Ukulele is a small ukulele. Hawaiian male and female names American History of Hawaii

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Hawaiian names

Hawaiian mens and female names

Hawaiian names Are the names of the indigenous peoples of the Hawaiian Islands.

Hawaiian names are unusual, soft-sounding - they are not only used in Hawaii, they are also popular in the United States among expatriate Hawaiians, especially in California and Utah.

Usually Hawaiian names are not gender-specific, as male and female names have the same endings. The meaning of the names is mainly symbolic and is associated with natural phenomena or character traits.

Hawaii- the state of the United States. Located in the center of Hawaii The Pacific in the Northern Hemisphere at a distance of 3700 km from the continental United States. Population - about 1.3 million people, including Hawaiians (26%), Americans and Europeans (23%), mestizos (13%), Filipinos (9%), Chinese (5%), Japanese (1%) and etc.

The urban population is about 70%.

The official language is English; national languages ​​are also partly preserved, including Hawaiian.

The capital is Honolulu. Other big cities- Hilo, Kailua, Kaneohe. Oahu is the most economically developed island.

The second name of the Hawaiian Islands - Aloha state.

Aloha Is a word of Hawaiian origin. It means hello, goodbye, welcome, and just a wish for peace and joy at the same time.

Hawaiian male names








Ikaika- strong

Kai- sea

Kaimana- the power of the ocean



Kapena- captain

Keany- cool breeze

Kekoa- brave man








Pika- bird

Hawaiian female names




Iolana, Yolana- floating

Kai- sea

Kaimana- the power of the ocean



Kalani- sky

Kalea- joy happiness


Kanani- beautiful




Lani- heavenly

Lelani- heavenly flower

Maile- grape


Mali- calmness

Mele- song

Melika- melissa

Nalani- sky

(Noelani)- fog


Haukea- White snow

Hokulani- starry sky

Keanu Reeves- cool breeze from the water.

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Hawaiian names. Hawaiian male and female names


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Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. Throughout our life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when defamation pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they seriously worsen their karma, worsen their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It makes no sense to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

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So please be careful!

Best regards - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Country life is immortalized in justice Native Hawaii Aloha State Honolulu

The largest city

Honolulu 1,419,561 (2014)
40th in the USA density
48.56 people / km²
20th in the USA 43rd place Total
28 311 km²
water surface
11,677 km² (41.2%) latitude
18 ° 55 ′ N sh. at 28 ° 27 ′ s. sh. , - km
longitude 154 ° 48 ′ W d. at 178 ° 22 ′ W d., 2450 km

Height above sea level

maximum 4207,3
average 920 m
0 m

State acceptance

August 21, 1959
50 in a row before accepting the status
Territory of Hawaii Brian Schatz ()
Maisie Hirono () Hawaiian Time: UTC − 10 HI

Official site

Population - 1,419,561 people (as of 2014). The urban population is about 70%. The official language is English. V tourist areas Along with English, Japanese is used, many inscriptions in English are duplicated with hieroglyphs (kana). In everyday life, among various ethnic groups, other languages ​​are preserved, including Hawaiian.

The capital and largest city of the state is Honolulu. Other large cities are Hilo, Kailua-Kona, Kaneohe. Oahu is the most economically developed island.

The official alternative name is Aloha State.


State name " Hawaii"(English Hawaii) comes from largest island Hawaiian Islands - Hawaii Islands. There are several versions about the etymology of the island's name. According to one, the island is named for Hawaiiloa, the Hawaiian mythical character who discovered the island when they were first inhabited. According to another version, the insulonym comes from the name of the legendary ancestral home of the Polynesians Hawaii.

State name spelling controversy

In 1978, when Hawaiian was declared a second language in the Hawaiian Constitution official language, the question arose about the correct spelling of the name of the state. The name of the state constitution in English looks like English. The Constitution of the State of Hawaii, and the name of the state, according to Article XV, Section 1 of the Constitution - Eng. The State of Hawaii. In the English-language versions of the spelling of the name, diacritics were not used, because the previous version of the constitution, drawn up in 1949, did not use okinu(") and macron, used in modern Hawaiian spelling. The exact spelling of the name of the state in Hawaiian is Hawai'i. Hawaii United States Act 1959, which established the state's official status, the federal government recognized official name state English version - Hawaii... All official government documents, job titles, and seals of Hawaii used the traditional spelling of the state name without accents. On the other hand, state parks, the University of Hawaii, and some private companies use accented characters in the state name. At the same time, since the adoption of the US Constitution in 1789, there has not been a single precedent for changing the name of a state. Only in 1780 Massachusetts Constitution officially changed the name of the "Province of Massachusetts Bay" to "Commonwealth of Massachusetts", and in 1819 the United States incorporated the Territory of Arkansaw, which was admitted to the Union as the State of Arkansas in 1836.




The islands were first inhabited by the Polynesians in the 3rd-4th centuries. For Europeans, the islands were discovered by the English captain James Cook in 1778, who called them the Sandwich Islands. Europeans found several states in the Hawaiian Islands, which at the beginning of the 19th century merged into a single Kingdom of Hawaii. The rise of interest in sugarcane production led the United States towards the end of the century to exert greater economic and political influence on the affairs of the archipelago. The local population, faced with infections brought in from the outside, to which it did not have immunity, died out: by the end of the century, about 30 thousand people remained of the 300,000 Polynesian population.

The main industries are sugar and fruit canning.



Year Number of
154 001
191 909
255 912
368 336
Year Number of
423 330
499 794
632 772
768 561
Year Number of
964 691
1 108 229
1 211 537
1 360 301
Year Number of
1 404 054
1 431 603
Ethnic composition
  • 38.6% - Asians (Filipinos and Japanese 14% each, Chinese 5%)
  • 8.9% - Hispanics (Puerto Ricans and Mexicans)
  • 3.1% are African Americans and others.

The majority of Europeans are Germans, Portuguese and British. Natives of the former USSR about 5 thousand people.


Representatives of various religious denominations in the state of Hawaii as of 2000 were distributed as follows:

  • Christianity: 351,000 (28.9%)
  • Buddhism: 110,000 (9%)
  • Judaism: 10,000 (0.8%)
  • Others: 100,000 (10%)
  • Non-Religious: 650,000 (51.1%)

The largest denominations by number of adherents are the Roman Catholic Church with 240,813 in 2000 and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with 68,128 in 2009.

“Others” are religions that do not belong to Christianity, Buddhism, or Judaism. This group includes Bahá'í, Confucianism, Taoism, Hawaiian paganism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Shintoism, Scientology, Wicca, Zoroastrianism, and other religions.

“Belonging not to any religion” - People not belonging to any religious community, including agnostics, atheists, deists and non-religious.

  • Christianity: 63.9% (37.8% Protestants and other Christians, 22.8% Roman Catholic, 3.3% Mormons)
  • Non-religious, agnostics, atheists: 21.0%


Named after Hawaii

see also

Notes (edit)

  1. Table 1.06 RESIDENT POPULATION, BY COUNTY 2000 TO 2014 (as of July 1) | Data for Hawaii |
  2. United States of America // World Atlas / comp. and prepare. to ed. PKO "Cartography" in 2009; ch. ed. G.V. Pozdnyak. - M.: PKO "Cartography": Onyx, 2010. - S. 168-169. - ISBN 978-5-85120-295-7 (Cartography). - ISBN 978-5-488-02609-4 (Onyx).
  3. , With. 84.
  4. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary geographical names... - M .: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2013 .-- 208 p. - S. 33.
  5. Hawaii | A community of polite fans of games, anime and Japan(English). Retrieved 18 March 2017.
  6. State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols: A Historical Guide Third Edition, Revised and Expanded (State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols). By Benjamin F. Shearer (Author), Barbara S. Shearer (Author). ISBN 978-1-58157-032-8
  7. July 13, 2007.
  8. Origins of Hawaii "s Names (unspecified) ... Retrieved February 24, 2007. Archived December 30, 2006.
  9. , With. 109.
  10. Pukui, Mary Kawena. Hawaiian Dictionary / Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H. Elbert. - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986. - P. 62. - ISBN 978-0-8248-0703-0.
  11. Pukui, Elbert, and Mookini 1974.

The glorious ancestors of the small ukulele are considered to be musical European instruments - braginha from the island of Madeira and cavanquinho from Portugal.

What does the name of the guitar - "ukulele" mean? The Hawaiian musical "baby" is called differently - ukulele, ukulele, uke. In translation, the name sounds like "jumping flea" or "a gift that came by itself."

History of the origin of the ukulele

How did this unusual European instrument end up on the exotic Hawaiian Islands? It was like this, in 1879, three comrades from Portugal - Jose do Esprito Santo, Manuel Nunez, Augusta Dias were delivered to the port on the island of Oahu - Honolulu by the capacious ship "Ravenscrag".

It is clear that at first, far from their homeland, men settled in a new place - they were looking for suitable housing and ways to earn money. And they found a suitable "niche" in the music sales market for themselves - they put an instrument on sale to the local population, which was estimated at some 75 cents.

When King David Kalakaua of Hawaii learned about the existence of the ukulele, he immediately included the guitar in the instrumental "staff" of his orchestra. This decision could not but affect the popularity of uke.

The 1915 tour of the Royal Quartet to the Pacific-Panama International Exhibition in San Francisco was especially "loud". Since that glorious time, the small guitar has been directly associated with Hawaiian music.

But, despite the compact size of the ukulele, its unusual sounding, it is not very popular in Russia. The lack of special teaching aids affects. But with a strong desire, you can find useful articles on the Internet that are devoted to a small Hawaiian instrument and playing it.

Types of ukulele

But the growing popularity of the ukulele could not be compared with the "loud" guitar, which "showed" itself in all its glory during the performance of rock and roll. Although there was a place for uke in jazz.

The mass production of the ukulele is made possible by the increased demand for this small instrument with an interesting sound. But the period 1960-80 cannot be called commercially successful - only ten years later the guitar again took a "favorable" position among the variety of stringed instruments.

According to a long-standing tradition, ukuleles are made from the same woods used to make guitars. But today you can find ukulele made of plastic. This option has a lower cost, and its sound is different.

From this common truth it follows that the price level of the Hawaiian "baby" depends on the material from which it will be made. It is clear that laminate planks will cost less than a solid piece of wood from such trees as ash, rosewood, maple, mahogany, agathis, spruce, walnut, acacia.

The shape of the instrument can be different - classic, round, triangular, square or in the shape of an oblong "pineapple". The imagination of the masters simply knows no boundaries, so they tend to experiment. Strings are best used with nylon material - this will make the sound deeper and more interesting.

The Hawaiian miniature instrument has 4 strings (although there are 8-string double-string uke), its most common length is 53 cm.

What ukuleles are:

  • soprano is the most famous and widespread;
  • concert ukulele - an instrument reaching a length of 58 cm;
  • tenor - a guitar that appeared in the heyday of the 20th century. Its length is 66 cm;
  • baritone - a rather large uke, about 76 cm long;
  • bass - modern ukulele, 76 cm.

Ukulele in cinema

Another indicator of the popularity of the ukulele is seen in the movies. For example, the ukulele can be seen in the hands of the main character - Darling (the incomparable Marilyn Monroe) in the film "There are only girls in jazz". In the famous TV series "House Doctor" - the gloomy Gregory also plays on the "baby".

But in the literature there is also a noticeable trace of uke - in the unforgettable work of I. Ilf and E. Petrov, the novel of the famous foreign writer Jack London - "Valley of the Moon".

Geographical encyclopedia

- (Hawaiian Islands) (Sandwich Islands) archipelago in the Pacific approx. 24 islands (Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu, etc.) tops of the underwater volcanic ridge. Height up to 4205 m. Active volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea. Tropical rainforests, savannahs. Zone ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Sush., Number of synonyms: 1 archipelago (45) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Hawaiian Islands- Honolulu, the capital of the islands. HAWAI ISLANDS (Sandwich Islands), an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean (USA, Hawaii). Consists of 24 volcanic and coral islands(Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu, etc.). Height up to ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Hawaiian Islands) Sandwich Islands, an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean (18 ° 50 ′ 28 ° 15 ′ N and 154 ° 40 ′ 178 ° 15 ′ E), the largest in Polynesia. It consists of 24 islands stretching from the west northwest to the east south east for more than 3,600 km ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

- (Hawaiian Islands) (Sandwich Islands), an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, 24 islands (Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu, etc.) peaks of an underwater volcanic ridge. Height up to 4205 m. The active volcanoes are Mauna Loa and Kilauea. Tropical rainforests, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Hawaiian Islands), Sandwich Islands, archipelago in the center. parts of Quiet approx., 50th state of the USA. Area 16.6 t. Km2. US. 632.7 tons (1960; Japanese, Hawaiians, Filipinos, etc.). Adm. c. and ch. the port of Honolulu. The first Europeans and Americans appeared in the city ... ... Soviet Historical Encyclopedia

Hawaiian Islands- arch. in the center, part of the Pacific Ocean; state of Hawaii, USA. Discovered in 1778 by the English navigator J. Cook, who named them the Sandwich Islands in honor of the first lord of the British Admiralty in 1771 1782. John Montague ... Toponymic dictionary

I or Sandwich group of islands lying in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, between 18 ° 54 and 22 ° 2 north. lat. and 155 ° and 161 ° West. longitude. The first name was given to them by the name of the largest of the islands of this group, the second was given by Cook in honor of the count ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Hawaiian Islands- HAWAISKIE or SANDWICH ISLANDS, in Sv. parts of Tych. ocean, between 18 ° 54 ′ and 23 ° 5 ′ north. lat. and 154 ° 40 'and 161 ° 50' west. debt., constitute a group in 8 large. and nѣsk. small islands. Wed 12 Aug 1828 are under the authority of S. A. S. States. Mr. o ... ... Military encyclopedia


  • Pearl Harbor. December 7, 1941. Fiction or fiction, N.N. Yakovlev, December 7, 1941 as a result of Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor ( Hawaiian Islands) the American fleet suffered significant damage, and the political authority of the United States was seriously ... Publisher: Publishing House of Political Literature,
  • Awe of the Leaf, Somerset Maugham, Somerset Maugham's "Hawaiian" Tales. Bitter and brilliantly written stories of tragedies in a tropical paradise - and witty and graceful "anecdote stories" for which the Hawaiian Islands serve only ... Series: AST-Classic Publisher: