The best advice for men. Where and how men rest Real rest for men

Russian resorts Is one of the most popular tourist destinations in modern society. This phenomenon is associated with the deteriorating economic situation in the country. Previously famous resorts other countries began to fade into the background due to the difference in the exchange rate of the ruble to the world currency: the dollar and the euro.

One of the best vacation and travel booking sites found this trend in single male Russian clients. Based on the indicators obtained from the site, we present the rating the most popular resorts Russian single men.

10. Gelendzhik

Our rating is opened by the resorts of the sunny city of Gelendzhik, located next to the entertainment center on the embankment, its length reaches about 15 kilometers. It is here that the whole life of the city is concentrated - many restaurants, nightclubs and hotels confirm this fact.

On average, single men buy tickets to Gelendzhik for 8 days. The amount of money given for rent and accommodation at the resort is about 2300 rubles per night. The cost of the entire vacation costs 20,000 rubles, excluding additional costs.

9. Alupka

The place is renowned for its moderate and tranquil standard of living. People who want to improve their health come here. Many sanatoriums are open to tourists and offer their services. But if you want a noisy city life, you can go to Yalta, especially since it is only 30 minutes away.

Single men planning a vacation in Alupka are mostly of a middle age. The average bill of purchased vouchers does not exceed 17,600 rubles. Mostly popular are tours for 8 days with a cost of 2200 rubles per night.

8. Anapa

One of the most popular resorts in Russia ranks 8th in the ranking of the most popular holiday destinations for single men. Anapa is famous for its abundance of pebble and sandy beaches. The city's infrastructure is also quite developed - many hotels, restaurants and entertainment centers confirmation of this.

Male tourists mainly book hotels in the average price range from 2,100 rubles per day. The vacation time is 9 nights, the cost of the voucher is from 19,000 thousand rubles.

7. Sevastopol

The recently opened resort for tourists in the city of Sevastopol is also in demand among unmarried men. More and more comfortable holiday centers are appearing. The city is popular as historical monument battles of the past and a place of picturesque landscapes created by nature.

The average cost of a voucher is 14,000 rubles for a period of 6 days or more. The cost of living in hotels with 4 stars does not exceed 2200 Russian rubles.

6. Evpatoria

Next in polarity tourist town Evpatoria is famous for its sandy beaches and healing springs. Here the rest will turn out to be rich and healthy. The city's beach infrastructure is well developed and offers many different entertainment options.

A lonely man is ready to pay 2,000 rubles per night for a night in hotels in Evpatoria. On average, the duration of the rest reaches 10 days due to its cheapness - the cost of vouchers starts from 20,000 rubles.

5. Alushta

Unlocks 5 leaders of the rating best resorts In Russia, single men have another city on the Crimean coast of Alushta. As in all Black Sea cities, the climate is favorable for treatment. Many comfortable hotels with mountain views have been built for tourists.

Men prefer to spend 8 days in the arms of this resort and spend no more than 2 and a half thousand rubles on staying in hotels. Travel agencies for a vacation in Alushta take an average of 12,000 per ticket.

4. Pike perch

Currently, resorts on the Crimean coast are gaining more and more popularity, and the city of Sudak is no exception. One of the cheapest places to spend your vacation. Mostly tourists come here to improve their health and bask in the sun.

Single men are attracted by the moderate and calm level of life in the surrounding area. Here you can take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy the tranquility of the local nature. The average cost of living per day is 2000 rubles. The most popular rest period is one week.

3. Sochi

The capital of the southern cities of Russia takes the third place of honor in the ranking. One of the most developed holiday destinations with a varied infrastructure, but also one of the most expensive. The tourist has access to many attractions and excellent beaches for relaxation. The Olympic village "Rosa Khutor", the amusement park "Sochi-Park", a huge number of water parks, night discos, the famous mountains of the Caucasus - all this awaits single travelers.

Sochi hotels, on average, charge 2,600 rubles for a daily stay, so the preferred rest time is reduced to 8 and a half days. An average ticket to a 4-star hotel will cost 25,000 rubles, excluding additional costs.

2. Feodosia

One of the most popular resorts in Russia, Feodosia is famous for its favorable climate for relaxation and treatment. The city is equally developed in the areas of entertainment and healing sanatoriums. There is something to do here for unmarried men of any age. The place is also considered one of the most budget options for vacation.

One night stay in an average hotel costs only 2,000 rubles. Feodosia is perfect for a week's rest, but no more. The cost of a trip to the resort area of ​​Crimea will average 15,000 rubles. But don't forget about the additional costs.

1. Yalta

The first place goes to one of the most expensive resorts in Russia - the city of Yalta, but this type of recreation is worth its money. Probably, this is the most developed place on the Crimean coast. The architecture fascinates from the first acquaintance with the city, many beautiful green parks will give you a lot of time to enjoy the beauty of nature. Nightlife in Yalta is also very rich - a large number of cafes, restaurants and clubs are waiting for single men.

For one night at the hotel, an unmarried handsome man will have to pay at least 2800 rubles. Many hotels in Yalta are famous for their high level of service and comfortable furnishings in the rooms. Tourists spend about 7 days and 7 nights on vacation. Firms offer trips to sunny city from 30,000 rubles, including flights.

Availability a large number positive feedback about the resort of the city of Yalta makes it one of the most best places for a vacation in Russia for single men.

Resting is not working, but both require organization. When planning a vacation, both men and women expect something special from him. Someone wants to fly away from worries, lie on the beach, or simply devote time to watching TV on their favorite couch, turn off the phone and get some sleep. Naturally, men's and women's views on recreation can be radically different ...

Women: "Resorts are waiting for us, but we are not going"

You walked barefoot on silk the sand of Goa? Or kayaking along the rivers of Karelia? Or maybe you have a selfie with a polar bear?

D oh, this is rest. Looking in in social networks photos of my acquaintances and childhood friends, I never cease to be amazed: where only ours were not brought! Here Volodya, who did not know how to tie shoelaces until the third grade, conquers Elbrus. Marina, who was afraid of frogs, sits on a crocodile. And even San Sanych posted a photo from his vacation. No matter how glad I was for their fun adventures and resort delights, one thing saddens me: I don't have such pictures! Because I didn’t step barefoot on the silk sand of Goa, I didn’t go kayaking down the rivers of Karelia, and I don’t even have a selfie with a polar bear. Basically, when I just imagine that I'm rushing on a banana, cutting through the sea wave, I shiver: what if I hit a buoy or that group in striped swimsuits? But if you are lucky with a banana, then a monkey will certainly bite on the shore, with which a photo, traditional for these places, was planned. And I'm afraid to even think about how the plane will maneuver with me on board. In general, such is tourism phobia.

To be honest, I have no idea how to devote my vacation to something other than children, chronic repairs and seaming. Of course, you can go with your family on vacation to the same Turkey, but, as you understand, this is not about me. In addition, there is the experience of a friend who spent all the time in a room with her daughter - they picked up chickenpox. Both sad and funny. Therefore, I will spend my vacation in the village, where the chickenpox is my own, dear.

However, I have a special relationship to the countryside: I was born there. From an early age I knew from which side it is better not to approach the cow, what shitiks look like and what can be eaten in calamus. What is a milking and a strainer, how to neutralize an attacking gander and that one hen always rushes in a cow feeder. And yes, horses bite. And my city children are learning English and doing choreography! At their age, I rode a bicycle under the frame and grazed chickens. In general, I received a wealth of experience, which has come in handy more than once in adult life. Therefore, I cannot imagine that I can deprive my children of those very rural charms, knowledge of the world, which begins with nature, and rest, which gives a charge for the future. By the way, young townspeople with appetite problems disappear without a trace in rural areas. There is no need to force, ask and persuade, even bacon goes for a sweet soul. Isn't this a vacation for parents?

I'm not one of those who can lie in the sun for hours. If possible, I'd better collect herbs for winter teas, while the children get to know the flora and fauna, of course, under my supervision. Let's take a blanket with us and have a picnic, take a dip, let the water be knee-deep. There is no need to rush anywhere. Of course, the villagers have enough things to do - they, like ants, all do something, carry, in a hurry. But I envy them. This is how my parents lived. We planted potatoes, fermented cabbage, worked on a collective farm and managed to take care of children. But there was not enough time for rest. Although it also has its own philosophy. Once a fellow villager came to us for a few days - to the diagnostic center for examination. Tired of constant physical work, like a driven horse, uttered: "At least I'll rest here with you!" But back to the village, she flew in front of the bus, because there she has space, household and everything is scheduled every minute. There is her life.

Of course, I'm not averse to trying Prague pastries, seeing wonders of the world and others. interesting places... All is well, if not for the distance. In addition, probably, while the children are small, you will not get very fast.

At least that's how I console myself. The same Marina has no children, and therefore there are no obstacles to travel. Or maybe she has already done the repair - for the same reason. Probably, by the time she has seen the world, starts a family and plunges into worries, I and my household will go on tour. It is possible that you will have to stock up on Corvalol: at my age! And, probably, I will not take the children to rest, but they will take me: I feel sorry for the old woman, I haven’t been anywhere. In theory, I’m even ready to travel: I know that in China they eat with chopsticks, that jellyfish swim in the sea, and they carry tea on the plane. Of course, you can use by land transport, but is that rest worth it to spend a decent part of the time on the road. In general, as the children decide, so it will be.

In the meantime, in anticipation of the upcoming vacation, I am puzzled about how best to manage money. Buy a vacuum cleaner or put a door in the vestibule? Children need shorts, T-shirts and other wardrobe items, and it would not hurt to update it. In short, there are a lot of plans, but the village is iron. Since I'm not going there for a selfie, but to relax my soul, I won't be able to post something on social networks. Although what frames there can be! Rare. As I ride my bike to the store in rubber slippers, my hair flutters in the wind, and behind me is a column of dust, like a comet's tail. Or the surprised faces of children who first saw a cow giving milk. Live chicken in the palm of your hand, cucumber in your pocket instead of sweets. Even if the selfie doesn't work, the picture will remain in the memory.

By the way, many city dwellers do not understand why the villagers wear rubber slippers with socks. It's just that the legs are easier to wash afterwards.


Men: "Why do Belarusians need that Turkish coast? .."

When I was a Soviet schoolboy at one time, my family, in addition to a lot of other periodicals, subscribed to the satirical magazine Vozhyk. The humor there was, frankly, unimportant against the background of the same "Crocodile", but the childhood memory retained one caricature. The man depicted on it was reclining in a container similar to the one in which Archimedes exclaimed his famous "Eureka!" Only our citizen expressed his wise thoughts in a different, poetic, form: "Lepsh for pestilence, dear brace, bath ў dear hats!"

N I would say that I am an ardent admirer of this type of rest (if you wash, then it is much better and more useful in our village bathhouse), but on southern shores somehow, to be honest, it doesn’t pull ... Perhaps, due to temperament and physiology, I can’t lie aimlessly on the hot sand for hours. Moreover, to delight the insides with all sorts of goodies according to the "all inclusive" program.

And I also noticed this fact. A significant part of travelers to "the coast of the Turkish, Spanish, Greek, French, etc." (first of all, the fair sex) is not so much attracted by the process of relaxation under the scorching sun as by the subsequent "oral memoirs" about him in the circle of friends, colleagues and neighbors. Of course, it is a sacred thing to show off your cruise and to all your friends on social networks of the Internet, displaying dozens of photos with breathtaking views. Recently, for example, he caused a storm of anger in one of his virtual girlfriend when, instead of the expected expression of envy about her upcoming trip to Egypt, he simply modestly congratulated her on the upcoming event.

As for me, I like to relax at home. This also has to do with finances, which I prefer to spend on something more tangible. In addition, I can tolerate our temperate climate much better, when, even if it is very hot, you can always hide from the rays under the canopy of trees, and we have an abundance of them. As well as lakes, many of which are similar in size to small seas. Vitebsk region is especially rich in them. Drivyaty, Osveyskoye, Lukomlskoye, Ezerishche, sung by the classic of Belarusian literature Yan Barshchevsky, Nescherdo, on the banks of which he was born in Muragi. And this despite the fact that I do not belong to the category of fishermen for whom Pridvinye is just a Klondike.

And yet, whatever beauties may be encountered on the way, the main wealth of the region is its people. And most of them are wonderful. I confess that the last thing in the world I like to stay overnight in hotels. Why, if, in the words of Ales Staver, a native of the Begoml region, brilliantly set to music by Igor Luchenok and arranged in Pesnyaram, there is a “skin stitch ў a blasted house of pryvyadze”. And I met this attitude everywhere. And in the lake Postavshchina, and in the ancient Polotchina, and in the forest Rossonshchina, in the bearish places of the Gorodokshchina and the swampy Shumilinshchina ... And why go somewhere else from the places where, as our ancestors noted, “God lives”!

Therefore, on my labor leave, and it is almost starting, of course, I will visit Paris again, but not the one they see who die, but my own, Postavy: in this agro-town, among other attractions, there is also the “Eiffel Tower”, erected by the efforts of blessed memory priest Juozas Bulka, who created the “Belarusian Versailles” in Mosar. It doesn't matter that she is smaller in size than her French “colleague”, but there are enough tourists who want to climb on it or take a picture nearby. I would also like to visit Kamai with a wonderful church of Jan the Baptist. Walk along with the pilgrims, enjoying the unforgettable deep and Dokshitsy landscapes, on the way to Budslav with its miraculous icon of the Mother of God. If time permits, take a shot at the numerous attractions of the Ostrovets land.

It is believed that expectations will come true and, in the words of Vladimir Korotkevich:

“… Yak are awesome korshchyk,

Adry the slightest ў candle Ameryk

(Vyosku Ameryk, INTO Orshai will fall) ".

Ales Bynkov.

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The first place to go for singles of any age, gender and orientation is Amsterdam, the city of sexual freedom. Local laws allow much of what is illegal in Russia, including the means to liberate oneself. True, not all of them are worth resorting to. For example, the availability of marijuana does not mean that you should definitely try it. But legalized prostitution is quite safe: prostitutes here must have a medical book, receive permission to operate and pay taxes.

On the sea

Of course, a cruise as a way to start a romance is just vulgarity, but the effectiveness of resort and cruise romances has not been canceled. The Caribbean is one of those places where the fiery atmosphere of night parties and the romance of coastal sunsets and sunrises create and strengthen relationships. Moreover, during cruises to the bays Caribbean islands many ocean liners are calling. By the way, recently there have even been separate cruises for those who are looking for their other half or an easy and fleeting romance.

Buenos Aires

The capital of Argentina - beautiful, wealthy and cosmopolitan Buenos Aires - perfect place for sex tourism. Up to the point that you will be offered a card best clubs cities, attaching a package of condoms to them - the safety of the client is not an empty phrase here. Even if you are not lucky enough to have an affair with one of the top models of local elite clubs, you have the opportunity to meet "fellows in mind", to create a friendly company, which is much easier to find a company of people of the opposite sex, as they say, for a pleasant time together. Especially during the late night Latin dance parties. Even if you don’t find anyone for yourself and just learn tango, it will surely play into your hands at home. Or next visit.


According to legend, there are two women for every man in Alaska. There is almost no census here, so all that remains is to go and check in person. This is especially true for local villages, both ethnic and with a visiting population. Here you will be accommodated with all the comforts, entertained and will not be left unattended. By the way, at the same time you can buy fur souvenirs for returning home not empty-handed. And if the rural pastoral is for you, then go to Juneau - the city of bright fur hats and lipstick, as well as fairly free morals

Las Vegas

With the slogan "What Happened in Vegas - Stays in Vegas", you can safely go to this most famous "Sin City" in the world. Here everything that is impossible, indecent, inaccessible in other places is possible and real. For this they come here - to have a rest in full. There you will certainly find something special, you will find something for yourself in the string of bars, clubs and casinos, and maybe that hat that flashed by the fountain belongs to the one you have been looking for all your life ...


Bikinis, beaches, beautiful bodies, bright sun - Miami will set you up for a wave of love, or at least flirtation. Salsa and rumba lessons - for everyone, for sex minorities - separate gay scenes, shops with music and books, for everyone - art galleries, theaters, clubs, bars, discos - for every taste and cultural level. Miami is a cosmopolitan city that offers many options for singles dating.

New York

If your goal is stylish and sophisticated ladies, or equally stylish street girls, gentlemen with thick wallets and bright but poor musicians - anything New York has to offer. In this city, more than 185 thousand women and the same number of men are actively looking for life partners, and one of the places for acquaintances here is ... the metro. New York has no shortage of nightlife, in places where you could meet new acquaintances, where to invite a girl: restaurants, museums, concerts - and every day entertainment unique.


La Dolce Vita - this Italian expression has already become an independent concept that does not need translation. A happy and free life awaits you in Rome, one of the oldest cities in the world. The oldest, but not old: Italian men and Italian women are so hot and impetuous that you can plunge headlong into a love adventure here without even noticing how it happened. For Italians, flirting is as natural as breathing. And it is possible that " The eternal City"will bring you eternal love ... or at least just a light flirtation with your personal Casanova, a kind of light sip of" dolce vita ".


It is no longer so fashionable to invite casual acquaintances "into the rooms", and they do not like in hotels when they invite guests for the night. However, here in Tokyo they are much more loyal to this. There are even separate "Hotels of Love", and huge - several floors - sex shops, in particular, in the famous youth area of ​​Shibuya. Moreover, "Hotels of Love" are created in such a way as to preserve the confidentiality of their clients as much as possible. And the rooms provide a lot of opportunities to relax: there are luxurious bathrooms with mirrored ceilings for two, and even karaoke - if you want, then into the bathroom. And if you don't have experience yet, then in Tokyo you can easily find someone who will share it with you.

Washington DC

The capital of the United States is not at all a puritanical paradise, as many might think. Henry Kissinger even once said that this green city is filled with power, and "power is the strongest aphrodisiac." This is where love and politics intersect - a poignant combination. You can warm yourself up with arguments with Democrats and Republicans in bars and clubs, and at the same time flirt with nice party representatives, and at night take a walk with a person you like in the capital of monuments and museums, brightly lit at night.

So, if you want to try everything and be in time for the next vacation not only to see the world, but also to solve personal problems, make your route through Amsterdam to America, from there to Japan, and you will return home tired, but almost certainly happy.

For some reason, in Russia, it is customary for the whole family to relax, and the choice of place is left to women. So unfortunate men, whose soul requires adventure, go to boring resorts, beaches and shopping tours. Enough! Long live the real rest for real men!

Hunting in the jungle of Kenya

At the genetic level, a hunter sleeps in any man. And if sometimes he wakes up and demands a gun and game - do not be afraid, it is enough to go on a real safari. A trip to Kenya will provide both new experiences and satisfaction of primitive instincts, because here you can hunt birds, antelopes, predators and even elephants.

Such a vacation will cost a lot, and most likely, trophies will not be allowed to be taken out of the country, but an adrenaline rush is guaranteed.

By the way, Kenya is one of the rare places where you can hunt for all the members of the "Big Five" (elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard). The main thing is to prepare in advance for the fact that the hunt may be delayed or not produce results at all, and take out extended insurance.

Fighter flight in Ramenskoye

Those who dream of soaring into the sky, but not in the cabin of a clumsy airliner flying to Turkey, but in a real fighter, do not need to travel far, but they will have to spend a lot. In the city of Zhukovsky (at the Ramenskoye airfield) for 300,000 rubles. you can try your luck in the cockpit of the Su-30 fighter, which will perform all aerobatics.

Well, in Kubinka, you can do the same for the same amount, but already on the MiG-29 and Su-27.

By the way, you will not be driven by an ordinary pilot, but by one of the legendary “swifts” and “Russian knights”.

Fishing safari in Namibia

Several years ago, a new type of fishing, trophy fishing, became popular in Namibia. If crucian carp and pike are no longer attractive, go to a hot one and risk shark hunting. Yes, these three-meter predators are considered the most desirable catch. True, it is customary to release caught fish in Namibia only by pulling out a tooth for memory and photographing the prey.

And although fishing in local waters is allowed all year round, the largest catch occurs from November to April. Well, in order not to collide with the local fish supervision or not to waste the day where there were no fish, it is better to pay some money to experienced fishermen and use their services.

Scotland Whiskey Tour

Many men like alcoholic beverages, and if someone has enough of a trip to Oktoberfest, then others prefer more solid alcohol. For men who are used to getting only the best, whiskey tours are held from October to April. The trip begins at the Scottish Whiskey Heritage Center, continues at the factories, and may end in Edinburgh or London. Of course, tastings will be held daily, and not once, so only the strongest men will be able to withstand the week-long tour.

Formula 1 in Monte Carlo

Racing fans who dream of meeting their idols simply must visit Monte Carlo at least once in their lives. In May, the Formula 1 stage takes place here, and in January the Monte Carlo rally, but the rest of the time there is something to do in the city. True, such a trip is not affordable for everyone, and it is necessary to book tickets and a hotel room 6-8 months before the trip, so many people want to shout in the stands and take pictures with the winner's car.

Las Vegas casinos

You can go to Vegas not only for a bachelor party, but also for a simple trip with friends or alone. After all, hundreds of casinos, restaurants, chic bars and nightclubs dispose to a unique vacation. Many people strive to catch luck by the tail, and although not everyone succeeds, travelers remember it as a gambling paradise. The main thing is to buy a return ticket in advance and leave some money in the room for food.

Bullfighting in Spain

No matter how protestors of animals protested, bullfighting was, is and will be the main entertainment in, and in most cases - for men. If many people are eager to run with the bulls, then not everyone can enjoy the bloody spectacle. So if you have strong nerves (and stomach) head to Madrid, to Plaza de toros from March to October, to see a battle that has not stopped for six centuries.

Thai boxing in Bangkok

Do you love martial arts and dream of watching the fight live? Then go to, because the most important Thai boxing competition is held there - the King's Cup. Every year on December 5, thousands of fans of this brutal sport gather in one place to cheer for their champions. By the way, you can see the "fight of eight limbs", as the Thais themselves call boxing, can be seen all year round in all cities of Thailand, and in the summer also at the European Championship.

Cooking courses in Italy

Finnish sociologists recently noted that more and more men are taking cooking classes. Do not lag behind our northern neighbors! Moreover, you can buy a culinary tour, which will include not only tasting, but also cooking, and numerous excursions and entertainment, for quite adequate money. An optimal trip for a man will be a trip to, because the cuisine here is tasty, nutritious, and the main emphasis in it is on meat, fish and flour products, so beloved by strong sex.

Yachting in Greece

Of course, you can ride a yacht even in the suburbs, but it's not at all as interesting as learning how to control a snow-white beauty and feel like a real sea wolf. In order to rent a yacht and be a full member of the crew, you must obtain a skipper's license. To do this, you need to unlearn at one of the schools of the British Royal Yachting Association - Royal Yachting Association (Britain, Canary Islands, Greece, Croatia and Turkey).

However, there is a similar license in Russia, but then you will have to ride at home. it will also be an ideal option for the first yacht trip, since there are adequate prices for boat rental, picturesque coastlines, and most sailors speak English.

Of course, men's entertainment is not limited to this, there are also beer festivals, tank riding, mountain climbing, sex tours to Asia and a lot of other entertainment. The main thing is to decide at least once on the vacation of your dreams, so that later you can proudly tell your friends, girls, and later grandchildren about it.


Our compatriots have already mastered foreign erotica and everything that is tougher. Trains and airplanes carry Russian tourists of all ages to world-famous resorts and with beautiful girls.

It's time to combine their experiences and find out which country in the world has the hottest vacation for men.

If the warm embrace of your beloved is not waiting for you at home, read this article and run for tickets!

Germany: taxable elozivo

There are no clandestine massage parlors and saunas with unverified girls in Germany. Sex work is completely legal. A complete list of places of delight for the flesh can be found in the first newspaper, specialized catalogs (look in your nearest sex shop) and even in the telephone directory.

For 80 million of the population, there are about 400 thousand paid girls and boys. There are plenty to choose from. The case was especially well organized in Hamburg about some fiddling. Immediately from the station, we go to the nearest puff (official brothel), we try not to pay attention to street ladies. Not the fact that they are vaccinated against rabies intimate places. But in the puff girls with a license (and boys too), the sheets are starched, you can wipe a friend who has worked well with an embroidered napkin.

A full range of products awaits our tourists here - from fashion to fashion. But brothels are not cheap - 1 service is in the range of 300-400 euros.

Cheaper class - girls from shop windows... Really from shop windows! Decent street ladies have rooms where you can do well for the client, and their windows are decorated like showcases. This is how the beauties expose the goods both with their face and not with their faces. The price tag is 200-300 euros. However, there are no guarantees of pleasure.

There are also strawberry establishments:

Sex Cafe

Swinger Clubs

Saunas are not very cheap because water in Germany is expensive

Czech Republic: girls to beer

Prague for Russians today is like Moscow. Habitual, a little expensive, full of native speech and sentences to rub their noses at every intersection. Prostitution is not prohibited in this blessed country, so a huge number of girls of the most exotic nationalities come to Prague to earn a place in the sun with one place. The competition with the locals is the highest, so everyone has perfect skin references, and the price list is wide and tempting.

Street girls work in the Wenceslas and Old Town squares... Some are ready for 15 euros, and others for a hundred. It is worth being afraid of theft and assaults from the side of the girl's "roof", they may take money and not even show their breasts.

You can ride with a guarantee in any strip club or bar. Ask the local men, they will not only show you, but also advise a specific lady. Her services cost around 100-200 euros.

Spain: domestic debauchery

The body trade in Spain is not prohibited, although it is not officially permitted. If you go out in the evening on Puerto del Sol square in Madrid, you can join the stream of girls in negligee. Be careful, they are all on the sharpest stiletto heels! 90% of Spanish butterflies are newcomers, but all are cheerful and passionate because the climate is like that. You can get a lot for 50 euros! In hotels they look askance at the visits of prostitutes, so the ladies mostly work from home.

In nightclubs and saunas, prices are higher, but there is no difference in technology.

Holland: the reds are beautiful

Well, which of the sexually mature males did not dream of getting into Red light district?! Everyone dreamed, while it is desirable to be a little euphoric - from branded bar drinks and from visiting coffee shops.

Buy a girl, or not a girl, here you can absolutely legally... This has a hefty drawback - the service bill includes taxes and union dues. So a contented man is a poor man. 50 euros for 15 minutes, well, it's somehow not in Russian!

However, eyewitnesses say "It was cool!"

Thailand: girls and "girls"

All sex for tourists is in Bangkok and Pattaya, so we go to the epicenter of the world's sperm boiling. Sex tourism in Thailand is a very developed industry. So developed that when buying a girl for the night, upon closer inspection, you can find her dick. Congratulations, you got a signature Thai lady fight (they occupy a fifth of the sex market)! You can also try, sensations for connoisseurs. And if faith does not allow, look at:

Kadik (real girls don't have it)

Size of arms and legs

Shoulder width

Real girls are just seduction. Small, with chiseled shapes and dark nipples - they are good and skillful. You can rent this in a go-go bar, but drinks are not cheap there, and your girlfriend's thirst will be simply irrepressible - she’s sure, she makes a profit for the institution. A night with an oriental doll will cost 4-5 thousand on our money.

More options for Thai entertainment:

Street girls (about 500 rubles)

Massage salon (1200-1500 rubles)

Full escort for the whole vacation

Sexy shows

Girls on the street may be underage, be careful. In the cabin, they perfectly wrinkle the back and jump on a friend - two pleasures in one.

It is very profitable to order a girl for all 7-12 days of vacation... She will not only do daddy well as many times as she wants, but will become an excellent guide and a convenient shopping companion.

And it is necessary to go to the erotic show. There, the girls get up with their second lips something that cannot be imagined! Cracking nuts, uncorking bottles - a very exciting circus.

Cuba: ladies without price list

Going to Liberty Island? Take a pack of tights and a pair of bras with you - Cubans instantly jump out of scarce panties for this wealth. In Cuba, a girl needs everything: underwear, clothes, jewelry. But the official earnings of factory workers, teachers and ordinary employees are not enough, so in the evening they all go out to work part-time. And they do it for $ 20. The price list is not varied, but passionate. Additional expenses:

Paying her territory for sex + $ 20

In case of a visit to your hotel - bribe to the guard +10 dollars.

Yes, buy condoms with your voucher, in Cuba they are an expensive rarity.