Organization of airport activities what kind of profession. Non-commercial activities of an airline. A centering schedule is an official document that records flight data, the calculation of the maximum short circuit, the distribution of takeoff and landing weight and centers

14. The organization develops and approves the job descriptions of personnel, taking into account the work functions performed by the employees of the Organization.

15. The organization provides professional training (retraining, advanced training) of aviation personnel in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation and regulations governing activities civil aviation approved in the prescribed manner.

16. The organization ensures that it receives, communicates to its personnel and controls the implementation of regulations, as well as information on flight safety and aviation security in terms of airport activities to provide services for passengers, baggage, cargo and mail.

III. Certification requirements for Organizations for providing passenger and baggage services

17. Airport activities to provide passenger and baggage services on domestic airlines are carried out by the services of the Organization in accordance with the integrated technology (technologies) approved by the head of the Organization, which reflects the following issues and provides documents (taking into account the types of work performed by the Organization):

the procedure (procedures) for registering passengers and baggage, including in ZOLiD (basic and simplified methods);

conditions and norms for the carriage of baggage;

service priorities;

passenger service when combining flights, replacing aircraft;

measures in the event of passengers not showing up for boarding;

delivery of passengers to the aircraft;

boarding passengers on the aircraft;

transportation, loading of baggage onto the aircraft and its mooring;

disembarking passengers from the aircraft;

delivery of passengers to the airport;

unloading baggage from the aircraft, delivering baggage to the unpacking area and handing it over to passengers;

service of transfer and transit passengers;

service of disabled people and other persons with disabilities in accordance with orderly provision of services to passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities at airports and on aircraft provided for paragraph 13 of Article 106.1 Federal Law of March 19, 1997 N 60-FZ "Air Code Russian Federation";

service for unaccompanied children;

transportation of special baggage (weapons, ammunition, etc.);

transportation of fragile, oversized, heavy baggage, animals, etc .;

organization of work in case of violations of the aircraft traffic schedule;

refusal to carry baggage if it contains substances and (or) items prohibited for carriage by air, as well as in case of non-payment of established tariffs and fees;

removal of baggage from the aircraft due to the passenger's failure to appear for boarding the aircraft;

removal of baggage from the aircraft in case of long delays in the departure of the flight;

acceptance and delivery of baggage when reloading it from one aircraft to another, as well as when combining / disconnecting flights;

restrictions on the acceptance of baggage for carriage (oversized, fragile, heavy, containing dangerous items, etc.);

measures taken in case of shortage, damage, loss of baggage;

measures taken in relation to delayed, unclaimed, undocumented baggage;

search and dispatch of baggage;

measures taken in relation to found and forgotten things;

sale of unclaimed baggage and found items of passengers;

conducting claims proceedings;

calculation of payload and aircraft alignment;

quality quide;

information support for air transportation of passengers and baggage (including internal information sheet, texts of information messages, etc.);

technological schedules of aircraft servicing by type of flights;

regularity of flights;

metrological support;

samples of technological documentation (forms, statements, tags, magazines, etc.).

18. In the event that the Organization carries out airport activities to provide passenger and baggage services on international airlines in the integrated technology (technologies) approved by the head of the Organization, the following issues are additionally reflected:

interaction with state regulatory authorities;

service of diplomatic couriers and their luggage;

service for passengers who are denied entry into the country;

service for deported passengers;

service of passengers carrying animals and birds as baggage.

19. To carry out airport activities to provide passenger and baggage services, the Organization must have (taking into account the types of work performed) on the basis of ownership or on other legal grounds:

buildings and structures of the airport complex with the necessary premises for servicing passengers and baggage, accommodating the Organization's aviation personnel, equipment and engineering and technical means, including backup power supplies for the operation of systems that ensure technological processes for servicing passengers, the activities of state regulatory bodies, baggage handling , aviation security, warning (information), water supply, sewerage and emergency lighting;

buildings and structures with necessary equipment for maintenance and repair of air terminal equipment and apron equipment used for passenger air travel, and premises for the accommodation of the aviation personnel of the Organization;

buildings and structures with sites for the maintenance, maintenance and repair of ground special vehicles used in servicing passengers and baggage, and premises for accommodating the Organization's aviation personnel.

20. For all buildings and structures intended for the functioning of the services of the Organization, technical passports must be issued in accordance with the established procedure, indicating the percentage of wear of the main structural elements of buildings and structures.

21. The premises intended for the functioning of the Organization's services must comply with the requirements of the current technological design standards.

22. On the facades of the premises intended for the functioning of the services of the Organization, signs shall be installed reflecting the names of the relevant services (the purpose of the premises).

23. Taking into account the types of work performed, the Organization must be equipped with special vehicles, technological equipment, engineering and technical means, as well as means of mechanization, weighing and transportation of baggage, including:

documentation required by the Organization to ensure the service of passengers and baggage

With changes and additions from:

1. The constituent documents of the Organization registered in the prescribed manner, the document (documents) containing the decision on the establishment of the Organization, which is not for legal entities individual organizational and legal forms of the constituent document, as well as a document defining the powers of the head of the Organization.

2. Certificate of state registration of the Organization and a document on the assignment of statistical reporting codes to the Organization.

shift supervisors;

the personnel responsible for the reception and delivery of baggage;

personnel carrying out weighing, loading, unloading, mooring of luggage.

for the protection of the environment;

8. A document regulating the procedure for servicing passengers and baggage following letters on flights, approved by the head of the Organization.

for handling passengers and baggage on international airlines;

for handling passengers and baggage on domestic airlines;

13. The plan (plans) of professional training (retraining, advanced training) of aviation personnel, approved by the head of the Organization.

19. Plan-diagram (plans-diagrams) of the service area where the Organization's services are located (with reference to an artificial runway (apron).

20. Documents confirming the right of ownership (possession and / or use on other legal grounds) to buildings, structures and premises, required by the Organization for the implementation of its activities and the functioning of the services of the Organization (certificates of ownership, contracts of purchase and sale, lease concluded with third-party organizations, etc.), operational and technical documentation for the specified buildings, structures and premises (technical passports, plans, etc.) etc.).

21. Documents confirming the right of ownership (possession and / or use on other legal grounds) to technological equipment, engineering and technical means, means of mechanization, weighing, baggage transportation and other means and equipment operated by the services of the Organization, as well as documents confirming compliance specified means and equipment installed mandatory requirements(certificates of conformity, fire and hygiene certificates, documents of acceptance for equipping civil aviation, etc.).

22. Other documents required by the Organization for the implementation of airport activities to ensure the service of passengers and baggage, provided for by the acts of the current legislation, these Rules and other regulations adopted in the prescribed manner.

3. A document reflecting the organizational and production structure of the Organization (if this issue is not reflected in the constituent documents of the Organization).

4. Documents reflecting the organizational and production structure and staffing of the Organization's services (indicating their actual staffing level) performing work included in the airport activities carried out by the Organization.

5. Provisions on the services of the Organization performing work included in the airport activities carried out by the Organization.

6. Job descriptions and orders for appointment (admission to work):

the heads of the services of the Organization;

shift supervisors;

personnel carrying out alignment and loading;

personnel responsible for receiving and issuing cargo and mail;

personnel carrying out weighing, loading, unloading, mooring of cargo and mail.

7. Orders of the head of the Organization:

on the appointment of responsible persons:

for labor protection and safety precautions;

for fire safety;

for the protection of the environment;

on the admission of drivers to independent work at the aerodrome (apron) with the right (without the right) to approach the aircraft;

on the admission of personnel to the management of the approach / departure to / from the aircraft on the apron.

8. A document regulating the procedure for servicing cargo and mail, following letters on flights, approved by the head of the Organization.

9. Documents on metrological support of the Organization's activities:

order (orders) of the head of the Organization on the appointment of persons responsible for metrological support and the condition of measuring instruments;

the list of instruments and equipment operated in the services of the Organization, subject to regular metrological verification, approved by the Organization, and documents confirming the passage of such verifications, the validity of which has not expired;

the schedule of metrological verification, approved by the Organization;

provision on metrological support.

10. Integrated technology (technologies):

for handling cargo (including hazardous, if the Organization provides services for such cargo) and mail on international air lines;

for handling cargo (including hazardous, if the Organization provides maintenance of such cargo) and mail on domestic air lines;

work in malfunctioning (emergency, emergency) situations;

others developed and approved by the Organization.

11. Document defining the layout and organization of the movement of aircraft, special vehicles and means of mechanization at the airport.

12. Instructions on labor protection and safety measures approved by the Organization.

13. Plan (plans) of professional training (retraining, advanced training) of aviation personnel, approved by the head of the Organization.

14. The quality manual approved by the Organization or other document (s) on the quality system of the Organization.

15. Documents regulating the preparation of the Organization and its services for work in the autumn-winter (spring-summer) period (hereinafter referred to as OZP and VLP) in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents governing the activities of civil aviation, including:

orders on the organization and conduct of the preparation of the Organization and its services to work in the OZP (VLP);

plans for the preparation of the Organization's services to work in the OZP (VLP);

an order on the creation of a commission in the Organization to test the knowledge of personnel about the specifics of work in a specific period (OZP or VLP);

a protocol (protocols) containing the results of checking the knowledge of personnel about the features of work in a specific period (OZP or VLP);

acts of checking the readiness of the Organization and its services to work in the OZP (VLP);

a schedule of maintenance during the preparation of special vehicles and means of mechanization (if they are operated in the services of the Organization) for the OZP (VLP);

orders on the admission of special vehicles, means of mechanization (if such are operated in the services of the Organization) and personnel to work in the OZP (VLP);

order of the head of the Organization on the readiness of the Organization to work in the OZP (VLP).

16. Documents for lifting and other machines subject to state registration with the state technical supervision authorities (if such machines are operated in the services of the Organization), including:

order (orders) of the head of the Organization on the appointment of persons responsible for the operation of machines;

lists of machines registered (operated) in the services of the Organization;

passports for cars, certificates of registration of cars in the state technical supervision authorities, valid coupons (permits for operation) on the passage of the state technical inspection of machines.

17. Documents regulating the work of the Organization for the consideration of claims:

order of the head of the Organization on the appointment of a commission for the consideration of claims;

regulations on the claims commission of the Organization, approved by the head of the Organization;

claim proceedings journal.

18. Log about the passage of the drivers of the medical examination before leaving the line and upon returning to the park.

19. Documents regulating the activities of the Organization to ensure the maintenance of dangerous goods (if the Organization provides the maintenance of such goods):

orders of the head of the Organization:

on the appointment in the services of the Organization of persons responsible for handling dangerous goods;

on the admission of personnel of the Organization's services to work with dangerous goods;

on commissioning in the Organization Vehicle equipped for the carriage of dangerous goods, including radioactive materials;

licenses and (or) other documents issued by authorized state bodies, granting the Organization the right to carry out maintenance of dangerous goods;

scheme (schemes) of placement of dangerous goods in the warehouse, approved by the Organization;

an act on the verification and assessment of the radiation situation in the area of ​​the storage warehouse for radioactive materials and sanitary certificates of personnel dosimetric control and the detection of radioactive materials with notes on the checks performed (if the Organization provides maintenance of radioactive cargo).

20. Scheme (layouts) of the service area where the Organization's services are located, with reference to an artificial runway (apron), as well as an indication of the aircraft parking areas, into which (from which) dangerous cargo (if the Organization provides services for such cargo).

21. Documents confirming the right of ownership (possession and / or use on other legal grounds) to buildings, structures and premises necessary for the Organization to carry out its activities and the functioning of the Organization's services (certificates of ownership, sales contracts concluded with third-party organizations, lease, etc.), operational and technical documentation for the specified buildings, structures and premises (technical passports, plans, etc.).

22. Documents confirming the right of ownership (possession and / or use on other legal grounds) to technological equipment, engineering and technical means, means of mechanization, weighing, transportation of goods, mail and other means and equipment operated by the services of the Organization, as well as documents, confirming the compliance of the specified means and equipment with the established mandatory requirements (certificates of conformity, fire and hygiene certificates, documents of acceptance for equipping civil aviation, etc.).

23. Other documents required by the Organization for the implementation of airport activities to ensure the maintenance of cargo and mail, provided for by the acts of the current legislation, these Rules and other regulations adopted in the prescribed manner.

Airports are surrounded by romance. Travel, change, adventure - these words are invariably associated with air travel. The potential danger of the professions associated with the management and maintenance of aircraft does not deter those who want to become part of a dream familiar from childhood. Civil aviation is replete with vacancies for every taste, so if you are ready to take your place in the palace of the heavenly flotilla, you just have to choose.

Professions "In the sky"


The defining and most "heroic" profession in the industry. Control aircraft falls into the category of "technical operation", and the pilot is sufficient secondary specialized education, which is received in flight schools or schools of private pilots.

Mandatory conditions:

  1. Confirmation of secondary specialized or higher education;
  2. Passed medical and flight expert commission (VLEK);
  3. Knowledge in English.

The amount of remuneration for pilot services on recruiting sites is often referred to as “negotiated”. Amount varies from 60,000 to 400,000 rubles per month.

Salary depends on which direction, in which aircraft the flight is being made and for which company the pilot works. Both state and private airlines have their own system of tariffs for remuneration of employees, including bonuses, benefits, provision of food in the workplace and housing.

Newcomers to civil aviation, lacking sufficient experience, fly small passenger and cargo aircraft within the Russian Federation. With the accumulation of experience, the pilot gradually masters new types of technology, long-distance flights and international flights. In this case, the size of the remuneration grows three to five times.

Flight attendant

A good half of the girls in our country dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. No wonder, since recruiting for the service sector on board an aircraft is more like casting for a fashion show. In addition to good looks, candidates and candidates for this vacancy need good health (pass VLEK), nerves of steel, knowledge of the English language and the availability of a training document.

Flight attendants are required to provide the employer with a certificate, which can be obtained after studying at a college (school, university), or during training when applying for a job with the airline. There are training centers under state airlines that quickly train future flight attendants in all the necessary skills: service, medical assistance, safety, and emergency response.

The salary of a flight attendant, like a pilot, grows with the experience and skills of the employee. Factors that determine the amount of remuneration: the size of the airline, the level of proficiency in foreign languages, flight routes, work experience. At the start of their careers, grade 3 (lowest grade) flight attendants can expect to receive a salary equal to from 40,000 rubles per month. Senior flight attendants on international flights v major airlines get three to five times more ( up to 200,000 rubles).

Benefits and privileges

The above professions are eligible for a special extended social. package. It is determined by legislation on the one hand, and the policy of the employing airline on the other.

  • Special Healthcare Program;
  • the retirement age for women is 45 years, for men - 55 years;
  • 36 additional days of paid vacation;
  • assistance or full compensation in renting housing near the place of work;
  • food in the workplace;
  • regular training at the expense of the company;
  • preferential lending programs in banks;
  • provision of places in kindergartens and summer camps for employees' children.

Professions "On the ground"

Air traffic controller

It is the duty of air traffic controllers to constantly be in touch with the crew and be responsible for the order of movement of aircraft and helicopters. This is one of the most dangerous professions, since it is directly related to the responsibility for the lives of passengers and crew on board.

There is a functional classification of this category of workers, among which are dispatchers of air traffic control, taxiing, start and landing, circle, approach, regional center. Each of them has his own area of ​​responsibility, but is obliged to work with the team of his airport, as well as to be in touch with the airports of other cities and countries.

Stress tolerance and mindfulness for an air traffic controller are prerequisites, not "filler words" for a resume. In addition to these defining qualities, it is necessary to have a secondary specialized or higher education in the profile of "traffic management air transport", And also go through VLEK.

Average salary of air traffic controllers in Russia - from 90,000 to 300,000 rubles per month. They, just like pilots, can retire earlier (women at 45, men at 55) and qualify for special conditions health care and social guarantees.

Security officer

The first airport workers that travelers meet on their way: baggage and passenger screening staff, as well as the service passport control... The training of a specialist lasts 3 months, as a rule, it goes in parallel with the work and is paid.

The employees of the inspection service receive from 25,000 to 40,000, the employees of the passport control - from 40,000 per month. With the expansion of powers and an increase in the level of responsibility, for example, with the rise to a customs control officer, the salary will already be more than 40,000 rubles.

Stress resistance and attentiveness, knowledge of the airport terminal rules and basic legislation remain the requirements for the employees of these departments.

Service staff

An airport is a complex organism that needs all kinds of services for normal operation. It is enough to be physically healthy and have a secondary education to fill a vacancy:

  • a loader, from 25,000 rubles;
  • washer for service aircraft, from 35,000 rubles;
  • cleaner, from 20,000 rubles;
  • refueller, from 25,000 rubles;
  • baggage wrapper, from 20,000 rubles;
  • a watchman in a luggage room, from 20,000 r.

On the territory of the airport, there must be a first-aid post and an ambulance on duty, so people with medical education and professional experience can apply for the vacancies of a general practitioner, narcologist, ambulance doctor (up to 40,000 rubles) or a nurse (up to 25,000 rubles).

The airport building has its own kitchen where hot and cold meals for passenger flights are prepared and completed. Here, cooks, confectioners (salary on average 35,000 rubles), packers of set meals (up to 30,000 rubles) will find the use of their abilities.

Where to look for work?

Job vacancies related to service are posted on the official websites of the airports. "Flight" vacancies are tied to carrier companies. The size of the salary of specialists depends on the choice of the airline, so it is worth paying close attention to the industry leaders: Aeroflot, its subsidiary Russia, S7, UTair.

Almost all planes and the airport are associated with romance and interesting journeys... Of course, many people dream of finding a job at the airport, because this is an opportunity to build a good career for themselves. Let's find out how to start working in air harbor, as well as options for vacancies that open up for young professionals.

Security personnel

Before getting a job, you need to decide on a vacancy. Some require higher education, while others do not. In addition to education, work experience, as well as additional knowledge, will not hurt for a serious position. For example, knowledge of English at least at a conversational level is necessary for those who register passengers, as well as for employees of the currency office and restaurant staff. Knowledge of other languages, especially Asian, will be an added advantage.

Before joining the staff, you need to undergo special training or courses. Further, candidates face a probationary period, which is often at least one month. If a young worker shows his best side, then he is hired. You need to understand that working at the airport is not only interesting, but also very responsible.

You need to not only come to work on time and fulfill your immediate responsibilities, but sometimes work in excess of the norm, without additional fees. You also need to be prepared for night shifts, a difficult schedule, conflicts that often arise at the airport, etc. Often the airport is located far from the city, so you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to get to work. Not all air hubs have transport that takes staff home.

You can find a suitable vacancy on the official website of this or that airport... As a rule, HR managers publish hot vacancies on their resource. The requirements for everyone are clearly laid out, so you will immediately understand if the offer is right for you. After that, you need to contact the manager or send your resume to the email address. If you are interested in a company representative, he will schedule an interview for you. In interviews, the following questions are often asked about:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • skills and abilities for a specific position;
  • general questions to understand if you understand the field in which you plan to work.
  • it is also possible that they will ask: what attracts you to work at the airport?

Next you have may ask for a printed version of the resume... If everything is in order, you will be offered to take preparatory courses and a trial period. Upon successful completion, you will become an airport employee.

Young people are learning the WFP profession

Who works at the airport: professions

Those who wish to work in air gate often ask the question: who can work at the airport? As we said, it all depends on education. Alas, without higher education you will not be hired for a prestigious position. For those who do not have a higher, only such vacancies are opened:

  • Movers. They are unloading luggage. In order to enter this job, you need to be young, strong and preferably athletic. Only men are hired for this position.
  • Cleaning ladies. Typically, this job is chosen by women, and not young. Their responsibilities include cleaning the entire complex.
  • Washers. They, unlike the cleaners, only wash the aircraft cabins and their exterior. Cleaning the floor is not their responsibility.
  • Refuellers. It is also an option for men. Tankers directly fuel aircraft. It must be said that this is a rather demanding job, so no one is hired for it.

If we talk about who can work for a girl at the airport, and without education, then this, of course, is a job as a seller. Often, airports have a huge number of stores that require responsible employees. It is enough to have a complete secondary education and take courses to obtain this position... However, the seller will not be accepted to the pharmacy without the appropriate education. Only people who graduated from medical school are hired for such work.

If you have a medical degree, you can also apply for a medical position in the medical department of the airport. Those with a secondary medical education are allowed to wash the floors in the medical unit, prepare solutions and instruments for doctors.

More about vacancies

We have not covered the entire list of professions at the airport. Everyone knows that airports have cafes and restaurants. That is why these establishments always require decent employees. A whole list of vacancies opens before employees:

  • Cook;
  • confectioner;
  • dishwasher;
  • waiter;
  • bartender;
  • baker.

The chef in the restaurant usually does not bake, so there are separate employees for this. Chefs prepare hot meals, salads, desserts, etc. Almost all of these vacancies require secondary specialized education. You can only become a waiter, bartender and washerman after graduating from school. Jobs related to military service have a prime location at the airport. We are talking about such professions:

  • security guard;
  • controller;
  • document checker;
  • an employee who inspects baggage, etc.

Also, the airport always requires managers, cashiers, foremen, visualizers, planners, cable splicers, gas and smoke protection masters, etc.

Pros and cons of working at the airport

Of course, working in an air harbor has many advantages. However, it all depends on the specific position. Of course, few people want to work as a cleaner, but the salary of such an employee at the airport is slightly higher than in any other establishment. On average, cleaners there receive 13-15 thousand rubles.... This option is suitable for women who have long been retired. In general, the benefits of being employed at the airport are:

  • paid sick leave and vacation pay;
  • stable work;
  • competitive salary;
  • friendly and large team;
  • the opportunity to find good friends, as well as a life partner;
  • preferential credit programs;
  • career growth;
  • frequent awards.

The cons are:

  • long working day;
  • night shifts;
  • possible conflict situations;
  • huge responsibility (especially for those who check baggage and check in passengers);
  • remoteness from home, since airports are often located far from the city center;
  • life-threatening, as there may be terrorist attacks at airports.

In order to become an employee of an air hub, one must not only have the appropriate knowledge, desire and diploma, but also possess such qualities as benevolence, stress resistance, sociability, restraint and responsibility. Only the employee who meets all these parameters can achieve high results and receive high wages.

If you are confident in your abilities, you always have the opportunity to apply for this or that vacancy, and wait for the decision of the personnel worker. Don't worry if you are not hired for the position you want. Try to get at least someone to get a job at the airport, and also fulfill your duties conscientiously. Then it is quite possible that you will be noticed and invited to the desired post.

In contact with