Claim for a refund for air tickets. Air ticket refund claim - sample. ○ Return before train departure

To whom: 1. Limited Liability Company

Concert and tour agency "Concert Group"

The address: 630058, Novosibirsk, Russian Street, 11/1, 14

2. Charitable Foundation for Environmental Protection

Wednesday "National Environmental Fund

The address: 196084, St. Petersburg City, Moskovsky

Avenue, 79, letter A, room 9H

From: Nemova Elena Valerievna

The address: 125565, Moscow, Konakovsky passage house. 9

Sq. 39

about return Money

Lease debt claim

Claim under the furniture sales contract (return of furniture)



CLAIM for payment of the sum insured under a personal insurance contract

CLAIM for goods delivered in an assortment that does not fully comply with that specified in the contract

CLAIM to the construction contract (due to the involvement of a third organization by the general contractor to eliminate the deficiencies made by the subcontractor)

A claim for a refund for a ticket - official document, which establishes the consumer's demand before the store for a refund and justifies the need to satisfy such a demand.

We present our sample claim, which includes requirements for both a refund for a quality ticket and for a defective ticket, you just have to choose and get your money back.

  • getting a consumer license - this will save time and become more legally literate;
  • learn and

here is our sample.

Ticket refund claim

The relevance of the article was checked by our lawyers as of 01/16/2020

store director:
the address:

residing (s) at:

"___" _______ _______ (specify the date) by me, ___________________________________, in the store "_____________" located at: _____________________________________________, a ticket was purchased for _______ rubles. Additionally, the delivery for the ticket was paid in the amount of ______ rubles.

if the ticket is of high quality, then insert this part. Consider.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Consumer, in the event of defects in the product, if they were not agreed by the seller, has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand the return of the amount paid for the product. At the same time, the consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality.

Considering that the shortcomings that the ticket contains arose as a result of circumstances for which the consumer is not responsible, I ask: Refund the money for the ticket in the amount of ______________ rubles, as well as money for its delivery in the amount of ______________ rubles.

In case of refusal to satisfy my legal requirements on a voluntary basis, I will be forced (a) to apply to the court for the protection of my rights and legitimate interests.

I would like to ask you to inform me of your decision in writing in due time.

1. Copies of sales and cash receipts.
2. A copy of the document confirming payment for the delivery of goods.

Many of you do not know how to return a "non-refundable" air ticket. Let me tell you: there are no non-refundable tickets. There is ignorance of the laws. Therefore - copy the letter below, send it with a registered notification to the airline where you bought the flight and may you be happy! (By the way, "happiness" is tested on myself: knowledge of the laws works and guarantees the return of even "non-refundable" tickets!

So you bought a ticket and want to return it? Write a letter! And do not forget to send it by registered mail with a notification !!! Blessed be "Russian Post"

to CEO
OJSC "***********"
registered at: here we write the address of the airline, according to the Internet

From Legky Alexander Viktorovich (change the name and address to yours)
residing at: zip code
Russian Federation, region, city, street, house, sq.

kt .: 8-960-352-65-65 - (contact phone number - don't call, it's not mine anymore! :))
Email: indicate your

/ about the refund of the paid amount for the air ticket /

I, Light Alexander Viktorovich, 25.08. 20 ** years at 14-30 Moscow time, purchased on the website(company name) (site name) e-ticket No. 0932400953347, with a total cost of 6,311 rubles / six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles / for flights 0993 / Moscow-Kaliningrad/ and 0717 / Kaliningrad-Paris/ planned e on 03.10.20 .. year.

Taking advantage of their legal right, enshrined in Art. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, which states: the passenger of the aircraft has the right to cancel the flight with the notification of the carrier no later than twenty four hours prior to the departure of the aircraft, if the rules established by the carrier air transportation no grace period is defined, and to receive back the amount paid for the air carriage. If the passenger of the aircraft refuses to fly later than the established time limit, the passenger has the right to receive the amount paid back for the air carriage with the deduction of a fee, the amount of which may not exceed twenty-five percent of the amount paid for the air carriage, I, 15.09 ..... years, contacted the hotline(contact and write the name of the company)by phone number:8 - 800 - 200 -** -** with a request for a refund of the money I paid for the air ticket.
However, at my request, the staff"such and such an airline" reacted inadequately and told me that the refund of the amount I paid for the air ticket is not possible, referring to their internal rules.
Page 1

These actions clearly contradict the current legislation, namely Article 102 of the Air Code Russian Federation, in which it is stated that carriers / carrier is an operator licensed to carry out air transportation / when performing air transportation must comply with general rules air transportation. Currently, such rules are established by the Air Code of the Russian Federation. Carriers have the right to establish their own rules, which should not contradict general rules air transportation, and refusal to refund the money I paid for the air ticket is contrary to Art. 108 VK RF.

It follows from the articles of the RF VK that, having purchased an airline ticket, I, Aleksandr Viktorovich Legky, entered into an agreement for the carriage of a passenger with this airline. Moreover, in accordance with Art. 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contract of carriage is one of the types of contracts for the provision of services.
I concluded the contract for the carriage of a passenger solely for personal needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity, in this regard, and on the basis of the preamble of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" I believe that the relationship that arose between me and "such and such an airline" , the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" apply.

Based on Article 108 of the VK RF, the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"


  1. Return to me the amount I paid for the ticket in the amount of 6,311 rubles / six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles / as soon as possible.

If the above requirement is rejected, I will have to go to court with a claim against"such and such an airline", where I require:
1) collect from "such and such an airline"in my favor the amount paid by me for the air ticket in the amount of 6,311 rubles / six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles /;
2) Collect in my favor from"" compensation for moral damage in the amount of the air ticket price
3) collect from "such and such an airline" legal expenses that I will incur as a result of going to court, namely the costs of paying for the services of a lawyer for the preparation of claim documents, consulting, preparation of documents for the court, travel expenses to the place of court proceedings and back, participation in court hearings, as well as compensation for damages caused as a result of interruption from work and loss of time, in the amount of at least "so many" thousand rubles (moderate your appetites and indicate the amount from 50 to 100 thousand rubles)
I ask you to provide me within 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of this claim a written response to the claim / send copies by e-mail, fax, indicated by me in the claim / containing the obligation"such and such an airline" pay me as soon as possible the amount I paid for the ticket in the amount of 6,311 rubles / six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles / in a proper and complete manner, or a reasoned refusal to pay. Failure to provide a written response to this claim will be considered a refusalJSC " such and such an airline" fulfill my legal requirements.


  1. Receipt e-ticket № 0932400953347 ( eTicket ) a copy of the electronic ticket No.

  2. Bank statement of the account, confirming the fact of payment for the services of "such and such an airline" dated 08/25/2020 **.

«_ 16 _ "September 20 ** year

A.V. Legkiy


A claim for a refund for air tickets is written if the air carrier refuses to return the money during negotiations. The claim itself is used as evidence that the buyer used pre-trial settlement methods before going to court.

There are no clear requirements and rules for drafting claims in the legislation, but this article will provide recommendations, following which you can competently draw up a procedural document.

When can I claim a refund for an unused ticket?

After making changes to Air Code of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2014, air tickets began to be sold of two types:

  • Returnable;
  • Irrevocable.

You can get money back almost in full only when the tickets are returned, where there is a condition for their return, at least one day before the flight. If the ticket is returned later, the air carrier is entitled to a penalty in the amount of 25% of the ticket price. But at the same time, the passenger can still return three quarters of the cost. But the return of even a return ticket after the end of the flight does not give the right to a refund.

Already from the very name "non-refundable ticket", it becomes clear that the passenger will not be able to get the money back. An exception may be cases when the passenger was forced to miss the flight due to the illness of a relative traveling with him or the death of a close relative. But these facts must be documented.

Drawing up a claim for a refund for air tickets

To draw up correctly, you need to refer to the norms of civil law. The protection of the rights of tourists is also regulated by the norms of legislation in the field of consumer protection. A claim is a procedural document, it indicates the requirements themselves and the grounds on which they are put forward. It would be better if the claim uses the norms of the law that were violated by the air carrier.

Also in the text you can refer to the rules of carriage, which are issued along with the ticket. These rules should also mention the conditions for the return of the ticket. But if in the conditions stated by the air carrier there are provisions that directly contradict the legislation, then they are illegal.

The claim must indicate the period during which it must be considered, and the address where the response must be sent.

Submitting a claim

It is necessary to submit a claim in a written form... Recently, correspondence is often conducted by e-mail, but not all judges then accept the printouts as evidence. The address to which all claims are sent must be indicated on the ticket. You need to understand that the air carrier is responsible for the refund. A ticket can be purchased from an agent; in most such cases, the claim is still sent to the air carrier.

If all the rules for refunding the ticket have been met, and the money has not been returned, while oral negotiations do not give any results, you need to write a claim. You can also complain to Rospotrebnadzor and Rosaviatsia. But the surest way to get your money back is to go to court.