That the baby was born on the plane. Childbirth at height: born in the sky over Vietnam. Community born in the sky

Yesterday all the news feeds were full of reports that the Boeing-777, flying to St. Petersburg from Simferopol, made an unscheduled landing in Rostov-on-Don. The flight had to be interrupted due to the sudden birth of one of the passengers.

On August 8, on board a Rossiya airline, one of the passengers on flight SU6888 had a premature birth. On board among the passengers were doctors who helped the flight attendants to accept them. Everything went well, and the boy was born even before the plane landed in Rostov. There, the mother and the newborn were sent to the hospital, after which the board continued on to the Northern Capital.

You can treat this fact in different ways, but to be honest, I really would not want to be on that plane. Having a baby is always a joy and an extraordinary sacrament, but why get on a plane when your contractions are already beginning?

The duration of the flight from Simferopol to St. Petersburg is 3 hours 15 minutes. Even rapid labor lasts at least four hours from the onset of contractions until the baby is born. Why did the woman in labor take such a risky step? Was it really necessary to be in St. Petersburg? But what about responsibility for your position and for the life of your unborn child? But what about the interests of the rest of the passengers, who waited almost seven hours at the Rostov-on-Don airport until they were sent further?

Of course, thinking about this when your body is tormented by contractions is impossible, but could you foresee such an outcome when buying a ticket?
All flight attendants have the necessary skills to deliver, but this is an extreme case, I think.

And now about the legal side of the issue of childbirth at height:

A child born in the air can acquire three citizenships:

The country to which the plane belongs.

The country in which the birth took place.

The country in which the plane landed.

And one more pleasant fact: a child born on board an airplane gets a lifetime right to free flights. This is a common practice for many airlines. True, carriers often impose some restrictions: no more than ten flights a year or until adulthood.

Now many airlines have every right to refuse a flight to a lady on a drift. This is a very correct decision, otherwise many would rush to buy plane tickets on the eve of childbirth, moreover, foreign companies. And what? You fly over Switzerland on a Swiss flight from Moscow to Zurich, give birth somewhere over Germany and voila! Your child is either Swiss or German))). Plus free flights as a bonus. There would be no end to those willing.

How do you feel about the ladies who decided to give birth on board the plane?

Air travel is always a little stressful for passengers: even experienced travelers feel anxious, fearful, and mildly unwell during long flights. If you are in the last stages of pregnancy, then it is better to refuse flights or fly, having previously consulted with a gynecologist and a therapist. But what if you have contractions on board? We will tell you about the rules of conduct and what to do if a child was born on the plane.

If you are traveling at extreme times, then always carry with you:

  1. Mobile phone with relatives' contacts.
  2. Sterile film (available at the pharmacy).
  3. A card with pregnancy statements.

Keep these things (except mobile phone) v hand luggage for quick access, not in your luggage. You can also purchase sterile gloves and cotton wool, but usually they are all on board.

A child born on board an aircraft receives a life-long right to travel

What to do?

If you feel regular contractions or if your water is loose, notify the flight attendant right away. She will immediately convey this information to the crew commander and he will make a decision - whether to land the plane, or try to take delivery in the air.

If the pilot has decided to land the plane, then you should endure as long as possible - right at the airport you will be met by a qualified medical team with everything necessary equipment... If this is not possible, the flight attendants will find a doctor or a person with medical education among the passengers. Or they will give birth on their own.

Note: do not be scared and worried about the fact that there was no doctor on board. All flight attendants undergo regular practice and courses - they are ready to accept a child.

Labor process

Remember the main rule: do not be nervous and do not be afraid. Everything will go exactly as nature intended. Try to empty your bladder and bowels. You will most likely be seated in a corner, clearing the space for passengers. Tell the birthing provider that you have a sterile oilcloth. Iodine, gloves, scissors and other essential medicines are available in the first aid kit on the plane. Relax and don't panic. Breathe deeply (short inhalation, long exhalation).

After the baby is born, clean the mouth and nose with a clean bandage, then cut the umbilical cord (at a distance of 10-15 cm from the abdomen). Don't get up - you need to lie down and wait for the afterbirth to come out (usually this happens after 20-30 minutes). In 10-15 minutes after giving birth, you can take your baby to you and attach it to your breast.

Note: even if everything went well, doctors will pick you up right after your arrival. Do not resist - they should examine both the newborn and the mother.

The main thing is not to worry or panic, and everything will go well.

Legal side of the issue

A child born in the air can acquire three citizenships:

  1. The country to which the plane belongs.
  2. The country in which the birth took place.
  3. The country in which the plane landed.

It depends on the policies of the countries. In general, the plane has extraterritoriality, so most often the baby becomes a citizen of the country to which the aircraft belongs.

A child born on board a Jet Airways plane received a lifetime right to fly free of charge on this company's liners. This was reported by The Times of India.

Josie Sisimol started having contractions on a flight from Saudi Arabia to India at an altitude of over 10,000 meters. The woman was in her 30th week of pregnancy. The airliner pilots decided to make an emergency landing. The liner, heading to the city of Kochi in the south-west of the country, was sent to Mumbai. However, Josie managed to give birth about half an hour before landing.

Among the passengers on board was a doctor who, together with the flight attendants, came to the aid of the woman. No problems arose during the boy's time. The woman in labor and her son, who received a life pass, were sent to the hospital immediately after the plane landed.

This is the first such incident on board a carrier, according to Jet Airways.

It is noted that most airlines allow pregnant women to fly up to 36 weeks, but after 28 weeks of pregnancy they require a letter signed by a doctor.


In October 2012 on board an aircraft en route from Simferopol to Moscow. The plane of JSC "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines" made emergency landing in Kharkov.

During the flight, the woman's water suddenly broke. The birth was taken by the crew members and the nurse, who was among the passengers. Immediately after landing, the mother and the newborn girl were examined by doctors, then they were taken to the nearest maternity hospital.

For most people, air travel is always somewhat stressful and anxious, and long distances generally cause mild discomfort for most people. Pregnant women who have their deadlines should refuse flights altogether. But, if the flight cannot be canceled, you should visit the gynecologist and therapist for advice and instructions. They will tell you in detail what to take with you and how to behave on board if childbirth suddenly begins.

So, it's not a secret for anyone that if a child is born in the air, he gets citizenship, but which one? The laws on citizenship in all countries are different, and if one country can grant citizenship immediately, then the other is not so simple, or there is no option at all. So, if a child was born on an airplane, what citizenship will the child receive?

He can obtain one of three citizenships:

  1. The country to which the board belongs.
  2. The country where the birth took place.
  3. Countries where the plane landed.

Everything lies in the established legislation of each country. In fact, aircraft, especially long distance travel, several countries can fly in one flight. What happens if a child is born on an airplane, flying over several countries at the same time? Often, the child is granted the citizenship of the country to which the liner belongs.

Another important and very good bonus is that a child born on board an aircraft has the right to fly free of charge. This rule is practiced by almost all airlines. This is often accompanied by restrictions, for example, up to 10 flights per year during the lifetime or until adulthood.

Let's give an example. Great Britain and its territory. If you gave birth on an airplane, a newborn can only obtain citizenship if his parents are British citizens.

If, for example, in the United States, a child was born in a water or airspace, he automatically receives American citizenship in the same way as if a child is born in American hospitals.

What you need to have for pregnant women with you

If, nevertheless, you are on the last dates, and the flight cannot be canceled in any way, what you need to have with you on the plane:

  1. Mobile with contacts of relatives.
  2. Sterile diaper.
  3. Medical card with pregnancy statements.

All this must be kept with you - in your carry-on baggage, but not in your checked baggage. If you wish, you can also buy sterile gloves, cotton wool in the pharmacy, in addition to diapers, but this is often available on board.

If the contractions have begun

If during the flight you have lost water and contractions become more frequent, you must tell the flight attendant about it. She will tell the commander of the liner about the situation and, perhaps, he will make a decision on an emergency landing at the nearest airport. If the board is not allowed to sit down, the delivery will be carried out in flight.

If the commander decides to land the aircraft, the pregnant woman will have to endure. At the airport, the woman in labor will be met by paramedics with everything she needs. If such a chance does not present itself, the flight attendants will try to find a paramedic or a doctor among the passengers, or they will take delivery themselves.

Important! A pregnant woman does not need to worry or be intimidated that there was no doctor among the passengers. Flight attendants undergo practical training on a regular basis, so they will be able to deliver on board the ship.

Labor process

The mother should remember that one should not be afraid, worried, or nervous if childbirth on board the plane is inevitable! Everything will happen naturally. The bladder and bowels should be emptied. The woman in labor will be seated in a corner, freeing up space from passengers.

The child was born on a plane from St. Petersburg at an altitude of 10,000 meters

In this case, you will need a sterile diaper, which must be kept with you, but all other medicines, as well as iodine, gloves, scissors are always available on all aircraft. After the woman in labor is given a place, you should relax, stop panicking and concentrate on breathing (short inhalation, long exhalation).

As soon as the baby is born, with the help of a bandage, the nose and mouth are cleaned and the umbilical cord is cut, tying it, stepping back 15 cm from the tummy. It is not recommended for a woman in labor to ascend until the end of the flight. After giving birth, you should lie down for another half hour until the entire placenta comes out, but after 15 minutes you can take the newborn to you.

It is important to remember that even if the birth was successful, you will still be picked up by the medical team upon arrival. A child born on board an aircraft must undergo a thorough examination by doctors, like his mother, to make sure that everything is fine with them and their lives are not in danger.

Passport change and border checks are far from the easiest tasks for Shauna Owen due to unusual place her birth is about 36 thousand feet above the ground. Customs officers are constantly surprised when they see the entry in her passport: "The holder was born on an airplane."

Shona's story

Shona is a representative of a small community of people who came to this world in extremely dramatic ways. In 1990, pregnant Debbie Owen, accompanied by her four-year-old daughter Claire, flew from Ghana, where she worked, to London. Suddenly there was a surprise - she started having contractions. She was moved to first class, completely freed from passengers, and an announcement was made for all people with medical training to report it.

The expectant mother was lucky - the Dutch doctor Wim Bakker, who helped a woman in Ghana to give birth simply in the bushes, was on board. Desperate that she would be left alone with two children if the plane was forced to land in Africa, Debbie struggled to get to London. On the approach to Gatwick airport with the curtains drawn, soft music, with her own doctor and a whole salon at the disposal of Sean Christie Ives (in English her initials look like SKY, which translates as "heaven") was born, increasing the number of passengers on board for one. “I was always told that I was born to travel and now I work in the travel industry,” said Shona, who at this moment works as the head of the Internet marketing department of a large travel operator. "This is a very good story that everyone is interested in listening to."

Community born in the sky

And that story also became a topic that Shona decided to focus on when she wrote her dissertation.

“When I tell this story, I am always asked how rare or how many children were born on the plane. And I don't have an answer, ”Shauna said. - Therefore, when I was preparing my diploma, I thought that this is a great chance to spend six months studying how many of us there are in the world. It was really fun to read all the stories and interact with the people born on board the plane. My mom met another woman who gave birth in the air, I talked to the pilots, and as a result, a kind of community is already being created. "

Strict rules

She also contacted Debs Lowther, who gave birth to her son Jonathan just four months before Sean herself was born, and the circumstances were unusually similar - she also flew from Africa to the UK, while aboard the same aircraft operator. Most airlines do not keep statistics on births on board, so it is very difficult to accurately calculate everything, but Shona's story is definitely rare, as all airlines have strict rules regarding pregnant women and their children. Although conditions vary from case to case, most operators will allow pregnant women to board the plane until the 36th week of pregnancy, but from the 28th week onwards, they need to have a signed paper from the doctor with them, which will indicate the date of birth. But, despite this, such situations do happen.

Nationality issue

One of the main questions that arises when a child is born on board an aircraft is his nationality. Citizenship laws differ from country to country. For example, in the UK, children born in the country do not automatically acquire citizenship - they only receive it if the parents are British, that is, the so-called “blood right”. In the United States of America, even if a child is born in the water or airspace of a country, he automatically obtains American citizenship in accordance with the "right of the land."