Modern methods of paying for utilities without commission: where and how to do it? Why and how long to keep a payment receipt

The ENP was intended to provide citizens with the most convenient and cheap way payment for housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as housing and communal services) in the transition to "direct" contracts. For this, the experts have developed a concept for the payment of housing and utility services according to a single document.

To pay for housing and communal services, a single payment document (hereinafter referred to as the UPC) is used. It contains information about the services provided, as well as information necessary to pay for them. The ENP is issued including in relation to residential buildings, if more than one utility service is provided in them.

The Information Settlement Center (hereinafter - IRC) forms the SOC based on the data on the calculation of payments. Information is provided by organizations - suppliers of utilities and persons managing apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as service providers). The function of calculating payments, as well as other functions related to the collection of funds to pay for housing and communal services, service providers can transfer to the IRC under an agreement.

To pay for housing and communal services ENP, a transit account belonging to a credit institution that has entered into an agreement with the IRC (hereinafter referred to as the settlement bank) is used. Funds can be kept in a transit account no longer than the term established by law or the term established in the agreement between the IRC and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The ENP is accepted for payment by any payment agents who transfer funds to the transit account indicated in it. The consumer has the right to transfer funds directly to the settlement accounts of service providers, however, such a transfer is not a payment for the ENP and is carried out on a separate payment order for a separate commission.

If you do not use a transit account to pay for utility services, then each consumer will need to carry out several small transactions to transfer funds to each service provider.

With a transit account, the consumer of services carries out only one transaction - transfers funds to this account. In turn, the settlement bank daily transfers to service providers the funds received on the transit account when paying for the ENP, by a consolidated payment order, accompanied by a register of payments. Due to this, the number of banking transactions is reduced and the cost of payments for housing and communal services is reduced.

The consumer is not limited in the right to make settlements for housing and communal services in any other way, without using the EAP: directly by the resource supplying or managing organization, through payment aggregators, etc.

  • Assessment of various methods of payment for utilities

Definition of ENP, ownership of a transit account

Option 1

ENP is a document that allows you to identify the order to transfer funds to a transit account used for settlements with suppliers of housing and communal services. The transfer of funds to such an account is considered the fulfillment of the obligation to pay for housing and communal services.

ENP contains information about the name, TIN of service providers and the number of the transit account in the settlement bank. All paying agents transfer funds to one transit account.

There is one settlement bank in the system, selected by competition, the terms of which are set by the government.


  • minimum transactions;
  • simple contractual design, minimum of contracts;
  • transparency of payments for RPI.


  • monopolization of the market, the risk of overstating the commission of the settlement bank;
  • the need for competitions;
  • the inability to operate the system in the presence of problems in the settlement bank.

Option 2

The ENP identifies the order to transfer funds directly to the service providers. It contains information about the name, TIN and settlement accounts of service providers and does not contain information about the transit account.

Banks have the right by law to use their own transit account or the transit account of another settlement bank for making payments.

Any bank that meets the established requirements can enter into a public agreement with the IRC and open a transit account.

A plus:

  • competition between banks splitting payments.


  • it is unclear whether the transfer of funds to an unspecified transit account can be considered the execution of the order;
  • if the paying agent does not have information about the transit account that can be used, then the commission for paying the UTP increases in proportion to the number of service providers;
  • the information on payment is not received directly by the IRC.

Option 3

EPD contains information about the name, TIN and settlement accounts of service providers, as well as the transit account of the settlement bank.

Any bank that meets the established requirements can enter into a public agreement with the IRC and open a transit account. In this case, the IRC determines the settlement bank, the transit account of which is indicated in the ENP.

The ENP allows you to identify the order to transfer funds to a transit account specified in the ENP, or to identify the order to transfer funds directly to service providers (if the payment of the ENP is made in settlement banks that have their own transit accounts).


  • maintaining competition between banks splitting payments;
  • the possibility of new players entering the market at any time;
  • minimum transactions.


  • complication of the contractual structure, an increase in the amount of information in the ENP.
  • Special deposit and special account in MKD: what is the difference

The term of the funds in the transit account

The consumer has the right to pay not the entire amount specified in the ENP. Then such a payment corresponds to a partial payment for services, the amount of which is determined according to the rules established by the government. At the same time, the consumer cannot independently delete some service from the ENP (in options 2 and 3, it is possible to delete the service, since the payment directly to the service provider can be identified, but the commission will be charged as for separate payments). The consumer has the right to apply to the IRC with a statement, and he must be sent an ENP without one or more services.

The ENP should also contain information about the consumer's debt on payment of the ENP with the ability to pay both current payments and a debt on one receipt. The ENP also contains information on the benefits and subsidies provided to the consumer.

Debt payment by ENP

Is it possible to pay for the ENP without paying debts? Do you need to submit two receipts: separate debt and current payments?

If the ENP includes information about the debt and the funds deposited on it are not enough to pay for current consumption and debt repayment, the funds are allocated in priority order to pay off the debt and only after that - to pay for current consumption. If there are debts under the ENP for different resources, the rules for splitting the consumer's payment, if the payment partially covers the debts, is established by the government.

If the resource-supplying or management organization has not provided the information necessary for the formation of the SPS to the IRC in due time, then the SPS is formed without taking into account the corresponding service.

  • At what amount of debt for housing and communal services can a utility service be turned off

Single settlement center

The authority to select the IRC, as well as to control its activities, is exercised by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. It determines the number of IRCs operating on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the area of ​​their service. If an IRC that meets the established requirements already operates in a certain territory, it can receive the required status without holding a competition.

Market monopolization

Is the IRC a monopoly on the territory, or is there an opportunity to work with the IRC, not a selected subject of the Russian Federation, but selected resource supplying organizations and management organizations (according to the MKD list)? Is it possible, instead of a competition to endow the IRC with the appropriate status, to hold a competition to conclude a concession agreement or an agreement on PPP for the management of the IRC (the problem of a possible termination of the IRC is being solved)?

IRC performs the following functions:

  • formation of the ENP;
  • printing and delivery of EPD;
  • providing the settlement bank with instructions on splitting the ERP that have errors;
  • information exchange with settlement banks, resource supplying and managing organizations.

The IRC can be endowed with additional functions carried out within the framework of free contractual relations, including:

  • interaction with citizens on issues of payment for the ENP;
  • the implementation of charges for individual utilities;
  • debt collection for payment of the EPD.

The settlement center has agreements with settlement banks, resource supplying and management organizations, in which, in particular, the issues of information exchange are regulated.

IRC bears financial responsibility for the quality of performance of these functions. It is provided with compulsory liability insurance or a bank guarantee.

The Government of the Russian Federation determines the conditions for holding a tender for the selection of the IRC, the rules for the formation of the tender commission, the requirements for the IRC, the essential conditions (standard form) of contracts to be concluded, the responsibility of the IRC, the conditions for the termination of the IRC.

  • Payment of utilities to legal entities and collection of debts from them for housing and communal services

Commissions when paying for housing and communal services on ENP

The commissions of the IRC and settlement banks are taken into account in the tariffs of resource supplying organizations (in the cost of services of management organizations) in the actual amount (for a settlement bank - in the amount determined by the results of the tender).

The commission of the paying agents for accepting payment by the ENP is paid by the population or at the expense of the budget. The tariffs can also take into account the fixed size of the commission of the paying agents - then the consumer only pays the commission in excess of this value.

Interaction with GIS Housing and Communal Services

In connection with the appearance of the ENP, the issue of entering information about the ENP into the GIS of housing and communal services requires a separate study, including in terms of responsibility for untimely entry of information into the GIS of housing and communal services.

The most controversial issue when concluding an agreement on the lease of residential space is the issue of payment for housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as Housing and Communal Services). According to the law, the parties can independently agree on who will pay for housing and communal services, but under one mandatory condition, the agreement of the parties must be included in the rental agreement for the residential premises, otherwise all payments will be made to the owner of this residential premises. Therefore, make sure that all the conditions are marked in your contract: who will pay, for which services, what is not included in the payment for housing and communal services paid by the employer. Today, there are several ways to distribute responsibility for the costs of a rented apartment:

1. Payment for utilities is carried out by the landlord. Those. all utility bills will be sent to the landlord and he will independently pay them in any convenient way. In this case, the tenant only pays for the use of the premises specified in the lease agreement for the residential premises. Rent when drawing up a contract, it is calculated taking into account future expenses for housing and communal services.

2. The tenant shall independently pay all expenses related to the use of the rented property. In this case, when concluding a lease agreement for a residential area, the lessor and the lessee agree to the terms that the latter will have to conclude special agreements with those who provide housing and communal services (for the soonest lease of residential premises specified in the lease agreement). This method of distributing responsibility for paying for housing and communal services is common when renting municipal or state property, as well as when concluding a lease agreement for residential premises for a long time.

3. Under the next option, all utility bills are also paid by the tenant himself, but at the same time he does not conclude any contracts with utilities. From a formal point of view, this method of distributing responsibility for paying for housing and communal services is the simplest, but at the same time the lessor is faced with the problem of controlling payment for housing and communal services. In this case, you can take on part of the payments for housing and communal services. But in any case, with such a distribution of responsibility for paying for housing and communal services, it is necessary to list in detail in the lease agreement for residential premises all the services of housing and communal services that the tenant must pay, as well as services that are paid by the lessor (if any). But a very important question remained open, how to control the payment for housing and communal services by the tenant?

Control of payment for housing and communal services

There are several ways to find out your debt for housing and communal services:

1. The first and easiest way is through a special service of the Bank of Moscow, for this you need to follow the link, enter the payer code (write down your payer code in advance, it is on each of your receipts) and select the month, the debt for which you are interested ;

2. Through the system of online payment for services A3. To do this, you need to register on the A3 system website and follow the link;

3. Through the portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow. To do this, you need to register on the portal and follow the link to check the debt (the type of document must be selected "debt");

4. Through the portal of checks of debts. To do this, you need to fill in small form on the site and after a while you will receive a debt report by mail, if any;

5. Through the personal account of the GKU "Center for the coordination of the GU IS". To do this, you need to personally contact the GU IP, to which your house is attached (see the addresses of the GU IP), and, in accordance with the Federal Law Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On personal data", to sign the Consent to the processing of personal data via the Internet. Then you will get access to your personal account.

Electricity payment control

Electricity debts can be tracked using the official website of Mosenergosbyt. To do this, you need to register in the personal account of a private person.

Control of payment for landline phone

The easiest way to track arrears in payments for a landline phone is through the official MGTS website or by calling the Unified Contact Center of MGTS on the toll-free number 8 495 636-0-636.

Note: If you rent out an apartment in a new building and you have a management company that deals with all issues of payment for housing and communal services, then you can find out if you have a debt on the website of your management company or agree with them so that they would report if you have any debts.

Every month, many of us are faced with the need to pay for housing and communal services.

Nowadays there are many ways to make a payment: at the bank's cash desk, at the post office, through the terminal, sitting at home, in front of a computer or on the road from a mobile phone.

Everyone can choose convenient for yourself way. We will tell you about paying for utility services without a commission.

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All possible ways

When choosing a payment method, it is important to know what interest is charged and when the payment will be delivered:

Commission size

What percentage of the commission is charged at Sberbank and at the post office when paying for utilities?

When choosing different ways you need to pay attention to the size of the commission.

Even payment at the same bank, but using different methods, shows that the percentage of the service fee will not be the same.

At Sberbank you can use the following options:

  • cash service... Depending on the type of utility payment, the highest tax is taken at 3%, for ENP - 2% and for Mosenergosbyt - 2.5%;
  • self-service device: ATM when paying with a card of another bank or terminal when paying in cash. The commission for the service is 0.9% for payment by the ENP, for paying for electricity - 1.5%, for other payments 2%. The minimum commission amount is 10 rubles. When using a Sberbank card, interest for housing and communal services on ENP is 0.5%, for all other payments the commission is 1%;
  • mobile bank, Sberbank Online, Autopayment. Connecting any of these options is free. The commission fee for the payment of housing and communal services for the ENP is 0.5%, for all other payments the commission is 1%. Payment is made. The funds are instantly credited to the recipient.

When paying by mail Russia can use several methods:

Payment without commission

It is possible to pay for housing and communal services without a commission in several ways:

  • portal of state services;
  • PGU.MOS portal when paying with VTB24 card;
  • Bank of Moscow for all holders of social cards;
  • Moreover, both at the bank's cash desk and when making a payment through an ATM, no interest is charged. The most convenient and safest way to pay for housing and communal services for pensioners.

  • payment via the Internet by special payment systems: A3, Paypal, Online settlement center.

Free internet services

How is it more profitable?

When choosing a payment method, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • reliability payment acceptance systems;
  • convenience receiving payment;
  • term delivery of the paid amount to the supplier;
  • commission fee for the service rendered;
  • the ability to confirm the payment in the form of a printed receipts.

When deciding when choosing a method of making a payment, everyone prioritizes for himself. Universal way there is no perfect fit for everyone.

Storing a receipt

Storing information on paper is necessary to confirm the process itself.

Checks are also needed when figuring out what may arise as a result of confusion with changeable tariffs, failure of the payment program, and simply because of fraud.

Paid receipts using ATMs, terminals, mobile banks must be on paper... They may be needed in the event of a home sale.

The storage period can be attributed to the statute of limitations for such documents. It composes 3 years.

It is possible to pay for utility services without a commission in several ways.

But when choosing each of them, it is worth paying attention to other important factors: the safety of the operation, the transfer period Money, the ability to print a receipt.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of each payment acceptance system, you can specifically for your case choose a payment option.

You can find out which method of paying for housing and communal services is the most profitable from the video:

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes the need for timely and full payment of utility bills and housing.

Where to go

For questions of calculating payments for housing and communal services and the formation of a single payment document, you must contact your place of residence.

Utility bills

Utilities include: cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas supply and heating.

The payment for the resources used is made based on the readings of the metering devices installed at the "entrance" to the house. The total amount of resources received is distributed among the owners, taking into account the readings of individual meters. If such devices are not installed in the apartments, all the water used by the residents and the heat received are distributed among the payers. Heating - based on the area of ​​the apartment. Water and sewerage - depending on the number of residents registered in each apartment.

Accommodation fee

For tenants and homeowners, the fee structure is different. It is obligatory for everyone to pay for services and works:

  • for the management of an apartment building;
  • for the maintenance and current repair of common property in an apartment building.

In addition to the payments listed, tenants pay a fee for using the residential premises (rent), and the owners of residential premises additionally pay for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building.