Salt quarries in Belarus. Miracles in Belarusian or Krasnoye Selo quarries. History of quarry formation

Live and be amazed. Such parting words can be given to tourists arriving in Belarus. Here they will find such exotic, which is not, perhaps, anywhere else. And lasting impressions, positive emotions are what is required.

Maldives near Minsk

Many are amazed by the trip to the chalk quarries (Belarus). Photos selected for the article confirm that this is, in fact, a miracle.

Five or six years ago, no one knew about them. And there was no pilgrimage by personal cars or public transport to the area of ​​the city of Volkovysk. But in a very short time they started talking about it - it became fashionable. And this is the mystery. For the chalk quarries (Belarus) are an industrial object, not a tourist one. Will you go to sunbathe and swim, say, to the territory controlled by a brick or tractor plant? And here there are more than enough people.

Magical fossil

A long time ago, a chalk deposit was found near Volkovysk. Almost a hundred years ago, they began to extract it, they do not stop it today. The enterprise "Krasnoselskstroymaterialy" is engaged in this, which produces lime, cement, building mixtures. It seems that things are going very well, because the white fossil is transported on BelAZ trucks even at night.

The pits that have already been worked out are not used - they are abandoned. Gradually they are filled with water - a whole lake is formed. However, some chalk remains at the bottom. He paints the artificial reservoir in a fantastic beautiful color from pale azure to deep turquoise, sometimes emerald. By the way, the water in the quarries is suitable for drinking, and in some places there is a lot of fish. So those who like to sit with a fishing rod come here too.

The quarries are in the lowlands. The shores surrounding the artificial lakes are high and steep, sometimes just like a vertical descent! Because of this, it is not only difficult to approach the water, but to find a place to lie down. And, in general, you need to be careful here. Falling down is a piece of cake. When you enter the reservoir from the shore, you immediately fall into a great depth.

Young trees grow on the steep banks, the grass turns green. There are huge boulders and lumps of silicon underfoot. And the lake, enclosed in a ring, is transparent, delicate, like blue glass. Fantastic picture! All this attracts tourists. More than one hundred thousand people come here every year.

Singers have also come here. They chose chalk quarries (Belarus). Artists shoot clips for their songs here, because the beauty around and the water itself is like in the Maldives. Therefore, there is no need to travel so far and spend a lot of money when you have a stunning landscape under your nose.

Pilgrimage in half with paradise

As soon as this place is called: the Mecca of Belarusians, and our Maldives, and the miracle of the Volkovysk region, we come here for amateur photographers, and the business card of the country.

Imagine an area the size of 300 football fields. This is the area occupied by chalk quarries (Belarus). The length of each is from 1 to 4 km, the depth is 10-15 meters, and in some places everything is 30. Fans of diving are really happy! And daredevils jumping into the water from the cliffs. However, the quarries are recognized as an area of ​​extreme danger. More than a third of all deaths in the rivers and lakes of the country occur in the popular local Maldives.

"Blue" plus "Zelenka"

Of the many former quarries that turned into water bodies, people chose two main ones for recreation and named them according to the predominant shade of water - green and blue. Not only Belarusians, but also residents of Ukraine and Russia come here. Together with people from local villages, they make up a dense population of steep banks. They lie, sunbathing, clinging to the slopes so that sometimes there is nowhere to put their feet. One word - Maldives! And this is amazing. Beauty is beauty, but there is no infrastructure here: no shops or kiosks where you can buy something to eat, no changing rooms, or even the simplest toilets.

And the beach itself is a more or less flat surface, where grass and bushes have sprouted, plus impressive mountains of stones. This is not golden sand in the Mediterranean. And there are more and more tourists every year.

Beautiful but dangerous

A beautiful landscape is good. But troubles lie in wait for anyone. Especially where the rest on certain quarries is prohibited. This is, first of all, "Sinka", then "Pillars" and also "Grand Canyon". But it is here that there are most people. Maybe many do not know where swimming is allowed? The entire land line near the lake, as well as its bottom, is dotted with sharp silicon, which can be easily injured. The depth of the lakes is 15 m, which poses a risk for beginner swimmers. There may also be a sudden collapse of a section of the coast, which has happened more than once. Finally, this beautiful sky-blue water is harmful to humans. In terms of microbiological indicators, it is tens of times higher than the safe standards.

There are forbidden quarries on the territory of OJSC "Krasnoselskstroy". Its management is posting notices to prevent accidents, of which there were many, and asks tourists not to visit the quarries and not swim in them. This technological zone refers to high-risk production facilities. It is generally forbidden for outsiders to stay on them. Those who break the taboo are fined. However, for some reason people do not take this into account. And boldly climb into the water.

You ask, where can you swim? These are chalk quarries (Belarus) called "Goluboe" and "Mars".

By private car or by train

The Belarusian miracle is located 270 kilometers from Minsk. So, you need to somehow overcome this distance if you want to get to the local Maldives. Your goal is chalk quarries (Belarus). How to get there? Let's face it, the road is long and far from fun. The first way is for those who have their own personal car. From the capital you move straight to Brest. As soon as you reach Baranovichi, turn right to the ancient Slonim. We passed it, then go through Zelva. The next one on the way is Volkovysk. Drive around it from the east and then head north. The village of Krasnoselsky will be your guide. Before reaching Novoselki a little, you should turn to the right. And further, we go to the road for dump trucks, then again the right turn.

Now let's talk about the road to the chalk quarries (Belarus). How to get to by public transport... In Minsk, you took the train or the train. And calmly drive up to the city of Baranovichi. Then change to diesel. He will take you to Volkovysk. Then you hurry to the suburban bus, go to the village of Krasnoselsky. True, it is better to get off a little earlier (in front of the village of Novoselki). And then on foot, looking at the cards mentioned above.

So, your goal is Belarus, chalk quarries. How to get there? This is not an easy task. Moreover, there are no exact pointers nearby. But it is difficult for a beginner to make a mistake in these places. A landmark is clearly visible from the road: a plant releasing a column of smoke into the sky, surrounded by peaceful agricultural fields. And a little further, pay attention to the unusual road: it is not gray, but all whitish. Loaded BelAZ and MAZ, one after another, literally in a few minutes rush to the enterprise and back. A plume of chalk trails behind each truck and sprinkles the whitest layer on both dark asphalt and dusty roadside vegetation.

The last stage is a country road, and after that you are at your goal. The long-awaited chalk quarries (Belarus) open to your eyes. The photos that you will see in this article will show all their unusual beauty. If you are not afraid of such a difficult path and you are not afraid of fatigue, accidental troubles, then you will be rewarded with an indelible impression of acquaintance with such unique place on the ground.

In the Volkovysk district of the Grodno region, which we have in Belarus, there is an urban-type settlement - Krasnoselsky. The area, considered industrial for 100 years, has recently become a popular tourist destination. We, tourists, are attracted by everything unusual, remarkable and original. And in Krasnoselsky there are such reservoirs, the view of which is enchanting.
On our journey, with the good will of a coincidence of spontaneous, but wonderful circumstances, we were accompanied by two wonderful guys, originally from these places, and who, if not locals, can tell about everything in detail, and show everything

Almost 100 years ago, in 1914, a cement plant was built in Krasnoselsky, and chalk was mined for it, with which the region is very rich. It is mined in such quarries to this day. The guys showed where begins what then turns into picturesque reservoirs, to which a real pilgrimage of tourists began 5 years ago.

Here we are at the bottom of such a career. Even not quite yet at the bottom during development, they deepen to 30 m.

Belazes operate round-the-clock flights from quarries to the plant and back.

To the quarry - empty, back - loaded with 30 tons of chalk.

We were invited to ride on these hulks, yes, the guys' work is not easy. It is about 9 km from the quarry to the plant.

Each car makes 15-16 trips per shift at 12 o'clock. The guys shared that they "reach Minsk" during a shift, drive 260-270 km.

So, when unloading with a button, they mark the next flight, and the driver asked not to look in this notebook - some financial calculations are being made there.

Along the route Belazov is white-white, all vegetation and nearby houses are covered with a layer of chalk.

So, chalk is taken out of the quarry and taken away, when water begins to flow - in such a narrow stream, it is removed by pumps.

But the resource of the quarry ends, and its development ends. It fills with water. And because of the remaining chalk and clay rocks, the water here is of such a color - in each quarry - its own, and in each uniquely beautiful.

The originally closed quarry looks like this, an alien landscape without vegetation. In this career, development ended about a year ago.

But gradually the banks are overgrown with grass, trees and shrubs. And careers become utterly similar to natural objects... Vagrant birds bring eggs on their paws, and the reservoirs are enriched with fish.

Oh, these objects would be in good hands! .. Tourism here is completely wild, there are no conditions, garbage is not taken out, there is nothing to say about any infrastructure.

Heaps of rubbish, spontaneous fireplaces, huge construction concrete beams that prohibit the entry of cars remind that visiting these places by tourists ... is prohibited by law. Exactly so ... With their steep banks, slippery clay bottom, the quarries are considered dangerous for tourists.

The guys took us to 7 pits, already flooded with water. People swim on many of them. The purest water, with good entrance, there are deeper places, there are smaller ones, where kids flop, stepping firmly with their feet on the sandy bottom. Yes, there are slippery spots, there are steep shores, but which sea or lake on the globe is entirely tourism-friendly? probably not one ... Develop tourist routes neither the plant, in whose possession the quarries are during development, nor the state, in whose hands the quarries fall after reclamation, have no funds.

Reclamation is the next stage in the life of quarries. Huge walking excavators cover the quarries, smoothing steep banks and making them safe and gentle. It is here, by the way, that tourists are offered to come - safely, reliably, no extreme. Above in the photo is a quarry filled up on one side, when they fall asleep from both, it will become narrow, with such banks, and will the water return to its previous color, changing from quarry to career - azure-sky-blue-blue-emerald green - unknown.

Well, enough of the bad news. While there is an opportunity to admire, we will admire. After all, there is something!

Nice and healthy, and I want to relax and meditate, sit on the beach and enjoy. Not so much...

On the territory of blue-eyed Belarus, not far from the town of Krasnoselskoe, lurked Belarusian Maldives- Krasnoselsky chalk quarries near Volkovysk, unusually picturesque and amazingly beautiful man-made reservoirs with deep and rich colors of water.

The most real alien landscapes are right next to us, just a couple of three hours drive from Minsk along the same scenic spots and good Belarusian roads.

Can't visit the Maldives? You can always visit Belarusian Maldives and absolutely free.

Volkovysk chalk quarries have long turned into tourist mecca Belarusians and guests of our country, Krasnoselskie chalk lakes can be safely attributed to natural sights of the Belarusian the edges.

Cretaceous quarries video from a height, filming from a quadrocopter

A colorful slideshow with the brightest and most expressive photos of chalk quarries in Belarus.

site 16.10.2014 23:24

The location of the Volkovysk chalk quarries near the town of Krasnoselskoye.

How to get there by public transport:
by public transport: from Minsk to Baranovichi by train or electric train, then by diesel to Volkovysk, from Volkovysk commuter buses to g.p. Krasnoselsky (get off before reaching the village in front of the village of Novoselki), then walk along the maps.

How to get there by personal transport:
We leave Minsk towards Brest on the M1 (E30), drive past Baranovichi and soon turn onto the P99 road towards Slonim. We drive past Slonim, through Zelva and approach Volkovysk. Before reaching Volkovysk there will be a crossroads, at which you need to turn to the right onto the P44 road and move along it towards Grodno and the Krasnoselsky village. Drive along the P44 until you see the factory buildings on the left side - this is a building materials plant in the Krasnoselsky village. And about here there will be an exit towards the village of Novoselki.

Further, it is better to navigate along the white chalk road along which the Belaziks run, along this road there are all beautiful quarries, we saw a large hill - these are dumps of soil, we boldly go there and see a wonderful miracle, unwritten beauty - a chalk quarry.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 16.10.2014 23:24

Cretaceous quarries in Belarus formed in the field of industrial sampling of chalk for a nearby building materials plant.

Over time filled with water chalk quarries near Volkovysk turned into fantastically unreal, surreal places, popularly nicknamed the Belarusian Maldives for their amazing similarity to the original.

If you want to visit the Maldives and you don’t have enough funds or simply don’t have time, then, having visited the Krasnoselskiye chalk quarries in Belarus, you will get the same impressions and sensations and absolutely free, at least for now, but Photo they will certainly be like the real ones maldives.

So boldly forward on Belarusian Maldives for colorful Photo and bright impressions!

site 09.12.2014 16:18

Have chalk lakes The depths of Belarus are very deep, at the bottom there is still a sufficient amount of chalk, which makes the water incredibly beautiful saturated turquoise color, in the photo you cannot distinguish it from the real Maldives.

In addition to this, high steep white banks, overgrown with young bright green trees. A landscape worthy of Van Gogh's brush.

Often on the banks Belarusian Maldives as the people often call these places, there is a feeling of a huge, somehow incredible, cosmic catastrophe, and sometimes does not let go of the impression of an unreal, unearthly presence.

But as soon as the gaze moves to crystal clean water, through which the uneasy bottom topography of the Krasnoselsky chalk lakes, a slight ripple of waves from the wind on the surface and a mood of serenity and delight arises, but not a cosmic apocalypse.

A photo from the shores of the Belarusian Maldives is striking with a rich depth of colors.

site 09.12.2014 16:33

About a hundred years have passed since the start of the development of chalk deposits in chalk quarries of Belarus and continues to this day. Also, a century on the nose at the cement plant, for which chalk is actually mined, it was launched in 1914.

All this time, chalk was dug on the local plains, thanks to which this man-made miracle turned out. But long before the construction of the plant, chalk and flint were mined in these places, the first mines where flint was dug appeared about 5000 years !!! back, if anyone does not know in antiquity, when people could not yet process metal, it was a strategic resource, compare the present oil, which our ancestors did not make of silicon, and knives and axes and spearheads and arrowheads and skin scrapers and a lot of everything needed for the then economy.

Thousands of small mines and pits were laid by our ancestors in these places, they mined first-class flint, the rumor about which went far in the district.

Some of the first mines have survived to this day, now they are mothballed and considered a historical monument.

But we are only interested in chalk lakes or as the people say Belarusian Maldives, as well as photos from them and, of course, impressions.

site 09.12.2014 16:43

There are three types of open pits, the first one is still only pits where they are digging now, but when all the chalk reserves are removed, the first type of open pit will turn into the third, the most beautiful and incredible one.

Chalkpit near Volkovysk are scattered across the plain and represent a network of artificial lakes surrounded by large dumps of sand and steep white shores, many of the shores are overgrown with forest and are quite picturesque.

There are three types chalk lakes of Belarus, the first type is where they dig today. At these excavations, not the smallest Belaziks scurry about like goosebumps in an anthill and huge excavators dig into the bowels of the earth and turn mountains of fossil chalk and sand.

Actually, apart from the triumph of progress over nature, there is still nothing to see there, but some time will pass and new ones will appear on these excavations chalk lakes to delight our eyes, and these new lakes will be more beautiful than all the existing ones. And then we will rejoice at this man-made miracle - the Maldivian beauty in Belarus.

site 09.12.2014 16:47

The second type is the old pits, worked out during the scoop.

These pits are virtually indistinguishable from any natural lake, abundantly vegetated shores, decent approaches to the water and normal beach areas, only the rich dark green color of the water indicates belonging to chalk lakes.

It is convenient and pleasant to rest on the old lakes, the water warms up well, there is almost no chalk on the banks, sandy beaches, but it is of little interest to us, so we go further, to the present Belarusian Maldives for the wonderful Photo !

site 09.12.2014 16:49

And, finally, the Krasnoselsky quarries of the third type, because of which, in fact, all the cheese is boron, these are the pits where the development was stopped quite recently.

In lakes of the third type, there is a lot of unsettled chalk in the water, which ultimately gives indescribable beautiful shades of water in chalk quarries near Volkovysk, which varies depending on the age and location of the lake, and ranges from deep blue to delicate turquoise.

Framed by steep and dazzling white shores, these chalk lakes represent the most grandiose spectacle for the sake of which tourists from all over Belarus (and not only) come here to see the man-made landmark of Belarus - Belarusian Maldives and make lovely bright Photo against the backdrop of colorful landscapes.

site 09.12.2014 16:52

Every year more and more more tourists decide to visit chalk quarries of Belarus, these deleted and Amazing places, and every year more and more is lost that unique feeling of human unity with nature that arises on the banks chalk quarries near Volkovysk because of the striking silence and the sense of privacy and serenity in these strikingly beautiful places.

It is better to start the trip early in the morning in order to have time to visit more chalk lakes, because they are all uniquely different and there are no two lakes with the same shades of water. And lastly, you should swim in the one you like the most. chalk lakes.

Photographers, besides other beauties and impressions, chalk quarries in Belarus will delight you with picturesque sunsets and gentle sunrises in the scenery of alien landscapes or the Maldives, whoever likes it, it's not for nothing that these places are popularly called Belarusian Maldives.

For a trip, you should choose the appropriate clothes and shoes, sometimes you really want to climb the mountains and steep banks and do Photo not like everyone else.

site 09.12.2014 16:55

Start your journey from large lakes recently abandoned by diggers, they amaze with a grandiose, unrealistic for Belarus view of high steep white shores in combination with turquoise shades of water and green vegetation, real Maldives - Belarusian Maldives.

Yes, there is still a legend about a flooded crane, which in sunny calm weather can be seen at the bottom of one chalk quarry... According to legend, he got to the bottom of the groundwater and could not promptly dump it out of the hole when the water began to quickly fill the excavation!

But this is a legend, but in reality near chalk quarries of Belarus you can definitely find the same crane and not even one!

But do not waste time contemplating scrap metal, enjoy the landscape views of the chalk quarries, although visiting them is officially prohibited, it is free and free for now.

And PLEASE don't leave trash, let's leave Belarusian Maldives clean, garbage will not decorate your Photo.

site 09.12.2014 16:56

If you decide to visit the quarries near Krasnoselsk, do not stay at one chalk lake for a long time, visit as many as possible, because they are all different and each lake has a unique water color.

Chalk lakes are located on a very large plain and it takes a long time to visit several lakes, besides, to most of the lakes, if you do not know the approaches, you will have to look for a road for a long time, given the height and steepness of the shores.

But the efforts will pay off a hundredfold with extraordinary and beautiful views of the indescribable beautiful man-made reservoirs. Having spent the effort, you can choose the place that you like the most and fully relax on the magnificent shores Belarusian Maldives and make great Photo.

site 09.12.2014 16:58

Before visiting the quarries, it is advisable to look at the weather forecast, although its accuracy leaves much to be desired, still at least something. The fact is that the impressions of the views of chalk lakes v sunny weather will be amazing, but in cloudy weather it is better not to take a trip at all, you will waste time in vain.

The key value of this article is an up-to-date map of the chalk quarries with detailed explanations.
Hope it will be easier for you to get to your holiday destination.

I am writing a note that we ourselves lacked during a trip to the Belarusian Maldives.

Not all of the information in the career articles from the past years is up to date. Following the route indicated in the articles, we constantly ran into uncertainties and unpleasant surprises. In the public pages about the chalk quarries near Volkovysk on VKontakte, you can find only questions from those wishing to visit the attraction for the first time, and there are almost no answers.

  • Cretaceous quarries in Belarus are wonderful. The water is really azure color.
  • Finding and swimming in the quarries is officially prohibited, a fine is possible. Tourists are not welcome there.
  • From Minsk by car it takes 3 hours one way.
  • There are a lot of mites in the grass.
  • There is nothing special to see in the city of Volkovysk.

How to get there

There are old and new quarries in the Krasnoselsky district. You need new ones :)
The road from Minsk to the quarries by car takes a little more than 3 hours.

Coordinates: 53.279295, 24.470577.

In the Google navigator, it is enough to enter the search query "Cretaceous quarries".

Here detailed map with explanations on how to get to the quarries in the area of ​​Krasnoselsky:

At the entrance to the village of Novoselki there will also be a sign "No traffic", but after 700m. You can leave your car and walk this extra distance.
Another option is to drive 700m and legally leave the car near the indicated mark in the village of Karpovtsy. Keep in mind that you will have to drive through the village on a dirt road with holes.

How to get

You will have to walk anyway)

Prepare to meet on the way many warning signs of danger and form in advance the attitude of all participants in your trip to them)
The finishing section of the route is indicated in the upper right corner of the map. In the first half of this section, the road was dug up:
It is extremely difficult to overcome this section by transport. Stock up on suitable footwear.
The second part of the finish route is more enjoyable:
A few more steps along the path - and you are there :)


The amount of the fine: from 3 to 10 basic units. Now the base is 23 bel. ruble. In total, the fine can be 230 Belarusian rubles. rubles / 7400 Russian rubles / 130 $.

In some sources there was information about police patrolling the territory of the quarries. But we have not met any reviews of fined tourists.

Old chalk quarries

Old careers are not so pretty. The water in them is greener, almost the standard color of water in an ordinary pond.

The shortest way from new quarries to old ones is blocked by another sign "No traffic", so you will have to take a detour through the village of Ross.

Driving directions from new quarries to old ones:

Enjoy your travels!)
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The distance from Minsk to the destination is about 260 kilometers. There are two options for how to get there - along the Brest-Moscow highway (the so-called "Olympiyka"), and along the Minsk-Grodno highway. We immediately dismissed the second option, because, firstly, there is a narrow road (two-lane) almost all the time, and secondly, we drove along it a million times, and therefore this route did not arouse much interest in us.

As for Olimpiyka, this is a highway, along the entire length of which the oncoming streams are separated by metal fences. There are two lanes in each direction. And the maximum permitted speed for passenger cars is 120 km / h.

The road is in excellent condition and it is a pleasure to drive along it. The only thing that practically on the entire route does not occur settlements(but there is a motorway - there is a motorway, and it runs away from settlements).

On this road, we drove a little further Baranovich (enough Big city by the standards of the Republic of Belarus - one of the first in size after the capital and regional centers). After Baranovichi you need to turn right from Olympiyka towards Slonim (there is a sign there). And after going around this city, go towards N of the item. Zelva and Volkovyska. Before reaching a couple of kilometers to Volkovysk, we turned to N. Krasnoselsk. This is where these careers are located.

Cretaceous quarries belong to Krasnoselskstroymaterialy OJSC, which produces cement and other building materials. Upon entering the city and approaching this plant, the following picture opened up in front of us: MAZs and BELAZs loaded with chalk are tirelessly scurrying along the road. At the same time, the road, shoulders and roadside buildings are covered with a thick layer of white dust. It feels like everything is covered with snow - winter is in the middle of summer.

When approaching the quarries themselves, we found many cars placed along the road, across the field, on various trains, in general, anywhere. Moreover, judging by the numbers, people come here from all regions of Belarus. There are a lot of cars with Russian numbers.

It should be said right away that quarries are the technological territory of Krasnoselskstroymaterialy OJSC. And on some of them, work is still underway. Therefore, visiting of these objects by strangers is prohibited (as indicated by the signs placed there). But you simply cannot cope with such a mass of people, so representatives are forced to turn a blind eye to tourists.

It is worth noting that everyone wants to drive directly to the bank of one of the quarries. The employees of the enterprise are actively fighting this, regularly digging in the "goat paths" made by machines. But they show up over and over again (thanks to the off-road visitors). So we managed to find such a path and drive right up to one of the quarries (however, when leaving the road, the car hung on the "belly", but after a little pogazovaya, got out of it).

To be honest, it is difficult to find a camp near the quarries. Firstly, there is just a huge number of cars, which, just like me, manage to get right to the shore. Secondly, the banks are literally littered. There is simply an incredible amount of garbage left by tourists who, after a rest, cannot just stupidly throw it into their trunk and take it out, but throw it anywhere. This moment is very annoying - it is difficult to find a place where there are no piles of garbage.

Deeper into the forest, located in two large unused quarries, we nevertheless found a suitable place, set up a tent (since we were traveling with an overnight stay), and went to explore the nearby quarries.

Yes, indeed, what we saw in the pictures was not an optical illusion. Before us opened the expanse of bright turquoise water and a lot of people sunbathing on the shore and swimming in the quarries. It should be noted that the depth is rather big here. The banks are steep. It is worth moving a couple of meters away from the shore, and you will not feel the bottom, even diving “with your hands”. By the way, they say that an excavator once sank in one of the quarries (but not an ordinary one, but a large one - a mining excavator that is used in workings). And if you're lucky, then in good weather you can see its outline from the shore somewhere in the depths.

After spending the night in a tent, in the morning we went on an "excursion" to all the quarries. We managed to get around 5. And each of them is unique in its own way. Somewhere the water is not turquoise, but green, somewhere there are very convenient beaches for swimming, etc. In general, there is something to see there.

Returning back at the exit to the road, we found that our yesterday's "loophole" was covered with a bulldozer. But fortunately, not far from it, motorists smashed a new one. After shaking a little across the field, we got out onto the road.

Total: 260 km from Minsk, about 3 hours of travel, if you are not in a hurry, and you find yourself in the local "paradise" - the "Belarusian Maldives".