Flight attendant's day May 15 or July 12. Holiday of the air profession - Day of the civil aviation flight attendant. Flight attendant - a romantic or dangerous profession

Today, July 12, is World Flight Attendant Day civil aviation... Historically, the holiday has developed spontaneously and has never been established at the official level. Nevertheless, every year more and more airlines join the celebration of this date.

It is not known exactly who the idea of ​​establishing the holiday belongs to and how long ago it arose. However, the profession of a flight attendant itself appeared 90 years ago. It is believed that it originated in Germany in 1928, when a special person began to take on board the plane, whose duties included providing service during the flight. Previously, this was done by the co-pilot, which was risky from the point of view of flight safety.

Initially, only men performed the functions of flight attendants - most often they were former waiters of expensive restaurants. However, already in 1930 in the United States, the idea arose to hire attractive girls - this was supposed to be an additional advertisement for passenger air travel. There was another argument in favor of women: they weighed less, which was of great importance for the planes of that time.

Ellen Church from Iowa became the first flight attendant in aviation history. She took her maiden flight in May 1930 on a flight from San Francisco to Cheyenne. Ellen graduated from nursing courses and privately took aircraft flying lessons. This served as a decisive argument in her favor - the girl herself offered her services to the airline. Moreover, it was Church who was tasked with recruiting the first group to train future flight attendants. They are seven nurses under the age of 25 and weighing no more than 52 kg. It is worth noting that strict requirements for the appearance and physique of flight attendants have survived to this day, although countries have largely formed.

In the 30s of the last century in job description it was indicated that stewardesses should welcome passengers, punch their tickets, weigh the passengers themselves and their luggage, and also deal with its loading and unloading. Before departure, the flight attendants had to clean up the cabin and the pilot's cabin, check whether the passenger seats were securely attached to the floor, and, if necessary, exterminate the flies. During the flight, flight attendants were required to distribute chewing gum, blankets, slippers, clean passengers' shoes and clean the toilet. In places of intermediate landings, flight attendants had to carry buckets of fuel to refuel the airliner. When the plane arrived at its destination, the flight attendants helped the ground staff to roll it into the hangar.

The girls worked 100 hours a month, earning $ 125. Boeing Air Transport hired flight attendants on a three-month probationary period, but the practice turned out to be so successful that they were not only enrolled in the staff, but also decided to continue hiring mostly female flight attendants. The requirements for applicants were as follows: to be unmarried, to have a nurse's diploma, age - not older than 25 years, weight - not more than 52 kg, and height - not more than 160 centimeters.

Today, each airline puts forward its own requirements for applicants for the position of a flight attendant, but there are also general rules... The applicant must be pleasant in appearance and with a pleasant timbre of voice, have a smooth speech without defects and a correct bite. Vision should be corrected within 20-30% or better.

Applicants for trainee positions range in age from 19 to 29 years old. In some companies, the age bracket ranges from 18 to 24 years old. Weight must be in accordance with height and medical standards. For young people, height is from 170 to 190 centimeters, for girls - from 160 to 175 centimeters.

Annually its professional holiday- - say representatives of one of the most romantic specialties in the world, better known to us as stewards and flight attendants.

It may seem surprising, but this profession is over 80 years old. It is believed that it originated in Germany in 1928, when a special person began to take on board the plane, whose duties included providing service during the flight - a steward. Previously, this was done by the co-pilot of the aircraft, which was risky from the point of view of flight safety.

At first, the functions of flight attendants were performed by men - most often they were former waiters of expensive restaurants. However, already in 1930 in the United States, an idea arose to attract attractive girls to work - this was supposed to be an additional advertisement for passenger air travel. There was one more argument in favor of the fair sex: they weighed less, which was of great importance for the aircraft of that time.

The first flight attendant in the history of aviation is called Ellen Church (1904 - 1965) from Iowa. On her maiden flight in this capacity, she departed in 1930 on a flight from Oakland to Chicago for air transport Boeing.

Ellen Church (standing in the doorway, left) became the world's first flight attendant

Ellen graduated from nursing courses, in addition, she privately took lessons in operating an airplane - this served as a decisive argument in her favor: the girl herself offered her services to the airline. Moreover, it was Miss Church who was tasked with recruiting the first group to train future flight attendants; they were seven nurses under the age of 25 and weighing no more than 52 kilograms.

The weight of the flight attendant is not that important these days. But when recruiting personnel, the principle of "three O" is often used: this is an external image (speech, facial expressions, make-up, external attractiveness); an internal image (the presence of the necessary character traits); professional image (professional knowledge and skills).

The main responsibility of a modern flight attendant is to ensure the safety of passengers during the flight. In addition, stewards and flight attendants do everything to make passengers feel comfortable.

If you want to see the world -
It is best to fly by plane.
Coziness and comfort on board,
The flight attendant creates it!

May everything in your life be in order
May takeoffs and landings be safe
Flight weather, happiness and patience,
Always good luck and luck in everything!

The question of what holiday is celebrated in Russia today does not lose its relevance over time. Such an increased interest in this topic can be explained by the variety of holidays that exist in our country. They often become very difficult to keep track of.

Today is a very busy day in terms of holidays. The fact is that on July 12 there are several holiday moments at once, readweb.org writes. Today, for example, is World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day. Orthodox is the Feast of the glorious and all-glorious chief apostles Peter and Paul. And in the national calendar we are talking about Peter's Day.

Who among us can imagine flying on board an airplane without a flight attendant? From the outside it seems that this is an uncomplicated profession, but meanwhile it combines many functions. This is a manager who knows how to quickly organize the boarding of passengers, a psychologist, a service specialist, and, in extreme cases, a lifeguard.

The history of the emergence of this profession began in 1928, when they began to take on board an aircraft a separate person to provide service during the flight, a steward. They were mostly waiters - men from expensive restaurants. Before that, the co-pilot was in charge of the passengers, which was not very convenient.

Nowadays, the task of the flight attendant has not changed, the main thing is to ensure the comfort and safety of the flight for passengers. As a tribute to society's respect for this romantic but difficult profession, Flight Attendant Day is celebrated on July 12.

On July 12, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Glorious and All-Glorious Apostles Peter and Paul. On this day, Peter Lent ends, unless the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul falls on Wednesday or Friday.

The Apostle Peter - a native of the city of Bethsaida, brother of the Apostle Andrew, lived with his family in Capernaum and was engaged in fishing. His name was Simon, and the name Peter (which means a stone) he received from Jesus Christ. The life of Peter is illuminated in the Gospel story more than other apostles because he was always close to Christ, was especially strongly attached to Him, the first unconditionally believes in the Divine messenger of the Lord. For this he was awarded a special closeness to the Lord.

Christ, having confirmed Peter in the apostolic calling, repeated three times: "Feed my sheep." And Peter became one of the most courageous preachers of the Gospel. Already on the day of Pentecost, he converted to Christ's faith, first 5,000, and then another 3,000 people.

Peter became famous for many healings, and in Joppa he raised Tabitha from the dead, fearlessly testified about Christ before the leaders of the Jews and the court of the Sanhedrin, was twice imprisoned in prison, was doomed to death, but after the miraculous liberation by the angel he did not abandon his preaching deed. He visited different countries East and West. Peter died as a martyr in Rome in about 57. Sentenced to the cross, he asked to be crucified upside down, considering himself unworthy to die like the Lord.

The Apostle Paul bore the name Saul, which means “begged,” “begged,” and only some time after conversion to Christ began to be called Paul. He was a native of Tarsus, whose inhabitants enjoyed the rights of Roman citizens, and was brought up under Gamaliel, the most famous Jewish teacher of the law of the time. Saul grew up as a fierce defender of national law and paternal traditions. The evangelical preaching of the apostles aroused his burning indignation, and he became one of their main persecutors.

The Apostle Paul, like the Apostle Peter, worked hard in spreading Christ's faith and is justly revered together with him as the “pillar” of the Church of Christ and the supreme apostle. They both died as a martyr in Rome under the emperor Nero, and their memory is celebrated on the same day.

Great holiday of the folk calendar dedicated to the apostles Peter and Paul. Saint Peter came from a fishing family.

Named from birth Simon, he changed his name to Peter, which is translated from Greek as "stone", which, in turn, comes from the nickname Cephas, meaning "stone" in Aramaic, given to the saint by Jesus himself when Peter became one of the twelve apostles , his students.

Called by Christ, Peter was together with Andrey, his brother, who also lived on the fishing trade. Legend has it that Jesus will address them like this: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

When Jesus was captured, Peter, in fear of being persecuted, denied his teacher three times. But soon he sincerely repented of the betrayal. On Mount Tabor, Peter, John and James witnessed the Savior's transformation. Saint Peter is revered as the founder of the first church of the Christian faith, he was the first of the Roman popes.

Another saint of this day - the apostle Paul - is not one of the twelve apostles, and in his youth he even stained himself by participating in the persecution of the Jews. But meeting with the risen Christ led him to believe in God alone, and then Paul devoted his life to writing the letters that made most Of the New Testament, and the creation of many communities for Christians in the Balkans, in Asia Minor.

Despite the fact that the lives of the two apostles are not very similar, in Russia they met on the day of Peter Paul, and in a number of names of topography and geography, for example, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Peter and Paul Fortress.

This day also had another name - Petrovostvo, associated with the fact that they were approaching the end of Petrovka, i.e. Petrov post. The time has come for the villagers to throw themselves off for the vowed treats in order to tasty, fill up food and drink all the poor and the wanderers.

In some places, on holiday, Zatya went to mother-in-law with tasty gifts, and they gave them cheeses in response, while godchildren got pies made of wheat flour from the godparents. On this day, it was absolutely necessary to wash with water from three springs.

Particular attention was paid to the sunrise, which was expected from the night on the hills, until dawn, having fun and warming up by the fires and starting up songs and games. About the sun on Peter's day, they said that it "plays" in the sky - it goes higher and lower, shines clearly and sometimes flashes with all colors, in a word, it seems to be in all its glory, to the surprise of all the people.

The Apostle Peter was revered among the people as the patron saint of fishing, giving him the nickname Fisherman. Fishermen offered prayers to him to send him good luck and to show him with a special sign what to expect - storms on the water, is it fishing?

On this day, it was customary to pay duties, administer court, and the church received a special, "Peter's" tribute. Towns and villages rejoiced at the Peter's bargaining.

Rainy Petrov day promised not better days for haymaking. But, if the rain poured intermittently, when the sun appeared, then they rejoiced at the fertility of the earth, as they used to say: "On Saint Peter, rain is a bad harvest, two rains are good, three are rich."

Photographer's Day July 12 is an Orthodox holiday (Catholic is celebrated on February 4). Where did this date come from? The answer to this question can be found in the Bible. It is the Holy Scriptures that describe the history of the emergence of a certain semblance of photography, as well as the history of its patroness Veronica. According to legend, the girl gave Jesus a handkerchief when he carried his cross to Mount Golgotha ​​so that the Savior could wipe off the drops of sweat that had appeared on his face. Veronica saved the fabric, and soon found the face of Christ miraculously appeared on it. Two thousand years later, when mankind invented photography, the Pope announced the establishment of a new Christian holiday. And even if today it does not have state status, it was still celebrated and will be celebrated by amateurs and professionals of photography.

During the Middle Ages, almost every monastery had in its arsenal an icon depicting St. Veronica, who holds a canvas with the face of Christ in her hands, the site became known. For the first time in the Bible, this girl was mentioned in the apocryphal acts of Pilate. It is important to note that Photographer's Day on July 12 and World Photography Day on August 19 are completely different memorable dates related to different historical events. Nevertheless, the photographers were very lucky: after all, they were awarded the rare honor of celebrating a professional holiday twice a year.

On July 12, flight attendants from all over the world celebrate their professional holiday. In the aviation industry, the vast majority of flight attendants have long been women and all passengers are used to calling them flight attendants. Our site congratulates all the flight attendants with pleasure and wishes them pleasant flights and soft landings!

  • The white plane takes flight
  • A stewardess meets us on board - just class!
  • It will fasten the straps to everyone, and pour some water for everyone,
  • Happy holiday to you, beauty, find aviation!

A bit of history and facts

  • During the first flights of passenger aircraft, the co-pilot worked with people on board. However, aircraft owners quickly realized that it was not safe at all.
  • Beginning in 1928, in Germany, a third person was added to the crew - a steward or flight attendant.
  • Initially, only men were hired for the position of stewards.
  • In 1930, the United States realized that young girls were much better suited for the job. Moreover, for two reasons at once:
    • The girls weighed less, which was a weighty argument in those years.
    • The passengers at that time were mostly men, whom the young girls were much more comfortable with.
  • It is officially believed that the first flight attendant on aircraft is Ellen Church, who boarded United Airlines on May 15, 1930.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the main task of a flight attendant is not to serve passengers, but to monitor their safety.
  • At the moment, increased requirements are being put forward for flight attendants. In particular, it is required that they possess such qualities as sociability, diplomacy, tolerance, emotional restraint. In the largest Russian airlines it is required that the stewardess knows one or more foreign languages.

  • Who among us can imagine flying on board an airplane without a flight attendant? From the outside it seems that this is an uncomplicated profession, but meanwhile it combines many functions. This is a manager who knows how to quickly organize the boarding of passengers, a psychologist, a service specialist, and, in extreme cases, a lifeguard. The history of the emergence of this profession began in 1928, when they began to take on board an aircraft a separate person to provide service during the flight, a steward. They were mostly waiters - men from expensive restaurants. Before that, the co-pilot was in charge of the passengers, which was not very convenient. Nowadays, the task of the flight attendant has not changed, the main thing is to ensure the comfort and safety of the flight for passengers. As a tribute to society's respect for this romantic but difficult profession, Flight Attendant Day is celebrated on July 12.

    In full dress and with a smile
    You meet passengers
    Flight attendant - sounds decent
    Your dream profession!

    Today we will congratulate you
    And we wish to live without troubles,
    Only safe flights
    Happy, long, long years.

    Stewardess the whole team
    Sings praises.
    Unearthly beauty -
    The pride of our board.

    Will calm passengers
    He will seat everyone in their places.
    The defile will suit them,
    Ascending to the heavens.

    May this day for you
    Shall we say a few phrases?
    May all the ups and downs
    They happen softly, smoothly.

    May the work be joy
    May the patch give goodness
    Well, every passenger
    Let it only bring peace.

    Happy Flight Attendant Day. May there always be order and tranquility on board, may there always be good luck and success on the course, may there be smiles of kind people on the way, may each voyage of life have a happy ending.

    You fly higher than birds every day
    One hundred flights on your account
    You are a heavenly princess for us,
    And always, like a warrior, on duty!

    You give smiles to passengers
    Helping to brighten up their flight
    And you are even their idol,
    The people are very fond of the stewardesses!

    Let love carry you on its wings
    Gives a lot of happiness and warmth,
    And more often it presents surprises,
    Unselfish heartfelt goodness!

    Flight attendant job
    I know it’s not easy
    But you make it easy
    You fly high into the sky!

    I wish you colorful flights
    Stable and large income,
    Achieve success in everything
    Soar higher day by day!

    Happy flight attendant day!
    Wish you luck,
    So that on earth and in the sky
    All tasks were solved.

    Let the open spaces beckon
    The dream is calling ahead
    May joy surround
    Love and kindness.

    Let the work be
    An outlet for you
    And let the happy shine
    Does not leave the eyes.

    You are a great flight attendant
    I can say it boldly!
    You are definitely used to flying,
    Doing what you love!

    May the flights be successful
    Let the salary only grow up!
    Always get high from work
    And have success in this life!

    Flight Attendant's Celebration
    So dear to you.
    You fly in the clouds
    In the sunny expanses.

    The passenger is always for you
    Only happy happens.
    The plane is in your destiny
    Let it fly like a bird.

    Happiness, devoted love
    Undoubtedly with a prince,
    So that together you can
    Find yourself in a fairy tale.

    Flight attendants,
    Soar under the clouds -
    Nice solution.

    On your holiday, we wish
    Beautiful bright ups
    Calm and cheerful
    For life, you have flights.

    We wish you a salary
    We're just great
    And let everything be super
    And in your personal life.

    You soar in the clouds every day
    Not in figuratively- for work,
    And there is no more beautiful flight attendant
    May you be lucky in every new flight.

    Let your passengers appreciate your work
    And they won't inconvenience in the sky,
    And there are dozens of awards ahead,
    And let success lead your destiny!