Places to visit in Washington DC. What to see in Washington. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Washington DC is a city with a unique atmosphere. A city that can be called a place of power. It houses a lot of government agencies, ministries and departments. This place contains many attractions and they are all very close to each other, which gives you the opportunity to see everything.

You can see the whole city at a glance by climbing observation deck... The main monument of the capital can be considered the Washington Monument. Not far from it there are no less interesting monuments, such as the Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt memorials. In addition to the state ones, dozens of private museums are located in the city, which are dedicated to various topics. In the capital, you can also go to the opera (the national opera is located here). You can listen to a symphony orchestra and attend a ballet (the Washington Ballet Company is located here). A large number of nightclubs and establishments that are open around the clock can be found in the Georgetown area. If you are traveling with children, then it is worth visiting the National Zoo, where you will see a huge number of rare animals.

Some of the most interesting sights of the US capital are:

  • The White House and the Pentagon;
  • Capitol;
  • International Museum of Espionage;
  • Mall and Memorial Parks;
  • National Cathedral of Washington;

The White house

This is very beautiful building which is the symbol of the United States of America. Its construction dates back to 1792, designed by James Hoban, under the direction of George Washington. The residence was built in a classic style, it is laconic, refined and elegant. The façade is clad in white Virginia sandstone and covered with a mixture of casein, lead and lime. In 1801, the White House expanded its area, adding east and west terraces to the building. At the beginning of the 20th century, two wings were added to the house - the West and the East. On this moment the residence consists of six floors, two of which are basements, two for official events and two for the president's family. The most delightful as well as historically important premises are open to tourists. The interior in them changed, but at the same time it remained consistent in the style of the 18-19 centuries. Some of the rooms contain things that once belonged to the presidential families.

Inside the building you can see:

  • East hall;
  • Green Hall;
  • Oval Office;
  • Red room.

Pentagon Is a symbol of the country's power. Within its walls is the US Department of Defense. The seven-story building is built in the form of a pentagon, two floors of which are underground. You won't be able to get on a tour just like that. To do this, you must first sign up for it. Cadets act as guides. It is the largest office building in the world.


Washington is a city without skyscrapers, as the county has a law that all buildings should not be taller than the Capitol, which is 88 meters high. This is the most recognizable building with a rich past. The Capitol is conventionally divided into two parts, south and north, and the large dome, as it were, symbolizes the unity of America. In its southern part, the lower house of parliament sits, and in the north, the upper house. This building is one of those must-see during your trip.

It contains a huge number of historical documents, valuable photographs, expensive paintings, statues. Even in the decoration of the premises, strength and power can be traced. In addition to the Capitol, this includes attractions such as the Library of Congress, the US Supreme Court. You can also take a walk in the magnificent park nearby.

International espionage museum

This museum is unique as it is the only one in the world. It will be interesting to visit it for a person of any age. Here you have the opportunity to try your espionage skills. Interactive games are held for guests and even spy art lessons are taught. Here you can see umbrellas with syringes, pistols in a tube of lipstick, hidden cameras.

The museum was founded by a man who served in the CIA for 35 years. Geographically, the museum is located in 5 historical buildings that form a complex. It includes halls with expositions, shops with spy paraphernalia, a cafe, a restaurant, a store, all this makes a great impression and looks spectacular. There are several rooms here. One of them is called Legends and Covers. Upon entering it, you will hear how from the speakers you are informed that you are being watched. Your task is to come up with a fake name and go through the lie detector. The second is the "Spy School". Here you will receive instructions on how to properly apply makeup, how to follow the subject, eavesdrop, photograph. The third room of the "Secret History". In it you can hear stories about special services and agents.

Mall and memorial parks

This is big outdoor park, surrounded on one side by the Capitol, and on the other by a memorial to Abraham Lincoln. On the way from one to the other, you can visit several museums, the White House and the George Washington Memorial. There is a large collection of exhibits and works of art. Most of Washington's museums are located in the park. This square is important in the public life of the city; rallies and protests are held here, history is created here.

On the territory of the Mall (as they call the National Alley) there is Smithsonian Institution, which created a network of free museums (ten out of nineteen museums are located in the park). Here you can see the best collection of art in the entire world. Huge collection precious stones and minerals can be admired in Museum natural history ... You can learn more about the history of the United States in Museum American history ... You can see old airplanes and spacecraft in National Air and Space Museum... If you want to admire the paintings of Picasso, Matisse, Hoffmann, Bacon, go to Hirschhorn Museum.
The very stately architecture and beauty make the National Mall a very unusual place where you can feel all the greatness and significance of the capital of the United States.

Washington National Cathedral

Washington Cathedral is a stately structure dominated by the Gothic style. Among the cathedrals around the world, this one is the sixth largest. The cathedral was built for 83 years and completed in 1990. Sandstone imported from India was used as the main building material. The beautiful stained glass windows and 112 gargoyles that adorn the walls of the cathedral fascinate tourists from all over the world. The high altar is made of sandstone brought from the Solomon quarries themselves. And in front of him are ten stones from the Chapel of Moses, which are symbols of the ten biblical commandments. The cathedral has ten completely different chapels. It is also the resting place of many prominent US personalities. It is worth mentioning such unusual design elements as the stained glass window dedicated to the landing of a man on the moon and the head of Darth Vader among the gargoyles of the cathedral.

Map Hotels

Washington is the capital of the USA. The city is named after George Washington, the first president of the USA.

It is located on the north bank of the Potomac River. George Washington, the first President of the USA, after whom the city was named, selected an area for the capital. It was called the District of Columbia.

The city is divided into four sections: NW, NE, SW, and SE. Numbered streets run north and south: First Street, Second Street ... Lettered streets such as A-street, B-street run east and west. Bear in mind that every section has an independent street system. If you’re looking for Third Street, you need to know what section of the city it is in.

Washington is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the United States. It has little industry, and only one million people. One reason Washington looks different from other cities is that no building in the city may be more than 40 meters tall. There are no skyscrapers, because they would hide the city’s many monuments from view. One can easily find a park, a square or an open area there.

The most impressive and the best-known monuments are the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. The heart of Washington is the Capitol, which is connected with the White House by Pennsylvania Avenue. It dominates the city of Washington. All the tourists begin sightseeing from the Capitol and see the Senate Chamber, the Hall of Representatives, the Statuary Hall and some others. Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day. People from all parts of the United States come to see their capital and the monuments to those who in past centuries struggled for the independence of their country.

The Washington Monument, the tallest stone structure in the USA, is in the Potomac River. It was opened to the public in 1888. It is 555 feet tall, is called the "Pencil" because of its shape. It is three blocks south of the White House. There is an elevator, which will carry you to 500-foot level observation windows.

The Lincoln Memorial is in the west of the Washington Monument. It is designed like a Greek temple. The dominant figure is the realistic figure of Abraham Lincoln seated in the center of the open temple.

The Jefferson Memorial is worth seen, too. It is situated south of the Washington monument near the Potomac River.

The Library of Congress contains millions of books and manuscripts. People are also interested in churches and cathedrals. The Washington Cathedral is on Massachusetts Avenue, and the Arlington National Cemetery is outside the city limits just across the Potomac River near the Pentagon in Virginia. The famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is visited by millions of people every year.

Washington is the place where mass demonstrations take place against unemployment and racism, for democracy and civil rights.

Washington landmarks

Washington is the capital of the United States. The city is named after George Washington, the first president of the United States.

It is located on the north bank of the Potomac River. George Washington, the first President of the United States after whom the city was named, chose this location for the capital. One hundred square kilometers were taken from the states of Maryland and Virginia. It was named the District of Columbia.

The city is divided into four sections: NE, NW, SW, and SE. Number streets run from north to south: First Street, Second ......... Letter streets such as A Street, B Street run from east to west. Keep in mind that each neighborhood has an independent street system. If you are looking for Third Street, you must know which part of the city it is in.

Washington DC is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the United States. It has little industry and only one million inhabitants. One of the reasons Washington is different from other cities is that no building in the city can be taller than 40 meters. There are no skyscrapers here, as they hide many of the city's monuments from sight. A park, square or open space can be easily found here.

The most impressive and most famous monuments are the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Downtown Washington DC - Capitol, connected to White House Street (Pennsylvania Avenue). He dominates Washington. All tourists start their sightseeing in the Capitol and visit the Senate, House of Representatives, Statuary Hall and some other attractions. Thousands of tourists visit Washington DC every day. People from all over the United States come to see their capital and monuments to those who fought for the country's independence in past centuries.

The Washington Monument is the tallest stone structure in the United States, located by the Potomac River. It was opened to the public in 1888. It is 555 feet tall and is called a "pencil" because of its shape. It is located three blocks south of the White House. There is an elevator that takes you to the view windows at 500 feet. Lincoln Memorial - West of Washington Memorial. It is designed in the form of a Greek temple. The dominant figure is the realistic seated Abraham Lincoln in the center of the open temple.

The Jefferson Memorial is also worth seeing. It is located south of the Washington Monument by the Potomac River.

The Library of Congress contains millions of books and manuscripts. People are also interested in churches and cathedrals. Washington Cathedral is on Massachusetts Avenue, and Arlington National Cemetery is outside the city just across the Potomac River at the Pentagon. The famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is visited by millions of people every year.

Washington is home to massive demonstrations to fight unemployment and racism, for democracy and civil rights.

The city of Washington made a strange impression on me. IMHO, this is not a living and real city like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, but some kind of "model" of the city in full size. That is, everything seems to be in place, but the spirit of the city is not felt categorically. No bubbling energy New York, industrial strength and gloss Chicago, European charm San Francisco, love of life New Orleans or Miami and (running a little ahead) colonial charm and comfort Philadelphia.

It seems that not people live here, but only faceless officials "function" - and, like those officials, the city of Washington appears "dressed" in a boring official suit. He's kind of gray, faded, colorless. Of course, there are many world famous landmarks in Washington: the Capitol, the White House, the Pentagon, Arlington cemetery, lincoln memorial... But all this seemed to me somehow lifeless, like the scenery for a film, when they can build an entire street or block for filming, and then dismantle it all in a day or two. It is quite possible that these are my personal "defects of perception", because by the time of my arrival in the US capital, I had been sleeping for 4 hours for several days and simply banal fatigue had accumulated, which, most likely, influenced my impression of Washington as a city. I have met people who like this city very much - but I personally do not belong to them. Washington reminded me a little of The Hague with its bureaucratic "artificiality".

According to historical chronicles, George Washington personally chose the site for the future capital of the United States, and was also involved in raising capital and overseeing the progress of construction work. On his behalf, a French engineer (which is typical, not an architect) Pierre Lanfant “planned a beautiful city with wide alleys and luxurious mansions ”. The fact that the choice fell on the Frenchman is not surprising - at that time, after the successful war of independence of the North American United States against Great Britain, the British were not in favor and, quite naturally, on the role of the creator new capital they invited a Frenchman - a representative of a country always ready to "put a hairpin" on the British: in addition to the city of Washington, France is on the conscience of another world-famous American symbol and "an example of architectural taste" - the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Interestingly, the American idea of ​​creating an artificial city for officials has sprouted in distant Brazil in the form of the country's new capital, Brasilia. Moreover, in my humble opinion, the Brazilians have succeeded a little better than the Americans in the implementation of this bold plan.

Today, Washington stands out among other US cities not only for its faceless architecture and dull atmosphere, but also for several purely democratic incidents: although the population of the district elects its mayor, the city is controlled directly by the US Congress; the only deputy from Washington in the House of Representatives does not have the right to vote there, and in the Senate, Washington has no delegates at all - in light of the above, it is not surprising that Washington residents consider their city "the last US colony."

Washington DC landmarks: White House

The White house- a small building in downtown Washington at Pennsylvania Avenue 1600, used by the current presidents of the United States as their residence, is known - if only by its name alone - to the majority of the literate population of the Earth.

In fact, in reality, the house is rather nondescript, it looks like an ordinary villa of a tycoon of the middle level of prosperity. In this moment, the Anglo-Saxon "continuity" is clearly traced: the London Buckingham Palace, the residence of the queen there, is also impressive no more than an ordinary tram stop. If desired, one can discern in this fact the "modesty of the authorities" and its "closeness to the people" - but I had no such desire, so in the White House of Washington, I saw only an ordinary "manor house" with a garden.

At one time, excursions to the White House were popular among tourists, but after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the then American president closed this shop - and now, instead of contemplating the famous Green Room (with walls covered with green silk and interiors in the 18th century style), the East Room ( where once Nixon announced his retirement) and the Red Room (for some reason, very beloved by the first ladies), tourists are only offered to graze in an organized way in the garden in front of the White House. Although, if there is an irresistible desire to touch the holy of holies of America, you can visit a thematic exhibition dedicated to the residence of American presidents - address 1450 Pennsylvania avenue, open daily from 7:30 to 16:00.

Anti-Israeli picket in front of the White House:

Washington DC landmarks: Hoover House and National Archives

Hoover House(J. Edgar Hoover building) is the headquarters of the American FBI, which is known to everyone who at least occasionally watches Hollywood products.

Among other things, the Hoover house is known for its impressive collection of weapons, in different time held as material evidence - if you wish, you can admire the tools of labor of such celebrities as Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde and others. You can read more about visiting Hoover's house and the mentioned exhibition at

Literally across the street from the FBI headquarters is located US National Archives- a place where such priceless artifacts as the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution with the first ten amendments, the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights are kept with all possible reverence.

Washington DC landmarks: Capitol Building

The fact that a building for the work of senators and the House of Representatives was to be erected in the capital of the United States, Washington, is even mentioned in the American Constitution, adopted in 1787. In 1800, in an unfinished building for the first time, the US Congress met - and the congressmen of the "stronghold of freedom and democracy" were not particularly embarrassed by the fact that the Capitol building was built by the forces of slaves. In 1814, that first building was almost completely destroyed by the British, who were eager to reclaim their rebellious colony. As a role model, the builders of the American Capitol took the dome of St. Peter's in Rome - and the Americans do not particularly hide this fact (Americans, in principle, do not tend to reflect on any reason).

It is a little easier for a tourist to get into the Capitol than into the White House - and there is a reason. Passing massive bronze doors designed to inspire awe and respect for authority, visitors enter a huge circular lobby with a diameter of 30 meters, covered with a dome. Apparently, the main purpose of this room is to exacerbate the impression previously made by the bronze doors. In addition, at the Capitol Excursion Center, you can get free tickets to the Statue Hall, where sculptures of 100 of America's most prominent people are presented - the characters for the hall were chosen in fairness, two from each state.

The Capitol Building is just part of a huge complex that also includes the US Library of Congress and the Supreme Court (both are also located on Capitol Hill, east of the main Capitol Building). If you wish, you can watch the work of the US judiciary - for information on the available time to visit the Supreme Court, you should contact the tourist information center.

Library of Congress is considered the world's largest collection of books, brochures, magazines, newspapers, photographs and maps, with ten new documents being added every minute. If books and photographs are not particularly attractive, it still makes sense to go to the library: there is a cafe on its sixth floor. Madison Building Cafeteria with a good panorama of the city of Washington.

The tallest building in the city is located not far from the Capitol: Washington Monument(in general, in the American capital, the "personality cult" of this undoubtedly respected politician is pretty much felt). It is legally prohibited to build buildings above the Capitol in the US capital (or rather, there is no direct reference to the Capitol in the law, only the maximum permissible height of buildings is mentioned) and the Washington Monument is the only exception to this rule.

Washington Sightseeing: Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian Institution is the largest in the world museum complex and one of America's oldest scientific and cultural institutions, includes eighteen museums and galleries, including the National Gallery of Art, the Woodrow Wilson Science Center, the National Zoo, the Astrophysical Laboratory, and more. Founded in 1846 in Washington by the decision of the Congress with funds from the English scientist James Smithson, who, although he had never been to the United States in his life, bequeathed his entire inheritance (500 thousand US dollars at that time) to the United States government “to create an institution for the development and dissemination of knowledge ". In his will, the benefactor did not specify which institution he had in mind: a research institute, library, museum, or something else. 17 years after Smithson's death, the American Congress approved the creation of an educational and scientific institution, which included museums, several libraries and research institutes.

Smithsonian Institution in Washington is located in one of the most unusual and memorable buildings of the US capital, known as the "castle":

Washington Monument

Washington Monument built and named after the first President of the United States, George Washington, and for a long time was the tallest structure on the planet, until the Eiffel Tower was erected in Paris. This is one of the most famous "long-term construction" in the United States - the construction of the obelisk began in 1848, and ended 36 years later, in 1884.

In fact, the Washington Monument was built of granite and faced with marble and surrounded by a ring of 50 flags. American states- but, unfortunately, I did not find him in this form: after the 2011 earthquake, the Washington Monument was decorated with a picturesque crack and, in order to repair the monument, the marble was stripped from it:

City of Washington: Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial Is one of the few places in the US capital that makes at least some impression.

The Lincoln Memorial, erected in the center of Washington, is a tribute to the 16th President of the United States, whose reign was marked by the Civil War (from 1861 to 1865) and the abolition of slavery in a country that from the very day of its foundation considered itself free and democratic. And in which such phenomena as "freedom" and "slavery" quite peacefully coexisted with each other until the era of Abraham Lincoln. According to the residents of the United States, Lincoln could rightfully be called honest, persistent and tolerant - it is not surprising that such a rare set of positive qualities for a politician greatly helped him die a violent death. The Lincoln Memorial is a symbol of the 16th President's unshakable belief that all people have the right and should be free. And, if you look at the results of the reign of Abraham Lincoln, he was not so idealistic.

The Lincoln Memorial was built in the image and likeness of an ancient temple - the height of the architectural structure is 57 meters, and its width is 36 meters. The pseudo-Greek temple of the Lincoln Memorial is supported by 36 marble columns, which are symbols of the North American United States (today there are more states in the country, but the United States was made up of 36 states at the time of the assassination of its 16th president).

In the "altar" of the "temple" sits a stern, unyielding Lincoln and looks towards the Capitol with obvious disapproval:

In appearance, the six-meter statue of Abraham Lincoln looks like it was made of a single piece of marble, but in reality it consists of many skillfully fitted pieces.

Washington DC landmarks: The Pentagon

Pentagon, the American Department of Defense (translated from the Greek word pentagon means "pentagon") is the largest office building in the world.

Here are just a few numbers: the perimeter of the "pentagon" is 1405 meters, the length of each of its sides is 280 meters. The total area of ​​all five floors of the Pentagon is 604 thousand square meters, and the total length of all its corridors is about 28 kilometers. So, if I again, somewhere on the Internet, meet the journalistic stamp "in the corridors of the Pentagon," I will imagine something endless, like the hadron collider. The height of the building, excluding the underground floors, is about 20 meters, it is designed in such a way that you can get to any place in it in a maximum of 7 minutes. In general, the Pentagon is a skyscraper, which, keeping in mind the ban on the construction of high-rise buildings in Washington, was simply laid on its side.

City of Washington: Arlington Cemetery

America's most famous cemetery is located on the opposite bank of the river. Potomac, from the city you can get there by the bridge.

Among those buried in Arlington are a huge number of national heroes and political figures of the first magnitude - for example, the brothers John and Robert F. Kennedy. Given the crowds attending celebrity graves, it can be said that those buried at Arlington Cemetery are unlikely to find peace after death.

Arlington Cemetery has its own tourist attraction: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier every half hour there is a change of the guard of honor, consisting of servicemen of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the US Army.

Well, just a photo of the city of Washington:

My personal opinion: if you go to Washington, it’s only for official needs (and preferably at public expense) or for a “tick” - they say, I’ve been to the White House with the Capitol, I didn’t care about the Pentagon ... worth visiting places, from the same New York it seems to me more interesting and it will be closer to go for a day or two to Philadelphia or to Boston with Niagara Falls than wasting this time on a trip to the thoroughly artificial Washington.

How to get to Washington

By plane: there are currently no direct flights between Russian cities and Washington, so you will have to fly with at least one change - in New York or at some of the European airports; if you take care of buying tickets in advance, then it is quite possible to find them for $ 500 (round trip, with one change).

To find cheap flights to Washington, you can use this form:

By bus: private carrier Greyhound buses compete with Amtrak trains in price and are often comparable in speed. Greyhound Washington DC Bus Terminal is located at 1005 1st / L Sts. N.E.

By train: Amtrak trains arrive at Union Station and connect Washington to all major cities East Coast and Midwest (and, with transfers, with all other major US cities). You can check the flight schedule and buy tickets on the website

Washington DC: how to get from the airport to the city center

Ronald Reagan Airport Washington DC:
The easiest way to do this is by metro. In my case, I had to take the yellow line to Gallery Palace / Chinatown station, the fare was $ 3. In addition to the metro, you can take a bus to the city center from Ronald Reagan Airport.

In addition to Ronald Reagan, you can get to Washington from two more airports: Dulles(Dulles International Airport) and Baltimore-Washington (Baltimore-Washington International Airport)

Dulles International Airport: located 42 kilometers south-west of the city, a shuttle bus departs from the airport every 45 minutes to West Falls Church metro station. If you need to get to downtown Washington, it is more convenient to take the Washington Flyer Express,

Baltimore-Washington International Airport: is located 48 kilometers northeast of the city of Washington. There is an express bus from the airport to the Greenbelt metro station every 40 minutes,

Life hack: how I save on hotels and insurance

In addition to traditional and well-known tools such as Booking or Hotellook, recently new online services have appeared that greatly facilitate the traveler's life and pleasantly protect the thickness of his wallet. One of them - Roomguru- I constantly use it myself and recommend it to all my friends and acquaintances. This service compares prices for an object in 30 booking systems at once, and offers you the most interesting options... In addition, it keeps track of discounts and specials.

As for a good working travel insurance it was not easy to find it before, but now it has become even more difficult due to the constant jumps in the ruble exchange rate against world currencies. For the past few years, I have been arranging insurance for my travels through an online service.

Washington is one of the most popular cities in the world. It was founded at the end of the eighteenth century in East coast... The future capital of the United States of America is named after one of the presidents - George Washington.

Initially, the city was a square area divided into two parts. Washington was on one side and Alexandria on the other. The Potamak River flowed between them. But in the middle of the nineteenth century, they separated, and Alexandria became part of Virginia.

An interesting fact is that the slave trade was prohibited on the territory of the capital, but on the territory of Alexandria it was not prohibited, but still the laws were not respected. The last slaves in Washington were released in 1862.

Now Washington is not included in the states of the country, it is a separate territory. This territory is named the District of Columbia. Do not confuse the city with the state of the same name.

The sights of Washington DC are the most interesting in the entire country. That is why the area attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. The capital of the United States of America is considered one of the richest historical monuments. There are many architectural structures, museums, theaters and more.

Most of the monuments are made of white marble... Thanks to this, the city stands out from all the rest. We will talk about all this in more detail in the next part of the article.

Attractions in Washington DC

As mentioned, the county is rich architectural monuments... There are many of them in this area, and you can talk about it for hours. We will tell you about the most notable ones.

Really, most of Washington DC's landmarks is made of white marble. This is a distinctive feature of the city. In addition, there are many picturesque parks, beautiful fountains and reservoirs, as well entertainment centers and expensive hotels.

The text will name the sights of Washington on English language with the translation.

The White House

The White House is the residence of the President. At the moment, it is one of the most famous entrepreneurs and showmen of the country, Donald Trump. This place is the main symbol of the power of the state.

By the way, it is the most famous monument in the whole world, made of white sandstone. Around the building there is a picturesque park and many flower beds.

Most people don't know why the presidential residence - one of the landmarks in Washington DC - is named the White House. In fact, there are several versions of the origin of this appellation. Basically, everyone is leaning towards the white cladding option. By the way, the name of the building was given by one of the presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. But this happened only a hundred years after the completion of construction.

It is also worth telling about the main events in the history of the presidential residence.

The first stone was laid in 1792. The architect of the building is James Hoben. Construction was completed by the beginning of the nineteenth century. In 1901, the building was renamed the White House. In 1942, the building was reconstructed and acquired a modern appearance.

The Capitol Building

This is the second most important landmark in Washington (photo above). The city is extremely proud of her. Most likely, every person from anywhere in the world has seen the image of this magnificent structure at least once. It is located on Capitol Hill. The idea to erect this monument came to George Washington, and construction began in 1793. The name of the architect of the Capitol is still unknown. Externally, the Roman Cathedral served as a landmark in Washington.

In the middle of the second decade of the nineteenth century, England could not come to terms with the fact that America is independent, and decided to burn down the Capitol building. The structure was destroyed to the ground. It took the United States more than five years to rebuild it.

Near the building there are monuments to American presidents - George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

As for the subsequent external changes, they were made only a few times. In the early sixties of the last century, the statue of liberty was erected on the dome of the building. After a while, heating was carried out, as well as elevators. Later, the eastern façade was added.

More than five million tourists visit this place every year. Today, there are about five hundred and fifty rooms inside the building, but only two of them can be seen by travelers. Tours to this Washington DC attraction are free. You just need to show your passport at the entrance and get a ticket.

The Lincoln Memorial

It is believed that it is Abraham Lincoln who is the most revered president of the United States of America, since he is associated by most of the indigenous people with conscientiousness and reliability.

The government of the country considered it necessary to erect opposite National Gallery Washington State Landmark Commemorating Lincoln. It happened after the assassination of the president. For many, this place has become almost sacred. It is believed that the monument is a symbol of equality between people on the entire planet, no matter what religion and race they are.

Before the monument was built, a large-scale competition for the best work was announced in the country. Many participants from different parts of the country and the world decided to participate in this. The best option the drawing of two American sculptors - Daniel French and Henry Bacon was recognized.

Construction lasted more than five years and was completed by the beginning of the second decade of the twentieth century. More than fifty thousand people attended the opening of the monument. It was truly massive. The main guest of the celebration was Abraham Lincoln's son Robert. Having paid the sixteenth president of the United States worthy of honor, the government breathed a sigh of relief.

There are several associated with this memorial interesting legends... It is said that the name of the owner of the mansion that houses the sculpture was carved into the back of the monument. According to another legend, it is believed that President Lincoln shows his initials in sign language.

Washington National Cathedral

Public Library

The public library has twenty-seven branches. The head office is located in an eleven-story building, which is made of glass and steel. It is believed to be one of the most attractive in the entire Seattle area.

Collecting books in the library began in 1890. At the moment, the fund contains more than three million different publications.

Pike Place Market (Public Market Center)

The store began its work in the first decade of the twentieth century. This is a very popular market among the townspeople. Here you can buy old antiques and various second-hand goods. In addition, there is an opportunity to find seafood, as well as various farm products.

This place often hosts performances of street clowns and musicians on an impromptu stage. In addition, there are inexpensive restaurants on the territory of the market where you can always have a tasty snack.

Safeco Field

A famous baseball stadium of incredible proportions, built in 1999 in an Art Nouveau style. An interesting feature is the retractable roof. Of course, many arenas have it, but in America it is special.

The stadium has a capacity of 48,000 people. The stadium isn't just for baseball games. Sometimes American football matches are held here.

Museum of Flight

The museum does not belong to the state. It is non-profit, but private. Most tourists from all over the world are delighted with it.

It was built in 1965. As exhibits inside the building, you can see real airplanes, most of which are very unusual.

Here are the air vehicles Russia, Japan, Germany and more. Among the sights, you can see the planes that participated in the First and Second World Wars. In addition, photographs from the history of the Boeing Corporation hang on the walls of the building. After all, it was here that the main office was located some time ago. Now, in this architectural structure, many students of aviation universities and colleges undergo practical training, gaining new interesting knowledge.

I would also like to note the presence of a large-scale library in one of the premises.

Every year the museum is visited by about five hundred thousand tourists, and it is possible that after a while even more travelers from different parts of the world will learn about this wonderful place.


Washington DC is one of the greatest cities in American history. The architecture of the capital of the United States is different from others settlements country, and this is what makes it different from other places. We hope that the sights of Washington in English have helped you familiarize yourself and understand the original names of architectural structures.