Freiburg is the sunniest city in Germany. Freiburg, germany Freiburg population

Freiburg im Breisgau - not Big city ok, which stretches along the valley at the foot of the Schlossberg, in fact, from here excursions to the Black Forest start.

How to get to Freiburg im Breisgau

Freiburg im Breisgau does not have its own international airport, you can fly to, which is two hours away by train or by bus, you can fly to, which is at a distance of 20 kilometers, but the nearest cities are Swiss Basel, 60 kilometers away and Zurich, 90 kilometers, French Strasbourg, 85 kilometers. All these cities have direct rail links.

Transport in Freiburg im Breisgau

The historic center is free of transport, many residents prefer to ride bicycles, it is not shameful to travel to work by tram, because they are also environmentally friendly.

Freiburg im Breisgau weather and climate

According to some reports, Freiburg im Breisgau is the warmest city in with temperatures under 30 degrees in summer, in winter about 0 degrees is also the maximum number for Germany. sunny days a year. The rainiest time of the year is summer from May to September, less rainfall in winter. The climate is temperate continental. Freiburg im Breisgau is the most environmentally friendly and greenest city in Germany, the construction of residential and office buildings without solar panels on the roof is prohibited here, in other words, many buildings provide themselves with electricity, heat and hot water, however, this greatly influenced the cost of utilities. payments which are record-breaking here. For example, the local football stadium Mage Solar Stadion is fully powered by its solar panels.

The people of Freiburg im Breisgau are renowned for their love of waste disposal and cycling. The city developed as a strategic point at the crossroads of trade routes between the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, the Rhine and Danube valleys. Freiburg im Breisgau is a free economic city, the name is translated in the same way, Frey means "free", and Burg is a city.

Tours and attractions Freiburg im Breisgau

Up to three million tourists come to Freiburg every year, they want to see the magnificent pink Cathedral of Munster, 116 meters high, picturesque mountains hang over the city where you can climb the cable car and funicular, and in winter the city turns into ski resort... In the vicinity of Freiburg there are balneological resorts, coniferous forests and lakes. Be sure to visit the 85-hectare Europa-Park. The University of Freiburg was founded in 1457, compared to a city of 200,000 with 30,000 students.

Freiburg Cathedral, Cathedral of Freiburg im Breisgau Munster

The cathedral is located on the cathedral Munsterplatz 6, this beauty was very lucky during the Second World War, bombs flew by, made in a lacy light Gothic style, built from 1200 to 1510 with an unusual beige and pink color of the walls, at least this is true for the exterior, which contrasts strongly with most cathedrals in Germany, which were burnt by the fire of war and have a black and gray scale. However, in the appearance of the cathedral you can find both Renaissance and Romanesque features, the spire is made in some semblance of Mudejar with openwork decoration, the exterior, as it should be for the Gothic, is more beautiful than the interior, many sculptures from the cathedral will now be full in the Augustiner Museum. The entrance to the cathedral is free, but for two euros you can climb observation deck with a camera and enjoy the view of the old city, ascending as usual by spiral staircase not for the faint of heart. Best views open at sunset. On weekends, masses and organ music concerts.

Munsterplatz, Cathedral Square

This central place in Freiburg im Breisgau, despite the name, the market is constantly open on the square, a Christmas tree is erected here at Christmas and a Christmas market is already open, but the main character of the square is undoubtedly the pink sandstone cathedral. The square is home to the most the best restaurants, beer towns and fast food stalls, souvenir boutiques and crowds of tourists around. By the way, opposite Münster there is an even redder building, the Kaufhaus, in the late Gothic style, in the middle of the square there are two rhinestone fountains, both again in the Gothic style. Tourists buy ceramics, trinkets, souvenirs, decor items, fruits, berries, sausages, cheeses, honey and other delicious things. In the south of Münsterplatz is the Historisches Kaufhaus, a prime example of the late Gothic architecture built in 1530 and the center of the region's financial life in the olden days.

New Town Hall, New Town Hall

Located on the Rathausplatz, you need to start with a tour of Freiburg im Breisgau right here, since here is the main tourist office of the proud, take Russian-language map Freiburg im Breisgau. It will take about three hours to walk around all the sights.


In the southeast of Freiburg am Breisgau there is a cable car and ski slopes where you can walk and in summer time... The mountain offers a wonderful view of the Black Forest, Black Forest and Alsace, see the Bismarck monument. Cable car in summer it works until five days, the cost is 9 euros for two, the cabin can accommodate 8 people, with a ticket from the funicular you can climb the Günterstahl to the observation tower at the top of the Schauinsland mountain. The cable car is the longest in Germany and is 3600 meters long.


The funicular lifts tourists to the foot of the 30-meter Schlossberg observation tower from where you can see in detail how the cathedral and the whole city looks from above, the best time- it's clear weather, there is a restaurant near the funicular station. At the top of the mountain are the ruins of the Schloss castle, which was demolished in 1740.

Mundenhof, Freiburg zoo

Interestingly, the entrance to the zoo is free. You can only spend money on paid parking 5 euros, which is located at Mundenhof 37, you can walk here from the city center or by tram. The animals live in wonderful and spacious conditions.

Augustinermuseum. Museum Augustiner

The museum is located at Gerberau 15, in a former monastery in the very center of the city, the museum combines an ethnographic exposition and art gallery, also pay attention to the collection of a religious nature: carved wood, stained glass windows, silver figurines, tapestries, there are also sculptures and figures from the Cathedral of Münster, including funny gargoyles.


In the center of the city there is a drainage system, in other words, sewers, small streams in a stone frame decorated with artistic taste, of course you cannot swim in this river, however, for example, you can find a completely unexpected stone alligator floating out of the stream of water.

Freiburg am Breisgau Accommodation

Hotels are offered at prices ranging from 80 to 300 euros per night, almost all of them are located in historical buildings, you can stay in the center of Freiburg in the summer, and in winter those who come to the ski resort are accommodated in hotels near the piste. Can choose Mercure hotel Hotel Panorama Freiburg on Wintererstrasse 89 with beautiful views to the city. Hotel Colombi is located on Rotteckring 16 close to central square, is perhaps the most expensive and respectable in Freiburg. Park Hotel The Post is located at Eisenbahnstrasse 35/37 with excellent views of the cathedral and city center. The Schwarzwaelder Hof Hotel is located on the charming and picturesque Herrenstrasse 43 near the cathedral. The Clarion Hotel Hirschen is located on Breisgauer Strasse 47 near the Europapark amusement park.

Well, by popular demand, this story will be about a wonderful German town Freiburg, through which our route of "emigration" from Germany to Switzerland ran.
The City of Freedom (I translated this literally) is such a large city with a population of more than 200 thousand people and its own university, in which even Erasmus of Rotterdam himself studied.

The history of the city dates back to 1120. Around the same time, the first stone was laid in the foundation of the most beautiful tower of Christianity - Freiburg Münster a. It is so large (116 meters) that I decided to place a photograph of it stuck together from 4 shots in this way.

And here is the university (on the right) - largest center European humanism in the Middle Ages:

But first we will enter the city from the other end - through the gate of St. Martin (Martinstor).

- "Where does the Russian two-headed eagle come from?" - you ask. - "And he is not Russian" - I will answer. These are all symbols of the power of the Holy Roman Empire.
And next to it, by accident, harmoniously and in color, there is a sign "Poppy" - also a kind of symbol of power over human stomachs.

We pass through the arch and find ourselves (or are we?) On Kaiserstrasse - a crowded street:

The tower is also terribly old - it has been standing here since 1201. True, it looked a little different until 1901. Like this:

Then it was built on a little and it began to look like this:

During World War II, the city had a difficult time. First, on May 9, 1940, Freiburg was bombed by air, resulting in casualties and destruction. German newspapers and radio, with links to the General Staff and the Foreign Ministry, reported that the city was bombed by French aviation, which was based on the territory of neutral Holland and Belgium. In an official statement from Berlin, it was reported that by doing so, Brussels and Amsterdam violated the agreements on neutrality. The next day, May 10, 1940, the Wehrmacht launched an invasion of Holland and Belgium. Now it is clear who was the teacher of the Americans ...

After the war, reports emerged that the 51st Luftwaffe Bomber Squadron, led by Josef Kammhuber, carried out a raid on Freiburg.

Before the city had time to recover from the destruction, on November 27, 1944, on the direct orders of Churchill, the city was slightly less than completely bombed by the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. Here is a photo of those times (it is quite large - click and view):

It is noteworthy that the Freiburg Munster was hardly affected by the bombing - neither the first nor the second time.

True, now the worst enemy of Munster is Time, therefore, at all modern photographs the cathedral looks like this:

The Cathedral of Our Lady, as it is called, was built for 300 years. Therefore, its architecture combines three styles: Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance. Unfortunately, because of the scaffolding, its openwork, carved spire is not visible.

A street overlooking Cathedral Square:

The cathedral is also famous for an abundance of whimsical gutter decorations found in only a few Gothic cathedrals. Among other things, there is a human figure in which water flows out of a naked butt - it is assumed that the butt was directed by the masons towards the residence of the bishop, who owed them money.

And another urban legend says that all residents of the houses adjacent to the construction site donated money for the construction of the Freiburg Münster. And only one homeowner refused to make a donation. It is to his house that a single figure, located by the back of the body, is directed.

Saturdays on Cathedral Square a farmers' market opens, where you can buy the famous Black Forest ham smoked on spruce and pine cones from the nearby Black Forest.

Local craftsmen are also famous for wood products:

Well, how can you get out of here without trying the local sausages?
She is preparing this for me now :)

But, as they say, not with one bread ... We go inside the cathedral.

Catholic cathedrals have always amazed me with their inner space. But this ...

This one so mesmerized that I even wanted to sit here on the bench a little. The children also did not mind - they quietly stared at everything with an open mouth :) And it was not in vain that they stayed - the rehearsal of the organ concert began. An unforgettable experience.

After the organ I just wanted to wander through the city streets.

I already wrote about the greats? Cool carriages for children here in Europe. Hooked to the trunk and forward. But isn't it dangerous?

And here along the sidewalks, rivers flow in gutters. They are called "baechle". They are so clean.

The city is generally very beautiful. Especially in summer and winter when it still glows with garlands.

See what an idyll:

And here is the courtyard of one of the houses:

Another street:

This is one of the central:

If you walk along it, then along the way you will come across the famous hotel "At the Red Bear" ("Zum Roten Baeren") - the oldest in Germany, leading its history from 1120.
True, the bear has already managed to become golden by our time ...

And at the end of the street there is another attraction - the Schwabentor. The lower floor of this gate tower dates back to the 13th century, but the main building was erected in 1901 in the 15th century style. In 1904-1905. not far from here, in a boarding house on Wallstrasse 10, sisters Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaeva lived and studied.

Unfortunately, we are lucky to be restored and the "attraction", as always, was covered by forests.

Square Augustinerplatz:

Another trademark "feature" of Freiburg is the colored pavements made of halves of the Rhine coastal pebbles:

The youngest had already settled in the city and was running ahead :)

Near the cathedral. Germans are touched by dogs much more than small children. :)

Letter-letter to the grass ... And what?

Well, I'll also touch on the topic of immigrants. This is how the guests of the sunny republics of the countries make their living.

Everyone knows what the joke is? :)

Well, everything, we got to the Danube. Whoever reads the next post will know where this great river originates from :) Don't google in advance!

In the previous series.

Freiburg (Freiburg im Breisgau) is an old city by European standards: it was founded in 1120. The history of all old cities is closely intertwined with legends, and Freiburg is no exception. According to legend, the great humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam and the inventor of gunpowder Berthold Schwartz lived in this city. It is said that this is where the wall cuckoo clock and the famous Black Forest cherry cake with whipped cream were invented.

The originality of Freiburg is made up of several features:

  1. Location on the border: in half an hour or an hour you can easily get from here to Swiss Basel or French Mulhouse.
  2. An abundance of students from all over the world who make Freiburg young, lively and cheerful.
  3. Beauty: the entire city center behind the ancient gates has a special charm.
  4. Nature: The Black Forest is very close, and not far from the city you can walk perfectly through the wooded hills.

In addition, Freiburg is called one of the safest German cities. Considering all this, it is not surprising that many students are happy to become “eternal” here and consider their city the best in the country.

How to get there

The city is located in close proximity to major European cities and airports: 81 km to Basel, 145 km to Zurich, 89 km to Strasbourg, 136 km to Karlsruhe. Freiburg can be reached from these cities by railroad, and in total the city is connected with 37 cities of Europe by direct communication. Alternatively, Freiburg can be reached via the A3 and A5 state motorways.

Search for flights to Basel (closest airport to Freiburg)


The city tram routes are laid in such a way that you can easily get from one attraction to another. But transport is not cheap (a single ticket for an adult costs from 2.30 EUR, for a child - 1.40 EUR), so it makes sense to buy a daily pass. Online bus and tram maps (website in English) can help you plan your route around Freiburg. You can also buy and travel tickets or find out about points of sale (there are a lot of them all over the city).

Another popular option is a bicycle: in the morning, early in the morning, streams of students and townspeople are driven along the cobblestones to work, study or to the station. You can rent a bike to see more sights, although the city center is small and can be explored on foot. Just keep in mind: at the central city crossroads (there is an equestrian monument) you must dismount, traffic is prohibited here.

Freiburg maps

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Weather in Freiburg

Freiburg hotels and restaurants

For those who came to get acquainted with the capital of the Black Forest, as Freiburg is sometimes called, the doors of several dozen hotels are open, including tiny private and rather large chain hotels. But everywhere, regardless of the size of the hotel, the staff is distinguished by professionalism and hospitality.

The restaurants of the city are also varied. His geographical position- proximity to France and Switzerland - has left its mark on the menu of many establishments: along with German cuisine, they usually offer a large selection of French and Swiss dishes.

On the territory of the Black Forest, the Swabian dialect is in use, which differs markedly from the literary German language and at first may cause bewilderment among visitors. But the tourist staff most often speaks classic German.

The best pictures of Freiburg

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All photos of Freiburg

Freiburg attractions and attractions

Looking at the beauty of this prosperous prosperous city, spread among the mountains, it is difficult to believe that its history is full of bloodshed. This and the many sieges during the religious 30-year war in the 18th century, when the population of the city was reduced to 2,000 people, and the subsequent raids of Austrian and French troops, and the destruction of most of the city during the Second World War.

Thanks to the efforts of the townspeople, the city was completely restored, and now more than 3 million tourists come to Freiburg every year. They are attracted not only historical places, but also the mild climate of the region, and thermal springs, lakes and coniferous forests near Freiburg. Therefore, many hotels in the city offer their guests, in addition to the standard set of services, wellness programs of various levels.

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Construction of the magnificent Freiburg Cathedral lasted from the 12th to the 14th century. The architecture of this building shows the features of three styles at once - Romanesque, Late Romanesque and Gothic. The Gothic is the most striking here: the numerous decorations on the walls and gutters are most striking. Munster, as the Germans call it, is the only cathedral in Germany built in the Middle Ages and preserved to this day. It also survived the shelling during the Second World War, when almost all the houses around were destroyed.

The cathedral has become a recognizable symbol of Freiburg: its high 116-meter carved tower is visible from afar. Climbing it, you can admire the panorama of Freiburg and its surroundings. And there is something to admire - the city is remarkably beautiful: its tiled roofs, narrow streets paved with Rhine stone, two town halls are buried in greenery and flowers.

Another observation deck in Freiburg opened relatively recently, in 2002 - this is observation tower Schlossberg on the mountain of the same name. It is believed that the most complete panorama of the city opens from here (taking into account the height on which the tower stands, the height turns out to be about 200 m). The tower was built with donations from the townspeople, and the names of the patrons can be read on the tablets attached to the steps. To climb to the observation deck, you need to climb 153 steps.

Amusement parks

Another attraction of Freiburg is Europa-Park, one of the most popular amusement parks in Germany. About a hundred different, sometimes unique, attractions are collected on an area of ​​85 hectares - these are 11 quarters, each of which is decorated in the style of a certain European country.

It is symbolic that this park is located in the heart of Europe, in the place where Germany, France and Switzerland meet.

Freiburg University

The University of Freiburg is one of the oldest in Europe, it dates back to 1457. Since its inception, its academic school has earned high praise from scientists from all over Europe. The diploma of this university is still quoted all over the world, and the university itself leaves a certain imprint on the life of the city: there are more than 30,000 students per 200,000 inhabitants in the city! In addition, language schools for adolescents and children operate on the basis of this educational institution. And thanks to the specific climate of the Black Forest, language learning can be combined with a wellness program and relaxation.

Freiburg is the warmest city in Germany, and the sun shines here for more than 2 thousand hours a year. This circumstance allowed his authorities to take care of the environment, which is facilitated by numerous solar panels that generate a huge amount of energy, and this allowed Freiburg to become one of the cleanest cities in Germany. There are also many attractions - ancient cathedrals, amazing planetariums, charming churches, and shopping centers and tiny souvenir shops.

Freiburg landmarks

Freiburg Cathedral... It can be considered one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Germany. The main building material for its construction was pink sandstone, from which most of the churches in the region were built. The spire of the cathedral, although not the highest, attracts the attention of tourists with its delicate character. You can see it from the inside, as well as admire the city landscape, by climbing the stairs to a height of 70 meters. Freiburg, Muensterplatz 6.

Freiburg Cathedral (Photo © Mike Hauser / / CC BY 2.0)

City Planetarium (Planetarium Freiburg)... By visiting this planetarium you can find out Interesting Facts about the universe. The child will surely enjoy modern films that are shown in the same room. However, they do not have a translation, so you should know German... Freiburg, Bismarckallee 7g | next to Central Station.

Historical trading house ( Historische Handelshaus)... This historic building is a favorite tourist destination. It is located on the south side of the cathedral and can be recognized by its tiled tower. The trading house was built at the beginning of the 16th century. Above the balcony you can see 4 figures and coats of arms, which are the symbol of Freiburg and the Habsburg dynasty. Freiburg, Munsterplatz.

Munsterplatz.It is considered to be the most beautiful square in the city. Here you can not only admire beautiful buildings or the Cathedral, but also buy the freshest products at the farmers' market, which sells flowers, berries and delicious fried sausages.

Mundenhof. Perfect place for visiting with children. This zoo has a fairly large area, and there are no predatory animals. The inspection will take several hours. The animals are practically not afraid of visitors and come very close to the fence. The entrance to the zoo is free, but parking is required at a cost of 5 euros per day. Freiburg, Mundenhof 37.

Zoo in Freiburg (Photo © Till Westermayer / / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Wenzingerhaus... When visiting Cathedral Square, the attention of many tourists is attracted by the house with winter garden, which was built by the burgomaster for his wife. At the moment, it houses a museum of the history of the city. Very often it is confused with the Trade House, which is located nearby and its main difference is the red color of the walls. Freiburg, Muensterplatz 30.

"House at the whale" ("Haus bei Wal").This historic building is located on the north side of the road, on the opposite side you can see the Martinskirche - a church that was previously part of a Franciscan monastery. The House by the Whale has a rather extravagant look, and there are two gargoyles on its bay window, made in the style of the late Renaissance. Freiburg, Franziskanerstrasse.

Herz-Jesu-Kirche... This church is best viewed from pedestrian bridge which leads to the old part of Freiburg. The building has a neat look and from the bridge you can make a very nice pictures... Freiburg, Eschholzstr. 74.

Church of St. Martin (Photo © joergens.mi /

Church of St. Martin (Kirche St. Martin).The charming building is located in central area opposite the town hall. Today it is a copy of a magnificent 13th century structure that was destroyed. The main advantages are severity, grandeur and a kind of asceticism. Freiburg, Rathausgasse 3.

Seepark... It is located north of the old part of Freiburg. The park is freshwater lake, on one side of which there are entertainment areas. Here you can interestingly relax, climb the observation tower, see turtles or just eat ice cream. Freiburg, Sundgauallee 12A.

What you need to do

Where andwhat to eat and drink?

Table setting (Photo © GoWest13 / / CC BY-ND 2.0)

Zirbelstube... This French restaurant will delight diners with graceful décor, candlelit tables and Swiss pine wood finishes, offering a wide variety of dishes and wines. Average check: 7 euros.

Wolfshoehle... The chefs prepare real surprise dishes, harmoniously combining the incompatible, the cleanliness and level of service are striking. Average check: 14 euros.

Hirschen Lehen - Hotel & Restaurant... The restaurant of modern cuisine offers delicious dishes in large portions, usually they order good wine from an extensive wine list, the only minus, and for some it is a plus - the institution is somewhat remote from the city center. Average check: 12 euros.

If you are in the German town of Freiburg with your child, you should definitely visit themed places, for example, the Mundenhof zoo.

Fans of creativity and contemporary art can look at one of the performances at the local Theater Freiburg.

If you wish, you can see interesting video about Freiburg:

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, Is a very quiet city, which seems unusual for the Germans. Various youth festivals are held here throughout the year. This city is a pleasure to visit. Above main square(where the market is open daily) rises the Munster of dark red sandstone.

Freiburg Cathedral (Münster) began construction in about 1200, the nave is skillfully built, the air buttresses seem to be weightless, and the majestic statues of the western portal are considered outstanding works of German sculptors of the time. The tower (March-November Monday-Saturday 9.30-17.00, Sunday 13.00-17.00) offers a magnificent view of the city and the wooded hills.

Local attraction is the city's canal system (Bachle). Previously, they were used for watering animals and extinguishing fires, and now they keep cool. Walking along the main canal to the south, you can come to the Swabian Tower - one of the two fortresses that have survived from the Middle Ages.

Directly in front of the tower on the Oberlinden is the hotel Zum Roten Baren, the oldest in. Further south on Marienstrasse is the Museum of Contemporary Art (2 euros) with a good collection of 20th century German art, including the notable sculptures by Ernst Barlach and Hermann Scherer. From here on Fischerau you can reach the Martinstor gate-tower (13th century), located on the central Freiburg highway Kaiser-Josef-Strasse.

Arrival, accommodation and meals in Freiburg

The south-facing bus station is located 10 minutes walk west of the city center. On the Eisenbahnstrasse you can reach the tourist office, Rotteckring 14 (Monday-Friday 9.30-18.00 / 20.00, Saturday 9.30-14.00 / 17.00, Sunday 10.00-12.00). For 3 euros you will find a place to live, and after closing the list of vacant places appears on an electronic board (you can call). Most cheap hotel in the center - Schemmer, Eschholzstr 63.

The 443-bed hostel is located at Karthauserstr 151 (EUR 18.60; tram 1 to Romerhof) on the eastern outskirts of the city. Camping Hirzberg is nearby and the other is Mosle-Park (closed from November to March) on the opposite side of the river. The award-winning Oberkirchs Weinstuben restaurant, Munsterplatz 22, serves Baden delicacies, while hearty South German dishes are served at the Kleiner Meyerhof, Rathausgasse 27.