What to take in Vietnam in February. What to take with you to Vietnam: a list of things, documents, necessary medicines, drugs, clothes. What to take with you to Vietnam

Vietnam - pretty popular destination among Russian tourists. Rest in this state brings only positive emotions. However, in order to spend a vacation without thinking about the problems, you need to prepare well for it. In this article, you will see a list of things you need to take to Vietnam in order to relax in comfort.


The first and most important thing you need in Vietnam is paperwork. They need to be prepared in advance. Before leaving, be sure to check that you have brought the following with you exactly:

  • international passport;
  • travel voucher;
  • airplane tickets;
  • insurance;
  • confirmation of hotel room reservation;
  • visa - you will need it if you are going to stay in Vietnam for more than 15 days;
  • set of photographs.

You will not have a question about what to take with you to Vietnam from the documents if you use the services of a travel agency. Specialists who work in this industry will provide you with complete information on the required securities. But if you are going to conquer Vietnam alone, then you will have to prepare for the vacation yourself.

Once you have fully assembled the kit necessary documents, make photocopies of them. The fact is that for the sake of safety, the originals are proposed to be left in the hotel safe. It is enough to have copies with you. In addition, if you intend to travel in Vietnam by car, please ensure that you have a local license. Or rent a vehicle with a driver.


One of the most important aspects of travel is finance. Of course, your vacation becomes much more pleasant and exciting if you do not experience material difficulties. In order not to carry cash with you, you can use a bank card. Equipment for payment for goods and services using cards is available in almost all hotels and supermarkets. Cash will come in handy, for example, for going to the market.

To form a budget and know exactly how much money to take with you to Vietnam, you need to know in advance the prices for hotel accommodation and meals, as well as add some amount to buy souvenirs. Minimum cost travel per day is 30 dollars (a little less than 2000 rubles). This includes the cost of living in an economy class room, meager meals, and cheap souvenirs.

What will the money go to?

The cost of living in Vietnam depends on many factors. Firstly, food prices will vary depending on where you eat. Lunch in a cafe will cost less than in a restaurant. Alternatively, you can purchase the necessary groceries at the supermarket and prepare your favorite meals yourself.

Secondly, a lot is decided by the transport that you use to move around the country. The bus ride is cheaper than the taxi service. The most expensive vehicles are elephants, horses and ostriches. Of course, these animals will not cover the same distance as, for example, a bus, but a walk on them will give you a pleasant experience.

Thirdly, visits to many attractions are paid. To get to the Ho Chi Minh City Museum, the Temple of Literature or the Citadel in Hue, you will have to purchase a ticket. Thus, how much money to take with you to Vietnam is up to you. The budget depends on your wishes. Undoubtedly, beach vacation much less expensive than exploring local attractions.


What to take with you to Vietnam - to Nha Trang or any other city? A very important thing is the right suitcase. If you plan to travel frequently, it would be advisable to purchase an expensive but high-quality suitcase that will survive more than one trip. In addition to it, you can purchase organizer bags for cosmetics, shoes and underwear. Then all things will be neatly folded. In addition, you need to choose a quality backpack that will play a role hand luggage, and later will become an indispensable assistant during walks in Vietnam. Here you should place the necessary documents, a first aid kit, water and equipment.


Another question that torments many travelers is: "What medicines to take to Vietnam?" Don't rely on local pharmacies and hospitals. The fact is that some drugs can cause allergies. It is best to collect a personal first aid kit, all the medicines from which are exactly right for you.

So, here's what you need to take with you to Vietnam:

  • Antipyretic and pain relievers.
  • Lotions, moisturizers and anti- sunburn.
  • Drugs that help fight allergies.
  • Any readily available disinfectant.
  • Sprays or creams to repel insects, especially mosquito repellent.
  • Medicines that you are taking on an ongoing basis.
  • Iodine, brilliant green and plaster. They will not be superfluous and will not take up much space in your luggage, but you can handle any scratch in the shortest possible time. However, they just can be bought at the local pharmacy.

When wondering what to take with you to Vietnam, remember: local insects are not always deterred by domestic products. Therefore, most likely, you will also have to purchase something to protect against annoying mosquitoes upon arrival.


What to take to Vietnam so as not to overload your suitcase with unnecessary things? This question plagues many travelers. It is impossible to give such an answer to him that will suit everyone, without exception, because each person is individual. However, there are a number of general tips that will come in handy for any tourist.

  • Prepare several sets of clothing in advance. All things should be light and not take up much space. T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, trousers made of thin cotton fabrics are best suited.
  • When deciding what to take with you to Vietnam, do not forget about swimming accessories. Pack at least two swimwear.
  • Vietnam - very sunny country... Whether you are planning a beach vacation or visiting local museums, it doesn't matter. You will need a hat anyway. It is better to give preference to light caps or hats, but leave the models of dark colors at home.

  • You will need comfortable shoes for walking. You can get to the beach in sandals, slippers or flip-flops, but walking around the city will be more comfortable if you wear sneakers.
  • You can come to Vietnam in winter time of the year. This does not mean that you need to pack several warm jackets or coats in your suitcase. Since winters in this country are rainy and mild, you need to take a long-sleeved jacket, tight jeans and a raincoat.
  • The most important tip is not to burden yourself with a ton of unnecessary clothing. According to statistics, most of brought things remains unpacked. Take only the clothes that you definitely need, and the rest, if necessary, can be purchased at the local market upon arrival.

Vacation with children

The question "what to take with you to Vietnam" rises squarely if a couple with children is going to visit this state. The contents of the luggage change significantly, because you need to provide for all the little things. When traveling with children, make up detailed list items that you need to take, and check with him when packing your suitcase. Here's what tourists with children will need:

  • Water and some food that the child eats at home. It can be cookies or candy, dried fruit or waffles. Why do I need to take food with me? It's simple: this way it will be much easier for the child to get used to the unusual Vietnamese cuisine.
  • The first-aid kit should be supplemented with drugs intended for the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases.
  • Be sure to bring an interesting book, pencils and coloring books, puzzles or board games to keep your child entertained during the flight and at the hotel.

Useful little things

Comfortable rest made up of little things. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the right things, which do not take up much space, but are useful to almost every tourist. What to take on vacation in Vietnam to be ready for any situation?

  • Pocket flashlight. This little thing is of great benefit to tourists, because in Vietnam, the tropical night comes very quickly. In addition, the street lighting in this country is not ideal.
  • Sunglasses. The Vietnamese sun burns mercilessly everything that comes its way. Therefore, you need to take care of protecting not only the skin, but also the eyes.
  • Backpack or handbag. This accessory will be very useful for you during long walks, trips and excursions.
  • Means of communication. You will need a phone or tablet not only to communicate with people, but also to take photos. Don't forget to purchase an international SIM card.
  • Notepad and writing materials. If you cannot communicate with the local population with the help of a translator and a dictionary, you have only one option: draw what you need.
  • Card printout. Mark your hotel on it. This will help you get back to your hotel if you get lost in an unfamiliar city.

What you don't need to take

Some tourists want to play it safe and carry with them a bunch of things that, as it later turns out, were not useful to them. Drinkers should not take domestic drinks, because Vietnam has bars and supermarkets. Alcohol can be purchased locally. The prices for it, by the way, are quite budgetary.

Bed linen, shampoos, dishes will only interfere with the tourist. In Vietnam, the quality of service is very good, so all of the above accessories are in hotels. It is better to leave expensive clothes and jewelry at home. Firstly, none of the tourists and local people are interested in your tastes. Secondly, it is very easy to lose such things.

Reading time: 12 minutes

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Holidays in Vietnam are a lot of positive impressions and emotions. But, this is only if you prepare well for it. Do not forget that Vietnam is Asian country with all the ensuing climatic, mental and other features. So - you should prepare for the trip in advance, and the list of necessary things for a trip to Vietnam should be formed taking into account the experience of more experienced travelers.

Nowhere without documents

First of all, you should prepare and execute all the necessary documents. On a trip, you cannot do without a passport, tickets, visa (if you expect to rest for more than 15 days), tourist vouchers, a set of photographs, etc.

As a rule, travel agency specialists provide the most complete information about required documents and the peculiarities of staying in the selected country. Savage tourists will have to rely only on themselves and independently collect up-to-date information about what to take to Vietnam from documents, food or medicines.

After the set of documents is assembled, be sure to make copies of them. Upon arrival in Nhacheng, it is better to deposit the originals of all documents in the hotel safe, and have copies of them with you. Fans of car walks should be prepared for the fact that on Vietnamese roads you can only drive with a license issued here.

Therefore, it is worth considering in advance whether it is worth trying to get a local driver's license. As an option - rent a car with a driver.

First aid kit

Experienced tourists believe that when going on any more or less long trip, you should complete a first-aid kit. If we are talking about a visit to the dacha on a weekend, then you can limit yourself to banal iodine, brilliant green, bandages and tampons. And visiting a region with a completely different climate and potential dangers requires a fundamentally different approach.

If we are talking about a trip to Vietnam, then it would be useful to take with you:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • pain relievers;
  • sunburn creams, moisturizing oils and lotions;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • disinfection wipes and sprays - it is better to play it safe and limit your exposure to local microorganisms as much as possible;
  • medicines that you constantly take at home;
  • mosquito repellents (fumigators, creams, etc.)

The latter position is quite controversial - experienced tourists claim that Vietnamese insects are not afraid of exposure to protective agents brought from Russia. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that fumigators will have to be purchased locally.

Classic iodine with brilliant green and a patch will also not be superfluous, especially if you plan not only to bask on the beach, but also to travel around the country. However, if you forgot something, it’s not scary - in Nha Trang you can easily find a pharmacy with Russian-speaking staff. In any case, you will not be left without help, but it is better to insure yourself.

Clothes should be comfortable

What to take to Vietnam from clothes is one of the most popular questions on numerous forums. Choosing a wardrobe for a trip is a purely personal matter, but general recommendations should be taken into account.

During your summer visit to Nha Trang, you should bring a few sets of light casual clothing (T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, cotton trousers), swimming trunks (swimwear) and caps (hats). From shoes, flip-flops, slippers and sandals come in handy. Lovers of country walks are recommended to take sneakers. Winters in Vietnam are mild and rainy, so in November-January, tourists should have a jacket or sweater with sleeves, jeans and a raincoat. It is better to leave the down jacket, fur coat or coat in which you arrived at the airport in Russia, in Vietnam they will definitely not be useful.

You don't have to take all your belongings with you. As a rule, most of the brought things never come out of the suitcase. You can take only the most comfortable and necessary clothes, and buy everything else on the spot. T-shirts, T-shirts and other consumer goods are inexpensive here. You can buy clothes at every step, so you shouldn't deny yourself this pleasure.

Take care of the children

Traveling with children always requires additional costs and hassle. There is nothing to be done - "flowers of life" traditionally require increased attention. It is worth making a detailed list of things to take on vacation to Vietnam, taking into account children's needs.

First of all, it is advisable to take water and familiar products with you (cookies, dried fruits, etc.). At the initial stage, this will help the child to acclimatize as comfortably as possible to the local cuisine. It goes without saying that the contents of the first-aid kit should be replenished with medications for children for the treatment and prevention of diseases, and during the flight, do not forget to bring pencils, books, coloring books, etc. in order to keep the child busy.

Money question

The financial component of the trip is traditionally one of the most important. It's no secret that it is much more comfortable to rest and travel if you do not experience any financial difficulties during the trip. Going to Vietnam, you don't have to carry a suitcase full of cash. In most hotels and supermarkets, you can pay by credit card without any problems. But, it is better to grab a certain amount of cash dollars too.

You will, of course, form the travel budget yourself. But, in any case, it should be assumed that $ 30 is the minimum daily rate of financial costs in Vietnam. This includes an economical accommodation option, low-budget meals, and the purchase of inexpensive souvenirs.

Money can be easily exchanged directly at the airport or at the hotel.

When making a list of what to take with you to Vietnam, pay attention to small, but, nevertheless, necessary things that will definitely come in handy. Among them:

  • a flashlight is far from the most useless device in a country where the tropical night falls very quickly and street lighting in some cases leaves much to be desired;
  • sunglasses - take care of your eyes, because the sun is very active here;
  • shaving accessories and toothpaste - it is more pleasant and safer to use familiar and proven hygiene products;
  • camera - today many tourists take pictures of the surroundings and take selfies with smartphones, but the classic image of a vacationer is a tourist with a camera;
  • a convenient backpack or bag - useful for storing a minimum of necessary things, both during long journeys and during short-term hikes and excursions;
  • a phone and a tablet are obligatory tourist assistants in any country, but do not forget to buy an international sim card;
  • notebook and pen - very often help out when communicating with local residents- what cannot be said in words can be depicted using symbols;
  • a printout with the name and image of your hotel - can become a kind of Ariadne's thread if you get lost, which happens all the time;
  • The Russian-Vietnamese phrasebook is another assistant in establishing communications with sellers in markets and supermarkets.

What you don't need to take with you to Vietnam

As well as necessary things, which will come in handy during the trip, I would like to note that it is absolutely not necessary to take on vacation to Vietnam. In particular, fans of all kinds of strong drinks do not need to take their home bar with them on their trip. Vietnamese manufacturers sell a huge amount of alcoholic beverages, so there is plenty to choose from. Moreover, the quality of Vietnamese alcohol is quite decent, and the prices are quite budgetary.

Bed linen, dishes, gels and shampoos will also become a burden for the tourist. You are going on vacation to a country where tourist service is at a fairly decent level and you have the right to count on quality service. If we are talking about "semi-wild" rest, then it is easier to buy all the necessary little things on the spot than to drag them along with you through the borders and customs.

Numerous tourists are traditionally interested only in local exoticism, and for the Vietnamese, all guests, without exception, are quite exotic, regardless of their "packing". The main thing is that you are ready to leave a certain amount of money here, everything else is secondary.

Traveling to an exotic country is not only a vacation, but also certain tests for unprepared tourist... To make your stay in Vietnam easier, you will need a preliminary list of what you will need to bring with you. This will help to avoid troubles with health and everyday life.

When planning a vacation in Vietnam, you need to start with choosing a specific place and time of year. The composition of the wardrobe directly depends on this. For example, summer in the southern part of the country is rainy and windy. It is unacceptable for tourist rest.

At the same time Central Vietnam, although very hot, but open to visitors. The optimal time to relax in the central and southern parts of the country is late December-April. In the north - October-March.

Package of documents

For Russian tourist, resting up to 15 days in Vietnam, you only need a passport.

What to take with you to Vietnam? The first thing to remember is your passport.

Stays longer than this period will require you to apply for a visa upon arrival at the airport. To do this, you need to get an invitation from the country in advance, which is sent by mail.

How much money do you need to take with you?

It is best to come to Vietnam with dollars, subsequently exchanging them for dongs. If possible, it is better to take notes with a denomination of at least 50, otherwise about 10% of the exchange rate is lost during the exchange. Rubles are poorly valued, and it is not possible to exchange them at every exchange office.

What to take with you to Vietnam - cash, or cards, decide on the basis of the amount. The larger it is, the easier it will be if you pay by credit card... To calculate the approximate amount of money, you need to understand what type of vacation the vacationer is counting on - a quiet family vacation, or, on the contrary, an active one filled with excursions and exotic delights.

If you travel on your own, the main expenses will be directed to:

  • Lodging... The most popular tourist cities(Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang) the cost of a double room in a hotel or apartment will be about $ 20-30 per night. These are usually comfortable rooms in best areas cities. You can also rent a room for $ 15 / day. Places can be booked in advance or agreed on the spot (usually at bus stations), but it will come out a little more expensive. Most a budget option- hostels. You can rent a bed for $ 6.
  • Food... In the tourist cities of Vietnam, there are eateries and cafes on every corner with quite affordable prices. For example, two adults and a child can dine on average for 700-1000 rubles. Thus, about 2000-3000 rubles per day are spent on 3 meals a day in public catering. In addition, Vietnam is famous for its huge selection of exotic fruits, which will be difficult to refuse to buy.
  • Travel... You can travel around Vietnam for short and long distances by 4 types of transport (see the table below). Knowing the features of booking tickets and flights, you can inexpensively and comfortably cross the distance even over 400 km.

Transport Price Advantage Flaw
Aircraft $ 20-30 (from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, Dalat, Nha Trang and Phu Quoc). Saving time. You can get to the other end of the country in half an hour. Only fly in big cities;

urgent booking will be more expensive.

Trains (sleeper) $ 19 (Ho Chi Minh City-Nha Trang). Comfortable road;

the opportunity to admire the beauty of the country.

It is more expensive to travel on "reserved seat" trains than on a night bus;
Long distance buses $ 8 (Ho Chi Minh City-Nha Trang) - for a day flight and $ 11 - for a night flight

Less than $ 1 - around the city (about 20 rubles).

You can watch the city from the window;

cheaper than trains;

you can sleep comfortably on the night buses.

For a person taller than 180 cm, it will be a little uncomfortable, since the buses were designed for the average parameters of the local population
Taxi $ 2.5 - up to 5 km (Nha Trang). Suitable for those who are poorly oriented in the city;

saving time

You can run into an unscrupulous driver and pay exorbitant prices
A bike About $ 1. You can plot and change the route at your own discretion. Not suitable for long distances

Souvenirs, gifts. Fruits, food additives, pearl products - what any tourist wants to take with him. The price tag will vary from $ 1 and up.

Which bag, suitcase to choose?

You will need a large suitcase. But not in order to fit things for relaxation, but in order to take out as many gifts and local exotics as possible: fruits, coffee, dietary supplements and much more.

To store money, documents, as well as small, but no less valuable items, it is advisable to immediately take with you a small bag over your shoulder.

Better with a metal strap. This will protect against theft while driving on the streets of Vietnam. Important! Theft is quite common in Vietnam. Attackers rip off / cut off bags from tourists using motorcycles or scooters.

What clothes and shoes are included in the tourist list

To feel comfortable in Vietnam, regardless of gender and age of the tourist, you must take with you:

For adults

In addition to light clothing, you will need sunglasses. This is a mandatory attribute, since not only the skin suffers from the scorching sun, but also the eyesight. Glasses can also be purchased in Vietnam, but high-quality goods for affordable prices it will be difficult to find.

For kids

Panama, light clothes and comfortable shoes are the main attributes in a little tourist's wardrobe. You don't have to think about the quantity - Vietnam is full of things at affordable prices.

On the sea

When going to the beach, you will need a standard set:

What to do with winter clothing?

What to take with you to Vietnam from warm clothes depends on the month and place of stay. Warm clothes are only needed on vacation in North Vietnam during the monsoon season. The temperature drops to + 10 ° С. A demi-season jacket and a light knitted hat will protect you from the coolness.

What medicines to take to Vietnam?

The need to take medicines with you to a foreign country is due to two reasons:

  • in an emergency, there may not be time to look for pharmacies;
  • language barrier in trying to describe the desired drug;
  • the name in Russian "Pharmacy" can dazzle on every corner, but in stores with similar signs there is nothing in common with pharmaceuticals.

Important! Points of sale of medicines are usually located under the sign "Pharmacy".

Vietnam is a country with characteristic flora and fauna. Local food is also not typical of the tourist's usual diet. The risk of food poisoning and gastrointestinal dysfunction is high.

Therefore, the baggage must contain:

For adults

Medications may be needed in two cases - the consequences of eating unfamiliar food and insect bites:

For kids

Along with universal drugs, the contents of a children's first-aid kit should include:

Hygienic, protective, cosmetic travel products

Women decide what to take with them to Vietnam from cosmetics at their discretion. Otherwise, it can be purchased locally. It is recommended that you purchase sunscreen in advance. The scorching sun of Vietnam, even in cloudy weather, will make the skin redden and inflamed in a couple of hours.

It is better to leave your choice on creams with an SPF index of 50. Adults, as they get used to the sun, can switch to products with a risk factor of 15+. Children should not diminish their protection.

What to take from gadgets, electrical appliances, adapters

A tourist trip is incomplete without a good camera / camera. If the quality of telephone shooting suits you, then you can do without additional equipment - this will reduce not only the weight of the suitcase, but also the potential for theft.

In some hotel rooms(even 3 stars) the electric kettle may not be available. Therefore, for those who like to drink hot drinks without leaving the room, it will be quite appropriate (or, in extreme cases, a boiler).

Useful little things

Upon arrival in Vietnam, some little things, in addition to the main luggage, may unexpectedly come in handy and facilitate communication with local residents:

  • sweets... Having handed a small package of candied fruits or sweets to the maid, you can count on a friendly attitude and increased dedication from the service staff;
  • printed map of the hotel / house, where you will be staying. So it will be easier to talk to the taxi driver, or a passer-by to find out correct route;
  • razors... Finding them in Vietnam is extremely difficult.

What not to take to Vietnam?

In Vietnam, you can buy everything.

Therefore, the need to take some things disappears by itself:

  • raincoat... This is a necessary attribute in rainy season, and you can buy it for a penny in any market in Vietnam;
  • a lot of clothes... Vietnam is full of European clothing and it is sold at very affordable prices (T-shirt - up to 400 rubles).

What cannot be brought into the country?

The list of things prohibited for import is similar to most of the world countries and does not contain any specific items.

It is prohibited to bring with you:

  • toxic, flammable, explosive substances;
  • literature or videos "for adults";
  • anti-government literature;
  • weapons, drugs.

The conditions of stay in Vietnam are largely determined by what things the tourist decides to take with him on the trip. Despite the fact that in this country you can buy everything, from wardrobe and personal hygiene products to jewelry, you need to bring your usual things - this will save time on rest and reduce costs.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on what to take with you to Vietnam

What is important not to forget to take with you on vacation:

Even if you are healthy (sincerely happy for you!), Then take with you a minimum drugs, just in case, we still advise.

Vietnam is a long road, products unfamiliar to the body, the same "alien" and water. The scorching sun, winds, bloodthirsty insects are also worth mentioning. Taking into account the above, and not only, we are compiling a list of medicines for the journey.

We put those drugs that you use regularly if you have chronic diseases. Here everyone will have their own list.

Climate change can cause malfunctions in the body, which result in headaches and fever. For this reason, we take antipyretics and pain relievers. The latter will be useful in case of injuries, if any.

Acquaintance with local insects will not keep you waiting, so we take insect repellents: fumigators, spirals, sprays, creams. If the buzzing Vietnamese still get to your body, then insect bite preparations will help you. And they should certainly be in your first aid kit.

Getting to know another country also involves tasting local culinary masterpieces, and simply quenching your thirst or savoring exotic fruits and vegetables. You cannot predict the reaction of your stomach, so take with you drugs that normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergy sufferers, and simply travelers prone to allergic reactions, should definitely take allergy remedies with them.

We don't want to scare, but microbes accompany us everywhere. Vietnamese microbes are not familiar to our European body. Take antiseptic wipes or sprays on the road with which you can safely wipe, sprinkle those items that you and your children will take on. For the treatment of wounds, all kinds of skin damage, put antibacterial agents in the first-aid kit.

And be sure to take preparations from the sun to Vietnam. The hot sun beats down mercilessly the bodies of tourists, presumptuously believing that their skin was not so worried. Since we have touched on the topic of the sun, clothes will also be able to protect from it on vacation.

The minimum set of clothing for a holiday in Vietnam

Wear light, natural fabrics that cover your limbs. It can be a dress, tunic, pareo, light trousers, etc. These clothes will come in handy for visiting temples. Of course, for the beach we take shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, etc.

Sunglasses come in handy too!

Warm jackets or sweaters are not required. Bring a slicker with you if traveling during the rainy season (November to April). Although you can buy it in Vietnam: they are sold everywhere and inexpensively.

Do not forget the headdress. You can buy a Vietnamese national hat locally.

Remember: if the legs feel good, then the body is resting, the head is not occupied with extraneous thoughts. We take shoes worn out and already "familiar" with roads and paths. No high heels required. Shoes should be lightweight, comfortable, breathable.