The legendary island of Berezan. Sights of the village. Berezan, Kiev region Greek settlement Borisfen

, eng. -) - a settlement of regional subordination in the Kiev region, located on the territory of the Baryshevsky district.

Sights of the village. Berezan, Kiev region

Interesting places and sights of Berezan are not numerous - these are several monuments and memorial signs, as well as a museum of local lore.

Sights of Berezan. Burrowed grave mound Burrowed grave mound... We know little about the mound itself. In fact, this attraction of Berezan is interesting because T. Shevchenko visited here in 1843. Seeing how Russian soldiers are doing some kind of excavation work on the grave (perhaps it was even just archaeological excavations) the poet was very impressed by what he saw and wrote a daring anti-Russian poem "Rosrita grave". A memorial sign is erected in his honor near the mound.

Sights of the village. Berezan. Tank T-34 Tank T-34... This tank was built during the Second World War with funds raised by the residents of Berezan. On this tank, Captain I. Kolosok, our fellow countryman, took part in the capture of Berlin. And now the tank is a landmark of Berezan, installed in the center of the city.

Sightseeing in Berezan. Airplane AN-2 Airplane AN-2... The aircraft was handed over by the plant 410 staff Civil Aviation residents of Berezan as an eternally living historical monument about Berezanchany's participation in the Great Patriotic War. This landmark was installed in Berezan in 2007. Located in the area of ​​st. Embankment.

Sight of Berezan. Monument to armored trains Monument to armored trains... At this place, after the surrender of Kiev to the Nazis during the Second World War, on September 23, 1941, a division of five Soviet armored trains was blown up, so as not to leave the enemy as a trophy. Trains fought their way out of the encirclement, but in front there was a destroyed bridge across the river. Supiy, and the ammunition and materials for the restoration of the tracks were already exhausted. The equipment had to be destroyed, and the personnel of the armored trains were replenished with the partisan detachments of the Chernihiv region.

Berezan's attraction as the Museum of Local Lore remained behind the scenes. The Museum of Local Lore is located on the street. Frunze, 22. Phone - 04576 6-16-62. Also, some travelers note the building of the former brewery as an attraction.

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Here is a map of Berezan 'with streets → Kiev region, Ukraine. We study detailed map town of Berezan with numbers of houses and streets. Real time search, weather today

More about the streets of Berezan on the map

A detailed map of the city of Berezan with street names shows all routes and objects, including st. Frunze and the Embankment. The city is located not far from. For a detailed examination of the territory of the entire district, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page an interactive map of the city of Berezan with the addresses and routes of the district, move its center to find the streets - Kirov and Sadovaya.

You will find all the necessary detailed information o the location of urban infrastructure in the city - shops and houses, squares and roads. Urban st. Pryvokzalnaya and Voikova are also in sight.

Satellite map of Berezan with Google search is waiting for you in its heading. You can use Yandex search to find the required house number on the map of the city and the Kiev region of Ukraine in real time. How are located

    BEREZAN, a city (since 1981) in Ukraine, Kiev region (see KIEV REGION). Railroad station... Population 15.7 thousand people (2001). Cloth factory; production of building materials ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Berezan island at the mouth of the Dnieper Berezan river in Ukraine Berezan city in Kiev region Berezan village of Ochakovsky district of Nikolaev region, Berezan village of Belyaevsky district Odessa region... Wikipedia

    City (since 1981) in Ukraine, Kiev region. Railroad station. 15.2 thousand inhabitants (1991). Cloth factory; production of building materials ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Berezan: Berezan island at the mouth of the Dnieper Berezan river in Ukraine Berezan city in Kiev region Berezan village of Ochakovsky district of Mykolaiv region Berezan village of Belyaevsky district of Odessa region ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Berezan (disambiguation). the city of Berezan Berezan Flag ... Wikipedia

    Berezan View from the boat ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Berezan. Village Berezan ukr. Berezan Country ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Berezan. Urban-type settlement Berezan ukr. Country Ukraine ... Wikipedia



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There are many interesting and unusual places which will be a real pleasure to visit. These include the island of Berezan with full confidence, the photos of which are presented below. It is considered to be the center of mysteries and secrets and attracts many curious tourists and archaeological scientists.


Berezan is a small island:

  • The length is about 1 km.
  • Width - 0.5 km.
  • The average height in the north is up to 6 m, in the south - just over 20 m.

It is uninhabited, but many tourists tend to get here to see the local attractions.


The island of Berezan belongs to Ukraine and is located in the Black Sea. The features of its location are as follows:

  • Refers to the Nikolaev region (Ochakovsky district).
  • The island is separated from the seashore by only two kilometers.
  • The resort village of Rybakovka is 4 km from the island.
  • In 8 km - Ochakov, a city located on the Black Sea coast.
  • From the north and east, the island is washed by the waters of the Dnieper and Bug rivers.
  • From the south and west - the Black Sea itself.

Like Snake Island, which also belongs to Ukraine, it belongs to the mainland islands of the north of the Black Sea basin. The basis of the Berezan Island is a lime slab. In the era Ancient Greece was a peninsula, but the rise in sea level separated it from the mainland.

What is famous for

Berezan Island is a part of the Ukrainian archaeological reserve "Olvia". The name is translated from Greek as "rich". This place is in many ways unique, it was here that an ancient colony was located, therefore, the monuments that have survived to this day differ significantly from the traditional Slavic ones. On the territory of Olbia were the sanctuaries of the Hellenic gods Zeus and Apollo.

Unfortunately, the rich heritage is subjected to unauthorized barbaric excavations, which every year destroy traces of the culture of past eras, depriving scientists of the opportunity to study them.

The island of Berezan is a unique archaeological site, since only it has preserved traces of Greek culture. Previously, there was also the so-called Taganrog settlement, which was located on the territory modern city with the same name, but it was completely destroyed by the action of sea waters.

And the island of Berezan in the Black Sea has preserved many remains on its territory. cultural heritage Hellenes:

  • Ruins of dwellings and temples.
  • Ruins of defensive fortifications.
  • Cemeteries and burial mounds.

The oldest find is a silicon knife, the approximate time of its creation dates back to the 7th century BC. NS. There are also many finds here that make it possible to understand what the inhabitants of the most ancient eras were doing: pits for storing grain, the surviving remains of sickles and plows indicate that agriculture flourished on the island earlier. The kilns testify to the development of pottery.

Features of the historical path

There are several periods in the history of the island:

  • First of all, this is the time of Greek colonization. In those days, the settlement of Borisfen (Borisfenida) was located here. A small sanctuary was built to the goddess Aphrodite.
  • Further - the Slavic period. It was on the island that the Russians made a stopover, heading for Byzantium along the famous route "from the Varangians to the Greeks." Since that time, dilapidated Slavic dugouts, weapons (axes, darts, arrows), remains of ceramics, jewelry (crosses, bracelets) have been preserved.
  • In the 14-15th centuries, the island of Berezan began to belong to the principality of Lithuania.
  • Later he moved to the Polish principality.
  • 15-16 centuries. were marked by the annexation of Berezan to the Crimean Khanate, however, permanent residents did not appear here even during this period. Occasionally Zaporozhye Cossacks rested here.
  • In the 18th century, the island was captured by the Black Sea Cossacks.

During the Great Patriotic War an anti-aircraft battery was placed here, which covered the approaches to the city of Ochakov.

Greek settlement Borisfen

The appearance of the Greeks on the island dates back to the second half of the 7th century. BC NS. Whether there was any more ancient settlement here, scientists cannot yet answer. Also, researchers cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of what was the nature of the settlement:

  • The locals were definitely engaged in trade, as evidenced by the findings.
  • At the same time, fragments of labor tools that have survived to this day testify to the development of agriculture and cattle breeding, and individual crafts.

The heyday of Berezan falls on the 7-6 centuries. BC BC, it was then that the settlement of Borisfen became the center of the Olbia polis.

Where did the people of this ancient era live? Archaeological finds will help restore some of the facts. Found two types of dwellings:

  • Dugouts.
  • Ground structures made of bricks. They often had semi-basements.

Most of the buildings were located in the northeast of the island, and, as scientists believe, the development was carried out according to a predetermined clear plan. Olbia gradually developed, and the island of Berezan became empty.

The most famous finds

Despite the fact that the island of Berezan in the Nikolaev region became a place of illegal fishing for "black archaeologists", respectable researchers managed to collect a whole collection of amazing finds:

  • Ruins of the temple of the goddess Aphrodite, the Greek patroness of beauty and love.
  • Figurines of a beautiful goddess.
  • Money of those distant eras, made in the form of dolphins.
  • Part of the encolpion cross in bronze. It became proof that a Christian settlement once existed on Berezan. In such chest crosses-boxes, which, as a rule, belonged to noble people, the relics of the saints were kept.

Now in the Berezan collection there are more than 9 thousand unique items that are in various museums:

  • Nikolaev Museum of Local Lore.
  • Hermitage.
  • Museums in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa.

Exploration of the island continues.

In conclusion, we propose to get acquainted with some interesting facts about the island of Berezan in the Black Sea:

  • It is uninhabited primarily because there is not a single source of fresh water here.
  • Researchers believe that the island of Berezan was described by Pushkin in the "Tale of Tsar Saltan" as the island of Buyan.
  • On the legendary island was shot by Lieutenant Schmidt, one of the leaders of the uprising on the ship "Ochakov", and his assistants. Later, an obelisk was erected in their honor, consisting of pylons, stylized as sails.
  • The island is gradually decreasing, every year the sea takes from it from 5 to 50 cm of land. Analysis of stone reefs allows us to conclude that earlier its length was about 3 km, width - up to 3.5 km.
  • Berezan is surprisingly picturesque; peach and apricot trees and wild rose grow here.

The very atmosphere of the island is imbued with a spirit of mystery. Archaeologists still cannot find an answer to the question of what exactly made the ancient Greeks found a colony so far from Hellas. Therefore, the riddles of Berezan continue to haunt scientists' minds.