How to find an apartment from the owner. Reader's advice: How to rent an apartment without intermediaries is an unusual method. How to quickly find the best option in terms of quality and price

Finding a suitable apartment for rent is a long and troublesome task. Therefore, many people prefer to pay commission to realtors in order not to bother themselves with unnecessary worries. But you can save a significant amount if you find a home on your own.

In practice, there are several options for how agencies find apartments. But most deals with the participation of intermediaries are concluded according to the following scheme:

  1. The owner of the apartment submits an application to the real estate agency about the intention to rent out the apartment on certain conditions.
  2. Then information about the apartment with a description of its parameters and conditions of rent is placed in special agency databases available to all real estate agencies. This is where realtors find property owners.
  3. There are usually 2 agents involved in concluding a deal: one acting on the part of the landlord, the other representing the tenant. The transaction fee is 100% of the monthly payment for the rented apartment. Agents divide the income from commission interest equally, and then each of his earnings keeps 50% for himself, and gives the remaining 50% to his agency.

Due to the existence of information bases, it does not leave much difficulty for realtors how to find a home owner. Information about apartments is placed on special databases, because it rarely happens when among the clients of the agency where the owner of the apartment made an application for rent, there are those who want to rent just this option (in such situations, the realtor receives 50% of the total amount of commission, and the remaining 50% remain with the agency).

There are other ways how realtors find apartments, many of which are tricks and tricks associated with providing not entirely reliable information. So some realtors advertise non-existent objects on the Internet, and when a client calls with an application, they lie that the apartment has already been rented out. Then they offer a paid password to a supposedly closed database, but in fact to a site with open access to all. If a deceived client finds a suitable option on the site and makes an order, then all the information goes to this realtor, who then makes just a few calls - he finds out the time to view the apartment and informs the client about it, but he himself does not even go to see it. In fact, the client independently finds an option and negotiates a deal, but the realtor gets his commission at the same time. Knowing how intermediaries find apartments will help tenants save quite a lot of money.

Many who have rented an apartment in Moscow at least once are aware of the existence of the CIAN website (Central Information Agency for Real Estate), which posts ads on real estate transactions not only in the Moscow region, but throughout Russia. The site is paid and created specifically for realtors - high price placing ads makes it inaccessible to private users. But on the CIAN website, only those who post ads pay, and viewing information is absolutely free. Not many people know how the Cyan website works, so realtors here too "cheat" people, intimidating them with the possibility of stumbling upon fraud or convincing them that it is impossible to find an apartment on the site without intermediaries.

Variants to How you can find housing without intermediaries

The most reliable way is to look for housing through friends or relatives. If this is not possible, then you will have to look for fresh ads on the Internet, for example Avito, etc. You can subscribe to the fresh mailing list on the sites and try to get ahead of realtors, because among them, they also look for competition for homeowners in such sources. You need to know that different sites merge information into different databases. You can post ads yourself or hang them in the entrances of houses, even private realtors use this method.

When trying to find an apartment for rent on your own, you need to be vigilant so as not to become a victim of scammers. And know, only the authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. and how they like to talk about reputation, although if this agency is on the market recently, then it is not difficult for him to change the sign. Surprisingly, not everyone even checks documents with realtors.

It is advisable to pre-communicate with neighbors, find out how many people are registered on the living space, check the receipts of utility bills, the legal history of housing. In all the same I had to turn that is .

If several people are registered in the apartment, then it is desirable to have a notarized, certified consent of each to rent out housing. During the inspection, you should check the owner's documents: passport, residence permit, documents on property rights. It is imperative to inspect the condition of plumbing, electrical wiring, household appliances, etc. If there is damage, it is necessary to take it into account in drawing up the contract.

Available quick search apartments on sites where an open database is located, if you make inquiries according to the necessary parameters. Available options with phone numbers appear immediately - you just need to call and arrange a viewing. There are sites that ask telephone number when registering here such scams are possible

  • You will be asked for money for access to information that will not be relevant.
  • Merge your phone number for spam mailing.

It is better to search for rental apartments on the websites of well-known agencies. The cost will be almost the same, but the guarantee of protection against fraud is great, because such firms value their reputation and provide well-verified information.

You can avoid all the delays in looking for an apartment if the first thing you do is notify all your friends that you are looking for an apartment. Most often, friends, relatives, can recommend you a friend who rents an apartment.

It is convenient to rent an apartment through friends, as there is confidence that they will not be deceived. But not many have such an opportunity. So let's take a look at the next step.

But remember not to mix friendship with business relationships. This can lead to a completely unexpected turn of events.

What do you need to do before looking for an apartment?

The first step is to decide on a budget. At the same time, you need to understand that for a low fee it is impossible to get the best accommodation... You need to find a middle ground for yourself and start from it when searching.

Nuances that need to be thought out in advance:

  • District. That is, look for housing in a convenient location. Infrastructure, transport interchange are within walking distance. To work through these points, open the map and get directions (below is an example map). And you also need to get to work or school on time. Remember this.
  • Apartment parameters. Think about what the size of the apartment should be. It is logical that the larger the area, the higher the cost of rent. Most often, a one-room apartment for one person is more than enough.
  • Repair. You need to know what the apartment should be equipped with, what the condition of the taps and toilets should be. After all, it's nice to live in a neat apartment with normal repairs, which were carried out last time not 20 years ago.
  • Furniture and household appliances. Most often rented apartments are adapted for living. But sometimes it is better to talk with the apartment owners in advance and find out about the availability of this or that device.

To summarize: when choosing a rented apartment, the most important thing is comfort, safety, adequate terms of the contract.

Remember that under the wording “apartment in good condition” various troubles can be hidden. For some, a good condition is windows without cracks, a working shower, but holes in the ceiling, a faulty plumbing system are not taken into account. That is, make sure of the condition of the housing personally.

How to find an apartment without intermediaries - 3 reliable ways

For daredevils who decide to look for housing on their own, 3 reliable ways are dedicated:

  • Through the Internet.
  • With the help of newspapers and magazines.
  • Through ads.

These methods are available to everyone, because even grandmothers have smartphones. Let's consider each method separately. After all, they hide their pros and cons.

Advertisements on the Internet

On the this moment almost everyone has the ability to access the Internet. In the global network there are many free sites where advertisements for renting, renting, buying and selling housing are published. At the same time, there are divisions into parameters, type and cost of housing.

The first step is to find the owners and exclude intermediaries. On some resources (most of them), for example, on the Avito bulletin board, there is information about who rents an apartment. But even this "tick" is not a 100% guarantee that you will run into the owner. Therefore, be vigilant.

Sometimes intermediaries write in advertisements that they are the owners. Therefore, ask clarifying questions by phone in order to accurately deal with the owner.

There are still points by which you can identify an intermediary:

  • The intermediaries do not put forward any requirements for tenants: nationality, the presence of children and pets, the number of people who will live in the apartment. For them, the main task is to quickly shove off the apartment and get their percentage. But the owners do not like to rent housing to anyone.
  • Intermediaries do not pay attention to lease terms. The owners are interested in long-term rentals.
  • The agents know little about the apartment itself. The owners know everything about their apartment and can answer all your questions quickly.
  • The owners do not try to find out your data when you first call. First of all, intermediaries will begin to recognize personal data in order to replenish the client base.

Social networks also help users rent an apartment. There are many public pages and groups by city where the owners post their ads. But here, too, one should remain vigilant. Remember that there can be no question of any advance payment until the inspection of the property and the conclusion of the contract.

Search for housing in VK:

Newspapers and magazines

There are entire columns in newspapers and magazines that are devoted to housing rent. Most often, elderly owners resort to this method.

You just have to choose the most attractive ads and contact the owner.

If you have time and you liked a specific offer, just wait. It so happens that after a week the owners reduce the rental price.

The disadvantage of this method is obvious: the search will take some time, since you need to spend it on viewing apartments.

Do not rush, because it is important for you to choose the maximum profitable proposition... Check out all the ads, then you will be confident that you have found the best.


If you are looking for housing in a particular place (area), you can go there and find advertisements at the entrances or stands.

You will spend a lot of time on this, but you will be able to find really inexpensive housing in the place you need. Often such ads are posted by elderly people.

If you find such an ad, do not rush to stop searching. Now you need to make sure the content of the ad and the adequacy of the hosts.

Rental instructions

Consider the step-by-step instructions that you cannot do without when renting a home:

  • Find the best option for you. In doing so, rely on the area in which it will be more convenient for you to live and on what your apartment should be like. This will save you time searching.
  • Contact the landlord. During the conversation, find out all the nuances that interest you. Check the condition of the apartment, the availability of furniture, the Internet, for how long the housing is rented, who pays for utilities. Also, try to find out from the contact person if he has documents confirming ownership.
  • Make an appointment. Inspection of the apartment is a guarantee of your peace of mind in the future. Ask all your questions. Check the appliances for serviceability (refrigerator, stove, TV, etc.). If something doesn't work, notify the owner. It is advisable to reflect in the contract all faulty devices.
  • Enter into a rental agreement. In this case, you need to fix the counter indicators.

4 simple steps that anyone can follow. A little bit of mindfulness and you will get what you want.

Rent contract

As surprising as it may seem, many do not know what should be written in a lease agreement. At the same time, your well-being and peace of mind depends on it. Therefore, we will devote a section to this topic.

Many people sign a lease without reading it. This is absolutely impossible to do. The agreement must be read from start to finish. If possible, show the contract to a lawyer.

Not all tenants have extra money to go to a lawyer, so here are the main points that you definitely need to pay attention to:

  • Payment, advance payment, deposit: the amount of payment, what date the payment is made, in what way.
  • Actions in case of delay in payment of rent (it is important that you are only liable if the delay in payment happened due to your fault).
  • Responsibility of the renter and the lessor. It would be wise to know who is responsible for what.
  • Accommodations.
  • Payment utilities.
  • Actions in case of early termination of the contract.

It is important to pay attention to the increase in the rental price. Specify in advance that the landlord can increase the rent 1 time and by 10% per year (this is for those who rent a house for a long time).

Even if you rent an apartment for a couple of days, still conclude a contract. This is to avoid overpaying and getting into trouble.

Information to be reflected in the lease:

  • Ownership agreement.
  • Extracting their USRN for housing. This document is the only proof of ownership.
  • The passport of the owner or owners of the apartment.
  • Extract from the passport office with information about persons who are also registered in the house.

You also need to register the state of the house:

  • Doors.
  • Window.
  • Kitchen.
  • Furniture.
  • Technics.
  • Lighting.
  • Walls, floors.

When leaving, these points are taken into account, you will not be able to charge an extra fee.

Prioritize this item. A contract is a document that must be used as protection in case of anything. Including from cases when the owner crosses the border (declares to you at any time, cleans the refrigerator, makes noise, and so on).

Counter readings

When concluding a contract, be sure to pay attention to the meter indicators. Why would you pay the debts of previous tenants? And it doesn't matter whose debts it is.

If there are debts for utilities, it is important to reflect their size in the contract. It is important to determine the amount that the owner will pay due to the debt.

Rent of elite housing

If you are interested not only in housing and rent, but in luxury housing, you will need to know additional recommendations. After all, elite housing must correspond to the status. Find out how the status is explained.

When renting luxury housing, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Location. Elite real estate most often located in historically important areas (this fact contributes to the cost).
  • The street. Attention should be paid not only to the infrastructure, but to the prestige and quality of service.
  • House. Remember that buildings erected 7-10 years ago are considered elite. These are new buildings, club houses. It is important that there are no more than 30 apartments in the complex, otherwise it is not luxury housing.
  • Neighbours. If celebrities live in your neighborhood, the cost of housing will rise.

Finding luxury housing is not easy. If you are in a hurry and do not want to waste time (while having money at your disposal), you better turn to realtors. Since there are few ads on the Internet on this topic, and you do not want to go to a realtor, The best way search - word of mouth.

A deposit is one of the nuances when renting a home. Since it is charged immediately for three to four months in advance.

It is also important to comply with the terms of the contract, since the fines in which case are quite high

An elite rental agreement can be drawn up in a standard manner. But most often the owners draw up individual contracts based on their requirements and wishes.

It is not worth concluding a contract without the help of a lawyer. Since the clauses of the agreement must not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation (otherwise they have no legal force).

Relationship with owners

Have you already decided where and from whom to rent an apartment? It is perfectly! Just remember to be friendly with the owner while keeping your distance.

Always stay calm. Even if in the future the owner unexpectedly increases the rent, you should not react violently. After all, a constructively constructed dialogue will allow you to resolve any issues in your favor.

But at the same time, do not show excessive friendliness to the owner. You should not give gifts or often invite to tea parties. Just show yourself to be a responsible landlord.

And let's pay a little attention to your attitude towards the apartment. Not everyone feels at home in rented apartment... But in vain. After all, you pay a lot of money. Do not be afraid in which case, call the plumbing once again or nail the shelf.

For those who care about how and where their money goes, here are 10 tips from experts to help them in the future:

  • Advice 1. By all means, check the availability of documents for housing. This is an elementary recommendation, but not everyone follows it. And then it turns out that it was not the owner who rented out to you, but his relative. Or even worse: a person completely alien to the owner, a swindler.
  • Tip 2. Be sure to sign a rental agreement. All real estate transactions require documentary evidence. It doesn't matter for how long you rent an apartment. All the same, conclude an agreement in which all the significant points are spelled out.
  • Tip 3. If the home owner or agents refuse to conclude a contract for any reason, switch to other options.
  • Tip 4. Before contacting one or another company of realtors, check it for reliability. Even outwardly calm and adequate people can turn out to be scammers. When working with a realtor, call his company, find out if a specific employee is listed in their company.
  • Tip 5. Only after the conclusion of the contract, make the payment. If the agreement has not yet been concluded, and you are transferring money, you are sending it from nowhere. Don't fall for verbal bargaining.
  • Tip 6. Check the equipment at the time of the first inspection of the apartment. This will allow you to understand that you are paying money for a reason.
  • Tip 7. Assess the condition of the locks. Their reliability is the key to your safety. If the castle is in poor condition, agree with the owner to change the locks (at his expense, of course).
  • Tip 8. Rate the soundproofing. When inspecting housing, few people pay attention to sound insulation. But this is an important point, especially if you come across noisy neighbors.
  • Tip 9. Inquire about parking availability. This applies to motorists. The safety of the car is your concern, but it is important that there are all conditions for this.
  • Tip 10. The presence of insects. Living in an apartment with insects is unpleasant and difficult. It is not so easy to get rid of them. Of course, at the first inspection, they will not rush to meet you. Your task is to inspect corners and crevices for insects.

Hiring in the second way involves the participation in the case of any persons, contributing to the conclusion of the transaction... They can be:

Thus, there may be several options.

However, if you wish, you can enter into a hiring agreement yourself.

So, if you decide to rent a living space yourself, you should know important points, risks and possible difficulties.

You can learn about the concept, its rights and obligations from our article.

How to find?

To rent a living space on your own, not overpaying for the services of realtors or other intermediaries, you can use several sources:

  • information from relatives, friends. Perhaps one of them wants to rent out real estate himself or there is information about such options;
  • ad sites. A modern and efficient way to exchange information and find housing;
  • newspapers and other printed publications. The ads in them have not yet lost their relevance;
  • self-submission of ads about the desire to rent a house. Perhaps the landlord will call himself.

About how in the apartment, as well as how, you can find out from our articles.

Obviously, there are a lot of options for where to look for an apartment for rent without intermediaries. To do this, it is not at all necessary to contact a real estate agency.

If, when trying to rent a living space, it turned out that a realtor is involved in the case, you can try to conclude a deal without his participation. For this, agreeing to inspection of the option you like, you need to come there prepared.

You can write your phone number and offer to negotiate without a realtor on a piece of paper in advance. On examination discreetly transfer it to the owner.

However, you should first establish personal contact with him, as imperceptible as possible for the realtor.

You can stay in the apartment after the realtor leaves under any pretext.

This is difficult to do.

That is why it is important to find an approach to the property owner.


Of course, there are certain risks when looking for housing on your own:

  • incorrect paperwork... with the introduction of all the key points into the text, otherwise, a quiet life is endangered;
  • scammers... There is a great risk of "running into" scammers who rent out the same other people's apartments to several clients, and then disappear;
  • increase in accommodation fees... Again, if the contract is not drawn up correctly, perhaps a disproportionate increase after a couple of months of residence;
  • prepayment... It is important about transferring money. If the landlord asks for an advance payment many months in advance, this is a reason to think about the honesty of his intentions;
  • unreasonably private visits by the owner... Rarely is this point spelled out in the agreement, considering it insignificant. Hence, there is a lack of understanding between the parties regarding the frequency of the landlord's visits.

Any risks can be minimized by correctly concluding documents and providing possible options development of events.

In addition, it has a lot to tell owner behavior... However, the absolute absence of risk is not guaranteed even by reputable agencies.

What needs to be checked?

In direct communication with the landlord should check:

  • owner's documents, identity documents;
  • documents for living space... This is necessary so that later it would not become clear that the person who rented out the living space does not have any rights to it;
  • presence of other owners... If the living space is owned by several persons, their consent is required to rent it. Make sure in advance that there is only one owner. This will protect against further problems and premature eviction;
  • condition of the premises... Everything is important: the state of the plumbing, the interior, the details. If something does not suit you, you need to solve this problem "on the shore" or look for another option;
  • neighbours... It is better to ask in advance about which neighbors live nearby. If they are too noisy or dysfunctional, you should think about the expediency of removal;
  • location of the property... Ask the owner about the nearest metro stations, stops, shops, etc.

Thus, it is better to immediately make sure of the legality of the provision of housing for rent, to assess its condition, as well as the situation in general.

Making a deal

To correctly and with minimal risks record the fact of a deal renting a living space with all the important conditions, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents: In order to draw up and correctly conclude documents intermediaries may not be needed.

Thus, it is quite possible to rent a living space on your own.

The main thing is to conclude an agreement correctly and competently, get acquainted with the situation, communicate with the owner of the real estate, paying attention to his behavior. Risks cannot be negated, but they can be minimized.

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A modern person in search of an apartment, first of all, turns to the Internet and enters the words "I will rent an apartment without intermediaries" in the search line. But in the role of housing suppliers are usually agents who rent out someone else's housing to strangers, while receiving a certain commission and, more often than not, do not bear any responsibility at the same time.

Therefore, there are only two options: directly contact them and bring down commission payments to the maximum possible level, or really try to do without them.

How and where to find an apartment from the owner without intermediaries

There are several options for finding an apartment without an agency:

  1. Ask everyone you know- relatives, loved ones, friends, employees, colleagues, etc. - is there anyone renting out housing.
  2. Submit and view ads in all print and online publications.
  • in newspapers and magazines.

    Each city has its own most widespread newspaper, which is in demand. There are newspapers that are delivered to the mailboxes. They usually print ads so crowded and so small print that they are usually rarely read. In print media advertisements about the desire to rent an apartment are usually posted by rental agents, so your ad is likely to go unnoticed among a large number of them.

  • search for ads on the Internet.

    There is a special Internet site, where ads from rental agents are strictly filtered.

    You can find advertisements from owners in well-known Internet boards, which include, (the Iz Ruk v Ruki site, which also contains advertisements from the newspaper). Even on these resources, you can place your ad about the search for an apartment for rent in the desired area of ​​the city. Both sites offer free ad posting.

    Also, each separate region and city has its own bulletin board sites. To find them in the search box of Yandex and Google, simply enter "bulletin board + city where you want to find an apartment for rent" (for example, "bulletin board Moscow") and you will be presented with a whole list.

    There are special groups in in social networks, for example, this one on Vkontakte In this group, it is forbidden to advertise the delivery of housing with a commission. Such groups and communities can be found by searching for a phrase like "rent an apartment without an intermediary", etc.

    Tip: before you call on the phone, you can "punch" it to identify the middleman - just enter the number into Google and carefully study the results. If the number appears in many announcements for the delivery of apartments, then most likely it belongs to a realtor. The method itself is not a 100% guarantee, but it helps to filter.

The posted ads require constant updating, i.e. raising your ad to the top, and this can be of much greater benefit, but it should be remembered that agents will call much more often than the owners.

  • Can you post ads yourself about the desire to rent an apartment in a certain area, or hire a specialized company for this.

    They should be glued directly to the boards near houses, where there is a chance that it will be read. Placing an ad in a crowded place (near the metro, at transport stops) can only bring trouble. Firstly, no one reads them there, and secondly, no one calls them, and thirdly, you can get caught by the officers of the patrol service, who will write a protocol on the violation

    In order to have the result of getting caught by the owners of the apartment, you need to stick as many ads as possible (from 500 pieces, depending on the city).

  • Competently conduct a conversation on the phone: ask about the details that only the owner of the apartment can know - the condition of the windows and doors, the characteristics of kitchen and other household appliances, the presence of meters, etc. practically no one fakes, and only the owner of the home has them).

    How to draw up a lease agreement for an apartment correctly

    Choosing a suitable apartment with a trustworthy owner, you should have with you a pre-written lease agreement.

    It should take into account:

    1. Documents submitted by the owner:
    • an agreement on the ownership of this apartment;
    • Extract from the USRN for the apartment;

      Since 2017, the main document that confirms ownership of real estate is an extract from the USRN about a real estate object (in our case, an apartment). Registration certificates are now canceled and have not been issued since July 2016. Let the seller provide an extract from the USRN for the apartment in paper form with a seal and signature.

    • passport (s) of the owner (s) of the apartment;
    • an extract from the passport office about people registered in this living space, especially minors, since this fact can cause a sudden eviction of the tenant from the rented apartment.
    • It is worth looking at the last receipt for payment of utilities, where you can see the presence of current debt.
  • Rent terms:
    • term (with a specific date of check-in and check-out);
    • obligations of the owner, in the event of a breakdown of household appliances or flooding, other force majeure circumstances;
    • obligations of the employer in all cases. For example, keep the apartment clean, do not listen to music until late, do not make noise, etc.;
    • the rights of the employer;
    • the number of people who will live in the apartment;
    • types (monthly, quarterly, cash, non-cash) and payment terms (indicating the date and exact amount).
  • The condition of the apartment at the time of the conclusion of the contract:
    • walls;
    • floors;
    • lighting;
    • Appliances;
    • furniture;
    • kitchen;
    • window;
    • doors;
    • carpets and other floor and wall coverings.

    It will not be superfluous if for each piece of furniture and equipment it is compiled detailed description states.

    You should also not neglect the list of provided items, including the smallest, such as forks, spoons or other kitchen utensils. You can paint their size, color, condition, etc.

  • The clause on the obligations of the owner and the tenant in the event of damage or destruction of any property.
  • The contract must contain a clause on the early termination of the contract by each of the parties.

    If the landlord decides to shorten the lease period, then he will be obliged to provide the tenant with a period of at least a month for resettlement, as well as pay him compensation for early eviction. The amount of compensation must be agreed upon at the time of the conclusion and signing of the contract.

    If the contract is terminated on the initiative of the tenant, those force majeure circumstances must be described, during the creation of which he will not be subject to sanctions (death of loved ones, purchase of his own home, etc.).

  • In case of the most favorable development of events, it is necessary to negotiate with the owner (and certainly include this clause in the contract) the tenant's right to change the locks.

    The larvae in the castle should be changed immediately after signing the contract. Of course, one key must be handed over to the owner. However, it is worth prescribing a condition in the contract that the owner has the right to appear in the apartment he is renting only by agreement with the tenants.

  • How not to get caught by scammers

    The risk of running into scammers who do not lease their apartments or lease them falsely remains extremely high. Therefore, you need to follow the rules of caution in order to get around their traps.

    In addition, for another the stage of telephone conversations should be:

    1. Ask questions about the owner's possession of all documents certifying his right to own this apartment.
    2. Clarify information about other owners.
    3. Be wary when a large (from three months) prepayment is required.
    4. Be wary when proposing to change the time and, especially, the meeting place - there must be very important reasons for this:
      • The apartment is shown in droves and there is a real threat to stumble upon the previous tenants, and the swindlers are wary of this.
      • Perhaps it is at this time that the real owner will be in the apartment and the fraudster does not have the opportunity to let potential tenants into the apartment.
    5. Be wary if an advance payment is required before the conclusion of the contract, and even more so if an advance payment is requested from half of the monthly rental amount.
    6. You should check with the owner all information regarding transport, the location of stores, including specialized ones, for example, household ones, the presence of a school, kindergarten, playgrounds, parks, transport routes - scammers usually do not have such information, and if they do, then it is very easy to verify their reliability ... But the owner of the apartment will easily answer all such questions, especially the one who honestly rents out housing and also does not want to be deceived by unscrupulous tenants.

    In newspapers, you can often find ads with the following content: "Rent an apartment without intermediaries", "Rent a house without an agency" or "Renting out apartments from the owner." What does this mean and what do their submitters mean?

    To save time and money, many owners prefer to contact realtors. Such a decision is often based on the desire not only to rent out housing as soon as possible, but also to find a responsible and conscientious tenant.

    As practice shows, the help of an agent does not always guarantee a quick conclusion of the deal and the selection of a tenant that will meet the owner's requirements.

    Important! that when concluding a transaction with a realtor, the client will have to pay him a commission, and this is from 50 to 100% of the cost of housing. Not every applicant will agree to such conditions, which means that some of the potential tenants will be eliminated.

    For the same reason, many people are looking for housing from the owner, so as not to overpay for concluding an agreement with a realtor. You can rent and rent an apartment without intermediaries. And the main task of the owner is to find such a person.

    Many owners naively believe that only the contract that the agencies draw up is legally binding. Therefore, in order to protect themselves and their property, they make a deal with a realtor. but an agreement executed without the participation of an intermediary has the same force as a document from an agent. This means that it is possible to rent an apartment without an agency, and you can conclude a contract yourself.

    Where to begin?

    The transaction process consists of several stages. To quickly find a client, you need to pay maximum attention to each step.

    Determining the amount of rent

    Renting an apartment from the owner begins with setting the price of a monthly payment. Many owners, wishing to rent their property profitably, overcharge the price too much. As a result, the announcement of the delivery of housing hangs for months.

    To determine the optimal market price, several factors must be taken into account:

    Before renting out an apartment without intermediaries, it will not be superfluous to find out about similar price offers on the Internet.

    You can see how much similar objects are rented out on the websites of agencies in your city or on the website

    If, when analyzing your living space, you come to the conclusion that the rental price will be low, you can improve the quality of your home. For example, make cosmetic repairs or buy missing appliances and furniture. As a rule, such investments pay off quickly enough - in 1-2 months.

    How and where to find clients?

    Before renting out an apartment without agents, you need to decide for yourself: who do you consider as a potential tenant? Women, men, couples, foreigners, residents with children and pets?

    If it is important for you who will live in your territory, then this must be indicated in the ad.

    You can search for clients through friends and relatives. Let them know that you want to rent the apartment without realtors and indicate the price. This option is the safest for the owners, since responsible and conscientious people are most often found by acquaintance.

    The most effective way to find a tenant is to submit ads to online resources such as or

    To quickly find interested people, your ad must be detailed. It is important to describe all the characteristics of the object:

    • address (just indicate the street);
    • total area;
    • her condition;
    • availability of furniture and equipment;
    • price;
    • your phone number for communication.

    It is advisable to accompany the text with detailed photographs of all rooms so that the client has fewer questions during negotiations.

    If the apartment has low utility bills, then this is one of the advantages of your offer, so it must also be indicated in the ad.

    We figured out how to rent out an apartment without intermediaries, but now let's talk in more detail about the very conclusion of the contract.

    How to conclude a contract?

    To rent an apartment on your own you need to find a sample contract and print it in duplicate. One remains with the owner, the other with the tenant.

    Competent execution and consideration of all the nuances in the content of the contract is a guarantee of the security of the property and property of the owner. So, what needs to be specified in the agreement:

    • date;
    • data of both parties, namely: name, date of birth, passport series and number, registration and place of actual residence;
    • subject of the agreement: name of real estate (apartment), its address, area, condition;
    • the cost of the monthly payment and the procedure for its transfer;
    • an indication of the obligation to pay utility bills. What these costs will fall on - the owner or the tenant;
    • payment period;
    • responsibilities for the repair and elimination of malfunctions of furniture and equipment;
    • lease term;
    • an indication of the persons who will still live in this apartment (if any);
    • rights and obligations of the parties;
    • penalties for non-compliance with obligations;
    • conditions under which one of the parties can terminate the agreement.

    In order to rent out the apartment yourself and secure the property, it is also recommended to prescribe that the tenant is unable to sublet the apartment.

    For the safety of property (household appliances, furniture, etc.), it is advisable to draw up an inventory in which to list everything of value that is in the apartment. You also need to indicate the state of the listed things. In the application, you can prescribe compensation and its size in case of loss or damage to certain items and equipment.


    When concluding a rental agreement, the owner must provide a passport and a certificate of ownership of real estate.

    Particularly experienced tenants may require the presence of all people who have a share in a given area at the conclusion of a deal in order to exclude dissatisfaction from other equity holders.

    It is enough for the tenant to provide a passport.

    IMPORTANT! If another person has the right to own real estate, then his consent will be required in the form of a written power of attorney or personal presence.

    Do I have to pay taxes?

    In accordance with paragraph 1, Art. 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, profit received from the lease of real estate is taxed. However, there are some nuances here. An agreement concluded for 11 months does not need to be registered with Rosreestr, which means that taxes are also not required to be paid.

    If the document is signed for a period of one year or more, then it is subject to registration. During registration, data may fall into the tax office, as a result, it will no longer be possible to hide your income. The tax office must submit a declaration of income from real estate. The amount is paid once a year and is 13% of the profit.

    If you own a lot of real estate that you rent out, then it is better to arrange yourself as entity... In this case, the tax will be significantly lower than that of an individual. There are also disadvantages - you have to keep accounting, make pension contributions and open an account.

    How to rent out an apartment without intermediaries?

    The most common mistakes of owners:

    Thus, it is quite possible to rent an apartment on your own without the participation of third parties. The main thing is to deliver an adequate cost, find a bona fide client and draw up a detailed contract.