The strangest country name in the world. Interesting place names. Lack of land at the North Pole

Incredible facts

Planet Earth is full of amazing geographic and geological mysteries and paradoxes. In fact, there are so many of them that we are unlikely to be able to reveal all the secrets that nature conceals. Here are the most unusual and sometimes bizarre facts related to geography, geology, and the earth.

1.Shortest place name

The shortest locality name is " Å "is the name of a small village located in both Sweden and Norway. In Scandinavian language" Å "means" river ".

2. The largest city in the world

The largest city in the world, based on surface area, is a city Hulun Buir in the region of Inner Mongolia in China, which covers an area of ​​263,953 square meters. km.

3. Countries completely surrounded by one country

Lesotho, Vatican City and San Marino are the only countries completely surrounded by one country. Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa, and the Vatican and San Marino are completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Second longest place name

The second longest place name in the world has been recognized as " Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu", consisting of 84 letters, which belongs to a hill in New Zealand and in the Maori language means" the place where Tamatea, a man with big knees who slipped, climbed and swallowed mountains, being known as a mountain eater, played his flute for his beloved".

It was the longest geographical name for some time (and remains in the Guinness Book of Records) until it was supplanted by the name " Krung thep mahanakhon bovorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok pop noparatratchathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiya visnukarmprasit", consisting of 163 letters and denoting the poetic name of Bangkok in Thailand.

5. Coldest and warmest sea

The water temperature in the White Sea in Russia is the lowest at only -2 ° C. The Persian Gulf is the warmest sea. In summer, the water temperature here reaches 35.6 ° C.

6. The world's oldest constitutional republic

San Marino is considered the oldest constitutional republic in the world. It was founded in 301 by a Christian bricklayer who was fleeing the persecution of the emperor Diocletian. The San Marino Constitution, which was adopted in 1600, is considered the oldest written constitution in the world.

The deepest hole drilled by man is Kola superdeep well in Russia. It reached 12,262 m and was drilled for scientific research, during which a number of unexpected discoveries were made, such as a huge hydrogen field, which was so massive that the mud coming out of the well literally boiled.

Due to the bulge of the Earth at the equator, the summit of the volcano Chimborazo in Ecuador, whose height is 6310 m, is the farthest point from the center of the Earth, claiming to be the "highest point on Earth", despite the fact that Everest is the highest peak above sea level. Chimborazo is an extinct volcano located 1 degree south of the equator.

Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans with the lowest elevation of the earth's crust. Today it is believed to be 10,971 m deep. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean east of the Mariana Islands.

Mid-atlantic ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth, amounting to 40 thousand km. It is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is the only part of this mountain range that is above sea level.

The Andes form the longest surface mountain range at 7,000 km.

10. The name of the area, consisting of only vowels

Mountain Circeo on the west coast of Italy was once called Aeaea(5 vowels in a row and no consonants). According to mythology, the witch Circe lived here. Two other geographic locations with only vowels in their names are Aiea(Aiea) in Hawaii and Eiao(Eiao), one of the Marquesas Islands.

11. The northernmost, eastern and westernmost state in America

Alaska is the northernmost, eastern and westernmost state in America. It is the only state that is part of the eastern hemisphere, making it the easternmost and westernmost state.

12. The sea without a coast

The Sargasso Sea is an area in the center of the North Atlantic Ocean surrounded by ocean currents and is the only sea without a coast. In the west, it is bounded by the Gulf Stream, in the north by the North Atlantic Current, in the east by the Canary Current, and in the south by the North Equatorial Current. This system of currents forms the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre.

13. Lake in an ancient impact crater, formed as a result of the fall of a meteorite

Lake Bosumtwi Located in an ancient meteorite impact crater that is 8 km in diameter, it is the only natural lake in Ghana. It is located 30 km southwest of the city of Kumasi and is a popular recreation area. Near the lake there are about 30 villages with a total population of 70,000 people.

14. Unusual river flow

There is only one river in the world that originates in the equator and from there flows into the temperate zone and that is the Nile River. For some unknown reason, most rivers flow in the opposite direction.

15. Lack of land at the North Pole

There is no land at the North Pole - only ice above the water surface. The Arctic Ocean, with an area of ​​12 million square kilometers of floating ice, has the lowest winter temperature, -34 ° C.

There are settlements on the planet with such amazing names that it is difficult to believe in the fact of their existence. And to live in the city of the Swastika or in the city of the Kingdom of Satan can, perhaps, only love with a good sense of humor. And it should be noted that these are not the strangest names in existence.

1. Swastika

The city of Swastika in Ontario, Canada is a rather strange place. In fact, this is not a haven for the Nazis at all - the city was founded almost 30 years before Adolf Hitler began using the swastika. The name of the city was chosen in honor of the ancient Indian sign of prosperity and fertility.

2. Kingdom of Satan

Funnily and strangely, there are cities and geographic locations on Earth named after hell. For example, two cities in the United States (in the states of Vermont and Massachusetts) are called the Kingdom of Satan.

3. Peniston

The town of Peniston, in Yorkshire, England, probably derives its name from older forms of Welsh and English. Originally the name meant "Hilltop Village". Today all and sundry giggle at him.

4. Nothing

The formerly inhabited (although very few people) settlement of Nothing in Arizona was completely abandoned in 2005. The sign at the entrance to the city reads: “Dedicated citizens of Nothing are full of hope and faith in the need for work. For many years these people believed in Nothing, hoping for Nothing and working for Nothing. "

5. North Pole

There are cities with the name of the North Pole in the states of Alaska and New York. The New York North Pole has a theme park with live reindeer and Santa Claus.

6. Nameless

Nameless is a small town in Colorado, which got its name when a highway was planned in this place with a turn to a still non-existent city. During the construction of the road, a temporary sign with the inscription "Nameless" was installed at the turn. As a result, the name stuck.

7. Moon

To the northwest of Pittsburgh there is a town named Luna, which is probably so named because it is located in a crescent-shaped bend in the river.

8. Mars

Tourists have recently been frequenting the city of Mars in Pennsylvania. Not only is a non-working former spaceship installed in the city, it can also be said that he visited the Martians (this is what the locals are called).

9. George Washington

George Washington is the only city in the United States to bear the full name of the Founding Father.

10. Ganja

The city with the most rastaman name can be found in Azerbaijan. Moreover, this is not even a village that was named for a joke, but the second largest city in the country.

11. Chinatown

Chinatowns or Chinatowns exist in major cities around the world, but Wisconsin has an entire city that bears a similar name.

12. Batman

Everyone knows the famous comic book hero, but few people know that in Turkey, in the Batman province, on the banks of the Batman River (a tributary of the Tigris River) there is the city of Batman. The main local attractions are oil refineries and a large military air base.

13. Bastardtown

Bastardtown in County Wexford, despite its name, is a picturesque Irish seaside village.

14. Å

The locality with such a laconic name is a beautiful seaside village in the very north of Norway. Also, six other Norwegian towns, a Swedish and a Danish town have a similar name.

15. Accident

Interestingly, the town of Accident was built in the 1770s in the state of Western Maryland by accident. Two surveyors marked out the ground, randomly selecting the same oak as the anchor point. It was on that place that the city was founded.

Sometimes geographic objects have names that are too long or too short, extremely funny or difficult to pronounce. Sometimes they are so ridiculous that one has to wonder - how could such a person come to mind? So, see for yourself.

The longest place names in the world

An example would be a small lake in the US state of Massachusetts. The name of this reservoir consists of more than 40 letters and it is almost impossible to pronounce it without stopping and the first time. The name of this lake is Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. This gibberish, translated from the Indian language of the area, means: "I will fish on this side, you will fish on the other side, and no one catches anything in the middle." This is how the two Indian tribes, who once lived on opposite sides, entered into an agreement. Thus, the lake received such a long name.

An even longer name is a small station near Wales in Great Britain. Train tickets, the starting or ending point of this station, are listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest train tickets. Their length is 15 cm. In length. The station's name consists of 54 letters and sounds like: Llanfirepulguiguillgogherikutridrobullaantisiliogogok, for the convenience of pronunciation and spelling of the name it was abbreviated to Llanfire. The name of the station, translated from the Welsh dialect, means: "a church in the lowlands, which is overgrown with white hazel, located near a river with a whirlpool near the cave." The translation of the name reliably accurately describes the geographical area in which the old station is located. Old-timers say that the name of the once old and unknown station was invented by a local joker who wished to remain in the shadows. He did this in order to glorify his unremarkable little-known village. Since then, tourists began to flock to the small town, who were attracted here by an unusual name. There is a known case of theft from the station building of a sign with the full name of the city, apparently it was stolen by some collector.

"The place where Tamatea, a man with very long legs, a famous man who devours mountains, who moved them, climbed mountains to play the flute for his beloved." This is how the even longer name of the village located in the northern part of the island of New Zealand is translated. The name itself consists of 83 letters and is pronounced as: Taumatavhakatangihangaburial kupokayvhenuakitanatahu.

The well-known capital of Thailand, the city of Bangkok has the longest name in the world written in Thai. It is officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It consists of 147 characters and is very difficult to read. The translation of the name describes the location of the city in the style of oriental sages and means: “The great city, the city of angels that contains the treasures of the gods, the great land that no one can conquer, the kingdom that will always prosper, this is the place where the palace of the gods is located, in which there are gods who can be reincarnated as spirits, a wonderful land given by the gods. "

The shortest place names in the world

For example, the names that are presented on maps in the form of the letter A are found in many parts of the world. For example, a river in Germany or a place on the Lofots Islands, as well as small villages in France and Sweden.

The letter I as a name has two small towns located in the north and west of France and the coast of Finland, respectively.

A unique French town located in the south is called Nah, which reads as O.

In the territories of Sweden and France there are cities with the name Yu. The river in the north of Russia has the same name.

The letter E denotes the name of a small town in Belgium, and the port with the same name is located near Burma.

Wu is a geographical name used by cities in South Korea and the Caroline Islands located in the Pacific Ocean. The same name belongs to the left tributary of the Mekong River, located in Asia.

The funniest place names in the world

Cockroach is the name of a small island and town of the same name off the eastern shores of the Indonesian island of Kalimantan.

Penyok is a village in the Novosibirsk region.

Kalach - a city in the Volgograd region

Sapozhok - a city in the Ryazan region

Bottom - a village in the Pskov region

Zheludok - a village in the Grodno region of Belarus

The strangest place names in the world

Village of Nothing in Arizona, USA.

The city of Swastika in Ontario, Canada is a rather strange place. In fact, this is not a haven for the Nazis at all - the city was founded almost 30 years before Adolf Hitler began using the swastika. The name of the city was chosen in honor of the ancient Indian sign of prosperity and fertility.

On earth, there are cities and geographical places named after hell. For example, two cities in the United States (in the states of Vermont and Massachusetts) are called the Kingdom of Satan.

There are cities with the name of the North Pole in the states of Alaska and New York. The New York North Pole has a theme park with live reindeer and Santa Claus.

Nameless is a small town in Colorado, which got its name when a highway was planned in this place with a turn to a still non-existent city. During the construction of the road, a temporary sign with the inscription "Nameless" was installed at the turn. As a result, the name stuck.

To the northwest of Pittsburgh there is a town named Luna, which is probably so named because it is located in a crescent-shaped bend in the river.

Tourists have recently been frequenting the city of Mars in Pennsylvania. Not only is a non-working former spaceship installed in the city, it can also be said that he visited the Martians (this is what the locals are called).

In the 1770s, the town of Accident was built in Western Maryland. Two surveyors marked out the ground, randomly selecting the same oak as the anchor point. It was on that place that the city was founded.

For travelers, most often the place of rest, its characteristics and features, rather than the name, plays a key role. In this case, the principle “it is not the name that paints the locality, but the locality that paints the name” applies, and in this regard, we often fall in love with the names of those cities in which we were best. Beautiful names of cities are most often found in Europe, they are pleasant and melodic sound to our ears. But many Russian settlements also fall into this category, the names of which sound charmingly in our native language.

Romanesque museum towns

It is believed that the most beautiful names of cities in the world are concentrated in the historical area, in the Mediterranean. It is noteworthy that this region is located between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia, and all the settlements that have ever been here or are still there bear very beautiful names. Many cities of the former Roman Empire have survived to this day. Among them are Rome, Florence, Venice. Along with them, very beautiful names of the regions can be distinguished: Liguria, Tuscany, Sicily. A delight to hear, agree?

Italy's neighbor, Greece, also has beautiful names of cities that are located on its territory. This is Athens, Kallithea, Heraklion. It is noteworthy that, in addition to the most beautiful names, these settlements managed to preserve architectural monuments of stunning beauty on their territories. You can admire them forever, and gradually they will become synonymous with the names of cities.

Ancient East - sophistication and beauty

It is surprising that the beautiful names were much more sweet in the territories of the Middle East. Firstly, it is the center of the birth of the Akkadian civilization. Several centuries later, it was replaced by the majestic Nineveh. In the south of the same Mesopotamia, the king of all the powers of that time was located - Babylon with its famous, still not dug out of the golden sands, tower. On the territory of Egypt, two megalopolises with the most beautiful names can be distinguished - Memphis and Alexandria. In today's Turkey, which once bore the names of Anatolia and Cappadocia (also names very attractive to the ear), there was the legendary city of Troy, famous for its history with a wooden horse.

Well, Syria has such beautiful city names as Damascus, Alalah, Amarna and others. It is noteworthy that most of the above names have survived to this day. An exception can be considered Memphis, which changed its name to an equally beautiful one - Cairo.

Spain is a modern treasure of uniqueness

The country located in the southwest of the European continent is famous for having beautiful city names. We will not list them, but only go through the most famous ones, which are unique not only for their sound, but also for their architecture.

Perhaps it's worth starting a trip to Spain from Catalonia, where the metropolis of Barcelona is located. This name has been thundering all over the world for many centuries and appears now in the creative sphere of life, then in sports, then in tourism.

Below is Valencia, and even closer to the south are the regions. Among the cities of this country, one can distinguish a complex, but very beautiful name - La Manga del Mar Menor. It is important to note that Spanish colonization caused the spread of this culture to wider territories. So, beautiful names of cities that are pronounced and written in this language can be found in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and many other states.

Far and mysterious North

The names of Scandinavian settlements are also recognized as the most beautiful. It is important to note that the Romano-Germanic and Fino-Ugric peoples coexist on this peninsula, therefore the names of local geographical units are fundamentally different. Filled with austerity and grandeur - the city of Stockholm. Along with him are Östersund, Malmö, Skellefteå and Sundsvall. Finland is famous for the famous cities of Helsinki, Viitasaari, Tornio, Rovaniemi and Nilsia. The most important thing is that in many settlements of these cold countries, even in the smallest, the primitive traditions and culture of these peoples have been preserved, which gives them even more charm and charm.

Surprise of the new century - South Africa and its heritage

Who would have thought that in the vastness of the southernmost point of the African continent, a real urban jungle will grow, which will bear beautiful names. Among the cities that are more reminiscent of America in their panoramas, we single out Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth and East London. These localities are unique in their kind due to the synthesis of local dialects and the English language, which appeared here after the British colonization.

Russia and its uniqueness

For our compatriots, the most beautiful are the names of cities in Russia and mainly the native one, which in each of its letters is unique and individual.

St. Petersburg is an ancient and incredibly beautiful city.

Remote megacities also bear beautiful names: Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad. We can say with complete confidence that in Russia there are much more places, regions and cities with beautiful names, but it is simply impossible to list them in one article.

10 chose

How many amazing cities in the world! Some are famous for their craftsmen, others for historical sights, others attract guests with merry carnivals or festivals, and the fourth with their names. When people settle in a new place and establish a settlement, they come up with a name for this place. It can be associated with a legend, with the name of the hero, with the area where it is located, or with some event. But sometimes the name causes complete bewilderment - why? Why was this place called that?

Cities of the world

This is exactly the name of the town in the state of Arizona (USA) - Why (why). Either its first settlers themselves were surprised why it occurred to them to stay here, or it was still because of the transcription of the letter Y, as the official version says, and the road intersection on which stands Why.

In Germany, in the state of Bavaria, a city flourishes Kissing... A city with that name cannot but flourish. I wonder if there is any special tradition associated with kissing, or the city glorified some famous kiss?

If you have not succeeded in something in life, try going to South Africa. It is here that the city is located for the most persistent - Try again and… try again!

Rafting lovers have their own heavenly place for their hobby - a city named Slime (Dirt). There is a very nice place for romantics in England - the city Roseberry Topping). But where I would not like to go is to a town in the Cayman Islands called Hell). Yes, the place is gloomy, located among the rocks. Here anyone can exclaim: "I live in Hell!". But tourists love to send postcards from here to friends - straight from Hell.

Sometimes the city with the most common name changes it to a more original one. It happened with the resort town Hot Springs whose inhabitants decided to change his name to Truth or Consequences succumbing to temptation. The organizers of the game show of the same name promised to move production to the city, which will be named after the program.

The city with the longest name is also worthy of being mentioned among the unusual - Thaumatahuakatangyangakoahahuotamateapokanuenuakitanatahu. It is located in New Zealand and means "The top where Tamatea Pokai Uenua played the flute for his beloved." Nice, isn't it? In contrast, there is a city that is just empty space, this is how the name of the town of Noodle sounds in Texas slang. And how to live in cities with the name Spot (Spot), Monkey's Eyebrow (Monkey Eyebrow) or even worse Idiotville (Idiotville). I can't even imagine what the inhabitants of these cities and towns answer when asked where they come from?

And we have?

On a pole track

Seven men came together:

Seven temporarily liable

Tightened province,

Terpigorev County,

Empty parish,

From adjacent villages:

Zaplatova, Dyryaeva,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

Bad harvest too ...

There are many cities all over the world with strange names. And our country is no exception! If you happened to travel by car across the vastness of our homeland, then you also came across funny, amusing and even original names that do not stand up to censorship .... But people thought when they called the place where they were going to live! Although, maybe this is all the tricks of the neighbors?

Judge for yourself: Bolshie Pupsy (a village in the Tver region), Deshevki (a village in the Kaluga region), Takoe (a village on Sakhalin), Bolshoye Struykino (a village in the Novgorod region), Ovnische (a village in the Tver region), Dno ( a town near Pskov), Trusovo (a village in the Komi Republic), Kosyakovka (a village in Bashkiria), Krutye Khutora (a village in the Lipetsk Region), Novopozornovo (a village in the Kemerovo Region), Bolotnaya Rogavka (a village in the Novgorod Region), Old Worms (a village in the Kemerovo region), Upper Conception (a village in the Chekhov region), Durakovo (a village in the Kaluga region), Hare bubble (a river in the Kemerovo region), Kozyavkino (a village in the Kemerovo region), Tsatsa (Volgograd obl.), Little Animal (a river in the Moscow oblast), Mukhodoevo (a village in the Belgorod oblast), Yes (a village in the Khabarovsk krai), Bolshoye Bukhalovo (a village in the Vologda oblast), Zhabino (a village in Mordovia), Chuvaki (a village in the Perm region), Garbage (a village in the Ulyanovsk region), Bezvodovka (a village in the Ulyanovsk region) and even Kind Bees (in the Ryazan region)!