Odessa inflow. The village of Zatoka (Odessa region): recreation centers, private sector, map, photos, prices and reviews of tourists. Recreation centers and boarding houses Zatoka

The coast of the Odessa region is a favorite place summer vacation among Ukrainians, residents of Moldova and even Russians. Camp sites located on its territory, campings hospitably invite lovers of the hot sun, warm sea and active rest spend your vacation or weekend here.

Welcome to Zatoka!

The village of Zatoka (Odessa region) is small, but cozy, well-groomed, with a well-developed infrastructure. The status of "urban-type settlement" was granted to it for a long time. And quite rightly so. The location of the village is Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district, between the Black Sea and the Dnestrovsky estuary. From Karolino-Bugaz in the direction of Sergeevka, a long spit juts out into the sea, on which the village of Zatoka was founded in 1827. The Odessa region, of course, did not yet exist at that time. And the village itself arose as a result of the opening of a lighthouse on the coast and the assignment of a team of sailors to it for service. Subsequently, the place was settled by people, it was upset, communications appeared. Next came the modern administrative division. And now Zatoka is the Odessa region, and not the Tsargradsko-Dnestrovsky district, as it was almost 2 centuries ago. The coast itself, with clean fine-grained sand, which is almost 50 meters wide and 5 km long, has turned into excellent beaches and attracts thousands of holidaymakers. Therefore, during the season, the population of the village, which is rather small, almost triples.

First-hand information

When you are going somewhere for the first time, you always want to learn more about those parts, the mentality of the local population, the peculiarities of recreation, food prices and many other necessary little things. This is what people who have chosen it for permanent rest tell about the village of Zatoka (Odessa region). They consider the main advantage of the convenient location of the beaches. A downside, but small, is that their sanitary condition does not always correspond to the norm. Of course, the local government is engaged in landscaping. But if holidaymakers litter and wait for someone to clean up after them, such an attitude will not add order. The second big plus is enough low prices for housing. In this regard, the Odessa region is completely heterogeneous. Inflow ( private sector) is more democratic and economically profitable than, say, Sergeevka or Karolino-Bugaz, the same Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Of course, we cannot compare with Odessa - here the numbers are incomparable. But renting, for example, a room for 3 people, with amenities, a refrigerator and a stove, with everything you need for cooking and eating, with a cozy courtyard and a barbecue, just 5-10 minutes from the beach will cost from 600 to 900 rubles per day - depending on the season. And if a little further from the sea - then half the price - from 300 rubles!

Examining the map

For tourists, the map of Zatoka (Odessa region) will be useful for familiarization. After all geographical position the village is unusual. On one side of it, the Black Sea waves are splashing, on the other, the Dniester estuary glitters peacefully in the sun. The length of Zatoka is almost 16 km. And one of the favorite places for tourists, called Narrow, is only 90 m wide. Nearby - a stone's throw - is Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Zatoka can be considered a suburb. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the assortment of local markets or shops, you can visit the larger, Dniester ones. Well, 60 km separate Zatoka from Odessa-mother, the very "pearl by the sea" that is sung in so many poems and songs. And here the famous "7 kilometer", Privoz and New Bazaar, plus all the wonders with which this famous city! Moreover, Zatoka is the Odessa region. Photos of the resort give a clear idea of ​​its merits. There will be enough space for both lovers of peace and those who are thirsty for vivid thrills.

Terrain movement

The village is, of course, rather big in size. It is very convenient that a branch passes through it railroad, commuter trains... They can drive from one end of Zatoka to the other, to Belgorod-Dnestrovsky and Odessa. In addition, the village itself, its districts, it is possible to get there by minibuses. Ticket price - from 2.5 hryvnia. The resort of Zatoka, Odessa region, is divided into such districts as Central, Solnechny, the already mentioned Bottleneck, and Limansky. The most popular mobile operators - MTS, Kyivstar and Beeline - operate throughout the village. Since Zatoka is close enough to Moldova, in some areas of the settlement, Orange and Moldchell, the national Moldovan mobile networks, are well caught.

Excursion to the districts: Central

The resort of Zatoka (Odessa region) is famous, first of all, for the Central Region (Bugaz). This place in the village is the most popular among both holiday-makers and local youth. There are many entertainments here - for every taste and wallet, as they say. From water - slides, scooters and catamarans for rent. Those who wish can go fishing in the open sea - by boat. Plus walks along the estuary, excursions, including to Odessa, as well as to the regional historical cultural attractions. There are also two bazaars in Centralny - one large, the other smaller. Shops, stalls, bars, discotheques, internet clubs, billiard room, cinemas. In short, the entertainment and service industries are not bad. As for housing, it can be rented, as already mentioned, in the private sector - the owners with signs offer whole houses, apartments and separate rooms for daily rent themselves. Or recreation centers, where you can stay on vouchers or by ordering a "roof" on the Internet.

Excursion to the districts: Solnechny

This is the station of the same name. The area is located behind the central part. Here the village of Zatoka, Odessa region, is closer to Odessa itself. There are also several markets here - grocery and clothing. Shops, boutiques, canteens and cafes, bars, dance floors for young people and those who are over ... Here any vacationer will find something to entertain himself and how to spend time productively and with pleasure. There will be no problems with nutrition - there is always where to have a hearty snack, tasty and relatively inexpensive. And you can easily find housing - both economy and elite. The boarding house can be either with meals or without - as it is more convenient for anyone. Local residents in Solnechny also consider the Friendship sector. It is, as it were, a continuation of the region, located in the narrowest part of Zatoka. Friendship is less comfortable than other parts of Zatoka, but the beaches are also the cleanest here. And it is here on the one side of the sea, on the other - the estuary. And a real tent city!

Marine and Limansky

This is the very bottleneck. It is convenient to relax here as savages or to rent a house, even a shed at some grandmother's. There are few recreation centers, there are wooden houses on the seashore. In the coastal water, you can catch and then feast on fresh mussels, shrimps. Well, the last sector is Limansky. Here, too, there is where to turn around and enjoy.

The most popular place rest on is the village of Zatoka. Odessa region, where Zatoka is located, has always been famous for its seaside resorts... The village is located in scenic location Budak spit, sixty kilometers south-west of Odessa. The name Zatoka is of Ukrainian origin and means "the bay".

In contact with

The history of the village of Zatoka dates back to 1827, from the moment a sea sign was installed on the Budak Spit, later a lighthouse was installed here. Inflow situated between the Black Sea and the Dniester estuary and is divided into three regions:

  • Central
  • Solar
  • Limansky

Every year the interest of tourists in Zatoka is growing. Wikipedia gives statistics that during the year up to 300 thousand tourists come here, with a population of 1.6 thousand people.

Hotels and beaches

In Zatoka there is a huge number of sanatoriums and boarding houses (according to some estimates, there are more than 200), vacationers, people who come to the resort or just for the weekend spend their time here. Rooms in hotels from budget to luxury, everything is possible to book in advance on the internet. The spa treatment offers a variety of body healing procedures, including mud and mineral waters... Almost the entire coastline is occupied by sandy beaches, which is almost 16 kilometers away.


The infrastructure is well developed. You can get to Zatoka:

The highway Odessa - Belgorod-Dnestrovsky and the railway communication Odessa - Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - Izmail pass here. They run all year round passenger trains and suburban trains from Odessa. In the summer established communication by water transport between the berths Bugaz, Zatoka, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. You can get to Zatoka by minibus from Odessa, in addition, minibuses also run in the village. Cellular communication and the Internet are working properly.

Almost all sanatoriums and boarding houses are located within walking distance from the sea, since the widest part of the spit is only 900 meters. At its narrowest point, the Budakskaya Spit is only 60 meters away, from here you can simultaneously see both the Black Sea and the Dniester Bay. The prices are very affordable, everyone can find accommodation and entertainment to their taste and wallet. Inexpensively you can rent a room or a house from local residents... The climate is very mild, in summer the air temperature is about 24 degrees, in winter it does not drop below zero. The sea is very clean, few jellyfish, no algae. The water temperature in summer is 19-23 degrees.


A wide range of entertainment and recreation is presented. There is waterslides and boat trips, you can rent a catamaran or scooter, in recent years windsurfing is gaining momentum. A wide range of excursions to local and local attractions are offered. There are water excursions by boat or motor ship, you can take a walk along the estuary, which juts out into the coast for 41 kilometers. There are excursions around the surroundings, including the entire Odessa region and the city of Odessa itself. For lovers of a more relaxing holiday there is a large number of bars and cafes, nightclubs, restaurants and cinemas. There are several bazaars where the legendary flavor of Odessa Privoz is preserved.

Of the sights of Zatoka, one can simply name the outstanding landscapes of the sea and the coast. You can enjoy the scenery right from the hotel window; it is not surprising that many people prefer to hold family celebrations among this beauty. You will be amazed many kilometers beaches with the purest quartz sand, the width of the beaches is on average about 50 meters, and shallow water up to 100 meters, which makes these beaches the best on the entire Black Sea coast. Another attraction is Zatoka - a bridge connecting two parts of the spit.

The sliding bridge was erected in 1955 and has pedestrian paths, a road and a railroad track. 5 times a day, according to the established schedule, middle part the bridge is raised to allow ships to pass to the estuary and back. The spectacle is quite interesting, however, motorists have to wait, sometimes for an hour. You should definitely explore the vicinity of Zatoka, namely, you should visit the village of Shabo and the Akkerman fortress. There you can see ancient fortress and take part in tasting the best wines produced in Ukraine.

The inflow in winter is never left without the attention of vacationers. Winter holidays in Zatoka is much cheaper than a similar holiday abroad. In winter, many hotels are open all year round without any interruptions. The presence of a well-developed infrastructure allows you to spend time comfortably away from the daily hustle and bustle. Many come here for winter holidays or just for a weekend to admire winter sea, as well as in search of peace and quiet. The inflow is the warmest region of the coast, so the winter is mild and short, the sea never freezes.

Settlement Inflow administratively subordinate to the Belgorod-Dnestrovsk city council. The inflow is located 20 kilometers from Belgorod-Dnestrovsky and 60 kilometers from Odessa, with which it is connected by the railway (station Bugaz) and highways passing through the village.

Natural conditions

The inflow is surrounded on three sides by water: the Dniester estuary, the Black Sea and the Budak estuary. The village is divided into de parts: the northern one lies on the Karolino-Bugaz spit, the southern one - on the Budakskaya spit. They are separated by a narrow Dniester-Tsaregradskaya channel, which connects the Dniester estuary with the Black Sea.


Settlements in this place have existed since antiquity. So between Zatoka and the village of Belenkoye there is a large Akkembet kurgan - the burial place of the late Trypillian culture (3rd millennium BC). Also near Zatoka in the 5-2 centuries BC there was an ancient settlement. It is believed that the troops of the Kiev princes Oleg, Igor and Svyatoslav gathered in this place before the campaigns against Constantinople, therefore the channel has such a name.

The history of Zatoka begins with the construction in 1827 of a lighthouse by the channel on the Budak spit of the Tsaregrad lighthouse. Subsequently, the lighthouse was rebuilt, improved, and a settlement grew around it, which by 1910 received the status of a village. In 1918-40, Zatoka, as part of Bessarabia, was part of Romania, then annexed to the Ukrainian SSR.


In 1955, a railway bridge was built in Zatoka across the Tsaregradskaya channel, connecting both parts of the village. Now the bridge, like the lighthouse, are the sights of the village. However, Zatoka is known primarily as a resort area. In the summer season, the population of the village increases several times at the expense of vacationers. Rapid development resort area began in the 1970s, when the oldest living holiday homes were opened.

A feature of Zatoka is a narrow sandy beach that stretches 20 kilometers south to the village of Kurortnoye. The sea in Zatoka is shallow and warms up well, which, together with affordable prices in local boarding houses, makes the resort very popular, including for families.

- a famous center of tourism, relaxation and recreation in Ukraine, located 60 km south-west of Odessa. The beaches of the Zatoka resort are located along the entire spit separating the Black Sea and the Dniester estuary. The beaches are wide and sandy. The shallow bottom is convenient for bathing children. Numerous recreation centers Zatoka provide comfortable conditions for recreation, including family and recreation with children. Climatic features, convenient transport access, flat bottom, wide beaches without breaks, developed infrastructure attract many tourists to Zatoka.

The holiday season in Zatoka begins in mid-May and lasts until September. Some boarding houses and recreation centers host guests all year round. The average daily air temperature in summer is 24˚- 28˚C, and the water temperature is 19˚-23˚C.

Mobile coverage and Internet services

The resort area of ​​the village is steadily covered by mobile operators Kyivstar, Veeline, MTS, Djuce, Life. Works Mobile Internet: PeopleNet, MTC, InterTelecom. Many recreation centers and boarding houses offer Wi-Fi services. Zatoka has several Internet clubs and a public telephone booth.

Pensions and recreation centers in Zatoka

Pensions and recreation centers in Zatoka are different in terms of service and comfort. The private sector of Zatoka is sometimes not inferior, or even exceeds the level of many recreation centers. Rest in Zatoka- for every taste and demand. There are many cafes, restaurants, an abundance of fruits and vegetables in the bazaar. Mild warm climate and inexpensive prices Zatoka attracts many tourists. Zatoka is quite famous in Ukraine and abroad as a place for a comfortable and inexpensive vacation by the sea.

Over 2 million tourists can rest in Zatoka per season. Recreation centers in Zatoka, boarding houses and the private sector offer accommodation that matches various financial possibilities.
The territory of the Zatoka resort is divided into districts corresponding to the names of the railway stations - Central District (Bugaz), Limansky District, Solnechnaya, Morskaya, Druzhba.
You can stop for rest not only in the central part of Zatoka, Solnechnaya, Limanskaya, but also drive further to Budakskaya spit. Recently, the old recreation centers of Zatoka are being actively demolished there and modern complexes and boarding houses are being built.

The benefits of relaxation: proximity to Odessa, a high level of comfort at recreation centers, exit from the territory of the base often directly to the beach, a large number of shops, cafes, bars, discos, sandy beach, clean sea water.

Disadvantages of rest: there are still old buildings with minimal amenities, crowded on the beaches during the high season, prices are higher than in places of rest more distant from Odessa. At the same time, thanks to the convenient transport links with Odessa and satisfactory quality of roads, you can come to rest in Zatoka with your own car. On the way, you can buy fruits and vegetables in the markets.

Reviews of recreation centers in Zatoka are different. There are good ones, and there are bad ones. They depend on the level of service and the cost of living.

In the private sector of Zatoka, you can find good accommodation options: all the amenities in the room, air conditioning, TV, refrigerator.

Housing prices 2019

Prices for accommodation in Zatoka start from $ 4-6. (from 100-150 hryvnia) per day. Such prices in Zatoka are valid at the beginning of June. These are rooms without amenities. Inexpensive holidays in Zatoka are recreation centers of old buildings, in wooden houses, in the private sector. It can also be a vacation in standard rooms in new buildings of recreation centers, only without air conditioning and TV. A bathroom and a shower are located in the corridor or on the street. New recreation centers in Zatoka, boarding houses in Zatoka offer a much higher level of services. The rooms usually have a TV, satellite TV, air conditioning, a bathroom and a shower. Meals can be ordered for an additional fee. Payment for accommodation in recreation centers and the private sector of Zatoka is taken either per person or per room. Prices in Zatoka from July to the end of August is higher than at the beginning and end of the season. The peak of demand, and therefore of prices, falls on August.
Recreation centers and mini-hotels on the first line in Zatoka are very popular, respectively, and prices here are significantly higher.
In recent years, increased competition has led to an increase in the level of service, the emergence of new services. So many recreation centers, regardless of the proximity to the sea, began to build swimming pools, moreover, this allows recreation centers with a pool to extend the holiday season.

Vacationers on a note about the resort

On the Odessa - Zatoka route there are bazaars with an abundance of vegetables and fruits (for example, in the city of Ovidiopol, the village of Baraboy). In front of the village, in Karolino-Bugaz, there are plantations with watermelons and melons. They are sold right next to the road. Usually in Zatoka the prices are higher. Some vacationers with their cars prefer to shop in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky.

Travel to the resort, buses to Zatoka

There are several ways to get to Zatoka.
The simplest one is a trip as part of an organized group by a tourist bus.

Passenger transportation Rentor: .

Bus Kiev - Zatoka:

By personal car - to Odessa, then - along the ring road, from where you turn in the direction of Ovidiopol, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. The quality of the asphalt pavement of the Kiev-Odessa highway is quite good, the recommended speed for most sections is 110 km. AIM posts constantly monitor the speed of vehicles. Most often, patrol cars are located in places where vehicles turn around, in settlements through which the highway passes. On a modern car, the distance from Kiev to Odessa without frequent stops and violations of the rules road traffic can be overcome in 4.5 - 5.5 hours. The resort of Zatoka is another 1 hour drive. Those. in 5-6 hours from the noisy metropolis you are transferred to the seashore to one of the recreation centers of Zatoka. You can build a route from the settlement where you live to Zatoka in the "Road Map" section using Google Maps. It is easy to get to Zatoka by train or bus. The algorithm is simple: by train, bus to Odessa, then from railway station or bus station by route taxis in the direction of Zatoka, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Sergeevka, Shabo, Yellow Yar, Dmitrovka. The interval of movement is 30-40 minutes. Average travel time is 1.5-2 hours. All minibuses in Zatoka go along the sea. If you go by train to Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - get off at the station you need: Karolino-Bugaz, Student, Solnechnaya, Limanskaya, etc.

Train timetables to Odessa and to the resort of Zatoka

You can view the train schedule to the Zatoka resort and throughout Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and buy tickets on the website: http://booking.uz.gov.ua.

Timetable for buses to Odessa, timetable for the resort of Zatoka

The timetable for the route Odessa Zatoka, minibuses and buses in Ukraine can be viewed on the website http://bus.com.ua.

Map of Zatoka. Location of boarding houses, recreation centers, photo

In the "Map" section, you can view satellite images of settlements, roads, plot a route to the resort of Zatoka and estimate the approximate travel time to the selected object. To pave optimal route, right-click on " full version maps "at the bottom of the map, select" open link in a new window ". Select a starting point and an ending point. As a result, you will get one or several routes. From the "Map" page for each recreation center in Zatoka, boarding house or private holiday home in Zatoka, a map with the location of the object is available.

Recreation centers and boarding houses Zatoka

Recreation center "Veterok" 3D Pension "Rest on Primorskaya, 64"
Recreation center "Irina" Recreation center "Karpaty"
Recreation center "Panorama" 3D Pension "Liman"
Recreation center "Forget-me-not" Recreation center "Pearl" 3D
Recreation center in Zatoka "Blik" 3D Recreation center "Lyudmila"
Recreation center "Obolon" Zatoka, recreation center "Chovnik" 3D
Zatoka, recreation center "Priboy" Zatoka, recreation center "Uyut"
Zatoka, recreation center "Avtomobilist" Recreation center "Karolinka-2" 3D
Zatoka, recreation center "Ros" Recreation center "Jules Verne"
Recreation center "Cote d'Azur" Pension "Aquamarine"
Recreation center "Niva" Recreation center "Golden bunch"
Recreation center "Season" Recreation center "Aqua 2012"
Pension "Mountain Eagle" 3D Recreation center "Iveria" 3D
Recreation center "South Sofia" Recreation center "Ozerki" 3D
Recreation center "Akkerman-1" Recreation center "Dacha Khutorok", Zatoka
Pension "Breeze" Pension "Venice"
Recreation center "Birch" Recreation center "Lodge"
Recreation center "Illida" Karolino-Bugaz, boarding house "Odessa" 3D
Recreation center "Gulf Stream" Recreation center "Blue light"
Recreation center "Rivnenchanka" Recreation center "Chornomor"
Sanatorium "Zatoka" Recreation center "Forget-me-not-2"

Hotels in Zatoka

Hotel "Pharaoh" 3D Hotel "Levushka", Zatoka 3D
Zatoka, hotel "Parus" Hotel "Sakura"
Hotel "Fakel" Hotel "Burevestnik" 3D
Hotel "Pink house" Hotel "Rainbow"
Hotel complex "Green Land" Hotel "Grand More"
Hotel "Villa Reef" Hotel "Aphrodite" "
Hotel "Aquapark Zatoka" Hotel "Aleksandr"
Zatoka, home hotel "EvLada" Hotel "White villa"
Hotel "Fiesta" Ruta Family Club Hotel

Mini-hotels, cottages in Zatoka

Mini-hotel "Adam and Eve" 3D Guest house "Family rest Limanskaya 233a"
Hotel "Camilla" Inflow, base "Aladdin"
Hotel "Limanskaya 367a" Cottage "Yuzhanka 71"
Hotel "Hope" 3D Zatoka, cottage number 542 3D
Mini-hotel "South Coast" Mini-hotel "Zeleny Dvorik"
Cottage "Sunny 1385" Private base "Coral solar"
Family hotel "Limanskaya 96" Mini-hotel "Villa Otradnaya"
Mini hotel "Viktan" Mini-hotel "Riviera"
Villa "At the pier" 3D Cottage "Druzhba 598"
Villa "Rainbow 514" 3D Mini-hotel "Cosmos 519" 3D
Mini-hotel "Friends club" Mini-hotel "Primorskaya 95"
Mini-base "Sea Breeze" Mini-hotel "Yuzhanka 68"
Mini-hotel "AnnLen" Mini-hotel "Euroline"
Mini-hotel "U Semenycha" Mini-hotel "Dacha 1308"
Mini-hotel "Yuzhanka 69" 3D
Cottage "Solnechnaya 817" Country house in Zatoka
Mini-hotel "On Nagornaya" Zatoka, cottages "Maria"
Mini-hotel "Vinogradnaya 14" Mini-hotel "Solnechnaya 828"
Guest complex "Primorskaya 25"
Guest house "Otradnaya, 6" Mini-hotel "Ozernaya 7"
Mini-hotel "Adjuga" Mini-hotel "Amelie"
Guest house "Eagle"

Zatoka is an urban-type settlement located in the Odessa region. It is located on the Budak spit, which stretches for 22 km. Zatoka is located 65 km from. The village is in the top ten best resorts according to IGotoWorld.com.

History of the village of Zatoka

The village was founded in 1827. Then it was decided to install a navigation sign in this place - a lighthouse. Since September 1850, he received the status of a full-fledged lighthouse and a crew in the person of a pilot and 6 sailors. In 1877, the construction of the old lighthouse fell into disrepair, it was replaced by a new tower, the height of which was 16 m. The new structure had a special room for a lantern, a Fresnel lens and a gas fire installation. Nowadays this resort village grows and develops, attracting all more tourists and vacationers.

Administrative information

The village of Zatoka belongs to the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district of the Odessa region. There is a port station Bugaz and railroad station Bugaz in the direction Odessa - Izmail. The settlement is divided into three districts: Limansky, Solnechny and Tsentralny. Zatoka is home to about 1.6 thousand people, but during the summer holiday season, the population increases significantly.

Zatoka's postal code: 67772-67776.

Calling code: +380 4849.

In Zatoka you can swim in the sea and in fresh water, since on one side the village borders on the Black Sea, and on the other - on the Dniester estuary.

What is worth visiting in Zatoka

The village of Zatoka is not too big locality, so there are no special attractions in it. But if you wish, you can visit Odessa or. It is in the latter that it is worth looking at such interesting places:

  • ... He was found in 1989 while working in a quarry. Most likely, this is a building dating back to the 3rd century.
  • , and . These are structures different eras, which have been partially preserved to our time.
  • , built in 1867. It has been preserved in its original form to this day.
  • The Shabovsky winery is located in the village of the same name. Today the vineyard area covers about 1000 hectares. The excursion includes a visit to several wine cellars and other interesting places.

Transport Zatoka

The transport connection is good. Near the village is the Odessa-Belgorod-Dnestrovsky highway. Many trains also pass through it from different cities Ukraine, so it's not difficult to get here. Since 2009, Zatoka has been restored river transport, but only for the summer.

Accommodation in Zatoka

In the village there are numerous recreation centers, boarding houses, sanatoriums, you can rent rooms in hotels or private houses. It is also possible to order a room or a house for a long time, or, if you wish, for a couple of hours. Rooms are offered with different content and comfort. Prices vary depending on the selected class: "economy" or "luxury". There is an opportunity to find housing in the private sector.

Pensions and sanatoriums in Zatoka

Most boarding houses, recreation centers and sanatoriums are located along the shores of the Black Sea and the Dniester estuary. You can relax at one of the recreation centers such as "Svitoch", "Yuzhanka", "Priboy", "Solnechnaya", " French Riviera"," Marmalade "," Lev "," Eden "and many others, which hospitably opened their doors to vacationers. The pricing policy depends on the amenities that are provided in the rented accommodation, and is quite democratic. Choose a hostel or a boarding house in Zatoka.

When to visit the village of Zatoka

Since Zatoka is a resort place, it is better to come here in the summer. There are restaurants, bars, a tennis court, all kinds of water activities.

Zatoka beaches

Strip of sandy beaches stretches along the entire village. The sand is fine-grained, soft, and the beaches are flat. Their width in different places ranges from 20 to 100 meters. The water near the beaches in the summer warms up to + 25 ° C.

Photo source: panoramio.com,

A feature of these beaches is also the fact that there are no breakwaters on them, which contributes to the rapid purification of the water. The water on the beaches of Zatoka is almost not salty, because near the spit the waters of the Black Sea and the estuary mix. The entrance to the water is quite gentle, and this allows children to rest safely. For those who like to rest with tents, it is recommended to go to the distant beaches.

The inflow is developing at fast paces, which makes it attractive for tourists and guests, who are becoming more and more here every year.