What to take with you on a trip: a list of necessary things. What to take with you on a trip and how to correctly make a list of what you need

Collecting bags at the sea at the last moment is perhaps the worst idea of ​​all. Therefore, it is better to start “preparing the sleigh in the summer”, so that by the beginning of the vacation it remains just to check if everything is packed in a suitcase.

What do you think you just need to take with you on vacation

Hygiene supplies

Here, of course, sunscreens will come first: sun cream and a heat protectant hair spray that will save hair from burnout. The first one should be given special attention. Many girls sincerely believe that you only need to take the cream with the highest level of protection, but this depends only on your skin type.

Attention! The highest SPF is needed only for children and girls with very light skin, which practically does not tan. The darker the skin, the lower the SPF.

  • Toothbrush;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Soap, shower gel, intimate hygiene gel;
  • Face and body cream.

If you have not previously gone to beauty treatments, take a razor and products after depilation with you.

Clothes and footwear

Of course, the complete set will depend on cultural program scheduled for the rest period. If you go sailing on cruise ship, then without paying for the evening, or even several, and sandals with a stiletto heel is indispensable. But if this is some seaside village, where there is only an embankment of the sights, all these attributes are completely useless. Therefore, we focus on the required minimum clothes:

  • Linen - at least 3 sets. You can take a pair of bras in basic colors and 5-7 panties for them.

Important! Choose colored underwear to match the sets of clothes that you picked up for the trip.

  • 2 swimwear. This is a necessary minimum, because if you want to defile in a new way every time - to your health! You can go for the following trick: combine details of different separate swimsuits, getting all new models;
  • A set of warm clothes: trousers / jeans, long sleeve or turtleneck, long sleeve jacket;
  • Beach tunic or pareo;
  • Shorts and a long skirt (walking option);
  • T-shirt, top - 1-2 pieces;
  • Headdress.

Dresses, trousers, suits - all this takes place, but is not included in the mandatory list.

WITH shoes the situation is much simpler: 1 pair of beach shoes, 1 pair of walking shoes (sandals, sandals, ballet flats or pantolettes) and 1 pair of closed shoes + socks.

What medicines to take with you to the sea for an adult and a child

If we are traveling within our own or neighboring states, then we should not worry too much about a set of medicines and medicines, since they can be bought in addition at any nearby pharmacy. With you, take the necessary minimum of drugs that will be needed in the first case: antiseptics, antipyretic, sorbents, antihistamines. If you have a chronic illness, be sure to put in supportive medications.

Another thing is a trip abroad, where you can neither clearly explain what you need, nor choose the appropriate analogue of our drug, nor buy most drugs without a doctor's prescription. Here the list needs to be thought over much more carefully. Mandatory items will be:

  • Antipyretic (paracetamol or ibuprofen in any drugs);
  • Drugs that improve the functioning of the digestive system, since unfamiliar cuisine can cause a number of problems (Motorix, Mezim, Domrid, etc.);
  • Sorbents (Smecta, White coal);
  • Antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine);
  • Bandage, cotton wool, plaster;
  • Wound healing ointments (Rescuer, Panthenol);
  • If necessary, drugs for high / low blood pressure, drugs for the cardiovascular system.

A children's first-aid kit has its own specifics, since here we should take care of the presence of the following components:

  • For children under 7 years old - acetone test. Strips for determining the level of acetone in urine. Even if your baby has never suffered from this before, changes in climate, regime and dietary habits may well provoke a jump in acetone;
  • Rehydrating agents and agents for intoxication (Regidron, Atoxil);
  • Healing ointments (Bepanten, Panthenol);
  • Antipyretic and cough suppressants.

You will be surprised that the list does not include the activated charcoal recommended by most resources. No, it's not a mistake, it's just that this drug has long outlived its usefulness. Even an adult is unable to drink the required number of pills, because for each kilogram of weight they need as many as 4. Therefore, it is much easier to purchase the same Smecta or White Coal.

Kids' things

You need to approach the collection of children's luggage much more thoroughly than your own and think over the list of necessary things in advance. It will vary depending on the place of rest and your plans, but the "backbone" looks like this:

  • Bathing suit - at least 2 pieces. Ideally - 3. Why so many? This is not at all a tribute to fashion, but a completely practically justified requirement: the child bathes in one, the second dries, and the third is a spare;
  • Linen. 5-6 panties and a pair of T-shirts;
  • Cloth. For boys, this is a pair of shorts, long pants, 2-3 T-shirts, a long sleeve and a warm blouse or a light windbreaker. A pair of dresses or sundresses, a pair of T-shirts / T-shirts, shorts and a skirt + a set of warm clothes will be enough for girls;

Important! The amount of clothes for children should be at least twice as much as for adults!

  • Hats. A pair of panama hats for boys and a panama hat and scarf for girls;
  • Shoes. 1 pair for the beach, 1 for walking and 1 closed pair in case of bad weather. Of course, these are not rubber boots, sneakers will be quite enough, to which do not forget to grab your socks;
  • Toys. These are sets for playing with sand, and entertaining books, coloring pages with accompanying office supplies;
  • Pot.

The list of things for the baby will differ from the one suggested, since here we need:

  • Bottles for drinking and milk mixtures and means for their thorough cleaning;
  • Children food... If you are sure that upon arrival you will be able to replenish your stocks, take the amount required for the travel time + 1-2 days, otherwise it is better to stock up for the entire period of your stay;
  • Diapers, wet wipes, absorbent diapers, skin care products. You can buy diapers in addition, so you shouldn't carry several packages with you. This not only takes up a lot of space, but also significantly increases the weight of your luggage (which is very important when flying);
  • 3-4 sets of clothes + headwear.

And finally

It is simply impossible to imagine a trip without modern gadgets. Well, how can you not post a couple of photos a day on Instagram? No, there is no way without it. In principle, if we have a high-quality smartphone, all we need additionally is a charger or a power bank (external battery). If there is enough space, a laptop + charger, a camera, an e-book can join it.

And most importantly, don't forget to double-check your documents. Make a couple of copies of your passport, child's birth certificate, exit permit (issued if only one of the parents travels abroad), tickets, insurance. Put all this in different places so that in case of loss, you will at least have copies.

Getting ready for a seaside vacation is always joyful and enjoyable. But the main mistake of many women is that, trying to foresee everything, they collect a huge suitcase of things, most of of which it will remain in it until the end of the vacation. We will help you make a list, specifying only the essentials.

First of all, you need to focus on the place where you are going. It is necessary to find out in advance the peculiarities of the climate, to clarify the approximate weather forecast for the period of your vacation. Based on the information received, make a list of things for the trip. Let's start with the wardrobe.


In addition to the climate and weather, you need to consider your own vacation plans. If you are going to sunbathe and swim all days, then you need one thing, if you go on hikes, on excursions, then something else. We will try to accommodate all interests.

  • Swimwear. It is best to take a couple for a change. While one is drying, you bathe in the second.
  • Pareo. A handy thing on the beach. It can be worn on the hips, to cover the shoulders. A great addition to a swimsuit and does not take up much space in your suitcase.
  • Slates. It will come in handy not only in the hotel, but also on the beach. On some beaches, walking barefoot on small pebbles is very problematic. Flip-flops or flip-flops will make this task easier.
  • ... It is convenient to go to the beach in them, to walk around the city. Very convenient, practical and easy.
  • Skirt. It should be taken at will. In a long skirt, you can go for walks, go to a cafe. And in the short one - to go to the beach.
  • T-shirts or T-shirts. Two pieces per shift will be enough. This is a great addition to shorts or a skirt.
  • Hat. the sea is necessary. The hat best protects the face from the sun and is a wonderful accessory to go with any outfit.
  • Sandals. You will need them for walking around the city. Remember to keep your shoes comfortable. A low or completely missing heel is recommended. Otherwise interesting excursions can turn into torment.
  • Sneakers. Undoubtedly useful for long walks, hikes, excursions in mountainous regions... Also, remember that it can be chilly in the evenings. Sneakers can also help out in the event of a sudden cold snap or rain.
  • Jeans. A convenient and irreplaceable thing in any situation: a cool evening, a long excursion, a cold snap, a trip to the store. Jeans are practical and always relevant.
  • Jacket or windbreaker. Again, useful in the event of a sudden cold snap or night walks.
  • Evening Dress. You should take it only if you are sure that you will visit restaurants, theaters, dinner parties. If nothing like this is foreseen, it is better to leave it at home. In case of suddenly changed plans, you can buy a dress on the spot. It must be remembered that the appropriate shoes are required for an evening dress.
  • Light dress or. It is unlikely that a woman will want to walk in shorts or jeans for the whole vacation. A summer dress or sundress will help her stay feminine. You can walk in it, attend evening events at the hotel, go to exhibitions or to a cafe.
  • Lingerie, pajamas or chemise, socks.

It is best to choose things so that they fit together. Then you can easily change your outfits every day. You do not need to take expensive jewelry and jewelry with you, so as not to lose them and provoke lovers of easy money. The suitcase will be much easier if you put on things that take up a lot of space on the road. For example, jeans, sneakers and a windbreaker.


The first aid kit is also important. Health can pump up during rest. You should have everything you need to give yourself first aid.

  • Preparations for chronic diseases. If you have severe fluctuations in blood pressure, take medications to help you get it back to normal. If you have such attacks often, it is a good idea to bring a walking blood pressure monitor with you. It takes up little space. Measures pressure at the wrist.
  • Antihistamines. In a foreign climate, allergies to food, insect bites and even the sun can often occur. Suprastin, fenistil, tavegil will come in handy.
  • Preparations for stomach disorders. Smecta, mezim, imodium, activated carbon.
  • Pain relievers: analgin, remedies for headache, toothache.
  • Adhesive plaster, bandage, cotton wool, brilliant green, iodine.
  • Burns and sunscreen. You can't do without them in sunny resorts. should not only promote an even tan, but also protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. This is especially important in adulthood. To protect yourself from neoplasms and excessive pigmentation, you should choose products with a high level of protection.
  • Mosquito repellent. It can also come in handy during evening walks or outdoor recreation.

Personal hygiene products

In order not to forget at the last moment, include the following items immediately in the list:

  • Toothbrush.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Soap or shower gel.
  • Shampoo.
  • Towel. The hotels should provide, but just in case it is better to take.
  • Wet wipes. Useful on the road, on the beach, and on walks.

In order not to lug around heavy and bulky bottles of shampoo or shower gel, you can pour their contents into small plastic bottles.


We must not forget about the very beach vacation... Much of what is needed for comfortable rest, hotels provide their guests. It's better to find out in advance. We will list what can be useful to you during your vacation at sea.

  • Bedspread or chaise longue. Essential to comfortably sit on the hot sand or rocky beach.
  • Inflatable mattress. It will come in handy for those who like to swing on the sea waves.
  • Beach umbrella. With it, you can create a pleasant shadow around yourself.
  • Large beach bag.

Don't take a lot of makeup with you. It is enough to take mascara, preferably waterproof, lip gloss and makeup remover. Eyeshadow and bright lipstick are optional. If serious evening events are planned, then it makes sense to grab the necessary cosmetics. Also, don't forget your phone charger and umbrella.

The main thing is to take with you a wonderful holiday mood. Then great stay guaranteed to you.

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Going on a trip, we are faced with the urgent question of what to take to the sea, what list of necessary things for women, men and children should be at hand?

Going on a trip, we are faced with the urgent question of what to take to the sea, what list of necessary things for women, men and children should be at hand so that the absence of something very necessary at the most crucial moment does not spoil the whole vacation. But as soon as we start packing our suitcase, we discover: fearing to miss something, we have taken away so many things that our luggage becomes too heavy. How to be in such a situation? What to leave at home and what to take on a trip with you? Let's try to resolve this dilemma.


Travel to the sea within your own country

The package of documents required for a trip to the sea may differ in its content depending on where the trip is planned: within your own country or abroad.

For those who travel to the sea within their own country, the list of documents is much smaller and simpler. It includes:

  • identity document (passport, other identity);
  • tickets / driver's license;
  • money in cash and / or a bank card.

Especially you need to be careful when choosing an identity document for a trip. What kind of certificate it will also depend on the type of transport you are going to travel with. It is important to remember that purchasing tickets and boarding at vehicle can only be carried out with a passport.

If you travel with your own car, you will definitely not need tickets. But you should definitely check the presence of a driver's license.

Opinions may differ regarding the need for a passport for travel by personal transport. On the one hand, many people do not want to take an important document on a long journey in order to prevent its possible loss. But on the other hand, its presence can always help out in the most difficult unforeseen circumstances. For example, in case of problems with a bank card using a passport, you can always get your money in cash at the cash desk of any bank.

Therefore, carefully weigh the pros and cons, make the right choice of identity document for your trip.

Advice!It is not recommended to keep money all together in your wallet. It is better to divide them into several parts and put them in different places. You can hide your bank card in your luggage. This will help you not to be left without a livelihood in the event of theft or loss of your wallet.

A package of documents for travel on holiday abroad

For a vacation trip abroad, the package of documents is much wider. It brings together not only documents for adults who are sent to the sea in another country. For those who travel with children, it is also necessary to correctly draw up, collect all the papers required for their travel abroad.

So, for a trip to the sea abroad, you need to take the following list of documents:

  • a passport, and if the visa regime between countries is not removed, then it is necessary with a formalized visa;
  • insurance documents;
  • voucher / contract with a tour operator;
  • tickets (both directions);
  • the child's passport;
  • power of attorney from one of the parents to take the child out of their country (if the child is traveling with only one of the parents);
  • money, bank cards.

Faced with the need to apply for a visa, first of all, it should be understood that the conditions for obtaining it differ significantly from country to country. Therefore, having already carried out such a procedure once, you cannot be sure that you will formalize it again in the same way. You should find out in detail all the conditions for obtaining a visa to the selected country from a travel company.

Regarding money, the most rational option for traveling to the sea abroad is to take at least two types of currency on a trip: firstly, dollars (or euros, if it is a eurozone country), that is, an international currency that can always be paid without problems; secondly, the national money of the country of travel.

A convenient option is plastic payment bank cards. They should always be available when traveling abroad, along with cash. Their indisputable plus in this regard is the ability to choose any desired currency for payment, not necessarily their national one.

Advice!Before choosing a bank card for a trip to the sea abroad, it is recommended to find out if the cards of the selected type are accepted in the country you are traveling to. It is also necessary to ensure that the card does not expire during the holiday. If necessary, pre-extend the validity of the card.

Suitcases for women and children: collecting clothes and other things

Collecting women's and children's suitcases for any trip is a whole science. Also, the list of women's, children's things that you need to take for a seaside vacation is often incredibly long. Therefore, you should separately dwell on what will nevertheless become necessary during the trip, and what you can refuse without hesitation.

First of all, you need to take beach things, without which a vacation by the sea will not take place:

  • pareo;
  • headdress;
  • Beach sneakers;
  • a mat with a towel.

And then you should put in a suitcase: a tracksuit, a skirt, shorts, jeans, two or three T-shirts and T-shirts, pajamas, a dress for evening walks, underwear (so that there are enough replaceable sets for every day), sandals for the evening and ordinary sandals without heels , as well as a shirt with long sleeves or a jacket - in case of a cold snap.

For a child, you should take at least two suits for swimming, two T-shirts or T-shirts for every day, several shorts, several hats, socks and underwear for every day, pants and a denser blouse for cool weather, several pairs of comfortable shoes for walking, excursions and the beach.

In addition to clothes, the child will need toys, coloring books, pencils, and other trifles that will help keep him busy on the way, in hotel room etc. Do not forget about inflatable mattresses, circles, arm ruffles, a pump for them, as well as children's sunglasses.

What to put in a men's suitcase?

Men usually do not have any special problems when packing a suitcase before going on vacation. But nevertheless, in order not to forget anything, we suggest checking its contents against a universal list of things that a man should take with him to the sea.

First, there are beach accessories. Namely:

  • swimming trunks;
  • headdress;
  • bedding, towel;
  • Sunglasses;
  • slippers.

The rest of the suitcase is for everyday wear. Of these, it will not hurt to take a pair of light trousers and shirts for excursions and walks, classic trousers for the evening program and a shirt for them, a pair of shorts, two or three T-shirts and T-shirts, socks and underwear at the rate of one pair for every day, light sandals, summer shoes.

If a man prefers a sporty style of clothing, a summer tracksuit, light sneakers or sneakers will do the trick. It will be convenient to take walks in nature, go out on picnics in them.

The clothes of a man at sea should also be chosen correctly: from natural fabrics of light colors. Darker can be a shirt and dress pants for evening events.

Advice! Even if a man belongs to the category of representatives of the stronger sex who are not afraid of the cold, it is still recommended to take clothes with you in case of a cold snap - a jacket, trousers made of denser fabrics.

How to properly assemble a first aid kit and hygiene products?

The list of things that you need to take with you to the sea must include a first aid kit. You need to fill it competently and compactly. It should not be overloaded with too many drugs of any type. It should contain drugs of different spectra of action, which can be used to provide first aid in the event of various symptoms:

  • antipyretic drugs and cold medicines;
  • pain relievers;
  • broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • sore throat medications;
  • nasal drops;
  • allergy medications;
  • remedies for disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sedative;
  • antifungal drugs (including for the genital area);
  • drugs that stabilize the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • remedies for burns and bites;
  • antiseptics (including hydrogen peroxide, medical sleep, iodine);
  • contraceptives;
  • auxiliary means - cotton wool, bandage, cotton swabs and discs, plaster.

You should also take with you on vacation and those medicines that are taken on this moment as prescribed by a doctor (if any).

For personal hygiene are used cosmetics, the collection of which also needs to be approached no less responsibly and carefully. First of all, these are sunscreens and tanning products, loofah, shampoos, soap, shower gels, toothpaste, brush and toothpicks, razors and blades for them, combs, toilet paper, tampons and pads, wet and dry napkins, towels, etc. handkerchiefs, baby hygiene products.

Many women and sea ​​coast cannot refuse cosmetics. In this case, you should take care that the necessary makeup products are also at hand: mascara, eye shadow, cosmetic pencils, lipstick and gloss, creams, powder, makeup base, manicure set, perfume, etc.

Advice!It is recommended to take medicines and hygiene products that have been proven through repeated use with you on the sea. This will help avoid unwanted allergies, side effects from experimenting with new drugs.

What to take to the sea: a list of things - technology

Among the most important household appliances to take with you to sea, undoubtedly comes first - Among the most important household appliances to take with you to the sea, undoubtedly in the first place is a camera, smartphone or tablet with a camera.

Based on your own preferences, luggage volume, living conditions, length of stay on vacation, etc., you can also take with you an e-book, laptop, netbook, MP3 player. These devices will help organize leisure travelers when they decide to stay in the room. They also need to put network cables, chargers, USB drives.

With a laptop or netbook, you can also ensure the safety of photos and videos taken on vacation if the memory capacity of the photo device is limited.

Usually hotels provide for the presence of appliances such as irons and hair dryers in their rooms. But if you are sure that they will not be found in the chosen vacation spot, take care to put them in your luggage. For relaxation, you can use the mini-options of hair dryers and irons.

If vacationers plan to cook food on their own, then they can come to the rescue modern miracle technique - a slow cooker. It will help to significantly reduce the time spent on cooking.

Advice! It is rational to purchase and take with you portable chargers, with the help of which it will be possible to maintain the level of charge of the equipment while outside the hotel room.

Correctly packed luggage will not take up too much space, as it will contain the most essential items for sea ​​recreation... We have compiled the most versatile list of things that men, women and children may need at sea. We hope that the information provided will help reduce your packing time and make the process of packing your suitcase more enjoyable and easy.

This post was prepared as part of a thematic photo project together with by photographer Katerina Cherepanova... I express my deep gratitude for your cooperation and ideological spirit Katya! Thank you for the submitted photos!

Several years ago, I also took a lot of unnecessary things and, as it turns out later on a trip, unnecessary things. Over time, I learned to take only the essentials, and during the off-season I go on trips to Europe or Russia only with a backpack. I'll tell you below with an example of how this happens!

So, on my April trip to the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Italy (about 20 days), my things easily fit into a backpack. I also went to St. Petersburg in May for 12 days with a backpack. Travels of 3-4 days duration I go unconditionally with a backpack. For example, now I have returned from September Kazan, where all my things were also placed in a backpack!

I want to convince you right away that a VERY LOT of things can fit in a backpack, the main thing is to follow a few simple but important rules! So, let's go - how to properly pack your suitcase or backpack?

Bathroom accessories

The most important rule to adhere to is never do not take full-sized products(shampoos, balms, shower gels, etc.). These products add the most weight to your suitcase! Many people buy such funds while on vacation, and in principle, this is also a way out. But not for me. Firstly, I am used to using certain products that may not be in the store. Secondly, the first thing I want to do when arriving / arriving at my destination is to take a shower, and not look for a store in order to buy shampoo, balm, etc. Therefore, I pour my favorite products into special miniature tanks from Ikea... Toothpaste, soap - I also take in miniature.

For my travel hair, I use an unconditional trio: a compact Tangle Teezer comb, an elastic band and a hair band that I use when washing and applying makeup.

Care products

The treatment for the care products is the same as for the bathroom accessories. I also carry face / hand cream, body balm in miniatures, if their packaging is large for my reasons.


Since I am talking about the example of a trip in the off-season, then during this period, of course, there is a special tribute to cosmetics (going to the sea, for example, I keep it to a minimum). From cosmetics I take the basic products that I use every day. If the packaging is bulky, I try to replace it with another product. If this is a foundation in a heavy package, I pour a small amount into a miniature.

As an accent from decorative cosmetics, I most often use lipsticks and lip pencils, so I take two / three variations on my trip - for everyday make-up and make-up on the way out.

Clothes and shoes: 5 important rules

We got to the hardest part - collecting clothes! My minimum set of clothes that can fit in a backpack usually consists of two pairs of jeans / trousers, a pair of light jumpers / sweatshirts, two / three tops / T-shirts, and one dress. There are several important rules at work in collecting clothes.

First rule: in order to collect the suitcase correctly, take only those things that are easy to combine with each other. For every thing that I take with me, there is an unspoken rule - if this thing is combined with others in at least 3 images, then it suits me, and I take it with me! For example, a denim dress that can be worn both as a dress and as a shirt, tied at the waist.

An exception can be made only by a little black dress (well, or any other - according to your taste). Although, even this black dress can be easily tucked up and worn like a top with jeans!

Second rule when choosing clothes: give preference to lighter things, and leave the heavy ones at home. Sometimes I am cunning: the choice of light, non-bulky things allows me to additionally take another dress or jumper)

Third rule: When packing, roll them up so they take up less space!

Fourth rule touches the shoes. I only take comfortable shoes and they should be combined with all the items I choose. Most often these are two pairs of shoes: comfortable sneakers and some kind of boots that can be worn with both a dress and jeans.

Fifth rule, also related to shoes: when I travel in heavier shoes, I put lighter ones in my backpack! Both pairs should be comfortable!


As an accessory, I take a small bag and a fabric shopping bag with me, which fold easily and perfectly into a backpack. During the day when traveling, I move with a backpack, and in the evening, when I go out, I will take a small bag. Shopping bag - in case of unexpected purchases.

Among the must-have accessories in my backpack there will always be one snood or stole, as well as a light scarf with which I cover my head when entering a church / monastery. Such a scarf always travels with me and takes up a gram of weight from the force.

Like any girl, I dilute the images with jewelry, so when traveling with a minimum amount of clothes, bright, unusual accessories will always save you. Recently, I prefer brooches

Or it could be a collar / necklace. I also take my sunglasses with me.


The minimum set of gadgets on my journey is a light Panasonic Lumix GF6 mirrorless camera, an iPhone 5s and an old Transcend player with your favorite music.

Important things

One of the important details - glasses for vision, these are my second eyes, without them nowhere. Also in this category I include a wallet with cash and cards, a USB flash drive for photos. You can always find a notebook with a pen in my backpack. when traveling, I always write down the most important information, which I collect bit by bit for the blog, I keep booklets, tickets for memory.

It seems that I have listed so many things here that all this will not fit into a backpack! But I assure you, it is not so. The basic content that I showed today as an example fits freely into my backpack. The main thing is to train yourself and reassure yourself that these things will really be enough for you!

I hope my experience was at least a little useful to you! Enjoy your travels with a light suitcase!

Most travel, be it a vacation abroad, a planned business trip or an outing in nature, is like a multi-level quest. First, the fees, the road, the arrangement on the spot, entertainment or business, and then - everything is repeated in reverse order, until the inevitable return ...

Experienced travelers say that solving current problems becomes much easier, and recreation is more enjoyable if you know exactly what you take with you and what you leave at home.

A versatile travel list

Compiling a universal list of necessary things (having done it once, you can use it all the time) will save not only time, which is sorely lacking before the trip, but also nerves. Based on the main one, it is easy to create other instructions for tolls, tailored to certain parameters: a specific route, climatic conditions, the purpose of the trip, etc. After all, the "equipment" for skiing will be somewhat different from what you need to take with you to a romantic one, for example.

So, what to take with you on a trip, a list of the most necessary things:

  • documents (passport, international passport, insurance, driver's license, vaccination certificate, student ID, etc.);
  • tickets;
  • cash, payment cards;
  • guide;
  • a notebook and a pen, where important phone numbers and addresses will also be written;
  • telephone, camera or camcorder;
  • tablet or laptop;
  • chargers portable devices;
  • hair dryer with comb;
  • things "on the way out", home and for sleep;
  • outdoor, beach, shower shoes;
  • headdress for the season;
  • underwear suitable for the selected sets of clothing, socks;
  • cosmetics for care and decorative;
  • personal hygiene products (toothpaste / brush, cotton swabs, shower gel, shampoo, wet wipes, handkerchief, scissors and nail files, deodorant, toothpicks, shaving razor, chewing gum, toilet paper, etc.);
  • ... You should take with you on vacation those that you take if you have chronic diseases. And also just in case: lip balm, antispasmodics, antipyretic, anti-allergic, anti-motion sickness, activated charcoal (the body may not immediately adapt to a change in the type of water), iodine, a patch, a broad spectrum antibiotic, ointment for burns and other skin problems;
  • such trifles as thread with needles, a mirror, a travel iron, earplugs, clothespins, tape, an extension cord, a book, a folding knife with a corkscrew, a small board game- may also be useful on vacation;
  • food that is allowed for transportation if a snack is planned on the way.
In the same list, with the top line, you can enter a "reminder" about some of the things that should be taken care of before the trip. This is copying documents, buying currency, washing clothes, purchasing medicines, issuing bank cards and choosing a convenient tariff for international calls. Also, think about watering the flowers as well.

What to take with you on vacation

If shopping point # 1 before going on vacation is a pharmacy, then point # 2 is clothing stores, especially when traveling with children. You need to bring both panamas and thick sweaters, even if warmer days are predicted. So that your vacation at the sea or in a sanatorium is not overshadowed by constant ironing, and when you get off the bus, the outfit does not look "chewed", it is better to take with you on vacation only that which does not wrinkle (or practically does not wrinkle).

Choose complementary clothing (for example, safari-style shorts, matching a T-shirt, T-shirt, etc.) that are comfortable and have been worn at least once. The latter is especially true for footwear. After all, if it turns out on the spot that the fashionable sandals bought the day before are rubbing your feet, you will have to purchase new ones. And with these either to part at once, or to drag back. Who needs "ballast"?

Keep in mind that, in addition to the above things, you will need to take something extra. For example, if you plan to sunbathe on the beach, you need to take a swimsuit, sunglasses, pareos, sunblock and sunblock, slippers and a hat. And for skiing you will need a snowboard jacket and gloves, boots lubricated with a special cream, a fleece jacket, thermal underwear, a hat and protective gear.

Are you flying by plane? About baggage packing rules, dimensions hand luggage and the list of items and foodstuffs prohibited for transportation can be found in the article, or on the airline's website.

It is clear that traveling light is more convenient. However, things like a spoonful of spices will affect the taste and aroma of your food, but not the weight of your luggage, which means that it would be foolish to give up the usual comfort. When packing your suitcase, do not forget to leave room for souvenirs.

If you missed something, do not be discouraged. The hotel room must have bath towels, soap, a bathrobe, shower gel and other important little things. And in order not to forget anything on the way back, it is better to take with you on the trip the list on which you were going.