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The study of the features of volcanoes, the phenomenon of volcanism is engaged in volcanologists and geomorphologists.

Structure: hearth, vent, crater. A hearth is a place in the earth's crust or mantle. A vent is a channel through which magma rises. Crater - hole, funnel, bowl on top of a volcano mountain.

Volcanoes are classified by location, shape and activity.

By activity: extinct, dormant, active. This classification is rather arbitrary. The extinct ones have not erupted for more than 1000 years: they retain their general shape, the crater and slopes undergo changes. Sometimes they are active. Example: Mont Pele in Martinique, Valley of Volcanoes in Buryatia, Kalara volcanoes.

Sleepers are volcanoes in which the likelihood of eruption is higher than that of extinct ones. Some of them are called supervolcanoes - Toba in Sumatra, Taulo in New Zealand, Kamchatka volcanoes.

Active ones are the main object of interest of volcanologists, they erupt frequently. They are located in the belts of young mountains, where mountain building continues. There is no consensus among scientists on how to accurately classify these geological formations. Most active volcanism: South and Central America, Hawaii, Japan, Sunda Islands.

They are classified by location: subglacial, terrestrial, underwater. The types are distinguished by shape: dome, cinder cone, thyroid, stratovolcano, complex species.

On the basis of the general structure, formations of the central and linear types are distinguished. The former have a central channel through which lava comes to the surface. The second type is fractured, the channels through which the lava rises have an elongated shape. Scientists distinguish an areal type, but there are no such on Earth, at least in our time. They are believed to have existed when the planet was forming.

The eruption is considered emergency, a disaster. It can be an hour, a month, a year, several years. The consequences of the eruption: the formation of depressions, calderas, geysers, fumaroles. There may not be high mountains, islands. Lakes are formed in the craters.

Types of eruption: Hawaiian (basalt lava comes to the surface, accompanied by smoky clouds, fiery avalanches), hydroexplosive (a lot of steam is released, confined to water bodies).

A mud volcano is a formation, as a result of the activity of which mud, gases, and not magma, come to the surface. Found on the territory of Russia, Central Asia.

The largest formations: San Pedro, Cotopaxi, Ojos del Salado in the Andes, Elbrus in the Caucasus, Fujiyama in Japan, Etna and Vesuvius in Italy, Klyuchevskaya Sopka in Kamchatka.

Fixed not only on Earth. If on other planets of the solar system and their satellites.

Volcanoes presentation was prepared by a student of the 5-A class of MKOU "Secondary school №16" Ivan Ershov Head: Mostovaya Alla Nikolaevna

Volcanoes are the name of the ancient god of fire, the patron saint of blacksmithing. According to myths, his forge was located in the bowels of the earth, and smoke and flames from it came out through the crater of Mount Etna.

The ancient Greeks considered volcanoes to be the forge of the god Hephaestus and treated them with great reverence.

If a crack appears in the earth's crust, a hot, molten substance - magma - rises along it from the depths of the planet, under tremendous pressure.

The ancient Romans feared the unpredictable anger of volcanoes. On August 24, 79, the Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia were destroyed in the eruption of Vesuvius

If magma pours out onto the surface of the Earth, hot gases burst out of it, and it is already called lava.

The cooled lava forms an elevation around the cracks in the ground. It grows, turns into a mountain - a cone. This is how a volcano grows. At its top there is a depression - a crater.

Sometimes for many years the volcano "sleeps" about it.

cities grow on its slopes

Volcanoes are divided into: active, erupting at the present time, constantly or periodically; asleep, about the eruptions of which there is no information, but they retained their shape and local earthquakes occur under them; extinct, heavily destroyed and eroded volcanoes without any manifestations of volcanic activity

Jets and gases of steam rise from cracks on the bottom and walls of the crater. Sometimes they calmly come out from under stones and crevices, and sometimes they burst out with a whistle and hiss. For months and years, the volcano can quietly smoke until an eruption occurs. This event is often preceded by an earthquake; an underground rumble is heard, the release of vapors and gases intensifies, clouds thicken over the top of the volcano.

The volcano wakes up

eruption begins

eruption begins

View of an erupting volcano from an airplane

Eruptions are long-term (over several years, decades and centuries) and short-term (measured in hours). After a strong eruption, the volcano again comes to rest for several years and even decades.

During the eruption, the volcano is being studied by scientists

After the eruption, a scorched desert remains, and life will not appear on this place soon

Volcanic bombs are chunks of cooled lava thrown out during volcanic eruptions in a liquid or plastic state and have taken round, spindle-shaped and other forms.

More than 800 on earth active volcanoes... Mount Etna Cotopaxi, Ecuador

We have about 70 of them in Russia. Karymsky Volcano Located in the central part of the Kamchatka volcanic belt. Nowadays, the Karymsky volcano is one of the most active in the world.

Maly Semyachik volcano It is a part of the Karymsky group of volcanoes and is located 15 km north-east of the Karymsky volcano.

Volcanic eruptions also occur at the bottom of the seas and oceans.

Mariners find out about this when they suddenly see a column of steam above the water.

or “stone foam” floating on the surface - pumice.

Some underwater volcanoes form cones that protrude above the surface of the water in the form of islands.

1586 - the eruption of the Kelut volcano in Indonesia, a person died; - the eruption of the Kelut volcano in Indonesia - a person died.

On December 16, 1631, there was a violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius. A man died

A huge number of people and animals died, because at that time life was in full swing on the slopes of Vesuvius. The volcano was silent for a long time. Vesuvius began to erupt on December 16, 1631. Explosions thundered, a huge pink cloud appeared, which turned day into night. A deadly rain fell from incandescent ash and slag. Many residents were burned to death by falling burning debris and volcanic ash in their homes, which stood on the slopes of the mountain.

Huaynaputina volcano 1600 It was the largest in history South America all-time volcanic eruption. It also affected the climate. The summer of 1600 was one of the coldest in the previous 500 years. Ash from the explosion covered everything around in a radius of 50 square kilometers. The 1600 cataclysm damaged the nearby cities of Arequipa and Mokegau, which only recovered a century later.

Volcano Krakatoa 1883 The most powerful explosion that occurred in April. It was accompanied by loud rumbles for several months. The eruption of this volcano threw out a huge amount of ash and pumice, and it was heard for thousands of kilometers. The explosion also provoked the development of a tsunami, the maximum wave height reached 40 meters, while more than 34 thousand people died.

Santa Maria volcano 1902 The eruption of Santa Maria was one of the largest eruptions of the 20th century. A violent explosion occurred after almost 500 years of silence, leaving behind a large crater, about one and a half kilometers in diameter, on the southwestern flank of the mountain. The explosion was heard 800 kilometers away in Costa Rica. The ash column rose 28 kilometers. About 6 thousand people died.

Volcano Novarupta 1912 The eruption of one of the chain of volcanoes of the Alaska Peninsula was the largest volcanic explosion of the 20th century. Powerful eruption triggered the release of 12.5 cubic kilometers of magma and ash into the air, which then settled to the ground within a radius of 7,800 square kilometers. Kodiak Island, located nearby, was covered with a 30-centimeter layer of ash, and because of the acid rain caused by the emissions of volcanic rocks in the atmosphere, people's clothes fell into threads.

Mount Pinatubo 1991 The catastrophic eruption began on June 10, 1991. More than 5 cubic kilometers of by-products were released into the air, creating a column of ash that rose 35 kilometers in the atmosphere. The eruption turned 150,000 people into refugees, forced the closure of the Clark Air Force Base and the evacuation of all employees both from it and from naval base "Syubik". Approximately 200 people died.

Changbaishan volcano 1000 year As a result of the volcanic eruption, so much volcanic material was thrown out that even in the north of Japan, 1200 kilometers from the scene, they felt it. The eruption formed a large crater nearly 4.5 kilometers in diameter and about one kilometer deep. Currently, on the site of this depression is Lake Tianchi, which is popular with tourists not only for its beauty, but also because of the alleged unidentified creatures living in its depths.

Tambor 1815 The eruption of the volcano is the most powerful in history. It reached its climax in April 1815, the explosion was so loud that it was heard on the island of Sumatra, which is located more than 1930 kilometers from the scene. The death toll was 71 thousand people, and clouds of heavy ash fell on many islands located at a very great distance from the volcano.

Ambrym Island, 50 BC Volcanic island with an area of ​​665 square kilometers, which is part of a tiny country in southwest parts The Pacific, has witnessed one of the most impressive eruptions in human history. A huge amount of ash and ash was thrown into the atmosphere, and a pit 12 kilometers in diameter was formed.

Ilopango volcano 450 BC It was an incredible eruption. It destroyed all Mayan settlements and covered a third of the country with ash. Trade routes were destroyed, and the entire civilization was forced to move to the lowlands. Now in the crater is one of the largest lakes in El Salvador.

Thera, 1610 BC Geologists believe Thera exploded with a force of several hundred atomic bombs... There are no records to support this, though. The island on which the volcano is located was home to the people of the Minoan civilization. There are some indications that residents suspected an eruption and were able to evacuate in time. Also, the eruption provoked a strong tsunami, and a huge release of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere caused a global decrease in temperature and climate change subsequently.

Ella Vassina
Presentation for pupils senior group on the theme "Volcano"


Introduce children to natural phenomenonvolcano.


1- to promote the development of cognitive activity in children, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection;

2- to improve the ability to work with various materials, to show the desire for transformation, to be creative in solving the assigned tasks.

"I spit fire and lava,

I am a dangerous giant

I am glorious with unkind fame,

What is my name? "

On a spaceship you can get into space, from where our planet is clearly visible. It is very huge and looks like a ball.

Deep below us, inside our planet, the earth is so hot it looks like porridge.

There is water on our Earth (seas, rivers and oceans) and land (it is dry)... We live on land. There are high mountains on land. Have you seen the mountains? The land is solid. But this is only from above, and deep inside the Earth it is so hot that even stones melt.

Word « VOLCANO» in Latin means "the fire" and "flame"... So named

one of the ancient Russian gods - the god of fire and blacksmithing.

Volcanoes there are erupting

on the land…

And also there are underwater ...

"Sleepers" volcanoes differ little from other mountains.

But sometimes they "Wake up" and then, strong begins

underground rumble, from their tops flames, ash, red-hot

stones, volcanic bombs.

When erupting volcano magma comes to the surface, it also

called LAVA.

The channel through which magma rises is called

VENT volcano.

Pieces of solidified lava - pumice. See how interesting it is. There are air bubbles inside this pebble. This is because the lava was boiling and seething, and then it froze.

Volcanoes seem beautiful but they are very dangerous. After all, fiery porridge-lava,

pouring out of the mountain, it can destroy cities where people live, start fires.

Scientists who monitor the condition volcanoes and can often predict the onset of their eruptions called volcanologists.

Where fire flies from the mountain

And smokes from all sides

There is a dangerous bully

Newly awakened (Volcano)

By that rather big mountain

The character is quiet for the time being.

But it can happen -

Will explode, smoke (Volcano)

From the dream the mountain woke up

Gurgled, boiled.

And from the cap it shot up

A lot of smoke, soot, ash.

Lava pours like honey, thick.

How to name such a mountain (Volcano)

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