How to write an airline claim correctly. Airline claim for flight delays. Briefly about the project

It is the legal right of every passenger to file claims against the airline due to flight delays or other violations.

Disputes with air carriers arise due to

  • disruptions in the schedule;
  • refusal to provide customers with drinks, food and beds in hotels while waiting for the departure of a delayed flight;
  • unreasonable denial of service;
  • untimely notification of changes in the conditions of carriage;
  • loss or damage to baggage;
  • overbooking;
  • other violations committed by the carrier.

Claimants generally demand compensation for inconvenience. In this article, we will talk about the nuances of drawing up a claim and the mechanism for communicating claims to the airline.

Drawing up a claim

There are no special requirements for the form of the aforementioned document. You can express the essence of the issue and the requirements imposed in any form. Nevertheless, it is still worth following the basic rules of business.

To correctly formulate your requirements, it is advisable

  • Submit a claim on an A4 sheet.
  • Title the document (the words “CLAIM” at the top of the title page will suffice).
  • Indicate in the "header" of the document the name of the company that received the claim and the contact details of the submitter of the document.
  • In the main part of the claim, state in any form the essence of the incident, the time and date of its occurrence, the flight number, and also indicate the essence of the requirements.
  • Indicate the list of documents attached as evidence (copies of a ticket, baggage receipt, boarding pass, all kinds of certificates, extracts, checks, receipts, examination results, eyewitness accounts, etc.)
  • Attach copies of evidence to the claim.
  • Indicate the bank details to which the carrier should transfer the money if the facts stated in the claim are recognized.
  • The lower part of the document must contain the name of the originator, his signature and the date of writing the claim.

The claim may be in print or handwritten. The document should not contain obscene language, lengthy reasoning with quotes from celebrities and other notes that are not related to the essence of the issue.

The main requirements for a claim are maximum information content, the utmost clarity of presentation, the presence of an evidence base.

Whom to hand over the claim

Option number 1: to the authorized representative of the airline at the airport or in the nearest office, with the obligatory demand for a receipt confirming the fact of delivery of the document.

Option number 2: remotely, by sending a claim by registered mail by mail or by courier to the airline's headquarters (the address can be specified in the Register of Operators' Licenses on the Federal Air Transport Agency website).

Option number 3: if you flew a European or Turkish airline, then you can entrust the defense of your rights to lawyers of specialized services, for example, Compensair. To do this, it is enough to fill out a small form in 5 minutes and the service's lawyers will take over all the work to recover compensation from the airline for a flight delay.

The period within which the carrier is obliged to respond to the claim is 30 days (for European - 60).

What should a sample delayed flight compensation claim look like and where can I get it?
This article explains what material compensation for a flight delay is, and how you can get it. After all, the transfer of flights or their cancellation has become commonplace. And passengers are forced to get nervous, reschedule meeting plans or waste precious vacation time.

But, many people do not even realize that in such situations, they have the right to various compensation and providing them free services... In the EU countries, passengers in such a situation can receive 600 euros, depending on the waiting time for departure. In Russia, everything is somewhat different, but, nevertheless, compensation is still relied on.

To find out in what cases the responsibility of air carriers and passengers come into their own, you need to consider the various situations that arise when aircraft flights are delayed.

It will be useful to know what it takes for material compensation for a delayed flight to be paid, and what services can help to do this as quickly as possible.

A huge number of people fly to the countries of the European Union. Some have an established business there, for others it is a place of residence. A lot of tourists who dream of “seeing the world” fly to Europe. All of them need to know that the decree of the Council of the European Union gives them the right, in case of a flight delay of more than 3 hours, or its complete cancellation, to receive compensation from the air carrier. These rules apply not only to European carriers in the EU countries, but also in all countries of the world. That is, this means that customers from the post-Soviet countries flying from the European Union are entitled to material compensation for the flight delay. According to the Montreal Convention governing the relationship between air carriers and passengers, the amount of compensation for a delay of more than 3 hours can range from 200 to 600 euros.

An important point is the reason, which is the basis for obtaining compensation.

There are many reasons for flight delays, and not every one gives the right to receive compensation for inconveniences. According to the EU decree, material payments are due to passengers only when the airline is found guilty of the flight delay. For example, an aircraft breakdown or minor technical problems are the company's fault.

Causes such as terrorist attacks or strikes, tornadoes and hurricanes are considered force majeure. And, since the airline cannot withstand such circumstances, this is not considered the carrier's fault. This means that compensation will not be paid to passengers who are behind schedule for these reasons.

The amount of compensation is influenced by two factors: the time of the forced stay at the airport, and the flight distance. If the flight, for example, is delayed by three hours or more, and the flight distance is less than 1,500 kilometers, then the amount of compensation will be 250 euros. Postponement of the flight for 4 or more hours, and at the same time a flight range of more than 3500 kilometers implies payments in the amount of 600 euros.

Regardless of whether compensation is due or not, all passengers must be provided with drink, food and accommodation, if required. The provision of these services does not exempt from the payment of monetary compensation.

The deadlines for applying for compensation are different in each country. It all depends on where the air carrier is registered, from which country it departs, if the company does not belong to EU countries. For example, in Spain, you can apply for compensation within two years. But in England - the terms were increased to 6 years from the moment of the incident.

How to deal with this?

To get help getting compensation for a delayed flight, the first thing to do is write a claim to the air carrier. At the airport, at the place of check-in for the flight, you need to ask the employee to put down a note about the flight delay in boarding pass and take a certificate stating that the flight was postponed, indicating the time behind the schedule. The more different evidence of flight delays, the better. You can even take a photo of the board, where it is written about the delay of a particular flight.

Each company has its own rules for writing an application, therefore, before writing a requirement, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of the air carrier. You can submit an online application, or by personally contacting the company. A sample flight delay compensation claim must be posted on the official website of any airline. According to this sample, you need to fill out a document indicating the amount of compensation, under what circumstances the flight was delayed, that is, the reasons for the delay in departure. Typically, a response should be received within a maximum of 3 months.

There are times when the air carrier ignores the claims of passengers, or refuses to pay compensation. In this case, evidence will be needed that it was the fault of the airline that the malfunction occurred. There are quite a few such situations, and previous experience can be of significant assistance in obtaining compensation for the flight delay to injured passengers. It is necessary to study these situations in order to legally competently act in the future. That is, if appeals to the airline are left unattended, or there is a constant refusal to comply with the requirements, the court remains. All papers confirming that the incident "took place", all the airline's refusals to comply with the passengers' requirements must be attached to the application to the court of the city where the company's head office is located.

If the airline does not belong to a country that is a member of the European Union, then a lawsuit must be filed with the representative office of the air carrier in the country at the airport of which the departure was delayed.

If passengers cannot handle court cases themselves, then it is better for them to contact special companies that provide assistance in obtaining compensation for flight delays. There are a lot of them. Among them there are well-known, with a high reputation, who will take on the litigation. But it should be remembered that when using the services of intermediary firms, compensation can be received no earlier than six months later.

What to expect from Europe?

The European Organization for the Protection of the Rights of Air Passengers explains the situation with flight delays. That is, how the process of refunding money for the extra time that passengers spent at the airport should take place.

The first and foremost condition is that people must arrive at the designated point in the air ticket with a delay, at least 3 hours. It can be any flight of a European carrier, both direct and connecting. The main thing is that from this moment, passengers come into their own rights to receive compensation for the delayed flight. It is only necessary to actually record the delay of the plane. The company will be obliged to reimburse passengers for all costs incurred by them. Not only residents of EU countries, but also citizens of any other states have the right to file a claim for compensation.

The EU Council regulation obliges air carriers to pay to air passengers the amounts of compensation that they are entitled to when calculating. It takes into account the lag time from the flight schedule and the distance. That is, on the basis of this document, you can receive compensation from 250 to 600 euros if the delay occurred from 3 hours, and the flight range was from 1500 to 3500 kilometers. In fact, if the passenger arrived at the destination with a delay of more than 4 hours, and the distance was more than 3500 km, then the receipt of 600 euros is guaranteed by law. If the flight delay was less than four hours, then the amount of compensation will be half as much.

When the departure is rescheduled, tourists may be offered another flight to the same destination, and they will arrive there a little later than planned. In this case, the airline will have to pay passengers 50% of the calculated amounts.

Many services that can be found on the Internet specifically deal with these issues. On their sites you can find a lot detailed information, a sample of a claim for compensation for a flight delay, a list of documents that will be needed when applying for a refund of monetary compensation. Customers will need to fill out the form and contact the airline. But, and this for them can be done by specially hired responsible persons.

According to experienced people, it is possible to talk about compensation for flight delays only with regards to European airlines. Russian carriers look, to put it mildly, "unrespectable" against their background.

Russia also has an Air Code and “ General rules»Air transportation, which are obliged to regulate the relationship between domestic airlines and passengers. According to these documents, for delayed flights, each passenger must be reimbursed 25% of the minimum wage for an hour behind schedule. And if suddenly, there was a flight delay by 9 hours, compensation should be substantial. And here comes the moment of truth, which will quickly bring the delighted passengers to their senses. It turns out that the calculation of compensation for a flight delay will be made not according to the same minimum wage, but according to a completely different one. In Russia, there are several of them, for all occasions, the main thing is not to overpay.

Maybe the crying of disadvantaged air passengers had an effect, maybe the impunity of air carriers, which has reached the point of absurdity, has worked, but since 2017, payments should change slightly, turning "face" to the passengers of domestic airlines.

For example, if we consider a charter flight, then the passenger will have to write a claim to the travel company where he purchased the ticket. By the way, each travel company has its own sample of a claim for compensation for a delayed flight. The travel agency will send this claim to the airline, where the question will be decided whether it is necessary to pay in this case, or the passenger is not entitled to payment. If compensation is denied, you can go to court with a claim. Here comes the moment when everything depends on the mood of the passenger. Experienced "fighters for justice" argue that if it was not possible to agree amicably with the company, then it is better to just forget about what happened. Because even if you manage to win in court, the amount of compensation will be so unpleasantly surprised that bitter disappointment will remain.

The calculation of compensation in Russia is made taking into account the lost night time

Therefore, if a passenger spent the whole day at the airport and the flight was delayed by 9 hours, the compensation will be negligible. It is not worth the wasted time or wasted nerves. It's not even worth thinking about any compensation for moral damage. Better to be patient and try to treat the delayed departure as an adventure. It is a pity, but not always the one who is right is appreciated.

But passengers should also understand that there are situations when the carrier does not fulfill its obligations due to a number of reasons called force majeure. There can be no talk of any payments here. But if someone decided to achieve the truth in any way, then it would be useful to know what documents will be needed to submit an application.

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1. Air ticket, with the necessary notes on the flight delay time;
2. Checks and receipts for those unplanned expenses made during the flight delay;
3. A freely written letter describing the incident, with all the details, claims and requirements.

These documents must be sent to the main office of the airline. It is better to make several copies of all documents. This may come in handy later. After all, it is not always possible to achieve the truth the first time. For further submission of documents, for example, to a court, copies of documents may be needed. And you also need to remember that all lawsuits are paid. Not all airlines leave passengers in an unpleasant situation with a flight delay to the mercy of fate. Many are fulfilling their obligations without any requests. Therefore, once you find yourself in some kind of flight situation, you can and should always hope for compensation. In most cases, air carriers, valuing their reputation, do not allow various litigations in courts, but try to resolve all issues with passengers on the spot.


- The carrier is not responsible if the passengers and baggage were delivered to their destination with a delay that occurred through no fault of theirs.
- The company is responsible for all losses incurred by passengers during flight delays.
- If the flight is delayed by 9 hours, compensation must be calculated in accordance with applicable law. Plus, citizens must be provided with hot food, drinks and a place to stay if this happened at night.

Traveling by plane has long become commonplace. It is convenient and saves a lot of time and effort. In a short time, you can find yourself in any country in the world. Many passengers do not even consider other forms of transport for travel. This does not surprise anyone, because air transport has a lot of advantages and positive aspects. Therefore, the number of passengers increases every year.

With all its positive qualities, air travel also has problems. For example, a flight delay. And, unfortunately, in recent years, such situations have begun to arise more and more often. Of course, in the first place, there is the cause of the malfunction on board the aircraft. It is difficult to argue with the fact that an airplane is a machine of a complex design. Any little thing can cause a breakdown, which leads to a flight delay. You can't stop a plane in the air to get it repaired. But the occurrence of such a situation is entirely the fault of the airline.

Another common reason for flight delays is poor weather conditions. Naturally, the weather is unpredictable, and an accurate forecast is a rarity. Therefore, flights are often delayed until the weather settles. There is nothing you can do about it. But another situation arises if one company postpones the flight due to the weather, while the other calmly carries passengers. People, not understanding the situation, why one can fly and others cannot, begin to be indignant. But, there are some nuances here.

Each aircraft is individual, each has its own operating conditions. And therefore, in the bad weather conditions one plane feels great, for another it is a natural disaster. Taking care of passengers, some flights are deliberately delayed until the weather stabilizes. But this reason for the flight delay is the fault of the air carrier.

Any malfunction of the aircraft is a circumstance that leads to flight delays. And in more complicated cases, to cancel them. Air carriers do not like these situations because they damage their reputation. After all, not a single passenger wants to fly on faulty planes, putting himself in danger.

Sometimes there is a delay in departure due to a malfunction of the service personnel. It took a long time to clean the cabin of the plane, or slowly unload the luggage. In a word, the human factor can play a certain role and influence the occurrence of a situation that will lead to a slight delay in the flight. As a rule, this does not make passengers nervous. Everyone understands this.

Now, if the flight delay lasts more than two hours, the passengers have the right to material compensation.

How to proceed

The flight is delayed, and there is no announcement of the reasons for the delay and the delay in the flight, you must immediately contact the airport employee at the check-in counter. Passengers will not hear a clear answer to this question, but they must have a special mark on the ticket about the flight delay time. It is she who is the basis for compensation.

If the flight is delayed from 30 minutes to two hours, passengers should be provided with the maximum comfort of their stay at the airport. For those with children under 7 years old, all amenities and hygiene items must be provided.

Staying extra 2-4 hours must guarantee the provision of communication, both telephone and electronic. People should be offered tea and other drinks.

Flight delay of 6 hours or more, people should be provided with hot food and a place to stay comfortably at night. People should not sleep in the airport lounge.

All these services, including hotel accommodation and round-trip transportation, must be paid for by the airline.


Whether due to weather conditions, or due to aircraft breakdown, the flight was delayed - this is the fault of the air carrier, and passengers are entitled to a refund of part of the fare. But it should not exceed 50%. Therefore, when claiming compensation, passengers should take this into account. If passengers during their forced stay at the airport were forced to incur additional expenses, for some reason, the company will have to reimburse them. In this case, the passenger must keep all receipts and receipts confirming this, otherwise there will be no refund.

A special case

Often there are such cases when passengers flew on vacation, and the cost of the ticket is included in the price of the tour. In this case, passengers can make a claim, including all the days of the missed rest. This must be done as quickly as possible, because after 20 days, the application will not be considered.

Another case is when an airline makes a connecting flight. When the first plane is delayed, it becomes clear that the second passengers no longer have time. Therefore, due to the delay of the liner, the passenger should be accommodated on the second plane free of charge, providing him with maximum comfort. There is a rule that if a late passenger on the first plane flew in economy class, and the second plane has a free seat only in business class, then he is obliged to provide this seat. In case the comfort, on the contrary, has decreased, the difference must be paid.

All types of compensation are formalized by submitting an application with requirements. It must be accompanied by all documents proving flight delays, unforeseen expenses. The airline administrations try to resolve all situations as quickly as possible, without scandals.

There are also companies that not only refuse to pay compensation, but also do not provide the required services. Here you can directly submit documents to the court, attaching all checks and receipts. The process, of course, is long and costly, but courts are always loyal to passengers of delayed flights. If passengers demand only what they are entitled to by right, then they win the case in court.

Having considered different cases, I would like to advise you to have at least a little money and hygiene products, especially with small children. In order not to get into a difficult situation in case of a flight delay.

Many passengers give their comments about the work of domestic airlines. Most often they are positive. For example, in connection with the payment of compensation, good review has the airline "Russia". In the current situation, when the plane was served for the flight with fewer seats, due to a malfunction of the other side, not all passengers were able to fly away on time. At AK Russia, the flight delay was not even disputed by the carrier. The flight was delayed by 16 hours. All passengers were provided with a place in the hotel. The restaurant served breakfast and lunch. Passengers wrote a claim on the entire form to the name of the airline, where they described everything: the reason, their requirements. It was considered by the commission, where the decision was made, due to the fact that due to the fault of AK Russia, the flight delay should be compensated. As a result, people received compensation and additional bonuses in the form of flight vouchers by this company. In this situation, when in AK Russia flight delay, compensation and all services provided to passengers by the airline's service is a regulated fulfillment of the requirements of the internal document of the Rossiya airline. It should be noted that it is always a pleasure for passengers to deal with such airlines as Rossiya Airlines. After all, the company's attitude towards its obligations is at a high level.

The main thing is that passengers need to learn to be mutually polite. It is necessary to remember about the rules of conduct on board the aircraft. Sometimes the flight is delayed due to the fault of the passengers. It may happen that the company also wants to receive compensation.

All rules and regulations apply to both charter and regular flights. In the event of a delay in departure, the rights of passengers are unchanged, as are the obligations of air carriers. Quality service is key.


It's a shame that not everyone knows about their rights as air passengers. If you had to sit at the airport for an extra 3 hours, losing your mood, precious hours of vacation, along with this comes the right to receive compensation for your inconveniences, missed excursions or disrupted deals. And many are charging decent sums of money for the late arrival of the plane. Unless, of course, force majeure is the cause of the incident.

Even if the plane took off with a delay of less than three hours, but the passenger was at the destination later due to transfers, and more than three hours late, then you should not be lazy to write an application to the airline for compensation. In some EU countries, the statute of limitations for reimbursement of compensation is 6 years.

There are companies that do not want to be held responsible for what is happening. But not all are like that. Therefore, it is worth writing a statement. Moreover, this year the amount of compensation will increase significantly. And in the situation with a European company, the amount looks very impressive. European citizens, unlike people living in the post-Soviet space, never miss an opportunity to claim monetary compensation for any violation of their rights. Therefore, I would like to believe that our compatriots will also learn to defend their rights in accordance with the law. Miracles happen. The main thing - let there be no flight delays!

Many avid travelers are familiar with the problem of flight delays, but only a few of them have tried to regain their rights and receive compensation for the damages caused. Indeed, by improperly fulfilling its obligation, the airline deprives its customers of not only the opportunity to arrive at their destination on time, but also to use the services that have already been paid for by the tour operator, or to conduct pre-planned business negotiations.

Who should compensate for the damage caused in this case? What services should the airline provide during the delay? How to properly file a delayed flight claim? The answers to these and other questions regarding the rights of passengers and the obligations of the airline are presented below.

What services the air carrier is obliged to provide in case of flight delays

The airline must:

  1. Passengers with children under the age of 7 should be provided with a separate room for mother and child. Moreover, the delay period does not matter. Even if the flight is delayed by 15 minutes, passengers with small children can exercise their right;
  2. Provide passengers with soft drinks;
  3. Provide customers with the opportunity to make 2 calls or send an e-mail. This rule applies in the event of a delay of two hours or more;
  4. Provide luggage storage;
  5. If the flight is being debugged for more than 4 hours, the air carrier is obliged to provide passengers with hot meals. In the following hours of forced waiting, you should be fed every 6 hours during the day, and every 8 hours at night. The service is provided at the expense of the carrier company;
  6. If there is a delay of more than 8 hours in the daytime, the provision of a hotel room is required; at night, such provision can be counted on in case of waiting for departure for more than 6 hours. In this case, the costs of transportation to the hotel and back are borne by the carrier.

Passenger's right to cancel a flight

The inalienable right of a passenger, which is guaranteed by the Air Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", is the right to terminate the contract concluded with the air carrier. Moreover, the refusal to fly can be both voluntary and forced. It should be borne in mind that voluntary termination of the contract, provided that there are no violations by the airline, does not entail a return of the funds spent and payment of compensation.

As for the forced refusal, the situation here is completely different. According to the requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations, a passenger who initiated the termination of the contract for reasons such as untimely flight execution, cancellation, delay, as well as failed transportation due to the fault of the airline, has the right to full compensation for unfulfilled obligations. Having received the appropriate mark on the ticket, confirming the forced nature of the action, the citizen can apply to the cashier of the carrier company for reimbursement of expenses.

How to make a claim and what to demand

However, there are times when an airline employee refuses to put a forced refusal mark, arguing the opposite. It is then that there is a need to draw up a claim.

  • Personal data of the author of the claim, including means of communication;
  • Date and time of the canceled flight;
  • Reason for termination of the contract. In this case, it is Flight delay;
  • Amount to be compensated;
  • Details of the bank account to which the compensation funds should be transferred;
  • Attachments (a copy of the ticket and baggage receipt, documents confirming the existence of damage caused by the delay).

It is necessary to fill out the document correctly, in accordance with the rules of business style. It is not recommended to overstate the amount of compensation in order to avoid negative consequences in the form of a complete refusal of the company to compensate for the damage. Then, in order to obtain payment, you will have to go to court, which significantly increases the duration of the procedure.

The claim can be submitted to the carrier's representative, if it is possible, since it is often not so easy to convince the airport employee to accept and register the application. You can also submit a claim application directly to the office of the company or to its representative office located at the place of residence of the applicant.

The applicant purchased a flight ticket from an airline. However, the plane did not arrive at the airport at the time specified in the ticket due to a breakdown. The applicant did not receive any information from the representatives of the airline, no one took responsibility for the flight delay. The applicant was not sent to another plane. The applicant arrived at her destination some time later. Moral damage was caused to her by the actions of the airline. The applicant requests compensation for non-pecuniary damage and legal costs.

To the Head of the Representative Office of the airline "____________"
From _____________________________, residing at: ________________

I have purchased ticket No. ____________ for an airplane from your airline for flight _________ - _________ for the year _________ with a departure at __ hour __ minutes. and arrival at _________ at __ hour. __ minutes The departure was scheduled from the airport "__________". However, the plane did not arrive at the airport at the time specified in the ticket due to a breakdown. I did not receive any information from the representatives of the airline, no one took responsibility for the flight delay. We were not sent to another plane. At 4 o'clock in the morning a bus came for us and took us to the airport "__________". We took off from ________ and landed at _______. From _______ by bus we are taken within 7 hours to Odessa. Thus, we arrived at our destination after a considerable time. During the day we were not fed, the airline employees communicated with us in a boorish way.
Moral damage was caused to me by the actions of the airline.
In accordance with Article 28 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", if the contractor has violated the terms for the provision of the service - the terms of the beginning and end of the provision of the service, the consumer, at his choice, has the right to:
demand a reduction in the price for the performance of work (provision of a service).
The consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the violation of the terms of the service. Losses are reimbursed within the time frame established to meet the relevant consumer requirements.

In case of violation of the established terms for the provision of the service, the contractor pays the consumer for each hour, if the term is determined in hours of delay, a penalty (penalty) in the amount of three percent of the price of the service.
A forfeit (penalty) for violation of the terms of the commencement of the provision of the service shall be collected for each hour, if the term is determined in hours of delay until the commencement of the provision of the service. A forfeit (penalty) for violation of the deadline for the end of the provision of the service is collected for each hour, if the deadline is determined in hours of delay until the end of the provision of the service.

The amount of the forfeit (penalty) collected by the consumer may not exceed the total price of the order, if the price for performing a particular type of service is not determined by the service contract.

The amount of the forfeit (penalty) is determined based on the price of the service, and if the indicated price is not determined based on the total price of the order that existed in the place where the consumer's claim should have been satisfied by the contractor on the day of voluntary satisfaction of such a claim or on the day of issuance judgment if the consumer's demand was not voluntarily satisfied.

According to Article 24 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", if a consumer submits a demand for a commensurate reduction in the purchase price of a product, the price of the product is taken into account at the time the consumer submits a demand for a markdown or, if it is not voluntarily satisfied, at the time of the court's decision on a commensurate a decrease in the purchase price.

By virtue of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" for violation of consumer rights, the performer is liable under the law or contract.

The consumer's claims for payment of the forfeit (penalty) provided for by law are subject to satisfaction by the contractor on a voluntary basis.

If the court satisfies the consumer's claims established by law, the court collects a fine from the contractor for non-compliance with the consumer's claims on a voluntary basis in the amount of fifty percent of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.

Calculation of the penalty: the cost of the service is __________ rubles.
Penalty for 1 hour - (3%) - ____ rub.
Departure delay - __ hours
Arrival delay - __ hours
Total __ hours
The penalty is ______ rubles.

I also had to apply for legal services: consultation and drafting of documents, for which I paid ______ rubles.

I estimate my moral suffering at ______ rubles, for this amount I ask you to compensate for the moral harm caused to me.

I also consider it necessary to note that in the event of a refusal to voluntarily satisfy my claims, I will have to go to court to collect, in addition to the indicated court costs, payment for the services of a representative, legal services, state fees, as well as a fine to the federal budget.

On the basis of the above,

Consider the claim in the prescribed manner.

To pay me _____ rubles as a penalty for late execution.

Pay me compensation for moral damage in the amount of ______ rubles.

Reimburse me for the costs of providing legal services in the amount of ______ rubles.

The claim must be considered within ten days, and notify me of the results of the consideration of the claim in writing.