Home to the Caucasus center

Caucasus Center is a site positioning itself as a "Chechen independent international Islamic Internet agency." Since its inception, he has been engaged in propaganda support of Chechen separatism, Islamic fundamentalism, extremism, ... ... Wikipedia

Caucasus (training center)- This term has other meanings, see Caucasus (meanings). The Caucasus Training Center is a sabotage and terrorist center that operated near Serzhen Yurt (Shalinsky district of Chechnya) in 1995-1999. Zelimkhan Yandarbiev stated ... Wikipedia

Caucasus- forge. a country located south of the East. European Plain, in the area of ​​the isthmus between the Black and Azov Seas in the west and the Caspian Sea in B. Sev. border K. is drawn along the Kumo Manych depression, southern, conditional in physical. geogr. and geol. ... ... Geological encyclopedia

Caucasus Sport Hotel- (Gabala, Azerbaijan) Hotel category: 5 star hotel Address: Kabala, AZ1039 Hectare.

CAUCASUS- Greater Caucasus Geographic names World: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. CAUCASUS territory in Eurasia, stretching from Cherny and Azov ... Geographical encyclopedia

Caucasus- (the origin of the word is not precisely established, perhaps it is associated with the Hittite "kaz kaz" the name of the people who lived on south bank The Black Sea; first encountered by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus in the tragedy "Chained Prometheus") ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Caucasus (disambiguation)- Caucasus: In physical. geography: Caucasus Mountains Mountain country between the Black and Caspian Seas; Lesser Caucasus mountain system; The Greater Caucasus mountain system; Western Caucasus part mountain system The Greater Caucasus. In political and ... ... Wikipedia

Center-R-Caucasus- Krasnodar 2000 Full name Football club "Krasnodar 2000" Krasnodar Founded 2000 ... Wikipedia

Caucasus- This term has other meanings, see Caucasus (meanings). This article or section contains a list of sources or external links, but also ... Wikipedia

Caucasus (Kiev region)- This term has other meanings, see Caucasus (meanings). Village Kavkaz ukr. Caucasus Country ... Wikipedia


  • USSR - Turkey. From neutrality to the cold war. 1939-1953, Jamil Hasanli. The monograph of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor J. Hasanli is the second book in a series dedicated to the Cold War in the Near and Middle East, and is a complex ... Buy for 743 rubles
  • Caucasus, Russia, Europe. Regional security problems,. The peculiarity of the approach to the topic lies in the fact that the authors sought to investigate the situation in the North Caucasus in the broadest possible political and socio-economic context. Due…

Our in-browser proxy technology is the most advanced of its kind, but it has fundamental limitations. If you are unable to acccess kavkazcenter.com using our unblocker here are some alternative tricks you can try. Please note that these methods require you to have administrator rights on your computer. If you are using a computer with limited access rights, you most likely will not be able to use them.

Method 1: Using a VPN

VPN is the most efficient and reliable way to bypass blocking, but it can also take a little more effort to set up and cost some money (in the case of a premium service). However, if you often have to access the network through a filtering gateway and are concerned about protecting your personal information, it is more than worth the time and money.

We are ZenVPN who offer easy to install client software, quality connectivity worldwide and strong privacy guarantees.

Method 2: Access to kavkazcenter.com directly by IP address (using the hosts file)

Computers on the Internet exchange information using digital identifiers called IP addresses. Before your computer can talk to kavkazcenter.com server it needs to obtain kavkazcenter.com's IP address. A great deal of website blockers work by interfering with this process and misleading your computer about what kavkazcenter.com's IP address is.

To bypass this type of blocking you can configure your computer to always use a predefined IP address when accessing kavkazcenter.com. To do this, you need to edit the so-called hosts file. In Windows it is " C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts". In Max OS X, this is" / etc / hosts". Open this file in a text editor (Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac OS X) and add the following lines to it: imgs2.kavkazcenter.com kavkazcenter.com

(To display a modern web page, your computer usually needs to connect to multiple servers. We scanned kavkazcenter.com and compiled a list of the servers it uses. For this reason, there is more than one line in the list above.)

The most basic tool is the Tor browser ( download from this link ). With this browser, readers can visit CC and other blocked sites anonymously and bypass existing blockages.

In addition, the KC edition launched a special server (text version) in the Tor system at the following link: tor.kavkazcenter.com (you do not need to use the “www” symbols).

Please note that when you first visit the specified server, you must click on the long link in the middle of the site 1 time. In the future, all visits to the server will be automatic.

If this domain for some reason does not open, then use direct access to the Tor server at this link: http://2r2tz6wzqh7gaji7.onion.to/

The KC server in the Tor system is anonymous. Visiting it is also anonymous.

For those who use the Tor browser, the link is the same tor.kavkazcenter.com. In a direct link without the ".to" ending. Just - http://2r2tz6wzqh7gaji7.onion

There is also a blog of the Kavkaz Center at kcblog.info and a page in social network Google+ glpl.us/kavkazcenter ... The blog and the page in G + can be visited in the event of a DDOS attack on the main server of the CC or if you do not have access to the CC for some other reason.

At the indicated addresses, you can familiarize yourself with the latest updates on the Kavkaz Center website, as well as leave your comments and remarks.

Due to the fact that Putin's Chekist regime actively uses the tactics of banning objectionable Internet media (including Kavkaz Center), and introduces blocking of sites everywhere, the editorial staff of the KC offers Internet users some of the simplest ways to bypass the blocking of sites on the territory of Russia.

With these simple tools, you can also maintain a certain amount of anonymity on the web.

Besides using a browser Tor you can use numerous anonymizing sites or proxy servers (by registering the IP proxy addresses in your browser settings).

The simplest and most effective way to bypass blocking is to use google translate ... In the text entry field, enter the site address and click on the site link (for example, CC) that appears in the translation window. With this feature, it is easy to bypass any site blocking and at the same time remain anonymous to your provider.

Another option is to use a browser Opera... To bypass the blocking of sites, you must turn on the Turbo function and then calmly visit the sites you need. Browser for mobile devices Opera Mini also bypasses blocking, as it works through its own server.

For those who prefer to use the Firefox browser, it will be convenient to use the following extensions -

These extensions allow you to bypass the blocking of sites and the surfing speed practically does not decrease. It should be borne in mind that some of the default proxies used in the Stealthy extension are transparent, i.e. your online anonymity will be partial at times.

AnonymoX is more stable in this respect.

Another recently created plug-in for Firefox, which, apparently, is still being tested, but already in a "working" state:

Those interested can also use the Ultrasurf program. Some antiviruses "complain" about