Archeology of India about Fort Aguada. Goa forts A small excursion into history

Despite the fact that I spent three months in Calangute in the immediate vicinity of one of the main attractions - Fort Aguada, only two months later I finally got to it.

And the point here is not that the place is not very interesting, rather, on the contrary: I considered this fort too much publicized tourist spot, so I was in no hurry to visit here.

A small excursion into history

The fort was built by the Portuguese in the 17th century and played an important role in providing security from the attack of the Marathas and other potential conquerors, since it is located right at the confluence of the Mandovi River into the Arabian Sea.

Fort Aguada is distinguished by its impressive size; several styles are mixed in its appearance: Portuguese and Indian. It is noteworthy that all fortifications have been preserved in fairly good condition.

There is also a lighthouse, which is considered one of the largest in all of Asia. True, now it is not active, but rather an exposition one, although it was turned off only about 40 years ago due to the lack of need for it.

The fort is a typical building from the times of the Portuguese rule and is built of Mangalore red stone, so beloved by all the locals. The lion's share of buildings in Goa, including houses, was built from this stone. The Goans still use it as a building material.

How to get to the fort

Fort Aguada is located in one of the most famous resort villages - Candolim. It is best to get to the fort on a rented bike (you can take it for $ 2.5-3 per day at any rental office, of which there are a myriad of them), without which it is quite difficult to get in, or by taxi (about $ 1.5-2 per kilometer). A trip from Calangute to the fort will cost approximately $ 5-8 (Rs 300-500). From Arambol, a taxi will cost $ 12-17 (700-1000 rupees).

Moving towards the fort along the main road from Candolim, at the T-junction you will need to turn left.

And on the right at the T-junction there will be a turn to the Taj hotel. Climbing up a small serpentine road, bypassing an unpretentious fishing village (on this section, you will not be haunted by the most pleasant smells, so beware), you will reach a small intersection of roads. If you eat straight, you will go to the prison of Fort Aguada,

and if you turn right, you will reach the fort in just three minutes.

If you are traveling by taxi, just tell the driver where to drop you off. Every rickshaw or taxi driver knows where Fort Aguada is located.

You can also get to the fort by public transport, but there is no point in doing this, since not every bus goes directly here. The final stop of most routes will be the very first fork, where the T-junction is located. And walking the remaining distance is rather dreary, so there is no point in going to Fort Aguada by public transport.

What to see

In the fort, you can spend several hours, leisurely strolling along the mighty and majestic walls of this structure and admiring the views that open up from a bird's eye view. From the walls you can see the capital of the state - the city of Panaji.

The fort opens its doors to all visitors at 8-30 am, admission is, of course, free.

Keep in mind that it closes at 17-30, so arrive early. Not knowing the closing time, I once arrived here at 17-30. Of course, I managed to walk for about 20 minutes (Indians are always and everywhere late, so they closed the fort only at 18-00), but my walk was constantly accompanied by shouts and whistling of guards who were trying to expel huge groups of Indian tourists from the territory. If you are a fan of early ascents, then you are doubly lucky, since in the morning there are very few people here and you can safely walk and carefully examine all the structures.

This place is always full of tourists, usually Indians and organized groups of Europeans. It seems to me that there is no point in taking a tour from a guide, since you can get to Fort Aguada on your own, and the information that the guides will bring to you can be read on Wikipedia.

If you decide to take a guided tour, then its cost will fluctuate around $ 20-35 per person. You can buy it at any agency on the street in Goa, or take it from your hotel guide... Many "street" agencies offer guided tours for less than hotels. You will be offered a Russian guide everywhere, so don't worry about not knowing the local language.

There is a functioning prison just below the fort. Before it contained n opponents of the Portuguese colonization regime. All the unwanted were exiled here. Now there are mainly criminals arrested for possession and distribution of drugs, as well as those who have problems with an Indian visa. Yes, if you stay longer without official permission, you risk ending up in this particular prison. I do not recommend checking whether the authorities will notice that you do not have documents for a longer stay, even if you really want to.

Some of the chambers offer breathtaking sea views and you always have the opportunity to breathe in the salty sea breeze, but romance from 19th century novels intersects here with harsh reality in the form of disgusting food and barred windows.

At first glance, you can't tell that there is a prison here: a half-abandoned building (at least that's what it looks like), a lone guard sitting on a chair and having only a baton from his weapon, which he prudently holds in his hands, as well as excellent views ...

Even the gate, which should inspire fear on all new arrivals, looks somehow not at all frightening, but, on the contrary, intriguing. For example, when I saw them, and the prison itself, a very reasonable question arose: "Why does no one escapes here every day?" This building does not inspire any confidence with its reliability or impeccable security.

Souvenir shops

In the immediate vicinity of the fort, where the parking lot is located, there are several souvenir shops. In them you can buy a standard set: saris, aladdin pants, T-shirts with Indian prints, figurines of the gods and much more.

Also nearby you will see mobile food stands with local food, where you can buy light snacks or soft drinks at slightly overpriced prices: for example, you will be offered a bottle of water for $ 0.6 or 40 rupees (in the store $ 0.3 or 20 rupees). The price of food is twice more than the store price.

By the way, parking, as well as the entrance to the territory of the fort, is completely free, so do not try to pay some enterprising local “admission and parking fees”.

I had a similar situation when they wanted to charge me some rupees for entering the territory of the most free of the free attractions - the Gateway of India. These local "businessmen" are not at all embarrassed by the police who are walking around, they just diligently select not the smartest or newly arrived tourists and try to rip off some money from them.

On a note

In any case, if you get the opportunity to visit this place, then you should take advantage of it. And, as I said, come here early, by the very opening (8-30 am). At this time, there are few people here, and the weather has not yet had time to play out. Gorgeous photos and a lot of positive memories are provided to you.

Be sure to bring a bottle of water with you (in a pinch, buy it in the parking lot near the fort), sunglasses and some kind of baseball cap.

Lost among exotic thickets and palm trees is the small and inconspicuous Aguada Beach. It lies between northern and southern Goa. Right on the border. True, there is one feature of the paradise place - the beach is located at the fort-mountain.

Fort Aguada itself gives an unforgettable sense of antiquity and age-old grandeur. Stone walls old buildings go straight to the sea. The beach is special here: rocky and extraordinarily beautiful. There is also a large lighthouse. Visiting these places is absolutely free. Fort Aguada, the main attraction of this place, was built by the Portuguese to protect and defend against advancing opponents. Impregnable fortress Aguada in Goa still delights with its power and beauty.

The incredible sunset at Fort Aguada is eye-catching and helps to contemplate inward. The place itself is one of the few where you can walk inside and out without any obstacles. Everything is open and accessible. There is something to see. But do not go on a tour of Fort Aguada during the day, as it will be very hot. Better to visit this place early in the morning or in the evening.

The most popular time to relax in Aguada Go is from October to March. But you can come at any time and still enjoy an unforgettable vacation... The water temperature in Aguada Goa ranges from 29 to 32 degrees.

From Dabolim airport to Aguada in Goa, about 50 km. Therefore, a taxi will be the easiest way to get there. There are a lot of such cars and it will not be difficult to find a willing driver to take to any place. The cost of a taxi will cost about 2,000 rupees (2,000 rubles). It is better to order a taxi before , this is a nearby beach.

But we saved and looked for cheaper ways. The cheapest way was the bus. But before deciding on such a trip, you should be patient and cool water... Three transfers awaited us on the way. We decided to go by bus and, first of all, crossed the road from the airport. There we caught a bus to Vasco da Gama. Arriving at the place, you immediately need to look for transport to Panaji. And from there safely get to Aguada in Goa. Travel time will not be wasted. Many local people willingly communicate with newcomers and ask about everything in the world. They are very friendly and open-minded. Such an interesting people. You can't get to the beach by train. The nearest station is located 20 km from Aguada.

Aguada is the only beach to Goa where Sandy shore poured locals... It is artificially created for relaxation. Hotels and bungalows are located along the picturesque coastline. Finding where to stay in Aguada Goa is not difficult. You should just walk along the beach and watch the best way for yourself. We did just that. Found the most attractive paradise and stopped for the night. This place is called. Of course, the hotel is expensive and fabulous, but unlike the others, it is located in good location from where Fort Aguada is visible and beautiful sunset... The number cost from 3000 rupees (3000 rubles). Set in vegetation, enveloped in exotic, fragrant flowers and incredible birds. Even monitor lizards walk around its surroundings. This hotel in Aguada Goa has a restaurant with live music and delicious seafood. The territory is so calm that it seems as if we are absolutely alone here. Peace within and around us surrounded all of us. In such hotels, it is better to choose rooms with balconies.

For those who want to stay in less expensive place while enjoying the large tropical garden, it is worth choosing a bungalow. No one will remain indifferent, because nature itself contributes to good location spirit.
You can consider a hotel, where a room costs from 1000 rupees per day. The place is nice and beautiful.

Hotels Aguada, Goa

We ate at the hotel itself. Everything you need was there and the prices were reasonable. Lots of seafood, Buffet, breakfasts and romantic dinners included. But you can also eat on the beach of Aguada Goa. In the evenings, the owners of the bungalows set tables and chairs along the shore and set beautiful dinners. There are always candles, decorated dishes and carved vegetables and fruits. And what kind of fresh and smoothies are there, just delicious. There are also just shops with fruits, spicy nuts and cool water. In hot weather, coconut milk is sold from freshly plucked coconut, obtained from a palm tree at the customer's expense. There are also shops in Aguada Goa. But mainly Indian sweets and spices are sold there. Every visitor will be satisfied and satisfied, because the place itself feeds with its beauty and uniqueness. I loved a place in Aguada Goa called Tonis Beach Shek. They have delicious food and friendly staff.

As elsewhere in India, bargaining is honorable and prestigious in Aguada Goa. You just have to name your price. There are many shops with national jewelry, souvenirs and clothes around. There are many paraphernalia for yoga and fishing. On Aguada Goa beach, you can rent a boat and swim in the clear waters of the Arabian Sea near the coast. The most interesting shopping is the souvenirs associated with the fort itself. But you shouldn't expect any special uniqueness from the products. Almost everything is the same everywhere. If a tourist buys a beautiful sari and walks in it around the outskirts of Aguada Goa, the locals will watch with delight and nod approvingly. They like it when newcomers accept their way of life.

Of course, the most popular place in Aguada is the Fort Aguada Goa and the lighthouse.

There is now a prison on the north side of Fort Aguada. This territory is busy keeping the most vicious prisoners within its walls. Don't be intimidated by security. In the memory of the Indians, there were no escapes. The walls that are so strong still hold the defense inside and out. You can spend about three hours walking around the area. It is best to do this early in the morning or in the evening at sunset. During the day there are a lot of people and it is very hot. Also, some brave tourists are trying to climb aboard the River Princess ship. But this is life threatening. If you walk along the small beach of Aguada Goa, you can easily get to the neighboring ... It is located three kilometers from Aguada.

When tourists rent a moped, a lot becomes available. The nearest and attractions can be visited every day. We used Ayurvedic services and massages on site, but there are a lot of individual places. Any visitor will be able to use the services of professionals in their field to their taste and wallet. Yoga and meditation practices on this beach are especially good. The place is calm and secluded, nature itself whispers about the silence and harmony inside and around.

Another place worth visiting in Aguada Goa is the Basilica of Jesus. This church was the first to be built in Goa and is the legacy of UNESKO. Beauty and spirituality enveloped the shrine. It is worth at least looking at this attraction, as well as indulging in prayers. After we went to church immaculate conception Virgin Mary. She also turned out to be very beautiful. On the beach itself, Aguada provides various services: windsurfing, boating, fishing, diving and much more.

Nightlife in Aguada is unlike other beaches in northern Goa. There is a special atmosphere, live music and timed parties on special dates. Everything has its own meaning and fullness. The place is amazing.

Fort Aguada is a huge 17th century fortress built by the Portuguese during the colonization of India on the shores of the Arabian Sea and the mouth of the Mandovi River. Currently, the fort is close to the outskirts of the popular Goa beach Candolim and is considered one of the best-preserved fortifications in the state.

The territory of the fort is large enough, it occupies the entire peninsula at the southwestern tip of the Bardez region. The fort consists of several buildings arranged in a semicircle at the edge of a hill. The impregnable walls of the fort, surrounded by a moat, hide a large courtyard where one of the most interesting objects of the fortress is located - an old lighthouse, unfortunately, no longer operational. The lighthouse of Fort Aguada is visible from afar and has an unusual barrel-like shape.

Now Fort Aguada in Goa is primarily known as an excursion attraction in North Goa, although some of its parts continue to be used - one of them houses a five-star hotel with a small sandy Aguada beach, the other - a functioning prison Goa.

It is also worth noting that due to the location of the fort on a hill, wonderful views of the sea and coastal cliffs open from here, which can be attractive for photography lovers.

A bit of history

This imposing fort in the state of Goa - Aguada - was built by Portuguese colonists in 1612 to defend against attacks by the Dutch and Marathas.

Due to its strategically important position - located on a hill at the southwestern tip of the significant peninsula, near the mouth of the river - the fort was the most key link in the Portuguese defensive system, the initial task of which was to protect shipping and the surrounding area. V better days fort, its battery consisted of 79 guns.

The name of the fort comes from the Portuguese word "agua", which means "water", due to the fact that the source on the territory of the fort fresh water used to resupply ships passing by. Fort Aguada had an equipped storage space of 2,376,000 gallons, more than 10.8 million liters.

Fort Aguada is divided into two parts:

  • the upper one, which was of considerable size, bore directly the functions of the fort and was used for storage (it included a moat, underground chambers for storing water, warehouses for gunpowder, bastions equipped with cannons, as well as secret passages for use in emergency situations);
  • the lower one served as a safe place for the mooring of Portuguese ships.

In 1864, a four-storey lighthouse was erected on the territory of the upper fortification, which is the oldest of its kind in all of Asia. It was used until 1976, when it was turned off as unnecessary.

In the middle of the 20th century, during the reign of Salazar in Portugal, one of the fort's bastions was converted into a prison, which was used mainly to contain political opponents of the current regime.

Fort Aguada today

The fort is a typical building from the time of the Portuguese rule, it is distinguished by its impressive size and a mixture of styles - Portuguese and Indian. The fort was built from Mangalore red stone, which was mined in these places for centuries and is still used as a building material. Due to the quality of the material, all fortifications have remained virtually unchanged over the past several hundred years.

Nowadays, Aguada Fort is not only a historical attraction, popular among the local population and tourists - some parts of it have completely different functions. So, one of the coastal bastions, located at the southern end of Sinquerim Beach, is now converted into a five-star hotel Taj Fort Aguada Resort, which has a wide variety of top-class rooms, and the other, facing the capital of Goa, Panaji, continues to operate as a prison (moreover, the only one in Goa).

Now within the walls of this prison are not political prisoners, but mainly criminals arrested for drug trafficking, as well as those who violated the rules for using the Indian visa. Accordingly, among the prisoners a large number of foreigners.

What to see, useful information for tourists

Fort Aguada today is a perfectly preserved monument that tells the story of several centuries of Goa's history and is impressive in its scale. For a fairly complete survey of the fort, it will take several hours to have time to walk along the powerful and impressive walls of this structure and admire the views that open from the upper platform of the fort. From the walls you can see the capital of the state - the city of Panaji.

The doors of the fort are open daily from 8:30 to 17:30, the entrance, as well as parking near it, is free for everyone. However, it should be borne in mind that some adventurous locals like to approach inexperienced tourists and ask for a fee until the local guards see it.

The best time to visit is in the morning, when there are still not so many people here and it is not very hot, so you can safely explore the entire territory. Since the fort is very popular as a tourist attraction, a large number of organized groups of Europeans and local residents usually come here for lunch.

You can get to Fort Aguada either by getting there on your own or by ordering an excursion tour in one of the many Goa agencies that offer the organization of tourist trips.

To explore the fort, it is advisable to bring a bottle of water, sunglasses and some kind of headdress.

In the immediate vicinity of the fort, next to the parking lot, there are several souvenir shops, as well as mobile kiosks with food, snacks and soft drinks. However, it should be borne in mind that prices are higher here than in regular stores.

Panorama of Fort Aguada on Google Maps, online guided tour

How to get to Fort Aguada in Goa (India)

Fort Aguada is located at the southwestern tip of the Bardes area, in one of the most famous resort villages of Goa - Candolime, next to Sinquerim Beach. One of the lower bastions of the fort is located right on the beach, so it is easy to get to it directly from the beach, to the second, almost destroyed, you can walk along the coast.

If you need to get to the fort from the nearest resorts in North Goa, then in terms of the ratio of time and cost, one of the best options to get here will be to take a rented bike. You can take transport at any of the numerous rental points, for this you will need an international driver's license.

There is only one road leading to the fort, starting in Candolim and being, in fact, the main street of the village. Where it hits a T-junction, you need to turn left (turn right to the Taj Fort Aguada hotel), after which the road will wind a little, climbing the hill, and eventually lead to a parking lot next to the fort. If you turn right at the crossroads at the fort itself, you will get to the coastal structures from the beach, and if to the left - to the main building of the fortress.

The coordinates of Fort Aguada for the navigator: 15.492476, 73.773461.

Concerning public transport, then it is not very convenient to get here on it, since the final stop of most routes is the first T-junction. Accordingly, you will have to go further to the fort on foot.

Another option to visit the famous Portuguese fort is to order sightseeing tour... This can be done, for example, from Panaji (16 km), Morjim (25 km), Arambol (30 km). In this case, the travel agency will take care of the transfer.

You can also get to Fort Aguada quickly and comfortably using the services of one of the local taxi services.

Video about Fort Aguada in the Indian state of Goa

The Indian fort of Aguada in Goa is the largest fort that has survived to this day. It was built to protect the mouth of the navigable Mandovi River from enemy ships. Occupies a vast area on the headland, south of Candolim Beach.

Built in 1612 year, it is a monument to the Portuguese military development and a legacy of Goan history. The fort consisted, according to the plan, of two parts: the upper - fortress, bottom - coastal part... They were connected to each other by overground and underground passages. The fortress itself has a square shape with deep ditches dug at the bastions. The embrasures of the fortress gave a wide angle of fire.

On the territory of the fortress 1864 was built four-story lighthouse... It is considered one of the oldest in Asia. Used until 1976. Then, not far from the fortress, a modern lighthouse was built, which is still in operation. Having visited this place, tourists will be able to externally inspect both the old and the new lighthouses.

Peculiarity Fort Aguada also in the fact that under it there is a huge water tank... Its capacity is approximately 10 million liters and it is filled from natural sources. Here passing ships could replenish their supplies drinking water... Literally from Portuguese "aguada" is translated as "water".

There is a prison in the coastal part of the fort, which is the only one functioning prison Goa State. It can only be viewed from the outside. It is clearly visible from the water or from the fortress.

A large number of peacocks are found in the vicinity of the fort. But when they see a person, they often run away. Therefore, tourists should keep their cameras ready if they don't want to miss a great shot. A magnificent view opens up from the fortress itself. The area around is covered with dense vegetation. Nearby is Helipad built in the 80s. It is known for the fact that occasionally large parties are held here.

Open fort from 10-00 to 18-00. To get to the lighthouse and the fortress, you need to take a taxi or rent a motorcycle. To this place there is a road called Fort Aguada Road and also the main street of Candolim. Part of the fort is easy for tourists to see from the side of the Sinquerime beach, you can walk here.

Residence possible in hotel rooms of any category or rented houses. And even for particularly fastidious tourists, the famous luxury hotel Fort Aguada is located on a hillside surrounded by a tropical forest on the territory adjacent to the fort. Beach Resort.

The nearest food points are located on the beaches of Sinquerime and Candolim. Cafes, restaurants will offer an excellent menu with Indian, European and many other cuisines. Some cafes are equipped with showers for the convenience of tourists.