The largest cargo ship in the world. The largest passenger ship in the world: history and modernity

People have long sought to create something great, repeatedly raising the bar and engaging in an ongoing demonstration of superiority and strength. Each new creation, structure or mechanism had to be stronger, faster, taller, wider, larger and stronger than the previous ones. The military industry is no exception. Since ancient times, the strength of the navy has largely determined the winner of the battle and clearly demonstrated the balance of power. Civilizations constantly fought for fertile land and influence in strategically advantageous sea basins. As a result, over the past centuries, thousands of magnificent and amazing ships have been built, designed to testify to the military power of their country. In this collection you will find 25 of the largest military vessels ever launched.

25. America-class amphibious assault ships

America is a huge assault ship and one of the largest vessels in the US Navy. So far, there is only one ship of this configuration, and that is USS America, built in 2014. The length of the vessel is 257 meters, and its displacement is about 45,000 tons!

24. Shokaku-class warship


Both Shokaku-class aircraft carriers were built for the Imperial Japanese Navy in the late 1930s. The construction of the ships was completed shortly before the outbreak of World War II in 1941, and these ships at one time were considered in fact "undisputedly the best aircraft carriers in the world." The Shokaku class vessel reached 257.5 meters in length. Both giants were sunk by the enemy in 1944.

23. Ships of the Audacious class

Photo: anonymous, 09 HMS Eagle Mediterranean Jan1970

The Audacious class aircraft carriers were designed by military engineers on behalf of the British government in the 1930s and 1940s. They did not succeed in showing in practice during the struggle against Nazi Germany, since the construction of these ships was completed after the end of the Second World War. The Audacious warships participated in exercises and strategic operations from 1951 to 1979. The length of such a vessel was 257.6 meters.

22. Taiho-class aircraft carrier


Taiho was first launched in 1941 and was an aircraft carrier of the Japanese Empire built to fight in World War II. The total length of the ship was 260.6 meters, and its design assumed invulnerability even in the face of massive bombardment, torpedoing and other attacks on the hull. The aircraft carrier Taiho was supposed to be able to continue the battle in any conditions, but in 1944 she was still able to sink. The ship sank after a direct hit by a torpedo fired by the American submarine USS Albacore during a fierce battle in the Philippine Sea.

21. Warship Akagi


The Japanese navy had many glorious ships, and the Akagi is another famous aircraft carrier of this Asian empire, serving it from 1927 to 1942. The ship showed itself first in the Second Sino-Japanese War of the 1930s, and then during the Second World War in the legendary attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. The last battle of the aircraft carrier was the battle of midway atoll(Midway) in June 1942. Akagi was seriously injured in the battle, and his captain decided to sink the ship on his own, which in those years was a common practice among the captains of the Japanese Navy. The length of the ship was 261.2 meters.

20. Charles de Gaulle class warship


Let's go straight to the numbers - the length of the French flagship Charles de Gaulle is 261.5 meters, and its displacement is 42,500 tons. Today, this warship is considered the largest warship in all of Western Europe, still launched to participate in exercises and strategic operations. The flagship Charles de Gaulle entered service for the first time in 1994, and today the nuclear-powered vessel remains the leading aircraft carrier of the French navy.

19. Ship INS Vikrant

Photo: Indian Navy

This is the first aircraft carrier built in India. This warship is 262 meters long and about 40,000 tons. Vikrant is still in the process of equipping and is scheduled for completion in 2023. The name of the aircraft carrier is translated from the Indian language as "courageous" or "daring".

18. English warship HMS Hood


And this is one of the oldest warships on our list of the world's largest naval ships. HMS Hood was the last battle cruiser built for the Royal Navy. Launched in August 1918, HMS Hood measured 262.3 meters in length and boasted a displacement of 46,680 tons. The imposing cruiser was sunk by the Germans during World War II in the Battle of the Danish Strait in 1941.

17. Combat ship type Graf Zeppelin


The four Graf Zeppelin class ships were to be the Kriegsmarine (German Navy of the Third Reich era) and were planned for construction back in the 1930s. However, due to political differences between the German Navy and the Luftwaffe (Luftwaffe, the air force in the Reichswehr, Wehrmacht and Bundeswehr), due to disagreements among the highest ranks of the Kriegsmarine itself and because Adolf Hitler lost interest in this project, neither of these impressive aircraft carriers were never launched. As planned by the engineers, the length of such a ship was supposed to be 262.5 meters.

16. Warships of the Yamato class


The Yamato class ships were Imperial Japanese Navy warships built and launched during World War II. The maximum displacement of these giants was 72,000 tons, for which they are still considered one of the heaviest warships in the history of the navy throughout the world. The total length of the Yamato class vessel was 263 meters, and although it was originally planned to build 5 such warships, in the end only 3 were completed.

15. Ship of the Clemenceau class


The Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers were a pair of warships in service with the French Navy from 1961 to 2000. In 2000, one of these aircraft carriers, Clemenceau, was disarmed and dismantled, while the other, Foch, was transferred to the Brazilian Navy. The aircraft carrier Foch remains in the port of San Paolo to this day. Its total length is 265 meters.

14. Aircraft carriers Essex


Here is the foremost power of the US Navy during World War II, the Essex-class aircraft carrier. In the 20th century, this type of warship was the most common type of large warship. There were 24 of them in total, and 4 of these aircraft carriers are now open to the public as floating museums of the history of the American Navy. So if you happen to travel to the states and want to get on board a real battle cruiser, the ships Yorktown, Intrepid, Hornet and Lexington will gladly open the veil of military secrets for you in the mid-20th century.

13. Battle aircraft carrier Shinano


Shinano was a huge aircraft carrier serving in the Great Japanese Empire during World War II. The ship was 266.1 meters long and weighed 65,800 tons. However, the Japanese rushed to launch it, since at that time Shinano still needed a design revision. This is probably the reason why the giant aircraft carrier lasted only 10 days in the war and was sunk at the end of 1944.

12. Iowa class warship


Fast battleships class Iowa were built by order of the US Navy in 1939 and 1940 in the amount of 6 combat units. As a result, only 4 out of 6 ships were launched, but all of them took part in a number of important confrontations for America, including World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The length of these armored artillery ships was 270 meters and a displacement of 45,000 tons.

11. Lexington-class aircraft carrier


A total of 2 such aircraft carriers were built, and both ships were designed by order of the US Navy in the 1920s. This class of ships showed itself very well and was seen in many battles. One of these warships was the aircraft carrier Lexington, which was sunk by enemies during the Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942. The second ship, Saratoga, was blown up during testing. atomic bomb in 1946.

10. Kiev-class combat ship


Also known as Project 1143 or the Krechet aircraft carrier, the Kiev-class ship was the first Soviet aircraft carrier to transport fixed-wing aircraft. To date, out of 4 built vessels, one has been dismantled, two are out of order, and the last, "Admiral Gorshkov", was sold to the Indian Navy, where it is still in service.

9. Warship Queen Elizabeth

Photo: UK Department of Defense, flickr

This is one of two Queen Elizabeth-class ships, and both of these aircraft carriers are still in the process of equipping for the Royal Navy. The first ship is HMS Queen Elizabeth, and all work on its construction will be completed in 2017, the second is HMS Prince of Wales, which is scheduled to launch in 2020. The length of the hull of aircraft carriers HMS is 284 meters each, and the maximum displacement is 70 600 tons.

8. Ship type Admiral Kuznetsov


The aircraft carriers of the Admiral Kuznetsov class were the last warships of their kind built for the Soviet Navy. In total, 2 ships of this class are known, and these are the board "Admiral Kuznetsov" (launched in 1990, still in the ranks of the Russian Navy), as well as "Liaoning" (sold to China, construction was completed in 2012). The length of the hull of aircraft carriers of this class is 302 meters.

7. Aircraft carrier class Midway


The Midway class aircraft-carrying cruiser project proved to be one of the most reliable and tenacious design solutions in the history of the Navy. The first flagship of this type, launched in 1945, was the USS Midway, and it served in the US Army until 1992. The last mission of the vessel was the participation in the operation "in the desert" in 1991. Another ship of this class is the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, which was decommissioned in 1977. The third aircraft carrier, USS Coral Sea, was transferred to the reserve in 1990.

6. American warship USS John F. Kennedy


Nicknamed Big John, the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy is the only one of its kind, and the last US Navy ship with a non-nuclear power plant. The vessel reaches 320 meters in length, and at one time it was even capable of fighting against submarines.

5. Forrestal class warship


This is one of 4 Forrestal-class aircraft carriers, designed and built specifically for the American army in the 1950s. The Ships Forrestal, Saratoga, Ranger and Independence were the first supercarriers to combine significant displacement, lifts and a corner deck. Their length is 325 meters, and their maximum weight is 60,000 tons.

4. Combat ship Kitty Hawk


The Kitty Hawk class was the next generation of the US Navy's supercarriers after the Forrestal class. In this line, 3 ships were built (Kitty Hawk, Constellation, America), all of them were ready for launching in the 1960s, and today they have already been decommissioned. The length of the hull is 327 meters.

3. Aircraft carrier class Nimitz


The Nimitz ships are 10 nuclear-powered supercarriers belonging to the US Navy. With a total length of 333 meters and a maximum displacement (over 100,000 tons), these vessels are considered the world's largest underway warships. They have taken part in many battles around the world, including Operation Eagle Claw in Iran, the Gulf War and the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2. Warship Gerald R. Ford


This type of ship is planned to replace some of the still operational Nimitz-class supercarriers. The hulls of the new vessels will be very similar to the Nimitz cruisers, but in terms of technical equipment, the Gerald R. Ford class will be much more modern. In particular, innovations such as an electromagnetic catapult for launching aircraft and many other technological solutions designed to improve the efficiency of the ship and reduce the cost of its operation. The aircraft carriers Gerald R. Ford will be slightly longer than the Nimitz class ships - their length will be 337 meters.

1. Combat ship USS Enterprise


This is the leader of our list and the first supercarrier with a nuclear power plant. USS Enterprise is the longest (342 meters) and the most famous warship in the world. She has served the US Army for 51 years and is therefore also considered one of the most durable US aircraft carriers. The USS Enterprise has fought in many battles, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam and Korean Wars. In addition, this cruiser took part in the filming of feature films. For example, some scenes from Star Trek and Top Gun, Star Trek were filmed on the deck of the USS Enterprise, which is rightfully considered the largest American aircraft carrier and one of the 10 most dangerous warships on the planet.

Since ancient times, large water attracted a person, aroused his interest and a desire to conquer its expanses. So boats appeared first, and then ships. With each century, their size, power and capabilities have only increased and now the ships are really impressive with their dimensions. We combined into one top most big ships the world so that you can also see them and estimate the scale from the photo.

10. The list is opened by the largest sailing ship in the world and it is "France II", which, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. Created in 1911, it was 127 meters long and had a steel hull that did not help it in a crash. In 1922 "France II" sank in the waters The Pacific.

9. Mærsk Mc-Kinney is a Danish creation and is one of the largest container ships in existence. The Mc-Kinney is 400 meters long and almost 60 meters wide. In 2013 it was officially launched, but after a while it returned to its native land for rebuilding. The reason for this was unsuitable harbor cranes, which could not completely unload and load it. Mc-Kinney is considered the most ill-conceived ship in history, because it almost does not pay off.

8. Photo of himself big ship in the world for non-standard cargo Blue marlin surprises himself. Its length is 225 meters, and due to its design and carrying capacity, the deck can accommodate about 15 overall dry cargo ships.

7. The Norwegian dock-ship Dockwise Vanguard differs from others in its unusual design and the ability to lower the platform for loading below not only the deck itself, but also the sea level. The Norwegian giant is capable of transporting over 110 thousand tons of cargo and is used to deliver oil rigs and other vessels.

6. The world's largest bulk carrier Berge Stahl could be owned by Norwegians or another leading world country, but the rights to it are held by the government of the tiny Isle of Man, which is located near Ireland. Its length is 341 meters, and its tonnage is 176 thousand tons.

5. CSCL Globe is another container ship that is impressive in its dimensions. Made in Hong Kong, 400 meters long, but capable of speeds up to 22 knots. The ship is serviced by exactly 31 people. Globe is also known for having one of the most powerful diesel engines on the planet.

4. What is the largest ship in the world? For a long time it was considered an incredible giant created by the Norwegians. In 1976 he was launched, exactly ten years later an Iranian fighter pilot attacked him, which caused the ship to run aground. And when everyone wrote it off, the Norwegians rebuilt it and up until 2010 the tanker continued to fulfill all its goals properly until it was disposed of in India.

3. The Danish container ship Emma Mærsk impresses with its capabilities. It can hold 154 tons of cargo and develop an incredible speed of 33 knots for such a giant. It is operated by only 13 people.

2. The Panamanian giant MSC Oscar took the second position, which has a record in terms of the transported cargo - it can take on board almost 200 thousand tons. Due to its size, it can only enter a few ports around the world.

1. Prelude FLNG, which is a floating gas processing plant, is beyond all competition. The dimensions of the largest ship in the world are impressive: length 459 meters, width - 75 meters, height - 105 meters. In order to service such a machine, and besides this, there are exactly 240 crew members on board for gas production.

When Noah was ordered to build the ark, he received all the necessary design data and technological instructions. Judging by the divine terms of reference, the ark was three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high. It is impressive, of course, but measuring with your elbows the modern largest ship in the world is a very tedious task. The length of the Prelude FLNG is 929 and a half Egyptian royal cubits.

Floating gas liquefaction plant

The title of the largest floating object is a passing thing, the purpose of such structures can be very different, and when experts see a reasonable limit, it is unclear.

A hull for the Prelude FLNG floating plant was built for Shell at a South Korean shipyard. Its purpose will be to extract it at the bottom of the ocean into a liquefied state and pump it to special gas tankers. As of mid-2015, it is the largest ship in the world. According to the plan in 2017, this monster should be somewhere off the coast of Australia and with might and main produce blue fuel from the bowels. It can store as much of it as an average metropolis needs for a year.

The length of this vessel is 488 m, width - 74 m, 260 thousand tons of steel were used for the construction - this is more than for the twin towers of the shopping center in New York, in terms of displacement it is equal to six aircraft carriers. Prelude FLNG can be a real prelude for the emergence of a whole fleet of such vessels, because experts say there are significant economic and environmental advantages of this method of gas production.

Dockwise vanguard

In January 2012, a Concordia-class cruise ship hit the coastal rocks off the Italian islet of Giglio, suffered a hole and capsized and sank. More than 30 people died. It was the largest passenger ship in the world to experience such a disaster. When it became necessary to "clean up the garbage", that is, to transport it further, one of the largest and most unusual ships in the world came to the rescue.

The Dockwise Vanguard is the largest vessel in the world designed to carry especially large and heavy cargo. It belongs to the semi-submersible type. To accommodate cargo on a huge deck (overall dimensions of the vessel: length - 275 m, width - 79 m), special ballast tanks are filled with seawater, and the vessel is submerged to the required depth. The cargo is towed and held over the ship, which, as it emerges, takes the weight on board. The cargo is rigidly fixed and the vessel follows the desired route at a speed of about 12 knots. Anyone will be impressed by the sight of a hard-working ship transporting huge oil platforms thousands of miles away. Therefore, transporting the Concordia to Genoa, where it was scrapped, is a seed for Dockwise Vanguard.

Container ship

The more containers can be loaded onto the deck and delivered at the highest possible speed across the seas and oceans, the more profitable such transportation will be. Therefore, such ships occupy the first places among ships in terms of size and power of power plants.

For 2015, the championship is held by the CSCL Globe, built in South Korea and owned by a carrier from China. Its length is 400 m, width - 58.6 m, carrying capacity 184 605 tons.

For the sake of providing an amazing speed for such a colossus of 16 knots, the world's largest internal combustion engine with a capacity of 77,200 horsepower, with a height of a five-story building, was made for the ship. Several such container ships are expected to be manufactured. And these will be the largest ships in the world, capable of transporting so many containers at one time, in which you can hide the property of residents of a small town.


Among the ships, which, due to their purpose, are supposed to amaze with their size, there have always been dry cargo and ore carriers - bulk carriers, that is, loaded in bulk. To fill the largest ships in the world carrying ore, 12,000 huge ones are needed - that's about 400 tons.

The 362-meter length and 65-meter width make the Vale Brasil type ore carriers a very visible object even in the Atlantic and Pacific expanses. Moreover, the Brazilian ore suppliers are faced with the task of increasing the profitability of their products when delivering it by sea, and they have already ordered South-East Asia a whole flotilla of bulk carriers of this series, and soon the Atlantic expanses will not be crowded ...

Oasis of the seas

Today, the infamous "Titanic" can truly impress with its size only in a movie shot by the great director. It is five times smaller than the largest passenger ship in the world - the Oasis of the Seas, built in Finland, operated by an American and flying the flag

Not all ports can accept this ship, and some it cannot enter without causing or receiving serious damage. The length of the building is 360 m, the maximum width is 61 m, the height from the surface of the water to the top of the pipe is like a 25-storey building. Oasis in the Ocean is the largest cruise ship in the world, designed to provide 6400 passengers with an unforgettable experience. For this, everything is provided on the ship: the world's largest cruise casino, a water park, a theater in which shows go on without interruption, surfing pools, a golf course, sports grounds. For lovers and those who love solitude, a park with real trees and shrubs has been planted, where you can safely find a place to stay alone or relax alone.

In order to adequately serve passengers and the largest ship in the world, the number of the crew was brought to 2,165 people. It seems that everyone will find something to do with such an ark.

Floating City Freedom Ship

Unlike all previous ships, already plying the vast seas, "Ship Svoboda" - so far only an idea, although the company involved in this project has already announced its full readiness to start construction. The floating city ship will be able to accommodate 50 thousand permanent residents and about 30 thousand guests. It is planned to create an infrastructure similar to that required for a small city, with all facilities for full-fledged work and recreation. Living and working areas, schools, stadiums, swimming pools will be located on numerous decks. Park areas with real green spaces will make for all residents a comfortable permanent stay off the land.

Once completed, it will be by far the largest ship in the world. The photos, in which you can see the alleged appearance of the future ark, amaze with the scope of the idea. An airfield capable of receiving serious airliners is supposed to be located at the upper level. To support the floating city, a whole network of solar and wind power plants will be built.

The projected length is 1370 m, the total number of levels is 25. There is no suitable harbor on the planet for such a boat, so Svoboda will be on a constant voyage around the world.

Our Blue Planet

According to one of the versions of the origin of life on Earth, all living things came out of the water. Considering how many people cannot imagine life without the sea, either in business or on vacation, it can be assumed that the top of the largest sea ​​vessels will be constantly updated.

People are very curious by nature, they want to know what innovations and miracles an ordinary person has done in some area of ​​life. Most tall ship in the world - a bewitching sight, it is rightfully considered the charm of the seas. What is it, and how does it fascinate vacationers?

Description of the tallest ship

"Allure of the Seas" considered the most tall ship on Earth, its height is 72 meters (measured from the keel to the top of the pipe). Dimensions other than height:

  • 362 meters - length;
  • 66 meters - width;
  • 255 thousand tons - displacement.

The ship was built in 2010 in the country of Finland. The owner company is located in South Korea. He was the most big liner in all respects, until the ship of the same type “Harmony of the Seas” appeared. But the height of "Harmony of the Seas" is lower and equal to 70 meters. Therefore, the tallest liner remains "Allure of the Seas" ("Charm of the Seas").

From 2010 to the present day, the ship has been in operation. The crew is 2100 people. The number of passengers on the liner varies from 5400 to 6400. average price Oasis class liners is 500-800 million dollars.

The history of the ship

In March 2007, a contract was signed by the American shipping company for the construction of the 2nd Oasis class liner with a shipbuilding company in Finland. A lot of things have changed compared to the previous ship of this class:

  • boats and life jackets were moved to the stern;
  • several times more cut-off devices were delivered to prevent damage to the vessel during a storm;
  • improved cabins;
  • built a lot entertainment centers, clubs, bars and other complexes.

The ship was christened in 2010. His 1st flight was completely free. The amazing Fiona from the cartoon "Shrek" became the godmother of the ship. The ceremony took place in the theater on board the ship, where about three and a half thousand people gathered.

The vessel boasts seventeen decks and 2.7 thousand cabins. This is a city in the middle of the ocean. The ship has everything you need to perfect holiday at the highest level: from boutiques, cafeterias, theaters, multifunctional pools, and solariums, ending with VIP cabins with a total area of ​​50-150 square meters.

Numerous entertainment

Relaxing on a ship of this class is the dream of every second inhabitant of the planet. Visitors can soak up the shade under real exotic trees. On board you can ride on a huge carousel, swim in the pool and jacuzzi, visit a water park with attractions, try your luck at the casino, arrange cool shopping in brand boutiques and shopping centers, put on your best clothes and spend the evening in high-end restaurants or minibars.

For those wishing to actively relax, other entertainments will be offered:

  • ice rink;
  • places for playing basketball and volleyball;
  • an entertaining golf course;
  • bowling alley;
  • surfing in specialized pools;
  • impressive climbing walls;
  • fitness centers and spas.

Only on "Charm of the Seas" there is a huge water amphitheater with beautiful fountains, towers and high jumps for jumping into the water. The indoor theater has become one of the many attractions.

A modern club for connoisseurs of jazz music and humor is also on board. It is unrealistic to get used to the fun on the ship, since there is a lot of it: ice shows, circus, thematic performances, theatrical performances.

Passengers will be able to enjoy: studio B (where culinary shows are held), an ice rink, nightclubs with groovy club music, beauty salons, modern tattoo parlors, photographs taken by a professional photographer, a central park, children's clubs, souvenir shops, an area for babies and teenagers, a chapel.

Restaurants and cafeterias

It is impossible to be completely indifferent to the multifaceted menu of the liner. Japanese, traditional cuisine, pizzerias, Italian gourmet dishes - an incomplete list of what will make breakfast, lunch and dinner fun and very appetizing.

The cost of some restaurants and cafes on the "Charm of the Seas" is included in the cruise price. Main Dining Room - the main restaurant complex, located on three floors. Windjammer Cafe - chic Buffet... For vegetarians and lovers of light breakfast and lunch, there is the Solarium Bar cafe.

For an additional charge, you can visit alternative restaurants serving exceptional gourmet cuisine with a glass of delicate wine.

Gourmet restaurants on board

150 Central Park is a place where you can taste six to eight dishes, accompanied by wine.

Italian gourmet cuisine can be sampled at the Giovanni's Table.

Chops Grille is a restaurant serving the most delicious steaks.

You can enjoy the most delicate sushi and traditional Japanese cuisine in Izumi.

You can have a tasty and interesting snack in the elevator bar called Rising Tide Bar. This is a bar-lift that rolls between three decks to incendiary music.

On the liner, every passenger will be able to find something for himself. People with any income can spend time here and feel as if they are in paradise.

For children and adolescents

The ship has playgrounds for young people and kindergartens for toddlers. Specialized rides are located in all corners of the ship for children of all ages.

Teenagers can spend private time:

  • in a special area for gymnastic tricks and other entertainment;
  • visit the "Ocean of Adventures" theater;
  • learn a lot of new things in the "Science Laboratory";
  • in the lessons of creating marvelous jewelry, albums and other hand-made crafts.

Many people like to travel with their families and small children are not a hindrance. There are several programs on board that will make your stay enjoyable and unforgettable. Qualified educators and counselors will deal with the kids. Children are divided into 7 groups:

> 6-18 month old babies will attend a group called Aquam babies. Thanks to this program, the child will develop different skills and abilities, will be able to quickly adapt to the new environment.

18-36 month old babies will be sent to the Aquamalys group. The program will help your child explore the outside world through educational games and techniques.

Girls and boys from 3 to 5 years old need to study in the Aquanaut group. The program is designed for music lessons, children role-playing games, masquerades and carnivals.

From 6 to 8 years old, young inventors will attend the Explorers group. The program is aimed at developing talents, holding various competitions and tournaments.

9-11 year olds will become Seafarers. Evening film screenings, karaoke, a fabulous ball with sweets, ice cream and pizza await them.

Children from 12 to 14 years old will be included in the Navigators group. This is a program where most During the time the children play in the pool and living room under the supervision of responsible leaders.

Teens from 15 to 17 years old will join the Teens group. Boys and girls will dine with their peers, play interactive games, arrange theme nights, and light up at the disco. Moreover, parents are not allowed to go to dances, and adolescents can step back a little from parental care.

Incidents on the liner

Many tourists and passengers are interested in whether there have been any unpleasant incidents that you need to know about in advance before purchasing a cruise ticket. There was only one incident: in 2012 in engine room a small fire started, it was immediately eliminated. The ship's automated fire-fighting system coped with the flames. No one was hurt because of the fire, and the ship went on along the designated route.

Anyone who decides to visit the Charm of the Seas deck will never forget such beauty and variety of shops, restaurants and places to stay. The ship is like a separate republic surrounded by seas and oceans, there are no problems and worries. It is peace and reunification with oneself.

For many centuries, merchant ships and warships have been surfing the ocean. Sometimes people build such colossals that, looking at the photographs, you can hardly imagine them. These hulks carry people, cargo, oil and gas. About the 6 largest watercraft in the world - further in the review.

1. Supertanker Knock Nevis

The longest ship ever built is the Knock Nevis oil tanker, formerly known as the Jahre Viking. The Knock Nevis is also considered to be the largest human-made object ever. Its maximum length is 458.45 meters, and its displacement is 260,941 tons.

The supertanker first went sailing in 1979 when it left the Sumitomo Heavy Industries shipyard in Japan. The vessel transported crude oil all over the world and in 1988 even came under bombardment during the Iran-Iraq war. The vessel caught fire in coastal waters and sank, it was completely written off. After the end of the war, Jahre Viking was raised, repaired and put back into service.

To control the supertanker, you need a crew of only 35 people. The machine is driven by one 9-meter propeller that makes 75 rpm. This achieves a cruising speed of 16 knots (30 km / h). To brake, the vessel needs 9 kilometers, and to turn - 3 kilometers of water space.

Throughout its history, the vessel has repeatedly changed its name, owners and home port. In 2009, the tanker made its last voyage to India, after which it was cut into metal.

2. Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise

The American USS Enterprise is the world's largest warship. It is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, also known as the CVA-65. This is the eighth ship with this name in the US Navy, but the largest of all. Its length is 342 meters and it can carry up to 4,600 troops and 90 aircraft.

The nuclear power plant of eight reactors delivers a maximum power of 280,000 hp, thanks to which the ship can reach a speed of 33.6 knots (62 km / h). These characteristics look even more impressive when you consider that the USS Enterprise entered service in 1962. In 2017, after 55 years of service, the ship was officially decommissioned. Before that, he had seen the Cuban crisis, the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, where he represented the military power of the United States.

3. Gas carrier Q-Max

The world's largest LNG carriers are Q-Max vessels. Their displacement is 162,400 tons, length 345 m, width - 55 meters. Q-max vessels can hold up to 266,000 cubic meters of natural gas and reach speeds of up to 19.5 knots (36 km / h).

On the this moment there are 14 Q-Max gas carriers in the world, the cost of each giant is $ 290 million. The ships were built by Samsung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. The first LNG carrier in the series ("Moza") was completed in 2007 at a shipyard in South Korea. The ship received its name in honor of the second wife of the ruler of Qatar.

4. Container ship CSCL Globe

In November 2014, the naming ceremony for the world's largest container ship CSCL Globe was held. This is the first of five container ships ordered by the Chinese shipping company CSCL in 2013. The vessel is designed to sail the route from Asia to Europe. The giant vessel 400 meters long has a displacement of 186,000 tons and can carry up to 19,100 sea containers.

The CSCL Globe uses an electronically controlled MAN B&W engine with 77,200 hp. height 17.2 meters.

5. Harmony of the Seas

For several decades in a row, Royal Caribbean International has been building new cruise ships, which are more and more previous. In 2016, he made his first voyage Harmony of the Seas with a length of 362 meters. The vessel can accommodate 2,200 crew members and 6,000 passengers who travel the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Caribbean.

The Harmony of the Seas has a displacement of 225,282 tons and reaches a maximum speed of 22.6 knots (41.9 km / h).

There are many recreational activities on board to keep you from getting bored for weeks on end: spa, casino, escape room, ice rink, surf simulator, theater, two climbing walls, ziplane, swimming pools, basketball court, small golf course and even a water park.

The Harmony of the Seas is estimated to cost over a billion dollars to build, making it one of the most expensive commercial ships ever built.

6. TI class supertankers

The largest oil tankers still in service are the TI class supertankers. These are TI Africa, TI Asia, TI Europe and TI Oceania vessels. The mega-tankers were built in South Korea in 2003 for the Greek company Hellespont.

TI-class vessels are “only” 380 meters long - 78 meters shorter than the Knock Nevis. Each of them has a displacement of 234,006 tons and under full load they can reach a speed of 16.5 knots (30.5 km / h). In total, 4 ocean giants were built, which are still in operation.

And more recently, the record was considered