The only wonder of the world that has survived to this day. The modern seven wonders of the world. Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt

The history of the ancient world is interesting and beautiful. She attracts many of our contemporaries. Even after many years, people are interested in the way of life of their ancestors. And, of course, the most famous monuments of the ancient world - the Seven Wonders of the World - arouse curiosity.

Wealth of antiquity

You cannot tell about the ancient world with the help of a couple of words. This is a huge layer of time, which begins in those distant times, when man first appeared, and goes right up to the Middle Ages. During this time, people managed to create a lot. It was then that inventions appeared, which are considered to be the most ingenious to this day.

Much of what was created before our era and in the first centuries after the birth of Christ is beneficial to this day. Any lawyer can talk about the enormous importance of Roman law, and philologists will talk about the role played by the ancient languages ​​that are now considered dead.

It was then that the world's religions were born. Then they worshiped Zeus and Artemis, then Jesus was born. The wonders of the ancient world are countless. But among them there are seven main ones.

Seven wonders of the world

The history of the ancient world will be incomplete if you do not tell about the Seven Wonders of the World. Their list has changed over the centuries. But the number remained unchanged. There were always seven of them. The world was built around religious beliefs. Therefore, this number was not chosen by chance. Seven is the number He was considered the most beautiful of all the gods. He was a patron of the arts. And his number was a symbol of completeness and perfection.

The very first list of the Seven Wonders of the World was created in the 3rd century before the birth of Jesus. It includes the most significant architectural monuments that were only created at that time by people. Many miracles of that time have not reached ours.

Pyramids of Giza

The Great Pyramids are an important part that the history of the ancient world cannot do without. The most famous of them became She is recognized as the largest. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine those hellish torments that the slaves experienced during the construction of this wonder of the world. During the construction of the pyramid, a solution was used, which is still not stronger and stronger.

No one can say for sure why these grandiose structures were erected. Previously, it was believed that these are the tombs of the rulers of Egypt - the pharaohs, as well as their spouses. But researchers have never been able to find the remains of the bodies of these important Egyptians. Until now, this wonder of the world gives rise to many questions and mysteries. And the silent Sphinx continues to guard them.


Hanging gardens Semiramis is that wonder of the ancient world that has not survived to our times. The gardens were once the grandest structure in Babylon. Now, not far from Baghdad, you can find what is left of them. But some scholars are willing to argue that those ruins are not a reminder of the second most important wonder of the world.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are one of the most romantic gifts not only in the history of the ancient world, but in general in human history. The Babylonian ruler noticed that his beloved wife Amitis was missing her native land. Dusty Babylon did not have those beautiful gardens that they used to enjoy as children. And then, so that his wife would not grieve, he ordered to erect this structure.

Some people think that this is only beautiful legend... In the writings of Herodotus there was not a word about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. But they are described in detail by Berossus. The history of the ancient world contains many mysteries. And this is one of them.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The names of the gods of the ancient world remained known after many centuries. Even now, people can tell about the powerful god Zeus. And before our era, a new wonder of the world was created, dedicated to this patron saint of the ancient Greeks.

The appearance of the statue and the temple in which it was located is closely related to the Olympic Games. When they gained fame and began to attract a wide variety of people, it was decided to build a temple dedicated to the father of all gods.

In order to create a statue of Zeus, the famous master Phidias was invited to Athens. From ivory and precious metals, he created a new wonder of the world, whose fame quickly spread throughout different lands.

The statue of Zeus from Olympia has not survived to our times. Her troubles began when a Christian who disliked paganism took the throne. For a long time it was believed that the statue did not survive the looting of the temple. Over the centuries, the remains of a temple and a statue were found. Thanks to these findings, scientists were able to see for themselves and show others this wonder of the ancient world.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Artemis is one of the most famous goddesses of antiquity. She helped women in labor to endure pain, was the patroness of hunters. And the inhabitants considered her their protector. To the glory of their goddess, the townspeople decided to erect a temple, which will have no equal. They wanted not only to glorify their city, but also to earn the favor of Artemis.

The temple took a very long time to build. The first architect, Harsifron, did not have time to see his brainchild. His work was continued by his son, and after him - by other architects. In the center of the temple was a statue of Artemis. But the only thing that took so long to build was destroyed in a short period of time. Herostratus, who madly wanted to become famous, but did not know how to do it, set fire to the temple. If now this miracle of architecture was intact, then it would surpass everything that has only been built by mankind.

Halicarnassus mausoleum

The Halicarnassus mausoleum is one of the most luxurious tombs ever invented by man. The mausoleum was named in honor of the formidable and cruel ruler Mavsol, who was able to ensure that his lands became rich and powerful.

It took a long time to build the mausoleum. It began to be built during the life of Mavsol, but when the ruler died, his tomb was not yet ready. After the death of Mavsol, the mausoleum was supplemented with statues of the gods who guarded the body of the king and did not allow him to be disturbed. In addition to the gods, in the tomb one could see statues of Mausolus himself and his beautiful wife Artemisia.

The mausoleum added to the list of miracles that have not survived to this day. He has survived many wars. But over time, it was dismantled in order to build Christian churches.

The Colossus of Rhodes

Rhodes is one of the richest cities, which went down in history as the birthplace of the sixth wonder of the world. The colossus was the largest building. He was a tall, strong youth, holding a torch above his head. It is in his image and likeness that centuries later will be created

The Colossus of Rhodes is also on the list of wonders of the world that our generation will not see. The youth's legs could not support his weight. Therefore, during an earthquake, the statue fell into the water. She lay on the coast for about ten centuries. And only then it was decided to melt the Colossus.

Alexandrian lighthouse

The seven wonders of the ancient world amazed their contemporaries. And people of our time are surprised when they learn about those magnificent brainchildren of the human mind. It takes a worthy place in the list Alexandrian lighthouse.

It was built in a city named after Alexander the Great. For centuries, this lighthouse has illuminated the way for many travelers and traders. But even this grandiose structure could not survive to our century. It was destroyed by nature itself. The lighthouse did not survive the strongest tremors. Only at the end of the last century, scientists were able to show what that wonder of the world looked like.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are something that will always grab people's attention. Until now, these creations of man are surrounded by mysteries. And it is unlikely that all the questions will ever be answered.

Seven wonders of the world, photos and descriptions of unique architectural structures shows the greatness of ancient history.

The ancient era, with its greatest cultural and historical monuments, laid the foundation for the outstanding creations of mankind, which continue the legacy with new discoveries and genuine miracles.

What are the wonders of the world, how many there are, what they are, why is the word "miracle" used in relation to them, what significance these objects have for world history and culture - we will try to answer these questions, as well as give a definition , short description and bring photographs of those that exist in the 21st century.

Since the time of Ancient Hellas, an antique work of architecture and art has been called a wonder of the world, which has no equal in beauty, majestic dimensions, precious decoration and originality.

There were 7 such miracles in the ancient world. Who has not heard about the Eighth Wonder of the World? Probably everything. Can you name it? List them, and you will see that there are only seven of them in our time. No list or table in the tutorial contains it. And all because the 8th wonder of the world does not officially exist - this is just an expression designed to assess something truly delightful and grandiose, or ... to emphasize the extraordinary curiosity of some phenomenon or incident.

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7 wonders of the world - list

So what is included in the list:

  1. - the age is about 4.5 thousand years, daily crowds of tourists visit this sights of Egypt.
  2. - an amazing and unusual gift made by a husband for his beloved wife. Amid dusty Babylon, beautiful green gardens full of exotic plants, birds and animals have sprung up.
  3. Zeus statue in Olympia- only this miracle was on the territory of the continent of Europe. For 300 years, the Olympic Games were held, and only then the construction of the majestic and main temple began.
  4. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus- a wonderful building, burned for the sake of "glorifying" the name.
  5. mausoleum in Halicarnassus- stood in its place for a long time - nineteen centuries.
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes- a huge statue of the sun god who was worshiped by the people.
  7. Alexandrian lighthouse- not just a lighthouse, but a fortress city, on the top of which a fire burned day and night. They brought firewood by mullahs along a winding road inside the building.

Detailed description of the seven wonders

The Pyramid of Cheops

The first wonder of the world is the Cheops pyramid. The ancient heritage of Egypt is located in the northwestern part of Cairo. The location points to the 4 parts of the world and shows the unique precision of the structure. The greatest Egyptian wonder of the world took 20 years to build. For its construction, the labor of about a million slaves was used, whose work continued after the death of Pharaoh Cheops.

The base area of ​​the pyramid reaches 53,000 square meters. m, and the height at the end of construction reached 147 m. You can get inside to the tomb of the pharaoh only through one entrance, which is located above the ground at a level of 15.5 m.

It is worth noting: Caliph Abdullah Al-Mamun decided to disturb the chambers of the pharaoh, who led a tunnel into the pyramid with the intention of making money, in the end did not find any treasures.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The second wonder of the world is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They represent a gorgeous gift from Nebuchadnezzar - the Babylonian ruler for his beloved wife. Subsequently, the wealth and splendor of the city was destroyed by flooding. The structures and buildings where the gardens grew are eroded and broken under the influence of a powerful water flow.

The attraction misleads contemporaries about its location. Many archaeological scientists have made repeated attempts to find traces of this ancient phenomenon.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The third wonder of the world - the majestic Zeus was a masterpiece of jewelers. The author is the great master of that time - Phidias. The wonders of the world, described on Wikipedia, say that the author has been creating his creation for about 10 years. Until now, the size of the statue has not been precisely determined; it is believed that the approximate height was 12-18 m.

The throne pedestal was impressive in size, decorated with fragments from the Olympic Games and the life of the gods. On it sat a thunderer naked to the waist, supported at the feet of two lions. On the body - a gold cloak with images of animals and plants. On his head is a wreath, the thunderer is holding a scepter in one hand, and a golden statue of the goddess of Victory in the other.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

The fourth wonder of the world is the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus. The ancient pilgrim center is located in Turkey. It was erected by the forces of the Amazons, who were considered the founders of the city. The city was soon burnt down by Herostratus. In the 6th century, a new construction project under the leadership of Khersifron included white marble columns.

Its construction lasted 120 years and was carried out according to the same project, with preliminary collection Money and the jewels of the townspeople.

Good to know: on the day of the fire of the temple, Alexander III the Great was born, and the phrase "Herostratus' glory" became a symbol of a bad deed.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The fifth wonder of the world is the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. The ruler Mavsol built his tomb under his personal supervision. The three-level mausoleum was 46 meters high. The lower level was faced with marble. It housed the tomb of the king. The next level was a colonnade supporting the roof, creating a pyramidal shape.

The top was personified by the figures of King Mavsol and Artemisia, who are in a chariot with 4 horses.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The sixth wonder of the world is the colossus of Rhodes. The islanders of Rhodes erected a monument to their patron, Helios, in gratitude for their victory with the invaders. The monument is the personification of the freedom and independence of the inhabitants of the island. The construction of the statue has been going on for 12 years. According to numerous descriptions of contemporaries, the Colossus was located on an embankment, which was a kind of gateway to the city. In one hand the young man held the blazing fire of Helios.

The height of the statue reached 36 m. The supporting pillars of the structure of the structure turned out to be unreliable and after only 65 years collapsed as a result of an earthquake. The statue of the Colossus of Rhodes is a wonder of the world that lasted the least of all.

It is worth noting: fragile structures later became known as the "Colossus with feet of clay".

Alexandrian lighthouse

The seventh wonder of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The tower got its name from the city of the same name, located near the island of Faros. The lighthouse fulfilled its direct role, lighting up the path of ships lost to the shore with flames at night. The designer of the gigantic structure of 140 meters was Sostratus of Cnidus.

Consisting of several tiers, the lighthouse served as housing for sailors and port workers. At the top of the octagonal tower was a light source - a large bonfire. The unique creation served until the 15th century, when an earthquake completely destroyed it.

Note: the second name of the lighthouse is Zeus the Savior.

Who first described the 7 wonders of the world

The original founder of the work "On the Seven Wonders of the World" was Philo of Byzantium. His short essay on 12 pages consists of eyewitness accounts of unique buildings.

None of the described miracles Philo of Byzantine saw with his own eyes, and wrote about them from the stories of others

Information about the life and work of the great engineer and poet consists of small facts that are famous for their great discoveries. The wonders of the world were described by many talented authors: Herodotus, Strabo, Pausanias, Sequestre, Cassiodorus, etc. However, they did not have a single idea and in their own way defined unique monuments.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The famous wonders of the world that have entered our lives are the wonders of the ancient world. Why not five or six wonders of the world ... namely 7?

"7" is a number associated with the sacred god Apollo, signifies completeness and perfection in the mind of the ancient civilization.

Compiles a list of venerable rulers of the ancient age. Based on their significance, grandiose monuments of that time were created.

Each monument from the list is an embodiment of architectural art. From the beginning of the Hellenic era, writings on unique monuments were circulated on papyri by Greek authors. They were widely studied at school and were a teaching aid.

How many wonders of the world have survived to this day

Only one pyramid of Cheops has been completely preserved to our time. The Egyptian miracle of antiquity still keeps the secrets of great ancestors. V this moment This is the largest architectural structure made of stone, reaching 137 m.During its existence, it decreased by almost 10 m.

Architectural sights, interesting to many researchers in the world and constituting the wonders of the ancient world, have been preserved in part or in the form of a copy:

  • The lighthouse of Alexandria collapsed due to the earthquake and could not be restored. By now only the fortress has survived.
  • A copy of Zeus is on display in the Hermitage. This is the tallest antique sculpture of our time with a height of 3.5 m.
  • Having existed for 19 centuries, the mausoleum in Halicarnassus was destroyed by an earthquake. The tombs of Artemisia and Mausolus are in the British Museum.
  • Only the German historian Robert Koldewey managed to discover the gardens of Semiramis in 18 years of excavation. Found buildings of Ancient Babylon and structures that surrounded the gardens.

Seven Wonders of the World of Our Time

On July 7, 2007, a list of 7 modern wonders of the world was compiled. We will give a description and present a photo of each object that was included in the list, which was called the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

the great Wall of China

The construction of the greatest defensive structure began in the 3rd century BC, and now it still harbors many legends. During the construction, the main goals were pursued: the protection of the territory from the Mongol invasion and the creation of a guarantee for the protection of one state from another. Inadequate attention to the great structure gradually destroyed it in some places. A large-scale restoration of architecture began at the end of the twentieth century.

1997 was marked by the entry into the status of a miracle modern world... The architectural structure stretches for almost 9 thousand km, has a height of 6 to 10 meters.

Do you know that: the erection of the wall resulted in tens of thousands of deaths due to hard work and epidemics.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The famous symbol of the Brazilian people is located at the very top of the Corcovado mountain. Towering over the city with outstretched arms, Christ the Redeemer, with his 38-meter height, seems to embrace all the inhabitants of the metropolis, and at the same time, from afar, he warmly welcomes guests.

The construction of the monument is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of independence. All residents of the country collected funds for the construction. Detailed production of the statue took place in France.

Taj Mahal

The pinnacle of the Mongolian architectural style is a snow-white palace located on the banks of the Jamna. Construction was underway for two decades, it was built by the middle of the 17th century.

The mausoleum contains the tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan, a descendant of Tamerlane. The presence of four minarets at the edges of the palace helps to protect the tombs from tremors and destruction.


The largest amphitheater of the ancient era can accommodate more than 50 thousand people. The beginning of construction during the Flavian dynasty lasted 8 years. In the VIII century, due to its impressive size, it began to be called.

At the beginning of their existence, gladiators practiced their art in the arena of the amphitheater. After being plundered by barbarians and an earthquake in the 14th century, the Colosseum was literally pulled apart brick by brick. Only from the 18th century the building was taken under protection as an important architectural mega-object.

Machu Picchu

This is the nickname for the city in the sky, which is located at an altitude of about 2500 m above the sea. Previously it was the residence of the emperor. The almost untouched ancient urban architecture did not suffer from the attacks of the Spanish conquerors.

The clear structure of the city delights with its architectural design. However, little is known about the urban population and the city.


Jordan Petra is a city in a rock, located above the sea at a level of 900 meters. The road to it is laid through a natural gorge, which serves as city walls.

Remaining ruins of houses built using the traditional stone method stretch for kilometers. Ad-Deir is a 45-meter monastery carved into the rock. The main attraction - the mausoleum of Al-Khazneh - still keeps the legend of untold treasures. Previously, the city served as a trade route connecting Damascus and the Red Sea regions.

Note: Indiana Jones' adventure film filmed in Petra.

Chichen Itza

Mexico is famous for its legendary city named local residents... Chichen Itza, a Mayan civilization, has a 24-meter pyramid called the Temple of Kukulkan, which has 365 steps.

There are as many steps as there are days in a year. The located natural well is the Sacred Cenote. Its depth is "deadly" - 50 m. Earlier it served for the rite of sacrifices. It is known that living people were thrown into the cenote. Now tourists swim in it.

The change of civilizations leaves behind a grandiose architectural heritage, which has been partially preserved to this day. The question - how many wonders of the world are in the world and which ones - can now be answered definitely. The appearance of new miracles is evidence that there are many more mysterious places to study and recognize their significance for all of humanity.

We bring to your attention an interesting film about the seven wonders of the ancient world:

The list of the seven ancient wonders of the world includes the most famous monuments of art of the ancient world. They were named miracles for their beauty, uniqueness and technical complexity. The list changed over time, but the number of miracles included in it remained unchanged. According to some versions, the author of the classical version of the list is considered to be the ancient Greek engineer and mathematician Philo of Byzantine, who lived in the 3rd century BC.

Let's start with interesting fact: Herodotus was the first to create a list of the seven most impressive wonders in the world known to the ancient Greeks, but since then his writings have been lost. Today's traditional set of ancient wonders (listed below) is recorded in a poem by Antipater of Sidon, written in 140 BC, although later lists included Roman and later Christian sites. In the 1st century, the poet Martial defended the Colosseum, while the medieval theologian Gregory of Tours added the Temple of Solomon and Noah's Ark. As you can see, the debate on this list has lasted for millennia - and the debate continues in 2020.

We have already talked about each of these wonders of the world separately, so we advise you to also follow the links in the article, where many useful information... We will pay special attention to the pyramids, telling about each:

1. Egyptian pyramids

The list of the seven ancient wonders of the world is headed by the Egyptian pyramids, which is not surprising, since they are the only wonders of the world that have survived to our times. These stone structures became the greatest monuments of ancient Egyptian architecture, served as tombs for the Egyptian pharaohs and were supposed to provide eternal dwelling for the immortal spirit of the rulers. The construction period dates back to the II-III millennia BC. During this time, more than a hundred of these structures were built. A little more detail:


A thousand years after its creation in 1550-1397. BC. The Sphinx was buried under the sands of the desert. A story is carved into the stele between the front paws of the Sphinx. It described how the young Prince Thutmose, hunting here, fell asleep in the shadow of a stone body. In a dream, the Sphinx appeared to him in the form of Horus and predicted to the prince the future accession to the throne and asked to free him from the sand. When Thutmose a few years later came to the throne under the name of Pharaoh Thutmose IV, he remembered his dream and carried out the first restoration. Apart from natural erosion, the most serious damage was caused to the Sphinx by the Mamluks, who beat off its nose with a cannon shot (Muslims were extremely negative about the image of a person). The statue was finally cleared of sand in the mid-1920s.

The statue is 57 m long and 20 m high, face width 4.1 m, face height 5 m - depicts the pharaoh, who combines the power of man, god and lion. At the same time, the Sphinx is considered the head of the necropolis guard, he was identified with the god Horus.


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Time is fleeting. Civilizations are changing, leaving behind a grandiose architectural heritage. Unfortunately, everything is subject to destruction, especially what was built by human hands. That is why the ancient seven wonders of the world, the description of which is known to everyone culturally, for the most part have not survived to our time. They were replaced by others that still exist. The seven wonders of the world of our time were chosen long enough and scrupulously. The result of this work was seven grandiose architectural structures that became famous all over the world.

Definition of the concept

What are the wonders of the world, and why did they receive such a proud name? Why were they singled out among all the monumental works of the ancient world and modern times? And they are so named due to the fact that they are above the category of time. These monuments of architectural thought are admired now in the same way as they were admired in antiquity. Legends are made about them.

Until recently, there were the ancient seven wonders of the world. The Pyramid of Cheops is the only one that has survived to this day. Others, such as the Hanging Gardens or the Lighthouse of Alexandria, did not survive. About them is known only from manuscripts, sketches of contemporaries and paintings, recreated from descriptions.

How the new list was elected

Thus, it was necessary to choose the new seven wonders of the world. Architectural monuments passed this competition (it was conducted by the independent organization "New Open World Corporation"). All modern means were involved, including voices were received both via the Internet and via SMS messages. 90 million people around the world voted for the monument that they considered most worthy to bear such an honorary title. Thus, among several dozen applicants in 2007, seven wonders of the world of our time were selected. We will tell you more about each of them below. In the meantime, I would like to list those who were only one step away from the highest award. So, the final was attended by Red Square in Moscow, the Stonehenge building, the Eiffel Tower and the Acropolis in Greek Athens.

It is noteworthy that the Giza pyramids were also finalists of the competition, but the Egyptian authorities refused to participate in it. Most likely, they do not consider it possible for these architectural monuments to be included in the new seven wonders of the world, because they already appear in the ancients.

the great Wall of China

There are many legends and beliefs about how they were built. So, until now, many are convinced that the people who worked on its construction are buried right inside the structure - this is not the case. Although the fact that during the construction more than a million people died is true.

So, the construction of the Great Wall of China dates back to the 3rd century BC. The emperors conceived its construction.The construction pursued many goals, the main of which were:

  • protection of lands from nomadic tribes;
  • inadmissibility of assimilation of foreigners with the Chinese nation;

Thus, construction began, which dragged on for centuries. The rulers were replaced: some treated the building with disdain (the Manchurian Qing dynasty), others, on the contrary, watched the construction with great care.

It should be said that a large part of the wall collapsed because it was not being properly monitored. Only the site near Beijing was lucky - for a long time it served as a kind of gateway to the capital. Nevertheless, at the end of the eighties of the XX century, large-scale restoration work began, and in 1997 the Wall entered the seven wonders of the world of our time.

Why did she receive such an honorary title? This is the longest architectural structure in the world: the total length is 8851.8 kilometers. How was the Great Wall of China built that they were able to reach such an unprecedented size? The process went on for millennia, systematically. However, it should be said that this is not a solid structure. There are gaps along the Wall. This is what allowed the great Genghis Khan to conquer China in his time and rule in it for 12 years. Tens of millions of tourists visit this wonder of the modern world every year.

Rio: Christ statue

Completely on the other side of the planet, in Rio de Janeiro stands famous statue Christ the Redeemer. It rises above the city, arms outstretched, as if embracing all residents and guests of the multimillion city.

The monument was built to commemorate the centenary of Brazil's independence. For its construction, it was truly chosen beautiful place: Mount Corcovado, from which you can see the whole of Rio, with its summit " Sugar loaf", Famous beaches.

The whole country collected for the construction: the magazine "About Cruzeiro" announced a subscription, the funds from which went to the construction of the monument. The project was entrusted to Silva Costa, although other options had been proposed before it: thus, Christ's arms outstretched like a crucifix were offered by K. Oswald, the artist.

Brazil at that time was a poor, non-industrial country, therefore, it was impossible to implement such a large-scale project. France came to the rescue - it was there that the statue of Christ the Redeemer was made in detail. And then it was transported to Brazil. Parts were delivered to the construction site at a small railroad which is still functioning. Millions of tourists annually climb one of the most famous buildings modernity.

Taj Mahal

In Indian Agra, on the banks of the Jamna, the greatest palace-mausoleum, the Taj Mahal, is located. This is the tomb of the wife of the great descendant of Tamerlane, Shah-Jahan. The woman's name was Mumtaz Mahal, she died in childbirth.

The Taj Mahal in India is the pinnacle of the Mughal architectural style. It included a synthesis of the art of Indians, Persians and Arabs. The most famous element of the structure is a huge snow-white dome. The mausoleum itself is made of white marble... It is a five-domed palace, which houses the tombs of both the Shah himself and his wife. It is noteworthy that the four minarets located at the edges are slightly inclined - this protects the tombs from destruction in case of earthquakes, which are not uncommon in India. The mausoleum itself is adjoined by a park with picturesque fountains and a lake. Built by the Taj Mahal in 1653. 20 thousand builders have completed such a large-scale project in 22 years.

The mausoleum itself, thanks to numerous visitors, brings considerable funds to the treasury of India.

Chichen Itza

The legendary Mayan city is located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. This is not an ordinary city - it served as a capital, political and cult center. Chichen Itza was built in the 7th century AD. Most of the buildings belong to the Mayan culture, some of them were built by the Toltecs. At the end of the 12th century, there were no inhabitants left in Chichen Itza. One of the mysteries is connected with this, which has not yet been explained: either the Spaniards are responsible for everything, who destroyed the Maya during the invasion of Mexico, or everything happened naturally due to the decline in the economic situation of the capital.

In the territory ancient city v different time found several architectural structures. However, the most notable of them is the Chichen Itza pyramid. This is a kind of focus of the legendary Maya knowledge, their religious beliefs, the center of the cult. The 24-meter high has four edges, on which there are 9 steps. The stairs, located on each side of the pyramid, have 91 steps. If you add up their number, you get 364 plus one, leading to a small temple that crowns the pyramid. It turns out 365 - the number of days in a year.

The balustrade along the edges of the stairs is the body of a snake, whose head is at the base of the pyramid. B gives the impression that the snake is moving. And down in the fall, and up in the spring.

Ritual temples are located at the top of the pyramid and inside it. They were probably used for sacrifices.


The new seven wonders of the world of our time also include European monuments. This is the famous Roman Colosseum. Its appearance is partly due to the despotic rule of Nero. He, having committed suicide, left behind a grandiose palace with a lake in the very center of Rome. Vespasian, who came to power, decided to erase the cruel Nero from the memory of the people forever. It was decided to give the luxurious palace to the imperial institutions, and to build a huge amphitheater on the site of the lake. And so the Colosseum appeared. Initially, after its construction in 80, it was called the Flavian Amphitheater. Modern name the structure received only in the 8th century, most likely because of its impressive size.

Initially, it was used to entertain the people with gladiator fights, baiting of animals, etc. It even celebrated the 1000th anniversary of Rome. However, in the Middle Ages, due to the invasion of barbarian tribes, the Colosseum was partially destroyed, in this process a powerful earthquake of the XIV century played an important role. After that, the grandiose structure is pulled apart brick by brick for construction needs.

Only in the 18th century, Pope Benedict XIV began to protect the Colosseum as an important architectural object. Now it is a symbol of Rome, which is visited by a great many tourists from all over the world.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu - unique city South America, located at an altitude of almost 2500 thousand meters above sea level. The Spanish conquerors were unable to reach it, which is why the architecture of the ancient city remained intact.

Machu Picchu was discovered only at the very beginning of the 20th century by a professor at Yale University. It is noteworthy that very little is known about the city, they do not know anything about the number of the population, or about the purpose of the construction, etc. One thing is clear: Machu Picchu has a very clear structure and layout.

At the moment it is under protection. UNESCO has limited the number of daily visitors to 2,500.

Petra - the pearl of Jordan

A city in a rock - this is how one can characterize another wonder of the world of the modern world, the Jordanian Petra. The path to the city lies through natural gorges, which are the city walls. In ancient times, Petra was of great importance - it lay on the trade route between Damascus and the Red Sea region, as well as Gaza and the Persian Gulf. The city also lived in trade.

The inhabitants of Petra were able not only to skillfully work the stone, but also to collect water. In fact, the city has become an artificial oasis in the middle of the desert.

The main attraction attracting tourists is Al-Khazneh. According to scientists, this is a mausoleum temple. Many legends are associated with the construction. According to some, this is the place where the Pharaoh hid his riches during the time of Moses, according to others, it is a storehouse of robbed robbers.

Tourists all over the world know Petra and its main temple from the film about the adventures of Indiana Jones.

At the initiative of Bernard Weber, with the help of the non-profit organization New Open World Corporation, a project began to renew the seven ancient wonders of the world. More than 100 million people cast their votes through a poll, via the Internet and telephone, after which the final list of the new seven wonders of the world was approved. The voting results were announced on July 7, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal.

Petra in Jordan

The ruins of ancient Petra are hidden 200 km south of the Jordanian capital, deep in the sandy mountains near the Wadi Musa ("Valley of Moses") valley. It is believed that the temples and palaces of Petra were carved into the rocks 2000 years before the birth of Christ by the ancient Arab nomadic tribe of the Nabateans. The city was built for about 500 years and turned into a large trade center.

Petra was located at the intersection of important trade routes between Red and Mediterranean seas... There are over 800 attractions in Petra. Temples and crypts, Roman colonnades and an amphitheater for 3000 seats, palaces of nobles, baths and canals - all this is hewn out of stone.

Chichen Itza in Mexico

The ancient Mayan city - Chichen Itza, located in Mexico in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula. The name of the ancient city of Chichen Itza is translated as “Well of the Itza tribe”. The city was founded in the 7th century AD. e. as a Mayan religious center, and by the 10th century it was captured by the Toltecs who came to Yucatan from central Mexico, and by the 11th century it became the capital of the Toltec kingdom. In 1178, the Indian ruler Hunak Keel sacked the Mayan sanctuary, turning it into a miserable heap of ruins. The city fell into decay and became depopulated.

Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil

The giant statue of Christ the Redeemer, crowning the 710-meter high Corcovado mountain, has been rightfully considered a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole for 80 years. The statue of Christ with outstretched arms rises above the city of 10 million, as if blessing and embracing it. The statue is 38 meters high and weighs 1145 tons. Installed at the foot of the monument observation deck with amazing views of sandy beaches, the huge bowl of the Maracanã stadium, the Guanabara Bay and the Sugarloaf Peak, similar in shape to a lump of sugar.

Roman Colosseum in Italy

The Colosseum, one of the most monumental monuments of the Roman era, is as symbolic of Italy as the Eiffel Tower is to France or the Kremlin to Russia. The amphitheater was built in 8 years - the construction was started by Emperor Vespasian in 72 and completed in 80 by his son Titus. The walls of the Colosseum are built of large blocks of travertine, held together by steel braces with a total weight of approximately 300 tons. The Colosseum opened with 100 days of entertainment. During this time, several thousand warriors and 5 thousand predatory animals brought from Africa died in gladiatorial tournaments.

The great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is a chain of defensive structures stretching across northern China from the Liaodong Bay Of the yellow sea to the sands of the Gobi Desert. Length wall of china in a straight line, from edge to edge is 2450 km, and if we take into account all the bends and branches, then, according to various estimates, it turns out from 6000 to 8850 km. Construction, begun in 210 BC, continued with short interruptions until the end of the Ming dynasty, that is, until the 1640s. The average height of the wall reached 7.8 meters, and its width allowed five infantrymen to march in a row or to gallop five horsemen in a row.

Machu Picchu in Peru

Ruins of Machu Picchu - " lost city Inca "- hidden in the thickets of the jungle high in the Peruvian Andes and surrounded on three sides by the turbulent mountain river Urubamba. The city was built as a sanctuary in 1438 by the ninth ruler of the Inca Empire - Pachacutec Yupanqui. For more than 400 years, only legends circulated about the existence of the city, and just 100 years ago (1911) the Inca stronghold again "rose from oblivion" thanks to the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham. The city flourished, with its inhabitants growing maize, potatoes and other vegetables at an altitude of 3000 meters. Right in the rocks, the Incas cut terraces, covered them with earth from the Urubamba river valley and erected massive retaining walls that protected the beds from the sun, wind and sand drifts. Around 1532, the inhabitants of Machu Picchu left the city for unknown reasons, leaving their descendants with beautiful architectural creations.

Taj Mahal in India

In the history of the white marble masterpiece, facts and legends are closely intertwined, but most historians agree that the tomb was built in the 1630s. by order of the Emperor of the Great Mughals - Shah Jahan in memory of the untimely deceased wife of Mumtaz Mahal. Construction continued for 22 long years. More than 20,000 people participated in it, among them builders from all over the empire, craftsmen from