Classification of modern military aircraft. Aircraft classifications. By the nature of the landing organs


  • 1 Aircraft classification
    • 1.1 By appointment
    • 1.2 Takeoff weight
    • 1.3 By type and number of engines
    • 1.4 According to the layout scheme
    • 1.5 By flight speed
    • 1.6 By the nature of the landing organs
    • 1.7 By type of takeoff and landing
    • 1.8 By the nature of the sources of traction
    • 1.9 By reliability
    • 1.10 By way of control
  • 2 Aircraft design
  • 3 Aircraft history
  • 4 Interesting Facts
  • Literature


Airplane(he is airplane) - aircraft with an aerodynamic method of creating lift with the help of an engine and fixed wings (wing) and used for flights in the Earth's atmosphere. (Later in this article, the term airplane is interpreted only in this sense.)

The aircraft is capable of moving at high speed, using the lift of the wing to keep itself in the air. A fixed wing distinguishes an airplane from an ornithopter (flywheel) and a helicopter, and the presence of an engine - from a glider. An airplane is distinguished from an airship by an aerodynamic method of creating lift - an airplane wing creates lift in an incoming air stream.

The given definition is "classical" and relevant for the aircraft that existed at the dawn of aviation. In relation to modern and promising developments in aviation technology (integral and hypersonic aerodynamic configurations, the use of a variable thrust vector, etc.), the concept of "aircraft" requires clarification: Airplane- an aircraft for flights in the atmosphere (and outer space (e.g. Orbital aircraft)), using the aerodynamic lifting force of the glider to keep itself in the air (when flying within the atmosphere) and the thrust of the power (propulsion) installation for maneuvering and compensating for the losses of the full mechanical energy for frontal resistance.

1. Classification of aircraft

The classification of aircraft can be given according to various criteria - by purpose, by design features, by type of engines, by flight performance parameters, etc., etc.

1.1. By appointment

1.2. Takeoff weight

Light aircraft MAI-223

  • 1st class (75 tons and more)
  • 2nd class (from 30 to 75 t)
  • 3rd class (from 10 to 30 tons)
  • 4th class (up to 10 t)
  • light motor
  • ultralight (up to 495 kg)

The class of the aircraft is related to the class of the aerodrome capable of receiving the aircraft of this type.

1.3. By type and number of engines

Sectional radial motor

Turbojet compressor (TJE)

  • By type of power plant:
    • piston (PD) (An-2)
    • turboprop (TVD) (An-24)
    • turbojet (TRD) (Tu-154)
    • rocket-powered
    • with a combined power plant (KSU)
  • By the number of engines:
    • single-engine (An-2)
    • twin-engine (An-24)
    • three-engine (Tu-154)
    • four-engine (An-124 "Ruslan")
    • five-engine (He-111Z)
    • six-engine (An-225 "Mriya")
    • seven-engine (K-7)
    • eight-engine (ANT-20, Boeing B-52)
    • ten-engine (Convair B-36J)
    • twelve-engine (Dornier Do X)

1.4. According to the layout scheme

The classification on this basis is the most multivariate). Some of the main options are offered:

  • By the number of wings:
    • monoplanes
    • one-and-a-half plans
    • biplanes
    • triplanes
    • polyplanes
  • By wing location (for monoplanes):
    • lofty plans
    • mid-plans
    • low-planes
    • parasol
  • By the location of the tail:
    • normal aerodynamic configuration (tail tail)
    • flying wing (tailless)
    • tailless
    • duck type (front plumage);
  • By type and size of the fuselage:
    • single-fuselage;
      • narrow-body;
      • wide-body;
    • two-girder scheme ("frame");
    • fuselage ("flying wing").
    • Double-deck aircraft
  • By chassis type:
    • Overland;
      • with wheeled chassis;
        • with tail support;
        • with front support;
        • bicycle type support;
      • with ski chassis;
      • with tracked chassis;
    • Seaplanes;
      • amphibians;
      • float;
      • "Flying boats".

1.5. By flight speed

  • subsonic (up to Mach 0.7-0.8)
  • transonic (from 0.7-0.8 to 1.2 M)
  • supersonic (from 1.2 to 5 M)
  • hypersonic (over 5 M)

1.6. By the nature of the landing organs

  • land
  • ship
  • seaplanes
  • Flying submarine

1.7. By type of takeoff and landing

  • vertical (GDP)
  • short (KVP)
  • normal takeoff and landing

1.8. By the nature of the sources of traction

  • screw
  • jet

1.9. Reliability

  • experimental
  • experienced
  • serial

1.10. By way of control

  • pilot-piloted
  • unmanned

2. Aircraft design

The main elements of the aircraft:

  • Wing - creates the lift necessary for flight during the forward movement of the aircraft.
  • The fuselage is the "body" of the aircraft.
  • Plumage - bearing surfaces designed to ensure stability, controllability and balance of the aircraft.
  • Landing gear - aircraft take-off and landing device.
  • Power plants - create the necessary thrust.
  • Onboard equipment systems are various equipment that allows you to fly under any conditions.

3. History of aircraft

Viktor Vasnetsov "Carpet-plane", 1880

The ancient Indian literature describes the aircraft of the Vimaana. There are also references to flying machines in the folklore of different peoples (flying carpet, stupa with Baba Yaga).

The first attempts to build an airplane were made back in the 19th century. The first life-size airplane built in 1882 and patented is the airplane of Mozhaisky A.F. In addition, airplanes with steam engines were built by Ader and Maxim. However, none of these structures were able to take off. The reasons for this were: too high takeoff weight and low specific power of engines - (steam engines), lack of the theory of flight and control, theory of strength and aerodynamic calculations. In this regard, the aircraft were built "at random", "by eye", despite the engineering experience of many aviation pioneers.

The first aircraft that was able to independently lift off the ground and make a controlled horizontal flight was the Flyer 1, built by the brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright in the United States. The first aircraft flight in history took place on December 17, 1903. The Flyer stayed in the air for 59 seconds and flew 260 meters. The Wright's brainchild was officially recognized as the world's first heavier-than-air vehicle to fly manned using an engine.

Their apparatus was a duck-type biplane - the pilot was located on the lower wing, rudder in the rear, elevator in front. The two-spar fenders were trimmed with thin unbleached muslin. The Flyer's engine was a four-stroke, with a starting power of 16 horsepower and weighed only (or whole, if we estimate from a modern point of view) 80 kilograms.

The apparatus had two wooden screws. Instead of a wheeled chassis, the Wrights used a launch catapult consisting of a pyramidal tower and a wooden guide rail. The catapult was driven by a falling massive load connected to the aircraft by a cable through a system of special blocks.

In Russia, the practical development of aviation was delayed due to the government's focus on the creation of aeronautical aircraft. Based on the example of Germany, the Russian military leadership relied on the development of airships and balloons for the army and did not assess in time the potential of a new invention - an airplane.

The story of VV Tatarinov's "Aeromobile" also played a negative role in relation to aircraft heavier than air. In 1909, the inventor received 50 thousand rubles from the Ministry of War for the construction of a helicopter. In addition, there were many donations from individuals. Those who could not help with money offered their labor free of charge to implement the inventor's plan. Russia had high hopes for this domestic invention. But the venture ended in complete failure. Tatarinov's experience and knowledge did not match the complexity of the task, and a lot of money was wasted. This incident negatively influenced the fate of many interesting aviation projects - Russian inventors could no longer obtain government subsidies.

In 1909, the Russian government finally showed interest in aircraft. It was decided to reject the offer of the Wright brothers to buy their invention and build the aircraft on their own. Aeronautical officers M.A.Agapov, B.V. Golubev, B.F.Gebauer and A.I.Shabsky were instructed to design the aircraft. We decided to build three-seat aircraft of various types, so that later we could choose the most successful one. None of the designers not only flew airplanes, but even saw them in nature. Therefore, it is not surprising that the planes suffered an accident while they were running on the ground.

"Kudashev-1" - the first Russian flying aircraft

Winged Benz... Russian airplane in the back of a truck on the Caucasian front of the First World War. 1916 year.

The first successes of Russian aviation date back to 1910. On June 4, a professor at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Prince Alexander Kudashev, flew several tens of meters in a biplane aircraft of his own design.

On June 16, a young Kiev aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky first lifted his plane into the air, and three days later, the aircraft of engineer Yakov Gakkel flew a biplane with a fuselage (bimonoplane), an unusual scheme for that time.

4. Interesting facts

  • In 1901, two professors of one of the US universities "proved" that an aircraft heavier than air, in principle, will never be able to get off the ground, that it is like a "perpetuum mobile". The US Senate banned the Pentagon from funding development, but three years later, the Wright brothers' plane took off, which gave way to aviation development.
  • The X-43A hypersonic aircraft is the fastest aircraft in the world. The X-43A recently set a new speed record of 11,230 km / h, thus exceeding the speed of sound by 9.6 times. By comparison, jet fighters fly at or faster than only twice the speed of sound.


  • The history of aircraft designs in the USSR - Vadim Borisovich Shavrov. History of aircraft designs in the USSR 1938-1950 // M. Mechanical Engineering, 1994. ISBN 5-217-00477-0.
  • "A THIRD WAY TO ANYWHERE. Notes of an aircraft designer." L. L. Selyakov

Aircraft classification
depending on the functions they perform

The purpose of aircraft is determined mainly by the design of its individual fragments, general assembly, equipment used on the aircraft, as well as flight, weight and geometric properties. The site notes that basically there are two large groups of aircraft - military and civil.

Military aircraft are involved in air strikes against various military targets, manpower and equipment, as well as enemy communications. Air strikes are delivered both in the rear of the opposing side and in the front-line zone. In addition, military aircraft serve to protect their manpower and facilities from air strikes, as well as to transport troops and equipment, cargo and landing forces. Sometimes military aircraft are used in reconnaissance and for communication "with their own". Military aircraft, in turn, are divided by purpose into several types - bombers, fighters, fighter-bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, military transport and auxiliary aircraft.

Bombers inflict bomb strikes on the most important enemy targets, as well as on communication centers and places where the greatest number of manpower and equipment is observed. Basically, the action of the bomber takes place in the rear. Fighters are used to repel enemy air strikes. They are subdivided into escort fighters (protecting their bombers from air strikes), front-line fighters (protecting their troops over the battlefield and not far from the front line), interceptor fighters (intercepting and destroying enemy bombers). Fighter bombers are equipped with bombs, missiles and cannons. They take part in delivering strikes in the forward zone and in the near rear, and destroy the enemy's air army.

Military transport aircraft used when it is necessary to transfer goods, equipment and troops. Reconnaissance aircraft conduct reconnaissance in the rear of the opposite side, and auxiliary aircraft carry out liaison, correction, sanitary and other functions.

Unlike the military, civil aircraft work in the field of transportation of goods, mail, passengers, and are also used in some industries National economy... They can be divided into several types, also depending on the purpose. Passenger aircraft are used to move passengers, various luggage, as well as mail... They come in trunk lines as well as local lines. The site notes that the division depends on the number of passengers, distance air transportation as well as on the size of the runways. Trunk lines are subdivided into short, medium and long-distance ones, and carry out transportation at a distance from one to eleven thousand kilometers. Local planes include heavy, medium and light aircraft and can carry from fifty-five (maximum) to eight (minimum) people.

Civil aircraft are also cargo aircraft, they are used to transport goods of various volumes and gravity. Special aircraft are used in agricultural, medical and polar aviation. In addition, there are aircraft that take part in geological exploration, to ensure the safety of forests (from fires, for example), and even for aerial photography. For the training of pilots, there are special training aircraft - they are of initial training and transitional. There are only two seats in the aircraft of initial training, they are quite easy to learn and technique, they are used for pilots who have sat down "at the helm" for the first time. Transition aircraft serve to train already experienced pilots to fly production aircraft already in use on various airlines.

In addition to the purpose, there is also a definition of aircraft according to the scheme. The relative position, types, shapes, the number of individual parts of the aircraft are taken into account. For example, airplanes differ in the number of wings and their location, in the typhus of the fuselage, landing gear and engines, as well as in the location of the empennage. There are also mixed schemes, one of which is an amphibious boat. The location, type and number of engines greatly affects the scheme and is mainly determined by the purpose of the aircraft, which was described above.

Aircraft can be classified according to various criteria - by purpose, by aerodynamic scheme, by type of engines, by flight performance parameters, etc.

(aerodynamic diagram of the aircraft, wing diagram, empennage diagram, landing gear diagram, fuselage diagram, power plant).

Aircraft qualities and efficiency are determined by a number of characteristics and parameters,

the most important of which are as follows:

takeoff weight,

target load mass,

maximum speed,

cruising speed,


range of flight,

rate of climb,


takeoff and landing specifications,

reliability and safety of operation,


Aircraft design must meet many requirements based on many years of experience.

design, production and operation of aircraft. The main requirement will always be the requirement

ensuring high efficiency of the aircraft when

certain costs for its development, creation and operation. The fulfillment of this requirement is ensured

a high level of aerodynamic excellence and

perfection of the power plant, aviation and radio-electronic equipment of the aircraft, sufficient

strength and rigidity of the structure, high reliability,

survivability and safety of flight for a given aircraft resource, its good performance, as well as a high level of technological effectiveness of the structure. All these requirements must be met with the least weight of the structure and the aircraft as a whole. The last requirement is the most important for any aircraft, because overweighting the structure always leads to an increase

the total mass of the aircraft and to a decrease in its efficiency.

route map of the Il-96-300 aircraft.

route map of Tu-204 aircraft

When studying the sections of the complex, you can additionally use the sources:

Zhitomirskiy G.I. Aircraft design - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1995 .-- 416 p.

Grebenkov O.A. Aircraft design. - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1984 .-- 238 p.

Eger S.M., Mishin V.F., Liseytsev N.K. Aircraft design. - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1983 .-- 616 p.

Shulzhenko M.N. Aircraft design - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1971. - 416 p. and etc.

Flight geometric and weight characteristics, general layout, equipment used, as well as the design of individual parts are largely determined by the purpose of the aircraft. By designation, all aircraft can be divided into two large groups: 1) civilian and 2) military.

Civil aircraft
Civil aircraft are used to transport passengers, cargo, mail and to serve various sectors of the national economy. They, in turn, can be divided into the following main types.

1. Passenger aircraft designed to carry passengers, baggage and mail. Depending on the flight range, the number of passengers carried, the size and type of runways, these aircraft are divided into mainline and local aircraft.

Long-haul aircraft, depending on the flight range, are divided into:
a) short-range ones with a flight range of 1000 ... 2000 km;
b) medium ones with a flight range of 3000 ... 4000 km;
c) long-range with a range of 5000 ... 11000 km.

Aircraft of local lines are subdivided into:
a) heavy with the number of passengers 50 ... 55;
b) medium ones with the number of passengers 24 ... 30;
c) lungs with the number of passengers 8 ... 20.

2. Cargo aircraft, the main purpose of which is the transportation of various goods.

3. Aircraft for special purposes, used in various areas of the national economy. These are aircraft of polar, agricultural, ambulance aviation, aircraft for geological aerial reconnaissance, for protecting forests from fires, for aerial photography, etc.

4. Training aircraft for pilot training. They are subdivided into initial training and transitional aircraft. Airplanes of initial training are two-seater airplanes that are quite simple to learn and pilot. Transition aircraft are used to train pilots to fly on production aircraft in service.

Military aircraft are used to deliver air strikes against military targets, communications, manpower and equipment of the enemy in its rear and in the frontal zone, to protect their targets and troops from enemy aircraft, to land assault forces, transport troops, equipment and cargo, to intelligence, communications and l.

Military aircraft can be divided into the following types depending on the specific purpose.
1. Bombers, the purpose of which is to deliver bomb strikes against the most important targets, communication centers, places of concentration of equipment and manpower of the enemy in his rear.

2. Fighters, which are used to combat enemy aircraft. They, in turn, can be divided into several types:
a) escort fighters designed to protect their bombers from enemy aircraft performing a combat mission;
b) front-line fighters, providing protection of their troops from
enemy aircraft over the battlefield and in the front line;
c) anti-aircraft fighters - interceptor fighters, the purpose of which is to intercept and destroy enemy bombers.

3. Fighter-bombers equipped with bombs, missile and cannon armament and used to strike targets in the area of ​​forward positions and in the near rear of the enemy and to destroy his aircraft.

4. Military transport aircraft used for the landing of troops, transporting troops, equipment and various cargo.

5. Reconnaissance aircraft designed for aerial reconnaissance behind enemy lines and over the theater of operations.

6. Auxiliary aircraft, which include spotter aircraft, communications aircraft, ambulances, etc.

The main parts of the aircraft and their purpose
The main parts of the aircraft are the wing, fuselage, empennage, landing gear and power plant.

Wing - the bearing surface of the aircraft, designed to create aerodynamic lift.

The fuselage is the main part of the aircraft structure, serving to connect all its parts into one whole, as well as to accommodate the crew, passengers, equipment and cargo.

Plumage - bearing surfaces designed to ensure longitudinal and directional stability and controllability.

Landing gear is an aircraft support system used for takeoff, landing, movement and parking on the ground, on the deck of a ship or on the water.

The power plant, the main element of which is the engine, is used to create thrust.

In addition to these main parts, the aircraft has a large number of various equipment... It is equipped with main control systems (control of steering surfaces: ailerons, elevators and rudders), auxiliary control (control of mechanization, cleaning and landing gear, hatch doors, equipment assemblies, etc.), hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, electrical equipment, high-rise, protective equipment, etc.

Classification of aircraft according to the scheme
The classification of aircraft according to the scheme is made taking into account the relative position, shape, number and type of individual components of the aircraft. The aircraft layout is determined by the following features:

1) the number and location of the wings;
2) the type of fuselage;
3) the location of the plumage
4) the type of chassis;
5) the type, number and location of engines.

It is possible to fully characterize the aircraft layout only on the basis of all these five features. Classification according to only one or several of them cannot give a complete picture of the scheme.

According to the number of wings, all aircraft are divided into biplanes and monoplanes, and the latter, depending on the relative position of the wing and fuselage, into low plans, midplanes and high plans. According to the type of fuselage, the aircraft are divided into one fuselage and two beams. Depending on the take-off and landing conditions, the aircraft may have wheeled, ski or float landing gear. In seaplanes, the fuselage can also serve as boats. There are mixed schemes: wheeled ski chassis, amphibious boat.

Piston and gas turbine engines are used as the main engines on modern aircraft. The most widespread at present are gas turbine engines, which, in turn, are divided into turboprop, turbojet, turbojet with afterburner and turbojet bypass. The choice of the type of engines, their number and location is largely determined by the purpose of the aircraft and has a significant impact on its design.