How to change an erased car number. Self-tinting of state numbers on the car. Is it possible to tint license plates

The state registration number is a mini-passport for the car. Operating a car without a license plate is prohibited and punishable to the fullest extent of the law. However, you can get a substantial fine even if the number is damaged, poorly readable, or placed in the wrong place. Car instructors will tell you what to do if your numbers start to wear out.

Why are numbers being erased?

There is enough a large number of reasons that can cause erasure of paint on registration numbers... But the most common are three: damage in an accident, initially low workmanship (there is information about a whole batch of defective numbers that were erased in just a week) and physical impact with hard objects (deliberate, hopeless or accidental).

Some drivers deliberately damage the license plates so that they cannot be read by video recorders.

Some people use special sprays, metal nets or number frames for this.

Can the number be tinted?

This question worries many motorists, but even traffic police officers cannot give an unambiguous answer to it. On the one hand, the number is a state document that can neither be corrected nor changed. On the other hand, if at least one letter or number is erased on the number, this will be the basis for a fine from an attentive traffic inspector, and every time to go through the procedure for replacing numbers or issuing duplicates - the prospect is not very bright.

Ultimately, touching up a number is more likely than not possible. The arguments in favor of this opinion are as follows: firstly, the tinting procedure has nothing to do with changing or correcting the number, since only the existing information is restored, and the quality of its perception is also improved. Secondly, there is not a single law or by-law that would directly prohibit such a procedure.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that after all the procedures, the number must correspond to GOST R 50577-93.

The technical side

In the production of a standard license plate, paint is used in two basic colors: white and black (except for the flag). White plays the role of a background and is reflective. With the help of black, alphanumeric information is highlighted, which should be clearly readable against a white background.

In no case should you touch the white paint!

Any attempts to tint the background will lead to the loss of reflective properties, that is, the number will not correspond to GOST.

And this is a great reason for the traffic cops to write you a fine once again. And tinting letters and numbers with black paint does not give such an effect, therefore, technically, there is nothing illegal in this.

How to paint?

There are as many options as there are types of black paint. Avoid using non-waterproof types of paints such as gouache or watercolors. You need to apply the paint very carefully, preferably with a thin brush. However, not everyone can apply perfectly straight lines while squatting in the yard, so the letters can turn out to be crooked, and the number itself can be smeared with paint, which will only completely ruin it.

Many motorists in this case consider the use of a permanent marker in black as the best solution.

The marker must be waterproof, permanent (such are indicated by the inscription PERMANENT), alcohol-based.

They are sold at any stationery store.

  • It is advisable to buy a marker with a thick rod, the end of which is cut at an acute angle.
  • Before restoring the license plate, wash it in warm water with car shampoo and dry it thoroughly.
  • If possible, remove the license plates from the car before touching up and carry out the restoration in a well-lit, comfortable and dry room.
  • For straight lines, you can use a piece of cardboard or thick paper. It is substituted for the letters that you can safely circle. The contour is smooth, and all excess paint remains on the cardboard.
  • How long such a repair will last depends on the quality of the marker, but the updated numbers will definitely last at least a couple of months.


In some cities there are companies that are absolutely legally engaged in the issuance of duplicate numbers. If in your locality no one has mastered this business, then you can go through the dreary procedure of re-registering a car with the issuance of new numbers or get duplicates of old ones. To do this, you should contact the traffic police department at your place of residence.

If the number is badly damaged, then this is the only possible option.

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Good luck to you and indelible numbers!

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What to do, if numbers erased by car?

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Over time, state registration plates (numbers) of any car lose their original appearance. Under the influence of rain, snow, sand, dust, reagents and other factors, the black paint on the numbers gradually wears out and the numbers become unreadable.

Number plates wear out differently for different drivers. The degree of wear depends primarily on the operating conditions of the car, on the mileage of the car, as well as on the quality of production of the numbers themselves. For example, in the case of a low-quality batch, the numbers may be erased after the first rain. Such numbers are quite rare in practice. Much more often the numbers wear out, so to speak, from time to time.

Today we will talk about what to do if the numbers on the car have erased... Let's get started.

Let's consider all the possible options in turn.

Ride with worn out numbers

If the car owner is too lazy to deal with state registration plates, he can keep driving with worn-out license plates .

In this case, the maximum penalty for an unreadable number. according to part 1 of article 12.2 of the Administrative Code, it will amount to 500 rubles. The minimum is a warning.

Touch up the numbers yourself

Self-coloring of numbers may also take place, however, some peculiarities should be taken into account:

1. Since you are not engaged in counterfeiting state registration plates, you cannot be fined.

2. State registration plates must comply with the requirements of GOST R 50577-93. Those. when self-coloring the digits of the number, you must also take into account the requirements of GOST. If you wish, you can study the full text of this document... Here I will list only its important features.

Basically, GOST requirements relate to the reflective (white) part of the number. It must be made using special paints. If it so happens that you have erased the white part of the number, then you should not tint the numbers yourself, it is better to use one of the methods below.

As for the black numbers, there are no requirements for light reflection. Those. the numbers can be tinted, the main thing is not to spoil the white reflective part of the registration plate.

If you still decide to paint the numbers yourself, then I recommend that you first seal the white part of the number with masking tape and only then tint the numbers. This will protect the rooms from damage.

Ideally, the rooms should be removed, washed, dried, degreased before painting, and only then waterproofed with paint. In the simplest case, you can limit yourself to using a black waterproof marker without prior preparation. However, the durability will be appropriate.

The advantage of self-tinting car numbers is that the procedure is quite cheap. Disadvantage - if you have not done such things before, then touch-up can take a long time.

Making duplicates of state registration plates

Another way to fix the lack of numbers is making a duplicate of them... Currently, private organizations can legally produce license plates. The cost of making one issue is approximately 1,500 rubles, a set of two numbers - from 2,000 rubles.

To make duplicates, you will need a registration certificate vehicle... Usually, duplicates are made fairly quickly, often within half an hour.

In some cases, this method remains the only possible one. For example, if the license plate is stolen or significantly damaged.

Changing vehicle registration data

There is one more way to update car numbers - change of registration data... The essence of the procedure is that you go to the traffic police and get new numbers.

Disadvantages of this method:

High price. State duties in this case will amount to 2 850 rubles .;

You irrevocably lose your old car number (if for some reason it is dear to you, it is better to use duplicate production).

Thus, depending on the degree of damage to the numbers, you can use one of the following methods:

  • let it be as it is;
  • touch up numbers;
  • make duplicates;
  • change registration data.

Good luck on the road!

State registration plates are the most important document of your car, and any document must comply with state standards. Numbers are made on a metal or plastic base in white, and numbers and letters are applied in black paint. The white background is reflective.

Whatever it was, but the numbers wear out over time, poor-quality paint under the influence of various factors can crack and crumble, rain, snow, blows of small stones are badly affected.

As a result of all this, there is a risk that the traffic police inspector will consider your number unreadable and impose a fine of 500 rubles, and if he can still prove that the number does not correspond to GOST, then you will have to lay out the whole 5 thousand or lose your license for 3 months.

A natural question arises - what to do if the black paint has peeled off and the number cannot be read from a distance of 20 meters. There are three ways out of this situation:

  • contact the traffic police to obtain a duplicate of numbers - the procedure is lengthy and costly;
  • contact a legal company where a duplicate number will be made for you or the old one will be restored;
  • paint the room yourself.

In the rules road traffic there are no articles that would forbid drivers to independently bring license plates into a readable form. Therefore, if you do not want to stand in queues at the MREO or pay deals from companies for touching up the number, then you can do all this on your own.

To restore your number, you will need:

  • spray paint, in no case buy water-based emulsion paints, gouache, watercolor and so on - the first rain or puddle, and everything will have to be repeated again;
  • masking tape;
  • stationery knife.

The algorithm of actions is very simple:

First, we paste over the entire number plate with masking tape, pressing it tightly to the surface. This is necessary so that the paint does not accidentally fall on the white background, which acts as a reflector.

Then, using a clerical knife, we very carefully cut out the numbers along the contours, you do not need to press on the knife so as not to scratch the surface of the number.

And at the very end of the restoration, we spray paint from a spray can onto the resulting slots in several layers. For best results, you can use a piece of sturdy cardboard or an ordinary ruler to make sure the paint is on the numbers and not on the white background. You can repeat this operation several times for optimal effect.

The room dries for a while, and then you can remove the scotch tape. It would also be desirable to draw the contours with an ordinary thin brush. This painting will last for several months.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, although if you have the talent of an artist and are sure that you can touch up the number without a spray can, then you can simply draw the contours of the numbers and letters with a thick black marker, and then go over the top with black paint, applying it with a thin brush ... Inspectors of the traffic police will not notice anything, and your number will correspond to GOST.

The influence of time affects absolutely everything, including the registration numbers that are installed on each vehicle. The paint can be erased with varying intensity depending on the severity of the operating conditions and the nature of the factors that affect the license plate. An important question interests many car owners, which we will disclose as fully as possible - if the number on the car has been erased?

We paint ourselves

The simplest and cheap way fixes registration mark trouble - paint. Questions immediately arise here. For example, is it possible to tint car plate numbers without the permission of state bodies and the involvement of a specialist. You can give a positive answer with absolute certainty. True, with some reservations:

  1. Such acts do not entail punishment, since there is no fact of forgery.
  2. When working with a number, it is worth remembering about the mandatory compliance with the requirements of GOST, which for the most part refer to the white part of the number. It should not be covered with black paint, and during restoration, only special materials with a reflective effect can be used. If such violations are detected, they can amount to 5 thousand rubles, they can also be left without a license.

Painting process

If the paint on the numbers has worn off and you decide to correct this situation by painting, then you can take any paint for numbers and letters. To prevent the black material from getting on the white one, it is worth carefully and carefully gluing it over with ordinary masking tape. It will preserve the compliance of the registration plate with GOST standards.

Before proceeding directly to painting, the number must be prepared accordingly. We remove it from the car, wash it thoroughly and then dry it. You will also need to degrease and only after that you can restore the original state.

This raises a logical question about what can be used to tint a car number. It is okay to consider several options, but any of the materials you choose should be waterproof. It is best to choose a good paint, but a marker will do as a last resort. In the latter case, the effect will be short-lived. The paint is applied with a thin brush, and when choosing a marker it is important to find a thick refill with a beveled tip.

This method of restoring a license plate on a car can save you a lot of money, but it will take a lot of time, especially in the absence of relevant experience.

Making a duplicate

There is another way, which is a tainted number. Its essence lies in making duplicates. You can easily find several firms that will take on this business, and within the framework of the law. This method is much more convenient and faster than the first one (the work can take about half an hour), but everything depends on the cost. One duplicate will cost at least one and a half thousand rubles.

If you decide to go the easier way and not think about how to tint the car number, take the documents for the car and go to one of the offices that provides the population with such services. In some cases, this is the only way to restore the registration plate, but not in our situation.

Change the signs completely

Rooms that have lost their appearance are possible. To do this, you need to go to the traffic police, write a statement, pay a state fee and get completely new numbers on the car. This method is the most expensive of all those described due to the state fee, which reaches 2850 rubles. But everything happens officially, through government agencies.

In any case, you have to solve something with car registration plates that have become unreadable. If you give up on this problem and do nothing at all, then be prepared at any moment to pay a fine for erased numbers of about 500 rubles. Enrich the patrol officer several times and still take on the restoration of the appearance of license plates

Operation of any car inevitably leads to the fact that license plates lose their original appearance.

As a result of exposure to rain, sand, stones and various reagents on the road surface, the characters on the numbers can quickly be erased.

Since it is strictly forbidden to drive a car with unreadable registration plates, a natural question arises: is it possible to tint the license plate on the car?

The condition of a license plate can depend on a number of factors.... The first is, of course, the mileage: the more it is, the higher the degree of wear and tear of the numbers.

In addition, the nameplate may be influenced by the conditions of use of the vehicle. For example, driving a car in a city has a much lower impact on paint than in harsh driving conditions.

Some motorists try to protect their numbers by placing them in special metal frames.

Also, a state license plate can be erased very quickly if the quality of its manufacture is low.... So, it may be that the car owner ordered a duplicate number plate in a private company, but low-quality materials were used for production.

This can lead to the fact that it is erased and becomes unreadable after a few months, and in some cases even after the first rain.

Fortunately, in practice, such numbers are quite rare. More often, numbers wear out as a result of the banal influence of time.

By law, it is prohibited to operate a car with unreadable numbers. Ignoring this requirement is fraught with a fine of 500 rubles.

What if the number on the car is erased? Some people decide to touch up license plates. But is this legitimate?

This question interests many motorists, but it is very difficult to find a definite answer to it.

On the one hand, the numbers are a state document that is prohibited from altering or correcting. On the other hand, in the event that even one letter or number is erased on the numbers, then this will be a fair basis for issuing a fine from an attentive traffic inspector.

However, you must agree that making a duplicate or going through the procedure for replacing a state number plate every time is not a very tempting prospect.

Ultimately, we can conclude that tint numbers are more likely allowed than prohibited..

In this case, the following arguments can be given:

  1. The touch-up procedure does not imply a change or correction of the number, since it only allows you to restore the existing information and improve the quality of its perception.
  2. There is not a single by-law or law directly prohibiting such a procedure.

So, it is allowed to tint the numbers manually, but you should take into account the state standards prescribed in ST RK 986-2012.

So, on license plates not only the requirements for the font, size and thickness of letters, numbers must be observed, but also intact security elements must be present.

These include holograms - these are negative or positive ellipses (with the KZ symbol), which are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the license plate, at a distance of five centimeters from each other, as well as a three-dimensional traveling wave.

What if the paint on the license plate has worn off? Small scratches and chips are allowed to be accurately tinted, and this should not cause complaints from the police.

However, by repainting the entire surface of the license plate, you violate the relevant standards, since the holograms will disappear, and the surface of the license plates will lose reflective properties.

So, tinting letters and numbers on a license plate with black paint meets the requirements of GOST, because it does not change its visual appearance. Therefore, that which is not prohibited must be permitted. There is nothing illegal in this, that's for sure.

Before you start painting the numbers, you need to prepare them accordingly..

To do this, remove them from the machine, wash them thoroughly and dry them thoroughly. Then degrease the license plate and proceed to restore the original state.

To avoid getting black paint on the white part of the numbers, carefully cover them with ordinary masking tape.... Thus, you will ensure that the registration number plate of the car complies with the GOST standards.

After going through the preparation stage, you should start choosing paint, and for some this can be a whole problem, because the range for choosing black paint is immensely large.

In this case, the main thing is not to purchase non-waterproof types of coloring compositions (watercolor and gouache).

Can I color the license plates on the car with a marker? Yes, and among them the most convenient option Coloring is considered to be a black permanent marker with a thick rod and a beveled edge.

After choosing a paint or marker, find a comfortable, bright place and get down to work without haste. Experienced motorists do not recommend touching up the license plates while squatting in front of the car, as, most likely, the lines will turn out to be crooked, and the white background will be stained with black paint.

The paint should be applied with a thin brush, carefully delineating the boundaries of letters and numbers.

Self-painted numbers must last at least 2 months. The duration of their service directly depends on the quality of the paint used and on the weather conditions.

Restoring license plates on your own has a number of advantages:

  1. Low cost - materials for painting should cost several hundred rubles.
  2. It won't take long to recover.
  3. An excellent result - the rooms take on a beautiful look.

The problem may be that not all car owners will be able to paint perfectly.... However, the operation of a car with numbers that do not correspond to the standard is prohibited by traffic rules.

In addition, a real license plate painted in this way will look like a fake, and this will certainly arouse the interest of police officers.

Video: How to tint the number

Another way to recover a damaged number is to make duplicates.

In big cities, you can easily find several firms dealing with this business within the framework of the law.

This method is much more convenient and faster than the first (the work can take only about half an hour of time), but its disadvantage is its high cost.

Thus, the cost of manufacturing one issue for 2019 is about 1,500 rubles, and a set of two issues is more than 2,000 rubles.

To make a duplicate, it is necessary to provide a car registration certificate to the chosen company.

Complete sign replacement

How can I change the license plates on the car if they have been erased? To do this, you should go to the traffic police, write a statement, pay a state fee, and then get completely new numbers on the car.

This method is the most expensive of all the ones described above because of the cost of the state fee. At the same time, its significant advantage lies in the fact that all actions take place officially, with the help of state bodies.

So, unreadable registration car signs require special attention... If you give up on this seemingly insignificant drawback, then the motorist should be ready to pay a fine at any moment.

However, sooner or later, the restoration of license plates will still have to be done.