of the ban - command * 144 * 1 #.

Other possibilities with zero balance

In some cases, it is impossible to use the methods described above to throw off the beggar from Beeline or it is not possible. For example, the limit on sending "Beacons" may end (as we remember, you can send them no more than 10 per day) or you know the person too little to ask him to replenish your account. Then Beeline subscribers can take advantage of other opportunities available with a zero balance:

  • Service "". To use this service, when making a call, dial 05050 before the subscriber's number. If the subscriber agrees to pay for the call, the call will take place.
  • Service "". It allows you to get a small amount of money on the balance from the operator, which will be enough for calls. After a while, the cost of the service plus the money provided on credit will be deducted from the balance. The amount that can be received within the Promised Payment service depends on the subscriber's expenses for mobile communications.

Connect and receive detailed information for all the services described, available at zero, you can through the voice menu 064012 or USSD service * 111 #.

Probably, any subscriber found himself in a situation when he needed to make an urgent call, and the money on his account ran out. Of course, if there is a top-up terminal nearby, or the user has the opportunity to deposit money on the card online, this problem can be solved quite easily. But what if this is not possible? For such a situation, the mobile operator has a special service "Beacon". In the article you will find detailed description service, and you can also familiarize yourself with the detailed algorithm of how to send the "Beacon" from Megafon.

How to send "Beacon" on Megafon?

The ability to send a message can be used by any user of the TV system, regardless of the TP, and the place of registration of the SIM card.

To send a free message, you just need to dial a special USSD command on your cellular device and press the green button. Immediately after sending USSD, another subscriber will receive a message asking to dial. Then the client decides for himself whether to call back the addressee or not.

So, to throw off the "homeless", dial the following numeric code on your mobile phone: * 144 * interlocutor's phone#, and press the "Call" key. For example, * 144 * 789675439076 #. The number can be written in both ten-digit and international format, through 7 or 8.

Like all operator functions, the "Call me back" service on Megafon has its own rules of use and restrictions:

  • per day (24 hours), you can send a beacon on Megafon no more than 10 times. Also, the amount of available notifications will vary depending on whether it is settlement where the user's card is registered. The daily quota of "beggars" for your region can be specified by calling 0500;
  • the service does not require special activation and is initially present on all Megafon SIM cards. In other words, to send a message with a request to call back, you just need to dial a certain numeric code on your mobile phone;
  • the option is not charged. That is, you can throw off the "beacon" from Megafon to another subscriber completely free of charge;
  • according to the rules of the TV system, “beggars” cannot come to a mobile phone without the consent of the subscriber. If desired, the client, at any time, can block the receipt of beacons on his phone.

As mentioned above, any operator's client can send a "beacon" on Megafon, regardless of his tariff plan and region of residence. In addition, the "Beacon" service is provided on the same terms, both in the home network and in long-distance roaming.

In the question of how to put the "Beacon" service on the phone, customers do not need to understand, since the service was initially connected and installed on all Megafon TPs.

There is also nothing difficult in using the option. All that is required of the subscriber is to dial a certain combination of numbers on the mobile phone, and the request will be dropped. The team is provided free of charge.

Note! In addition to the described service, the operator's clients can call with a zero balance through the "Top up me" option. Information on how to reset a top-up request can be found on the provider's website.

If you have sent from endless messages with requests, you can put a limit on the receipt of "beggars". You can block the "Beacon" service on Megafon as follows:

Dial the USSD code * 130 * subscriber's number # on the mobile phone, and press the call key. After that, the user will not be able to send you free messages.

In addition, to block another subscriber, you can use the emergency option. After adding the interlocutor to the black list, his messages, SMS, as well as voice calls, will be automatically declined. The service is paid. For detailed information, please contact hotline Megaphone by phone 0500. Technical support works 24/7. Calls for network clients are free of charge.

  • Pay for me service
  • Alternative
  • Video instruction
Mobile communication is an integral part of our life. Every day we make calls to the numbers of friends and relatives, send messages, go online, etc. Meanwhile, all this is impossible if the personal account runs out of money. Not all subscribers regularly spend their time checking their balance. As a result, situations often arise when the money on the phone's balance suddenly ends, and there is an urgent need to make a call. It would seem that the problem can be easily solved, it is enough to use one of the many ways to replenish the balance and cellular services will again become available in full. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple and sometimes there is simply no way to quickly replenish your phone account.

Mobile operators are well aware that regularly a huge number of subscribers are faced with a negative balance. To help these clients, a number of services have been developed that are available at zero. Every operator has similar services, including Megafon, which simply could not help but show concern for customers, leaving them alone with their problems. Megafon provides a fairly wide range of services for subscribers with a negative balance. For example, of the most popular services, the following can be noted: "Promised payment", "Call at the expense of the interlocutor", "Call me" and "Top up my account". Special attention should be focused on the last two services, which are also often called "beggars". The purpose of this article is just to figure out how to send a beggar from a megaphone using these two services. Below we will consider separately each of these services. If you do not have the time or desire to read the entire article, you can familiarize yourself with a brief information about the commands used to send the "Beggar".

  • short info
  • Call me back service - * 144 * subscriber's number # (example: * 144 * 9193814225 # call);
    "Pay for me" service - * 143 * subscriber number # (example: * 143 * 9193814225 # call).
personal account Megafon.
You can use the Promised Payment service by calling * 106 # or by calling 0006. As part of this service, the subscriber can top up his account by 50, 100 or 300 rubles.

This concludes this article. Now you know how to send a beggar from a megaphone. We hope the material prepared by us was useful for you. You can also watch a video demonstrating the process of connecting the services described above.

Video instruction