The famous statue in Rio de Janeiro: history and description. The statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro: description with photos, history of creation, height, location, how to get there, tips and advice from tourists

One of the most famous statues in the world and definitely the most recognizable in Brazil is the Christ the Redeemer statue. Installed on Mount Corcovado at an altitude of more than 700 meters, it looks with outstretched arms in a blessing gesture at the huge city below it. The statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro, due to its fame, attracts millions of tourists to Mount Corcovado. From its height, a beautiful view of the ten-million-strong city with its bays, beaches, and the Maracanã stadium opens up.

In 1884, a small Railway, along which the delivery of building materials was carried out just later. The reason for the erection of the Christ Monument was the approaching anniversary of the centenary of Brazil's independence in 1922. A fundraiser was announced to create a monument in the then capital of Brazil. For example, the magazine "O Cruzeiro" collected about 2.2 million reais from its subscription. The church, represented by Archbishop Sebastian Leme, also actively participated in the preparation of the financial fund.

The idea of ​​Christ with outstretched hands, resembling a cross from a distance, belongs to the artist Carlos Osvaldo. According to this first model, the statue of Christ was supposed to stand on the globe.

The final project, according to which the sculpture was created, was created by Heitor da Silva Costa. Along it, the height of the structure is 38 meters, of which 8 meters goes to the pedestal, and the arm span reaches 28 meters. With such striking size the total weight of the structure was 1145 tons.

Brazilian technology at the time did not allow most work on the implementation of such a project, therefore, all the details of the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil were created in France, from where they were safely delivered to Brazil and were lifted to the installation site by the constructed railway. From the end of the railway to the statue itself, a 220-step path was built, called "Karakol". It is interesting that there is a chapel inside the basement of the monument.

It took about nine years to build the monument. The opening and consecration of the statue took place on October 12, 1931. The statue quickly took on the role of a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and all of Brazil. And in 2007 she was elected one of the new seven wonders of the world.

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Christ the Redeemer statue: history and location

Where is the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Many have seen images of a huge statue of Jesus Christ with arms outstretched wide. Its correct name is the statue of Christ the Redeemer. It rises above the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and is located not far from it at the peak of Mount Corcovado. This statue is gorgeous in the evening. The figure of Christ illuminated by pillars of light seems to descend into a sleeping city. In Rio de Janeiro, from anywhere you look, you will always see this huge statue, which seeks to embrace the whole world with its gigantic arms.

The history of the creation of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Since ancient times, the mountain on which the statue rises was called the Mountain of Temptation and was mentioned in the Bible. Later, in the Middle Ages, she was named Corcovado, which means "hunchback". This name was given to her in connection with bizarre shape that resembled a hump. The first expedition to this mountain went in 1824.

For the first time, the idea of ​​creating a statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado came to the mind of the Catholic priest Pedro Maria Boss in 1859. When he arrived in Rio de Janeiro, the magnificent view of the mountain overwhelmed him. Then Father Pedro decided to ask Princess Isabella, daughter of the Brazilian Emperor, to finance this project. And to ensure the success of his work, he suggested that the statue be named after the princess. However, in those days, the state could not afford such large expenses, so the decision to erect the statue was postponed until 1889. However, even then, Father Pedro's plan was not destined to come true. During the change in the form of government, the church was separated from the state, and the clergy could no longer ask for funding for such projects.

In 1884, the construction of the railway was completed, which ran right up to Mount Corcovado. Later, it was along this road that materials for the construction of the statue were brought.

The idea of ​​constructing a statue of Christ the Redeemer was remembered only in 1921.

Then, on the initiative of the Catholic organizations of Rio de Janeiro, it was decided to erect a statue on Mount Corcovado, colossal in size, which could be seen from any part of the city. This monument was to become not only a symbol of Christianity, but also a symbol of the liberation and revival of the country. During the week, the activists collected signatures and donations, this period was called "Monument Week". The residents of the city liked this idea, they willingly donated various amounts of money. Of course, the church also made significant financial investments. The erection of a statue of Christ the Redeemer is a real folk project.

The erection of the statue of the “city fathers” was also inspired by the fact that very soon, in 1922, Brazil was to celebrate 100 years of independence from Portugal. Therefore, they decided to start building the monument as soon as possible. The date of the beginning of the creation of the statue of Christ the Redeemer is April 22, 1921. It was decided to build a monument from reinforced concrete and soapstone.

For that version of the statue, which now towers over Rio de Janeiro, we should be grateful to the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa. It was he who suggested depicting Christ with his arms outstretched to the sides. The meaning of this pose lies in the phrase "All that exists is in the hands of the Lord."

The artist Carlos Oswald finished the image of Christ, and the calculations for the installation of the monument were done by Costa Hisses, Pedro Viana and Heitor Levi. In 1927, everything was ready for the erection of the statue of Christ the Redeemer - from drawings and calculations to materials.

The records of those times say that everyone involved in the project was inspired and made every effort. Some engineers and artists even pitched tents and lived near the site where the statue was erected.

An interesting fact is that foreigners also helped the Brazilians in the construction of this monument. For example, the head and hands of Christ were made of plaster in France by the sculptor Paul Landovski, and later they were shipped to Brazil. Also, many French engineers participated in the development of the drawings. They also suggested using a reinforced concrete frame, although before that it was decided to make the frame from steel. And the soapstone, from which the outer layer of the statue was made, was brought from Sweden. This material was most suitable for such a colossal structure due to its strength and ease of use.

The erection of the statue lasted about 4 years and, finally, in 1931, the solemn ceremony of unveiling the statue of Christ the Redeemer took place. The size and complexity of the execution of the monument amazed then all those present at the ceremony. Tears came to the eyes of many believers. And many years later, people continue to amaze this truly gigantic structure, which carries a secret meaning.

The majesty of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Every year thousands of tourists and pilgrims make a long journey to admire the majesty of the statue of Christ the Redeemer. At the same time, the huge and meek figure of Christ spreads his arms over Rio de Janeiro, and maybe the whole world, as if embracing and protecting him. This monument has been recognized as one of the 7 New Wonders of the World. Its height is 38 meters, arm span is 30 meters, and the monument weighs 1145 tons.

An interesting fact is that during the strongest storm that swept through Rio de Janeiro on July 10, 2008 and caused a lot of destruction to the city, it did not affect the statue of Christ the Redeemer in any way. Even the lightning striking her left no trace. Pragmatists associate this with the dielectric properties of a soapstone, and believers, of course, give this fact a sacred meaning.

The statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro (Cristo Redentor) is the most famous symbol of the city and all of Brazil. Included in the list of the "New Seven Wonders of the World". Is situated on high altitude above the former capital on the Corcovado mountain, which offers a panoramic view. It is the most visited tourist attraction and one of the most recognizable in the world. The oldest railway in the country carries it to the top.

History of creation

Preparations for construction began as early as 1884 with the creation of the Corcovado railway. She was the first to run on electricity in Brazil. 3824 meters long, it led from the foot of the mountain to the top. At that time, it was one of the most progressive engineering designs.

In 1991, the 100th anniversary of the country's independence was approaching. The government decided to create the main symbol, which would not only decorate the area, but also attract a tourist flow. The project of the monument to Jesus Christ was proposed by Carlos Oswald. He owns the idea of ​​an image with outstretched arms so that the cross can be read from afar.

Initially, the figure was supposed to stand on a pedestal in the form of a globe, but it was decided to abandon the idea due to the impossibility of a modern design.

Collecting money was accepted by the entire population. In the magazine "Cruzeiro" they left an advertisement for the required amount. The church leadership also joined in. We managed to raise $ 3.5 million. Construction went on from 1922 to 1931. But the final draft was changed. The author was the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa.

The creation of the details of the monument took place in France, since it was not technically possible to do this under local conditions. Each detail sailed here separately by ship, and then ascended by rail. Then she was carried to the very top along a winding staircase of 220 steps. On October 12, the grand opening and consecration of the facility took place.

Description of the monument

The attraction is made of reinforced concrete: the concrete part is supported by iron beams inside. Outside there is a soapstone or soapstone finish. This material showed up in the vicinity. The cobblestones were broken into thousands of small pieces, and then pasted over the figure from the outside. The result is a beautiful low tide during sunny days.

The size of the object is amazing, although it is not a world record holder. The height is 38 meters, of which 8 are on a rectangular pedestal. The location on a mountain 800 meters above sea level adds length to its growth. The weight of the overall structure is 1145 tons, and the figures separately are 635 tons. The span of the hands from the fingers of one hand to the other is 28 meters.

Height of the statue of Christ the Redeemer - 38 meters

Modernization has taken place these days. Installed modern lighting with multi-colored lights. In the dark, it seems that Jesus is hovering above the earth. From the observation deck at the pedestal, a circular view of the surroundings opens: the ocean, Ipanema beach, mountain range and the stadium. A chapel in honor of Saint Señora Aparecida and a souvenir shop were opened in the basement.

It is worth paying attention to the nature around. Corcovado is surrounded by the Tijuca National Park right in the center of Rio de Janeiro. Hundreds of species of trees, bushes, flowers and other plants grow on an area of ​​3200 hectares. There are also dozens of representatives of the animal world. They are all unique and can only be found in the Atlantic Forest. You can also see within it: caves, a waterfall, platinum and other places.

Monument today

In 1965, the monument was consecrated again. This was done by Pope Paul VI. In 1981, the 50th anniversary was widely celebrated, to which John Paul II was invited. 2007 - for the first time Orthodox divine services were held, and in 2016 prayer chants were held with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill. Prayers were read in Portuguese and Church Slavonic.

1980 and 1990 - renovations were carried out. In 2000, a night light was installed, and in 2003 an escalator was added to the stairs to the top, making it more accessible. An unpleasant incident occurred in 2010 when vandals painted a figure with black paint. Fortunately, she easily washed away soon.

Interesting facts about the statue of Christ the Redeemer

  • Every year the landmark is struck by lightning. On average, this happens 4 times. In two of these cases, the tips of the fingers were chopped off.
  • In 2007, the site was officially listed as the New Seven Wonders of the World, along with the Wall of China, Machu Picchu and the Colosseum.
  • The attraction was shown in more than 15 films and TV series, for example: "Twilight", "Fast and the Furious 5", "1 + 1", "2012", "Rio, I love you" and others.
  • There is a religious belief that going up the stairs, a person is forgiven all his sins.
  • There are a number of similar monuments in the world: in Lisbon, in Indonesia on the island of Sulawesi, in Vietnam, in Italy, etc.
  • Services are constantly held in the chapel on the territory, and weddings and religious holidays are often held.

Ticket prices

You can buy tickets online on the official portal or at one of the offices indicated on the website. The price depends on the age of the visitor and the tourist season:

  • adult ticket on regular days - R $ 65;
  • adult on holidays and weekends - R $ 79;
  • from 5 to 11 years old - 51 reais;
  • up to 4 years old - free.

The price includes travel by bus or train through the jungle and ascent to the panoramic area. This trip itself is already surprising with its beauty and extreme. Transport moves at an almost vertical angle through trees and beautiful views... To travel, you must come to a certain time, which is indicated after the purchase. The train leaves every day from 08:00 to 19:00 every 30 minutes. Travel time is 20 minutes each way.

How to get to the statue of Christ the Redeemer

To go to the location, you need to find the Trem do Corcovado train station. You can get there by public transport:

  • bus stop Rua Cosme Velho próximo ao 412 on routes 118, 422, 497, 580, 581, 583 and 584;
  • the nearest metro station is Largo do Machado, but from it you will need to take the above buses.

To travel with your rental car, drive through Estr. das Paineiras to the foot of the mountain, coordinates: -22.946208, -43.217748. Then leave the car in the parking lot, and then go up the stairs or on the escalator.

Taxis in the city are most often caught on the streets, but there are three applications for ordering: EasyTaxi, 99TAXIS or Uber.

The statue of Christ the Savior is the second largest art deco structure in the world. This monumental symbol of Christianity, the statue, spreading its arms over the city, is the main decoration of the city. So, which city was honored to have a unique monument? What country? The statue of Christ the Savior is installed in Rio de Janeiro. Tourists tend to visit Brazil to see it with their own eyes.

Seven wonders of the world

Everyone knows the stunning monuments of art Of the ancient world: Pyramids of Egypt, the sphinx, Babylon, at Olympia, the mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and

The statue of Christ the Savior is unique, but not the only structure on our planet that deserves attention. In 2007 it was decided to create a list of famous modern architectural structures to select the New Seven Wonders of the World. Among them were the pyramids of Giza, Chichen Itza, Taj Mahal, Petra, Machu Picchu, the Colosseum and the statue of Christ the Savior. It is the latter that will be discussed today, so let's fast forward to Brazil and see what is interesting here.

Rio de Janeiro - the pearl of Brazil

Every tourist dreams of visiting this fantastic city. European architecture, sea of ​​lights, luxury jewelry stores and even the Museum of Jewelry. Even more famous local beaches: Delicate white sand and gentle ocean give true pleasure. Botanical Garden with fountains and magnificent alleys, it is perfect for leisurely walks.

In Rio mass architectural monuments which can be visited, and the most famous among them is the statue of Christ the Savior on the Corcovado mountain. It can be seen hundreds of times on TV or on the Internet, but you will never experience the thrill that seizes everyone who finds himself at the foot of the giant at an altitude of 704 meters above sea level.

A bit of history

Every year, thousands of tourists come to the city where the statue of Christ the Savior is located. This stunning statue does not leave indifferent even atheists who are far from the Christian faith.

The peak, on which the statue was later erected, was called the "Mountain of Temptation" in the 14th century. Its unusual shape later led to a change in its name, and it became known as Corcovado, which means "hunchback" in Russian.

In 1859, before a series of research expeditions, the clergyman of the Catholic Church Pedro Maria Boss visited here. Conquered by the picturesque beauty of these places, he decided to erect a statue of Christ on the mountain, which will serve as a symbol of protection and preserve the city. It is not for nothing that the city of Rio de Janeiro was chosen as the place where the statue of Christ the Savior is located. A stunning panorama of the city, the bay with the picturesque Sugarloaf mountain and openwork coastline associated with nothing more than a picture of modern paradise.

Competition of projects

The church was not ready to implement such a large-scale project at its own expense, so the project was postponed and the construction of a railway began, which was supposed to help in the delivery of building materials.

In 1921, a festival called "Monument Week" was organized. During its holding, donations were collected for the construction.

Since the city, where the statue of Christ the Savior found its permanent place, so actively participated in the implementation of this plan, it was decided to announce a competition for best project... Architects and engineers immediately responded with dozens of different options for consideration. The city administration chose the project of Heitor da Silva Costa: his statue expressed the idea of ​​Christianity as much as possible, since the figure with outstretched arms resembled a cross.

I must say that the project has undergone some changes. After much debate, the engineers replaced the ball-shaped pedestal, symbolizing the earth, with a rectangular one. A small chapel was laid in it, which is still active today. The pedestal was made of marble.


Construction lasted about 9 years, from 1922 to 1931. It was a truly ambitious project. To create such a miracle as the statue of Christ the Savior, the country at that time was not technically ready, so it was decided to produce all the parts in France, and then deliver them by rail to the top of Mount Corcovado. Here they were met by local craftsmen and sculptors who performed the assembly. The figure was made of reinforced concrete and soapstone.

On October 12, 1931, the grand opening and consecration of the statue took place. From the final path of the railway to the top of the mountain, a winding staircase was made, consisting of 220 steps, along which numerous pilgrims, tourists and townspeople climbed. Since then, on the majestic Mount Corcovado, towering 704 meters above sea level, in a mysterious haze of clouds and fog, there has been a beautiful statue of Christ the Savior. The city, under the mighty protection of Jesus, spreads out with a fantastic vision, from which the heart sinks ... The statue has become a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.


The idea of ​​the figure of Christ, standing with outstretched hands, suggests that everything that exists is in the hands of the Lord. The statue can be seen from anywhere in the city, at any time of the day. It looks especially charming in the rays of the setting sun from the helicopter window. Private companies provide such a service: a slow circle around the monumental figure of Christ. Its height together with the pedestal is impressive - 39.6 meters, and the span of the arms is 30 meters. The weight of the giant is over 1100 tons!

Time travel

To plunge into the era of the creation of the monument, you should use the old transport that has survived since 1896. An antique-looking tram still runs today, connecting the upper and lower levels of the city. Just imagine that he is more than 100 years old, as the past decades appear right before your eyes ...

The journey will be slow and will give you plenty of great views. Squeaking around corners and struggling to overcome a steep incline, the tram brings you to the foot of the stairs leading to observation deck... Only 220 steps - and you are at the statue. From this perspective, the pedestal looks much more imposing, in part because the mountain itself is the natural pedestal. Many people talk about a special, mysterious aura that envelops the figure. It is difficult to disagree with this, because next to such a work of art you experience a mystical thrill.

You should not bask in bed for a long time if you decide to make a journey to beauty. The statue of Christ the Savior is located in one of the most visited cities, so the influx of tourists here is very large. Closer to noon, you risk getting stuck in line for a long time. Both the lift, and the tram, and the staircase itself have a limited capacity, so early morning - the best time for the excursion.

There are no problems with transport: every 30 minutes a train leaves the city, which delivers those who wish to the monument. The journey will take very little time, about 20 minutes. If you do not want to part with your personal transport, there is a good parking lot at the foot of the statue. From here you can climb on foot or use the modern elevator. Today there is an opportunity to climb on an escalator or funicular, so if you are with small children or elderly people, do not worry that the loads will be beyond their strength.

Do not rush to leave the site after examining the statue: go on an excursion to the Museum of Naive Art, walk through the magnificent forest on your own or with a guide. Clean air, transparent rivers and lakes, exotic animals - all this will give you a lot of vivid impressions.

Doubles of the statue

The popularity of the monument led to the construction of a number of later analogs. A 28-meter statue was erected in Lisbon in the mid-90s of the twentieth century. Instead of a 700-meter mountain, a pedestal with a height of 80 meters was used.

In Vietnam, a similar statue was erected with outstretched arms, 32 meters high.

In Indonesia, just a few years ago, the construction of a 30-meter Christ Monument was completed, and this is despite the fact that the country is Muslim.

Time, nature, element

For less than 100 years, the statue has not experienced serious shocks. The storms and hurricanes that destroyed everything in their path did not harm her, as did the lightning that often struck her. Someone attributes this to properties, others see a sacred meaning in this. In one of the strong thunderstorms, lightning tore off two fingers from the hand of Christ. The church keeps a stock of stone from which the monument is made, and reconstruction of this most valuable historical object is expected in the near future.

Cultural heritage is a reflection of the people who created it. The statue of Christ the Redeemer is an eloquent proof of the greatness of Brazil: a magnificent work of art is located in the most beautiful city the world.

The majestic statue of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) is located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This grandiose structure on Mount Corcovado is a tourist symbol of Brazil, referred to as the new wonders of the world. The height of Corcovado is 800 m, and the famous statue installed on its top is 38 m (together with an 8-meter marble pedestal).

A giant statue of Christ with outstretched arms in a span of 28 meters looks like a cross from a distance. Despite the weight exceeding one thousand tons, the monument looks graceful. From its foot, a mesmerizing panorama of the city opens, which is admired by about 2 million tourists annually.

Creation of the statue of Christ

The name of the mountain is translated as "The Hunchback". In 1859, the Catholic priest Pedro Maria Boss, who visited Rio de Janeiro, saw her. He approached the Brazilian princess Isabel Braganza with the idea of ​​erecting a large sculpture of the Savior on top of the Corcovado. He was supported in the church environment, but the state did not have the opportunity to finance such an expensive project. The idea was postponed until better times, but for now it was limited to the construction of a railway line, reaching the top of Corcovado.

They returned to the idea in 1921, on the eve of the centenary of the country's independence. There was still no state money for the construction, especially since by that time the church was separated from the state, which became a republic.

Catholic organizations decided to add donations from the townspeople to their own funds. They were told that if they manage to collect the necessary amount, the planned construction of a monument to Christopher Columbus on the Pão de Açúcar (Sugarloaf) mountain will be canceled. The Brazilians do not really like Columbus, considering him to be the culprit of the Portuguese colonization of the country. In a short time, it was possible to collect 2.2 million flights (this is how the Brazilian currency real was pronounced in the plural at that time), so the monument is a real national project.

The competition announced by the mayor of Rio de Janeiro was won by local artist Carlos Oswald. He is the author of a sketch of a sculpture with outstretched hands, at a distance resembling a huge cross: "Come to Me all who are toiling and burdened, and I will comfort you." According to his idea, the Savior was to stand on a spherical pedestal symbolizing the Earth. However, the technical difficulties of the implementation forced us to settle on a rectangular base, erected by the engineer Hector de Silva Costa.

The design and construction participants worked with great enthusiasm. Some of them even lived in tents near the construction site.

The components of the statue itself were made in France, which had a greater technical potential than Brazil. Reinforced concrete and soapstone (called soapstone) were used as materials. The latter was specially imported from Sweden, from the Lymhamn mine. The final modeling of the head and hands of Christ was done by the French specialist Paul Landowski with assistants.

The finished components were delivered to Rio de Janeiro. This is where the old one came in handy. railway line... Through it, the details of the sculpture were raised to its future location - the top of Corcovado, where the final assembly was carried out.

The construction took 9 years instead of the planned year.

The monument was solemnly opened and consecrated in 1931.

  • Towering over the surrounding area, the statue regularly receives lightning strikes. However, they did not cause serious damage to the monument. It was also bypassed by the extreme storm of 2008, which destroyed the nearby quarters of Rio. Believers tend to associate this fact with the sanctity of the place. A prosaic explanation boils down to the excellent dielectric properties of the soapstone. The local Catholic diocese has a permanent supply of it.
  • After statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil statues similar in composition were installed in Lisbon, Italy, the Dominican Republic, Malta, Indonesia, Vietnam, East Timor. There are even underwater sculptures named "Christ from the Abyss".
  • The initial illumination was carried out using radio waves, remotely controlled from Rome. The distance from it to Rio is 9200 km.


The monument was restored three times - in 1980, 1990 and 2010. The night illumination was modernized in 1932 and 2000. In 2011, the day of the city, the statue acquired new lighting, consisting of 300 computer-controlled LED floodlights. It allows you to optimally select the intensity of radiation and the color gamut of each of them.

The statue of Christ the Redeemer makes an especially striking impression in the dark. The illumination creates the effect of light radiation coming from the giant figure of the Savior, as it were, descending into the city. Religious people remember His inspired words: "I am the light of the world ..." and "I am with you all the days until the end of the age."

From the foot, an impressive panorama of Rio de Janeiro opens up with Baía da Guanabara Bay, Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, Pão de Açúcar mountain and Estádio do Maracanã stadium. True, not in rainy weather, when only fog and clouds are visible.

There is a small chapel in the marble plinth of the pedestal, where services, baptisms and weddings are regularly held. There is a souvenir shop nearby. It's not hard to guess what the most popular souvenirs are. In the city, they are much cheaper.

Cristo Redentor is one of the most popular travel brands. Spectacular shooting of the monument can be seen in a number of films.

How to get there

The statue is open to the public from 8 am to 7 pm. You can get to the top of the Corcovado mountain from the city center by taxi or cable car. The train of two carriages runs from 08:30 to 18:30 every half hour, and in 20 minutes delivers tourists to the mountain. The cost of a round-trip ticket is 51 BRL (Brazilian reais).

Both of these vehicles drive through Parque Nacional da Tijuca, the largest urban forest on the planet. Both the car and the train do not reach the monument. A steep staircase of 223 steps leads to it. Climbing it is difficult for children, weakened and elderly people. A convenient alternative is the escalator built in 2003. Wealthy travelers can book a helicopter tour for 150 USD.

It is a matter of honor for every traveler, having visited Brazil, to come to Rio de Janeiro and visit the foothills of the majestic statues of Christ the Savior... The magnificent landscape that opens at the foot of the statue, the feeling of some kind of inner power and delight will not leave anyone indifferent. It is best to leave a visit to the statue "for a snack." This way you will be able to see the familiar landscape and guess the Formula 1 tracks, Maracanã Stadium, Sugar loaf and other sights about which only the lazy does not speak or write. The almost forty-meter hulk (to be precise, thirty-eight) is visible from almost every corner of Rio, as the entire city is visible from the statue. But don't even dream of taking a picture of everything together - the location of the statue makes it impossible to do this. Option - flight by plane, but more on that later.

History of the statue of Jesus in Brazil

Jesus in Rio de Janeiro has been rising since 1931. But his story begins much earlier. The pedestal of the future statue was the so-called "mountain of temptation", which is mentioned in the Bible. But the popular associative chains led to the renaming of the mountain to Corcovado, which means "hunchback" in Spanish. The fact is that the mountain really resembles a hump. The mysteriousness and beauty of Mount Corcovado is striking and mesmerizing. She did not leave indifferent the Catholic priest Pedro Maria Bossa. He could not resist the temptation to erect a statue of Jesus on the mountain. But big statue- large expenses, which the priest did not have. He offered to sponsor the action to the then Princess Isabella. And so that she probably agreed, he promised to dedicate a statue to her and immortalize the virtuous lady. But the question of eternity turned out to be less attractive for the princess than the question of spending money, and she wished to postpone this matter until better times. But the plans did not come true. Since the monarchy fell, and the church was lawfully separated from the state.

While people began to forget about the statue, the construction of the railway from Rio to the top of the Hunchback began in full swing. Thus, when the idea of ​​creating a statue was returned to the anniversary of Brazil's independence in 1922, it was already possible to supply materials for construction without much difficulty. Interesting is the fact that the statue was built with the money of the townspeople. Fundraising took place in the churches when the "Monument Week" was announced. Part of the money was donated by the church itself.

Construction began in April 1922, when the foundation stone of the pedestal was laid.

But before that, it was necessary to decide how it would look like monument in Rio de Janeiro... The city administration immediately announced a competition for the best project, but in the midst of fierce competition, Heitor de Silva Costa became the winner. In the project, he embodied the idea that everything that exists is in the hands of the Lord. The outstretched arms of the statue schematically depict a cross, and it was originally supposed to stand on a ball that would symbolize our planet.

The final layout was completed in 1927 - and construction of the statue began at last. The artists, architects and engineers who developed the layouts lived next to the statue throughout the construction and slept in a nearby tent.

Collected the statue by the whole world. Well, almost everyone. The head and arms were assembled in France for technical reasons, and the French sculptor Paul Landowski took part in the modeling of these parts of the statue. The material for the sculpture was brought from Sweden.

The construction of the statue was quite cheap by today's standards - a quarter of a million dollars. But at that time it was a colossal amount.

How to get to the Jesus Christ Monument in Rio de Janeiro?

You can get to the city itself in any way: from plane to ship via train and car. In the city itself, catch a taxi (by the way, taxi services are not cheap in Rio), wait for the bus. There are two trains running from the city center to Mount Corcovado. The ride is not long, only twenty to twenty-five minutes.

The narrow railroad, which originally carried the building materials for the statue, now carries a crazy stream of tourists. An average of three and a half hundred tourists are brought to the statue in Rio de Janeiro every hour.

If public transport- this is not the view that you are used to using, then you can take a taxi or rent a car to the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro. Such pleasure will cost more, but it also has its advantages. In addition to the increased comfort, you get a guided tour of national reserve and the largest forest in the world, which is located in the city halls. You still have to get to the top without a car - on an escalator, which was installed here only in 2003. You can see the statue from a bird's eye view by renting a private jet or helicopter, but the rental amount is simply fabulous. Although there is nothing to argue about the ratio of price and saturation of impressions - the view pays off the costs.

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro today

The statue was consecrated twice by Pope John Paul II. The Brazilians themselves believe in the miraculous power of the statue and in the fact that it protects the city from troubles and hardships. Moreover, severe thunderstorms do not affect the statue, while the area around it can be severely damaged and more than one tree is cut by lightning. Scientists who are not inclined to believe in miracles, and explain this phenomenon by the fact that the soapstone from which the statue was erected turned out to be a powerful dielectric.

However, time takes its toll, and statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro again in need of repair, note, for the third time in more than 75 years.

Statue in Rio de Janeiro, photo which is adorned with all kinds of guidebooks, and any things that are in the slightest degree connected with Brazil, has doubles all over the world. They are naturally smaller, but some of them are striking. For example, the monument to Jesus, which stands in Indonesia (the Muslim faith prevails), surprises with audacity.

Brazil Construction of the statue of Jesus Christ, video:

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