What is the name of the city that stands on the water. Venice is a unique city on the water. Middle Ages and trade

Most famous city on the water. The city is located on 118 islands of the Venetian lagoon, which are connected by 400 bridges and passages. It is an open-air museum that offers tourists a wide range of entertainment and experiences. The main transport artery of the city is the Grand Canal. The main cathedrals, palaces and residential quarters are located along it. The traditional means of transportation are gondolas, which are now in demand mainly among tourists. The main attractions are the Doge's Palace, St. Mark's Basilica, and the annual Venice Festival.

Summer is not the best time to visit Venice, as the water can give off unpleasant odors from prolonged heat.

2. Vilkovo, Ukraine

It is called "Ukrainian Venice". The city is located in the Danube Delta. It was founded by Russian Old Believers and fugitive Cossacks. Canals have been dug along the streets here. Now most of of them are filled up or overgrown with reeds, so you can only use boats in the “old” part of the city. Unfortunately, there are not many attractions here, but you can visit the Old Believer settlements and the Lipovanskiye Podvorya estate.

3. Zhouchuang, China

Built on the Jinghang Canal, it is known as the "Venice of the East". Along the canal are white houses with curved tiled roofs, arches with elaborate carvings. The main attractions of the city are: Shuangqiao Bridge, Fuanqiao Bridge, the residence of the Schen family, Chengxu Monastery.

4. Tunli, China

The city is located on seven islands, which are formed by 15 rivers and 5 lakes. The city's architecture is mainly composed of the monuments of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The city has retained the appearance of traditional Chinese houses - manor houses with gardens and temples. Still, the main attractions are the city's bridges. Each bridge has its own name: Taiping Bridge (Great Serenity Bridge), Jili Bridge (Welfare Bridge), Changqing Bridge (Eternal Holiday Bridge), etc. There is also the most ancient bridge - Xiben, built at the end of the 1st century AD.

5. Kampong Pluck, Cambodia

A small village on the Tonlepas River, which flows out of the lake and flows into the Mekong River. Here the houses are built on stilts, and there are also boat houses that can sail anywhere. The main occupation of the inhabitants of this village is fishing, which is sold throughout Cambodia.

Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is certainly not surprising that poets and artists have vividly and colorfully described Venice in their creations. Venice is a city that is washed by water, that is, a city on water.

Now let's plunge into history a little. Venice is quite a young city, when compared, for example, with. According to legend, the city was founded in 421 on March 25, but the first ruler appeared only in 726. The construction of Venice began in the so-called Rialto.

A huge number of canals were built, and their land was used in strengthening, as well as in raising the island. This is how the Grand Canal was formed in Venice and the rest of the canals proceeded in the same way. It's hard to imagine - 118 islets are interconnected by 400 bridges. And the islets are reinforced with piles, which are wooden logs, it is on them that the foundation itself is based, which serves as the basis of palaces and houses. In the X century, Venice was able to establish trade relations, both with the East and with other regions. There was also a period of decline in the city, which fell on the XIV century, the reason for this was the greatly increased military power of the Turks. Venice was in the hands of both Napoleon and the hands of the Austrian house of the Habsburgs. But in 1866 it is part of the united.

Venice - video

Let's talk a little about the climate of Venice. It is believed that this is a southern city, characterized by rather long and hot summers and rather mild winters. Typical for Venice are heavy rains that accompany thunderstorms.

Particular attention should be paid to the sights of Venice. This city is divided into six districts, which are divided into three, on each of the banks of the Grand Canal. Here is a list of these areas - San Paolo, Santa Croce, Castello, San Marco, Canaregio, Dorsoduro.

Venice landmarks

Of course, the most valuable attraction in Venice is - The Grand Canal. The uniqueness of the canal lies in the fact that it has a rare frame and very picturesque houses, as well as palaces, and the canal also serves as the central transport "artery" of the city. The length of the Grand Canal is 3,800 meters, but its width is somewhere within 70 m, the depth of the canal is 5 m. This canal divides Venice into two parts and flows into the widest St. Mark's Canal. An interesting fact is that the inhabitants of the city themselves call the canal - Canalazzo. So it serves as a connecting means - it connects the districts of Venice, with the help of 3 bridges and 45 canals. It is worth taking a walk along the Grand Canal using a river tram or on a gondola and seeing the front facades of the buildings, because they are visible only from the side of the water surface. The first floors of the buildings are occupied by boat docks and trade warehouses, the rest of the floors are owned by residents. Of course, the highlight is the architectural decorations, made in various ways. It is also worth paying attention to the windows - these are a kind of arranged in a row or paired openwork pointed arches of the Gothic style with unusual patterns - trefoils, quatrefoils, late Gothic rosette.

An important attraction is also square extraordinary beauty- San Marco... On the square itself there is a column and at its very top there is a winged lion (by the way, it is also the symbol of Venice).

Around the column, an amazing view opens up - of unprecedented beauty Cathedral of San Marco, not nearly inferior in beauty and the Doge's Palace, located in the same place. The cathedral was consecrated in 1094. Four bronze horses were positioned over the central arch of the cathedral. But in the altar part there is the most unique treasure of Venice - the "Golden Altar" and a composition that contains 250 small icons. It is made of precious stones, gold and enamel.

Also worth a visit Doge's palace, he is famous for the decoration of the arcade and the balcony. Construction of a palace in the Venetian Gothic style. At that time, famous artists - Veronese, Titian, Tintoretto, Giovanni Bellini and many others - worked on the design itself.

Dario Palace known for a slightly different type of architecture, its facades are decorated with multi-colored marble.

Also famous for its beauty and Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari... The monks abandoned expensive equipment and built it from the simplest brick.

It is impossible to pass by the stunning painting "Assunta" - "the Ascension of the Virgin Mary", it is she who is the decoration of the main altar. But in the family chapel is the "Madonna of Pesaro".

If you come to Venice, then you definitely need to take an excursion to the islands. For example, the island of Murano is located there. glass museum... It is also possible to visit shops that specialize in glass products.

And on the island of Burano, they are engaged in the manufacture of lace (it is woven by hand and is called "holes in the air").

The island of Torcello is no less charming, as it turns out it was once the birthplace of Venice. This island has the Church of Santa Fosca, as well as the Estuary Museum.

Anyone who is going to visit Venice in February will be able to get on Venice Carnival, which in its scale is huge enough. Gold costumes, silver lace, and, of course, masks, jugglers, vampires, guardsmen and archangels - all this can be seen only at the carnival. The festival lasts for ten whole days. But the notification about the closure of the carnival is something strange - a ritual burial of a straw effigy is taking place - in such an interesting way Italy says goodbye to winter.

1. Getting around in Venice is possible only with the help of steamers, gondolas and boats, and you can also walk on foot.

2. Those wishing to visit St. Mark's Cathedral should know that this place is Catholic and therefore it is forbidden to enter it in shorts, short skirts and with bare shoulders. It is forbidden to inspect the church during services and at lunchtime.

3. It is also important that in Venice they do not speak Russian and English, only Italian will help you on vacation.

4. It is worth knowing that siesta time comes in the city from 14:00 to 15:30, which means that churches, shops, restaurants and cafes are all closed.

5. It is also worth knowing that gondolas are not the main means of transport for transporting passengers, they are more of a recreational vehicle and it costs quite a lot - from 100 euros.

6. Going to a remote island, you should take care of waterproof shoes, as in Venice after the rain some of the islands can flood.

7. It is better to find out urgent information on any business at the hotel (in an extreme case, this is a river tram driver), since the local population is very small, mostly all tourists.

8. But it is preferable to buy souvenirs for your relatives and friends just near the church of St. Jeremiah - there the prices are more loyal than anywhere else.

9. Information about trattorias will also be valuable (this is something like our canteens). There you can eat quite tasty, and most importantly not expensive, to have a snack. Tipping is voluntary, but still the bulk of vacationers leave them in the aisles 10% of the total cost.

A person who comes to Venice for the first time usually has a lot of expectations, most of which are justified. Venice - amazing beautiful city which, however, is touristy and very expensive. At the height of its prosperity in the 15th century, the city was a huge Mediterranean empire. Later, when the political power was left behind, Venice became a major tourist destination.

John Ruskin in his book "The Stones of Venice" glorified the architecture of this city all over the world. Today Venice is visited by 20 million people annually. Most are attracted by the much-publicized delights of Venice: carnival, famous ornamental glass, gondolier songs and fabulously expensive cafes. Others walk through the quiet quarters and secret places of this amazing city.

Marco Polo International Airport () is on the edge of the lagoon, and the city center can be reached by the ACTV 5 and ATVO buses or the more expensive sea tram. All transport flows to Piazzale Roma at the beginning of the Grand Canal, from where you can get by water to the San Marco area with a stop at Santa Lucia train station. The main tourist office is located at San Marco 71-f, a couple of minutes walk east of the square (9.00-15.30 daily).

There is a travel agency at the train station and at the airport where you can get the free Leo information magazine in English and the Venezia da Vivere city guide by night. The travel agency sells a Museum Pass for visiting major museums (except for the Academy and the Guggenheim Museum), a Chorus Pass for entering the city's 14 churches and a Venezia Card for traveling on sea trams and visiting most museums. The fastest way to get around is on foot: the entire city can be crossed in an hour. Tickets for the sea tram (vaporetto) are sold at the landing stage.

The fare is 5 euros for one long trip, including the Grand Canal (3.50 euros without it). One-day (€ 10.50) and three-day (€ 22) tickets are available. A cheap way to ride the Grand Canal is the traghetti Venetian ferry (€ 0.50). The gondola ride is absurdly expensive: the official fare is 73 euros for 50 minutes, but you can be charged 100 euros for 45 minutes, plus another 100 euros for singing the gondolier.

Accommodation is the main expense in Venice, so it should be done in advance. The cheapest option is to stay in a hostel, most of which are owned by religious organizations. You can stay at neighboring town- Padua or Trieste. Reservation offices (daily 9.00-20.00) are available at the train station, at the Tronchetto pier (Piazzale Roma), at the airport and at the Venetian motorway exit.

  • Venice hotels

1). Alex Hotel- Recently refurbished inexpensive hotel... Location: Rio Terra Frari San Polo 2606;

2). Antico Capon Hotel- The hotel is located in one of the most beautiful squares in the city, in the center of the student quarter. Location: Campo S. Margherita, Dorsoduro 3004 / B;

3). Bernardi Semenzato Hotel- Inexpensive hotel with a hospitable English-speaking host. Location: Calle dell'Oca, Cannaregio 4366;

4). Hotel Ca Foscari- Quiet, beautifully decorated hotel located in a tiny side street off San Toma. Location: Calle della Frescada, Dorsoduro 3887-В;

5). Hotel Caneva- Quiet hotel in the bustling Campo San Bartolomeo area. Location: Ramo della Fava, Castello 5515;

6). Casa Gerotto Calderan Hotel- A hospitable establishment not far from the station. Dormitory space is sometimes provided. Location: Campo S. Geremia 283, Cannaregio;

7). Casa Petrarca Hotel- A friendly hotel with only six rooms, the cheapest near Piazza San Marco. Location: Calle delle Colonne, San Marco 4394;

8). Domus Cavanis Hotel- A clean Catholic establishment in the city center. Breakfast in the form buffet at the Belle Arti hotel opposite. Location: Rio Terra Foscarini, Dorsoduro 896.

  • Venice hostels

1). Domus Civica Hostel- In winter, this is a student residence. In June-September, it receives female tourists. Curfew 23.30. Sleeping place 28.50 euros. Location: Calle Campazzo, San Polo 3082;

2). Foresteria Valdese Hostel- Three large bedrooms and several rooms for two to four people. The hostel is located at the base of the bridge at the far end of Calle Lunga from Campo Santa Maria Formosa. Location: Santa Maria Formosa, Castello 5170;

3). Ostello Santa Fosca Hostel- The student hostel is located in a former Servite monastery. 22 euros. Location: S. Maria dei Servi, Cannaregio 2372;

4). Ostello Venezia Hostel- Official HI Hostel is located in Giudecca Island. Great view of San Marco. Curfew 23.00. Water tram number 82 from the station. € 18.50. Location: Fondementa delle Zitelle, Giudecca 86;

5). Residenza Junghans Hostel- Modern student hostel with single (35 euros) and double rooms. Location: Isola della Giudecca;

6). Suore Canossiane Hostel- For women only, no reservation. 15 euros. Location: Fondamenta del Ponte Piccolo, Giudecca 428.

Venice landmarks

The 118 islands of the Venetian lagoon are divided into six districts, or sestieri. The main attractions are concentrated in the San Marco area, around which the lower loop of the Grand Canal winds around. In the east, San Marco borders on the Castello area, in the north - on Cannaregio. On the other side of the Grand Canal is the largest area of ​​Venice - Dorsoduro, stretching from the fashionable quarter at the southern end of the canal to the docks in the west. Santa Croce runs along the canal from Piazzale Roma almost to the Rialto, where it connects to the lovely San Polo area.

  • Saint Mark's Square (San Marco District)

St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Magso) is visible from everywhere thanks to the bell tower, or campanile (daily 9.30-16.15 / 19.00), which served as a lighthouse in the 9th century. Today's campanile is a reconstruction: the former tower collapsed on July 14, 1902. This is the tallest building in the city, from the top of which you can see not only the canal, but almost every building. On the square rises the Basilica of St. Mark (Monday-Saturday 9.45-16.30 / 17.30, Sunday 14.00-16.00) - the most exotic cathedral in Europe, which is a copy of the Church of the Twelve Apostles in Constantinople.

The construction of the cathedral was completed in 1094, but in the following centuries, the basilica was decorated with conquered trophies, which served as proof of the power of Venice and the power of St. Mark. The Romanesque carvings of the central doors took almost a century, from 1225 to the early 14th century, and the mosaic above the leftmost doors - "The Bringing of the Body of St. Mark" - was made around 1260. On it you can see the oldest image of the basilica of all known today. In the narthex there are also several mosaic images, and in the niches opposite the central doors - "Madonna with the Apostles and Evangelists" (1060). This is the oldest mosaic of the cathedral.

From the main entrance, a steep staircase leads upstairs to the Marciano Museum and Loggia dei Cavalli (daily 9.45-17.00), from where you can admire the beautiful views of the city and the Gothic carvings on the top of the façade. The sanctuary near the south transept (Monday-Saturday 10.00-17.30, Sunday 14.00-16.00) contains the main treasures of the cathedral, including the Pala d'Oro, a magnificent golden altar created in Constantinople (now) in 976. Equally impressive is the treasury (same opening hours), where you can see numerous bowls, crayfish and candelabra.

The most revered religious image of Venice - "Our Lady of Nicopeia" (X century) - is located in the chapel on the east side of the north transept. The Ducale Palace adjoining the cathedral (daily 9.00 17.00 / 19.00; ticket with visits to museums in Piazza San Marco 11 euros) served as the residence of the Doge. Like the cathedral, it has been rebuilt many times since its foundation at the beginning of the 9th century (the oldest parts of the current building date back to 1340).

While exploring the palace, linger in the Anticollegium Hall, where four canvases by Tintoretto and The Rape of Europa by Veronese are kept, whose creations are also presented in the grand hall of the Grand Council: the ceiling panel “The Apotheosis of Venice” is located above the dais, from where the Doge watched the meetings of the city assembly. The background is the huge "Paradise" created at the end of the life of Tintoretto and his son Domenico. From here you can get into the corridor, which, passing along the Bridge of Sighs, leads in the direction of the prison. At the water level of the Palace Canal, there are Pozzi cells, where the most dangerous prisoners were imprisoned.

  • West of San Marco (Dorsoduro)

Some of the finest examples of Venetian architecture are located in Dorsoduro. One of them is the Academy Gallery (Monday 8.15-14.00, Tuesday-Sunday 8.15-19.15) with a wonderful collection of Venetian painting of the XIV-XVIII centuries. A 5-minute walk from the Academy is the unfinished Venier dei Leoni Palace, which houses the Guggenheim Museum (10.00-18.00; closed on Tuesdays). Peggy Guggenheim lived here for thirty years until her death in 1979.

Her collection is an eclectic mix of her favorite modernist artists, including works by Brancusi, De Chirico, Max Ernst and Malevich. Further along the Grand Canal, the path leads to the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, where in the sacristy you can see paintings by Titian and "The Marriage at Cana of Galilee" by Tintoretto: in this picture the artist captured some of his friends.

  • Northwest of San Marco (San Polo and Cannaregio)

On the northeastern edge of San Polo is the former shopping area Rialto with a functioning market on the far side of the Rialto Bridge. This lively place is one of the few in the city where only Italian can be heard. A little to the west is the huge brick church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari (Monday-Saturday 9.00-18.00, Sunday 13.00-18.00), which houses several of Titian's paintings, the most notable of which is the "Assumption" of 1518.

This painting features an amazing composition that had no analogues in Venetian art. In the church dei Frari Titian is buried. Behind the church is the Scuola Grande di San Rocco (daily 9.00-19.00) with more than fifty works by Tintoretto, including three large ceiling panels in the main hall depicting Old Testament episodes dedicated to the relief of physical suffering (an allusion to Scuola's charitable work).

Cannaregio, an area in the north of Venice, is very diverse: from the bustling train station to the quietest and most beautiful quarters of the city, you can walk in a matter of minutes. Here is one of the most beautiful Venetian palaces - Ca d'Oro, or the Golden House (Monday 8.15-14.00, Tuesday-Sunday 8.15-18.00), whose white facade was once covered with gilding. Nearby is the most beautiful Gothic church of the city of Madonna del Orto, where you can see the tomb of Tintoretto and two of his canvases.

It was in the Cannaregio area that the world's first ghetto appeared: in 1516, all the Jews of the city were ordered to move to the Ghetto Nuovo quarter, the gates of which were locked by Christians at night. Even now, it is very different from the rest of Venice in the height of the buildings: buildings had to be built in several floors, since there was no possibility of expanding the territory.

The Jewish Museum on Campo Ghetto Nuovo organizes interesting half-hour excursions around the former ghetto (museum: Monday-Friday and Sunday 10.00-18.00 / 19.00; until 16.30; museum 3 euros, excursions 8 euros). Local cafes are also worth a visit. To the east is the Miracoli Church, built in the 1480s to house what was considered a miraculous image of the Madonna. According to legend, the painting revived a man who had been lying at the bottom of the Giudecca Canal for half an hour.

  • Northeast of San Marco (Castello)

Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo is the most spectacular square in Venice after San Marco. It is dominated by the huge brick church of San Zanipolo, founded by the Dominicans in 1246. Here are the gravestones of 25 Venetian Doges. Another attraction of the Castello area located east of San Marco is the Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni (Tuesday-Saturday 9.30-12.30 and 15.30-18.30, Sunday 9.30-12.30), founded by the Slavic population of Venice in 1451. On the ground floor you can see an excellent cycle of paintings by Vittore Carpaccio.

  • Other islands of Venice

The Church of San Giorgio Maggiore by the architect Palladio stands on the island of the same name to the south of the Ducale Palace. The altar contains two paintings by Tintoretto - "Manna from Heaven" and " The last supper". These are perhaps the most famous works of the artist, written by him in the last years of his life. The corridor to the left of the choir leads to the bell tower, built in 1791 after the collapse of the previous one. A beautiful panorama of the city opens up from here.

On the long island of Giudecca to the west of San Giorgio Maggiore, wealthy Renaissance aristocrats built their villas. The main attraction is the Franciscan Church of Redentore, erected by Palladio in 1557 on the occasion of the end of the plague epidemic that killed a third of the city's population. In the sacristy you can see beautiful canvases, as well as wax heads of famous Franciscans, made in the 18th century.

Food, drink and entertainment in Venice

Venice has a variety of fish restaurants, cheap pizzerias, student bars and pubs. The building of the Venetian opera Fenice was completely reconstructed after the fire. The city's most famous cultural event is the annual carnival, which takes place ten days before Lent.

  • Cafes and pastry shops in Venice

1). Institution Gelateria Nico- The main delicacy is gianduiotto, a praline ice cream with whipped cream. Closed on Thursdays. Location: Zattere ai Gesuati, Dorsoduro;

2). Florian establishment- A museum-like cafe with huge prices and surcharges for live music. Think twice before entering. Location: Piazza San Marco;

3). Paolin establishment“It offers the best ice cream in town and also has outdoor seating. Closed on Fridays. Location: Campo Santo Stefano, San Marco.

  • Venice restaurants and pizzerias

1). Ai Cugnai Restaurant- Nice trattoria next to the Academy. Come to 20.00 or get ready to wait for a table. Closed Mondays. Location: Piscina del Forner, Dorsoduro;

2). Pizzeria Alle Oche- Eighty varieties of inexpensive pizza. Location: Calle del Tintor (south side of Campo S. Giacomo delPOrio), Cannaregio;

3). Antico Mola Restaurant- A local style family run establishment is becoming more and more fashionable. Good kitchen, reasonable prices. Closed on Wednesdays. Location: Fodamenta degli Ormesini, Cannaregio;

4). Paradiso Perduto Restaurant- A popular restaurant with a bar, a relaxed atmosphere and sometimes live music. Closed on Wednesdays. Location: Fondamenta della Misericordia, Cannaregio;

5). Rosticceria San Bartolomeo Restaurant- Great seafood dishes. Location: Calle della Bissa, San Marco;

6). Altanella Restaurant- Juicy fish dishes are served on the terrace overlooking the Giudecca Canal. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Location: Calle dell Erbe, Giudecca;

7). Pizzeria Casa Mia- Popular trattoria pizzeria next to the Church of the Holy Apostles. Closed Tue. Location: Calle dell Oca, Cannaregio.

  • Venice bars and nightlife

With the exception of the Casanova disco on the Lista di Spagna, there are virtually no dance floors in Venice. But there are plenty of bars, especially around the bustling squares Campo Santa Margherita and Campo San Giacomo.

1). Pub Blue- Popular music pub - great beer, tea and internet access. Closed on Sundays. Location: Calle dei Preti 3778, Dorsoduro, between S. Pantalon and S. Rocco streets;

2). Bar Cantinone gia Schiavi- Great liquor store and bar opposite the church of San Trovaso. Closed on Sundays. Location: Fondamenta Maravegie, Dorsoduro;

3). Do Mori Bar- Narrow bar with no seating, dedicated to Rialto traders and locals, serving excellent snacks. Closed on Wednesdays after 12 noon and on Sundays. Location: Calle do Mori, San Polo;

4). Bar Enoteca AI Volto- Over 800 brands of wine, good snacks. Closed on Sundays. Location: Calle Cavalli, San Marco, near Campo S. Luca;

5). Harry's Bar- A historic pub for the rich. After three cocktails (€ 36) you will be served a complimentary snack. Location: Calle Vallaresso 1323, Sari Marco;

6). Bar Vecia Malvasia- A trendy establishment with dancing until the morning and alternative music. Location: San Marco 2586, behind the Fenice Theater.

In contact with

Romantic, amazing, inimitable ... These words can describe the beautiful Venice - a city built on water - one of the most beautiful not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. For many decades, Venice has inspired artists and poets, and has attracted romantics and travelers from all over the world. Her openwork palaces water channels, gondolas and gondoliers, numerous bridges, narrow streets, beautiful cathedrals and the endless sea cannot but admire. It is difficult to describe Venice - you need to see it, breathe it in and feel it with your heart. That only is the delightful architectural ensemble of the main square of the city with the magnificent Cathedral of San Marco and the majestic bell tower, not to mention the Doge's Palace and the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute.
Venice is a city of masks and carnivals, luxury and romantic mood.

Venice travel guide

We will begin our description of Venice and its main attractions with the main square of the city, because it is it that is its symbol and a true treasure. Here is located the extraordinary Basilica of San Marco, enchanting with its solemn appearance and dazzling with golden interiors, Torre dell Orologgio - a clock tower located in the northern part of the square, Logetta, which served as a guardhouse at luxurious Palace Doge, erected opposite, etc.
Venice is a city on the water, among its main attractions are bridges and bridges, many of which can be called true works of art. The most famous of them are Ponte di Rialto,
Bridge of Sighs, Ponte delhi Scalzi, Straw Bridge, etc.
The islands of Venice are no less beautiful - everyone has interesting story and attractions. The Venetian artisans of Murano are famous all over the world for their most beautiful glass products, and the needlewomen of Burano are famous for their delicate lace.
While in Venice, do not forget to visit the Accademia Gallery - one of the city's most famous museums, containing the largest collection of paintings by Venetian artists of the XIV-XVIII centuries. The gallery features works by Titian, Giorgione, Giovanni Bellini, Lorenzo Lotto, Giandomenico Tiepolo and many others. In addition, the works of famous masters can be admired in the churches of Venice.
A gondola ride on the Grand Canal will give not only an unforgettable experience, but also the opportunity to see beautiful palaces Venetian nobility of past centuries: Ca "Rezzonico, built at the end of the 18th century, the Renaissance Palazzo Barbarigo, decorated with Murano glass mosaics, the laced Palazzo Santa Sofia, better known as the" Golden House "and many others.

What weather to expect in Venice

Venice has a mild and humid climate. The average temperature in summer is between 23-25 ​​degrees, in winter it rarely drops below zero. Sometimes it snows and there are short-term frosts in winter.
"High water" in Venice is a phenomenal phenomenon, characteristic of both the winter months and early spring. During this period, most of the city was flooded. Such floods can occur up to 100 times a year.
The best time to visit Venice is from May to September.

Public transport in Venice

In addition to buses and trams serving mainland Venice, there are other types of public transport in the city - motor ships plying along the main canals of Venice, as well as between the islands. Vaporetto is the main form of urban transport, with a capacity of up to 250 people. In addition, there is a metro in Venice, with a length of no more than 1 km, with only three stations.

What to try in Venice

Typical Venice cuisine is rich in seafood dishes. You should definitely try "Risotto de go" - rice with fish sauce made from gobies that live in the waters of the Venetian lagoon. As an antipasto in Venice, they serve Sarde in saor - an unusual appetizer in the form of fried sardines in a sweet and sour sauce. For the second, indulge yourself in the pleasure of trying "Fenato alla Veneziana" - a dish made from pork or beef liver, served with polenta (porridge made from corn flour). Among the Venetian sweets, the most popular are Baikoli biscuits and Fritola, common during the Christmas and carnival period.

Excursions in Venice

This is useful to know:

  • The Venice Carnival, held every February, is one of the most famous fancy dress festivals in the world. The main celebration of Venice, the description of which is first found in 1094, has become an annual event since 1162.
  • Once every two years, Venice hosts the most famous exhibition of world art - the Venice Biennale, which has an international character and is held in 1895.
  • In different centuries such famous personalities as Marco Polo, Antonio Vivaldi, Andrea Gabriely, Antonio Canova, Tintoretto and others lived and worked in the city of Venice.
  • There are 433 Venetian-born gondoliers working in Venice, including one woman. But the most interesting thing is that the number of gondoliers does not change.

Traveling through northern Italy, Venice is a city on the water that stands out from the rest of the region. Venice has not yet gone under water and is considered the most romantic city in Italy.

Venice is located on a number of islands in the Adriatic Sea, connected to the continent by a 7-kilometer bridge. And in the city itself there are no roads at all, and the movement is organized along numerous channels.

Just walk the streets of Venice, the most best program- and free

For many years, Venice played a vital role in trade between East and West, and its beauty was admired by many European painters.

What can you see in Venice - a city on the water, with only one day left?

  • Arriving in Venice by cruise ship or train will take you to Santa Lucia train station anyway. Yes, yes, like in the song, from where you have a beautiful view of the Grand Canal. You will remember a walk along it for a long time. Indeed, more than 50 medieval palaces and magnificent churches are located along the canal.

The Grand Canal, the place near Venice's main train station that welcomes all tourists
  • And inspection of this beautiful city I recommend starting with one of the most luxurious squares in the world - St. Mark's Square. The same one where tourists were forbidden to feed pigeons for sanitary reasons. Several notable buildings are located here, such as the Doge's Palace, the Cathedral of San Marco, the Clock Tower of San Marco and the Marciana Library.

Separately, I would like to note: if you are a lover and connoisseur of natural beauty, then in Venice, apart from the mesmerizing canals, there are not many of these natural attractions. But since you are in Italy, you can always go to, even if they are not as close as you would like.

By the way, the ban on feeding pigeons is not particularly enforced, so you can still buy croutons here to lure birds and take pictures. Do not forget to pay attention to the drawing on the pavement: it was laid out in a special way in the 13th century to orient the direction of movement of the processions during the celebrations in the Cathedral of San Marco.

And since St. Mark's Square is the very heart and center of Venice. You can get here on foot, on the Vaporetto river tram (7.5 euros per trip), or during a sightseeing tour on a gondola.

St. Mark's Square
  • Cathedral of San Marco is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Venice. In addition to its finest Byzantine architecture, the cathedral is famous for the relics of the Apostle Mark. As well as a huge collection of trophies and art objects brought back from the Crusades.

The entrance to the cathedral is free, but if you find yourself during the period of any temporary exhibition, then be prepared to pay for the entrance. In our case, there was an exhibition of crusaders and the entrance was 5 euros.

Cathedral of San Marco in Venice
  • Doge's Palace. Since you are walking in Piazza San Marco, you will not pass by the Doge's Palace. Here for centuries the government of the Venetian Republic was located, as well as many other state organizations. Spend 20 euros for your ticket and be sure to stop by to admire the paintings, frescoes and paintings by Italian artists. If we regretted anything 🙂

Doge's Palace
  • Bridge of Sighs. You can get to it from the Doge's Palace or by taking a gondola ride along the Venetian canals. Legend has it that the convicts were led to the prison over this bridge and they sighed, last time looking at the beauty of Venice. And to prevent escapes, the bridge is completely closed even from above and has only a few windows.

Another legend says that the only criminal who managed to escape is the notorious Casanova. And for couples in love, sailing under this bridge at sunset and kissing is considered an obligatory part of the excursion program in Venice.

Bridge of Sighs and Gandola
  • But the most beautiful bridge in Venice, I would rather call the Rialto Bridge. It was the very first to be built across the Grand Canal. And from the very moment of its construction, merchants settled on it, even today souvenir shops are open on the bridge. A mention of him can be found in Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice".
    • The bridge was originally built of wood, was destroyed by fires several times, and in the 16th century it was rebuilt from stone and has retained this appearance to this day. Walking through it, be ready to knock, it really is " popular place"Since the Middle Ages.
Rialto Bridge, wife, seagull, me (I'm on the right)
  • Do you want to get to know even more the masterpieces of Venetian artists? Then I recommend not to pass by the Academy Gallery. Founded as an educational institution in the 18th century, today it is the largest exhibition of works by Italian masters. This Gallery occupies as many as 24 rooms. But if you do not have time, then this program item can be donated.
  • Murano area. If you, being in Venice, went to souvenir shops. They probably paid attention to the abundance of souvenirs and other glass products called Murano. The fact is that in Venice there is a district of Murano, where glass-blowing factories have operated since the Middle Ages. These factories made glass highest quality... Glasses and mirrors brought to Europe from Venice were considered the best in quality. Here, excursions to workshops are held, where you can observe the process of making glass products.

Allegedly "Murano" glass in all souvenir shops in Venice
  • Arsenal. The Venetian Arsenal was the first and largest shipbuilding workshop in medieval Europe. At the covered shipyards, work was simultaneously underway on 20 galleys. From historical records it follows that one ship was launched every day, and in total up to 16 thousand people worked at the factory. Such rates of development of shipbuilding provided Venice with superiority in the Adriatic.
    • Today, a museum is located in the building of the former granary on the territory of the Arsenal. And on the squares of the workshops, such a significant event in the art world as the Venice Biennale is held. The ticket price is 25 euros. I cried, but paid, and to be honest, I was a little disappointed. The cost clearly does not match the content.

Arsenal entrance

Additional Information

If you have already seen everything in this city on the water and this is not the first day here, but your soul requires adventure and romance - read the article about the ferry to Croatia from Venice, to the wine region of Istria. You can organize a one-day sea trip and open a new point on the world map !!!

I would also like to note the prices in Venice: this is an expensive city compared to the rest of Italy. In the article on the link, you will read in detail, on the example of Naples. From this article, you can focus on almost all prices. Only accommodation and meals in restaurants will be twice as expensive on average. Please bear this in mind.

If you have only 1 daylight hours to Venice and want to see the city to the maximum, then I recommend paying attention to both sightseeing and thematic excursions. They are easy to buy locally in the city or book in advance online. The only disadvantage of shopping on the spot: there are no Russian-language excursions. So if English, Italian or French guides do not bother you - feel free to take a tour from them.

In conclusion: Venice is a city on the water, a city-museum. Even if you are not a fan of viewing exhibitions behind closed windows, just take a walk around the city. Attractions are here at every turn. Stop by for a coffee in one of the many cozy cafes, immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the city.

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