Embraer 195 best seats. Embraer Aircraft: Secrets of Seating. Finnair Embraer aircraft layout

I continue my story about yesterday at the Saratov airport. More precisely, what was at the airfield, I already wrote (), and stopped at how I was left inside the plane :) train from Samara :)
As you understand, I agreed :)

I was sitting, not bothering anyone, looking out the window, when suddenly ...

This aircraft is treated with an anti-icing fluid.

Then we taxi out. We reach the end of the runway.

We turn around.

And let's take off!

The flights of the crews continue - today the next 5 pilots are practicing. To get admission, you need to fly a certain number of hours with an instructor. This is serious. These are the requirements of the Federal Air Transport Agency. Instructors from Brazil and Ukraine will fly with our pilots for another six months (!).
As the pilots themselves admit, and they are experienced Yak-42 pilots, it is not difficult to retrain for a new type of aircraft. The principles are the same. They have already worked out practice on flight simulators and now they fly in real conditions. While someone is in charge, the rest are standing and peeping :-) The situation is just like on the exam. Don't get close.

The cockpit is also cramped. The aircraft has a crew of 2, so the cockpit is small. But instead of two, there are always three here today.

Flying on an airplane is not like driving in a car. Everything is stricter - all kinds of journals are filled in, fuel consumption is noted, and pilots' flight hours are recorded.

Every 5 crews practiced making circles over the airfield according to the following scheme: takeoff - 2 go-arounds - landing. Corrections were also made related to the passage of other aircraft to the airfield. Once we flew away somewhere very far from Saratov. A strange sensation: in a little over 3 hours 15 times from the Agricultural Institute to fly to Solnechny, visit Raskovo, fly over the Volga through Shumeyka, Engels, return through Sokolovaya Gora.
Most of all impressions are made by the go-around. A plane sits down, sits down, suddenly the engines are switched to takeoff mode and you start to soar into the sky with a sharp acceleration and hum! An unforgettable experience.

The entire airfield at a glance.

After the third round, we sit down. Below, bloggers and airport staff are watching.

Then the crew changes, the pilots share their impressions.

Those who have worked at the helm sit down and observe the flight from the side, evaluate the plane as passengers, compare.

Another landing, and a Moscow flight is already waiting for us on the taxiway.

We reach the reversal pocket of the runway, turn around and go again to its beginning, take off. Passengers flying to Moscow are waiting for us and look through the windows at an unusual plane.

All pilots are happy with the new car. And in general, the fact that the airport and the airline are developing. But if a new investor did not buy it out from Aeroflot, we would mourn it, like our aircraft plant. We would have gone to Russian Railways and dreamed of a new airport. Now, apart from Moscow, a number of other directions are being mastered. Flights to Egypt, Greece are planned already next year, there are plans for flights to Bulgaria and Barcelona. And right now on the Embraer it will be possible to fly to Prague and the United Arab Emirates.

By the way, at the same time, I noticed some useful little things. This is if you buy a ticket to Embraer. The noisiest seats in the cabin are located a little further than the middle. Most of the space is to sit at the 2AC seats (this is in the so-called comfort class, or, more correctly, Eurobusiness). More motion sickness in the tail. Best views in the window - in the first rows, but in the very last, too, not bad.
But let's still get into the cockpit.

The sun begins to set.

It's time for us to land.

That's how I became the first passenger on a new plane.

Photo of Saratov from the flight ahead ...

As of today, the Brazilian company Embraer is one of the world leaders in the regional passenger airliners market. The most advanced aircraft from this manufacturer is the Embraer ERJ-190. Today it is operated by many airlines from all over the world. According to the majority of passengers, the liner is distinguished by its high comfort, as well as easy take-off and landing. It will be discussed in more detail later in this article.

general description

The aircraft belongs to the line of medium-haul passenger airliners E-Jet. It was created on the basis of the E-170/175 modification. To improve flight characteristics, the developers equipped it with a longer wing and improved the elevator. More modern engines have become a key innovation in the model Embraer ERJ-190. Interior layout provides for the arrangement of passengers in two rows (two seats on each side). A feature of the interior can be called spacious shelves for carry-on luggage as well as the use of indirect lighting. The crew includes a pilot and his assistant.

Most people who have ever flown this aircraft modification share positive emotions about their trip. First of all, they note the spacious cabin, in which even tall passengers are comfortably seated, as well as the fact that there is practically no pressure drop during climb and landing.

A brief history of creation

The engineers of the Brazilian company began developing the Embraer ERJ-190 aircraft in early 1998. With a new model with a narrow fuselage, they set out to surpass their main competitors - Airbus and Boeing. For the first time to the general public, the novelty debuted in 1999 during the Paris international exhibition... In 2004, the ship received all the necessary permits and certificates, after which it began mass production and commercial exploitation.

Main characteristics

The Embraer ERJ-190 is 36.24 meters long and has a wingspan of 28.72 meters. The model is equipped with a pair of modern turbojet engines, each of which develops a power of 8400 kgf. The airliner is designed to carry passengers over a distance of 4260 kilometers. Moreover, its cruising speed is 890 km / h, and the operating ceiling is 12 thousand meters. An important feature of this aircraft, the representatives of the developer company call the use of technology for remote control of rudders through the use of electric drives.


The Embraer ERJ-190 airliner is currently produced in two versions - ERJ-190-100 and ERJ-190-200. There are no technological differences between them. The only difference is the amount of take-off roll. This is due to the fact that the first version of the aircraft is designed for 98 passengers, and the second - for 108. Due to its economy and capacity, the model immediately after its official debut attracted the attention of potential buyers engaged in both regular and charter flights.

The first customer for the model was JetBlue from the United States, which entered into an agreement with the Brazilian manufacturer for the supply of hundreds of aircraft. Currently, the main users of the model are airlines from the USA, China, Canada, Mexico, Kazakhstan and Colombia. Domestic carriers have not yet operated this aircraft. At the same time, over the entire existence of the model, as of the end of last year, the manufacturing company received orders for a total of almost 600 copies.


The cost of one new airliner, depending on the configuration, varies from 32 to 45 million dollars, and in the secondary market a potential buyer will have to pay about 20 million dollars for it.

At the end of 2012, the Interstate Aviation Committee certified in Russia Embraer aircraft 190/195. This event opened a new chapter in the 44-year history of the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer. For the first time passenger aircraft companies got the opportunity to fully compete in the Russian market. Embraer has come a long and difficult journey. In the early 90s. it was on the brink of bankruptcy due to market depletion and declining demand for its highly popular turboprop aircraft, as well as ineffective management - the manufacturer was led by government officials. The salvation for Embraer was privatization and the arrival of a new leadership, with a modern mindset. A new life the company was breathed in by a 50-seat regional jet, which by the mid-90s was a game-changer in the domestic market air transportation in USA. Significant orders from American Airlines and Continental Airlines for 500 ERJs opened up new opportunities for Embraer, and the company embarked on a strategy to design and build new aircraft. The concept of a 50-seat jet was nontrivial, but soon the passengers appreciated it. The era of slow, turboprop aircraft with limited range and noisy cabin is over. They were replaced by small fast jet aircraft that allowed paying business travelers to make day trips to small towns where ERJ flew. The success of ERJ in the USA and then in Western Europe (more than a thousand aircraft of this family were delivered) allowed Embraer to change its position as an outsider to one of the leaders in the global aviation industry. Nonetheless, non-specialists know little about the company, and even those who have heard of the existence of Embraer do not always know that its name is an abbreviation of the Portuguese name Empresa Brasileira de Aeronau’tica. Outside of the markets where Bandeirante and Brasilia turboprops have become the backbone of regional aviation, Embraer still faces recognition challenges. Some misconceptions about the company may exist in Russia as well.

No stereotypes

At the mention of Brazil, beaches, football, samba and carnivals most often pop up in the mind. But the global manufacturer of passenger and military aircraft from Brazil, perhaps, does not benefit from associations with these clichés. The company has to work hard to break the persistent association with such stereotypes. In addition, it needs to change its image as a supplier of small regional aircraft. But now Embraer is presenting on the market a family of aircraft, which in terms of size comes close to the heels of the technology of such giants as Boeing and Airbus. Embraer's assembly plant is located an hour east of São Paulo, on the highway that runs through Brazil's main industrial area. Nestled among lush subtropical vegetation, this large facility has produced over 5,000 aircraft for customers on all continents. Among them are airlines that operate in the coldest and most severe regions of the planet. Here we come across one of the misconceptions about Embraer's engineering and design capabilities. It would seem, what can an aircraft manufacturer from a country with a hot climate know about building aircraft that can withstand the harsh conditions of the Russian winter? In fact, a lot. For example, the ERJ family was as if specially designed for use in extremely cold climates. Among other things, these aircraft are equipped with a fully automatic anti-icing system, the operation of which does not require crew intervention, and the shape of the wing naturally prevents icing. In addition, the ERJ design and systems remain fully functional at –54 ° C. For many years, these aircraft have been successfully operated in Canada, Sweden and Finland, often far beyond the Arctic Circle.

Complete upgrade

Today, the main focus of Embraer's efforts is on the E-Jet family. These are four types of passenger aircraft that have been specially designed for the 70 to 120 passenger segment. At one time, the company's announcement about plans to design and release a family of aircraft on a fundamentally new platform, which will be designed to fill the gap between small regional aircraft and medium-range aircraft such as A320 and Boeing 737, was met with skepticism. Prior to the advent of E-Jet, airlines were often faced with the fact that the planes in their fleets were either too large for certain markets, which led to underutilization, or, conversely, due to lack of seats, additional frequencies had to be introduced using small regional aircraft to satisfy growing demand. According to Embraer, none of these options were optimal for either airlines or passengers. So the company came up with the idea of ​​a fundamentally new solution to the problem of imbalance in capacities. Instead of stretching or shortening aircraft fuselages existing types, the company has developed the E-Jet family on a fundamentally new platform optimized for 70-120 seats. This saved the new family from the operational and economic disadvantages associated with stretching or shortening the fuselage of an aircraft that was conceived for other purposes. Embraer has managed to create an aircraft that combines all the strengths of both regional and medium-haul aircraft. The design of the fuselage is based on the cross-sectional shape in the form of a double oval, which ensures the maximum width of the cabin at shoulder level of the seated passengers. This shape of the section of the fuselage is typical for the Boeing 747 and even for the DC-8, but it has never been used in the design of smaller aircraft before. This gives the E-Jet a spacious cabin, which has attracted the attention of many leading airlines.

The E-Jet family around the world

In October 2012, Embraer delivered the 900th E-Jet. It was a 96-seat E-190 in a two-class configuration for Kenya Airways. It is expected that the 1000th aircraft will be put into service at the end of this or in the beginning of 2014. About 60 airlines from 40 countries of the world operate E-Jets, often finding them in applications that are completely different from traditional regional aircraft. Many carriers are equipping their E-Jet cabins with a separate premium cab, enhanced audio and video systems with content-on-demand, Wi-Fi connectivity, satellite TV and electrical outlets in the chairs. E-Jet successfully operate both low-cost, charter and traditional full-service airlines on both regional and mainline routes, on direct flights between points and in the framework of hub models, both in large and small airports with short takeoffs. - landing strips. For example, British Airways City Flyer uses its E-Jet fleet to fly to London City Airport. Airlines such as Lufthansa CityLine, Air France - KLM and Alitalia fly the E-Jet family throughout Europe. E-Jet can be found in Virgin Australia, China Southern, Japan Airlines, Air Canada and LOT Polish Airlines fleets, as well as airlines throughout South America and the Middle East and, of course, the United States - from United Airlines, Jet Blue and US Airways. Long-haul, non-stop flights of four or five hours are common on the E-Jet family. Many airlines are just discovering the potential for the 70 to 120 passenger segment, and this is where Embraer sees great new opportunities for the E-Jet family. But after Embraer and Bombardier with their CRJ family established the importance of this kind of aircraft in the global market, aircraft manufacturers in China, Japan, Russia and even India also decided to enter this market. The high level of competition will require the production of more and more sophisticated aircraft.

The Embraer ERJ 190 aircraft belongs to the class of the latest aircraft that were invented by Brazilian craftsmen in the mid-2000s. In 2004, this aircraft was at the testing stage, and two years later the mass production of these airliners started. For 11 years, about 1000 copies were created. Today this model has impeccable technical characteristics, which allows us to consider it one of the best among modern aircraft... It accommodates almost 100 passengers and is capable of covering distances of over 3000 km.

Airplane Embraer 190

You can see the photo of Embraer 190 inside below. Anyone who's about to take a flight on this aircraft, should know at least approximately how the seats are located in the cabin. Thus, you can choose the most convenient ones for yourself in order to get to your destination in comfort. To begin with, this airliner has an elongated wing and indirect lighting. The arrangement of the passenger seats is made in a 2 + 2 proportion. On average, the Embraer 190 can carry 100 people. Today it boldly competes with such well-known models as Airbus A318, Boeing 737-600 and others.

In total, this airliner has 98-106 seats in economy class and 94-100 in business class. The width of the cabin is 2.74 m, which allows you to move freely around it, does not bother resting passengers. As for the choice of the most suitable place, here everyone decides for himself where he will be comfortable. For example, many people prefer aisle chairs because they are comfortable to sit on due to the absence of other seats in front, and it is also convenient to go to the toilet from there. But these seats have several negative sides, due to which some passengers treat them badly:

  • constant movement of passengers and flight attendants with carts;
  • the need to get up when other passengers want to use the toilet or other place.

In this aircraft, it is best to sit in the middle. It's much quieter there than near the aisle. In addition, there is no need to get up at the request of other passengers. If you choose a seat near the emergency exit, then it will be more comfortable to stretch your legs and relax. However, such chairs should not be chosen for those traveling with pets or small children. Those who are going to fly this airliner should know the following:

  1. For flights with children, it is better to give preference to seats in the 18th row on the left or right.
  2. The best places are 1 and 11.
  3. Most passengers feel most comfortable in the front of the cabin.
  4. Toilets are located in the bow and tail.
  5. If you're flying in Business Class, you can use electrical outlets, wardrobes, TVs, and more.

Embraer 190 cabin

ERJ 190 technical capabilities

Let's start by specifying the dimensions of this aircraft. So, its length is 36.2 m, its height reaches 10.6 m, and its wingspan is 28.7 m. The weight of an empty plane reaches 28080 kg. The small size of the liner allows it to easily pick up speed and land without problems.

Now about the technical capabilities:

  • fuel tank capacity - 16250 l;
  • flight range - 3200-4000 km;
  • the highest flight altitude - 11900 m;
  • the take-off run is 1890 m, and the run is 1250 m;
  • the greatest take-off weight is 47.8 kg;
  • maximum cruising speed - 880 km / h;
  • the aircraft is powered by GE CF34-10E engines and 2 x 8400 kgf.

Which airlines use this vessel for their flights?

The Embraer ERJ-190 aircraft is one of the most popular and powerful airliners of our time. In their fleet, many carriers dream of having exactly this aircraft, but not everyone is lucky. Here is a list of airlines that use this liner for their flights:

  • Saratov Airlines.
  • American.
  • British Airways.
  • Air France.
  • Gulf Air Bahrain.
  • China Airlines.

This plane flies in different directions. Today it is one of the most demanded. Many passengers will confirm that it is convenient for long flights.

Embraer 190 modification schemes

Embraer 195 (photos below) is the newest and largest model of the aircraft, which is produced by the manufacturer of the same name, located in Brazil. It began to be actively used by many world airlines in 2006. In addition to the basic version, an extended version is also produced, which is distinguished by the ability to fly over longer distances. The LR marking is added to its name.

Previous versions

The basis for the construction of the Embraer 195 aircraft was such models as the E170 and E175. All three options have the same fuselage cross-sectional size, similar avionics systems and similar avionics. In order to improve flight performance, engineers did a lot of work, as a result of which the car received an improved high-altitude rudder, new power plants and longer wings. In addition, many structural elements and components of the aircraft were borrowed from the E190 modification.

Start of operation

According to official information, Embraer 195 took off for the first time and carried out a test flight on December 7, 2004. The first user of this model was Flybe, a British low-cost airline that specializes primarily in flights within Europe. Then the company placed an order for fourteen cars with the possibility of additional addition of twelve more units. In 2006, the commercial operation of the modification started. Currently, it is actively used by leading airlines from Italy, Poland, Israel, Germany, Russia, Jordan, Argentina and other countries.

general description

The Embraer 195 is a medium-haul airliner with a narrow fuselage, which has become the most spacious among all the modifications of the family. It is designed to operate on medium-length lines. As for the maximum distance that this car can cover without additional refueling, taking into account the maximum load, it is 4077 kilometers. The main competitors of this aircraft are the Boeing 737-600 and Airbus A318.

Depending on the version of the cabin layout, the number of passengers that can be carried by this aircraft at the same time ranges from 106 to 122. The arrangement of seats inside the Embraer 195 cabin is made in a two-plus-two ratio. An indirect lighting system is installed inside the model. There are quite spacious shelves for storing passengers' luggage.

Main characteristics

The total length of the basic version of the aircraft is 38.6 meters, while the wingspan is 28.7 meters. As for the width of the cabin, it is only 2.74 meters. In the form of traction units, the model uses two GE CF34-10E engines with a capacity of 8400 kgf each. It should be noted that these motors fully comply with the most stringent modern noise requirements. The cruising speed of the airliner is 890 km / h. Its maximum flight altitude is 11,900 meters.

Key Benefits

One of the main advantages that the Embraer 195 can boast of is its wings, which are equipped with peculiar corners at the ends. Their main design purpose was to reduce the drag force, which made it possible to significantly reduce fuel consumption. In addition, high environmental friendliness and low noise level allows the aircraft to operate at all leading airports in Europe and the world. The passenger seats, which are installed in the cabin, are comfortable and spacious. In addition, they are equipped with adjustable head restraints. All this together makes the trips quite comfortable.