What you need to know when renting an apartment. How to rent an apartment from the point of view of a layman with extensive experience. Finding an apartment yourself

Renting a house in modern world this is the most common practice. Not many can afford it, someone prefers not to get attached, and someone just needs to stay in the city for several years. All these people have one thing in common - they are looking for an apartment that they could rent for a long time.

Where to begin?

All actions begin with a thought. The search for housing that is possible also begins with a thought. What questions should you consider before you start searching for ads?

  • Location of housing. Decide on the area in which you intend to live. Of course, the further from the center the rented apartment is, the cheaper it will be. But it is also worth paying attention to the costs that you will spend on transport. Whether it's gasoline or buying a travel card. Would it turn out that by saving on rent, you won’t gain anything by spending the same money on travel to the place of study or work.
    Principle time is money nobody canceled. Therefore, when choosing a new area of ​​residence, determine how far you are willing to agree. After all, a greater distance from the place of work or study will mean more time spent on moving.
  • Imagine. Imagine yourself in the desired housing. What is it like? How many rooms, their sizes? Floor? Do you need parking, kindergarten nearby? Is the bathroom combined or separate?

To summarize, then you need to decide on your own requirements that you want to present. However, it should be remembered that you do not need to make too great demands if you have small funds. In the end, it may turn out that living with a combined bathroom is not so bad, and a small three-ruble note will be more comfortable than a spacious two-room apartment.

Let's start choosing

Carefully reading the ads, you should remember that what the apartment owners write does not always correspond to your idea. For the owner, his apartment, most likely, always "in a good condition" and "Ready to live" ... In order to resolve your doubts, it is not necessary to immediately go for an inspection. Some important questions can be resolved over the phone.

If the ad claims that "Apartment after renovation" , then you should clarify exactly how much time has passed since the last repair and what this actually means. Was there a cosmetic renovation in all rooms or only in the kitchen? And if the repair has just been completed, then it should be clarified whether additional expenses will be required from new tenants, for example, for the installation of sockets or hanging a chandelier.

We bargain and set the price

After reading the ad in which it is indicated "Bargaining is appropriate" start bargaining over the phone. Why would this be useful? Most likely, it will not be easy for you to bargain if you spend time and money watching. And if this is not so, then imagine that you really liked the apartment, but you still want to bargain? So think about why you might ask for a price reduction? Maybe the area is not very respectable? Or far from what you need? Few shops, renovations have been done for a long time, neighbors with children, but you never know what you might not like? Tell about it by phone. Namely, during the call, you can understand whether the owner is really ready to give in.

If you still did not manage to bargain, then you can wait a little time, for example a week, and call again. Perhaps in case of a second offer, when the landlord is already tired of looking for a tenant, he will be more accommodating.

Honesty is a good quality that often helps in life. During bargaining, it can also bring a lot of benefits. Tell me how much you really expect. After discussing all the pros and cons of rented housing, you can summarize how much you actually think renting such housing costs. Phrases like “this apartment is not worth more than (amount)” or “I can only afford (amount)” would be fine in this situation.

We are looking for an apartment through agencies

It is also necessary to approach the choice of agencies seriously and wisely. A few rules to help you avoid "scams":

In a good, large agency, they will conclude an agreement with you, discuss your preferences, offer options, and the realtor will travel with you to the apartments for viewing. Study the contract carefully. A good agency will offer you certain guarantees. They will accompany you during the conclusion of a rental agreement, and in case of unforeseen situations, they will provide.

We negotiate with the owner

After meeting with the owner of the rented housing, try to convince him with your appearance that you are a good citizen. There is no need to say much for this. If there is a letter of recommendation from the previous place where you rented an apartment, you can provide it.

When agreeing on payment, specify whether payment is included in it utilities... If you pay for these services separately, then ask for receipts for payment for the previous months. So you can see how much utility bills will cost you monthly.

Talk to the owner how often he will visit you. Discuss questions about pets and guests. If guests are going to come to you for a couple of weeks, then most likely there is no need to immediately discuss this issue with the owner. Better to do it after the fact.

When communicating with the owner, be honest, but keep your distance. In a landlord-employer relationship, as in any business relationship, it is important to avoid being careless and familiar with each other. When talking about cost, changes, and host requirements, be calm, friendly, and level-headed. This approach will recommend you as a business and responsible person.

And, of course, if you come across an apartment that suits you in all respects, you shouldn't delay with it. So you risk losing it to yourself. We wish you successful searches and a comfortable stay!

With good wishes,

Residential lease concept. Housing rent is considered to be the case when one person is ready to live for a certain fee in the apartment of another person who is the rightful owner (Article 671 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The parties in this case are called:

  • Landlord - the owner of the rented apartment (about who the landlord or landlord is, as well as his rights and obligations are described in).
  • Tenant - a person renting an apartment.

Renting an apartment by law must be registered with the tax office... According to article 674 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if it is concluded for a short period (less than one year), then its registration with the tax service is not required (the short-term contract of employment is described in). But if the contract is long-term, then it must be submitted for registration within one month from the date of signing.

Article 674 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Residential lease contract form

  1. The lease agreement for residential premises is concluded in writing.
  2. Restriction (encumbrance) of the right of ownership of a residential premises arising on the basis of a lease agreement for such residential premises, concluded for a period of at least a year, is subject to state registration in accordance with the procedure established by the law on registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

Should you shoot?

Usually, housing is rented when desperate situations arise.

  1. Most often, such situations are those when there is no home of their own or it is there, but the person does not want to live with other people.
  2. Or when a student moves to a foreign city, and there is no dormitory there.
  3. Or when the children grew up and decided to move out from their parents.

It is worth renting an apartment if a person realizes that he will not only have to live in this place, but also pay rent and, possibly, utilities.

You need to be prepared that in case of the slightest delay, you will be asked to move out immediately.

Which is better: renting a home or taking out a mortgage?

What is more profitable to rent an apartment or take a mortgage:

  • On the one hand, it is better to take out a mortgage loan and if you really pay money, and not small, then at least for housing, the full owner of which you will later become! The mortgage amount will not be small, but in the end you will be left with the apartment.
  • On the other hand, taking a mortgage automatically obliges you to be more attentive and careful in relation to your work, and if any unforeseen situations arise related to the apartment, you, as the owner, will have to deal with this.

Therefore, many people want to avoid a large burden of responsibility, both moral and financial, by choosing to rent an apartment for many years. But in this case, it is worth remembering that you are paying a stranger, and after all you will be left with nothing.

How old can you become a renter?

How old can you rent an apartment? The tenant has the right to conclude contracts strictly from the age of eighteen... Of course, there are cases when officially a citizen takes full legal capacity until the age of majority.

Usually the exception is the conclusion of a marriage union before the age of eighteen. In this case, the teenager can be fully capable and enter into any contracts (article 21 of the Civil Code).

Article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Legal capacity of a citizen

  1. The ability of a citizen to acquire and exercise civil rights by his actions, to create civil obligations for himself and to fulfill them (civil legal capacity) arises in full with the onset of majority, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen.
  2. In the case when the law allows marriage before reaching the age of eighteen, a citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen acquires full legal capacity from the time of marriage.

    The legal capacity acquired as a result of marriage is retained in full even in the event of divorce before reaching eighteen years of age.

    If the marriage is declared invalid, the court may decide on the loss of full legal capacity by the minor spouse from the moment determined by the court.

detailed instructions

How do you find your corner that's right for you?

What should you pay attention to?

What you need to know when renting an apartment and what to look for:

  • Pay attention to why the previous tenants moved out of the apartment. Perhaps they just found a better option or bought their own home, but it may happen that the landlord is a terrible brawler!
  • State of payments for utilities. Large indebtedness can threaten with power outages.
  • On the condition of electrical appliances and household appliances, if available in the apartment. You need to check with the owner. As landlords often like to dump minor repairs onto the tenants.
  • Adjacent area and view from the window. If there is a bright nightclub sign or lantern in front of the window, you will most likely feel a little uncomfortable living under the spotlights.

You can fix the matter with blackout curtains, but you will hardly be able to sleep with an open window near a nightclub.

The procedure for mandatory verification when renting housing

What should be checked when renting an apartment? Be sure to check in the accommodation:

  1. The presence of traces of crayons on the floor, baseboards, behind pipes may indicate living creatures like cockroaches, ants, wood lice, bedbugs and others.
  2. If there is an automatic air freshener at the entrance to the apartment, it is worth turning it off and listening to the smells of the apartment. It happens that the owners try to disguise the smell of dampness of delight or sewage.
  3. The presence of cracks in the frames and doors if ordinary wooden windows or poorly installed double-glazed windows are installed. In winter, all the heat will go into these cracks, the apartment will shine through.
  4. In the case when the apartment is corner, check the joints between the walls, they must be dry. Otherwise, the heat will also blow out, and in winter this corner will also get wet, because it does not dry out.
  5. Water pressure. It so happens that in old buildings, the upper floors lack good pressure.

How to control the owner?

How to check the owner of the apartment? In order to establish whether this citizen is really the full owner of the apartment that you are going to rent, you need to ask him to provide the relevant documents. What needs to be done with these papers:

  1. These papers should indicate on the basis of what the person became the owner of the apartment (the right establishing documents are the sale and purchase agreement, the donation agreement, the court decision, the will, and so on).
  2. Check your passport and compare the details in the title deed. All information from the number and series of the passport to registration must be identical.
  3. Ask for ownership of real estate or an extract from the Unified State Register.

Important! Everything needs to be checked more carefully when you are looking for an apartment on your own, as there are many scammers.

It is much safer to contact a trusted real estate agency, where the authenticity and correctness of the documents will be checked by lawyers.

What are the essential questions to ask?

What questions to ask when renting an apartment:

  • cost rent;
  • in what time frame is it carried out;
  • apartment conditions (if talking on the phone);
  • neighbors surrounding the apartment;
  • repair status;
  • present furniture and household appliances;
  • term of delivery of the apartment.

All other questions are asked when examining an apartment, for example, because of what the former tenants moved out.

And ask how many owners the apartment has... If the owner is not one, but several of them, then ask if other owners are ready to rent the apartment. Ask questions about how much you should warn the landlord about your decision to move out of his living space.

Will he monthly visit the apartment and inspect it, is it possible to delay the payment for several days for some circumstances, and is the landlord ready to make some concessions on payment (for example, to agree on a deferred payment under certain life circumstances).

Important! If the landlord speaks unflatteringly about the former tenants and behaves rudely, arrogantly at every question, then such a person can later slander you (even if all the requirements for the maintenance and payment of the apartment were met) when you move out of his apartment!

Legal regulation of the rental of residential premises between individuals

The rent of an apartment must only be in writing... This will give guarantees that the landlord will not rent it along the way to you and other third parties.

And also to provide serious intentions on the part of the tenant about the intention to rent this living space. When renting an apartment, a written contract is drawn up, it contains provisions on how to behave in certain situations, for example, if flooding or fire or other circumstances happened.

If the agreement between the parties occurs orally, it is possible that a misunderstanding or the fact that someone has simply forgotten something else is possible.

Is it possible to do without a contract?

You can rent an apartment without a contract, but not desirable, since each party will not know their rights and obligations, for example, if the contract contains a clause stating that the owner of the apartment has the right to inspect the apartment no more than once a month, then it will be so.

And with a verbal agreement, one thing can be said, but in fact it turns out that he will disturb the employer with his presence on a weekly basis.

Features of housing with and without renovation

So, apartment rentals without renovation are usually found in new buildings where there is only a rough finish. When inspecting such real estate, you should feel free to ask for a discount for living conditions if the amount is the same as for apartments that are being renovated.

Usually, owners who want to cash in on an empty space at first do not agree, but after the renting of an apartment is delayed for months, they willingly make concessions.

When when the apartment needs renovation, you can agree to rent it out on account of the renovation... At the same time, discuss what kind of repairs are required from him and when it will be completed, and the rent will resume as usual.

Provided that during the repair work, the tenant will also pay for all utilities. Most often, landlords go to such deals, since they independently make repairs in an apartment where the owner himself does not live dearly and for a long time, but here is a free labor force that pays for utilities and makes repairs.

All these aspects should also be spelled out in the contract from the beginning of the repair work to their end and the approximate amount spent with the sales receipts attached subsequently.

With kids

When renting an apartment with small children, it is worth prescribing clauses in the contract about whether the employer will compensate for damage to the wallpaper or the floor (for example, if the children painted or stuck plasticine, after removing which there were greasy stains).

In any case, the landlord must take into account that renting an apartment to a family with children, repairs in the apartment can be ruined... Whether he will condescend upon discovering this factor or will he ask for compensation for the damage caused.

As for adult children, as a rule, they pay little attention to this, since they can give an account of their actions.

Choosing an agency

When choosing the agency itself, you need to pay attention to both the seriousness of the company and the housing it offers. How to choose agents:

  1. Usually, in order to rent an apartment through an agency, you must first draw up an agreement on the provision of services for the selection of real estate with a realtor, indicate in it the preferences and wishes of the tenant, as well as the amount and term of selection.
  2. After that, the agent selects the apartments that suit you and after you agree to rent this or that living space, payment for the agency's services is given.
  3. Next, a rental agreement is concluded. If the company that selects housing is official, then there will be no difficulties.

As a rule, serious firms are engaged not only in the selection of housing for rent, but also in the sale, as well as other services related to real estate.

Key points

The main key points when renting an apartment:

  • The size of the rent, who pays for utilities, the term of payment (read about the procedure for paying for an apartment under a lease agreement, and how to document rent issues and draw up a payment schedule is described).
  • Drawing up a rental agreement.
  • Availability and condition of household appliances and furniture.
  • The general condition of the apartment and the house as a whole.
  • Surrounding neighbors.
  • The remoteness of the area from the metro and / or the city center.
  • The presence or absence of developed infrastructure (shops, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and so on).
  • Availability of connected utilities (autonomous heating or central heating, hot and cold water, sewerage, internet, television, home telephone).
  • Is it possible to rent an apartment with animals / children.

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You can also see how to rent an apartment correctly in this video:


Subject to essential conditions, you can rent an apartment with comfort for yourself and the apartment owners, be calm about your future well-being and not be afraid to come to the house where things are displayed on the street.

Fresh renovation, cleanliness, a smiling and friendly owner and, most importantly, a very attractive price - all this is by no means a reason for a tenant looking for housing to immediately move into an apartment, much less pay a deposit three months in advance. The site "RIA Real Estate" has collected five expert tips that will allow you to learn about the intricacies of renting and not be left with a nose, and besides, on the street.

Check the documents for the apartment

There are several types of fraudulent activities on the part of landlords that should be kept in mind by all those who are looking for rental housing.

For example, says Maria Baskova, head of the Azbuka Zhilya lease department, in lease relations there is such a thing as sublease of housing - when the tenant re-leases the apartment to third parties, of course, without informing the owner. According to the interlocutor of the agency, in this case, the fraudster rents an apartment for rent, say, for seven days. During this time, he manages to retake it to several tenants at a price significantly lower than the market price, but, having received an advance payment for several months, he hides. Unsuccessful tenants of an apartment remain without money and without housing.

Means of "self-defense" in this case are rather commonplace and simple. In order not to fall for the bait of a swindler, before paying money, make sure that the apartment belongs to the owner, insists Vadim Cherdantsev, a senior lawyer in the Land. Real Estate. Construction practice of the Cliff law firm. "Such information can be obtained on the basis of an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate. To obtain it, you need to submit an appropriate request to the territorial division of the Office. Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography or (Rosreestr), pay 200 rubles of state duty and wait only 5 days. In Moscow, you can also contact Multifunctional Center they are available in every district. Any citizen can request an extract, "the lawyer explains.

When renting an apartment, the tenant also has the right to demand a passport from the owner, and, having checked the documents for the apartment, conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the apartment, which should spell out the main wishes, requirements and obligations of the parties, adds Baskova. And, of course, you need to give money only on receipt, she emphasizes.

How to properly draw up a rental agreement. Advice >>>

Specify the lease term in the contract

"In the spring-summer period, with the appearance of seasonal apartments on the rental market, there are owners who give out the rent of their seasonal apartment for an apartment that is rented for a long time. As a result, the tenant is forced to look for housing again in a few months and move," Baskov is another example of deceiving a tenant.

In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, you must immediately insist on concluding a contract in writing indicating the terms of employment.

By the way, Cherdantsev notes, if the term is not reflected in the lease agreement, it is considered concluded for five years. After the conclusion of the contract, the owner will no longer be able to simply kick out the tenant and terminate the contract. In case of any disagreement between the parties, the contract is terminated only in court, the lawyer specifies.

Do not go alone to inspect the apartment

Be friendly, but keep your distance from the owner

As for the behavior of the employer, then, according to Baskova, there is no need to invent anything or specially adapt to the landlord, the main thing is to be calm and friendly. “Never react violently to possible changes in the price or lease terms, if you construct a conversation correctly and calmly, the result, as a rule, will be in your favor,” Baskova is convinced.

Gutsu advises the employer to treat rented apartment, as to your own, do not be afraid to nail a shelf or call a plumber once again. But what is not exactly necessary, in her opinion, is excessive attention, tea parties and gifts to the landlord. As in any business, in a rental relationship it is important to show yourself to be responsible, diligent, with a good memory, but at the same time "keep your distance", the realtor notes.

The need to rent housing arises in different cases. An apartment is required for a long time by students and newlyweds, as well as people who have come to work from another city. Business travelers and tourists are looking for accommodation for several days. There are a lot of offers from owners and real estate agencies, and the danger of becoming a victim of unscrupulous realtors is very high. We will figure out how to rent an apartment so that scammers do not cheat, and what to look for when starting a search for housing

Initial information

What do you need to know when renting an apartment? First of all, it does not hurt to study the existing types of lease and familiarize yourself with the articles of the Civil Code, which consider the conditions for renting living space. Such information will be useful to all future tenants.

Rent types

There are two types of renting a living space: long-term and short-term. The first case involves the conclusion of an agreement for a period of six months to several years. In the second case, housing is rented daily. Payments for short-term dwelling rent are higher than long-term rent. Daily hire registration is not required.

The legislative framework

The relations between the parties to the lease agreement are regulated by Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. You can learn about the conditions for concluding a short-term agreement from Article 683, and the need to draw up a written lease agreement in duplicate is spelled out in Art. 674 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 671 of the Civil Code provides for the following conditions for renting housing:

  1. Under the contract for the lease of residential premises, one party - the owner of the residential premises or the person entitled by him (the lessor) undertakes to provide the other party (the tenant) with the residential premises for a fee into possession and use for living in it.
  2. Residential premises may be provided to legal entities for possession and (or) use on the basis of a lease or other agreement.

In paragraph 2 of Art. 4 122-FZ lists all title documents for real estate.

The rights to any immovable object must be registered. From 01.01.2017 218-ФЗ "On state registration of real estate" is in force, which confirms the ownership.

Fraud methods

Renting out apartments is a profitable business, but some businessmen seek to obtain income in a dishonest way, coming up with new ways to make money. You can find out how to rent an apartment in order not to be deceived by dishonest realtors, for this you will have to get acquainted with the common fraud schemes in the rental market.

Non-existent apartment

Fakes are often found on virtual sites with apartments for rent. The agent publishes information about housing with rather attractive characteristics: budget price, renovation, decent area, good transport interchange. But when you call, it turns out that the apartment with the specified conditions simply does not exist. The purpose of this deception is to replenish the client base of real estate firms. Further, the intermediary will offer the available options, and the client has to accept or reject his services.

Fake photos

The published pictures of the premises rarely correspond to reality. The rental price should be adequate for the interior shown in the photo. Low price against the backdrop of a first-class renovation should alert.

Google Images allows you to quickly check if there are copies of these photos on other sites.

Inspection money

There are times when the owner of the apartment colludes with the realtor. Further, the income from views is divided in half. Therefore, it is important to remember: it is illegal to charge a fee for an apartment inspection.


Please note that tenants are not allowed to move in to other people without informing the landlord. In order not to fall for this trick of scammers, you cannot sign an agreement and even less give money without seeing the document on the ownership of the apartment.

Selling a customer base

More recently, swindlers have developed new scheme deception. The realtor offers to buy access to a closed base of owners of apartments offered for delivery. He assures that this is the ideal way to find suitable accommodation by talking directly to the owners. In fact, the unlucky tenant is giving away money to view a publicly accessible site.

How not to be deceived

To rent a convenient location, affordable and comfortable accommodation, without wasting your nerves and money in vain, you can act in different ways. If you wish, you can search for an apartment on your own, but most often future tenants prefer to use the services of professionals.

Through the agency

To rent an apartment with the participation of a realtor, you need a passport and a signed service agreement.

The duties of a specialist include:

  • search for an apartment according to the specified parameters;
  • accompanying the client when viewing the options they like;
  • Negotiation;
  • verification of documents provided by the landlord.

Review of TOP-5 real estate agencies

Professional real estate specialists will select the right premises for a comfortable stay. This option is convenient for those who do not have free time.

Five of the best real estate firms:

  1. Best real estate... Has been working in the housing market since 1992, occupying a leading position among real estate firms in Moscow. Branches operate in dozens of cities throughout Russia. Practicing various real estate transactions. The company's specialists have many years of experience, as well as a huge number of successfully completed transactions. They will help you rent suitable housing in the shortest possible time.
  2. MGOS... The Moscow City Real Estate Service has been working in the housing market for 20 years. The firm is universal. She works with different kinds real estate and provides professional assistance in any housing transactions. The list of her services: free consulting, accelerated search for current options, qualified drafting of contracts, legal assistance during the transaction.
  3. Miel... It is a holding company founded in 1990. The specialists working here carry out sales and purchase transactions, and also help with the lease of living space both in Moscow and in other cities of Russia. All this is done taking into account the wishes of the client. The holding has 120 offices in Moscow. He has an extensive real estate base throughout the country. Employees of the company provide assistance in renting a home in any area of ​​the city or suburb. Any transaction is carefully checked by the legal department of the company. In addition to standard housing, they also provide elite cottages and luxury apartments.
  4. Incom... This large real estate company has been known for over a quarter of a century. It occupies a leading position in the Moscow real estate market, assists in mortgage lending, performs expert appraisal of objects, and also implements intermediary services. The company recruits highly qualified employees who have experience in the field of real estate services. For the company, the legal purity of the contract is extremely important, so it checks all objects in advance.
  5. Alma... This organization is responsible to each client. It is of great importance for her to satisfy all the needs of everyone. The company's activities are carried out using the most up-to-date methods and technologies.

Self-rental rules

For those tenants who choose not to contact the agency, various kinds of trials await. For example, people who are unable to pay for the services of a realtor will try to do without outside help. And if they don't know how to rent a room, so they don't cheat , you can lose much more than you planned to save.

How to find a great deal

Often, those who want to find a suitable apartment are close to despair: ads posted by owners are rare. In most cases, the call is answered by an employee of the real estate agency. Experts recommend paying attention to specialized sites that do not have to be top-end.

Places focused on the search for housing:

  1. Realt.onliner.by... There is a service "Online" for rental housing, where the owner himself, without intermediaries, submits ads.
  2. Avito.ru... There are a lot of ads on the site posing as private, but actually posted by intermediaries. However, you can find publications from the owners. This will require spending your free time on telephone calls. Remember to look for ads in the "private" section. It is possible to get one hundred percent confirmation that the owner is renting the apartment, only in person.
  3. Thelocals.ru... This site is a direct rental property. Unfortunately, few announcements have been posted.
  4. Posrednikovzdes.net... The site is similar to CIAN (owner base), has a small number of publications.

Owner verification

The tenant should carefully read the owner's documents prior to entering into a contract.

The lessor is obliged to present the following documents:

  • certificate of ownership, issued in the name of the lessor;
  • written confirmation of ownership of the apartment (contract of sale, donation or exchange);
  • passport;
  • if the owner of the apartment is absent, the owner's representative must provide a notarized power of attorney, on the basis of which he has the right to sign the lease.

Consent of all owners

The presence of signatures of all homeowners is an important condition when drawing up a lease agreement. Another option is the signature of an authorized person to whom each owner of a share in the apartment has issued a power of attorney.

Checking the address

There is a risk of falling into the clutches of scammers who deliberately take money for someone else's living space from several clients at the same time. Often, realtors act as deceivers. They charge a fee for the information provided - the client gets the landlord numbers. But the implementation of the deal is not included in their plans. Therefore, you should not pay anyone without verifying the address. You must personally verify the actual existence of the rented premises at the specified address and examine the supporting documents.

Correct execution of the contract

A person in search of living space is faced with a lot of problems. Such as: incurring unjustified losses, wasted time and effort. Therefore, it is important to always draw up an employment contract and know its structure.

  • passport details of the landlord and tenant;
  • monthly cost of rent;
  • conditions for the review of housing payments;
  • lease term;
  • persons living with the tenant;
  • the number of visits by the owner of the living space to inspect the property;
  • detailed description of housing: address, number of storeys of the building, area and number of rooms;
  • terms of termination of the contract.

Property inventory

Property inventory is official document, which is an annex to the main lease. The inventory indicates things that are transferred to the tenant for temporary use.

The homeowner usually includes all household items in the inventory: kitchen appliances, household appliances, furniture, paintings, home library... Those things that the owner did not include in the inventory of the property cannot be returned.

The preparation of this document must be approached very carefully. The tenant must match the items described on the paper with those in the room. If something is overlooked, upon departure, the owner may demand the return of the things indicated in the inventory of the property.

Inspect the equipment (whether everything is in working order), the pipeline, the bathroom. If the breakdown happened due to the fault of the tenants, they are obliged to compensate for the damage.Therefore, it is so important to indicate the originally broken things in the inventory of property, which is signed by each of the parties.

A good option is to take pictures of all the defects found so that they are not attributed to tenants when you leave. It is advisable to attach photographs to the act.

Taking readings of metering devices

On the date of signing the lease, the readings of the water, electricity and gas meters are recorded in the presence of the landlord.

If there is a debt on utility bills, the procedure for its repayment should also be reflected in the agreement: who exactly and in what time period undertakes to deposit money to the account of the management company.

Care must be taken by both parties when renting a space. The transaction will be as safe as possible if it is made in writing.


The fact of renting an apartment is clearly reflected in several documents.

Required documents when renting a living space:

  1. A residential lease agreement, which is drawn up in writing. The parties to the contract are the landlord and the tenant. The object of the lease is a dwelling.
  2. Cash receipt. Not drawn up for cashless payments.
  3. The act of acceptance and transfer of the premises. Not a stand-alone document, it is part of the main lease agreement. Drawn up to confirm the fact of transferring the apartment for use to the tenant.
  4. Property inventory. This is done in order to avoid disputes about the condition of the apartment and the situation. It indicates all pieces of furniture and other things located in the room. The inventory is signed by both parties to the transaction.

Controversial housing is a big problem for a tenant. Documents reflecting the way the apartment is transferred to the property of the landlord can even warn of possible risks. For example, if the property has recently been inherited by the landlord, then the heirs may appear at any time, ready to challenge it.

By negotiations with the owner

Attention should be paid to the behavior of the owner. If the landlord is in a hurry when inspecting the premises, shows excitement, this should be alarming. In addition, he proposes not to draw up a contract, instead of the originals, he shows copies of papers on real estate. This is the worst outcome of negotiations, and the only correct way out of them is to refuse an obviously fraudulent deal.

It is also worth asking the landlord if there are any other homeowners. You can order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which indicates who is the owner of the real estate.

By posting a deposit and payment

The deposit and the monthly payment are best done by bank transfer. The entire amount is transferred to the owner of the property only after signing the contract.

Nobody has the right to take money for information services and viewing a home.

Checking information from ads

Also find out all the important points for yourself:

  • the presence of furniture, appliances;
  • working internet;
  • contract time;
  • is it possible with children or animals.

The more such nuances are revealed in a telephone conversation, the better for everyone. It is also advisable to inquire whether the title deeds have been written out in the name of the person who answered the call, if there are other co-owners.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the end, the tenant must decide for himself which option he is more inclined to: contact the agency for help or look for living space on his own.

Cooperation with realtors has both positive and negative sides.


  • saving time;
  • the service is provided on time;
  • guarantee of the security of the transaction;
  • the rental price is fixed;
  • specialists will select a suitable option.

Among the disadvantages is the presence of additional payments and commissions. There is also a risk of running into false sellers.

Renting a home on your own is a very energy-consuming process. You need to understand that you will have to spend a lot of time looking for ads from the owners. It is believed that a person takes great risks when avoiding intermediary services. But the risk can be justified if we weigh the pros and cons of independent rental housing.


  • saving finances due to the refusal of the services of intermediaries;
  • the choice is not limited to the available base, as in a real estate firm;
  • personal agreement about all the nuances with the owner of the home.

When renting an apartment on your own, you need to be vigilant.


  • long searches: it can be very difficult to find an owner without an intermediary;
  • fraud: people rent out their own living space and charge a fee before signing a lease and settling in a tenant.


In this video, a real estate specialist talks about the main methods used by scammers.

The need to rent a house is associated with certain risks. Many choose to find nice apartment and rent it for a long time. How to do it correctly and not be deceived, we will tell in this article?

Useful tips to help you avoid getting caught by scammers

In order not to become a victim of scammers, it is important to follow 4 simple rules:

  1. If you are looking through an agency, then solve all the issues in the apartment you want to rent.
  2. Only document the relationship. Never transmit cash for rental housing without drawing up and signing a contract.
  3. Do not transfer the pledge prior to the conclusion of the contract. All prepayments and advances should not be passed to the tenant on an oral basis. Draw up a contract, a deed of transfer, only then transfer the money and take the keys (check if they fit the lock).
  4. Before signing the lease, check the documents for the apartment, checking with the owner's passport.
  5. Don't mess with dubious realtors. Often fraudulent schemes use small offices, whose representatives look like good-natured simpletons.

What are the types of fraud?

In the field of real estate turnover, there are specific tricks, both on the part of realtors and the owners themselves. Among the most popular are the following:

Information Agency

They work according to a well-coordinated scheme, by a group of people with excellent psychologist skills.

  1. Luring the tenant.

Fraudsters advertise at a very low price and ask the client to come to the office to conclude a contract. After that, they promise to provide either the owner's contacts or send SMS messages with apartment options.

For example, in your city, renting a one-room apartment on average costs 15 thousand rubles a month, and they expose it for 9 thousand rubles with a very good repair. Of course, such an ad is attractive and you call the number. As a rule, a nice girl answers you and says that there really is such an apartment, everything is in order, come to the office.

Such companies, under any pretext, are trying to lure you into the office, saying come:

  • the owner will be in the office, you will talk to him, if everything is okay, then go to the apartment and rent it;
  • in the office we have signed a contract with the owner, we represent his interests and provide the owner's contacts, etc.

Remember! Their main goal is to lure you in., and then they will already offer, persuade, cheat on the spot so that you sign an agreement and pay money in advance, and then they will give you a phone number and go to an apartment.

2. They are fraudulently forced to sign a contract and pay in advance.

Cheating option number 1. You were persuaded to come to the office, after arrival they begin to show on their computer the apartments prepared for you to choose from. As a rule, all apartments are in good repair, with good furniture and appliances, and at a very low price.

This, of course, pleases that there are so many options and there are plenty to choose from. On this basis, the client loses his vigilance when signing a contract and paying for the agency's services. This should not be done!

To allay your doubts about cheating, they suggest calling the owner's phone number. You call the indicated number, but the person who will answer you is an accomplice of the scammers, he is prepared in advance, he has the same apartment base. Thinking that this is the real owner, you ask, he answers you - What awaits at the apartment at such and such an address, sign the contract and pay.

As soon as you pay and arrive at the apartment, call again, but in response to silence. By calling the agency, they will say that they do not know what happened, but they are ready to offer other options. Throwing off a few more places, you think now everything will be over, but sad news awaits you there - the apartment has already been rented out. And so it can be 2-3 times.

In general, the essence of the scheme is that the contract specifies that the agency provides information services and, according to the contract, there should be no more than 3. If you did not manage to rent an apartment, then these are your problems. The service was paid for and provided.

Deception option number 2. A new way of scamming when renting an apartment in 2019 is the photos in the ad do not correspond to reality.

Attention is attracted by the price, you call on the ad, where they say that there is an apartment, everything matches the description and photo.

You make an appointment for an examination and after that the agent will call you back in 20-30 minutes. He says that it is inconvenient for the owner to show it, because often people come to an agreement and do not arrive at the appointed time. To avoid this, the owner proposes to meet at the office of the real estate agency, bring all the documents, and then go to inspect the apartment.

Confidence that these are not scammers is given by the fact that there will be an owner in the office with documents for the apartment.Don't get fooled by this trick!

As a result, you arrive, the office really has an owner with documents, he talks about the apartment, asks where you work, what you do, clarifies your solvency, thereby pushing you to trust, shows what an excellent renovation in the apartment. He can argue the low cost of rent by the fact that he flies away for a long time and even show plane tickets, assuring him that it is important for him to rent an apartment for a long time.

Then the agency's employees say that they will represent the interests of the owner on exclusive terms. Therefore, we sign the contract now, and after that we will go to the apartment and sign the acceptance certificate without the owner, we will hand over the keys there. You, without reading, sign the contract, exchange phones with the owner, pay him a month's residence and a security deposit, go to an apartment with a realtor. But the address indicated in the contract will turn out to be completely different from the interior that you saw in the photographs presented earlier.

The apartment may not be habitable. But you signed an agreement and the one who shows you the apartment does not want to be responsible for the owner with whom you communicated at the agency.

You refuse to sign the deed, but the agreement states that if you do not accept the apartment under the deed of transfer, the money you paid to the owner will not be returned. As a result, you will be deceived for two months of residence.

Important! Do not transfer funds for rent and commission for services until the actual receipt of the apartment under the acceptance certificate. It is an integral part of the lease agreement.

It is extremely difficult to prove the fact of fraud. Since, in fact, in the office you will be presented with real photos of a bad apartment.

How to check that there are scammers in front of you? When talking before the deal, you should say that you are ready to come to see the apartment, but not to the office, but immediately to the rented accommodation. If they start to discourage you by any means, then in 99% of cases you are deceived.

If you call on the ad, and there they say to come to the apartment, where the owner and the realtor will be, then this is more like the truth. But even here you should not relax, having arrived at the indicated address, be sure to check the documents with the owner:

  • apartment ownership certificate - issued until 2017;
  • extract from the USRN;
  • passport.

Be sure to check the details of the owner of the apartment with the submitted passport. Pay attention to which part of the apartment belongs to this person, its address. If everything fits together, then the owner is acting legally. Only then can a contract be signed.

How to find out who owns the apartment and who is the owner? You can check by ordering an extract from the USRN.

The apartment is rented not by the owner, but by another person

You find an ad on the site, the price of renting an apartment is understated from the average by 3-4 thousand rubles. Call the indicated phone number, where they will tell you everything in detail, ask who will live, i.e. will come into trust. The questions will be aimed at convincing him that you have serious intentions to rent an apartment for a long time.

After inspecting the apartment, you are ready to sign a contract. Fraudsters can act according to one of the following options:

  1. You will be offered not to sign the contract, arguing that, for example, you work in structures where you cannot make a profit. This option cannot be considered immediately.
  2. You will be told that this is a relative or friend of the owner, they will offer you a photocopy of his passport, a copy of the certificate of ownership. They will offer to indicate the owner's data in the contract, put signatures and everything will be legal. Strictly refuse the deal!

Remember! The owner's representative can only rent out an apartment with a notarized power of attorney. In other cases, he does not have such a right.

If there is no power of attorney, then there is a high probability that you will be deceived when renting this apartment. By notarial power of attorney, the contract is drawn up for the person who is the legal representative of the owner.

What can happen? You rent an apartment, pay for a month of residence and a security deposit. But the next day, the real owner appears and begins to find out on what basis you live in his apartment. He will present the originals of his documents and will have the right to expel you from the apartment. As a result, you are left without housing and money that you paid.

Re-renting an apartment through sublease

Similarly to the second option, when there is an apartment at a reduced price, you call and specify the details. You arrive at the apartment, everything matches the photo from the ad and you are ready to sign a contract. After that, the scammers say that the apartment is rented out on the basis of a sublease agreement and, as a rule, they will show it.

It is not recommended to sign a sublease agreement, because you cannot check the documents of title to the property of the apartment, no one will give their originals. Only photocopies will be provided, and it is very easy to forge them.

As a result, the owner of the home will appear and evict you.

A citizen who rents a house does not have the right to lease an apartment to other persons on his own behalf. Therefore, when making a transaction, pay attention to the documents provided, where the owner of the premises is indicated.

A dishonest renter

A "tricky" contract that allows the owner to simultaneously put up an apartment for sale and receive rental income.

In this case, I liked the apartment, everything was fine in it, the owner showed the documents of title.

The owner of the apartment, knowing in advance that he was selling this apartment, deleted the clause in the contract stating that he had no right to sell the apartment during the lease term. You sign a contract, rent an apartment, live there for a month, but then the owner announces that he is putting it up for sale. At the same time, he says that you can continue to live there, but it will be sold.

As a result, people will constantly walk and look at the apartment, and sometimes the owner will ask you to show it to potential buyers.

Important! It is necessary to carefully read the contract before signing it. It should contain a clause that in case of violation of the term of the contract, the landlord is obliged to return the amount of the deposit and pay compensation equal to the security payment. That is, the full amount for the rent + compensation in the same amount.

3 more money-stealing tricks:

  1. Information base of numbers... You should not agree to pay for the services of a housing selection agency that offers only an information base. The point is that they give the client the contact numbers of the renters for a relatively small fee. Then you will have to act on your own: negotiate, inspect, draw up a contract. At the same time, there is no guarantee that these numbers will turn out to be real and the apartments have not been rented out.
  2. Selling access to the client base... A relatively new way to cheat customers. It consists in the sale of access to a supposedly constantly updated database of rental housing. In fact, it turns out that the site is hosting the old ads.
  3. Prepayment to cell... The fraudster is rubbing himself into trust, asking many questions and at the end asks to transfer 1-2 thousand rubles to a cell phone, as an advance.

How to find an apartment for rent without intermediaries from the owner

Many people prefer not to seek the help of a realtor, but to find an apartment for rent on their own. The absence of an intermediary saves you from additional expenses, but it will require a little more time and effort.

You can easily find and rent an apartment from the owner yourself, because most of those offered by realtors are freely available on well-known resources.

Detailed instructions for finding an apartment from the owner, which are used by the realtors themselves: