Car shop euroopt schedule. Shopping tour to Euroopt: from the village to the regional center by free bus. "This is our social project for villagers"

We have always been convinced that not only residents of big cities should have the opportunity to go shopping in beautiful modern stores, where the choice is wide, and the prices are pleasing to the eye and wallet. Therefore, brand stores trading network appeared regularly in regional centers and small towns. The company has repeatedly stated that it is ready to build stationary shops in villages where more than 500 people live, and to serve smaller villages with the help of auto shops. However, last year, for reasons beyond the control of the company, a stationary store was opened only in the agricultural town of Porechye. But the company found an alternative to the store: this year Euroopt acquired one more know-how - bus routes to the nearest supermarket.

Intercity flight with a visit to the store

In fact, such bus routes not new to the retail chain. It's just that before they existed exclusively in large cities and they brought up for free local residents to the largest hypermarket of the chain and back. These flights operated in Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Pinsk and Lida. Now the usual scheme has taken on a much greater scope. In just two January weeks, Euroopt launched 16 new bus routes in ten regions of the country. The system works very simply: branded comfortable buses pick up residents of villages and villages and take them to the regional center to the store. On the this moment Braslav, Vetka, Yelsk, Khoiniki, Narovlya, Slonim, Volozhin, Uzda, Starye Dorogi and Klimovichi are involved in the new Euroopt project.

One "Euro-wholesale" bus can accommodate 40 people: half of them will ride while sitting, half - while standing. In order to go shopping for everyone, buses run from two to four times a week and make three flights a day. their work was compiled taking into account the wishes of the residents.

In fact, Belarusians living in the provinces received an intercity bus service. A villager can leave his village in the morning on a "Euro-wholesale" bus, do all the necessary things in the regional center, look into the store to shop and go home in the evening, and even with some gifts. But many of them do not so often get a chance to get to the city, not to mention the fact that it is often physically difficult for pensioners to do this.

You've done a great job! We live in our villages like bears in dens, especially in winter. And then at least I got out into the city, I went to my colleagues in the district. I saw people, and I made the necessary purchases, - the Belarusians, who have already taken advantage of the new bus route, praise the idea of ​​the trade network.

"This is our social project for villagers"

The "Euro-wholesale" flight has one more significant advantage: it will cost passengers free of charge. Rather, the bus will take you from the village to the regional center just like that, and on the way back the ticket will be a check from Euroopt. By the way, villagers will not be taken to a simple “near the house” store (its analogue can sometimes be found in their native village), but to a typical brand supermarket with an area of ​​1000 square meters. This means that the inhabitants of small settlements there will be an opportunity to purchase those products that they simply cannot find at home. Supermarkets of this format always have fresh vegetables and fruits, meat cutting, fish and seafood, a wide selection of dairy products, baked goods, cookery, ready-to-eat meals, as well as an expanded assortment of manufactured goods. In a word, exactly the same choice as that of residents of large cities.

Of course, for Euroopt itself, the launch of such regular routes is by no means a way to make money. The company's specialists have calculated that on average, buses carry about 550 buyers per day per one trip. The flow is not so big to speak of some serious increase in profits.

Firstly, for us, every customer is important, and everyone is a welcome guest, - says general manager network "Euroopt" Philip Artemenko.- This is a priori. Without such an approach, retail trade is impossible at all! And secondly, who said that we decided to make big money on rural routes? This is our gesture of goodwill for the villagers. If you want - a social project with which we not only improve trade services in the villages, but also simply make life in the countryside a little more pleasant and comfortable.

Indeed, it is not the first time that Euroopt has undertaken social projects. For example, last year the company distributed a 5% discount to large families and veterans of the Great Patriotic War... By the way, you can use discount cards in car shops in the same way as in ordinary stationary stores, which means you can save on food.

Of course, Euroopt is not going to stop there. The company plans to open new bus routes in other parts of the country, and this will be done at the request of local residents. New flights should appear in the near future.


Buyers choose Euroopt

At the end of January, the winners of the annual professional competition "Brand of the Year" were honored at the Beijing Hotel for the 14th time. Euroopt did not remain without a well-deserved award: the country's largest retailer received the Brand Leader diploma in the category Hypermarkets, shopping centers and retail chains ". And this means, first of all, that the buyers themselves gave high marks to the trading network. After all, the jury's decision was taken based on the results of a consumer survey. By the way, "Euroopt" has become a laureate of this competition for the sixth time.

Customer recognition is the most important reward for us, retailers, - admitted Philip Artemenko, General Director of the Euroopt network.- Our retail facilities - from hypermarkets to convenience stores - are not just a business. This is a work for people aimed at meeting the needs of Belarusian buyers in modern forms of retail trade. The prestigious consumer award is not only a public assessment of our work, but also an order not to slow down, continue to meet the needs of people, develop a modern shopping service and improve its quality. And, of course, we will continue to live up to customer confidence in the future!

LLC "Eurotorg". UNP 101168731. Advertising.

Photo of Hyperdiscounter Euroopt in Minsk. On our website you will also find the address and opening hours of the largest Minsk discounter, as well as the directions.

Hyperdiscounter Euroopt address: 31st km of the Moscow Ring Road (industrial hub Zapadny, CHP-4); st. Assemblers, 2.
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 23:00 daily.
How to get there: from the metro station Kamennaya Gorka, a free Euroopt bus runs every half hour, which will take you directly to the discounter. You can also get to the discounter by bus # 138

Hyperdiscounter Euroopt sells more than 35,000 FMCG products, and trade area store - 7,500 m2.

Timetable of the free bus to Euroopt and back

Of course, it is best to go to Hyperdiscounter by car - this way you can buy groceries for a week or more in advance. A bus from Kamennaya Gorka reaches Euroopt in 15 minutes, but it takes twice as long to go back - the bus travels on a different route. Well, residents of nearby areas go to Hyperdiscounter on foot - under the bridge a "folk path" has already been trodden :). By the way, the main landmark is the pipes of the Minsk CHPP-4, if you see the CHPP, it means that the discounter is already close.

There is free parking for 2000 cars next to the Euroopt Hyperdiscounter

Hyperdiscounter works late

Happy shopping!

Hyperdiscounter Euroopt on the map. Driving directions

Schedule of the ordered free bus to the Euroopt hypermarket in Brest. Flights are carried out from the Car Park number 1 and st. Red Banner. The route and time by stops are also indicated.

Vehicle fleet - Euroopt on Krasnoznamennaya (working days)

Euroopt-Car fleet (working days)

Red Banner16:30 17:45 19:00 20:10 21:40
July 28th16:35 17:50 19:05 20:15 21:45
Lutsk16:37 17:52 19:07 20:17 21:47
Market "LAGUNA"16:39 17:54 19:09 20:19 21:49
Kovalevo16:41 17:56 19:11 20:21 21:51
Pugachevo16:44 17:59 19:14 20:24 21:54
Partisan Avenue16:50 18:05 19:20 20:30 22:00
Shopping center Vostok16:52 18:07 19:22 20:32 22:02
Fire station16:55 18:10 19:25 20:35 22:05
Driving school16:57 18:12 19:27 20:37 22:07
Rembyttechnique16:59 18:14 19:29 20:39 22:09
AP No. 117:02 18:17 19:32 20:42 22:12

Vehicle fleet - Euroopt on Krasnoznamennaya (weekends)

Euroopt-Car Park (weekends)

StopBus arrival time at the stop
Red Banner11:45 13:15 14:45 16:45 18:15 19:45
July 28th11:50 13:20 14:50 16:50 18:20 19:50
Lutsk11:53 13:23 14:53 16:53 18:23 19:53
Market "LAGUNA"11:56 13:26 14:56 16:56 18:26 19:56
Kovalevo11:58 13:28 14:58 16:58 18:28 19:58
Pugachevo12:02 13:32 15:02 17:02 18:32 20:02
Partisan Avenue12:10 13:40 15:10 17:10 18:40 20:10
Shopping center Vostok12:13 13:43 15:13 17:13 18:43 20:13
Fire station12:16 13:46 15:16 17:16 18:46 20:16
Driving school12:19 13:49 15:19 17:19 18:49 20:19
Rembyttechnique12:22 13:52 15:22 17:22 18:52 20:22
AP No. 112:25 13:55 15:25 17:25 18:55 20:25