Quotes about family vacations. Quotes about relaxing with friends. Beautiful quotes about nature

You stand on the shore and feel the salty smell of the wind blowing from the sea. And you believe that you are free, and everything is still ahead ... 59

Sea and Sky are two symbols of infinity. 18

I just want to sit on the seashore, watch the sunset and think about the good ... 27

At sea, thoughts are dulled, and feelings are sharpened. 12

The sea, the sun, the beloved is near - what could be better ... 19

The soul asks for the sea, and the body is going to work ... 20 - Statuses about the sea

The sea is the soul of a person. He is also worried, worried and capable of a storm ... 33

If you want to go to the sea - you will find an opportunity, if you do not want - you will find a reason. 9

There are people who hear the sea calling them. This call does not stop, it seems to fill you, it is everywhere. 10

I gave my heart and feelings to the boundless, quiet sea and light waves. 12

I envy those who wake up and see the sea. 17

The best cure for everything salty water... Sweat, tears and sea. 4

Everything can be changed for the better. Everything except the sea. 11

The sea is a noble creature, it lets everyone in and just rejoices with them, not harboring resentment. 15

The noise of cars makes us cars, the noise of the sea makes us alive. 13

Two things fly by the sea especially quickly - time and money. 11

You stand by the sea, feeling the salty smell of the wind - and life seems to have just begun and everything is still ahead. 12

I often imagine a road that is beautiful and simple. Road to the sea. 11

Everyone likes to watch the sea, how it dances around us, triumphant, illuminated by light, a beautiful and immense embodiment of the elements. 9

If the sea is not happy, you are hopeless. 14

How you want to walk barefoot on the golden sand, but you have to - in heels and to work! 5

The sea is worth seeing only once, then to miss it all your life. 7

I want to go to the sea again! Swim again and feel carefree and happy! 10

Summer ... sun ... sea ... Oh, what am I talking about? Study, study, study ... 11

If you look at the sea for a long time, you have a desire to see people, and when you watch people for a long time, you really want to go to the sea ... 11

The sea is better than any medicine. 18

Sea, girls and beach - the most wonderful landscape! 9

Real bliss is a cup of aromatic coffee in a simple cafe on the seashore ... 9

The sea is in a glass, memory is in photographs, and we ourselves are in business ... 6

The sea, the sun, the beach ... And all this is still only in dreams! 9

There are two types of people in the world - those who are always by the sea and those who are constantly drawn to the sea. 12

Sea, Sun and Wind are synonyms for the word Eternity. 9

The sea is least of all concerned with this insane rush and pointless work. 7

The sea carries away the pain of memories on its waves. 5

Each of us has our own sea. 11

The smell of the sea and the sounds of the sea always attract everyone who at least once recognized them. 14

I love the sea and the sea loves me. But work doesn't want us to be together. 10

Sea, don't be bored! I'll be soon! 21

The main natural antidepressants are mountains, silence and the sea. 12

The sea sings, the wave is calling! And we are like that at work ... 9

I want to close my eyes, open - and the sea is in front of you. 12

If you want to get rid of problems - go to the sea. It will both listen and calm. 13

You enter the salty sea up to your chest
And you feel how many scratches on the body.
And if you could dip your soul into it?
We died in pain, actually. 8

In pursuit of the benefits of civilization, people forget that the highest value on Earth. Here is a selection of beautiful sayings about nature that will remind you of what has real value in life: Nature is life. In a broad sense, nature is understood as all living things. In a narrower sense, it is interpreted as a suburban area, hence the expression "go to nature." Despite the fact that a person is surrounded by nature every minute, the connection with nature in the city does not feel as much as in the countryside.

Man and nature are inextricably linked with each other. A person does not just live in the environment of nature, he regularly uses its resources. But, the desire for comfort not only kills the love of nature, but also nature itself. Many people simply believe that nature owes everything to man. Taking advantage of natural resources, you need to at least appreciate them and humanly relate to nature-mother. Love for nature must be instilled from childhood.

Nature is inherently unpredictable. One day can give a gentle sun, and another bring a destructive element. Even ancient thinkers noticed that nature can take revenge. She gives life and can take her to one world.

Nature often plays the role of a psychologist and is reassuring. Nothing helps to understand yourself like solitude with nature. Nature is the most suitable place for fun and relaxation. A picnic with family or friends is much better than going to the cinema or a restaurant.

Nature has only four large decorations - the seasons, the same actors are always the same - the sun, the moon and other luminaries, but it changes the audience (Rivarol).

She changes the audience so that there is someone to value her ...

Nature cannot be caught unkempt and half-naked, she is always beautiful (Ralph Emerson).

It is a pity that people do not notice this, they always get in the way of puddles, or the wind is strong ...

Nature always acts slowly and economically in its own way. (Montesquieu).

But people always do everything in a hurry and waste ...

A doctor cures diseases, but nature heals (Hippocrates).

Time helps her to heal ...

Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people (Goethe).

People will never admit that they are wrong, it is easier for them to blame nature for everything.

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone makes great gifts (Herzen).

All the most valuable and dear things are given to us for free, but we are used to appreciating and noticing only that which has a price, and a considerable one ...

Nature has taken care of everything in such a way that everywhere you find something to learn (Leonardo da Vinci).

For this, you need to thank nature, she never allows you to stop there.

Nature does not tolerate inaccuracies and does not forgive mistakes (Ralph Emerson).

You have to pay for your mistakes, the price for them is high ...

City dwellers do not feel sorry for nature, as they do not feel sorry for themselves.

It's not even that they do not spare nature. they just don't notice her ...

Man can put such pressure on nature that it will scald him with the greenhouse effect.

Nature will surely avenge the pain she has suffered.

The working man expresses himself by transforming nature.

The industrious one transforms, but the lazy one only destroys.

Nature said to the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.

Intelligence and common sense will help to find beauty, wisdom, and happiness.

The woman who gives birth is closest to nature: on one side she is even nature itself, and on the other - the man himself.

A woman is an extension of nature, which means a continuation of life.

He who does not love nature does not love man, he is not a citizen.

It is impossible not to love nature, indifference to it is a sign of inhumanity.

It seems that as humanity subjugates nature, man becomes a slave to other people, or a slave to his own meanness.

Thoughts about their own selfishness lead to the destruction of nature.

By the way a person rests in nature, one can immediately see how nature rested on him ...

If nature has not endowed someone with humanity. then this someone will behave like a pig.

Beautiful quotes about nature

Nature awakens in us the need for love.

The beauties of nature inspire and open the heart to love.

Nature is the creator of all creators.

Everything in this world begins with nature.

Roses instill a love of nature, and thorns instill respect.

You learn to respect nature only when she herself teaches a lesson.

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone must do his own thing, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life.

No matter how much a person tries to jump over the will of nature, he will still be where he should be.

Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not even so much pleasant as careful and loyal.

The faithful teaches people about life, but she does it carefully and unobtrusively, so everyone thinks that they are learning themselves.

Nature has a pure heart.

There is only nature in this world without sin.

To protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

This does not mean that there is no need to protect anything outside the Motherland ...

Contact with nature is the most the last word all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners.

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of civilization, but not everyone can see the beauty of nature.

A selection of statuses about nature

Nature is the second lover who consoles us when the first one changes.

In moments of betrayal, no one is able to console as nature.

Knowledge of the Laws of Nature does not save one from their influence.

The element is unpredictable, it is not subject to any laws.

Nature is conquered only by obeying its laws.

Victory in nature is not about surpassing, preventing or using something, but about accepting everything as it is.

Nature is an endless sphere, the center of which is everywhere.

Nature surrounds a person every second.

Nature is not only everything that is visible to the eye. It also includes an inner photo of the soul.

Nature itself creates the human soul, itself and looks into it.

From communication with nature, you will take out as much light as you want, and as much courage and strength as you need.

A person can be judged by his relationship to nature.

Miracles are not events that happen against the laws of nature; we think so because we don't really know the laws of nature.

Nature, like a woman, is not subject to any clues.

In the cycle of nature, there is neither victory nor defeat: there is movement.

Even when it seems to us that nature is asleep, it actively moves forward.

Nature and beauty are essentially one. Nature pleases the eye at any time of the day: you can endlessly admire the mystery of the sunset, the magic of the night, the freshness of the dawn and the movement of the day ... Appreciate, love and take care of nature!

And the impressions.

When going on vacation, take half as many things and twice as much money.

We are deprived of leisure in order to have leisure, and we wage war in order to live in peace.

Rest: what you do when no one tells you what to do.

How good it is to do nothing, and then rest!

Vacation planning is easy. The boss tells you when; the wife says where.

Many rest at work and work during rest.

Beach: a place where you can show everything except the eyes.

The only difference between a rich person and a poor person is what they do in their free time.

Relaxing thoughts

Vacation: Two weeks on the beach and fifty on the rocks.

The book is not an imprint of the soul, but simply a permitted rest.

From time to time you need to take a break from doing nothing.

Cool friendly thoughts about the rest

Work is the calling of the soul to leave.

Dacha is the best way to waste time, but keep health.

Weekends are a period of time when the TV technician is in the same place as the plumber and the doctor.

Entertainment is a job you pay for, not you.

To be able to use your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization.

The rest of the indefatigable is tiresome.

Not a single person in the world recognizes the right of any other person to be in bed when he himself has already got up.

Entertainment is the litmus test of culture.

Be sure to plan your way out of the weekend.

Fatigue will be ended when there is no need to work after days off.

The one who can rest is superior to the one who can take cities.

Brief, benevolent thoughts about relaxation

Leisure is unpaid work.

Important birds fly abroad.

Vacation is a holiday for the soul tired of the body.

Rest is a change in the sources of fatigue.

To work well, you need to rest well.

The road to vacation is darkened by the return.

Rest is needed only for those who work, and those who do not work always rest.

Idleness is not rest.

Tourism brings peoples closer together, and tourist service divides them.

Weekdays are different from weekends not to think about anything.

Everything is good in moderation.

Others demand rest after idleness at work.

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.

Here rests the one who has never rested, observe the silence!

Vacation: free time given to employees to make them understand that the service can do without them at all other times.

A smoke break is a way to save energy, but it is a loss of health.

Drink tea - do not chop wood.

If you can spend a completely useless half day in completely useless pursuits, you have learned to live.

You need to learn to be happy in moments of rest, when you remember that you are alive, and not in moments of hectic life, when you forget about it.

Eh, this is not an easy job - to have the right rest.

When there is money, there is not enough time; when there is time, there is not enough money.

How beautiful is the quiet harbor after wandering the stormy waves!

Socrates praised leisure over the possession of a girl.

Vacation is the free time that is given to employees to remind them that the institution can do just fine without them the rest of the year.

There is nothing more hopeless than having fun as scheduled.

The best thing about Sunday is Saturday night.

Rest is the occupation of loafers.

Happiness seems to lie in leisure.

Some, in order to take a break from business, rush to go on vacation, others - to return from vacation.

If you want peace, avoid popularity.

Paradise is a place where even those who could afford more do not mind relaxing.

A person in his spare time thinks to himself about this and that, but still more often about that.

Instructive, benevolent thoughts of relaxation

No one died from work, and there is nothing to say about rest.

Family leave is a continuation of the war between spouses in another territory.

You only need to stop for a night's rest in order to regain your strength. Stopped life is death.

When the Flood began, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Just like on my last vacation.

Velvet season, and we are in debt as in silks.

Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.

Watching TV is the most common way to do nothing.

Rest without money is a business without a soul.

Hinder business with idleness, you will not go crazy.

Summer is the time to put out the fires, the time to ignite.

One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work.

A tourist in a foreign country is a bag of money for residents, which everyone wants to empty.

Man is so created that he takes a break from one work, only taking up another.

Only hellish labor deserves a heavenly rest.

With a car, you can see the whole world. It depends on you, this or that.

Original benevolent thoughts about relaxation

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell.

Rest is a common pastime for loafers.

Doing nothing is the most difficult and most intellectual activity.

While working, I dreamed about rest, and while resting, about work.

You need to rest even from rest.

A scientist who curses himself for laziness is the most hardworking creature in the world, because while he is in a state of idleness, his brain works intensively, unnoticed by him and others. Therefore, many are surprised: how does he manage to discover if he was playing the fool all the time ?!

The ability to intelligently fill free time is the highest level of personal culture.

The ultimate goal of war is peace, work is leisure.

Rest is a change of activity.

Sitting in front of the TV, quantity turns into quality.

Just as peace is the goal of war, so idleness is the ultimate goal of employment.

Tourism - best rest but recreation is better than tourism.

In the southern resort beaches many sultry women.

To rest in the afterlife, you have to work on this.

When so much is behind

Everything, especially grief,

Do not wait for someone's support,

Take the train, disembark by the sea.

Joseph Brodsky

We only feel the charm of native speech when we hear it under someone else's heavens.

Bernard Show

The sea - better than any medicine, it washes away the melancholy and disappointment.

Tatiana Stepanova

Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels

Agatha Christie

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page of it.

Aurelius Augustine

Only two things will we regret on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.

Mark Twain

You don't have to live. Traveling is a must.

William Burroughs

Time lost with pleasure is not considered lost.

John Lennon

If you can randomly make your way to your own bed in total darkness without ever getting hurt, then it's time to travel.

Boris Krieger

Rest is a change of activity.

Ivan Pavlov

To be able to use your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization.

Bertrand Russell

Travel reveals not so much our curiosity about what we are about to watch, as the weariness of leaving.

Allen Carr

The best workers work harder than others and rest more than others.

Tom Hopkins

Ah, these "current affairs": if only they were a lump sum, well, at least for several days, they all failed to hell; and then, having freed our souls into "carelessness," we would have immediately recalled all the important matters that, given the "current fuss", it is absolutely impossible for anyone to remember.

V. Rozanov

Rest: what you do when no one tells you what to do.

Joseph Prendergast

Imagine a thousand people traveling together; if each of them were observant, then each would write a book of impressions completely different from the rest; and yet there is still a lot of interesting and well-aimed things left to say to those who would go on the same journey after them.

L. Mercier

If you already have absolutely no time to rest, then it's time to rest.

Sydney Harris

If you cannot find time to rest, you will very soon have to find time for treatment.

John Waynemaker

When the razor has served its life and no longer gives in to the point, the hairdresser puts it off for a few weeks and it sharpens itself. We cherish inanimate objects and don't care about ourselves. What kind of strong men, what kind of thinkers we would become if only from time to time we put ourselves on the shelf and sharpened ourselves.

Mark Twain

I’ve learned that there’s no better way to know if you like or disgust a person than to go on a trip with them.

Mark Twain

Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.

Leonardo da Vinci

Half the fun of traveling is the aesthetics of being lost.

Ray Bradbury

Travel as the greatest science and serious science helps us to rediscover ourselves.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Travel only with those you love.

Ernest Hemingway

Travel teaches more than anything. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

Anatole France

But, in spite of everything, traveling remains my great and true love. All my life, from the very first trip to Russia at the age of sixteen with the money saved (sitting with the neighbour's children), I knew that I was ready to sacrifice everything for travel, that I would not regret any money on them. I was faithful and constancy of this love, in contrast to my other hobbies. I treat travel in the same way that a happy mother treats a terrible, colic, screaming baby around the clock - I absolutely do not care what trials await me. Because I love. Because this is mine.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Travel develops your mind, if you have one.

Gilbert Chesterton

Is it fair to reproach a traveler for spending so much time on the road when overcoming the path is the subject of his journey?

Kozma Prutkov

No one realizes the beauty of travel until they come home and put their head on an old familiar pillow.

Lin yutang

A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft rounded shapes.

Jean Jacques Elise Reclus

When you travel, the main thing is not to forget that the point is in the journey itself, and not at its end. If you are in too much of a hurry, you will miss the purpose for which you are traveling.

Lamennet Felicite Robert

Travel should be serious work, otherwise it, if only not to drink all day, becomes one of the most bitter and at the same time the most stupid occupation.

Gustave Flaubert

Traveling is flirting with life. It's like saying, "I would like to stay with you, I would like to love you, but I have to get out, this is my stop."

Lisa Saint-Aubin-de-Théran

Traveling means debunking other people's misconceptions about other countries.

Aldous Huxley

Tourism turns the traveler into a controller, his discoveries into an inspection, surprise into a statement, a wanderer into an unbeliever's Thomas.

Frederic Beigbeder (99 francs)

Travel is like marriage. The main misconception is to think that they are under your control.

John Steinbeck

Do not think about what you will tell when you return. Time is here and now. Seize the moment.

Paulo Coelho (Aleph)

To change the world, you have to see it.

Will Traveler. TV series Traveler

Once a year, go where you have never been.

Dalai lama

The great secret of upbringing is the ability to ensure that bodily and mental exercises always serve as rest for one another.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The section is constantly updated.

Quotes and statuses about vacation, no matter how beautiful they are, the vacation itself will not replace anyway. But on the other hand, they will give reason to dream and, possibly, plan the upcoming vacation.

The best antidepressant is a suitcase packed on vacation.

Vacation is when you can rest from the previous one every next day.

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where ...

Stop a moment, you are a vacation !!!

Blessed is he who believes. But truly blessed is he who lies on the seashore and is in no hurry.

The best way to have a rest is to run away from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

Take me out of here on vacation.

Only vacation pay ends faster than vacations.

Nothing is as tiring as someone else's rest.

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss so much now ...

The frantic pace of life, the rapid flow of information, work, family - it is natural that one wants to take a break from all this. It is for such cases that they came up with a temporary release from work, or, more simply, a vacation. Officially, this is the time provided by the employer for rest. It is calculated in calendar days. But this definition is boring. In order to understand what it really is, we offer you cool quotes, short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about vacation.

Funny quotes about vacation and work

For some people, vacation differs from work only in that they are sitting at a different computer.

Vacation comes and goes, but you never want to work.

Labor turned a monkey into a man, but vacation shows how easily a man returns to his original state.

There are two types of vacation: one is your own, and the second is for your boss. Moreover, the second may not be worse than the first.

Your boss will decide what to do at work, but you will have to plan your vacation yourself.

No matter how long the vacation was, you still understand at the end of the first working day - you didn't have enough rest.

Eternity is the last two hours of work before vacation.

How good it is to do nothing, and then rest!

No one needs a vacation as much as someone who has just returned from vacation.

Work ennobles a person, but vacation makes him happy.

Short statuses about vacation without rest

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And if I want - to a psycho and leave. To the dacha. I will water, weed, dig ...

Stability is when a person switches from a work computer to a home computer while on vacation.

Summer smells like a vacation for those who have been on vacation. For everyone else, summer smells of envy and longing.

As always, the dream of a vacation turned out to be better than the vacation itself.

I was tired, but I became exhausted - this is a vacation spent at the dacha.

The mother-in-law decided that best vacation Is a renovation.

Take time to rest, as work is always there and life tends to end.

For some, it turns out that vacation is created in order to dream about vacation.

The sun shines for everyone, and only the lucky ones sunbathe.

Rest is a very rare opportunity to think about business.

Summer is considered the most suitable season for recreation. Sun, heat - it's time to rest. True, many of us have short vacations, so we don’t want to waste time. And, only having time to slam the office door behind us with a satisfied smile, most of us immediately collect our bags and rush to the airport, to the train station, to bus station... Everything in order to fully enjoy the days allotted for relaxation. But, of course, it is advisable to think over your entire vacation well and prepare for it in advance. Well, so that it does not turn out, as in this quote: as soon as you begin to feel like a free person, as on you - there is still a vacation, but there is no money anymore.

Vacation aphorisms with meaning

There is nothing more hopeless than having fun as scheduled.

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.

You have to pay for a vacation, and overpay for a good one.

Some work to rest, others rest to work.

Resting the head is more difficult than resting the body.

Vacation: Two weeks on the beach and fifty on the rocks.

Rest is the right kind of laziness.

The main thing on vacation is to have a rest without rest!

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

You can't spend your vacation - it always ends on time.

Holidays are such a popular topic that people very often talk about them, who will go where, where is better, what are the prices, what to see and have time to do. To show off your intellect in such a conversation, these quotes and statuses about vacation are quite useful. After all, rest is meant to take a vacation even from your own personality. Therefore, you can safely show off other people's witticisms and aphorisms.