Comparison of holidays in Thailand and Vietnam. Where is the best vacation in Thailand or Vietnam? Where are the best prices for housing and food - in Vietnam or Thailand

Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 5. Let's take two southern resorts: Phuket island in Thailand and Nha Trang city in Vietnam. In the most tourist time (in winter) the second one seemed much more pleasant to us. Not so hot, evenings are cooler and fresher. But depending on the time of year and as you move to the south or north of any of the countries, the weather can be significantly different. In the north of Vietnam in March we froze to a good degree, while in Bangkok we were exhausted from the heat and humidity. By the way, winter in Vietnam is not a season, the sea is restless, there are showers. But in the south of Thailand at this time it is simply amazing: the sea is clean, you can safely swim, the weather is dry, the sun is not as hot as in spring.



Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 5... In Vietnam, it seemed to us that fresh vegetables and fruits are more affordable. But if we talk about imported products that Asians do not particularly eat (like milk, cheese), then it is difficult to compare.

Clothing, appliances, electronics

Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 2. The Vietnamese market is very sparse compared to Thailand. Technology and electronics are not the strong point of this country. Everything is more expensive than in Thailand. As for clothing, the number of popular chain brands in Vietnam is several times less than in Thailand. Clothes from the market are again cheaper here.


Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 4. Thailand is very developed from a tourist point of view, so there is simply a huge amount of housing for every taste in any city. Any resort is built up with condotels, villas. Many beautiful apartments and houses in European style not far from the sea, and the price relative to Russia is much lower. In Vietnam, housing is cheap, especially hotels. But finding something European is very difficult. We were looking for an apartment in Nha Trang for a very long time and chose one of the most expensive options. All others were covered with Vietnamese-style wooden furniture. It was not very familiar and comfortable for us.

Internet availability and speed

Thailand - 2, Vietnam - 3. Vietnam has excellent and cheap mobile internet. Works almost everywhere, even in villages and on the highway. When it comes to home internet, it is rather unstable. Failures, as a rule, are associated with breakdowns on the backbone networks. In Thailand, the Internet was dead almost everywhere, especially in guesthouses. Mobile Internet good quality, but much more expensive than in Vietnam.


Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 3. Thailand is ideal for the tourist. Roads excellent quality... On every corner there are convenience stores, street food, shopping malls, entertainment complexes, bars, clubs. Here you can find food for every taste at any time of the day. It's the same story with entertainment. Vietnam is much more backward in this regard. Eating or buying something after 23:00 is problematic. The Vietnamese go to sleep together and the streets are empty. Our favorite chain of stores, 7-Eleven, is not there. There are small grocery stores, but they look more like warehouses. And they work according to a schedule that is convenient for the owner. Shopping malls leave a lot to be desired.

Visa application procedure (simplicity)

Thailand - 2, Vietnam - 5. This is definitely a checkmark for Vietnam. A visa can be issued for a period of one or three months directly upon arrival at the airport. It is not expensive at all, there are no consular fees. Until recently, this visa was still easy and cheap to extend, now it is more difficult. Visa-free regime for Russian citizens - 15 days, but in Thailand - 30. It is more expensive to issue and extend a Thai visa. This can only be done outside the country at the Thai consulate. This process is stressful. You never know what a person will cling to on passport control... We give Thailand a two for toughening visa policy. In general, with a creak now we find ourselves in Thailand, having several seals of entry and exit into the country. It used to be much easier, but every year the migration policy tightens its grip. Perhaps Vietnam will become less accessible someday.


Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 4. Thailand - this is a place where you will never stay hungry. There is no other country in the world with such quantity and variety of street food, probably. Street food is very affordable and can be found at almost any time of the day. Restaurants for every taste. But in Vietnam, at certain times, food simply disappears from the streets. It's hard to find something at lunchtime because the Vietnamese go out for a siesta. There are also a huge number of restaurants, delicious seafood. To be honest, food in Vietnam is closer to us. It is simpler and very affordable. $ 1 for a huge portion of soup or rice with meat or fish. And you can overeat with this. And yes, we have never eaten such delicious rice anywhere else.


Thailand - 4, Vietnam - 4. It is very difficult to compare the capitals and the provinces, because they are two different things, as in Russia. V large cities Vietnam has no metro, while Bangkok has both an underground metro, a surface BTR, and water transport... And also very inexpensive taxi... Only 35 baht per landing and about 5 baht for each additional kilometer. But very often traffic jams in Bangkok are such that you can wind up a lot of money by a meter. There are also a lot of taxis in Vietnam, and they are quite affordable. Buses are inexpensive, there are a lot of bicycles and rickshaws. In thailand a large number of tuk-tuk, but we do not like to use their services, prices are often inflated. Bangkok has free bus routes but usually it is wooden buses without air conditioners. The price depends on the type of bus.


Thailand (Phuket) - 5, Vietnam (Nha Trang) - 3. We can compare two countries only by two sea ​​resorts... Phuket is washed by the Andaman Sea, which has a stunning turquoise color. The island has a huge number of developed beaches with good infrastructure and a lot of entertainment. In high season, Phuket is just perfect for those who love the sea. There are not so many beaches in Nha Trang, the water is not azure, and in the evening all the beaches are crowded with the Vietnamese themselves, who like to come to the sea with their families. There is little entertainment, and the infrastructure is less developed. Although, when we rode Vietnam from north to south on bikes, we saw a large number of beautiful beaches with blue sea and white sand, but these were wild, non-tourist places.


Thailand - 5, Vietnam - 4. In Thailand, we have been to private clinics and parastatals. The service is of a high level, the staff is friendly, the prices are not so high. All necessary medications are dispensed in the required amount immediately after a doctor's appointment. It is very convenient. In Vietnam, we applied for insurance once. Then the doctor came to our house. He spoke very poor English, gave antibiotics and a couple of related medications, and left. But I liked dentistry in Vietnam. Dental treatment was not expensive at all. By the way, as far as we know, there are doctors in Vietnam who speak Russian. There are a lot of clinics in Thailand and Vietnam.


Thailand - 3.5, Vietnam - 3.5. This is a very personal aspect. Everyone in new country always adapts differently. In Thailand, it was difficult for us to get used to food, both of them came down with stomach pains in the third week. The food is really spicy and very specific: completely new flavors that we have not tasted before. Well, the smells. In Vietnam, food is more bland and simple: rice with meat or fish, mild rice noodle soup can be found in any village.

It is more difficult in Vietnam with language adaptation. Very few Vietnamese who are not connected with tourism in any way speak English. All price tags in supermarkets are in Vietnamese. While we were driving around the country, we learned numbers and a couple of phrases in order to find out at least the cost of food in a cafe. We often used a translator. This did not happen in Thailand. V tourist places any you local will be able to answer in passable English. Even in a market where there are few tourists.


Nastya and Yura have a video blog about travel and life in Asia. If interested, go to their channel " Two tickets ».

Criterion Thailand Vietnam
Climate 4 5
Food prices 4 5
Prices for clothing, appliances and electronics 4 2
Housing prices 5 4
Internet availability and speed 2 3
Infrastructure 5 3
Visa application procedure 2 5
Food 5 4
Transport 4 4
The beaches 5 3
Medicine 5 5
Adaptation 3,5 3,5
Total: 48,5 46,5

What an ordinary tourist needs in South-East Asia? That's right - food and lodging. Jokes as a joke, and if you want to find out where is cheaper - in Thailand or Vietnam, then it is better to operate with prices for food and hotels. Everything else is very individual. Agree, it is illogical to compare prices for excursions or tickets to Nong Nooch Park (Pattaya) and Pongur Falls (Vietnam). But the prices for the same thing - for example, potatoes - can be very much compared. What are we going to do now!
Where is it cheaper: Vietnam or Thailand? Food and hotel prices

Where is it cheaper: Thailand or Vietnam? Food price comparison

To find out where it is cheaper - in Thailand or in Vietnam - we decided to compare not just prices for the same products. We compared food prices in the same place! That is, in the Big C store. Fortunately, there are supermarkets of this chain both in Thailand and Vietnam. Including. By the way, having a Big C store is one of the factors that makes Dalat great.

In general, to find out which is cheaper - Vietnam or Thailand - I walked around with a notebook first Big C in Dalat, and a few days later in Pattaya. And he wrote down the prices for the same, the most necessary products on the farm (and not only). As a result, this table was born. And in order to better compare where it is cheaper: in Thailand or in Vietnam, all prices are given not only in baht and dong, but also in dollars at the average rate. Let me remind you that the exchange rate of the American currency to Thai and Vietnamese can be found in these articles:

Which is more expensive - Vietnam or Thailand - we calculated using the example of prices in Big C stores. Fortunately, there are supermarkets of this chain in both countries. By the way, guess if this photo was taken in the Big C of Thailand or Vietnam? Hint: Pay attention to the age of European buyers.

Where is it cheaper: Thailand or Vietnam? Food price table (prices are in dollars)

Product Price in Thailand, baht Price in Vietnam, dong Price in Thailand, dollars Price in Vietnam, dollars
Potatoes, 1 kg 35 18000 1,00 0,80
Mineral water, 5 l 43 20000 1,23 0,89
Mineral water, 1.5 l 14 6000 0,40 0,27
Pasta (horns), 500 g 44 22000 1,26 0,98
Cucumbers, 1 kg 22 13500 0,63 0,60
Tomatoes, 1 kg 35 14000 1,00 0,62
Lipton tea, 20 sachets 80 40000 2,29 1,78
Bulka 17 7000 0,49 0,31
Yogurt 14 6000 0,40 0,27
Soybean oil, 1 l 50 35000 1,43 1,56
Watermelon, 1 kg 19 10000 0,54 0,44
Apples, 1 kg 90 50000 2,57 2,22
Sugar, 1 kg 23 17000 0,66 0,76
Chocolate, 100 g 80 30000 2,29 1,33
Chicken legs, 1 kg 60 64000 1,71 2,84
Chicken breast, 1 kg 65 73000 1,86 3,24
Chicken eggs, 10 pcs 55 23000 1,57 1,02
Beef tenderloin, 1 kg 400 230000 11,43 10,22
Pork, 1 kg 130 85000 3,71 3,78
Pork sausages, 1 kg 400 190000 11,43 8,44
Minced pork, 1 kg 145 80000 4,14 3,56
Local beer, 0.33 l 32 10000 0,91 0,44
Smirnoff vodka, 0.7 l 660 230000 18,86 10,22
Total 71,80 56,60

Thus, if in Thailand you spend 71.8 dollars on this set of products, then in Vietnam - 56.6, that is, 27 percent less. Here is the answer to the question where food is cheaper - in Thailand or Vietnam. Still, a quarter is significant. And this despite the fact that meat (with the exception of beef) in Vietnam is more expensive. But alcohol is much cheaper. And this is still not on the list of excellent Dalat wine for $ 3, which made ours even more fun and which you will not find in Thailand during the day with fire.

So, where is it cheaper - Thailand or Vietnam? The conclusion is this: prices for almost all products, except for chicken and pork, are lower in Vietnam. Therefore, we can safely say that life there is cheaper. If, of course, there is a Big C nearby. For the same category of travelers who faint at the sight of meat and turn green with the smell of beer, life in Vietnam will be a real paradise.

Where is it cheaper - in Thailand or in Vietnam? The price of many products in Vietnam is lower, and some are much lower. For example, wine there costs only $ 3 - several times cheaper than in Thailand.

Where are hotels cheaper: Vietnam or Thailand?

Of course, the comparison of hotels in Thailand and hotels in Vietnam is more conditional than the comparison of potatoes in Thailand and potatoes in Vietnam. But the categories are still comparable. So, let's try to find out where the hotels are cheaper: in Thailand or in Vietnam? To do this, select the 3 most popular cities countries and find the most low prices for double rooms in all booking systems using the hotel search engine

Thailand hotel prices:

  • Bangkok hotels- from $ 8.
  • Pattaya hotels- from 11 dollars.
  • Chiang Mai Accommodation- from 6 dollars.

Vietnam hotel prices:

  • Ho Chi Minh City hotels- from 6 dollars.
  • Hanoi Accommodation- from $ 9.

Many tourists who decide to visit Asia for the first time think where better rest in Thailand or Vietnam? It seems that both directions provide a lot of opportunities. However, there are pluses and minuses. Taking them into account, you can already decide for yourself exactly where it is better to go.


For example, from Moscow to Bangkok the flight time is 8 hours. Hanoi is 1 hour longer. The ticket prices are about the same.


Thailand and Vietnam are dominated by a subtropical climate. In Thailand, the high season starts in June and lasts until the end of September. During this period, the average air temperature is + 30 degrees Celsius.

The peculiarity of the Vietnamese climate allows you to receive tourists throughout the year. The average air temperature is +32 degrees Celsius.

Where is the best beach vacation

Here you should give preference to Thailand. A large number of different resorts are located on the territory of an exotic country, where all the conditions for a good beach holiday are created. The peculiarity of the beaches lies in the fact that they are located both on the mainland and on the coastal islands. Almost all beaches are sandy with crystal clean waters... The most popular are:

  • Patong
  • Chaweng
  • Karon

There are fewer beaches on the territory of Vietnam, but they are not inferior in beauty. Shallow water and a gentle entrance to the sea allow vacationers with children to calmly enjoy swimming in the sea. Lovers of a quiet pastime will be able to choose any island beach in the picturesque bays. Such places are surrounded by rocks, which makes it possible to spend a secluded vacation. The most popular are:

  • Chiong
  • Katdua
  • Changfu
  • Nha Trang

As for the amateurs underwater world then diving enthusiasts should definitely visit such places as: Koh Tao, Phi Phi, as well as the Surin Islands.

Where are the best hotels

Many tourists, especially vacationers with children, pay great attention when choosing a hotel. There is no problem with this in Thailand. Almost every resort is rich in various accommodation options. In the first coastline 4-3 and 5-star villas and hotels are located. They are distinguished by high service and well-developed infrastructure. On the second coastline, you can find several budget options but even they offer their clients normal living conditions.

Cheap hostels and hotels can be found in Vietnam. However, a European will not like it there. There is no maintenance service, there is no infrastructure as such. Hotels from 4 stars and above have everything you need for a good holiday.


In Thailand, you can rest up to 30 days without a visa. In Vietnam, up to 15 days.


One of the main problems of Thailand in the field of tourism is the slow internet encountered. It's easier to go the other way: buy a local SIM card and there will be no problems with the Internet.

In Vietnam, even in the cheapest hotel, you can safely use the Internet at a good speed.


Fans of exotic dishes will like Vietnam more. Here tourists can taste a snake, crocodile, ostrich, dog and even a rat. National cuisine involves a lot of use of various spices, including bitter spices. But there are more fruits in Thailand, as this country is famous for its warm climate and fertile soil.

Sea Food is in great demand in both countries. You will see fresh fish, shrimps, squids, shells on ice. You point your finger and they prepare what you have chosen. These are the freshest foods that have not yet been frozen. You should definitely try. It is advisable to come early, because in the late evening everything is eaten up and there is nothing left to cook.

Where is the best place to relax with a child in Thailand or Vietnam

One of best resorts for families with children in Vietnam is the picturesque Mui Ne. On its territory there are cozy beaches, completely protected from high waves. The gently sloping entrance to the sea provides additional security.

In Thailand, it's better to choose Koh Samui island... The absence of high waves, the developed infrastructure of the coastline allows you to have a great time with children.


There is no metro in large cities in Vietnam, and the cost of public transport is significantly lower than in Thailand.

In Bangkok, a tourist will be able to choose any means of transportation, taking into account their capabilities. An overground metro also operates here. The most popular among tourists are the so-called tuk-tuk.

Where are the best attractions?

In this regard, Thailand takes a significant advantage. Here the tourist will be able to get to know the local culture and Buddhism in general better. Curious travelers will be able to unravel the secrets of ancient temples, visit historical complexes, majestic palaces, etc. It is imperative to see the following history treasures at least once:

  • Big Royal Palace in bangkok
  • Baioke Sky in Bangkok
  • Aquarium Siam Ocean World in Bangkok
  • Mini Siam Park in Pattaya
  • Ancient Stone Park in Pattaya
  • Nong Nooch Park in Pattaya
  • Big Buddha on Koh Samui
  • White temple

Vietnam also boasts interesting cultural sites to tourists. The most in demand are:

  • Imperial city in Hue
  • Tomb of Khai Dinh
  • Lin Phuoc Pagoda
  • Hanoi Citadel


The land of a thousand smiles provides many opportunities for active rest... Numerous resorts are full of entertainment centers, nightclubs and other recreational facilities. Go-go clubs and various shows are especially popular.

Rest in Thailand is:

  • High service service
  • Good hotels
  • Luxurious beaches
  • A wide range of entertainment
  • sights
  • Transport accessibility
  • Diverse underwater world

Holidays in Vietnam are:

  • Low prices
  • Accessible internet
  • Opportunities for a relaxing holiday
  • Interesting excursions

Holidays in both countries are a sea of ​​positive and great mood!

Super User

Vietnam or Thailand, which is better and who is better to go.

So, you have finally decided to spend your first vacation in Southeast Asia, and after hearing a lot of praise songs about Vietnam and Thailand, you do not know what to choose and where to go. Let's shed some light on this really tricky question.

Answering the question, where is better - in Vietnam or in Thailand, one must proceed, first of all, from the characteristics of the character of the person who is interested in this issue. Let's say right away that comparing Thailand and Vietnam is an absurd thing! It's like comparing real Ukrainian borscht and real Thai tom yam soup. Which is better? Answer, which is tastier ?! And this and that can not be compared. It's the same here. These two countries are so different that it is very difficult to distinguish something in common between them, other than rice.

Vietnam has been and will remain our love for life. It is even more wild, untamed, not as spoiled by tourists as Thailand. But we still remember Thailand with warmth and dream of being back in Bangkok, on the Phi Phi Islands, seeing the mountain landscapes of the northern part of the country, eating grasshoppers and pat thai.

In Vietnam, it is rare to find someone who speaks English well, while in Thailand, English is spoken almost everywhere. But Russian-speaking Vietnamese are not uncommon, even in the south! It seems that the Vietnamese are not as civilized as the Thais. I noticed this on my first visit to Vietnam, when three weeks later I prayed to my husband: “Let's go to Thailand, I can't be here anymore!”. However, on my second visit to Vietnam, on the contrary, I enjoyed the simplicity of being Vietnamese.

Vietnam is suitable for adventure seekers whose motto is "trouble taken right is adventure, and adventure wrong is trouble." Such "adventures" happen in Vietnam at every turn, of course, if you are relaxing on your own. And if you come through a travel agency, you will also have some surprises.

Only a person who knows at least roughly the complex history of this country, who knows how to observe and draw conclusions, who accepts the world as it is, will be able to hear and understand Vietnam. In Thailand, there is more modernity, splendor, it is more comfortable for relaxation, more understandable for people with a Western mindset.


Awesome - both there and there. The most unforgettable landscapes in northern parts countries. It is impossible to compare, it is impossible to say which is better. It's just a must see!

The beaches

Thailand has more good and truly paradise beaches than Vietnam, more options in every direction of the country. In Vietnam, the most famous beaches stretch along the coast of the South China Sea for 40 kilometers and are located in the regions of Da Nang and Nha Trang. Thailand has amazing snorkeling and diving, which is why thousands of tourists come here every year. In Vietnam, the sea is duller. Perhaps, you can see some kind of underwater exotic when leaving for the nearest islands, but we did not see it.


Of course, Hanoi is no match for Bangkok! Bangkok super modern city with all the amenities for a city dweller - ground, underground transport, sidewalks everywhere, communications, traffic lights, expensive cars... In Hanoi, there are thousands of mopeds racing across each other that do not stop at traffic lights, there is no public transport (there is, but for tourists it is very difficult), there is no metro, and there are no sidewalks as such. But we love the old center of Hanoi very much, we could walk for hours along the old streets and, at every opportunity, arranged a mini-picnic by the Lake of the Returned Sword. We went into Vietnamese street cafes and felt like Gullivers sitting on tiny chairs. In Vietnam, all cities are like this - full of motorcycles, few sidewalks, dirty, noisy and annoying at times. But they have their own romance, originality and dissimilarity to each other.

Both Thai and Vietnamese food deserve separate consideration. Rice is everywhere, spicy, but very tasty. Kitchens are very different from each other, everything is different. Everything! Need to try. In Thailand, in street cafes, there are disposable chopsticks on the tables, packed in individual packaging, in Vietnam, the chopsticks on the tables are common, they are washed. In Thailand, normal chairs, in Vietnam, small as for children.

What's the money

More expensive in Thailand than in Vietnam. But it depends on how to relax and what to spend. After all, everyone has their own limit. Concerning self-tourism, then in the Kingdom you eat for $ 2 per person, but in the socialist republic for only $ 1! Again, depending on the number of dishes you ordered. The price for 1 dish in street cafes has been announced. There are cheap and expensive hotels here and there. But if in Thailand you rent a bedbug for the night for 300 baht (300 rubles or 10 dollars), then in Vietnam it will be quite a decent room with a shower, hot water, TV and even the Internet.

So where to go - Vietnam or Thailand?

It is impossible to give a definite answer. However, if this is your first time traveling in this direction, we would recommend that you start from Thailand, so as not to be greatly shocked on your first visit. After all, from there you can go for a couple of days to Vietnam for an excursion, especially since there are special tours. Although many are going to Vietnam for the first time and are completely delighted with both the country and the resort they came to. You can't guess here.

Sometimes it seems to me that I miss Vietnam more, but I remember Thailand, and I already want to go there more. Listen to your heart and perceive the world as it is, and then your vacation in Southeast Asia will leave only positive impressions!

see also

Going to South Asia on vacation, many are faced with the choice of which country to choose. These countries are very similar to each other, since they are geographically located close to each other. All these similarities are due to climatic conditions, geographic location and nature, so many tourists face difficulties in choosing a suitable country for recreation.

Having visited these countries, you can draw a conclusion for yourself where is better in Thailand or Vietnam, but if this is not possible, check out the country's infrastructure, weather, attractions and the cost of recreation.

Despite the similarities in religion, vegetation and location, these countries are quite different. Thailand has been receiving tourists for a long time and during its resort activities, it has significantly developed its infrastructure, expanded the possibilities, the range of services offered and the quality of service.

Vietnam opened its spaces for tourists relatively recently, but already offers a decent level of resort recreation and entertainment. The great competition in the tourism business between Thailand and Vietnam does not allow us to say unequivocally which resort is better. You can decide on the choice of a country for a vacation by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each country separately.

Climate of both countries

The climate of Thailand and Vietnam is similar and is suitable for a beach holiday almost all year round. Except when it rains all day. In both countries, the climate is subtropical, so it is warm here all year round, and for recreation you just need to select certain resorts. In Thailand low season starts at and ends at. The high season is in June - September, when optimal weather for a beach holiday.

The average temperature in Thailand in the high season is + 27 ° C ... + 32 ° C. The onset of the low season throughout Thailand manifests itself in the same way and occurs at the same time, at that time. as in Vietnam, the low season begins in the north and ends in the south, so you can relax in Vietnam all year round. The average daytime temperature is + 28 ° С… + 34 ° С. Despite the fact that the temperature in Vietnam is higher, it is more difficult to endure the heat in Thailand due to the increased humidity, which reaches 85% during the rainy season.

On southern resorts You can relax in Thailand at any time of the year: it has the least rainfall and always excellent conditions for a beach holiday. In vietnam the Velvet season falls in January - February, so many people prefer this warm country for new year holidays... Thailand and Vietnam are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Thailand, Adaman and South - Chinese seas... The average water temperature is + 27 ° С.

Vietnam is exposed to more monsoons, so in winter the temperature at night can drop to + 5 ° C. In Thailand, such temperature differences are not observed and the average night temperature is + 18 ° C ... + 22 ° C.

Thailand and Vietnam beaches

Choosing Thailand or Vietnam for a beach holiday, you should give preference to Thailand. There are a large number of resorts on the territory of the country that are equipped with all the necessary amenities. are located both on the mainland and on, therefore, they differ in the sandy composition of the beaches and the purity of the sea. The beaches in central Thailand are overcrowded with tourists, especially during the high season. The most popular beaches in Thailand are:

  • Chaweng.
  • Lamai.
  • Bophut.
  • Maenam.
  • Choeng Mon.
  • Bang Kao.
  • Kata.

There are more than a hundred beaches in Thailand. Some of them, under the influence of tourists, have already lost their beauty and purity, those that are on the islands and are less visited by tourists are heavenly corners... There are fewer beaches in Vietnam. There are only a couple of dozen of them, but in beauty they are not inferior to the beaches of Thailand.

Almost all the beaches in Vietnam are covered with brownish fine sand, and the entrance to the sea is gentle and shallow, creating sand spit a few meters from the shore. There are also beaches in Vietnam on the mainland and on the islands, so there is plenty to choose from for a vacation. Island beaches are located in bays, surrounded by cliffs and are quiet and peaceful places to relax.

In the central resorts of Vietnam, the beaches are more like azure coast, with white sand and bright blue water. Vietnam is more suitable for families with children, but for lovers of active sports there are a couple of suitable beaches. The most popular beaches in Vietnam are:

  • Cuada.
  • Anbang.
  • Chiong.
  • Bai Chai.
  • Ngokwing.
  • Katko.
  • Catdua.
  • Changfu.
  • Nha Trang.

You can relax in Vietnam or Thailand all year round. The beaches here are identical: clean with fine white sand, the sea is warm and clear, and all the necessary amenities. The only thing is that in Thailand they are represented in more but despite this, they are always crowded. To enjoy beach vacation in Thailand or Vietnam, it is better to go to island beaches, such as.

Where is the best infrastructure

Vietnam relatively recently opened its spaces to tourists and has already reached significant heights in the tourism business. Today this country is equipped with all available communications, service structures and facilities for a comfortable stay, recreation and residence. There are hotels of different comfort levels, shopping and entertainment centers, salons, spas - centers and attractions. Nevertheless, Thailand is more developed in this sense.

Today Thailand is the center of the entertainment and trade industry throughout Southeast Asia. In addition to the developed infrastructure. this country has excellent transport links both domestically and internationally. It is renowned for its abundance of entertainment, exotic shows and cultural attractions. Thailand is distinguished by modern buildings and surplus civilization, which are harmoniously combined with national architectural monuments.

All resorts and beaches in Thailand are accessible to tourists and are easily accessible by public transport... So, choosing between Vietnam and Thailand in terms of developed tourist infrastructure, Thailand should be preferred.

Where are the best attractions

If you decide to visit Southeast Asia to get to know the local culture better, then Thailand is the ideal country for this. more than enough. Buddhist temples, temple complexes, Buddha statues, palaces and more await tourists.

Thailand is the center of cultural development of Southeast Asia, but the country also has enough natural attractions.

Despite the fact that Thailand has more must-see places, in Vietnam they are more appreciated as they remain the only remnant. architectural monuments left over from the Vietnam War. The beauty and picturesque sights of Thailand are mesmerizing, breathtaking and definitely worth seeing.

Where is cheaper

The prices for flights to Thailand and Vietnam are about the same. The cost of tours from travel agencies is also not very different, but the budget will still be a vacation in Vietnam. Thailand is now an industrialized country where the costs of civilization flourish to a greater extent.

Thailand also has something that cannot be found in the resorts of other countries, for example, red light streets, transvestite shows and entertainment programs for adults. Thailand boasts the largest shopping centers and alleys with shops of world famous brands. Most of hotels in Thailand are 5-stars, so the cost of accommodation, food and entertainment is higher here. In Vietnam, all this can also be found, but only in large cities. Therefore, prices for housing and food in Vietnam are lower due to less demand.

Summing up, we can say that Thailand is more suitable for those who like a noisy vacation, full of entertainment and rich excursion programs... Vietnam will appeal to lovers of a relaxing holiday alone with nature. The choice between Thailand and Vietnam is best based on personal preference. In Thailand, life is in full swing, and Vietnam is more suitable for lovers of evening walks on the coast.