Andrey martirosov. UTair General Director Andrey Martirosov was awarded the AVI medal. Participation in associations

In November 2015, three years ago, in Ugra, the Duma and the government made a joint and agreed decision on the additional capitalization of UTair by 11.5 billion rubles. The main motivation behind the decision was to preserve local air transportation for the population of the district, living in remote areas, where it is impossible to reach other than air. By the way, in 2013, during negotiations with the authorities, UTair Aviation stated that it was ready to expand the geography of flights and make more flights, but on condition that the Regional Tariff Service would agree on market rates for it. Then the authorities had to decide whether they were ready to bear the additional costs of subsidizing the airline or to shift the burden onto the residents themselves. At this point, the decision stalled.

The Tyumen Region (2.5 billion rubles) and the Surgutneftegaz Non-State Pension Fund also took part in investing 25 billion in UTair in 2015. After the completion of the deal, Ugra became the owner of 38.8% of the shares in the charter capital of the air carrier. The essence of UTair's problem was that in October 2014 it turned out that the company defaulted on bonds worth 2.7 billion rubles. In December, investors filed a lawsuit against UTair - the reason was the debt for the lease of the Tu-154 M aircraft, then it turned out that the company had accumulated a debt to creditors - more than 167 billion rubles. The federal authorities agreed to help the company with the allocation of state guarantees, but at the same time set conditions that the shareholders must, at their own expense, capitalize the company by 25 billion rubles.

The allocation of 11.5 billion rubles to a private company from the state budget is, in general, a rare thing. During a discussion in the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, "LDPR deputy Yevgeny Markov said:" You need to understand that today we are becoming a shareholder of the company, whose property will be pledged to creditors, and if something goes wrong again, our investments are not protected ... And I insist that we must have a shareholder agreement on the procedure and procedure for a comfortable exit of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug from this share capital after a certain period of time. " What this shareholder agreement looks like - the deputies did not manage to find out.

A year later, in November 2016, Andrey Martirosov, the general director of UTair, reported to the deputies of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra on the work over the past year. In particular, he said that the airline is implementing a certain plan to overcome the crisis: “Today, foreign exchange costs to foreign exchange earnings (which come from international helicopter transportation) are balanced. We have from 200 to 300 million dollars a year in foreign exchange earnings. This allows making today's lease payments and purchasing spare parts. Our business model today is the most balanced among others Russian airlines that do not have such foreign exchange income. On the territory of Ugra, the company provides jobs for more than 1,100 people. At the same time, over two years, the airline has reduced the number of employees within the entire group by more than half. So, if in 2014 6.5 thousand people worked in the structures of UTair, then in September 2016 the number of the team was just over 3 thousand people. " The deputies were interested in whether there will be more reductions. “We have already greatly reduced the number of staff. And a further reduction in the number will simply physically worsen the quality of management, ”Martirosov replied.

It is curious that in the same period when the general director of UTair was gutting the budgets of Ugra, Tyumen and the oil workers' pension fund, the company said goodbye to a lucrative asset - the airline Azur Air based in Krasnoyarsk. Its authorized capital is 2 million 725 thousand rubles, and the owner is the Moscow travel agency "VAN2FLAY" with an authorized capital of 18,750 rubles, the number of employees is up to 5 people, the agency often changes its address. This LLC was created in May 2014, when the idea of ​​withdrawing the asset was apparently ripe in the heads of UTair's management.

Right now in aircraft fleet Azur Air has 23 Boeing airliners of various modifications. The company has billions of dollars in turnover, profits amounting to hundreds of millions of rubles. The industry press of aviators in 2015 noted that Azur Air changed ownership after "the settlement of some legal problems." The authorized capital of Azur Air has been encumbered and pledged since September 3, 2015 by UTAIR AIRLINE PJSC and UTAIR-HELICOPTER SERVICES JSC. As they say, sleight of hand ... It will not be superfluous to note that the direct and ultimate controlling party of UTair is the non-state pension fund Surgutneftegaz through its AK-Invest JSC, which owns 50.1% of the company's shares.

The profit of UTair Aviation Company at the end of 2017 for the reporting period fell by more than two times compared to 2016 and amounted to 2.4 billion rubles. Earlier, the company reported on its financial results for 2017 according to Russian accounting standards. According to the RBSU, UTair's net profit also significantly decreased - by 11 times and amounted to about 101 million rubles. Losses of UTair Aviation in the first half of 2018 amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. In 2017, the company also posted a loss of RUB 2.3 billion. This was reported in the company's financial report.

It is noted that accounts payable compared with the data for the last year increased from 9.2 billion to 11.1 billion rubles. It is possible that UTair JSC is currently close to the pre-bankruptcy situation in which it found itself four years ago. Now UTair's fleet consists of 65 aircraft.

Another September news was the news that UTair no longer had helicopters, and its fleet was considered the largest in the world - more than 320 aircraft. Commenting on the situation, trade publications noted that UTair has finally decided to separate the aircraft and helicopter business, and this is good. How good? Some aviation experts expressed a seditious idea that manipulations with the helicopter fleet of UTair - Helicopter Services became the same tried-and-true method to "take away" the most valuable assets from the bankruptcy procedure. A little higher, we wrote about how Andrei Martirosov values ​​helicopters, we will repeat: “Today the foreign exchange expenses to foreign exchange income (which come from international helicopter transportation) are balanced. We have from 200 to 300 million dollars a year in foreign exchange earnings. "

Now some statistics.

In the spring of this year, the information network published a message that UTair, which in 2013 was forced to massively reduce its fleet due to financial problems, announced a major deal to renew its fleet: the company intended to take 30 new Boeing aircraft until 2025 on an operating lease.

Boeing Corporation has posted information about the agreements with UTair in its monthly report on new contracts: in early April 2018, agreements were reached, according to which UTair could count on 30 Boeing 737 MAX instead of the previously ordered aircraft of another version - 737 NG.

As you know, UTair launched its fleet renewal program in 2013, having made a large order from Boeing. Then the company managed to get the first six vessels, but due to the crisis within the UTair Group itself, these planes had to be returned to the lessor. “Subsequently, we transformed the remaining batch into an order for 30 Boeing 737 MAX 8s,” UTair CEO Andrey Martirosov told Vedomosti newspaper. According to him, these vessels will replace the smaller Boeing 737-500s, which will increase the overall seating capacity and fuel efficiency of UTair. At the same time, the company's fleet will not grow.

“We will receive the first two vessels from this order in 2019,” said Martirosov. According to him, further supplies will depend on market conditions. The fleet renewal is scheduled to be completed in 2025. According to the publication, the planes ordered by UTair may cost about $ 1.76 billion.

Of course, updating the fleet is good, but for some reason one gets the impression that UTair managers exist somewhere within the surreal story they have invented, in which there is only profit and nothing else but profit. In fact, only one servicing of many billions of dollars in loans eats up a significant part of income, plus salaries, fuel, repairs and spare parts for foreign currency, taxes, in addition, the cost of the company itself decreases - its shares on the Moscow Stock Exchange have long been in an almost fatal dive.

No wonder the deputy Yevgeny Markov, speaking at the already almost historical meeting of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, where the district practically donated 11.5 billion rubles to UTair from the budget, was worried about what would happen if the property was mortgaged, would change the owner - how then to return money? Three years later, it became clear that having patched the bankruptcy holes with Ugra and other money, UTair was moving on its own course, relying on its own interest, on imported equipment, which it acquired for dollars abroad on lease. Purchased aircraft fly from registration numbers Bermuda, and the carrier's management "wanted to spit" on the domestic manufacturer of aircraft. The West turned out to be closer “to the body and pocket” of Martirosov. This concerns not only the payment of export duties for aircraft, but also the minimization of tax deductions from the property on the balance sheet. It turns out that, in fact, trying to "ride" the state, by minimizing tax deductions, the air carrier turns to the same state for help, hiding behind the interests of passengers. Making savings on passengers and personnel, the management of UTair Aviation maintains its own strategy, the essence of which is to support foreign aircraft manufacturers. Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, drew attention to this oddity the other day, who suggested that UTair consider purchasing domestic Il-114 aircraft, which should go into production in 2021. This statement was made at a meeting with State Duma deputies.

At this meeting, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma committee on natural resources, property and land relations Vladimir Sysoev, representing the Tyumen region, Yugra and Yamal in the State Duma, raised the topic of updating the UTair fleet, whose planes have recently become participants in several aviation accidents.

The deputy appealed to the minister with a request to consider the possibility of assistance from the Ministry of Industry and Trade in updating the UTair fleet. Manturov said in response to Sysoev's speech that today it is high time for UTair to start engaging in the possible selection and conclusion of agreements on the acquisition of domestic aircraft on leasing. We must pay tribute to the resourcefulness of the mind of the managers of UTair, who decided to make a kind of magic Old Man Hottabych out of the government of the Russian Federation. Realizing that after the recent "cleansing" of the budgets of Yugra and Tyumen, it is unlikely that anything will break off there, the managers of UTair Aviation are trying their luck in the Government of the Russian Federation, raking up the heat with someone else's hands.

At the end of August, the managers of S7 Airlines presented to the Governor of the Moscow Region a project to create an enterprise in the city of Stupino, which will produce Victory business jets. About 13 billion rubles will be invested in the project.

It is noted that Victory aircraft are made from carbon composite materials. They reach about 10 m in length and weigh no more than three tons. The maximum flight range exceeds 2 thousand km, the speed is 600 km per hour. The crew consists of one pilot, the capacity is four to five passengers.

- Andrey Zarmenovich, the past year was especially successful for UTair. Share the "secrets of the craft".

- The secret is that UTair is, in a sense, the most unique company not only in Russia, but all over the world. Do not be surprised, this is indeed the case. Our peculiarity is that we are simultaneously developing three areas of equal importance. The first is helicopter transportation, including passenger transportation. Here we are the leader within the country and play a prominent role in the international market. Second, we carry out regular air transportation, being one of the five largest companies in Russia. And the third - services (maintenance, repair of aircraft and helicopters, ticket sales, etc.). At the same time, we strive to dynamically develop all three areas.

- You often go abroad. Prefer to fly your own planes?

Regular flights so far we carry out except Russia only to the CIS countries. Therefore, I cannot use the services of my own company with all my desire. There would be a possibility - only UTair would fly. We have excellent service on board, which we pay great attention to. Moreover, in many ways we even surpass the world average. Passengers have the opportunity to feel it. By the way, have you ever flown our planes?

- No.

- Fly and see for yourself the high level of UTair service.

- But what about the notorious "human factor"? Passengers of various airlines sometimes complain about the rudeness of the service staff ...

- I'll tell you this: the incorrect and sometimes openly boorish attitude of the staff, especially the flight attendants, poor-quality food, low cultural level - we really had to get rid of all this heritage. We “burned out with a hot iron” the norms and rules of service that existed before. We spent a lot of effort on updating the service personnel. I practically had to part with the old generation of flight attendants. We have brought up new service services on board from scratch.

- You are the chairman of the board of the Association of Russian Airlines. What are you doing in this position?

- Air carriers, despite serious corporate disagreements and the presence of a highly competitive environment, have a large number of problems of a general nature. So they are the subject of joint activities, discussion, development of positions. The task of the association is to find common ground on all issues. Plus relationships with authorities, suppliers, design bureaus, aviation industry

- In one of your interviews you said that US air transport carries 800 million passengers a year. A little more than 30 million fly in Russia. What is the reason for this?

- There is such a criterion as the mobility of the population. If 300 million people live in America, and air Transport carries 800 million, which means the coefficient of mobility is 2.8. In Russia, with a population of 140 million, only 35 million are transported (together with Western companies - about 40). That is, the coefficient of mobility is just over 0.3. The difference is huge.
The fact is that in our country the average per capita income of the population is several times lower than in the United States. Once real incomes start to rise, so will air travel.
Previously, the minimum wage in the country was 70 rubles, but a ticket for a three-hour flight cost about the same. Therefore, the Soviet air fleet carried 130 million passengers a year. With the current minimum wage of 1,000 rubles, a three-hour flight costs about 5,000. With this ratio, people have less opportunity to use our services.

- So there are prospects for growth?

- The prospects are gigantic. According to generally accepted world criteria, the Russian air transportation market is still in an underdeveloped state. The leaders of the world market - Lufthansa, Air France - transport more than 40 million people each year, while all our companies combined - only 30 million. This is due, I repeat, to the low paying capacity of the population. A significant growth in the market can only happen with an improvement in the general economic situation. Although we should not expect any leaps in the near future, we nevertheless hope for the best and plan for stable growth.

- Is the picture the same with helicopter transportation?

- Not really. At one time, the USSR was ahead of other countries by several decades, having created the best heavy helicopters in the world. The Mi-26, for example, can easily lift 20 tons of cargo - twice as much as any Western counterpart. It transports trucks and heavy drilling equipment over considerable distances. UTair annually purchases up to five helicopters of this and slightly smaller class for the transportation of bulky cargo.
We are also one of the main suppliers aviation services for the United Nations. Today, about 50 of our helicopters operate on the African continent and in Asia, transporting humanitarian supplies, employees of international organizations and diplomatic missions to hard-to-reach areas. In Russia, our main client is enterprises of the oil and gas industry, the geological sphere - in short, there is enough work. We are in demand where there are no roads and other types of communications.
However, we also need light vehicles. It is very wasteful to take a doctor to a patient, fly around pipelines and power lines with a load of one hundred kilograms on a twelve-ton Mi-8. Already today, the operation of this aircraft costs almost $ 1,000 per flight hour. Domestic design bureaus, divorced from aircraft factories at the dawn of privatization, are in a dire situation. They are simply not able to compete with Western manufacturers, which are united in giant concerns. This is the main reason for the known problems of the aviation industry.

- What direction in the company's business do you consider the most attractive?

- In terms of revenue, air transportation surpasses helicopter transportation by almost two times. But today we are developing mainly through successful helicopter operations, because this business is much more attractive in terms of profitability. Air travel used to be unprofitable and only recently began to approach the payback level.

- UTair quickly broke into the top five leaders of the Russian aviation market. What tasks do you set for yourself in the near future?

- First of all, to gain a foothold in this space. We also plan to update the park aircraft purchasing modern short- and medium-haul vessels. We will master new directions on domestic and international airlines, offering a quality product. According to experts' forecasts, the Russian economy will rise in the next few years. This means that the air transportation sector will certainly develop.

UTair is one of the five leading Russian air carriers in Russia. Carries out passenger and freight transportation on domestic and international flights by aircraft of all classes. The airline's aircraft daily operate over 160 regular passenger flights to more than 100 destinations. UTair is the largest helicopter company in Russia and one of the world's leading helicopter operators. Possessing the largest helicopter fleet in the country, UTair is actively working on complex objects in any climatic conditions planets.

One of the largest Russian airlines - UTair - operates flights throughout Russia and abroad. Its partners include Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, and other well-known airlines. It was founded in 1967. Many tens of thousands use its services every year.

UTair's aircraft fleet includes 65 models. It also has different types of helicopters. Their number is 151 units of equipment, among which you can find the best trucks in the world. Whose airline is UTair (Utair), will be discussed below, in this article.

UTair Russia is a huge holding company that includes several organizations. She is engaged in the transportation of passengers and cargo of various categories. It provides liner repair services. On the basis of the company, you can undergo training.

It has the largest helicopter fleet in the world. The company's helicopters carry out cargo transportation not only in Russia, but also to other countries.

Airplane of the Utair company.

If you need contacts in Moscow of UTair, then you need to choose them depending on the office you are going to. There are several representative offices in the capital. 4 of them located in.

According to the level of passengers passing through it per year, it occupies 4th place in the world. It is based at two airports in Russia- "Vnukovo" in Moscow and V. The company is headquartered in the latter.

UTair provides transportation at 145 points... It has three subsidiaries that are engaged in different kinds activities. General manager organizations - Andrey Martirosov.

Details of JSC " UTair Airlines”Can be found on the company's website.

Airlines history

It started in the 60s. Then a local aviation organization was formed, which was engaged in the development of natural deposits. This allowed her to accumulate extensive experience in the field of aviation.

In 1991 the company was reorganized and eight years later Andrey Martirosov was appointed general director.

Early 2001 she became the largest UN contractor for the organization of various missions. In a year it was renamed to UTair. At the same time, a large-scale renovation of the entire aircraft fleet was carried out.

At the same time, the company developed its own bonus program... It is called UTair Status. This is one of the first consumer incentive programs. The program allows you to earn miles, receive benefits and discounts on services provided by UTair.

By 2004 she entered the list of the most major airlines Russia. She started selling e-tickets in 2006... This year she celebrated her 50th anniversary.

Stewardess of the UTair company.

Throughout its history, the company has been involved in charitable programs. This allows WWII veterans and other beneficiaries to travel around the country for free or with substantial discounts.

She has numerous awards and prizes from Russian and foreign organizations.

Of the major air crashes, only 2 can be distinguished. Only 6 helicopter crashes occurred.

The contacts of UTair are presented on the "Contacts" tab on the company's website. There you will find telephones and email branches engaged in freight or passenger transportation.

Aviation fleet of the company

UTair now has 65 aircraft... The average age of the liners is 15 years... These are ATR - aircraft manufactured by the Franco-Italian concern. The latter are 15 models.

Among Boeing, the company has the following airliners: 737-400, 737-500, 737-800 and 767-200ER... All of them 50. The largest number are Boeing 737-500... Their 32 pieces.

Some of UTair's aircraft are named.

In addition to aircraft, UTair has a huge number of helicopters. Only 151 units. These are Mi-171, Mi-8T, Mi-26T, Ka-32, etc. Mi-8T - in terms of number, they make up about half of the entire fleet.


Graduated from the Kiev State University. Taras Shevchenko with a degree in jurisprudence.



UTair has started rebranding

Andrey Martirosov, UTair CEO, was awarded the AVI medal

February 9, 2017, AEX.RU - On February 7, 2017 in Surgut, Chairman of the Board of the Association of the Helicopter Industry (AVI) Mikhail Kazachkov awarded UTair General Director Andrey Martirosov with the medal “For Contribution to International Cooperation in the Helicopter Industry”. The awarding ceremony took place during the 50th anniversary celebration of the airline. This was reported by the press service of UTair Aviation.

Utair has issued financial flaps

Utair Airlines began rebranding from October 31. The carrier linked this with the aircraft painting cycle: now they will be decorated with a new logo. About 4 million rubles were spent on the development of a new logo alone, and painting of each aircraft will cost another 50-100 thousand dollars. Now the airline ranks fourth among Russian air carriers. Utair has a 6.8% market share but plans to increase it to 10%. It may seem that the company is doing well, but its financial position is no less precarious than that of VIM-avia.

Experts assume that after leaving the VIM-Avia market, Utair will receive a part of the passenger flow of charter flights, about 300-400 thousand passengers per year. In financial terms, this will amount to about 3.5 billion rubles. But is it worth it to delegate the air transportation of one actual bankrupt to another - a potential one? Utair CEO Andrey Martirosov has to blush for the airline?

UTair defaulted on early redemption of bonds for 30 million rubles

Utair-finance (SPV-company of Utair, experiencing financial difficulties) did not fulfill the requirement of bondholders for early redemption in the total amount of 30 million rubles. due to lack of funds, follows from the message of the company.
Source: newsline / top / business / news / 2015/07/15/600746-yuteir- dopustila-defolt-po- dosrochnomu-pogasheniyu- obligatsii-na-30-mln-rublei

UTair canceled flights from Samara and Ufa to Tel Aviv

RBK 07/23/2014, Moscow 16:57:56 UTair has decided to cancel its flights from Samara and Ufa to Tel Aviv for an indefinite period. The company told RBC about this.

UTair Aviation will leave the Moscow Exchange

RBK 07/04/2014, Moscow 17:56:27 UTair Aviation OJSC will submit an application for the delisting of shares from the MICEX, according to the company's materials. This decision was made by the supervisory company on Friday. The general director of the company, Andrey Martirosov, must submit an action plan for the company's withdrawal from the exchange by August 1.
link: 20140704175627.shtml

UTair will submit an application for delisting of shares from the Moscow Exchange

Utair Aviation JSC will file an application for the delisting of shares from the Moscow Exchange - the decision was made today by the airline's board of directors.
link: companies / news / 28572361 / yutejr-podast-zayavku-na- delisting-akcij-s-moskovskoj- birzhi

Utair shareholders refused to pay dividends for 2013

Shareholders of UTair at the annual meeting held on Monday approved the recommendation of the board of directors not to pay dividends for 2013, the airline said in a statement. "Net profit for 2013
link: http: //www.vedomosti .ru / companies / news / 28358591 / akcionery-yutejr-otkazalis-ot- vyplaty-dividendov-za-2013-god

The Supervisory Board of UTair has approved the attraction of loans for 18 billion rubles.

06/03/2014, Moscow 16:20:11 The Supervisory Board of UTair Aviation JSC at the meeting on June 2, 2014. made a decision to approve major transactions with OJSC Sberbank of Russia and OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank to open credit lines totaling RUB 18 billion. This is stated in the message of the air carrier.
link: 20140603162011.shtml

UTair launches new aircraft A321

06/02/2014, Moscow 15:19:06 UTair Aviation received the eighth Airbus A321 under the contract for the supply of 20 aircraft under a leasing scheme, concluded in 2012. with Airbus, the airline said.
link: 20140602151906.shtml

Net profit of UTair Aviation under RAS in the 1st quarter of 2014 increased by 44.4%

05/15/2014, Moscow 12:10:20 pm Net profit of UTair Aviation JSC according to Russian accounting standards (RAS) in the 1st quarter of 2014. grew by 44.4% - up to 228.113 million rubles, according to the materials of the company.
link: 20140515121020.shtml # xtor = AL- [internal_traffic] --- [lenta_body] -

Interview - Andrey Martirosov, General Director of Utair Airlines

"The farther from the Gulf Stream, the more expensive the airports"

Fourth airport to appear in Moscow

According to Vedomosti, the airline already has an agreement with the Kaluga region. Negotiations are underway with investors on the construction of terminals with a capacity of 6 million passengers per year. This will require about 6 billion rubles. According to Andrey Martirosov, UTair General Director, the Federal Antimonopoly Service requires attracting third-party funding.
link: doctype = article

Moscow may have an airport for low-cost airlines

Ermolino is not burdened by the restrictions of the Moscow aviation zone, where planes are already circling in anticipation of landing from half an hour to an hour, said Andrei Martirosov, general director of Utair, which is engaged in the project. Currently, active negotiations are underway with Russian Railways and Aeroexpress about direct message with the airport. The branch from "Vnukovo" to "Ermolino" is practically there, a branch from railroad to the airport, then it will be possible to get to Ermolino from Moscow in an hour and a half. Both the railway workers and the Kaluga authorities have an understanding that it is necessary to work in this direction, Martirosov assured. However, representatives of Russian Railways and Aeroexpress said that so far the negotiations have led nowhere.
link: article / 22may2013 / ermolino. html

Airport "Ermolino" may enter the Moscow air base before the end of 2014

This project was announced by the Utair airline, which entered into an agreement with the Kaluga region and pledged to base up to 20 Airbus 320 in Ermolino, the Vedomosti newspaper writes. The inclusion of "Ermolino" in the Moscow air hub will partially relieve the load on the capital's airports, said the general director of the airline Andrei Martirosov. If now the planes over Moscow are forced to circle while waiting for permission to land from half an hour to an hour, then the partial unloading of the main airports can significantly improve the situation. Investors negotiated with UTair are proposed to invest $ 200 million in the airport to build terminals for 6 million passengers a year, Martirosov said.

"Budget" airport for Moscow will be built in Kaluga region

According to Andrey Martirosov, UTair CEO, the airline is also actively negotiating with Russian Railways on the launch of Aeroexpress trains to Ermolino. The airport is located just a few kilometers from Balabanovo (about 80 km from Moscow), where railway line, so it will only be necessary to make a branch from the railway to the airport.
link: 05/22 / Moscow_Ermolino /

New airport

As the newspaper "Vedomosti" writes today, terminals with a capacity of 6 million passengers per year will be built at the airport. UTair could independently finance the development of Ermolino, but the Federal Antimonopoly Service opposes this. This was announced to the publication by the general director of the airline, Andrei Martirosov.
link: novyij-aeroport /? n = 45675467

UTair revises contract for 24 Sukhoi SuperJet 100 aircraft

“There are no SSJ-100 aircraft in the plans for the development of UTair’s fleet until 2018,” the analyst said. - According to the general director of the company Andrey Martirosov, the contract with the SCAC is still being worked out, and the planes will be included in the development strategy of the airline in case of successful completion of the negotiations.
link: 2013/05/21 / 255425.html

A new budget airport may appear in Moscow

Utair has signed an agreement with the Kaluga region, under which the company pledged to base up to 20 aircraft at the Ermolino airport for a total of $ 2 billion. According to Andrey Martirosov, General Director of Utair, the airline is currently negotiating with investors who are expected to invest in new airport$ 200 million, which will make it possible to build terminals for 6 million passengers per year.

Ermolino airport in Kaluga region will become Moscow airport by the end of 2014

The project was announced by UTair, which signed an agreement with the Kaluga Region and pledged to base up to 20 Airbus 320 in Ermolino. Moscow is forced to spin while waiting for permission to land from half an hour to an hour. UTair expects to attract 6 billion rubles and build terminals for 6 million passengers a year, Martirosov said.
link: 239478-novyi

Moscow may have one more airport - in the Kaluga region

Andrey Martirosov, the airline's general director, told reporters that UTair made a proposal to other airlines to invest 6 billion rubles in the project. It is planned that terminals will be built at the new airport, capable of serving 6 million passengers a year.
link: moskvyi

Moscow may have one more airport by the end of 2014

According to Andrey Martirosov, CEO of the airline, UTair offers other airlines to invest 6 billion rubles in the airport. According to the company's plans, terminals for 6 million passengers per year will be built at the airport.
link: 30878

The new Moscow airport will be located in the Kaluga region

UTair Aviation offered other air carriers to create a hub for Moscow's needs on the basis of the Ermolino airport in the Kaluga region. The newspaper "Vedomosti" writes about this in the issue of May 22 with reference to the general director of the airline, Andrey Martirosov, and the carrier's materials.
link: 2013/05/22 / 255493.html

Peru recognized Russian helicopters

“In order to expand the scope of operation and put a barrier to improper operation, it is necessary that air groups receive all airworthiness bulletins and all manufacturer's documentation, this is possible through communication channels between aviation authorities,” says UTair CEO Andrey Martirosov. "The agreement will allow Peru to recognize all certificates issued by AR IAC without additional validation."
link: 2013/05/17 / 255222.html

Flying coffins of UTair

Against the background of these incidents, it is worth paying attention to the carrier's financial problems, of which he has several at once. First, the airline struggled to avoid bankruptcy proceedings this week. To do this, UTair had to pay off its debts to the Perm Aviation Leasing, which filed a corresponding claim with the arbitration court of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. At the same time, the carrier currently retains debt under lease agreements in the amount of 48.902 million rubles. However, in the company itself, for some reason, this is considered a trifle. “We are surprised by the media's attention to this insignificant economic dispute, which, as expected, we are trying to resolve in court. This event will not have any impact on the stable operation of UTair Aviation OJSC, ”said Andrey Martirosov, CEO of the carrier.